BLENHEIM PARK Oxfordshire Parkland Management Plan Appendix of Supporting Information Volume 1 BACKGROUND DATA January 2014 Prepared by: Historic Landscape Management Ltd Lakeside Cottage Lyng Easthaugh Lyng Norfolk NR9 5LN T/F : 01603 871920 E :
[email protected] BLENHEIM PARK Parkland Management Plan CONTENTS Appendix of Supporting Information Volume 1 BACKGROUND DATA 1 National Character Area description 2 Local Landscape Character Assessment 3 English Heritage Register Entry and map 4 List descriptions of listed buildings in the park 5 SSSI citation sheet, map and condition statement 6 SAM descriptions and location BLENHEIM PARK Parkland Management Plan 1 Natural England National Character Area descriptions No 107 - Cotswolds No 108 - Upper Thames Clay Vales NCA 108: Upper Thames Clay Vale Key Facts & Data T his document provides a correspond to national data. If summary of environmental data you have any questions about collected for the NCA. It is the Key Facts and Data, please intended to help guide anyone contact: making decisions that may
[email protected] affect the local environment. .uk. Your feedback will help The information contained here shape the content of the full is collated from the best NCA profiles, which will be available national datasets. It is published from September recognised local information 2012 onwards. may provide additional detail and that this will not always Map of Upper Thames Clay Vale Total Area: 189,000 ha The above map is provided from the Countryside Character Area description pending completion of NCA maps. It is recognised that the content of this map may now be out of date in some cases and is included for general reference only.