Masculinities and COVID-19: MAKING THE CONNECTIONS Authors: Sandy Ruxton and Stephen Burrell for Promundo Sandy Ruxton is an independent policy advisor and researcher and an honorary research fellow in the Department of Sociology at Durham University (United Kingdom). He has undertaken research contracts on men and masculinities for a wide range of organizations, including the European Institute for Gender Equality, the European Women’s Lobby, Oxfam, the Open University, the British Council, and the UK Government Equalities Office (with Prof. Nicole Westmarland and Dr. Stephen Burrell). He is currently collaborating on another project led by Durham University with researchers in Sweden and Spain on why some men take a public stance against men’s violence against women. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the nongovernmental alliance MenEngage Europe. Contact:
[email protected] - - Twitter: @SandyRuxton Dr. Stephen Burrell is currently undertaking an Economic and Social Research Council-funded postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Sociology at Durham University. His work focuses on critical studies on men and masculinities, and he completed his PhD on engaging men and boys in the prevention of men’s violence against women in 2019. He has also recently carried out research with Prof. Nicole Westmarland and Sandy Ruxton for the UK Government Equalities Office about the impacts of masculine gender norms in the United Kingdom today. Stephen is actively involved in Durham University’s Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse and is a member of the MenEngage Alliance. Contact:
[email protected] - - Twitter: @the_daily_panda Acknowledgments: The authors thank Gary Barker and Brian Heilman of Promundo-US for their overall coordination and editing of this report, as well as Promundo-US colleagues Kate Doyle, Giovanna Lauro, and Tolu Lawrence for providing peer review and suggestions to improve an earlier version of the report.