NOTE ( 348P.; for Related Information, See EC 151
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, 0 * NOCUMENT RESUME ED 226 566 EC 151 061 . .N . TITLE Gifted Science Project User's Manual [and , Bibliographies on Caieer InforMation, Project Ideas, . and Science Processes]. rNSTITUTION ,MOntgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, Md. PUB DAT* 81 NOTE ( 348p.; For related information, see EC 151 059-060. PUB alm Reference Vaterials - Bibliographies (131) Quides Classroom Use'- GuidesTFor Teachers,Y, (052) . EDRS PRICE . MF01/PC14. Plus Postage. .' DESCRIPTORS. Annotated Bibliographies; *Educational Resources; Elementary Education; Enridhment; *Gifted; , Microfiche; *Sci6nce Projects ABSTRACT( The document contains a'user's manual and three bibliographies pertaining to Montgomery County, Maryland'sGifted Science Project,,a program to provide resources to studentsin grades 3-8 who are motivated in science: A user's manual,offers guidelines for using the project'ss primaryprduct--the Projett Resource File, a collecti.on of resources (reproduced on micrbfiche) toenrich 'the studies of an individual,gifted stU'dent, A. bibliography on career information Ilighlights'recently published materials onscience or science-related jobs and/or careers... A project ideasbibliography focuses on published materials individual students can usein completing a science project in such areas as organic,chemistryand cellular biology, The third bibliography lists materialsfor use in deeloping students' skills in such' science processes'aslaboratory skills, science problem solving, and data collection.Information on entKies contained within the three bibliographiesinclude: grade, topic, category, title ana source, author, publisherspublication date, price, special Astructions (whenapplicable), and a brief description. (SW) as A**** _ made * * /iteprodUctions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be _ '* .* T. from the original document. *****Ii****************ft************************************************ - NATIONAL ItISTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORATION CENTER (ERIC) "PERMISSION rd REPRODUCE /MOdocument Nts been reproduced as THIS fitS BEEly GRANTED recurred- from No pmson oe orpanuatron BY ceigonatmg e. Gitied Science eicijact Pknoe changes Mee been made to ImProee reotoducbon qualm ;Mims of now of opensons stated en tfus docu rnent do not nercessanly represent official NIE motion or Coke TO THE EDUCATIONAL U ER'S Misii RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." ) HOW TO USE THE PsisIECT RESOURCE FILE c\J FOR A GIFTED SCIENdE STUDENT, GRADES 3 - 8 *C3 The Project Resource File(PRF)devdoped by the MCPS 2. DETERMINE THE STUDENT'S SPECIFIC Gifted Science Project under federal grant,.is a collection of resources you can use to enrich the studies of an individual INTERESTS: gifted student who s utotivated in science. Included are Having the student's specific interests clearly defined will community resources, who have agreed to help an individual make the PRF easy to use for three reasons: student in various ways. and published (print and non-print) Appropriate resources can be quickly located. materials a gifted student can Lite independently. The student's needs can be clearly described to the The PRF is reproduced on microfiche, also known as fiche. prospective (esource person. Each microfiche card stores many pages of information. If The resource person will be better prepared to help the you are not familiar with this mediUm and need assistance in student. usmg a microfiche reader, consult your Media specialist. The resources in the PRF have been matched with topics in the MCPS Science, Instructional System: Ill""7"-rmr77,-Vw-r-r.--ner"e---...--- -- -r- -r-srr..-t, pm ,:e,...."- ENERGY e ''''':. : . LAB SKILLS NATURE OF SCIENCE Nt A ::- - LIVING THINGS h` I'4""-^..: :RP"... , *, .-t .....,........., LIVING THINGS ENVI9ONMENT 1... MATTER - ,..., ,.,,p.1- . ,22 UNIVERSE IN CHANGE . .. ,.. 0...., For example, assume .that your student is a gifted fifth -7/-,...,..._ \ - grader who expresses an interest in geology. You ask her T1 \Nets to be more specific in defining her interest. She replies that f she is most interested in volcanoes and that shewould like . I to talk to a volcano expert end then do a project. This information suggests that you select UNIVERSE IN CHANGE as the top),c which will most likely' provide appropriate resoucces for the study of volcanoes. 3. SELECT THE APPROPRIATE, RESOURCE Prpcedures for Using CATEGORIES: Allresourcesinthe PRF have tieen classified by This Resource categories. After you have determined your student's specific science interests, select one or more resource categories that will best match your student's'needs. The .01.IDENTIFY ELIGIBLE STUDENTS: resource categories 'arelisted ind defined on the If your school 'has not identified gifted students, you . following page. An example of each is also provided. should consult the MCPS documents "Procedures for In select)ng resource categories, keep in mind that Selection of Elementary Students to Participate in Gifted community resources generally require transportation tâ and Talented Programs" and/or -Procedures for Selection a site away from school, and parents usually provide of Secolndary Students to Participate in Gifted and tratIsportation. Student use of published materials gener- Talented Programs." These documents have been distrib- ally does not require transportation; uted to your school and suggest procedures for identify- ing appropriate students. When selecting a student, keep In the example described previotisly, the fifth grade in mind that the resources are designed for art individual student wants to talk to a volcano*xpert The resource who is not only gifted, but strongly motivated to study category "Mentor" is the most likely source to meet the science. student's needs. Resource Categories and ExaMples In the f)Visits behind-the-scenevlSurs ndt non'nally available , PRF to the public or public tours related to science toPics and objectives. .. COMMUNITY RESOURCES . Example. The student will tour the University 'of a) Activities demonstralkons, iiivestigations, or experi- Maryland Cyc(ptron. ments, that are identifdd..and supervised by resource persons and that support selected topics and objectwes Example. The student will help a forester' conduct an e inventory of woodland plants and environmental, conditions in a forest environment b) Awards and Competitions' t recognition earned by PUBLISHED MATERIALS, _ developing and presenting a science project or paper a) Career Information pubhshed materials that describe Example Ttie student will participate in the Mont- science or sciAce-related jobs and dareers. i ... gomery Area Science Fair. Example:, The student will'use the book Veterinary c) Courses, Lectutes, and Seminars sc(fnceprograms -Medicine and Animal Care. Careers to learn about sponsored by,edkational institutions or orbanizations , science careers Example The student will attend a health seminar b) Project Ideas published materials that describe sponsored by the National Institutes of Health science investigationsforuse by students on an' d) Libraries speciahzed collections of science-related individual basis or with a resource person _ media Example: The student will use the book Adventures in ExampleThe ttudent will use the Meadowside . Electrochemistry to develop a science project. Nature Center Library under the direction of a c)1Science Processes:,. published matenals that describe natu roust science procedures andskills, such as laboratory e) Mentors resource persons who discuss by telephone techniques, suggestions for science problem solving, or in person science topics and objectives and might and the collection, processing, analysis, and presenta- suggest reading material, ideas for further work, and tion of data. other resources. Example: The student will use the book Hoy to Make Example The student wilrimeet with a scientist from Your Science Project Scientific to develop science NASA and discuss the student's interests. process skills. I. GIPTED 'zCIF'NCP PoOYECT COMMUNI TY RESOUPCES Eccil T I Tt_cIt'--1:1990-94 .13iPADES 3--..i, e h, o .4. USE VIE INDEX FOR YOUR STUDENf'S 6. ARRANGE FOR THE STVDE1 TO USE A GRADE LEVEL TO LOCATE POSSIBLE COMMUNqY RESOURCE: , RESOURCES:* The followmg sequence of events is* based on the Following our example, you pow have the necessary experience of teachers aqd GSP 'staff during the GSP information to use the inder . tryout, Scime students experienced great disappointment Your Grade 5 student is interested in volcanoes I when resources were promisedthatcbuld not be The Science Instructional System topic is UNIVERSE provided: thus it is important that you take/the following sequence of steps in arranging e student's appointments IN CHANGE , , The appropriate resource category is "Mentor." with cocrimunity resources. a) Clarify the student's specific interests and assess Now, consult' your PRF Index, Grade 5, UNIVERSE IN his/her interest in pursuing a resdurce CHANGE (This index also appears on microfiche ) Wit t?) Select tentative resources f rdrn the index and ask the -student to help decide which one(s) to pursue ' trie help of the student, note a few possible resouices that match hisiher interests and their location in the PRF You c) Gather the information you need about resources from the PRF. are now ready to use the PRF file Before pursuing your . resource further. check the folder (housed in your IMC) d) Discuss the program with the student's parent(s), and Whicti shows changes and updated in,formation not shown find oat if the parents will be able to provide