→ Expert edition Furnace atmospheres no. 6. Sintering of steels. 02 Sintering of steels Preface. This expert edition is part of a series on process application technology and know-how available from Linde Gas. It describes findings in development and research as well as extensive process knowledge gained through numerous customer installations around the world. The focus is on the use and control of furnace atmospheres; however a brief introduction is also provided for each process. 1. Gas carburising and carbonitriding 2. Neutral hardening and annealing 3. Gas nitriding and nitrocarburising 4. Brazing of metals 5. Low pressure carburising and high pressure gas quenching 6. Sintering of steels Sintering of steels 03 Passion for innovation. Linde Gas Research Centre Unterschleissheim, Germany With R&D centres in Europe, North America and China, Linde Gas is More Information? Contact Us! leading the way in the development of state-of-the-art application Linde AG, Gases Division, technologies. In these R&D centres, Linde's much valued experts Carl-von-Linde-Strasse 25, 85716 Unterschleissheim, Germany are working closely together with great access to a broad spectrum of technology platforms in order to provide the next generation of
[email protected], www.heattreatment.linde.com, atmosphere supply and control functionality for furnaces in heat www.linde.com, www.linde-gas.com treatment processes. As Linde is a trusted partner to many companies in the heat treatment industry, our research and development goals and activities are inspired by market and customer insights and industry trends and challenges. The expert editions on various heat treatment processes reflect the latest developments.