PLAY CAPE!SUMMER 2019 PROGRAM GUIDE Movies Under The Stars! Pop-Up Movies at Capaha Park TOP Page 7 SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Pepsi MidAmerica Page 42 10 COACH’S CORNER Ways to Enjoy the Bryan Kelpe Page 16 Outdoors! Page 4 Find us on social media @capeparks Summer 2019 What's Inside Cape Girardeau Parks and Recreation Program Guide 3-4 STAFF & TOP 10 5-9 SPECIAL EVENTS 6 10-15 CLASSES & PROGRAMS Youth Catch & Release 16-18 LEAGUES & TOURNAMENTS 19-21 FITNESS 22-25 AQUATICS 12 26-27 JAYCEE MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE 28-29 CAPE GIRARDEAU SPORTSPLEX Camp Playmo! 30-31 COMMUNITY CENTERS General Information General 32 SHAWNEE PARK SPORTS COMPLEX 29 33 BIRTHDAY PARTIES 34-38 PARKS, TRAILS & HISTORIC SITES Flag Football Camp 39-40 PARK PROJECTS 41-42 CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT 34 43-45 PARKS & RECREATION FOUNDATION 46-47 GENERAL INFORMATION Enjoy the Cape LaCroix Trail this summer! 2 • Play Cape! For more information call 573-339-6340 or visit From the Playground Your Parks & Recreation Leadership Team GAME ON! Is winter over yet? By the time you read this we will be well into spring, thank goodness, but what a wet winter it was! The weather caused us all kinds of challenges…whew, but that is over! So GAME ON!! It seems to me this phrase is used Julia Jones Scott Williams Penny Williams Brock Davis Kaed Horrell mostly as a “challenge” or a “throw down” for a Director of Parks Recreation Recreation Parks Division Assistant Recreation and Recreation Division Manager Division Manager Manager Division Manager sports competition, but actually, I use this phrase 573-339-6340 573-339-6728 573-339-6733 573-339-6737 573-339-6729 a lot when I want to challenge myself or our
[email protected] [email protected] Parks and Recreation team during some project or assignment at work OR at PLAY!! This also happens to be the theme for this year’s July is Parks and Recreation Month this summer through the National Recreation and Park Association.