Martin & Co Denies Receiving Stirling Students' Complaints
Brig | October 2011 Martin & Co denies receiving Stirling sets £27,000 Stirling students’ complaints tuition fee for rest of Aya Kawanishi the UK students News Editor day, Stirling University failed students Zsuzsanna Matyak from disadvantaged backgrounds by etting agency Martin & Co de- News Editor setting its degrees cost at £27,000. We nied that any written formal are fully against tuition fees, and this complaints were received, de- he University of Stirling has decision by Stirling puts degrees there Lspite claims from Stirling stu- become one of the most ex- as expensive as the worst excesses of dents who rented a property from them pensive universities in the the English system.” between 4 August 2010 and 2 August UK after announcing its Professor Gerry McCormac, Prin- 2011. T cipal and Vice-Chancellor of Stirling decision to charge £6,750 per year, Former tenants of 23 Chandlers Court instead of the current £1,800, for stu- University, said they had no choice. Stirling, Dominique Maske and her flat- dents from England, Wales and North- “The University of Stirling has always mate, wrote to the agency on a number ern Ireland from 2012. This makes a believed that access to higher educa- of occasions regarding issues they had four-year degree cost £27,000. tion should be based on ability, not such as the lease document and the con- Hand in hand with the significantly background or the ability to pay. As dition of the flat. increased tuition fee comes a new a result of the new funding arrange- In a statement, Managing Director of range of scholarships and bursaries ments, Scottish universities have no Martin & Co Stirling, Imtiaz Ahmed, for both Scottish and rest of the UK choice but to charge fees for students said that they have “not received a for- (RUK) students, and the encourage- from the rest of the UK.
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