To Witness Athletic Events on Queen's Birthday
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nnn | Uo | VOL. 11, No. 10 PUBLISHED BY THE LAGO OIL & TRANSPORT CO. LTD. MAY 12, 1950 Surinam Governor Visits Lago Huge Olympiad Crowd Sees Dedication of New Stadium Estimated 5000 People Visit Lago Sport|/Park To Witness Athletic Events on Queen’s Birthday An estimated 5000 persons witnessed all or part of the 32 events Lago Shareholders held at the Lago Sport Park May 1 to commemorate Queen Juliana’s birthday. A special feature of this year’s Olympiad, by far the big- Elect Directors; gest in history, was the dedication of the new Sport Park stadium Officers are Named and its new facilities. (For pictures of the day’s events, At the annual meeting of share- turn to page 4; winners are listed holders of the Lago Oil & Transport on page 5.) Les Company, Ltd., held April 24, the As in past years, several hundred following directors were elected: of the island’s top athletes turned On April 25 H. E. Governor J. Klassesz, Netherlands Crown represen- J. Andreae, T. C. Brown, F. E. out to compete for the over 100 tative in Surinam, toured Lago during his visit to Aruba. Taken at the Griffin, J. J. Horigan, and O. S. beautiful prizes that were handed General Office building, the above picture shows, left to right: Dr. L. C. Mingus. out. Throughout the day, they fur- Kwartsz; H. E. Governor J. Klassesz; Mrs. Klassesz; Acting Lt. y Governor At the organization meeting of nished the large crowd of spectators sling; Mrs. Peters; M Hessling; President J. J. Horigan; and the Board of Directors, held April with thrills and keen competition as H. E. Governor Peters. Directly behind Governor Klassesz is his adjutant, 29, the following officer: were they vied for top honors. R. n der Beek. The tour of Lago included a trip through the refinery, elected: J. J. Horigan, president; R. O. Jackson, of the Esso Dining a visit to the General Office Building and the Esso Club, followed by a C. E. Lanning (New York), and Hall, duplicated his feat of last year tea at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Horigan. O. S. Mingus, vice-presidents; T. C. by being named the outstanding Brown, secretary and treasurer. performer of the day. In recognition Dia 25 di April S. E. Gouverneur J. Klaassesz di Surinam a bishita Lago R. B er (New York) and of his ability and sportsmanship, he durante su estadia na Aruba. Aki nos ta miré (banda robez) na Main irber, of Lago, were appoint- was awarded the huge trophy that Office den compania di Lago su Presidente, J. J. Horigan, Gouverneur annually ed assistant secret be ceamids Mire goes to the day’s outstand- Peters di Curacao, y otro oficialnan di Gobierno y nan seforanan. Garber was named ant trea- ing athlete. In addition to the trophies that surer, went to the winning athletes, Fls. Como 5000 Presente Turnaround Record Kaarchi di Comisario 140 was given out to seven lucky persons, holders of winning numbers Na Olimpiada di Set by Esso Raleigh di 1950 pa Senoranan F. E. Griffin, general superintendent, that received gate pri This year’s Olympiad got under- Kaarchinan nobo di identificacion keynotes yno the afternoons an activities o by | Lago Sport Park The Esso Raleigh is now the di 1950 pa seforanan di empleado- | pointing out thaf "Lago Sport Park, way at-9 o'clock inthe morning, and holder of the fast-changing turn- nan a worde imprimi y por worde helping the development of sports in last prize was handed out about no 5000 hende tabata testigo di around record for tankers entering entrega Aruba, has benefited the individual, 0 that evening. Throughout the e eventonan awor. Kaarchinan di 1 atlético cu a tuma and leaving San Nicolas Harbor. no worde accepta despues di the community youth, and athletic afternoon Frere Andr xo ae add- lu na Sport Park dia 1 di Mei, The new r cord set by the Raleigh Mei. advancement. Both players and ed to the festive spirit of the oc- pa celebra Anja di La Reina Juliana. on April 27 is nine hours and eight Seforanan di empleadonan di Staff epee arate cal be thanked con ahs eos Un punto especial di e Olimpiada di minutes - this bettered the record e anja aki, esun di mas grandi cu y di empleadonan cu ” dilanti di growth of sports in Aruba.” E. 4 ' vai (nine hours, forty-three minutes) nan suabee di ficha por cambia nan Huekleman, chairman of the Lago Stadium Is Dedicated tabatin, tabata inauguracion di e set earlier in the month by the Esso kaarchinan bieuw pa kaarchinan di Sport Park Recreation Committee, for the Lago Oil and stadium nobo. Ch ooga, Mescos cu anjanan pasa, algun 1950 na Lago Police Depz tment. Ey is at right. Company, Ltd., President The o Raleigh arrived at the nan mester saka portret y firma e . Horigan commented that it was. cien di e mihor atletonan di F. E. Griffin, general superintendent, e isla seabuoy just outside the harbor at a presenta nan kaarchi nobo. Seforanan di emplea- durante su discurso na_ ocasion di appropriate that the mes pa competi pa e 3:42 a.m. She docked at 5 a.m. and ciento y pico premionan disponsibel. donan regular por cambia nan kaar- inauguracion di e stadium nobo na new stadium was being used for the had her ballast out by 7; twenty Durante henter e dia nan a entrete- chi bieuw pa kaarchi nobo na Co- Sport Park durante Olimpiada di first time in connection with Aruba’s. minutes ne mironesnan later she began loading. In misario. Empleadonan cu ke saka Anja di La Reina. Na banda drechi, biggest sporting event, the Queen’s cu nan hazanan, lu- four hours and 55 chando pa gana victoria. minu she had kaarchi pa di promé bez pa nan se- E. Huckleman, Presidente di Comité Birthday Olympiad.” R. O. completed loading, taking aboard nora, por pidi esey na Comisario. "The results of starting the Jackson di Esso Dining Hall, 10: di Sports Park. a bolbe barrels - actual loading Sport Park have been far greater sali e mihor atleto di e Olim- averaged 20,420 barrels an hour. piada y a ricibi e copa grandi desti- than the Company anticipated,” Mr. At 12:28 p.m. the hoses we Stadium na pa esun cu a merece es titulo. Dedication Marked by Flag Presentation Horigan pointed out. "The increase disconnected, and seven Ademas di otro copanan pa atleto- minut in demand for use of these facilities later the Raleigh cast off from nan victorioso, Fls. the has led us to expand and develop 140 a bai na pre- dock. At 12:50 mionan pa p.m. she cleared the them. The biggest step forward was siete persona fortuna, se- seabuoy gun e outside, having established the erection of this stadium we are number cu tabatin riba nan a new programa. turnaround record of nine dedicating today. We think more hours and eight minutes. Olimpiada di e anja aki a cumin- seating capacity is needed, and Together with personnel za 9’or di mainta y ta from the what would be more effective in te 6:30 di atar- Marine Department di e ultimo premio a worde entrega. and from Re- making this sport park more useful ceiving and Henter atardi Banda St. Michiel Shipping, the officers would be to install lights so that bao and crew of the di direccion di Frére Andre Esso Raleigh could it could be used at night.” a per- last week lay cura pa muziek. claim to Aruba’s best "While I am not in a position to turnaround time. Papiando pa Lago, Presidente J. J. make any definite promises as to Horigan a bisa cu tabata »muy ade- 1950 when these things can be done,” he cuado pa e stadium nobo worde usd Identification Cards continued, ”I believe that these im- pa di promé bez en coneccion eu Aru- For Commissary Available provements represent those on which ba su evento deportivo di mas gran- attention should be directed. Toward’ di, esta Olimpiada di Anja di La New Plant Commissary Identifi- this end we hope to make as much Reina.” cation Cards for 1950 have been progress as funds will permit.” Sr. Horigan a splica e diferente printed and are now available. ventahanan cu actividadnan deporti- The 1949 cards will not be honored Flag Presented vo por trece, y el a bisa cu ta pa after May 31. esey Compania a cuminza cu Sport Wives of Staff and S-number Following his speech, Mr. Horigan Park. employees may exchange their old presented to Chairman Huckleman a »Resultadonan tabata mas di loque cards for 1950 ones by applying at flag that is to become the permanent Compania a spera”, Sr. Horigan a the Lago Police Department. There symbol of the Lago Sport Park. bisa, ,,y tan es asi, cu nos mester a they will be photographed and Responding to Mr. Horigan’s sigui expande facilidadnan. Un paso will sign their new cards. Wives of speech, Mr. Huckleman voiced the grandi tabata construccion di e sta- Regular employees may exchangv appreciation of the Sport Park Re- dium cu nos ta inaugura awe. Nos their old cards for new ones at the | creation Committee to Lago for ta haya cu mester di mas lugar pa Plant Commissary. providing the new stadium with its sinta y loque lo haci e sport park Application for new cards should increased facilities for athletes and mas util lo ta instalacion di luz pa be made by employees at the Plant spectators.