minecraft smp server world download SMPEarth World Download. The SMPEarth World Download is the upload of the creators' SMPEarth server that was made available on June 7th, 2020. The world download is located at https://cloud.smpearth.com. The world download is the backup of the server made prior to the SMPEarth Hunger Games on Day 135. All activities undertaken by creators after the SMPEarth Hunger Games did not make it on to the download. This includes any potential Easter eggs left on the server by creators for fans after Day 135. Server. You can use the map below to explore the season 2 server we are currently playing on in near realtime! This map is running from a follower server that is being kept in sync with the server we are playing on. In addition as an added bonus, you can also explore the season 1 world which can save you from downloading the world files. Controls: Left click and drag or arrow-keys to navigate. Right click and drag to rotate your view. Scroll wheel to zoom in and out. Version: Season 2 Seed: Datapacks installed from Vanilla Tweeks: AFK Display Anti Enderman Grief Double Shulker Shells Dragon Drops (modified to only drop a the dragon egg) More Mob Heads Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Track Raw Statistics Track Statistics. Fabric mods installed. Season 2 - The Plan. Themes Instead of having districts determining style and spreading out, we'll decide a theme based off of lore and try to stick together. This means the theme can change with time as the story develops rather than with location, and we'll all be in it together Plenty of shenanigans and fun as we work together to build a better world. Working together is the key Shared resources and server main storage Shared farms and infrastrure at server scale No shopping district but instead quests for special items with rewards Working together we can build a truely amazing world We'll run a custom advancement pack with over 800 advancements The aim is to complete them all but as a group The server and website are linked so we can track who has done what advancement There's a leaderboard as a friendly competition to see who can get the most We have a special overlay we can show in videos with the status of advancements We'd like to promote and foster the Legacy community The website will highlight community efforts and projects Viewers will be able to vote on various events and influence what happens on the server Voting can also determine where the lore of the server goes next, like a "Choose your own adventure" book We're activley looking for suggestions for future events/lore to vote on, please tweet us or leave a comment on a video. The website will host an interactive realtime map of the server for viewers to explore as we play. what will they discover? The website is linked to the offical account, we'll automatically post about new videos, streams going live and other things too! The website is linked to YouTube and . New videos and currently live streams are shown on the homepage. Shockbyte handle the hosting of the server we play on and also the server that hosts the interactive map. They have been brilliant and their support has been top quality! If you are looking for hosting, Shockbyte are a great choice. Advancements. We run a modified version of the BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack (v1.11) to fit our needs a little better. You can see and track our progress on the Advancements page. Now you can download our version of the pack! Legacy SMP Season 1. We're making the season 1 world available for download. We have trimmed some on the unused chunks to make it a bit smaller but it's still 3.41GB in size (compressed), hosted by MediaFire. The best Minecraft servers. Our pick of the best Minecraft servers around including survival, RPG, skyblock, PvP, and more. Looking for a new Minecraft server to join? We've rounded up a list of some of the best Minecraft servers around. The best Minecraft survival servers can offer you new challenges if you've mastered going solo. Meanwhile Minecraft PvP servers, roleplay servers, creative servers, and competitive servers will test your other skills. There's plenty of variety here no matter what kind of Minecraft server community you and your friends are looking to join. Minecraft servers are the single best way of seeing the ingenuity that Minecraft's community has. Whether it's outwitting your friends in a collection of clever mini-games, or going on an epic adventure around Middle-earth, Minecraft servers provide more than what the base game can offer, and all from the minds of an active and creative community. Joining a server with a group of your friends is nice and simple. Boot up Minecraft like you normally would, type the name of the server as the title, then type or Ctrl+V the IP address into the box below (we've bolded each server's IP in each entry so you can't miss it). Save it, click play, and you’re good to go. Some of the prettier servers may ask that you download resource and texture packs, and you can find out how to install them with our best Minecraft texture packs guide. We've updated this list for 2021 with the very best Minecraft servers that the community has to offer. . IP Address: us.mineplex.com or pe.mineplex.com. Mineplex is one of the best Minecraft servers on this list. It's an astoundingly large server and has a vast array of things to do. They’ve got FPS games, painting, and even their own version of Smash Bros. Basically if you can think of a game type, there’s a large chance of it being available within Mineplex. If you're after a Minecraft survival server, they've got a whole section dedicated to survival games. It’s also got an incredibly active staff and as a result, suffers from a lot less grief than some of the less wholesome servers around. PirateCraft. IP Address: mc.piratemc.com. Sailing a ship around in Minecraft is tricky, but in PirateCraft, they do a surprisingly good job of making it work. As is often the way with these Minecraft survival servers, it takes a bit of time to get used to things, but it’s well worth the effort if you like the idea. The scale of the ships is impressive, as is the ship-to-ship combat. Just don’t be surprised when someone nicks your pirate ship. There’s no honour among thieves. Herobrine.org. IP Address: Herobrine.org. Who doesn't want to play on a Minecraft server named after the game's most popular creepypasta mystery? Herobrine.org has a bunch of different games including survival, skyblock, factions, and more. It also has an Earth, a geopolitical game mode so make sure to check that out. When you're done, why not check out the infamous Herobrine world seed that was found earlier this year. WesterosCraft. IP Address: mc.westeroscraft.com. Game of Thrones is over now, and whether you liked or loathed the ending, you’re probably hungry for more. Well, hunger no longer, and feast yourself on this WesterosCraft. While it’s not finished, it’s still going to provide a nice rush for those who want to try their hand at being King for a day. We’ve yet to see whether or not you can pet the Direwolves though… ImagineFun. IP Address: mc.imaginefun.net. The ImagineFun Minecraft server is Minecraft's most realistic Disneyland park, and it's beyond impressive. All the park's main areas— Fantasyland, Frontierland, Tomorrowland, Critter Country, and Adventureland—have been created and this includes all the rides too. And get this—you can ride all of them. Pixelmon Generations. Pixelmon Generations is a Minecraft mod, but it's spawned a whole bunch of Pokemon-related servers, including PokeSaga, PokeZone, Pixelmon Harmony a strand within Complex Gaming, and many more. Pixelmon Generations features every Pokemon ever from Generations 1-7, and many from the most recent, Generation 8. That means this server has more catchable Pokemon across its many biomes than Pokemon Sword & Pokemon Shield, which is quite sad when you think about it. Autcraft. IP Address: mc.autcraft.com. Autcraft is a server designed specifically for children and adults who have autism. It’s designed to be a safe haven for those who want a reprieve from the potentially overwhelming things you would find on other servers. This includes things like no frightening characters and making sure everything is kept child-friendly. You have to apply in order to join the server, but if you make it in then you’re good to go. It’s not doing anything special in terms of how it plays, but it’s a useful one to know about if you or a family member have autism and would like to know there's somewhere safe to go. Minecraft mods: How to go beyond vanilla Minecraft house: Ideas for some gorgeous new builds Minecraft builds: 15 of the most impressive creations. . IP Address: mc.hypixel.net. Hypixel is another mini-game heavy server. There are all the normal games you would expect from a high-quality server, but there are also a few noteworthy ones as well. Games like VampireZ, where you have to try and survive as a human while the vampires hunt you. There’s even a game called Turbo Kart Racers, which is a surprisingly good racing game that will pit you against other players as you try and reach the finish line first. It’s a lot of fun, and they update it regularly, so it’s worth sticking around for. Minecraft Middle-earth. Build IP Address: build.mcmiddleearth.com PvP and Event IP Address: pvp.mcmiddleearth.com. A team was always going to attempt to recreate the Lord of the Rings universe in Minecraft, and the result is something truly breathtaking. Everything in MC Middle-earth has been meticulously crafted to feel as real as possible. Taking a stroll through the Shire is a lovely way to lose a few hours, but if you’re not here for a sightseeing tour, there’s also a PvP server. Because of course there is. The Mining Dead. IP Address: hub.havocmc.net. What’s the one thing missing from Minecraft? Guns! Although that’d just make it Fortnite, wouldn’t it? Either way, if you’re a fan of The Walking Dead TV show or comic, The Mining Dead is a great opportunity to take in all the famous sights as you’re scrambling to find weapons, ammo, and generally anything to help fend off the undead. And because of the voxel stylings of Minecraft, there’s a faint whiff of Goldeneye 64 to the whole thing. The Lord of the Craft. IP Address: mc.lotc.co. While this may sound like a Lord of the Rings server, it’s not quite. It’s fantasy, sure, but with a huge focus on roleplaying. The world, and its lore, is already set up, and a helpful warp command means travelling between the different kingdoms (high elves, dark elves, dwarves, etc) is simple. All you need is a killer skin and an elaborate backstory in Lord Of The Craft and you’re good to go. Minecraft castle ideas: a fortress to match your blocky kingdom Minecraft mansions: a life of sandbox luxury Minecraft Middle-earth: a team who spent 10 years on one build. Grand Theft Minecart. IP Address: mc-gtm.net. You can probably guess from the title which popular video game series this server is based on. You guessed it, the unstoppable juggernaut that is Hello Kitty Online. Or GTA. It’s one of the two. Join this server and you’ll be treated to two different game modes (Grand Theft Minecart and Vice Minecart), as well as 35 different GTA- inspired weapons. There are also plenty of vehicle offerings including cars, planes, and of course, tanks. Because it’s not GTA if there isn’t an option to go on an explodey murder-spree. Arkham Network. IP Address: mc.arkhamnetwork.org. Fancy donning a cape while shouting “You have failed this city!”? Maybe you’re an anarchist looking to watch the world burn? Whichever side you choose to join, the Arkham Network has a comic-book world that’s just begging to be explored. And griefed, obviously. There are also a host of different day jobs for making coin, and a wealth of game modes to participate in. One of the key rules of this server is to make friends, and fast. You’ll need them. Extreme Craft. IP Address: play.extremecraft.net. We couldn’t put out a list of Minecraft servers without mentioning one of the most popular out there. Extreme Craft keeps popping up because of the sheer amount of modes there are to play, including the likes of a fully fleshed out survival mode, hunger games, factions, skygrid, skywars, skyblock, acid island, and eggwars. That’s on top of a creative mode and the option of roleplaying. It’s like a Minecraft greatest hits compilation. Potter World MC. IP Address: play.potterworldmc.com. When you first enter Potter World, you’re greeted by the boy himself battling a dementor as Hogwarts sits ominously in the background. Much like Middle Earth, Potter World goes all out when it comes to authenticity. Buildings appear as they do in the mind’s eye, complete with inside furnishings. You can learn about potion making, duel other wizards and witches, or go off and play a friendly round of quidditch. This is Minecraft at its strongest: creating game worlds that best those of their AAA counterparts. Join the #1 ranking server. EarthMC’s exclusive server map has been rendered using height and terrain data from NASA satellites. The high detail will allow you to visit your real life home and recognize the terrain. Since the map was launched, more than 300 000 players have interacted with it, leaving new players loads of history and artifacts to explore. Expand your towny empire. Create a town, form a nation and conquer earth. Using towny, you are able to invite residents to your town and manage their permissions. Sell plots and get in to the real estate market. You can create a nation and invite other towns to it once you have enough gold ingots. This is a picture of New York, can you spot the twin towers? Engage in economy and trade. The economy is run by the players. You are able to sell and buy goods across over 500 player-made shops. The server’s currency is gold ingots. There are many ways to get gold: taxes, mining and trading to name a few. EarthMC also has a system in place for safe player to player item trades. How to join EarthMC. Start Minecraft Java edition. Any game version will work. Click Multiplayer. Enter ip address Play.EarthMC.net and click join. Visit the discord server at discord.gg/TFVYpWQ. Frequently Asked Questions. What should I do after joining? Most people recommend finding a good place to build a base. Open the map for navigation, earthmc.net/map/. Once you have 64 gold ingots you can create a town with /t new townnamehere. The town needs residents, invite your friends! How do I join a town? Ask a mayor in chat to invite you, new residents are always wanted! Once invited, run command /accept. How do I claim land? Ask for permission to do so by your mayor. Make sure the town has enough gold in its bank, deposit with command /t deposit. Stand in the chunk you want to claim and run command /t claim. Claim has to be adjacent to another claim. 1 claim costs 16 gold. To see chunks in game press F3+G. How to get gold? There are several ways to get gold. You can mine it out of the ground. You can vote twice per day with the command /vote. Voting will give you a random reward of gold, up to 128. The fastest way to make gold is to create a shop and start selling items players want to buy. Can I join EarthMC with Minecraft PE or Bedrock? Sorry, EarthMC does only support Minecraft Java edition. What is the EarthMC IP address? The EarthMC IP address is play.earthmc.net. Can I teleport on EarthMC? Join a town in a nation. You will be then be able to teleport to your own town, nation and other allied nation capitals. Use commands /t spawn townname or /n spawn nationname. You are not able to teleport directly to a player. What is the server version? The native server version is 1.15.2 but both newer and older Minecraft clients can join. How to Start Your Own Minecraft Server. Minecraft isn't a very hardware-intensive game, but if you're hoping to run your own server, there are some key points to take into account. The first bottleneck you're likely to encounter is RAM: You'll generally need about 1GB of RAM for every four to five players who'll be hanging out on your server. Your primary roadblock will be your Internet connection. Your first stop: CanIHostaMinecraftServer.com. Enter your connection speed and the amount of RAM inside your prospective server machine, and this website will let you know how many players you can expect to support simultaneously. If that number is a bit low, consider renting space on a dedicated Minecraft server--or having fewer friends. There are many, many server hosts to choose from. A quick Google search will get you started. But before you choose one, you should have a clear idea of how many players you're likely to have on your server, and how much money you're willing to spend. If you'll be hosting only a few friends, you can run a Minecraft server on your own hardware; the process is fairly simple. If you plan to install your server on a Windows machine, head over to the Minecraft downloads page and grab the executable. If you plan to run the server on a Mac or Linux machine, download the server .jar file from the same page. (Note: If you plan to run this in Ubuntu, use the Windows server download link.) Whether you're running on Windows or Mac/Linux, dump the file you've downloaded into its own folder, as it creates a few configuration files of its own when running. In Windows, double-click the executable. It'll immediately set to work creating a world and populating it with critters. The Mac/Linux option requires a bit more legwork. On either platform, first make sure that you have the latest version of Java installed. Macs will handle that task via software update. On Linux, go to Java's download page and grab the appropriate version for your distribution. Once you've installed the latest version of Java, you'll need to tell the Minecraft server how much memory to allocate to the server. Feel free to skip to the section of this how-to that's appropriate for your system; Windows users can jump straight to "Getting Your Friends In." Linux Users. In Linux, open the terminal. Instructions may vary by distribution, but you'll probably find it in the Applications menu, under Accessories . Navigate to your Minecraft server folder ( cd NAME OF YOUR FOLDER ), and type the following command: java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui. This will assign 1GB of RAM to your server. If you're using the 32-bit version of Java, 1GB is your limit. If you're using a 64-bit version of Java, you can replace '1024M' with however many megabytes of memory you'd like to assign. For example, specify 2048M to allocate 2GB, 4096M to allocate 4GB, and so on. Mac Users. If you're on a Mac, open the TextEdit application, and type (or copy and paste) the following lines of code. #!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname "$0")" exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar. Allocate as much memory as you'd like by changing '1G' to the number of gigabytes you'd like to set aside ( 2G for 2GB, 4G for 4GB, and so on). In the Format Menu, select Make Plain Text , save the file as start.command , and move it into your server folder. Your next stop is the Terminal: type chmod a+x , and drag the 'start.command' file directly into the Terminal; this will give the file the appropriate permissions. Finally, double-click start.command , and your server will start up. Getting your friends in. Everyone who wants to participate must select the Multiplayer option on Minecraft's main menu. From there, players can choose Direct Connect (for a temporary visit) or Add Server (to instruct Minecraft to remember the details). If everyone's on the same network, they can connect simply by typing localhost into the server address bar. If friends want to connect remotely, you'll need to figure out your external IP address. Simply enter "What is my IP address" into Google and you should get see the info you need in a box above the results.