Extensions of Remarks E 1293 HON. JIM Mcdermott
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June 20, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 1293 Cowan (NZ), Emily Cummings (WA), Garrett people living in the harsh conditions of intern- work and outstanding public service of Dr. Dauer (CA), Dorece DeLano (WA), Sonia ment. Raymond Schultze of Tarzana, CA. Dr. Dietos (CA), Anitra Donald (WA), Jessica I encourage you to take a moment to view Schultze, a dedicated medical professional, is Douglas (IN), Reuben Dozeman (MI), Annie these remarkably poignant works of art. retiring after 36 years of service to UCLA. DuBreuil (IL), Ryan Ennis (AR), Erika I wish to thank June Mukai McKivor, Mr. Engen (WA), Prggy Evans (TX), Steve Dr. Schultze received his bachelor's and Ferrand (CO), Janet Fay (PA), Paul Ford Nomura's niece and art scholar in Seattle, medical degrees from Washington University (MN), and David Freeman (FL). who is responsible for recognizing the histori- in St. Louis and was twice selected as a U.S. Antonio Garza (TX), Danielle Greiger (NC), cal significance of these paintings and for or- Public Health Fellow. He first came to UCLA Delisa Greiger (NC), Abagail Gelotte (WA), ganizing them into a traveling exhibit. in 1959 for his internship and residency and Paul Glader (SD), Rachel Glader (SD), Alison f has served in a wide variety of roles over the Gracom (CA), Christen Grunden (TX), years including chief of UCLA's Division of Ne- Desiree Hansen (BC), David Hanson (IN), TRIBUTE TO DR. SELINA SMITH: phrology, executive vice chairman of UCLA's Matthew Harry (MI), Titus Heard (OK), Ra- ADVOCATE AND EDUCATOR chel Hedden (MN), Matthew Heisey (PA), Department of Medicine, and associate dean Strickland Holloway (GA), Timothy Hood for administration of the UCLA School of Medi- (FL), Seth Horvath (NY), George Hsu (TX), HON. CARRIE P. MEEK cine. From 1986 to 1991, Dr. Shcultze served Timothy Hsu (TX), Jennifer Hulson (OK), OF FLORIDA the UCLA campus as its administrative vice Andrea Jackson (CA), and Annette Jackson IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chancellor while concurrently serving as direc- (CA). Tuesday, June 20, 1995 tor of the medical center. Lulu Jang (Taiwan), Matthew Jefferys In his 15 years as director of one of Ameri- (OH), Aaron Johnson (WA), Scott Johnson Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it gives (TX), Shannon Johnson (NC), Bradley John- me great pleasure to rise today to recognize ca's finest hospitals, Dr. Schultze has guided son (IN), Jody Killingsworth (MO), Karl a truly remarkable woman. Dr. Selina Smith is the institution through the ever-changing Kinzer (MN), Leslie Knight (GA), Tracy a nutritionist who has dedicated 15 years to health care environment to a position of inter- Koskart (SD), Janet Lassiter (TX), Stephen furthering research which links dietary habits national prominence. Dr. Schultze's distinctive Leckenby (WA), Tim Levendusky (TX), Re- to breast and cervical cancer. Her tenure in combination of business acumen, medical bekah Lilly (MI), Aaron Lioi (OH), Samuel academia, the American Cancer Society, and knowledge, commitment to the community, Lundmark (PA), Mike Lyle (GA), Christina the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and concern for patients have been crucial Mason (AR), Chad Max (MN), Nathan will have long-range impact on the lives of an components in the UCLA Medical Center Maxwill (KS), Sonshine Meadows (GA), Jason Miller (NY), Christina Navarro (NJ), Kristia estimated 13,500 women stricken with cancer being consistently ranked in surveys as the Needham (MN), Sara Needham (MN), Jona- every year. best hospital in the West. than Newhouse (MN), Shawn O'Rourke (TN), Dr. Smith's recent endeavors include a free Whether testifying before the Senate Fi- Matthew Olsort (KS), and John Pate (AR). clinic at the Rainbow Village housing complex nance Committee on the impact of managed Courtney Pell (IL), Amy Pelletier (WA), in Overtown which provides free breast and care on teaching hospitals, meeting with a Rachel Perdue (CO), Douglas Plagerman cervical screenings to poor women. Addition- small group of UCLA Medical Center nurses to (WI), Michelle Pollock (MI), Michelle ally, Dr. Smith currently hosts and produces hear their suggestions for improving patient-fo- Popowich (CO), Jonathan Purks (MD), ``Witnessing,'' a 12-part cable program aimed cused care, consulting with hospital directors Christy Rayla (MI), Jenny Roberts (KS), at informing highly at-risk populations of breast Christopher Rogers (WA), Jamie Rutland in western Africa, or leading UCLA's effort to (MS), Cara Sanford (TX), Gretchen Schiller and cervical cancer. trim the budget while improving the quality of (NY), Aaron Scott (CA), David Sevideo (VA), ``Witnessing'' and the free screening clinic in patient careÐDr. Schultze has demonstrated Joel Smith (OK), John Stephens (IL), Melissa Overtown are the latest attempts at health his willingness to improving health care at Stroder (TX), Kira Stuckey (ON), Rebecca care outreach to traditionally underserved UCLA, in the United States, and around the Swanson (IO), Bradley Voeller (MN), Jim women in Dade County. Her work is of utmost world. Voeller (MN), Jim Voeller (MN), Kathy importance in the African-American community Mr. Speaker, running a large academic Voyer (CA), Brandon Wassenaar (IL), Eliza- where mortality rates for breast and cervical medical center in today's marketplace is a tre- beth Whiting (NZ), Joel Williams (NZ), Mat- cancer far exceed the mortality rates within thew Wood (WA), Erin Worley (TX), Sara mendously challenging task. Throughout his other communities. remarkable career, Dr. Raymond Schultze has Yoder (IA), Matthew Yordy (IN), and Mr. Speaker, Dr. Smith is also a cancer sur- Elisabeth Youngblood (NC). provided outstanding leadership, skill, and ex- vivor. Seven of ten women in her family have f pertise leaving a rich legacy for the future of been afflicted by breast cancer. Dr. Smith, the UCLA Medical Center. I ask that you join ARTIST'S VIEW OF JAPANESE- herself, is currently receiving chemotherapy me, our colleagues, and Dr. Schultze's friends AMERICAN INTERNMENT treatments. Perhaps, it is because this disease and family in recognizing his fine achieve- has affected Dr. Smith's life with such fre- ments and selfless contributions. He has quency and proximity that she is able to be touched the lives of many people and it is only HON. JIM McDERMOTT such an exemplary advocate and educator for OF WASHINGTON fitting that the House of Representatives rec- women at risk and women with cancer. ognize him today. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Dr. Smith knows that cancer is beatable. Tuesday, June 20, 1995 Her self-described mission is encapsulated in f Mr. McDermott. Mr. Speaker, I would like to the following quote: ``Hopefully, women will A TRIBUTE TO JO M. WRIGHT draw your attention to a unique exhibit, featur- see me and not equate cancer with death. ing works by internationally renowned artist Hopefully, I can ease some of the fears.'' Dr. HON. E. CLAY SHAW, JR. Kenjiro Nomura, on display in the Cannon Ro- Smith's efforts at educating and empowering women will greatly reduce the chances of can- OF FLORIDA tunda, until June 23, 1995. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The exhibit, ``Kenjiro Nomura: An Artist's cer affecting the lives of someone we know. View of the Japanese-American Internment,'' Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Dr. Selina Smith Tuesday, June 20, 1995 consists of sketches and paintings produced for her achievements, and I urge my col- Mr. SHAW. Mr. Speaker, this past weekend, by the artist while interned during World War leagues to join me in recognition and enthu- the people of south Florida lost a valuable II at the Minidoka Relocation Center in Hunt, siastic support of this truly courageous and member of their community and I join them in ID. Like other Japanese-Americans, Mr. enspiring woman. mourning the loss of Jo M. Wright. Nomura and his family lost their freedom, f I rise today to pay tribute to the memory of home, possessions, and business when they A TRIBUTE TO DR. RAYMOND Jo for her unparalleled service and contribu- were uprooted from their home in Seattle, WA, SCHULTZE tions to the people of south Florida. Jo was a and herded off to internment camps. dedicated community leader, a successful Under orders not to depict camp life in a business woman, and a mother of six. negative way, Nomura, who worked as a sign HON. JERRY LEWIS For more than 30 years, she was an active OF CALIFORNIA painter during his internment, used Govern- member of the Florida Association of Realtors, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment-issue paints, crayons, and paper to cre- the State's largest professional trade associa- ate a diary of his internment ordeal. His paint- Tuesday, June 20, 1995 tion. As a result of her outstanding participa- ings done in oil or watercolor on mostly yel- Mr. LEWIS of California. Mr. Speaker, I tion and professionalism, she was named the lowish paper are the artist's record of proud would like to bring to your attention the fine Fort Lauderdale Realtor of the Year in 1976 VerDate 26-MAY-95 06:02 Jun 21, 1995 Jkt 099061 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\CRI\E20JN5.REC e20jn1 E 1294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 20, 1995 and the Florida Realtor of the Year in 1985. In IN MEMORY OF THOMAS L. SALTZ both peace and war as those brave souls who addition, Jo was an energetic political activist, served on the decks of our merchant marine participating in the development of the Real- HON. CHARLES H. TAYLOR fleet. Mr. Speaker, the merchant marines have tor's Political Action Committee [RPAC], OF NORTH CAROLINA my admiration and I am sure that I speak for chairing the State Woman's Council of Real- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES every American when I say, thank you.