Extensions of Remarks E1853 HON. JIM Mcdermott HON. TED POE

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Extensions of Remarks E1853 HON. JIM Mcdermott HON. TED POE September 10, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1853 PERSONAL EXPLANATION TRIBUTE TO DR. ROBERT C. dens show why it continues to rank among MESSINA, JR. Michigan’s loveliest communities. Bloomfield Hills celebrates its 75th anniver- HON. JIM McDERMOTT HON. JIM SAXTON sary simultaneously with the 200th anniversary of Woodward Avenue, the nation’s oldest by- OF WASHINGTON OF NEW JERSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES way. The two are inextricably linked because IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES as Woodward developed, city dwellers were Monday, September 10, 2007 able to travel north of Detroit to enjoy fresh air Monday, September 10, 2007 Mr. SAXTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today and relaxed country living. Mr. MCDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, I was in recognition of an extraordinary gentleman Originally a densely wooded wilderness in- unable to vote on passage of the conference whom I have known personally for two dec- habited by Native Americas, the Village of report on H.R. 2669. Were I able to, I would ades. On September 15, 2007, Dr. Robert Bloomfield Hills grew from pastoral farms and orchards into the Estate Era, where men of vi- have voted ‘‘aye’’ on this important bill. Messina, Jr. will be celebrated for his 20 years of Visionary Leadership at the Burlington sion and high ideals like, George Booth, Furthermore, I was also unable to vote for County Community College in Mount Laurel, bought huge parcels of land for summer re- final passage of H.R. 1908. Were I able, I NJ. treats. Known by many names, including would have voted ‘‘aye’’ on this legislation, Dr. Messina has been instrumental in the Bagley’s Corners, Circle City, and Bloomfield noting that while the bill is not perfect, the expansion of the Burlington County College Centre, the Village of Bloomfield Hills officially Congress must continue to consider legislation community. While upgrading and constructing became a city in 1932 upon adoption of its to reform our patent laws. I look forward to new buildings at the main campus in Pem- City Charter. considering a more refined product when this berton, Dr. Messina saw an opportunity to George Booth envisioned elaborate plans bill is next before the House. truly push the College to the next level. He for the acreage he acquired in 1904, designing was steadfast in obtaining land for a brand- a church and school for the benefit of the f new, state-of-the-art second campus, located community. The jewel of his imagination, the in Mount Laurel. The College and local com- Cranbrook Educational Community, a nation- PROGRESS IN IRAQ munity has enjoyed the use of six permanent ally acclaimed educational, scientific, and ar- buildings, including a corporate training facility tistic complex, is on of Bloomfield Hills’ most and conference center, known as The Enter- notable and unique treasures. Thousands visit HON. TED POE prise Center. the historical campus each year, enjoying the The College has expanded not only phys- Cranbrook Academy of Art and the Cranbrook OF TEXAS ically, but academically, as well. Dr. Messina Institute of Science. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES implemented stimulating new programs that Madam Speaker, today Bloomfield Hills is a keep trend with today’s industry demands. vibrant community in Oakland County that is Monday, September 10, 2007 This new curriculum boasts Digital Media and home to over 4,000 residents, a preeminent Mr. POE. Madam Speaker, the chief politicai Graphic Design, Biotechnology, Human Serv- graduate school of art, and Michigan’s largest expert and chief military expert for the U.S. ices, and several information technology cer- natural history museum. I congratulate them before us in the FA committee. Despite the tification programs that firmly cement Bur- on their 75th anniversary and wish the resi- dents many more years of prosperity. cynics, critics, and defeatists, who want there lington County College as a leader in higher education for the twenty-first century. to be bad news, General Petraeus informed f To further reach out and benefit the sur- Congress that military progress is being made. rounding Southern New Jersey community, Dr. A TRIBUTE TO DIANE BEEDLE Our job is not over in Iraq. It is in the best Messina devotes his free time to the better- interest of America to finish our mission. War ment of his neighbors. In the past, he has HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY is hard, but retreat and a unilateral withdrawal served on the national, regional, and local lev- OF ILLINOIS is a plan for another Vietnam failure. Aban- els. He currently sits on the boards for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES donment is what our enemy wants but not Deborah Heart & Lung Center, the Virtua Hos- Monday, September 10, 2007 what we will give them. pital Audit/Corporate Compliance Committee, Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise General Petraeus testified that substantial and is a member of the Virtua Ambulatory Board. Nationally, Dr. Messina served two today to bid farewell to one of the most cre- progress has been made by our forces and ative, competent, caring and clever Hill staff- the Iraqi counterparts since the surge began in terms as the President of COMBASE, a Coop- erative for the Advancement of Community- ers, my Legislative Director, Diane Beedle. For mid-June. According to the General, the secu- Based Postsecondary Education, and is a four years, Diane has moved a legislative rity situation in Iraq is improving, while the former board member of the American Asso- agenda that addresses issues as diverse as Iraqi government continues to assume more ciation of Community Colleges. the safety of children’s products, outsourcing responsibility in the political reconciliation of Madam Speaker, Dr. Messina’s infectious of American jobs, immigrant rights, data secu- the country. enthusiasm and abiding loyalty to his students rity and identity theft, new telecommunications Despite the progress being made, nay-say- is only surpassed by his genuine desire to em- technologies, private military contracts, ending ers continue to undermine the momentum that brace and enhance the community around horse slaughter, auto safety, energy independ- is building in Iraq for a peaceful reconciliation. him. As he celebrates 20 years of Visionary ence, expanding health care, preventing can- Of course there is more work to be done be- Leadership at Burlington County College, I cer, and ending the war in Iraq. She prepared fore we can see real success in Iraq. In fact, would like to extend my sincere gratitude for me for all of the many hearings in the Energy that is exactly why we can’t walk away from his leadership, commitment, and service. and Commerce Committee including, of this war. Iraq has become the most foremost f course, the priority sporting hearings—boxing, front in the war against radical Islam. The steroids, and college bowl games, and far RECOGNIZING THE 75TH ANNIVER- strategy of Islamic militants assumes an Amer- more. SARY OF THE CITY OF BLOOM- ican withdrawal. They believe we will grow As if that weren’t enough, Diane was re- FIELD HILLS, MICHIGAN weary of fighting for liberty and freedom sponsible for identifying and securing funding for projects important to the 9th Congressional abroad and that we will walk away from our District of Illinois. There is less flooding, better commitments in Iraq. If success in Iraq is the HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG law enforcement, improved transportation, and goal, nay-sayers have to understand that giv- OF MICHIGAN better services for vulnerable people because ing up is simply not an option. Withdrawal will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Diane’s work. How does she do it all? As only embolden our enemies. We’ve got to fight Monday, September 10, 2007 Kim, our office manager and executive assist- them where they are and show them that we Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Madam Speaker, I ant/scheduler said, ‘‘She rose to the chal- mean business. This is the time for America to want to recognize the City of Bloomfield Hills, lenges and opportunities that the LD position stand strong and stay focused on our mission. in Oakland County, Michigan which is cele- offered, and she is very organized and me- The whole world is watching us. brating its 75th anniversary on September 16, thodical as well as being a very positive and And that’s just the way it is. 2007. This city’s rolling hills and beautiful gar- nurturing presence in the office.’’ VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:57 Sep 11, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10SE8.033 E10SEPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with REMARKS_CN E1854 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 10, 2007 Diane has a gift for negotiating. I have flagship store in downtown Dallas, TX, on this MINORITY SERVING INSTITUTION watched her push my position as far as she day in 1907. DIGITAL AND WIRELESS TECH- could and then a little further, her demeanor Over the last century, Neiman Marcus has NOLOGY OPPORTUNITY ACT OF always pleasant, her counter proposals always not only left an indelible mark on the Dallas 2007 workable, her objections irrefutable. She won culture and society, but continues to play a the respect and friendship of staff across party vital role in the business community. SPEECH OF and ideological lines. I will truly miss her bar- gaining skills. For over 19 years, Neiman Marcus has HON. J. RANDY FORBES Diane is able to translate complicated hosted the annual Neiman Marcus Adolphus issues into language comprehensible to her Children’s Parade benefiting the Child Life OF VIRGINIA Program at Children’s Medical Center, Dallas. boss and to constituents. I receive many IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kudos for letters Diane has written that are This event raises money for its specialized clear and directly responsive to the concerns programs including music therapy, support Tuesday, September 4, 2007 of individual district residents, and not just groups, medical camps and bedside activities.
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