Driver Blamed in Crash

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Driver Blamed in Crash Safety measures Shift the job Maryland, 5 other states to Commission wants public defender’s launch Ebola monitoring for travelers. 3A office to handle lawyers-at-bail load. 10A Thursday, October 23, 2014 Volume 126 | Number 015 Driver Longshot candidate at liberty to speak freely blamed Libertarian Dymowski uses campaign for AG to challenge drug laws in crash NTSB: Derailment, spill caused by truck operator who was distracted BY BRYAN P. SEARS [email protected] A 2013 train derailment and explo- sion in Rosedale was the result of a dis- tracted truck driver who failed to ensure that the tracks were clear before attempting to cross, according to a re- port released by the National Trans- portation Safety Board. A nearly year-long investigation by the federal agency found that the May 2013 collision between a CSX train car- rying chemicals and a trash truck was caused by driver negligence. As a result, the board is recommend- MAXIMILIAN FRANZ ing a prohibition on the use of hands- ‘The system now just doesn’t work,’ Leo Wayne Dymowski says of the current laws criminalizing nonviolent drug offenses. ‘We can’t jail free cellphone devices while operating ourselves out of the problem.’ commercial vehicles, according to the BY STEVE LASH cer for the Maryland Parole Commis- report. [email protected] sion. “Current laws may mislead people to “The system now just doesn’t believe that hands-free is as safe as not Libertarian Leo Wayne Dymowski work,” he said. “We can’t jail ourselves using a phone at all,’’ Acting Chairman says he knows he has little chance for out of the problem.” Christopher A. Hart said in a statement. victory in his third-party bid for Mary- should be legal.” If he is somehow elected attorney “Our investigations have found over and land attorney general — and that the Criminalizing the use and posses- general, Dymowski said, his office over that distraction in any form can be long odds give him a “freedom feel- sion of drugs “ensures we have a lot of would not oppose the legal appeals of dangerous behind the wheel.” ing.” addicts,” much as Prohibition in- people convicted of simple possession That includes the freedom to say creased the demand for alcohol, said ntsb See dymowski 9A See 7A unpopular things, such as “all drugs Dymowski, a 58-year-old hearing offi- Opening the doors to history Public can tour city’s iconic industrial buildings BY ADAM BEDNAR and innovative ways that are helping to [email protected] create a “new Baltimore.” It’s that type of development that the Baltimore chap- Long gone are the days when stone ter of the American Institute of Archi- buildings erected along the Jones Falls tects and the Baltimore Architecture used the waterway to power milling op- Foundation wants to highlight during the erations, or large red brick buildings first Doors Open Baltimore event on Sat- churned out sail cloth for ships coming urday. in and out of a bustling port. But what’s “Baltimore is one of the leaders in the left is an abundance of industrial prop- nation in terms of creatively re-purpos- erties built to last in attractive locations. ing and adaptive use of former industrial COURTESY AIA Developers and architects in the city sites. So it’s a very active area of practice The Baltimore Design School, constructed in 1914, is among the buildings on have developed an affinity for reusing See doors 5A Saturday’s Doors Open Baltimore tour. the properties in a variety of creative Auction sales 11B News briefs 4A Lawyer to lawyer 13A $269 per year For subscriptions INDEX Calendar 6A Law briefs 13A Public notice 1B call 1-800-451-9998 or email Employment 11A Litigation support 20A Online Today 2A $2 per copy [email protected] 2A Thursday, October 23, 2014 ONLINE TODAY BLOGS UPCOMING SPECIAL Hopkins launches UDARP set to review Cold Spring mixed-use plans Ebola-focused website PUBLICATIONS AND READ Designs for the long-planned 2001 Cold Spring Lane re- Johns Hopkins Univer- development are set to go before the city’s FOCUS SECTIONS sity has launched a new design review panel on Thursday. Business Buzz website dedicated to The project has gone through several de- Eye on Annapolis Ebola, featuring news October 24 sign iterations. It was initially intended to be coverage, recent updates, Community Generation J.D. a “town center” with residential and retail interviews with Hopkins Real Estate that connected with the nearby Cold Spring Ground Up experts, FAQs and more. Focus Section light rail stop. But the development has The website aggre- On the Record shifted and the emphasis is on providing gates a variety of stories Adam Bednar 80,000 square feet of office space. The devel- TWITTER and other re- oper said that a doctors’ group specializing in sources. It’s pulmonary care has already expressed interest in the office FOLLOW an extension space. of Hopkins October 30 The project is proposed for the southwest corner of In- @MDDailyRecord faculty in- The Giving Back terstate 83 and Cold Spring Lane. It would be near the Bal- volvement in Guide: Nonprofit @bgrz timore Police Department’s Northern District headquarters the interna- @Bmorejourno and Loyola University’s athletic complex. … Special @bpsears tional re- Alissa Gulin Publication @Lauren_Kirkwood sponse to @Steve_Lash and coverage of Ebola. @TDRAlissa The website includes @TDRDanny links such as lists of sto- ries that quote Hopkins October 31 @TomBaden officials, such as a recent Maryland New York Times story Central Region FACEBO OK about universities tighten- Focus Section ing restrictions on non-es- LIKE sential travel to West mddailyrecord Africa (such as faculty re- search or humanitarian November 7 aid). … LINKEDIN Women-owned CONNECT RADIO Business Tune in to WBAL 1090 AM Tuesdays Focus Section the-daily-record at 6:50 a.m. for top stories from The Daily Record on the radio. SOUNDCLOUD VIMEO LISTEN WATCH ALERTS INSIDER the-daily-record mddailyrecord For breaking news alerts, Sign up on our homepage for daily emails text tdrnews to 444888 with the top headlines. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7 7:30 – 9:30AM PRESENTS FOUR SEASONS HOTEL BREAKFAST WITH 200 International Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21202 HOW WILL THE UPCOMING ELECTION AFFECT OUR ECONOMY? ANIRBAN BASU Anirban Basu, one of the Mid-Atlantic region’s most recognizable economists, will discuss important topics that include: Economic Development, Employment, Income, and Workforce Development. Mr. Basu is the Chairman and CEO of Sage Policy Group, an economic and policy consulting firm in Baltimore. Event will take place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore on Friday, November 7 from 7:30-9:30 am and will include networking opportunities and talk with Q&A session to follow. Networking Breakfast Event $50/$45 WYPR members To purchase tickets: EVENT SPONSORS: Thursday, October 23, 2014 3A Md.amongstatestotrackvisitorsfromEbolanations mometers, detailed information on how care,” said Mukpo, who arrived at the Ne- Program will take their temperature twice a day, and braska hospital Oct. 6. logs for recording the information. Tem- The virus has killed more than 4,500 monitor those peratures must be reported to health of- people in West Africa, nearly all in ficials at least once per day, he said. Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. Mukpo travelers for 21 days Frieden said the message to travelers caught it while working in Liberia as a is: “If you become sick, get care quickly freelance cameraman for NBC and other Staff and wire reports because that could save your life and pro- media outlets. tect your family.” Two American nurses remain hospi- Maryland will be among the first six The kits also will include information talized after catching the virus from a states that will launch a program Monday on whom to call if symptoms occur and Liberian man who traveled to the U.S. be- in which everyone traveling into the U.S. a card the traveler can present to health fore exhibiting symptoms and dying at a from Ebola-stricken nations will be mon- care providers if they seek care. Dallas hospital. Because of their cases, itored for 21 days. CDC already was telling its own em- the CDC issued more stringent safety The monitoring program unveiled by ployees and other health professionals guidelines this week and is working with the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- working in the outbreak zone to monitor states to spread them to health care vention will cover visitors as well as aid their temperature for 21 days upon re- workers across the country. workers, journalists and other Americans turn, so Wednesday’s announcement At the White House, President Barack returning from Liberia, Sierra Leone or adds another step to their ongoing fever Obama was meeting with his new Ebola Guinea as well as West African travelers. watch. coordinator Ron Klain and top aides Officials with the Maryland Depart- The new program comes after author- Wednesday afternoon. ment of Health and Mental Hygiene did ASSOCIATED PRESS ities announced Wednesday plans to fun- Under heavy criticism for the govern- not answer specific questions about the A Frontier Airlines employee wears gloves as nel all visitors from the three nations ment’s handling of the first Ebola case di- program on Wednesday but said in a she checks in passengers at Cleveland through five airports where fever checks agnosed within the U.S., Obama reached statement that they are “working with the Hopkins International Airport. All travelers and other Ebola screening measures for help last week from Klain, a veteran [CDC] on a plan,” and that they’ll “share who come into the U.S.
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