The search for beyond our eople have long wondered if other solar systems like ours exist with planets capable P of supporting life. The discovery of truly -like planets would revolutionise our understanding of our place in the universe. Until recently, the science and technology to detect exoplanets did not exist. However, in the past two decades, astronomers have developed new techniques and instruments that are providing growing observational evidence that our home – the Milky Way – is rich with planetary systems. Scientists estimate that of its 100 billion , more than 10 billion could host planetary systems, with at least 10 per cent of -like stars having planets.

The discovery and study of planets orbiting stars other than our Sun – exoplanets – is one of the exciting scientific challenges for the 21st century A new frontier for humankind

More than 400 exoplanets have been discovered to date (2010). The Habitable zone number is rising rapidly, as astronomers 2 around the world sift through huge amounts of observational data from ground-based and dedicated space missions. In the coming , the number will rise to thousands. Although most of the exoplanets found so far have been the 1 size of the gas and ice giants in our solar system – , Saturn,

and Neptune – future generations of Sun the to relative the of instruments and observatories may 0.5 enable researchers to image directly 0.1 1 10 small, rocky planets like Earth orbiting Radius of an ’s relative to that of the Earth distant Sun-like stars, and analyse Variation of the location of a star’s habitable zone (where liquid water can exist) with the star’s mass their for tell-tale signs of life. Such searches represent the first exoplanet around a normal Sun- the Sun; and b, a cooler next frontier for scientific exploration – like star, b, which is 50 light orbiting further away from following in the footsteps of Galileo and years from Earth. The is about its parent star. The first multiple-planet in past centuries. half the size of Jupiter and whirls around system containing three Jupiter-like its star in just over four days. Being at planets orbiting at different inclinations a distance that would be inside the (unlike our coplanar solar system) was orbit of in our solar system, 51 also identified orbiting the star Upsilon Pegasi b has a of 1500K. Andromedae, and in 1998, Gliese 876 It became the first of the so-called ‘hot b, the first planet orbiting a ’, which account for the majority star, was found. This Jupiter-sized world of exoplanets since discovered. resides in the star’s so-called habitable The late 1990s saw the field explode, zone – the distance from the star at revealing a rich variety of planets. In which water would remain liquid and The first of the ‘hot Jupiters’, 1996, US planet-hunters Geoffrey thus support life. The red dwarf, Gliese The early discoveries Marcy of the University of California, 876, was later found to harbour two The first exoplanets, discovered in Berkeley and Paul Butler of the Carnegie more inner planets, one of which could 1991, orbited a – a neutron star Institution of Washington discovered be a large version of Earth. An exoplanet emitting regular pulses of radio waves. three more Jupiter-like planets: orbiting the yellow dwarf star of the binary Then in 1995, and Didier b, which has an extremely system, , discovered at the Queloz of the University of Geneva in eccentric orbit; Tau Boötis b, a searingly same time, was later found to have at Switzerland, using the Haute-Provence orbiting at a distance that is least four companion planets. The era of Observatory in France, uncovered the less than one-seventh of Mercury’s from exoplanet discovery had truly begun.

2 Exoplanets – The search for planets beyond our solar system How to find an exoplanet star outshines any of its planets (which emit mainly reflected starlight) by a factor of between Aa million and a billion, so discovering a distant exoplanet might seem impossible. However, astronomers have used their deep understanding of physics combined with sophisticated instrumentation and data analysis to tease out the signals indicating the presence of a planet. The UK has several teams of astronomers that are making major contributions, and also supports leading international planet searches through its subscriptions to the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the (ESA) and the Gemini telescopes.

A gas in the habitable zone of the red dwarf Gliese 876

Radial velocity measurements The first exoplanets were discovered through the gravitational tug they exert on their parent stars, which causes the stars to wobble. This motion is revealed in the spectrum of a star’s emitted light. Elements present in the star absorb particular wavelengths of light to produce a characteristic set of spectral lines, which are then are minutely shifted back and forth as the star moves. The so-called (RV) method works best in identifying high-mass planets close to their stars, and gives a lower limit on the planet’s mass relative to the mass of the star. This means that the less mass a star has, the more easy it is to see the effects of a smaller planet. For this reason, planet-hunters are especially interested in red dwarfs, which are extremely common and which have habitable zones that are much closer in than for a Sun-like, G-type star.

UK involvement The first measurements used relatively small telescopes (just over a metre in diameter) but with high-quality Star spectrographs. Roger Griffin at the first developed a spectrograph suitable for detecting planets in the 1970s. UK astronomers, including Hugh Jones of the University Unseen planet of Hertfordshire, have led the Anglo- Australian Planet Search on the 3.9-metre Anglo-Australian The gravitational influence of a planet causes its parent star to wobble. The emitted light is shifted to in Australia, using the University College longer wavelengths (red) as the star moves slightly London Echelle Spectrograph (UCLES). away from an observer on Earth, and to shorter This ongoing survey of 250 nearby wavelengths (blue) as it comes back towards the stars has been running since 1998 and Earth. The shift gives the mass of the exoplanet NASA/JPL-Caltech has found 35 exoplanets. The team is uncovered an abundance of systems, now looking for smaller planets similar some containing Neptune-size and to Earth, as well as genuine Jupiter lower-mass planets, including the analogues around Sun-like stars. lightest-known exoplanet e, ESO’s main planet search is carried which is only twice the mass of Earth and out with the HARPS spectrograph on sits well within the star’s habitable zone. its 3.6-metre telescope in Chile, with Another instrument, a near- a new instrument, HARPS-North, spectrograph on the ESO’s Very Large being installed on the William Herschel Telescope (VLT) array in Chile, called Telescope (WHT) on La Palma in the CRIRES, is searching for planets around The binary system, 55 Cancri, has five known planets Canary Islands. HARPS searches have cool red dwarfs.

3 ESO/L. Calcada ight flux L ight

Time period of dip in light flux

The dip in light from the star COROT 7 revealed a small planet, COROT 7 b

Transit observations Exoplanets are also detected by measuring the dimming of a star’s brightness as a planet passes in front. The planet’s orbital plane must lie close to the line of sight to the star. measurements allow the planet size to be calculated but require follow-up RV measurements to work out the mass. The first transit planet, HD 209458 b, which is 150 light years from Earth, was found in 1999. Follow-up spectroscopic studies in 2004 with the (HST) and NASA’s Spitzer infrared space telescope revealed it has an containing hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and sodium.

UK involvement velocity spectrograph on the 1.9-metre simultaneously survey the sky, UK researchers have been involved telescope at the Haute-Provence monitoring millions of stars for transit in analysing data from the HST and Observatory. Being 30 times closer events. Since starting in 2004, Spitzer telescopes. In 2007, Giovanna to its star than the Earth is to the the project has already uncovered Tinetti of University College London Sun, the bloated gas planet is held evidence for up to 30 new exoplanets. (UCL) and colleagues reported results in a tight gravitational grip so that Another European project, the WFCAM on the atmosphere of exoplanet one side always faces the star. The Transit Survey, led by David Pinfield at HD 189733 b. This planet had first researchers showed that the scorching the University of Hertfordshire, uses the been discovered, via the transit hot atmosphere contains molecules wide-field camera on the UK Infra-Red method, using the ELODIE radial of water, carbon dioxide and methane, Telescope (UKIRT) on Hawaii to search and they are now exploring the similar for planetary transits across red dwarfs. atmospheres of two other ‘hot Jupiters’. Transit searches are also being The UK’s main exoplanet search carried out from space. In 2006, ESA employs a battery of dedicated and the French national space agency cameras working robotically. A launched the COROT mission. Its consortium of eight institutions, 27-centimetre telescope, with CCDs represented by Don Pollacco of made by the electronics company e2v Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), is in Essex, has found the smallest planet operating the world’s most successful to date, COROT 7 b, which is only twice transit survey, the Wide Angle Search the size of Earth and of similar density. for Planets (SuperWASP) project. Two and Frédéric Pont observatories, designed to cover both at the are part of hemispheres – SuperWASP-North on the European team that analyses the Detecting the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes transmitted data and then carries out David Kipping at UCL has calculated on La Palma, and SuperWASP-South follow-up observations using ground- that NASA’s Kepler mission could at the South African Astronomical based instruments. In 2009, NASA discover habitable moons orbiting Observatory – each consisting of launched a larger, 95-centimetre large exoplanets by detecting the tiny eight wide-angle cameras (with CCD telescope, Kepler, to look at 100 000 gravitational wobble they cause in detectors made by Andor Technology, a Sun-like stars in the hope of finding transiting planets spin-out company from QUB), Earth-like planets.

4 Exoplanets – The search for planets beyond our solar system

The spacecraft The SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory

Light from star Light from planet

T1 T2 Another significant tool in detecting exoplanets is to measure directly the periodic displacement of a star’s position on the sky caused by a planet’s gravitational pull.

Light beam delayed UK involvement PRIMA, to be installed on one of the four ESA’s mission Gaia, to be launched telescopes of the VLT array, which will be The principle of nulling interferometry in 2011, will aim at uncovering many able to detect exoplanets. thousands of planets within about 650 Nulling interferometry Preparing for the installation of the astrometric light years of the Sun, using both the instrument PRIMA on the VLT Interferometry, whereby light waves transit and astrometric methods. UK received by several telescopes are university groups are participating in the combined to give a proportionately Gaia Data Processing and Analysis higher-resolution image, is a technique Consortium (DPAC) to analyse the light of growing importance in astronomical from millions of stars that Gaia will map. observations. The technique was At the same time, ESO is building a pioneered in radioastronomy at the highly accurate astrometric instrument, University of Cambridge and is now being applied to optical telescopes. It can be used to find exoplanets because the light signals received by each telescope from the star can be combined so that the waves cancel out, leaving just the image of the orbiting planets. UK involvement The two telescopes of the W. M. Keck Observatory on Hawaii already use nulling interferometry, and ESO and ESA are developing a new instrument called GENIE to be used on the VLT interferometer array. The four telescopes of ESO’s VLT Polarimetry UK involvement A method of characterising the Jim Hough and his team at the adaptive optics, coronagraphs and atmosphere of hot Jupiters is to detect University of Hertfordshire designed an infrared camera spectrograph. It directly the reflected light from the and built a highly sensitive polarimeter, will study new exoplanets orbiting planet, which can be distinguished from PlanetPol, for use on the WHT. A version nearby stars by direct imaging of their the star’s light, because it is fractionally of this pioneering device is being circumstellar environment. polarised (the planes of the reflected light incorporated into a new instrument for waves are oriented in the same plane). the VLT, SPHERE, along with advanced

5 NASA/ESA and P. Kalas (University of California, Berkeley) Fomalhaut b planet

Direct detection 2006 New technology is allowing astronomers to detect directly the visible and infrared 2004 light from giant planets in wide , similar to those in our solar system. UK involvement to that lying outside the orbit of the The first such images were obtained dwarf planet Pluto. There may be smaller in 2008. Direct images of three giant rocky planets in closer orbits, and future planets orbiting the nearby, young star observations will search for terrestrial The Fomalhaut system as seen with the HST. The planet HR 8799 were taken by an international planets in this system. Fomalhaut b orbits the young star every 872 years team, including Jenny Patience at the At the same time, a second team, University of Exeter. Each planet is larger using the HST, found a giant planet on Understanding stars than Jupiter and the orbits range in size the inner edge of the huge dust ring and planets from within the Sun-Neptune distance which was already known to surround The extraordinary range of worlds a hot young star, Fomalhaut, 25 light found have already got theorists years away from Earth. The observations re-working their ideas about the were taken with an instrument called evolution of planetary systems. How a coronagraph, which uses a disc to do monster planets end up orbiting block out the otherwise blinding light so closely to their star? Planetary from the star. The UK has been heavily systems are thought to condense involved in preparations for observing from the dust disc that surrounds a with a new, highly advanced adaptive young star, and one idea is that these optics/coronagraph system, the Jupiter-size planets spiral in from the (GPI), which outer reaches, through interactions will be installed in Gemini-South with the congealing circumstellar A direct image, taken by the W. M. Keck Observatory, showing the three planets of HR 8799 (b, c, and d). The in 2011. It will enable vastly more material. They could also form through coloured speckles in the centre are the remains of the sensitive searches for fainter planets the mergers of smaller planets. bright light from their parent star after image processing in closer orbits. One goal now is to search for and study protoplanetary systems (like Fomalhaut’s). Future projects and Microlensing missions will survey systems, with Astronomers are good at finding ingenious ways of exploiting the laws of nature to the aim of building up a picture of explore the universe. Einstein showed that a gravitational field acts like a lens in planetary-system architecture and bending the path of light. The astonishing effects are seen in the distorted multiple composition in relation to the evolution images of distant . This phenomenon also leads to the brightening of and behaviour of the different star a star, say, deep in the central bulge of the Milky Way, by a foreground (possibly types. Several UK theory groups are invisible) ‘microlensing’ star close to its line of sight from Earth. Any planets around using supercomputers to model planet this star, when in the right position, will produce a sudden increase or decease in formation in discs. the brightening. Microlensing is more sensitive to low-mass planets than other methods, and can reveal even those at Earth-mass scales. The lensing stars are Understanding our world most likely to be far from Earth in the galactic bulge, and the planets themselves Exoplanet research will give us a better cool objects in orbits far from their understanding of planetary evolution, parent stars. Microlensing thus offers and thus of our own world. Studies by Star whose light is being microlensed a complementary technique to the RV geologists and atmospheric scientists and transit methods, which detect large, of exoplanetary environments will nearby planets. provide useful data that will inform current concerns about our changing UK involvement planetary environment. UK groups work within a network of worldwide microlensing programmes, Searching for other OGLE, MOA and PLANET. Also included The discovery of habitable, truly Earth- Microlensing are observations with the UK’s network of like planets would be one of the most exoplanet robotic telescopes, RoboNet-1.0, exciting and significant events in human led by Keith Horne at the University of St history. The detection of atmospheric Observer Andrews. In 2005, the RoboNet ream gases such as ozone could indicate that discovered OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b, an exoplanet might harbour life. Light reaching us from a distant star is bent and focused by the of an intervening , causing which, at five times the Earth’s mass, was the star to vary in brightness as a planet passes in front the first cool, ‘super-Earth’ to be found.

6 Exoplanets – The search for planets beyond our solar system

The SIM Lite Astrometric Observatory will search for habitable exoplanets A new science is dawning The burgeoning field of involves the comparative study of exoplanets – their formation, geology and atmospheres

Future projects a further mission, PLATO, to look However, because of the enormous The discovery of so many planets in just for habitable-zone planets around technical challenges – and budgetary a few years offers a tantalising taste of nearby stars, while NASA is looking restraints – they have been postponed. how our galaxy could be explored with at a mission, THESIS, which would In the meantime, NASA is developing a new technology and instruments. study the atmospheres of transiting two-instrument interferometer, the SIM New ground-based telescopes and exoplanets that orbit in a host- Lite Astrometric Observatory, to make instruments are being planned. A next- system’s habitable zone. astrometric measurements of nearby generation spectrograph ESPRESSO stars for evidence of habitable Earth- for the VLT, to find rocky planets, is mass planets. on the drawing board, and the ESO The UK is already participating in European Extremely Large Telescope some of these projects – the E-ELT and (E-ELT), which at 42 metres will be the the JWST among them. Dr Tinetti is a world’s biggest telescope, will track member of ESA’s Exo-Planet Roadmap down Earth-like planets in habitable Advisory Team (EPRAT), which is advising zones and investigate the chemistry of ESA on how to move towards the young, evolving systems. Antarctica, ultimate goal of detecting biomarkers which offers continuous observing (signatures of life) on habitable The European Extremely Large Telescope in the winter, could provide an ideal exoplanets. Dr Pont is a member of environment for exoplanet observations, Both ESA and NASA have considered the JWST science team sub-panel that and new telescope projects based there more ambitious missions, Darwin and focuses on optimising the capability have been proposed. the Finder, in which of JWST for exoplanet observations, In space, Hubble’s successor, several space telescopes work as an and Professor Pollacco is the science the James Webb Space Telescope interferometer by flying in formation. principal investigator of PLATO. The (JWST), will provide images and They have the potential to observe instrumentation group at the University spectra of exoplanets, and very Earth-like planets directly. of Oxford, led by Niranjan Thatte, is young planetary systems. A potential involved in preliminary studies for the addition is NASA’s New Worlds E-ELT’s direct imaging instrument, Mission, which would involve placing EPICS. However, there are further a large petal-shaped disc to block decisions to be made as to how far the a star’s light so that its planets are UK wishes to support this important more easily seen. ESA is considering area of discovery.

7 Thanks go to Suzanne Aigrain and Jenny Patience at the University of Exeter, Hugh Jones and Jim Hough at the University of Hertfordshire, Keith Horne at the University of St Andrews, Don Pollacco of QUB and of UCL for their help with this paper. The UK has a number of world-leading research groups expert in various aspects of exoplanet science (theoretical modelling of formation, geology and atmospheres) as well as detection techniques and instrument development, not all of whom could be mentioned in this paper.

Useful websites The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia Planet Quest Exoplanet Exploration California Planet Search

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