Dr. Arnab Sen MSc, PhD, FIAAT, FLS PROFESSOR Fellow of the Linnean Society, London, UK (FLS) Fellow of Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy (FIAAT) Members of Learned Societies: Society for General Microbiology, UK (2014-2016, 2019) American Society for Microbiology (ASM), USA (2007-2008) International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB), USA Int. Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (Singapore) Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI) Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Indian Association for Angiosperm taxonomy (IAAT) Contact Addresses: Contact No. +91-9434307487 Mailing Address Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, PO-NBU, Siliguri-734013, Dist-Darjeeling, West Bengal, India. Coordinator, Bioinformatics Facility, University of North Bengal Institution email
[email protected] Subject Specialization: Cyto-genetics, Bio-informatics, Drug designing and Biodiversity. No. of Ph.D. students: (a) Supervised: 19 (b) On-going: 05 No. of M.Phil. students: (a) Supervised: N/A (b) On-going: N/A No. of Publications: Total:155 (a) Journals: 150 (b) Books: 02 (c): Chapters: 5. Impact Factor: 124.417 (as per Thomson Reuters) Country Visited (for Academic purposes): Bangladesh, USA, Canada, Portugal, France, Algeria, Singapore, UK, Tunisia etc. University Education: PhD from North Eastern Hill University in “Electron Microscopy and Molecular Biology of Frankia” in the year 1997. MSc in Botany with specialization in Cytogenetics from Center for Life Sciences Department of Botany, North Bengal University securing First class second position in the University in the year 1990. Graduation: BSc in Botany (Honors) in 1988. Awards & Recognition: DBT CREST Award 2011-2012 DBT Overseas Award 2006-2007 DST Fast Track Young Scientist Award, 2001 Principal Investigator, Frankia Genome Project (US Deptt.