Next issue published week beginning 20th June 2016 MESSENGER

Email: [email protected]

Canal Project Officer Retires MAY 2016

Friday 13 th May saw an official ‘leaving celebration’ for Project Officer, Geoff Pursglove. The celebration was held at ‘The Globe’ – and was attended by many colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Inside this issue:

Geoff took on the role of Canal Project Officer in 1994, appointed by Canal Project Officer 1 County Council to oversee restoration. He was based in Measham Community Retires Office (now Measham Business Centre) and his work, passion and enthusiasm over twenty plus years for the canal restoration was tireless. This enthusiasm has seen Geoff presented not once but twice with the ‘Inland Waterways Companion Award’ Meashm Parish 3 Council Column in 1999 and 2006. He has also appeared or been behind the scenes when television shows such as ‘Everything Must Go’ and ‘Waterworld’ not to mention local news programmes have featured the project; all publicity for the cause. Snippets of News, 5 Information and

Appeals It has always been the aim (still is) to bring the canal back from Snarestone to Measham and but for circumstances beyond control and budget funding cuts (2006) St. Charles Primary 8 I am sure that by now that aim would have been a reality. In 2005 a Transport and Raise Money for Cafod Works Act Order was finally passed (the first for a canal) to bring the canal to Measham but as mentioned above funding cuts have made this a slow process with Youth Club - Open 9 fund raising/grants having to be applied for from alternative sources. The project Letter launced a scratch card scheme in 2008 as an innovative idea to raise funds. It shouldn’t be forgotten that every year there is a Canal Festival (to promote and Medical Unit Back 10 raise funds) at Moira and that Geoff has worked hard behind the scenes to promote Page this event. He has also attended and spoken at numerous (to many to count) consultations and public/private ‘talks’.

However work at Snarestone has been active with restoration commencing in The Measham February 2009 (A ceremony was held to mark this event). Indeed by 2010 there was Messenger is a 100m of water and by September 2014 a ¼ of a mile was completed. Everything is free publication. in place to go (would take a minimum of 5 years) that one step further and navigate onto Measham and that intention was re-instated in November 2015, not least by Please take and North West Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen. It remains to be seen if the canal keep a copy. will eventually flow on our doorsteps (not literally I hope) and I know so much initial promise as rather been dubbed down but Geoff has always championed the cause and I know will be disappointed that his time within the village as not delivered Measham back it’s canal YET.

Best wishes to Geoff on his retirement which I am sure will be active and filled with Articles for the canal pursuits, not least the publication of a book about the Ashby Canal entitled ‘ November Messenger Ashby Canal, Past, Present & Future’ -Details in a future issue). should be submitted to Measham Community Report compiled by Charlotte Westhead Office no later than Co-Editor Friday 10th June. Issue will be published week beginning 20th June. Page 2 MEASHAM MESSENGER MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 3 Page 4 MEASHAM MESSENGER MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 5

Snippets Of News, Information & Appeals

Measham Leisure Centre:-

Mini Dribblers The above is run every Saturday between 11.00am – 12.00pm in association with Measham Welfare Juniors FC. It caters for the 2-5 year olds and is a fun coaching session where toddlers can brush up on their skills, drills and also partake in matches. Cost is £3 each. Booking not required. Just turn up!

Tai Chi This class with Robin runs every Monday at 11.30am. Cost is £5.40 each or £25.00 per month on the MLC membership Scheme. Again no booking required, just turn up.

May Membership Offer If two people join Measham Leisure Centre together this month , both parties get first month free including gym induction . Call 01530 274061 without delay if you wish to take up this offer.

3G Pitch The above brand new outdoor pitch is still only £15.00 per hour to hire on weekends . It is ideal for football matches between friends.

Free Room Hire There is free room hire for adult parties on Saturday evenings between 6.00pm – Midnight . The room is ideal for wedding, birthday and anniversary parties. NB: Must be parties for adults and in access of 30 attendees.

Age UK – Digital Volunteers Needed Age UK Leicestershire are now recruiting Digital Champion volunteers. They are looking for volunteers to assist the over 50’s with the use of digital equipment. There will be a number of events across Leicestershire where the use of laptops, smart phones and tablets will be demonstrated and support in the use of these products given.

For more information contact Hollie Ind on 0116 2237371

Appleby Magna Church Garden Fete The above will host their Garden Fete on June 4 th between 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Rectory gardens on Measham Road, Appleby.

There will be numerous stalls and homemade cakes. Organisers invite you to come along and meet up with friends.

Measham Bowls Club The above are looking for new members. If you are between 9 or 90 you are welcome to pop along to a regular Tuesday 6.00pm Club Night and sample the game. All you require is a pair of flat soled shoes.

For further details visit the club’s website at or call 01530 274104 to speak to Sue or Stuart.

Measham Townswomen’s Guild The Guild meet every second Monday of the month at Age Concern on High Street. June will see them host their annual Guest Evening combined with a celebration to honour the Queen’s 90 th Birthday.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 11 th at 7.00pm and you are invited to join in the fun and friendship of the organisation for just 20p.

Appleby Magna W.I. The next scheduled meeting is Thursday 9 th June and will encompass the organisation’s Annual Outing. This will take the form of a meal at ‘ The Belper Arms’ in .

The next meeting will be Thursday 14 th July at the Church Hall in Appleby and is a talk on ‘Wet on Wet Oil Painting’ by Jayne Good. All welcome!

(Continued on page 6) Page 6 MEASHAM MESSENGER

(Continued from page 5) St Laurence – Queen’s 90 th Birthday Celebration You will notice from the advert in this month’s edition that Saturday 11 th June will see St Laurence host a fun afternoon including the bizarre ‘ Teddy Bear’s Parachute’ jump.

As this is an event for the celebration of the Queen’s 90 th birthday, Organisers would like to invite any 90 year old Measham resident to join them . If you know of a 90 year old that may like an invite, please contact Brian Abraham on 01530 271149.

Measham Messenger Anyone wishing to place editorial/advert in our publication should contact [email protected] or alternatively call our designated Messenger line on 01530 382017 . Literature can also be left for our tray at Measham Leisure Centre.

We offer competitive monthly advertising rates and there is no charge for non commercial adverts such as Fetes, Open Days etc; we do however request the occasional donation/goodwill from organisations submitting these no charge adverts.

Copies of the newsletter can be picked up at the library, medical unit, leisure centre, museum, Steve’s Fish Bar, Measham News, St Laurence, D G Graphics, St Charles Church Hall, Age Concern, Youth Centre, village hall, Top Club and the cemetary entrance. There are also copies available at individual organisations not open to the general public. There are back copies on the Measham Parish Council website but I am currently liaising with the Parish Clerk re updating this as I know through past technical difficulties with our pc we are not up to date. We hope to rectify this shortly. MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 7 Page 8 MEASHAM MESSENGER

St. Charles Catholic Primary School Raise Money For Cafod

During Lent, the children of St Charles Catholic Primary School raised money for Cafod’s: “Make a Splash” appeal which has focussed on improving water facilities. Children from every class held a cake sale each week – there were many lovely cakes baked and eaten during this time! All children also took part in a sponsored event; these included a sponsored swim, an underwater walk around the village, water relays, a bunny hop and a soak the teacher event! At the end of term we held an Easter Raffle where staff donated a variety of Easter prizes.

Over the Lenten period we managed to raise an amazing £950. Mrs Elmore, Headteacher at St Charles commented: “I am so proud of our children, they have worked really hard raising money during the last few weeks and have also learned lots about how this money will help those less fortunate than us around the world. Its incredible to think that some people are unable to access fresh water on a daily basis; hopefully the money we have raised will go towards improving the lives of others.”

Youth Club Schedule MEASHAM MESSENGER Page 9

Below is an open letter from youth workers, Dawn Christian and Angela Peach who unfortunately have some bad news re the Thursday night Youth Club.

NB: There is an activity guide on the lower facing page detailing the last term’s schedule.

Dear Young People/ Parents/Carers,

RE: Thursday Night Youth Club

Hope you have all had good Easters and like us are looking forward to the light nights and better weather.

We are sorry to have to announce that because of the cuts to public services and “restructuring”, the Thursday Night Youth Club based at Measham Youth Centre, which is run by Leicestershire County Council, will be finishing on Thursday 14 th July 2016.

This County Council run Youth Club was initially held in the old picture bar, before moving to Bosworth Road and has been running for the last ten years. We have had the pleasure in leading this Club as youth workers employed by Leicestershire County Council.

Many of you will be aware the Youth Centre building belongs to the youth in the village and is held in trust for them by a management committee. This committee is devoted to providing youth facilities and activities and has always supported and linked with Leicestershire County Council to give the young people the best opportunities possible. They will do their best to keep youth activities alive in the village after the County Council have finished running the Thursday night Club.

To this end they have recently started a Friday night youth club and are hoping to finance and manage a tea time club in September. More information on this venture will be advertised nearer the time.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all young people, parents, local groups, our dedicated volunteers, the management committee and the village for all your support, guidance and fond memories over the last ten years. Page 10 MEASHAM MESSENGER

We are currently having three rooms refurbished, which may cause some disruption. We are sorry for inconvenience this may cause.

On Saturday 28 th May a team of 12 very courageous staff from the unit will be taking part in a 62 mile to Brighton walk in aid of The Brain Tumour Charity. We are very proud of them and wish them all the best of luck.

The unit will be closed on Monday 30 th May 2016 as this is a Bank Holiday.

Published by Measham Messenger Ltd, Registered in & Wales NO. 8251392. Compiled, edited and printed by Mrs C Westhead, Mr D Westhead, Registered Office, 18 Orchard Way, Measham, , , DE12 7JZ. Tel: 01530 382017. The Messenger would like to point out that they accept articles/adverts in ‘good faith’ and that they are not responsible for the outcome of any enquiries/work etc. generated from contacting anyone in our newsletter.