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G r o o d mrioriiing G o o d d aay’s ^ end igLos , stRiv Today’s forecasti s ti' MosUy sunpy. brcbreezy ond cooler. Highs in the middle: 7C■/Os.'West w inds 15 to 25 tnph. Low s 40 to 45 degrees.* , PageA2 H finids ATco ajigain By Williamn £B rock Butte County ExteExtension agent. “Right ^ 2 ^ 5 Timcs-Newsws w riter now, there’s morerc tlthan enough water for everybpdy to do ever:verything. BeeQiTg up the fafair - FFor the past nine years, DickD "It was runningB throughth here excessive- T w in Falls C ountyy FFair organizers un- - Bowo hasn'tin't seen any water in the: 1Big ly," Cheyncy soid.d, aadding that the surfeit veil new additions to0 tlthe schedule of the Lost R iver• near his.liome just souihwcsicst of of surfacc water was “too much of a good 1995 event.. thing." Page Bl O n M ay 18, the river began flowing5 paslp - swollen rivervcr produced widespread IBHIM Bown's land.nd and “it’s still running cighjht to erosion and som ee fiooding. fl( On a brighter The road to ruinlin »*’ ' 10 feet acro!:ross and about a foot deeppn in note, groundw aterr levelsIc' arc rising in areas m ost places,”:s," hc said. On Monday, thee rivi - around the Big Lost,DSt, River,I Bown soid. ■ A Twin Falls farmeimer says a proposed cr stretched:{j all the w ay to th e B ig LLost "At this time last1st yeor,3 the woter was ot • cast-side beltway wouli3Uld reduce the value |H |ji||||j River Sinks,:s, where it puddled,up and1

Mtasiire of revei^ n g e 1 PGa' golfer Craig: StStadler helped San D iego b n icials saw thethe the tree at Torrcy 9 H ! ■ die;;s at Ciiity of R(ocks K Pines Golf Coursc thatlat icost h im a toum a- B y Jennife r Hi ' m ent cham pionship cigl:ight y ears ago. r B unch 1 and her mother. NanMancy, were on the trip. PageDI T im cs-N cwI'S s writer\ . the report said. “In their grief■ thwering her dow n the rock,, rmn takes.” Keck said, PageAS :, Q according to W allacc Keceek. The accident invesivestigotion is still under assistant resenserve manager, way, he said. Offici■ficials ore not yet sure Em ily cd instantly from severe hcbead what actually happenc3cned, he said, trauma, accorcw ding to Cassio County Coi!oro- Emily was hiddenen 1by the rock when she ncr Paul Youioung; Her body was flownn to fell, so officials only3nly can. speculate os to W heaton, III.II. M r onday, hcsaid. how high she hadi climbedcli and what mo-, * .Small world?. A Cassia: CountyG SheriiTs report statlated neuvers she hud modinode, Kcck said. The rc -, that she bouncunced two or three times befc Even before its purclirchSse o f A B C liwt ;forc serve’s climbing ranranger will investigate ., , inm she lan d ed1 oion a rock at the base of t week, Americans seemiem cd to be living in •> '• UIKEaU»OURY/TT*-nm« ' the the route this w eckrk.to ti check for any rope climb. D isney’s Iw d. A dusty, unsettled MoMonday com es to a'quleilet end for Twin Falls ref fragments or loosele boltsb thot moy give a Page Cl real- The familyily stayed with the body’ forf ■ better pictuir into the accident, he said, dent Stephanie Pino0 aas she relaxes while wiwatchiM her children playpi neorlyohalfhIf hour before they sought hchelp Climbers must hikhike into Stripe Rock, In City Park. The day*>y tu rned out good,’ Pintno s a ia ^ at reserve heacicadquarters in A lm o, the repc^on. which is located ina theth reserve’s inner city -i- said. E m ily’s’s ffather, her brother D avid, 1 ' P le>ase a s i s e e CLIMBER/A2 Looking to the outsideoi .' ]Idaho di i:is leading Ameri- .-bombiling, I •can-style civil disobcdi>cdience protests in '1 •the dusty hills o f Isroel’jel’s W est B ank. welfare ' ! Rebatei PageA6 I IN^agasakki shows5 few seaars LoaL Angeles Times ocrats view the Senatetc de- More bloodshedd looms1 bate as their last chancnce to The AssociatedsdP resa W ider fighting loomsms as the Yugoslav ^ .WASHINGTON — As^s limit the scope o f the: rrevi- the Senate began debate army sends tanks andind troops toward L tc sions. Clinton, who rananJbr NAGASAKI.G, Japan — Fifty years ago,Igo, m uch jgdM Monday on landmark legis­s- office on a promise to0 dis-' . of (he world ov . Croatia in the wake of)f thatt nation’s blitz ovcriookcd the atomic boml)m bing o f j d lation that, would transfer against the Serbs. er mantle the current wclelfare Nagasaki. control of the welfore sys­s- system, has.given no1 iiindi- A visitor to:o the city today is apt to d o th e M jm jM tem to the states, Presidentnt cation that he w ould block bl same. Clinton and Democratsts the proposal if it rcacoched A couple o f ststreetcar stops north fromn Nagasa-N HKII pushed to soften the bloww , his desk. ki’s m ain tr ain ;stotion sunds Matsuyamam a-cho. a of proposed benefit cutsts I White House spokesi:sman neighborhoodi thattl looks as if it could bbe any- - arfd ar conservative Republi­i- : Mike McCurry said M on- ■ w h e rc 'in Jopa: The base commanander ■ cans ca pressed for ttfughersr -day that Clinton wasas"a WendolOVOI* broad north- provisions to discourage ’ ■Col. ^Villinm A. PccPeck takes over as P* 5e ’ long ways away froi main rood next to tlic out-of-wedlock births andid veto” threat, r o l o - i coinmander at Mournuntain' Home Air ' " tracks is linei punish recipients who fail Force BAsc. il Clinton is worki^ig; with\ 509th GGSrOUpi neat shops and PageAIO to work. ' Democrats, however n _ R 9 offices. The sweeping GOP wel­1- persuade the Senate too i d S ^ Crossin'g the fare plan, if enacted as writ­t- more funding for childd coreI one arrives, a t a pleas- ten,te would caofel the 60-)- for welfare rccipielie n ts ant park w ith talltal Himalayan cedars and a yeyear federal ^arantce of}f forced to go to work an

’ ■ ...... A .-- — . ?

i , . ' ' ‘ ' _ ■ A-2 ■nnies-Nows, Twirrwin Fialls, Idaho ' T uesday,/. A ugust B.1fl95 TF I W^atither 'Natiiational temperatui^' ■■■I Idaho> forecastsI E Q i - i ;• Max . MIn’.^cp Tuetday.AuE.8. 8 . . ______T h e> AAc^-W eather* forecastll fofc r noon, T uesday, ^ u g . 8. Accu-WetthetTorea 0- , . ■ Albuquluquorquo 96 66 ..... areon for dtytimaconditiwa»od high t 6 0 s ’ , Atlantaanta • 61, 74 .16 f — Banda a«pafsto« fil^ tilQti lampmtura 2one« for tno day. : Magic VaValley „ ■ ‘ Bostonston 72 - '60 \:.03 Icago , 88 . 7 ^ , , ..... ;g»r— li------Mostly surinjm ny, brCfezy a n d co o ler. H ighjhs in (he mid-70s. L , 8 0 s D a1108 S 2 ^ W est w inds 115 5 1to 25 tnph. T onight c lea r andnd cooli Lows 40 to ’ jm I LV \ / >L^on« Denvernver 97, 71 ...... 45. Wednesdaylay sunny and w arm er.-H ighs in the niid-80s. 6 0 a ^ E D os8 MeMoines ’ 86 ' 70''^ |CoourD‘>^n«»r The ultmviole'iolet index forecast is 8, a high[h ex p o su re level. troll 82 7 a t ..... HoftoWftolutu 91 : 78 ...... u m ^ Extendecled regional foreccast TO Hdustouston 9 0 , , 77,, .11 I <1 g \ n « Indianalanapolla • 80 ' 71, .56 fiM e£22a niuradaythnth ro u j Saturday mostly sunn}my and mild. Lows . 7 0 s KansagnsasClty .92 • • 71' ...... |Lawt«ton l7 8 ^ m id-40s to the1C nmid-50s. Highs in the 80s. jV o g a s 109 ' 86 ..... ( T ^ LosJ AniAngeles • GO. ••. .v 67 m ^ Wood Ri'River Valley Sis' Momphmphls 89 76 .09 Miamiim lBi oach 87 83 ...* Mostly sunnjnny lodny. Highs around 7C70. Breezy on the 7 0 s / ^ Mllwaulwaukbo 81 ?1 -.11 / -S u h I prairie. Tonightght clear and cqld. Lows arounund 30. Wednesday 8C inoapolla 85- 67 .57 p ------sunny ond wamarmer. i Highs in the mid-70s. #0r1oana 93. • '<74 i f c _ a «Y ork ; 79. , ,,;68 ...... a Treasurere Valley l O O a ^ ^ I ^ c C T n Oklahoiiohom aC(ty 91 74 ....; ' '^1 • , Omahalaha 92 71 Sunny today.lay. Highs in the upper 70s. No•Northwest .winds 10 f r q n \ jonix' 111 ■••'•'■69 ..... w B l ' - r Phoonij *'.J to 20 mph. TorTonight clear (uid cool. Lowsws in the mid-40s. PiUsbufsburgh ’ 88 - , i-68 ...A' WYO W ednesday sumsunny anU warm ^. Highs in thehe m id-80s. ^ ♦ “ Portian(Hand, Mo. 75 - 55 COLDD ■ " WMU STATIONARY . 0 1 PB1SQB Aeeu-wa«'nny todoy. Highs mid-SOs to3 mid-90B.1 Tonight H HL E3 ^ '22!] E 3 E 3 S . -O- t U k o City 100 / 76 LOW SHOwens -kaih rsroausItts ftcwwgs SNOW KX SWW . S a ltU ^ : ^ JiV. l^AM ; fair skies. Low:ows in the 40s to mid-5Qj. W ednesday mostly ------San Frc 1 Francisco 71 ,• ,.67 _ sunny. Highs> in the 80s to mid-90s. Breezy'y w e st during ofter- Soattloittlo . 64 54 .4 7 Spokon)kono 65 ■ ,62 ,'22 _ r ^ noon- Northernrn Utah .Washin!shlngton j 78 ...... 70 Sftanoi r-«lonnt Kam I jlBE VW AUOCMM 0>w>'^wMM e imimAau-wMvw.M. M o stly sunnjinny and cooler today. Highshs in the mid.80s. Idaho:3: IHigh. 94 degrees nt Burley./. LLow, 41 d e ^ 'e s a t Sun Volley!cy and Stanley M 3 I H T o n ig h t fa ir■. . Lows Li iiTthe 50s. W ednesdaday mostly sunny. Nation:» : High, 122 at Death Valley,y, CalifC Low, 41 otH ouIton, Movlame, and Hailey. ______1 . J oidoy’s d o y firqdongcr inde<>for A lm anaci C ______H ighs near 90.&• southculhcm Idaho:' ■ ^ t II The ullraviolciolet iijdex forecast is 9, a h igh exposure1 level. m s b Ih For>r forestfoi land, mocjprate. f ' ' Idaho ' tw in Falls Forrniir range land ih ig h a ' - p ’ ■ MeEX x Mln^ Pop M Ml ax Min Pep I C l S h OI Vweather sumnnisry Tuncto; to the N otional W ea th er Servicrvice radio bah d ot V H F-FM 16262.4,o r 162;55 MHZ , Boleo 64» I63 tr. Yesterday 8 9 67 ...... Of call11423-4423.. 4 . • . ; • BeI corcareful wilK fu t.. • ,■ ' , Burtoy M 94 63 .....- Ustyear 6 7 SO ^ strong coldold front pushed across the statiate Monday, bring- I . Fairfield ■•• 82.32 48 ..... Nomial ' 91 9 62 .01 ing scnHered showers,she gusty winds and coolM ier morning fem- Gooding 89 > pem tures. Hagorman ' 90j9VS precipitatio Northwest wirwinds reached velocities o f 355 to 1 45 m ph. N o r t h e aist s i cools o ff as ra■ain drenches OJzarkJ,' z I ■ I . . Idaho Falls 88 50’: ...... Month to dato: ' .00 In th e M agic;ic Valley,^ strong winds kickcd'd u p clo u d s o f dust Jorom o m 65> ...... Normal moi to datijato: .08 at midanimioon,lon. dropping visibility to a few:w yords for a time Tho Assoditteds m Press thaihat w as expected to keep, tempertiperatures high. ‘ '■> Lowiston 37 67 53 1.10 Water yoor lo dalelata: 14.72 and causing temj:emperaturcs to fall 15 to 20 dcdegrees in a matter At/ midday, the lempcrature! in Blythe1 and Needlea'In CaH] M alad )2 92 50 '...... Normalyeartodaldato: 9.28 of minutes, T h er NlNortheast was treated to cooleioler lemperalures ond sun- fonbmia was 103 degrees. The heatbeat index made it fcetlike 1 Malta m 'antnrti Afternoon tentemperatures warmed into thehe lower 90s over ny skiescs ]Monday after days o f intensemse heal, while heavy rain deglegreqs in Imperiol. Colif •, McCall 3 84 « Comfort fa< caste m Idaho) while wl temperatures were onl)ily in.the mid and fellinpaiparts o fth e O zarks. . Pocatello 93)3 60' tr. Humldtlyatrtoon:in: 2 7 p c L upper 504 in theLhe panhandle.I Elscwwhere, l the Pacific Northwestst continuedc to feel the ef- E Salm on 93 93 52 ...... Baromotor at noor»n: 29.85 R Widely scattcattcred showers and thundentrstom s developed if an Autumn-like stom ;iystemtem expected to drop snow live ric^ a lake, there is watc Stanley n 77 41 ...... Pollon count; 30;3; c chonopods, over eastern IdahoIda ahead of the f{ontal passage.pa Moisture /otions of 6,000 fbet, with occumulotionsocc of up to 6 Even E though you maynol live : possible in th e C oscades. all!II around nonetheless. ■ Sun Valloy ^9 79 41 ...... stinging nettles (m(modlum). amounts in thatlat sections were apparently lighght, while substan- ^ system produced strong wind'ind from the Grcot Bosin i fMeteorologists call thi; invisib/isible moisture “water vopor.’ tial m infall was rreported from northern Idaho SkywatchI astern Montana, with gustsi of'39of mph in Missoula, . Yoi'ou recognize il os humidity.. Lewiston led tho list with 1.10 inchehcs, while Coeur It is measured by an instrumcvmcnt called a psychrometer; SuDKt todiy 8:50 p.m. d’Alene had .59,.59. Crangcvillo .40, Lowll .38,18, a n d M ullon .71. Thtindiindcrstorms dumped' heavy rnirvrnii in southcostem M is- two#0 thermometers mounted sidede bby side, with the'bulb of ono Stmiue toawrrow 6:38 itm.I There were aI fe'few uace amounts recordedd elsewherei io the souri andand northeastern Aikansas. ThunderstormsTh produced wro/rapped w ith a m uslin \w ck dippl«.planet»: Morning, Saturitum. pem turesres in the 70s and 80s. bulliilb thermometer). The difTcrinc:r£nce, expresscd-as 0 percent- Evoning: Mars, Jupltor, Morcurcury. T h e Srce headquarters fly" zor:one over Bosnia when hee bombing that killed:d 168 people, Nicholsols on - federal terrorisrism Mullins, a spokcsmailan for the prose- An estimatedest 1,0D0 people who in the Pentagon. was shohot down June 2 by a Serbb was discovered Mayay 30. The last charges;es by the Friday deodlinline, cution team, refusedd 1to comment on Ijvc southsou andjcast^of Plyijiouth . .O ’Grady, 29,, stsaid that as an SA-6 susurface-to-air missile. Hee three known victimsns were recov- Michaellel Fortier, an A rm y friendid of 1 the leg, saying thota t d i s c u s s i n g it> \^ cre being b e i moved fp the north of Air Force reservisvist he win con- evadedd

______Conlinutinuedfrom At. . : Nagasaia i d ______River_ a t C ircrcle le C reek Basih,'-'Keck' said, Cohtir^ed from A1 climb can be doHe in three ; Continued from A1 * 300 pcrcsrccnt of the long-term aveitver- while meeting theirir obligations to cam e apfippai^nt: Shimohira remem-m- “There have beenn a number of agc- shareholders. sta g e ss. . ‘ • - ' ■ •• The statement wasn’isn’t entirely in* bers bow3w her older brother, .^o'ughgh JandowTicrs, espcciall;illy on the west , “Thereere were some really frighter^tcn;. „_ “There'wcre a lotIt of< people who Apparipari:mly, Emily hod climhcd , correct. Unlike centraitrol H iroshim a, he had ncnot suffered any ex te^l in­in- B id e of Highway 93,3, who say the ing figuigures up there,” Cote sait>aid. reiiiembered seven or eight years of *heh e 1ba^e o f third stage and wos “ the middle of Nagasaki>aki escaped d e- juries, diedied three days later, “vomit-lit- waterhasrisen lOto> 151 feet in their Fortunatlately, springtime tempenlera- drought and they haliated to let that descendiindirig back to 'it whdn the last • struction because M•lount o Kompirft ing yello\low filth.” wells,” Cote said. **Thi*herc are people ■ tu re s ,sstayed ta fairly low - andI fhfhe water go," he said,id. The river’s of 5 rop9 ™ slipped through her fa- V blocked the force off thetb atomic ex- Several;ral tens of thousands of peo-:o- who were bom andI raised1 around snow memelted over a relatively longlon lengthy run allowedd irrigation dis- ther’ss h;hands before h^-reali^cd t plosiont pie ore beb eliev ed to h^vc died w ithinlin h e re nnOio say th ey hih a v e n ’t seen a p eriod ofo f tim e. ■ ; trict officials to reci:c6tip water re- what wwas as happening. Keck' said; • But at the epicentei;lea in the north- a few m<;mpnths of the bombfng, andnd year like this." T h e U|u p s h o t, h e s a id , w>as th the a t leased eariier, h e said,id . ' . G le;n n TT ow n probably d id n6t real- i em section of Urakomi,imi, hom e to th e total d eal:aths ore estimated at aroundnd . . In some cases, wiwells lhat had floodinglg w ^ kept to a m inim um1. . A s it w as, the swollolleh river swept ‘^e howlow high his'dauohtef liad • largest cathedral in the•he For East, the 70,00a. gone dry in recent yearsy are now “We: dididn’t co m p l« b ly do d g e; theIh up a welter of deadadcottotiwood citmbed)cd and'that'he did'not have J horrors w ere ev ery , bit.bii as great as The gn green hills that suiroUnd Na-la- spouting w ater, h e sai«>M- bullet."” Ihe Said, .“but it could havhave that occasi9nalally formed de- enoughgh rope 16'low erh£r, -k-eck J those in HiroshimaI —— perhaps in . gasakii were'transformedi into 'Ifr , , *0 . Yeati of m e a g e r snowfalls r in the been mumuch worse,” Much of^ th bris jams and backeded up menacing. r some ways even worsjsirsp. bccausc .the ... c h a rreid; d ; moonscapes. Urakami o rs 'in bdlayliig -i'w blch 'Shfc- Hver’s upper basin,. (i:oupled with . credit, 'CoteC said, should go toI theth volimies of water, Colote said. Sever- , ‘Errors' 1' Nagosaki weapon wasvas a more ad- - Cath^ra]iral fatirst into flames on the Is clim bers w ith a ropw-^'ate a telentless groundwatericr puinpingup- Big Lostost Irrigation District for il al homes south oflfM ackay were guards cl .. vanccd plutonium boml5mb. . night of/f Aug. 9 a nd w aa left a ruin,>■ ' “Stre a m , had reducedI 1the river lo a flooded “an d there W8ivas potential for ’ cotnmonion cause'of acclderi(^,'I^cck >us operati.oh of Macka w Sakue Shimohhti, tthe h e n a l O - y ^ - . R u mlors o i spread that nothing58 dry bed of rubble linined with dead .more flooding^had those.t] jamsTfiot The park ho^ had foup similar 'oir. .- , ' . , ,’ ^ - ; ' _ ' !; old girl,.recalls,emerjierging.irom a would'gigrow in Nagasaki for 70'0 cottonw ood trees. , biroken." ' a c c idlents e n t in the last five to six ;; bomb shelter 800 yiardsyiar from th ey ears. Bui9ut they, soon proved false. As if to atone for■ misCTlyr snow- lationdiistnct officials >vbrke ‘ While some flood,d.vic^s might ycare,:ani,:and at least jsne oth«^erson ' w ith C ote’s a g r a ^ , kecpin • epicenter to discover.er ai “mbi^tain ' ■ "Thei ,v.weeds sprputed quickly,”’• falls of the past, storrrma last wmter ping beg to differ,, "if tt a blessing to ms beencen killed, h e isaili.! . ‘ 1 .of. Boowpatk levels- an I of dead bodies'* btiriiurhed;l)ey6nd „ rememb'ebm 'bbm b survivor Shizue deposited huge amoununtsofsnowin « get this water ~.'andi seei grotindwa- Butt hundredshu 6f climbers.;c,om- iffow forecasts, effectivel I recognition. ' '' , • . Nobeta,:'i,'76. She went on living in the upper Big Lost't'd i ra in a g e :. A t . ter levels coming5 bacjc1 and see. ;plctethetheir routesAsafely cach year Jie r e ^ o i r fo r flo o d contrc ) Tho effectt of nidiatliation.soon be- Nagasaki.iki. times, the snowpack vwas more than ^ titroi things so grecm,” h e sisaJd.' « intheres: reserve. K eck said.’' i

i " ' ■ c r m ia N w * , ~ : . Circulallation ■ pm.wceVcelcdaya. To report laie new* andnd and'Sundiiy S4.00 per weclcck’ dally only resullf aiter 3:30 ead on w eekends,.ds,.. S3.50 per .week:, Sunday onlyon S2.30 per ^ . I n f or r m a t i o n < Alied'wUton,circ^uwondtaiiof:; . : 'ffiSnS>•0931. wecL O u t« f itate rates: dall;lily and Sunday h K ’ •« ;[ 'ClrciOatJop phonee lioeiII: are opin be- S5.00 per Week; dally only S4.00perweek;J4 U K i ** { tween7nidlOa.nl. onlyanly.’IfybutfoDOtro- Advertising Sunday- only S3.00 per week,:k. Sales tax in- ' cdv« your by .7’ &4n.,&4I call the oiunbCT ' j e u r ^ t eluded In Ul above m e t. A r.YoKk,advertislngdircctor-.- — I^Sj^^charBc*.i " “ T" ~fbrypBr®r6K^.TV~ ! n'( ■. will be f ^ e d fo rall returned) >u.wi>b .to.plaM .aa.adyeitlscm enL------ffh - ' JeroiBio-W«ot>faut>Oi]>OtkleV' ‘ 093rMon. -/T h e Times-News (UPS 6i3l-080)Iipub- 3 1 r;. : 678^52 un'tll3p.m9.ffl. aod Satuidayi from 7 ajn . until . . . 10a.ialn/Infomtallon on display ads U avail- ■. liihed dally at 132 ThirdI St:S W.. Twin ■ • ' : ; K a I ' BuU-Cutle(brd ': 'Falls. Idaho, 83301. by MagicM Valley -W i I 543-4«48- ■ ableweekC« 1 ^ ^ only. For the Burl^- office, ' Httut «U67>40 u s postage paid' t Fil0>Roger>oo>HollItt .'■‘ atT w in Fall* 1^ The Timcs-Ni-N c ^ . Ofllclal H : ^ T f K 'ni m m a ^ ' ■' t 326-3373 ofadODntee . 'city and cbtmlypewipaperpuipursuant to S e o " ' ; : S ...... Twin FalU aad all othe ,*< .ttlon fr^lO S ofthe Idaho CodeKlerThunday b r' ■ ■ |l- , 7 33 ^3 1 .; e ^ liv e ry ; dally andlStfHaayTf 3J 5 . t perweek;.ik; daily. $2.50 per week;. Sunday,,v 'herebydesignated'asthe-dayayofthewcek . CALL ^iJifOVIES J Im’ on w U c h le p l notice* will bo^pufalUbed; HV ' . MOVIEUSnNCSlN i ' i ■ ’ SZOOptrvtt week. M til nibscriptloos must be ^ . .THEMACICVAUiV , * .' -NewaW® . 'I r'-' paid odadvance and are available onlyty •' Postnuib^ please sfri£cl.tchange o f ad- '! now* tiflarwli}ita).tBlk*r»lne..' . p p W ') M N’--,. . ' ' •. " ' • .V- ■ . ‘ • ■ • ■ -V. ■ I ------1 _ : . : \ ■ J in • , • ••• _____ :___ ■ ^ I - - - — ■ ■ ■ I I I II i ■ ■ ■ ■■ - - - - 1

• •• ) . J.

. 1 ' ■ Turuoscfoy, August 8,1995 Timosimos-Nows, Twin Foils. Idatio A-3,

I N a t i o n la sics st^fETmulbsuseo>fouf51d d e COI>unsel bni Gitngrich ' : WASHINGTON (A(AP) In a pos- Gingrich, to hel|help uled and o month-lon(mg House recess when it ' - ' research the use of an outside counsel it-gK would help resdlvi:dlvc criticized for delays by»y her locjil media Gingricp ch has contended there is noi legislation and lobbiciied Gingrich per- profit cducducalionol activity. Gingrich ; to cx^ine Speakerr N ew t|G ingrich’s q u e stio n s on thithe and national publicatiotions. under even sub$anceICC to any allegations ogainstft himhi sonally lost N oycm beber oboul foreign contendedided the book was based on his conduct, con^ssionolmal sources soy. L , ■‘'4^ ^1 scope of an indende- grcBter pressure. Also»,,: she has publicly and no neneed for on outside counsel. ownership rules for brbroadcast compa- longstand:anding ideas, which predolcd. Some Republicaicons,'-including • .< pendent counsel’sel’s expressed her desire tcto resolve qucs- Ralph)h iLotkiri, who w as ch ief coucoun- nies. That raised qucsicstions about ihc the courseurse.. Gingrich, have fierci;rccly resisted an tions aboul Gingrich, ddescribed “dead- sel o f theiie panel when on outside coucoun- S4.5 million advance: crfrcredc Gingrich' AnotheiIther issue is wbelhcr tlie coursc outside counsel. ButDt IDemocrats have The staff woiwois lock” os the mediit’s vwords,' not hers, sel wass cchosen to investigate form)rmcr shortly.afterwards by)y HarpcrCollins. was —— a;as one complaint alleged — insisted,that an outsid<:side expert should ■'T - m A told to work on a: and said She believed;d the com m itlee .Speaker:r JimJ Wright, said the commnmit- Intense criticism, scsome of it from actuallyly panf of Gingrich’s political determine whether Gi:Gingrich turned a Inarich listofpcopkwh,who would support on. outsiitsidc investigator tee wouli)uld benefit fVom the appoir)oint- Republicans as well11 as D em ocrats, empire: ratljcrrat lhan a legitimate cduca-' taxpayer-subsidizeded college' course could qualify' forfo J f the panel needed help:lp. • m cn toif fa an outside counsel, prompted Gingrich to turn dow n the tioflal activity. acli Memos promoting the into a profitable bookok andi whether the the jo b oc f outside counsel, the sourccirces Second, ronkingng committee Tlie counselcc could "provide indinde- advance later, ' course: sailsaid it would train thousands of ' course was really o pelpolitical fund-rais- said. D e m o c ra t J a m e s MMcDermott, of pendentIt jjudgm ent as to ... either linlimi- Both nien denied1 anyt connection Rcpublicailican activists. ing tool. ' T h ec agreement. by Committc'tte c W ashington, created ncnew pressures on to lionss on c the scope or additionional between the bcst-scllclling book, 'tTo Otherer ey had studied it Thai villwill raise S105 million, or the subtcrrani“ancan soli mountains that pokepoi for a while, geologis;ists realized Ihe costofthe' the cleanup. I AP photo their tipsps up inlo tlic swamps o f soutouth- mining had created tinytir cracks in the Republiubiican Rep. Billy Tauzin tried » em Louisluisiana. Texas, Mississippii aiand mountain lhat let wot(Qter .seep inlo the and failediled to stop the proposed sale, House Banking CommitteeCc aide Jo e Setteldel talks behind commilmlttee chairman Rep. Jirlim loach, R- Alobnma.na. salt cavem. He agreesrccs the oil has lo be moved but Iowa, seated at right,rig and ranking Demonocratic Rep. Henry Gonz^nzalez,'D-Texas, during;a a h e a r in g o n Tlic nnamount o f oil involved is> 300 3( i f the seepage cbnti:itinues. the scien- believeses thetl govcm m ent should Wah .Capitol Hill Mondaiday to discuss Whltewaivatei'. tim es the size of Ihc Exxon Valdioldez tisls said, the water mimay force out tlie until thehe price f goes up before selling ^ disa.slerT t:in 1989. ''T hat loss was wleviscd forum to make a person- ■ Federdl bank examiiimincr James Clark McDouiougal manipulated his variouious to put the governor’s‘s nam e on work ‘cne® wherever wh he finds it — inclu his own profession, "You cannot expect:ct to bc cfTective al appealical lo French President Jacques ' 'told the House Bonkmking Committee cnterpr■prises,” said Rep. Hcnr;nry papers entitled “Tenjn lativ e L ists o f m g in his vholeheartedly support thosejse in if you aro pro-life nndid against violence C hiracc toto reconsider his decision to , •' the S«ScL owned byf JamesJo McDougal Gonzalcalez, the committee's rankin;king Insiders.” It never wcik’cnt beyond lhat, whc 3d for in the entertainm entnt field and then resumee ic testing nuclear w eapons in ihe ■ 'w as engoged in thec'l980s I' in a fraud Democr)crat. But “there is no evidenccnce he said. Congrcssess who criticize Hollywood I I tele- ndvocnte Ihc death penaltypc and mili- Pacific cOi Ocean next month. .scheme that.fokedd 1land sales and that Bill(ill o r Hillaiy Clinton knew anyany- Republicans also arcire trying to chal- promotinIting violence in films and te! ■ booked “fictitious” profits.pro thingI abouta those monipulationiio n s, Icnge tlie Clintons’ assissertions that the ^ • ■;; Clark tcsUficd tliatlat he1 initially con- m uchI Icless participated in them,”” hhe state government urunder Clinton's >3011nate votes to0 block lawnmakers’ 1S|9(96 pay raises 'sldercd Clinton, then;n Arkansas> gover- added, direction did nothi:[ling to benefit nor, “a tentative insidisider" at Madison Clarkirk’s testimony went lo thothat McDougal. GOP co:ommittec staff WAS^SHINGTON (AP) — TThe increase only forir members of whichI nono one opposed the proposal. ' Guaranty. Byt he aclacknov/Icdgcd he point,1. McDougal, the ownerr oof members hove detaileilcd 158 contacts Senatec hhas voted lo block mcmbtnbers Congress, whose annnnual salaries ore The: pnprovision was made a part of never found'that the prebident had Modisonson Guaranty, was “the principi:cipal b e tw e e n th e C linntons t nnd the ofCongingrcss from receiving an auto-aui 5133,600. The House Hi has not a bill providingpro S23 billion next year ■anything to do withI wwl hat he callcd tlic insider^':r^’ in the mid-1980s amongng a McDougals from 1978?8 to 1987. motic 2.42.* percent pay raise at a1 tittim e approved sim ilar langnguage. for thee Treasury,T Postal Service and “pyramid scheme” at thetl institution. groupJ o f fav o red b o rro w ers atI the th While nearly 50 oof the contacts when theyth are trimming spendiiding Sent Fred Thompipson, R-Tenn., severalal smallers agencies, including On Tuesday, Rcpu:publicans plan to S&L, he testified. . jycrc .from the lotetc 1970s when forhundindrcds o f federal programIS. s, who sponsored thee provision with the White'hitc House. It is one of several cal! three S&L investijatigotors w ho have “A ^group o f Madison insiders wawas - M cDougal w as a stateIte officiol work- By voiccvo vote during their scssijssion Sen. Pete Domc^nicici, R-N.M., said spcndin,ding bills that Clinton has alleged that McDougaugal diverted S&L' obtainin;ling cash in what amounted totoa ing for Clinton, the; remainderI per- Saturdajiay, senators voted to prcvcevent congressional pay raisesri would go threaleneened to veto. ' proceeds to the Whitelitewater land ven- pyramiimid scheme” by borrowinving tained to Whitewaterr and■ other busi- the incrccrcasc from taking cffectt Oct.O over badly with the: publici at a time The; o\overall bill was approved by . _,.turc and to Clinton'5in’S guberaalorial money:y from the S&L, concoctin:ting ness and poHticol maltcIters. l.thestistart o f fiscal 1996. By law,w, all .ofbrood budget slashshing. . voicc vote.vot campaigns. phony/ real r estate deals and rcolizinizing M cD ougal spoke to tc Clinton about federalll ccivilian workers automatic;iticol- “Automatic pay increases,ir where Such diversions keptke the Clintons excessivsive profits o f f the minsaction!ions, building a brewery onn tw o acres south ly re cccivc c i annual cost-of-livi:iving wc do not even ho:iove to v6tc on 17*****" from having to pay' ththeir foif share in Clark toltold lawmakers, of Little Rock, soyiniing in a letter to increosc:ises set by the president unlcjnlcss Ihem, stick in thehe craw of the *WE USED TO \ the money-losing W^hitcwatcrW, land “Theyley didn’t m ake payments onnthe th busincssmon Seth1 'Ward that he Congrc;rcss intervenes. Presideidcnt American people, anand it is dcstruc- * venture, the GOP olleglieges. ■ loans,” Ihe said, also calling ottentioItion expected the projcject would bc CUnton>n has called for a 2.4 pcrccrroent tivc to what we aro: uultimotcly'trying IHAVE l A S A L E S O N I The-. Clintons havhave denied any to sevciv'crol checking accounts att the th approved by liquor>r control board boost, to do hero in -this body,”bc the fresh- i .knowlcdgeofsuchdivdiversions. , S& L thothat were routinely overdrawn,01. members appointed byb; the govcrrior. Saturdiirday’s vote would preventnt thet mon said during a1 Ibrief debate in •J ’ . . "In this venture calliallied Whitewater,”' Amorlong them was the Whitcwatck'ater The brewery w as neveii-er built. . the Clintons’ partners3^“ ' providcd virtu- real estestate checking account thothat Twelve days cariiclier, Clinton had ally oil ihcffponey; theiie igovemor-in-the- McDouj5ugol managed. been notified in a Ictteiter by M cD ougal. I SEND YOUR STLTUDENTBack To Sc•school I -D- tiove that he w as paying do'lown a bonk loan ^ I y .. JLINDS . ..making provided hiss niname,” said com- W h ihliie the Clintons did not hov aiitteo choirmsm Jamesnes Lracl^ R*Iowa, ‘ loans atat'Modison, Clark said he ververy to Clinton by $7,3222 i out o f proceeds I fmHSOUnHING] f l } THEY CAN REALL]y ro sf... I AS3 MIV U CH AS... ’ r plinton’s chie^Whitcwtcwatcr critic. • quicklyly 1becam e aware upon his onivirival from the W hitewater account.ai . Lcoch promiseded to show the ^ u i]

■ iSH S SU T ■ ■ I , O ur H[ANDSai « ( g QICitO R O N ic,______r . ; : ^ 095 ^8 0 i M o v e .i9 < ^(I : a r t s ^! I :||||| YPEWRITERS-"" 7 A«dup [Bilt p p IM Cbinitka ■■ . IS SCEUSBEfEFOnE YOU BUYI lwhent)ieOiOccasion 1 X —-— ^ Ww e j u s t o f f e r "n ; coMPiEreH SYSTEMS A tthe low est C a f e f t r .F16werS;-/|: M . f l g . M ' iulB gi9Sa- (1176 Blue UkeaIkes Blvd. N..T\vln Falls- I ;i ■ ^1 _ J 1____...... ‘ ...... — 3 e . 7,;------—

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- - / N a t i o n I ■. ; I AM^4 evolIves inltoleac der ■ i n b aitde gainst 1tobac WASHINGTON (AP;AP) — After all The AN\M A occeptcd millions ofdol-ol- tliink the AMA has'bcencn vcty activc.” . bul avoiding the battletie for years, the lars fromm ttobacco m akcrs'in the 1960s30s But, "they have not bbeen out in the American Medical Assossociotion is tak* to studyly ; sm o k in g ’s h ealth risk s,, a ’ forefront," snid Scotttt B allin o f the ^ ing the lead in pushingg f(for federal reg- m ove thehe industry used for yeors to Coalition on Smokingg 'or Health. "It • |^ H 'Mk: ulution or tobacco as an addictivc assert thathat the question of whetherler was not as high a prioiority as h'eahh , dnig. to b a c c o0 Icauses cancer wos unre-rc- care reform and mediwical malpractice wB . The riictoric has risencn •— comparing solved. • ... the pockeibook issuescs for doctors.” ^ £ 0 t t , the industry to “the Med hihide tobacco’s campaigrign credited w ith'triplingng newspapers last year,, thet AMA had dangers. The new prc:^resident of the Califomji•njo’s smoking decline. The'h e largely ignored tliem untintil Glantz gave doctors organization,on. Dr. Lonnie Califomiiinili M edical A ssociation sup-ip- them a scientific revieiew. Suddenly,' ■ Bristow, fairly bristlesrs aat the indusuy p o rts dlivcrting iv $102 million eor-ir - die doctors got angry, declaring:di "The cfTort. m arked1 by b; law for tobacco controlrol U.S. public has beent I a year, calling that "a scare cinc at the Universityty of> Colifomia, a formidaidablc foe. "The anti-smokerscrs buy that pack of cigarcircttcs, call the congress:ssm a n a n d m o re th a n 10'100 “ H e has to decide whetjether he’s 0 pro^ ta c tic from fro our political oppo- San Francisco. “W hileIc theyll have a ter- lik e to position pc themselves as thehe police." Bristow adviseSCS.. " T h e r e ’s n c h a n tinng g labor activists disrupterums and launching petition ballroom,m, Gingrich, who had been i:in enduring the mindles::ss protest" and drives,,10 to avoid what Rep. Sander o w aitingng room, left without delivciiver- attacked what he calailed “the irra- Levin, ■ D-Mich.,D 'claim s is the m g m s sp(speech. tional demagoguery"f" of the White “Medicarecare Pearl Harbor” looming during?1990s^lU.S.officidais dair “ W hereere is Newt?” the demonstrastra- House in claiming thd said the'United States andmd Fleming. “1 know wc.ccan% rovai, norched up the aisle ^ d satiton o Earlier, on tclevisiision, Gingrich his plann byb} the first or sccond week ing AIDS deaths, but}ut perhaps also other couiountries must make a strongergcr because we must.” 3C, waving fists and shoutinjting, said the Republicanin plan to save ofSeptemlember. i the decade of contaittainmcnt of the cpmmitmitmcnt to pay for AIDS prcven-cn- Undersecretary of SlalcS Timothy, is seared!" 5270 biliion from N*Medicare over Gingricgrich.and House Majority disease through globtobal prcvei^tion tion and)d education programs. The'he Wirth said dislocation:ins'of poor ana 1 asse seven years will sim]mply “limit the Leader• DickDi Armey, R-Tcxas, sent ; programs, the head of the U.S. gov- Ageitc'yy for Internationalnal increasingly unhcalth)hy populatiotii T , dcmonstrotors . left en mass cmment’s foreign assijssistance agency Develb^prficnt accounts for more tlianlan threatens lo worsen the,v yAtnc^:,Um and Lewitwis addressed them outsidside rate of growth” andd that actually, their troorOops home for the Augusi | cAIDSepidcm- jhcballro. “ every year M edicarec (spending)( will recess withwii slide shows and thick | said Monday. halfoPthcthe money spent on such pro-ro- ic. room. must tell the Speaker, Mr.Mi go up.” packets> ex[>Iaining ex options the GOP { More than 19 millionion men, women grams worldwide.wc wilh a budget ofo f "A ID S is not likely to run its course _. ™ Ich. and we must tell the th Sen. Poul Coverdel iidcring to revamp Medicare, and children worldwide'ide — including S121 millilillion this year. a n d s u b s id e ,” h e told ti a State G«ng” ch ell, R-Ga., who is considci more than 1 million AmAmericans — arc " O ur r rhetoric r at internationallol. Department briefing. “Without better licans to toke their greed;!cdy spoke at the town meeeeting before the the $17878 billionI health program for now infected wilh HIV,IV, tlic virus that meetingsgs still surpass the tangibleble response strategics, wiivithout massive ^“2“ )fT of Mcdicore,” he said, disruption, said. “Tholose voices who 33 millionlion senior citizcns and 4 mil- causes AIDS, said J.. BrianB Atwood, actionsIS of our governments,”s,” behavioral changes, we’rew going to . lling the civil rights march:h t which ollows them this year. A IDS deathsIS area expccted to policy forfor the White House, said U.S.LS. tum . Already, in Thaili£d'£Sd SSlShip' o f this s p e ^ e r who warivont d e le g o tio n to C o n g^ress, n h a d b een to go to) anyan; doctor they wish, hit 1.5 million to 3 milliilillion by the year A ID S funding fun has increased 40 per-er--- condom use and availalability o f anti- i “us bock to another pcriociod, invited to share thithe stage with Seniorsors nowi must pay S716 for the “ 7 .2000, when 10 m illion3n i children could c e n t sineince President Clinton tooklok viral drugs have resultcted in a 79 per- Ji"**® what Roosevelt did. whob'hot G in g ric h and o th e r BR cpublicatis a t 'first dayy in'thein hospital, a SlOO annu- be orphaned by the discsiscasc. oftlcc. AndAn the House reccntly.agrecd:ed ‘cent dccrcascr in repoi•orted sexually Truman1 ddid, w hat K ennedy did, wwhat hi the public m eeting spcponsorcd b^ thC' al dcductibictiblc for doctors’ bills and 20 A ID S is now th e No. Ni I cause of to boostst funding for the Nationalnal transmitted diseases sinccsi 19,89, he 1 Johnson did. Congressional Institutute, 0 conservaf percentIt copayments, c and S46 a death for Americans ageaged 25-44. Institutee oc f H ealth’s ofTice that deals:als said. H e also ciled incncreascd condom . must ^ say we arc not goin,oing tive policy group. it month premprct ium s for their P ^ B cov- "These statistics arcire not so m eo n e' with thee disease.d use in at-risk countiitries such as nd will not go back.” Lewi:wis Gingrich, oppeoriiring on NBC’s croge. elsc’s problems," Atwoptions paper leaked from the fcrcncfi of more thaihan 700 AIDS progresss inii preventing A IDS infectionion tection is credited witliJi preventing an . .. , s 'is one day Newt Gingric!:rich administrat^oo’s ovown Medicare House WWa; ays and M eans Committee a experts sponsored byy hish agency. “If of unbornom babies and in developinging estimated 110,000 HI^IV infections didn t getget his way,” gloated Stewoiwort trustees have concludcded the prdgrain month agoago spoke o f sharply increa.s- com m unities w ither andanc nations fail, better antinti-viral drugs, she said. sincc 1989. A cuff, presidentprc of the Atlanta Lobeobor “storts to go broke ncnext y ear ftnd is ing the ,dedeductible ond;making the Council.1. bankrupt in seven y eors." a r elderly paypaj as much os 25 percent of . I Later,r. Gingrich, attending theth He dismissed critiiticism that the doctors’i' biUs bi if they refused tb switch A ctor L arry• y H agm an undidegoes surgeryy Read the Clasissifieds. opening; oof a senior citizens centerer i:in plan could cost seniotors an addition to manogccaged care. LOS ANGELESES (AP) — The one-houror operation, per- ‘‘D o l l a s ” s t a r L a;rry r r ’ Hagman, formedd underi local ancsthefic ; awaiting a transplanant to replace Saturdayly at Cedars-Sinai Medical _j his canccrous liver,er, underwent Center,r, involved blocking an - surgery designed1 twe are able to buy at huge discounts and p the savingss con to you. Watch forr tremendoustn Hot Summt Collegee of Southeern Idaho ■ H Buys.t), specially priced, andId savea even morel l 5 7 '

n B | B | " - . . E i ' PIAi U O sSALE Id / B H I H i j I V S i Numerous pianos willirili be liquidated ■ r = rJ;- -thil Saturday on camampus between mEWAPPOIHTMENTS] MdltloiialMomatlon 9:00 and 5:00 p.m. Grands,Gra consoles j (208)735-1334 JE ' and upriglits In manyy finishesfl will bs ------, on sale. Some are lessiss than one year' -.V old. Brand names Incliiclude Steiriway. l l Kawal, Baldwin, Samicklick & others. For .C’. more Inlormatldn, or tto schedule a ? preview call the Coliegilegs of Southern : Idaho Music Dept.

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C ollege of S o u ihtem en Idaho ' ' Z04\Main Ave. North •• Twin1 Folls^ X^oho I . 316 F alls Ave ; . r^733-Zlfl. luddillMtyavalUblatti^uBli f : | l . ( 2 0 8 ) 7 3 5 r 1 3 a . Dunkliy Mosle (oe. h • o • nri ^ '■■■ ■'■ . H o u r s : . i . - F r i . 9i3Q '.6iaO^ A i t S a t . . 9 : 3 0 ^ 3 0 f u rn 1 / h I Frei'^irWngjj'Ait Ai>olk^Ie ‘! \ SSEESEDESSEESSl .V-r; ■ ...... 1 ^ , (

■ ' i

i . ’ • / ' ■ ' ' 1 - , z ' . , TuoSiosctoy. A ugust 8, 1995 Tlmos-N35-Now3. Twin Foils, IcJoho A-5

.f.1 ■ i j N a t i o n Milit;tary asssembl•led at(om ctbomb$s in reimote 1Utah ! Los Angeles Times I inhospitable desert, thetl primitive be droppedcd onc Hiro.shiina and ihc bul- ; , . I accommodations, the dudust, the rancid bous plutonitonium "Fat M an" thot would |:i WENDOVER. Ulnhoh:— - Il w as the I drinkjng water, the ternrmites, thc rats fall on Naga:agasaki. fall'of 1944.!andU.t. (Col. Paul W. 8 I|8 |B S and mice, the sheer reremoteness of Most of tthc mock-ups were filled Tibb'cts w as looking; for fc Ihe perfect their position,’’-Thom[nas and W itts, with concrcicrete. but some of the Fat ; - ■ airfield for the jo b — “an isolated ^ wrote. “They hated notit 1knowing why ' Man mock-iick-ups contained everything • I ; location, the,farther fromfroi civilization ^ they w ere here.’’ but the nudeuclcar components — includ- ■ ’ the better.” ; A ’ Then, to everyone’s’s surprise — ing largec quantitiesqi o f conveniionnl ; ' W hen hc got to Wcndinidovcr, hc knew . before the training gott underi way in explosives:es: ;• he’d found it. earnest — Tibbets grananted everyone On onee SSulton i Sea run, a consulting ' • “I liked w hat I saw.V;V heh w rote years jipl Christmas leave in Deccccmber 1944. engineer accidentallyacc dropped one of I;! later. “Il was remotelie in th c tru e st Q What he didn't tell thciicm was that it thc cxplosivasive Fat Man m ock-pps loo ; •; sense. Excejjl for the! nearbynt village, M was a ploy to test securityity. soon. TlicIC bibomb narrowly niissed-tlic • • w ith a population o f' littleliti m ore than S As thc men ofthe 50909th headed for town o f Calipatria.Cali burying it.self in a • 100, that part of Utahah was virtually home, they were met atll thc Salt Lake hole 10' feelfc dccp:bul failing tu I uninhabited. Surroundinding thc field H jlH H tt Cily railroad station bjby undercover explode.. SeSecurity men raccd lo thc ; . w ere miles and miles o f salt5 flats.” M operatives posing as soliolicitous civil- scene withith bulldozers and quickly It was here, ju sl outsiutside thc lonely S , ians and friendly erased all cvidcncc ' : ;. desert town that stradd:iddles the Utahr ^ ' iiciviccmcn. (|I nearly di^d wherlen I mishnp. ; Nevada state line, that'lat T ibbets’ men 32 Two enlisted M ea n w h ile , in ; ' undertook a project so3 scsecret that m ost ^ men from the first saw assembly buildings ^ • o f them didn’t kKowf w: w hat it. was all . •' , . • |m 509lh answered (Wendover). I camime placed well out on J •. about until it was oVerrr —- a ss« n b Iy o f |£ the detailed ques- the Bonneville sah ; 1: the only atom ic b'oi^bs.^b5.'ever used in E tions of a pleasant from the sort of fiats — a mile or ;; war, and trbining ofif tltfe^cw that H “ofncer.” who piplaces where therlere more from thc ! ' ■ dropped thc first onn H irosllim a 50 ' said he would Wo>’& w ater andid main b:^c at ■ years ago Sunday]'. . SB soon be joining Wendover — men ; ^: Not m any shared TibiTibbets’ enthu^ •" .'•i.v I - Bw the unit. Within a 9grass and trees.■ Ii . like Joe Badali, ' ; ' asm for Wcndovdr. were brought tions neededJed to achieve the higli degree clutch o f gansh casinosos on0 thc N evada “Bockscar':ar” — named by its trainingng else he wanted on a top-jvpriority basis. The spraijrnwling base was surroundedled in to replacc the originalal 15 bombers, of reliabilitylily requiredi by thc mission, ' ' side that cuter to'thchc travelers on pilot, Fredred Bock — the aircraft thatlat Hc said hc selected1 tthc isolated with barbecbed wire fcnccs. with certainain Tlie ncw planes had imprproved engines Accordiding n to historians, three Interstate Highway 80.). dropped1 ththe sccond atomic bomb on Wendover site bccausc: ““there was no restricted1 orcasai denied to all but a spc-pc- and larger bomb bay dotioors and were nuclear bombsbor were assembled al B ut'w hat's Icfl o f thche Iairfield on thc N a^isaki'oci'onAug. 12,1945. placc nearby for fun-loviiving men wiih * cial few., Phone PI calls, mail, even off-)ff- stripped o f heavy armamment to permit Wendover:r —- the Little Boy dropped ’ southeast odgc of townwn is still much Tibbets,:ts, now a retired Air Forcccc six-hour posses to get intc ccommanding a force asscm-Tl- would confuse other minilitary people. Tibbetss figuredf his men would hateate over thc Caribbean. S(so thc crcws Fat Man waswas cmplaced at Wendover, ■ ■ • September 1 9^ and JulyJul 1945, mas- bled to d(deliver the most powerful'ul and arouse their unconca:ealcd curiosity the place: fromTr thc outset, and.he wast’as would gain cxpcricncccc navigating -Withinn hourshi of assembling the sive four-engine B-2929 bombers — explosive'c cdevices yet known to man. in thc m onths to com c.” right, accoicording to “Ruin From theihe over thc occan. .* Hiroshimaria bomb'.'''lheI planes, crcw s ■ •' • ih<5n thc largest opemtioational planes in “ M y joljob, in brief, was lo wagegc Fred Olivi, now a retirtired civil engi- Air," a histlistory o f Ihe project by Donipn T h c te st bom bs w erere full-sized and bombs3S oo fth e 509th left W endover the w orld-j-were rollrolTed mto that atomic wiwar,” Tibbets wrote-in hislis ncer living in Chicago, wosw a 23-ycar- Tliomas ancand Morgan Witts, m ock-ups o f the real thin;ing — the long forever, wingingwir Iheir way west to ■ hangar for nuintcnance.ce. O ne o f tJiose book, “Thcfhe Flight o fth e Enola Gay.” old sccond lieutenant whvhen he arrived ‘They hahated thc blcaching heat, thcthe and slender uranium “L‘Little B oy" to -Tinian andid theirth dates with history. I cluster b( a B-m ovie direct:tor found buriedd iunder his house Saleimiaim sentencjced to prise>on in Iraq )om b case L O S A N G E L E S (A ( P ) — A l P o licc: issued is; a homicide arrest MIAMIr(AP) — A Teledyne• Industries Inc.ne. Persian Gulf War andid was^ brought to court asIS ; in an international armsns venture pursued by unin-in- A dam son, a B-m ovic didirector whose warrant for foi Q contractor who hod- Mf, salesman fvas sentence(iced Monday to nearly 3^3 ^ evidence agafnst Johnsorison. ■ dieted Tcledynq-manageBgcment with secrct supportort films included "FiFive Bloody been livinik-ing a t A d a m s o n 's h o m e . years in prison for-parparticipating in a coiporateate Johnson showed tio0 emotione as U.S. District:t from President Reagan;an's CIA director, thc lateitc G raves” ;ind “ Satan’si SSodist.s,” was while rcmo^modeling it. Fred Fulford. scheme toMllcgallyicxlexport a key ingredient. in Judge Shelb^ Highsmitlinith scnicnced him lo three:e W illiam Casey. found murdered and bburied under- 46. traveled:Ied to Florida about a week • ■ cluster boiiibs that'Wereere sold to Iraq. ■ years and five m onths in prison,| three years o f pro-)- “Johnson has alwaysys followed thc directioh oof f ncoth his house, before Adaridamson was reported miss- Edward Johnson1 wwas thc only Tcledync'nc bation and a fine of $25,C25,000. Hc was scntcnccd onm his superiors,” his attomjmcy, Gerald Houlihan, saidjid Thc body of thc <66-ycar-old ing, policcee said.s . • employee convicted fotfor thc defense contractor’s)r’s four counts of conspiracyjcy and export violations andid after thc sentencing. "Tl"That is a question that wasras Adamson was d is c o v e re d P o lic c havc h; not established a • • sale of the metal zirclirconium to Chilean armsm s faced a possible 5VJ-yearar prisonp term. not allowed to go to the.h e ju ^ .” W ednesday in li\dio,0. about 150 motive fortbr thc slaying or a cause of m aker Carlos' Cardocn.:n. Johnson, who worked:ed at Tcledync Wah Changlg Prosecutor Frank Tanamen callcd it “a fairly sig-ig- miles southeast of LosL< Angeles, death. Ann autopsyai was scheduled for The cluster bombs, morem useful against peoplepie Albany in Albany, Ore.,Or handled S4 millionn nificant scntencc. It refit:nccts thc seriousness of thehe Indio policc said Monduday. * Wednesday.Jay. _ than equipment, wereere bought by,Iraqi Icadeider. ..worth of zirconium ordcirdcrs from Cardocn. a U.S.-.- crim c.” ...... Saddam Hussein duriluring Iran’s human waveIVC educated engineer who10 became1 a corporate titanin A Clinton administr*uration inquiry found U.S. • attacks'in thc war withith Iraq in the !980s. One: ool f know n as ilic “R ockcfcllirdlcr of-Latin America.” policy grew to favor IroqIro in thc Iran-lraq war but thc bombs tumed upp i:in an Iraqi bunker in thc ' The defense depicted:d JohnsonJ as "a small fish”i” found no evidcncc of diidirect U.S. support for Iraq.

Webster HHubbcll enteters federal piprison to be^gin 21-m ontlth sentence I itiori^ ' ' C U M B E R L A > JDt.'M .'I d.(A P)l — .Websterter time friend associate atto:ittorfley general, Hubbcll.”’ said Mary AAnn Vamcr, admini.stralor Hubbcll,' the former NoNo. 3 official’at tne Justiceice One of thc clients hce bilkedb was the Resolutionn o fth e prison, PUBIUCHEA i- Tlic com plex’s m inimlimum-sccurity prison camp IRING Departmenl, checkcciIccd in lo a f e d e ra l p ris oon n Trust Corporation, whichlich at the time was invcsti- np PR O PO SED BUDC)G ETfor FISCAL YEAR: 1^1995-1996 (FY96) ' Monday^'to begin his: 21-monlh21 scntencc for maillail gating thc failed M adisciison Guarantee Savings &k is used primarily foror firsl-limc, nonviolentnt CITYr iOF HOUISTER, IDAHO0 { 8 3 3 0 1 ’ fraud and tax evasion. Loan, which is at thee hheart of the Whitewaterir offenders. IWO (Dd. SO-IOOl W h hdd b oBsiWdteDlteodhetnpMd^loibfiMl < ,' Hubbcll was scntencc'need in laie JuneVdr stealinging investigation, It resembles a college:gc campus, with a softball FTQUEl 30J99L TIw kovtag bt bdd dCnYHMIOFHOimd cm IDAHO ol6:3S ' 5482,410 from his priva!ivaie clicnts ai the Rose Lawaw Hubbcll showed up1 justju: six minutes before hisis field, pool tables, twoI handballhi courts, basketball Firm in Little Rock, ArkArk., where first lady Hillaryiry noon deadline for surrcirrcndcring at the FederalII courts and a jo g g in g tracrack. ' ■ s a partner. Hubbcll left thethe Correctional Institutionn inii western Maryland. Inmates arc housed1 d dormiiory-stylc with four =ass lie btdlng. TU ftnfMi FYfi BUDCn n ■ ’ Rodham Clinton was a firm when President CliClinton appointed his long-lg- “Hc walked in and1 saidsa ‘Hello, I’m Webster:r to six inm ates to a roomim. . PUBIIS)VBIISHD: Augint tu end Augutl 8iK 199S — PIPROPOSED REVENlNUES FUWDWAMt — FY 95------FITQ6 - - - Gonerol Fund/cofry ovor 3.000.00 2.000.00 Intoroti 0 0 900.00 Equipmeat Fund • 0 0 3,200.00 ProportvTax Uvy 7.200.00 10.660.662.00 11,108.00 \ Ijquof/Soloj kw, etc. 8.000.00 4,004.000.00 5,000.00 ' Ueon»«/P«rmiH - - 400.00 600.00 60 600 00 t t B l Po»ruro/V/Qtof Rent 1.668.00 t,701.700.00 750.00 i v m Highwoy Uicn > S - 5:000.00 5,00 IJYS 5.000.00 5,650.00 Ton 10,292,00 5.000.00 5,00 0 (Jrantt, otc. 104.292.00 0 0 . Sdo oF Redwood Tank 0 3.500.00 3,50 0 TOrAl 137.510.00 33/«3/*100 29,208.00 1 i WATER GARBAGE FUNCND; Carryover 0 , 20200,00 1.000.00’ / Swivel Wotor 15.677.60 21,501.500.00 19,300.00 9 '^ o c lc e r i (ktrbogo 0 5000.00 500 6030.00 • TOMI 15.677.60 :^6.70(i.700.00 26,330.00 ■ r ~ ~ f c v w T s g GENERAL FUND; : ; j r ’Q W r e ~ ~ ] LJ2 Inujrenee 2.800.00 3,303.300.00 3,000.00' Hv«y. UMrs Fund 3.776.49 6,000.00 Offico ' 1.302.00 - 30300.00 250.00 •' Moyor/City Cl«fk 2.078.00 , 2.672.675.00 4,200.00 ■J Advefliiemenl . 356.16 20200.00 200.00 Poflt/AAoteo • 0 1,501.500.00 0 Playground 0 '■ 10100.00 0 I ProFettionol: AceounlonI 2,217.33 2,002.000.00 -2.000,00 Accounrant 1.332.50 0 0 Legol 3.000.00 0 500.00 Wclof Tonk Grcnl 104.954.00 0 0 Wotof ProjeetTan 10.297.00 • 10,290.297.00 7,958.00 Mointononce 6.308.00 1,2C1.200.00 1,600.00 Miicolbnooui 325,52 1,0C1,000,00 • 800.00 WolerSfwroj 2,537,36 765.0076 0 AicOrdinonce 0 • ' 5000.00 50C 2500.00 EkK3ior> 175.00 2C200.00 200.00 lOT/U 14X056.36 33^3.462.00 29,208.00

Water Molntofwneo, ^ 0 2.000.00 2.0C 3,405.00 Pork Maintooeneo 4.022.58 . 0 500.00 a MiKslloneoui 0 .76769.00 500,00 \ DEQ 295.00 205.00 20 325,00 J kJoho Power 4;778.91 6.500.00 6.5C 6,700.00 Gwbog* - V, ■;r .•/. - -4.002.58’ . 5.000.00 5,00 6,000,00 '4 '- '■ 520.28:-., ■ ■ .60600.00 I 600.00 R«ofv«Aed. ■ ,'5*...... 566.08 586.00 58 ' 650.00 204 Mi{ain Ave. North • TiTwin FallSf Idaho B o ^ InlefMt 2.900.00 I, 2.750.00 2,75 2,650.00 — 733-71111 — •, • Bond R«d«mpHon 3.000.00 3,003.000.00 3.000,00 WoterTetKng 2,493.25 500.00 50 500.00 h • o • rn1 • e / Hours: Office Supply/Po^ 0 1,501.500.00 1.000,00 1 ■ T-. 0 ••• . 500.00 50 0 -Fri. 9:'30-6:00 •• Sat,! 9:30^5:30^ i ^ lb r te o u i Solary ■ O' ' ' 2/000.00 2/OC ' 500.00 • f t i r n 1 / h I rn g / 'Fre,e Parking is Av.\vailable AdwHtemenl 0 ...... 200.0020 . .0. I l n '/: Troining 52,00 ...50500.00 > 0 g TOrALt 2 2 ,6 5 0 .6 8 ' " . 2 66700.00 7 0 26.330.00 ;

r .— . • . - , ; . I ■I .

""m Timos-Nows.Twinvin IFoil's, Idaho T u esd ay , ^ugujfluste, 1995

- W o r i d ■ J : ’ ■■ j. , -T Ameijrican:rabbi;at ceniter of' settle]:r protiests B o m b - JERUSALEM (AP;\P) — Thirteen |T~ ~ demands to Israel’s ppariiamcnt, the years after hc left hisliis clcgant syna- Knesset. jxplosion' goguc in uptown Manlanhattan to help / • " Wc have one Kncssiss'et, not twp,’’ hc .| .settle Israel’s oecupi10 c one immediately cloimed .accojint. They arc dcmz/nonding i a refer- Bank. hc said, even;n with limited ; respon;ponsibility. But the Ellalan ( endum on the Israel-Pll-PLO agreement Palestinian autonomy. Force,ce, anI extremist Tamil group :currently under negotgotiation, which Israelis say they believieved to hove links witfe would provide for thehe withdrawal of B pIB lited autonomy ' Tamilnil Tiger rebels, threatened M any right-w ing Isi •Israeli troops from WWest e Bonk tow ns os restricted self- ftidayday to cxpldde bombs in would support limit ,-and th e d e p lo y m enIt t cof Polcstinian :sencc of armed Colomlombo to protest allege^ ’ which they describe as ” police. ' atrocitiiwities by the Sri L a n k ^ mil- rule w ithout the prcs< Riskin insists thatat a: majority of tests by Efrat’s itary. Palestinian troops. y- 1 ■ . I'Israelis do not support>rt ithe agreement, } when Efmt set- VAllAll indications arc thatiit was . Asked about protc: -•which hc says w ill endanger cnc the set- jutside the settle- an LTILTTE attack,” said atdeputy"i Palestinian neighbors v -tiers. fP ftc med they were policclicc inspector,! H.M.G.B'; tiers look over a hill ou “Certainly my civilMl rightsi arc very „ .. , « Israelis.” Kotakotakadcniya, referring to the” i Shlomo Riskin. left, IsI tataken down Dagan Hillll during< a police evacus;uatlon ofthe settler ■>pno«> ment, Riskin claim< much at risk,’’ he said,lid. "The chanccs * self.as a liberal. Libera)eration Tigers for Tamil IS "incited by left-wing Is; ‘that I would be abletie to live in my on July 31. Riskin, an AnAmerican Immigrant froiom Now York City, has temerged a s a loader o in the moderate Eelam,am, the main Tamil gucrrilltf't . Riskin'styles himse nhome at pcace are almmost a nil." t h e civilvll disobedience againstst Israel'sI plans to turnn ovec control of parts3 ofo the W est Bank to [lovcmcnt, which force.:e. 1Policc ibelievc, the bomb'- ro i ‘ and hc is ccrtainly in - Yossi Beilin, Israerael’s economic Palostlntlnlans. like followers of wass m meont for thc;Siatc-ruri" camp of the settler mo planning minister, scofcoffed at Riskin’s Cahane — anoth- radioio tand television network';’ includes extremists lik allegations. major ississue on the agenda betweenn jis bccausc wc want themn to live in secu- whatever'cr possible to protect them.” ) want to see all Rupavipavahini, the inspector told the late Rabbi Meir Ka “They are demonstristrating as i f w c and thec IPalestinians," he said. "Mos4ost rity. They ore demonsnstrating against Foreignign Minister Shim on P e r» sai 1 from the occu- , The; AssociatedAs Press. I cr American — who ^ are neglecting them,, whilew that is the o f th e piproblems wc arc having ar(arc the government thatt isi trying to do the settletiers should be bringing the : said Palestinians expelled i their pled territories. n Dissidentts start ' In Conjun( Sports Seminjnar 95 Briefi] ______hungers!trike a FREE pre.nction with I general: public featmaturing ' "Si

Suicide tru-uck bom bers kildll 11, in ju re 25 SEOUL. South K(Korea (AP) — resentation for the ( About 460 dissidents.s jailed for vio- i ALGIERS, AlgeiIgeria — Three suicidc bomambers blew up their truck< lent anti-govcmmentnt protests ond iling themselves and eight J err near a power planlant south o f Algiers, killifi law violations • RICANI t ' national security la IIAN i wide area. I o th er people andI knknocking out pow er in a wic began a hunger strik•ike M o n d ay , a ‘ | H4 |e a d B a s kRY e T ai\C H A T F r EESNO S S w f e ; I ,A t least 25 oiliericr people were injured in theth< Sunday afternoon blast, hum an rights group sasaid. > the government saisaid in a statement late Moilonday. The statement saidJ. O u ts id e th e p riso>ons, relatives ^ ETBALL Coa I the m ilitants bleww up u the truck on a highw ayly near the electric plant, S ta rte d a w eek-long sympathy s; cam- ^F o r m e r N a K S K E T B A L L ClC h a m p io n { The daily newspi/spapers E l.W aian and Libe;berte reported that most off paign demanding tfthe release of ! those injured o rkilled kill were motorists, those imprisoned for3r p o litical rca- ATIONALH B aJNLV 1990^^, J The bombitig nearne Boufarik, a town 20!0 miles south of Algiers, sons during past millilitary govem- H e a d C o a c h -U I damoged the powervcr plant. Large parts of thehc region were still without‘ ' m ents. I electricity a d ayafter aft( the attack. The campaigns wetcre design^ to ,NNCAA IVLuor Co jll' s; A l l T i m e - ^ p u t p re s s u r e on Pri’resident Kim B e st W:OLLEGE m BASKETBAU8 3 7 I Police bloc!ick Islam ic grou]up’s m atin g Y o u n g -sa m b e fo re: a government amnesty plonncd forar Aug. 15, the ^ IN N IN G R e c o r d .<8 ; ' MENOUFIA, EgyptEg — Dozens of policcn:cmcn prevented supporters,S' 50th anniversary off 1K o rea’s indc- (6 2 5 W i n s - 1 ? 4 y e a r s ) o f E g y p t’s larg estsst Islamic group fcom hoilolding a news.confcrcncc )oncse colonial pendencc from Japoi - 1 2 2 L o s s e s i n 2 < M onday to respondind to a governm ent crackdo'dow n on the group, rule. . An armored vch/chicle was parked oulsidede thc>building and policc® "The governmentIt must restore ^opic: Motivatii w ith 'c lu b s a n d ’shi(shields stood in a line acrosross the entrance, blocking3 freed o m fo r those w:who had fallen Thursday,stion f &Team Buildir m em bers from enteintering. There were no clashishes or arrests. victim to national divivision and mili- T h e m eeting wvas as to respond to the detenticItio n last month of 200 sus* tary dictatorship," ^Minkohyup, a 7:(.August 10, 1995 pected supportersrs of( the Muslim Brothcrhorhood, Egypt's mainstream^ human rights groupup comprising Islamic opposition,on, which has renounced usingus violcncc in its cam- fam ily m em bers o f inimprisoned dis- CSI Fine 7:00A p.m. p aig n to m oke Egypgypt a strict Islamic state, sidcnts, said in a slaterlemcnt. The governmeinent began detaining memembcrs of the M.uslim’ , South Korea hadI fcbeen ruled by Arts Auditorium. Brotherhood in January.Jor It accused the groijroup Af forging links with former generals simincc a military Jf-''-"lonsored by: Twin Fall; ■oundation, nW s' militants who haveivc fought a three-year camimpaign to topple thc.gov- coup in I960. F aimlly m Physical Therapyalls Clinic & H ospital Fclie, CSI, and ISU ' crhm ent and creatcitc a strict Islam ic state. )y & Sports Injury Clinic

H i s t o r i a ni: ; S talin h ad pl6i6nty o f spies MOSCOW —• S

. A r c h a e o l oogists g fin d ancien;nt m arketplace D A M A S C U S , Syria S: — American archaclacologists reportedly have |Yakinnlc z e ...... '899 each jflS6 o uneorthed a market]kctplace dating to 3000 B.CI .e . at an cxcavation site in northeastern Syria.id. '*■ - a T w i n S i ze ...... n a3 9 e a f e . ' „ : .T h e state-ow nedcd Tishrin daily reported thathat the ex pedition from St— , Louis Communityty College( .at Florissant ValGalley, M o., and headed by F u l l S i z eI S i z l B . . . * 2 9 D. Michael Fuller,er, discovered the markett inii Tel Tninir. The site is 3 0 0 m iles from thehe icapital, pamascus. Q u e e n . . . M 4 The newspaper:r rreport MOnday said the; marketn comprised a large ' I ni.iiii.,. n u m b er o f shops,;, b.,1': 1 et posts to avoid endanger- . - two other partiesI to remain in their Cabinet | I •in g th e fragile coalitalitio n ’s stability, ■ Main Aue."North • •>' 'Tulin FoUsi idnhoy; Finance M inisterter M asayoshi T akem ura ancind Foreign Minister Yohei Kono siid Ihey hahad accepted Muniyama'sa's repeated requests in a , 733-711'j 2 0 4 ! ' f f - . : ' scries of meetings;s 6ov er th e w eekend and todx3day. The new Cabinet was ' h • o • n to b e A nnounced Tu ’ .i e - ; n.-Fri. 9s30-6:00I |• (Sat. 9:3a-5i3P'i; } president'of the conscrva- f u r n i / h,l . . . “small, hbernl H a^irtringer Partyiand Kono is pi ilhy ‘ F r e e P a r k i n g i&isAiKtilabU i^ w i ■ .' tive LiberalDeriiocrocratsj., _. / ■ C a r i n;gy., Coooiincd & om wire reports

.'I.' . -

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Tuoslosday, A ugust e. 1995 TImos-Nos-Nowa, Twin F ills. Idaho A-7 Worid

^ r o a t - S ee i r b f i t t i n ge « s c a l a t e s / . ■ Govomm«nl-Bos^ CroaHoat fodorsUon E5 Cnutsort) and B3ojntosS«t.m O U.N. *Mro zones' I q CrooUangovommont z a Robot Mmlimj______Serbt t a n kK r o ll towairid Cnro a tia ZAGREB, Croatia.!i.(A P ) — Serb I------■" ------1 But he said;aid lhat was only bccausc the ' ;t Two Sert) planes .'HI; H U N O ^ . Yugoslav amiy columns of tanks, trueueks and buses | Serbs wercere reneging on iheir word to • • Were shot down -.1 tanks, armoredI rumbled toward CroatiiItia on M onday, leave bchinthind Iheir heavy weapons, by Croatian t transporters . f' forces, -ir;. threatening to expand theth fighting just spokeswoman Susan Angle andirucks as Croatia declared it wa■vas over. lowing guns : Croats were using uncon- Tens of thousands of U ^ i - ^ and pontoon }f Serb refugees firmed repcrcports o f S erb airstrikcs on i|||||H bridges moved fled the country, builUt so m e w ere H R H D C roatian1 to'towns to explain why they TIA. q H l g j toward CfOflUa. ^ reportedly attacked an * / SERBIA vitncsses said the column, , ‘T h ere is no more flghliilling.'’ *" '• • __ I accompaniecinied by Yugoslav secret ser- He said the last 5.00300 to 6,000 of APphQW vice unilsis lcloyal to Serbian President ' the 50,000 rebel fighter?:rs were negoti- A Croatlzitian soldier guides a tartank onto tracks placed overo a hole Slobodann Milosevic,M appeared to be i ■7 j--sKnln(* r ating their surrender alat Topusko, 35 In a dostistroyed bridge over thefte River Slunjclca, noar ttl h e to w n o f ‘0"'toward western Bosnia, near miles south of Zagreb,=^-hc.bo„I« slunJ.SffSOi^los southeast of Zagreb.Za the Croatianlian border. ■ ' [ J p ? /l CROAYI'At i a X . ^ ' j had raged for much o f th T he lankiinks from Yugoslavia werc But the danger of popossible escala- way intoto Serb land in northerre rn In the Croiiiian town1 cof Dvor, near headed towtoward eastern Croatia, but — and beyond into Serb- / M o s t a r ^ l ^ tion was highlightedJ Iby Yugoslav Bosnia — :rb- the Bosnian border, shehelling contin- they werere iexpected to stop before ' iBerbs claim ' ;oslavia. !; ; ,pJroailan)ol9 Ss—-X j— ' I • ‘ tanks that rumbled throrougli.B'elgrade led Yugos ued af^er Susak's annourluncement, said reaching the border. If they continued s . .attackeda- ' •: ^ ^SBBI toward the Croatian beborder, and by ^*^1 gencies .said the Serb exodujidus U.N. spokeswoman Le,eah Melnick. into Croatialatia, the fighting would be oatia could total as many a; as She said ihe figluing tra J • ’.rolugoe column i Al V . ' v S b reports in_ Serb-held noilorthem Bosnia Croa / trapficd 30,000 suretocau.sejuse a new. larger war. V . killing 50 pooplo. ;r.v£ n o f a hu g e colum n o f I 0 people. A Bosnian Serberb to 40.000 refugees iry;rying to leave Serbs in Bosnia I and Croatia have ofl r Bosnian Serb 200,000 r J ^DT* MY/ » detail I fighters heading towarard C roatia. It refugee ofi'ofllcial estimated 240,000'Jiadhad Croatia througli the town,m. criticizedI SeSerbian-led Yugoslavja for ? 1- , . was unclear where eithther group w as passed inlcnto northern, Bo.snia by noonoon In western Bosnia,, a: co lu m n o f failing to3 come cc to the rescue bf the • head ed .' Monday, , Serb refugees was attack'eked, apparent- rebels in CroCroatia. 1 1^ 4 ! J Fighting continuciled along the ColumnTins of cars up to 30 milesiles ly by a mililary jet. Wiirilnesse.s' said at . Yugoslavlav troops might be ready to ? ■■ ' .'c-r < APM m . J. CoslenoHo route where tens of' tht a u sa n ils o f lo n f werene rcponcdr stuck at ihc eastern:em least five people were•c killed. Serb defend anJ aftattack af^ainst Serb rebels in Serb refugees tricti-tct o moke Iheir Bosnian borderbo with Serbia. . news niedia blamed thele Croatian air eastern CroCroatia because it borders force, but the reports1 coulde not be directly onm Serbia.S< confirmed. C roatianan Foreign Minister Mate ian victitory m arrksU.S.. poKcy successS Charred bodies sat■t in cars and Granic saidlid his1 country would attack trucks amid scattered piipieces of what that regionan ini the near fufure. Susak I I^^iViRidda-NewBSerService 1 T h ey h a v e so m e 42(420 tanks and 605 other:r tliink it was U.S.-sanctioitioned and that even if it wasvas appeared to be explodedd iaircnif\ rock- dechired: “ W e arc ready to liberaie tlie armored vehicles, accordording to a report published:d the Turks, they w ouldId :have needed U.S. help," CIS. Witnesses said thatlat the rockets territory by force,I iihould all ncgotia- 3 ^ZAQHEB, Croatia-— — When the Croatian arm)■my la.st w eek by Jane’s Inielli]elligcnce Sentinel in London,1. Williams said. “But thenlerc was never any evidenceid;, w ere fired from a sinjngle MiG-21 tionsfail." ri h()istedats checkeredd f]flag above the vanquishcctied “They have more gutguns and mortars than thele tliat .would stand up in a courtc o f law." shortly a fk r noon. As Croatialatian Serb refugees streamed ^ S^rbinrivktronghold o>fKnin< f I< Saturday, the victoryory British .army," said Paullul Beaver,1 a military analystst W illiams said ihe unprciproven arms allegations were In Geneva, U.U.N. High out of theirleir conquered land, Croats ^ \Xjis not Croatia’s alone.le. wilh Jane’s. "Y ou can .secsec the firepow er hch; o f anyly part of a larger disagrcerL'ement about how to rc’solveIvc Comnjissioner forr Refugees who left1 whenwl the Serbs took the I J To a largo extent, it: alsa lw m arked the success o fr anar modem Western Europearlean army.’’ the Balkans crisis — wilh/ilh the Europeans committedle j spoke.sman Ron Redmonond confirmed Krajina regiregion in a 1991 w ar m ade g only-partiy'acknowlcdgcdgcd American policy here — This prodigal force! hasha developed in just fourjr to diplomacy and U.N.N. peacekeeping and theI,,, the attack occurred but; couldc not say plans to returetum. ^,a^olicy<>f encouraginging C roatia’s m ilitary cxpan^an- years,-with the U.N. armsrms embargo in placc all thele U n ited S tates ,increasiiisingly impatient with the who carried out the bombnbingorgivea Croatianun PremI ier N ikica Valentie [ s^>n os a'bulw ark agaiil»airist the Serbs’ repeated failfailures ofthose efforts, dealh toll. said ihe govc’ovcmment planned to return . |! agCTcssioniin tlic Balkan!a n s. < T‘he h Americans hav - ^ '■ always w ant m oney," Gori}orin.sek said. nonmilitary one." he contiintinued. “W e arc not provid: * Daniel Nelson,, a defcnifensc expert in Virginia who'ho Tlic retired colonel alsoalso acknowledged what hass ing arms. Wc arc not facfacilitating the providing of J writes frequently itboutIt tlithe former Yugoslavia, saidaid been w idely alleged byy tlthe Bosnian Muslim gov-- arm s. W c are not provir Croatia." A Pentagon igthe tcgio/i — its foreforces command at least 21 arms embargo. spokesman said none of3f tthose programs would be sSvict'StylqMiGs and six attack helicopters.; “Tlie circumstances o)f f tl:thcw landings leads one to3 implemented imtil af)cr thithe war. p o l k m a c l ^ t e i ^ e s a ^; a a in s t 9i^POR I T S AMEDIICIN F E S E SMINI A R I L ipidtonwliid i] c a t Ldjb'6l!l (APJ —- .BBelievers, in ...... ■ X ' ■ r ' ' , ' thc.Benst of Bodmin Moc*1oorhcldupa 9 9 5 skitll as proof that a'bj'bigcatwas ETvS kill[ng Available at the folloitllowlng College of s..-;...,,, •Technolilology & Sports Medicine f •TThc cat Tmd probablybly never bMfi GraduateG Credit Is available)le from: near Bodmin Moor. Southern Idal'daho sites: •Condilioning Idaho State Universityity j 'hic criliqal-clue: Insldjside the slcul| :' • EvergrGenin BuildingB ' •Howtoincorporporate mi^Uimedia in classroisroom C c8t;*33" woB on e ^ case from aI tropicaltrc cock* , CSl Campus, TwinTw Fails, ID ■ • Knee Injurieses • Sports Specific: Basketb<2tball i roach t^ l^ fc s pot exist-irit-in England, • .•Mlnl-Cassia;sla Center. • Ear, nonose and throat injuries Undidergraduate credit is availabiliable from: ‘|Thc conclusion is thathat this partic­ 1485 Overland AveAve., Burley, ID •Shoulder)r InjuriesI • Olympic Update[e i "The College of SouthernI IdaIdaho ulat leopard skull camele toti Cornwall ^ , •Norlhsldelde Center • Eye Injurleirles • Shoes & Shin SplintsIS Cosfc»23". onfy by human tfgcflCyhinrii^rtffTTOsr- ;-" Vi:— . ' ------2DZ^lfiTOe.E:;"G:., Gooding, id ^ ------~ -s-cowTiscfrpanilin, returning to sporfs acliyitilyities unhkely that it has beenen im the nvcr — •Fox Builtluilding • . • M edlcal/Leg.egal issues • Sports nutritionion 1 '■ Athletic Trainers w here Jt was recently dis^ ioftIW of e,"the •W rap-ip-up, panel discussion , „ ■ report said...... , NATA Board of Certificatioation Douglas Richardson,on, assistant SPEAKERSSI dlrcclor. D avid M cClusky. M.D.. ‘T ^ e 9vidence that I hhave exam- . > In id ’dver d)6',yeare,- coupLupl^ with the. • ; :,S|iS ip o n so re d by.T f j il 4 firstrhand observations oof f some v e ry .. _ . . ■ 'Tu/in FcFalls Clinic & H ospitatal Foundation, •Fammily Physical Therapyipy & Sports Injury Clirlinic, CSl! aind ISU, .. ci^iW e withc^s^caveiives mein no.. ' . . Y* • ■ ■ ■ -.Kyowiia'have any qnettloii^ l ^n i n t a g t J i ^ C r ^ a t( 7 3 1 -3 7 0 0 , e x t . ^ ([Twin T l F > nt C ^ c i f Roi n^".hesnii>, 7 btpltal FonndatioiO *

____ „ ■ > 0piniio n • E d itotrial r m owmvvp ZZIF . 'Ik. Doiiiing nothinngis a poctor

i» ji opti(ion for fuliture traffiBe , , . 1 3 - Y o u c a n say , i fr youyc like, that the pro- .o of f town. It certainly is not)t thU e on ly op- ' ' '.S' ; poscci eastern beltcltway around Twin tion tio available, but it lookss likeli a work- fe. \ . ; ^ Falls is misplaced.cd. You can say thal able ab; one. It hot only wouldild scive resi- ■ ■ - ^ some other plan woiv o u ld b e b etter. d dei ents o f th e b'lossom ing cast-ast-side neigh- i ^ I ; ‘2^ But please don’on’t say Twin Falls boihoods, bo but it also wouldil.d pro v id e an ; sh o u ld n ’t h a v e a plan.pla alternative a lt to Blue Lakes2s for1 drivers ; -j L ead ers o f th e Twin Ti Falls Highway heading he; for the industrial sousouth end. • ' District arc goingJ tcto hear tonight from?v Some I of the opponents hahave said-thc- • - an angry group ofDf northeasti residents, 'HaHansen Bridge already creaticates, an altcr- • who don’t wantIt ia bcltway routed gjiaipativq, and that’s partly true,uc. It w o rk s i f ■ ' j j through their neighig h b o rh o o d . A th e m e you’re yoi traveling to or fromm Burley1 and ■;« being voiccd by soiso m e o f th em is, W c po:points cast. But if Boise or the Wood - d o n 'I n e e d a beltiva^\vay. L e a v e th in g s th e River Ri' Valley is your deslit stination, the ...... I « way th e y arc. HHa ansen B rid g e Ts a p o o r opti I community a disscsscrvice if it-follows resident'wouldn’t res want a bebeltway near ■Hi • I th at ad v ice. ‘ theIheir property^ But If theyey oppose if, T Twin Falls’ keyy ttransportation prob- they the should oficr an altemc;mativc in its ’ ; t 1cm is th e P errin e! BiBridge. Although the place. pla If wc don’t make plarJlans now for- • ; t bridge itself is wide'ide enough to handle an an eastern bcltway, how wiwill we deal t ; lots of traffic,, itt ftfunnels that traffic with wil increasing traffic 200 >years from, t i down North Bluele Lakes Boulevard, lo noi w ? m ; 5 making Blue Lakes:cs a tangled mess. Maybe ^ the forecasts arare wrong. ^ ■; 5 W e ’v e k n o w n for fo many years that Vlaybe Ma mifilc on Blue Lakeskes w o n ’t g e t V 2 community needreded bypass routes to A-orse, wo a n d m a y b e e x is tinlg g iroutes can 5 i the cast and west,t, anda such a route is harlandle the irafTlc that willill I b c cre a te d .1 ^ well begun on thehe west side. But an jy by east-side d ev elo p m en t. lo i lld W€ ^ ^ eastern route is stillill oc n ly a dream . , But E we’re better safe thanan sorry. Lo- e d e i i y tlthe jfireedlo r n t o dd ia iig e ? } ’ 2 This year a citizeizens committee pro- ;al cal ofTicials shouldn’t bc swa;w ay ed b y th e W henn the A m erican Psychologicgical Asso- I sexuality and Amerm erican Psychiatty; TTie P o|- r 2 posed one, veeringlg :southeast from the sedjcductive voice of do-nothinhingism. Wc ciation {/(A PA ) m eets Thursday in1 NNew York', ities o f Diagnosis.”is.” Bayer, a psychiatrist » I - end of Pole Line Road,Rc looping nearly neclecd a plan; If not this one,lie, th e o p p o - » schciledulcd to vote on a resolutii□lion by g ay , H | Cal w ho favors m anyy ool f l h c objectives o fth e a ! . ; 2 to the ea;east and finally con- ncrlents have an obligation to0 ppropose an activistss i to "discourage psychologi;)gistsand gay rights m ovemment, ei says earlier decisions^ neoting with Orcharhard Drive, soutlieast altciltemativc. other meiicntal health professionalss fromft pro- b y psychiatric andnd fpsychological professio[£- viding tn Thomas treatment designed to changnge al organizations to (overturn previous c o n c l^ ______brientatiction, o r from referring to prapractitioners —.. . . J sions a bout homloscxualily osc w ere due to p o -” w hich clt :laim to do so.” T he rcsolutiutionalso 1962 study im omo- litical pressure andmd ionly partiolly to clinican ■ claims th that “no data dem onstrate: lhatth sexual s „ „ a | A nd research. Polls ofif mmental health profession-a orienlatiction conversion therapies arc I , th at2 7 p erecninvolving m ore Uian 100 horly life, als show that, asi oftoften happens w itb labor a ' tiv c ... (ai(and) m ay b e harm ful." The lieTiiiie^ - N e w s he National D utch psyelt. A fter 10 years B iebcr founcen union leadership,), lalarge percenm ges o fth e 3 AssociatiItion for Research and Then e ijp y o r • A ardw eg studicent did not rctum to the gay1986, rank a nd file do not accept the coticlusionsg • ?■ Stephen Hortgcn Clark Walworth AllciMien Wilson P eter Yor^I'ork Hom oscxexuality (NARTH) is specif I Publisher cincally discovered ychoanalysta 6 G erard V an Den o fth e hierarchy. ts. Managing editor ' Clrc'Irculatlon manager AdvcrtlsincIsing director singled oiout for criticism . t *. Treauijcnttudied s 101 patients and, in :o 19 a ' K evin O shiro is a m an w ho h as,changed^ Since: tlthe A PA succeeded in remi moving ho- cure. Manya de 65 percent success rate. :e ces- A t first h e sim plyy.gave gt in.to h is hom oscxuSl •I T he md en e m u rs of the editorial boardard and writers of editorials . , m osexuallality as a d eviant disorder fr sationofhomiIt should not be c ^ p a r e d tocat- desires. “The abscmsc n ic o f str u ^ lin g gave nio ’• arc S tephenn HHartgcii. Q ark W alwoiih.I. KevinH Miller and Steve Crum'i:imp. ‘ DiagnostiStic and Statistical M anual o ,I o f M ental m cnt does is’ define n “cure” as"* com pletein- an illusion of freedoledom ," he says. B ut he s a g ______I Disorders:rs in 1973 - w ithout any del dcbale md wanted feclinsjmosexual activity What treavith he w as hanging out w ith people w ho led h ^ w ithout: thetl usual scientiHc and mec ■ >h='"'vhcnthcis reduce the povJcr o f the un- . deeper and deeperer iiinlb.a gay subculture that quiry - ththe race has b een on by the iie gay Homosexua!lings and help people deal wii included drinkingg arand ^ex clubs. T hen h e « rights lobib b y to fmis}i w inning the p: : psycho- ^ o t theyall arise. ;h the m et ano th er groupjp o f people w hb helped S j L e t t e r sS ______^ logical Wlw a rso that it m ight demand n“ '''f O'-■..sam e intensitycuals are n ot from identical lire,” him pull out of his-s _ . o ne lo ac(tcccpt such behavior as “nor lis^elf-destructive behaviof. lere, he would say shame on you, lotmol." meaning they)all feel the sam e things witha m H e now d irccis conf;onfcrences for E xodus In--,' U^aper needs to make right turn here r-ou. Put down Ifthe A PA approves the resolutic our stones. llion. it w ill how to copesity. w For som e, there is a “c u r tcmational, a Christi 3 With a very conservjirvative electorate jn • contradiciict evidence by researchers { iristian m inistry to h o m o se j- REE MONTGOMERY rsprcdis- Thegayrigley never go back. O thers lear)cople uals, whose leadersl: •^•outh' central Idaho, wjiwhy do you continue 5 posed to3 thet goals o f the gay rig h ts: ership includes m any w h o c Oooding its move- ^ 1,0 have soutewith their feelings, :ca- • have changed, i ^ give us liberal tripepe like Molly Ivins’ m ent andid even som e w ho see nothir hm g w rong sionally slipperights m ovem ent holds up petand The APA is surrei ^ l u m n s ? D o you like; herht cutesy way wilh „ m osexual practice, but whos irrendcring to political pre^ Msc studies renimedtohoiought treatm ent and then occlof sure w hen il ought t< 2 gords or is it the liberal:ral aspect you are af- Sveryone needs to figiightcranki S S m onstrated a rem arkable sue ht to be standing by scien-“ success m tc that such ueatipped o r w ho have given up mar akes tific a nd m edical pri >»lar? I f y o u ac c e p t h e:r r lies I and innuendo, I Ii agree with the article in Fridajiday's newspaper for‘those'e w ho no longer w ish to prai 1 principles.‘lnstead'of » jraclicethat as much sensehom osexual practice as prool■s can- blindly accepting rej 2Bcn I guess you agree:e >with her statement onn Aug./ 4, “Crank” use rises in1 ararea." life style,e. 3 resolutions forced on th en not b e curedeatm ol ent cannot w ork. T hat ■m som e o rg an izalio n b y gay 3If Aug. 3 in T h e T immcs-Ntfws e that went I I: sec it a lot with m y patientss as young as 13 T he nolloted sex-research team Masi gay rights activists, the A PA M tcrs and occasionallyise si as saying heavy sm okerscy i should be approachi less than ethical1 leadership lc of Gin- upKp to 35 years o f oge. That’s why?hy I have drug Johnson.I, writing’ in “Homosexuality iching the matter scientifi-" htymPer- used to smokei o f their addiction b ecause s< cally. And it should •«rich”; show us wheree thattl is true. Her ar- kitsits for parents so they can test: the adolescent spective”in 1974, found a 71.6 pcrc uld start by interview ing g ercenlsuc- - ninttherescy sneak a cigarette w hen theyby people like Kevin 0 luclc-covers up and slanilants six or eight dif- inthI the privacy o f their home. Also,Jso. I give out cess rate: aftert a six-year follow-up \ n O shiro. a ip w ith the A PA is )kedri' three packs p er day. an the . 2®rcnt points. Why doio we need a steady forp}r parents a handout o f what to0 Iclook for. those wananting to c h an g e.. jjftet of such nonsense?se? Y o u ’re ig n o rin g TTicre Tl arc many names forcrani rules o f mcdiciresoludon to'be considered :rtedbj Cal T hom as is: a L o s A n g eles T im es S “eight Psycholloanalyst Irvine Biebcr headi:aded a by Ronald Bay ele c to ra te ’s ch o ice. ball,ali,” "poor man’s cocaine,” "bab;Iwby bascrs," driven by politics, rather tharlom o- colum nist. ' n s We can’t go to anothcithcr local n ew sp ap er “twetweaker," “clackcr," etc. dicine and scicnce, w as asserl 3ayer, M .D., in his b ook “H o ■ I {3!)urce as this is a onc-neunewspaper valley. Wiy I 11 help as much as I can, but eveieverybody needs -1 J ® t find articles in conscrvarrvative papers (and run to> bebc involved - police, schools,s, parents,p coun- otters ^ c m ) that explain thln^JS lhattl the liberals state seloi:lore, ctc. It’s truly an “equal oppopportunity "■ w& fact like conservativess arcoi out to starve chil- probroblem." It can bc in any househtB=hold,ricllor, and kill people (Al1 Gore,G this past week) poorDor. 1 and wife will be mmissed h ave been rec> br terial fiow for relatiilalively unencumbered S. additional fune “ D og p ro g ressio n - alreatready exists. To manage 5 ( ^ poisoning our water?r? Who’s\ guarding the MICHAEL M GUELKER O n behilhalf of American Legion P 1 Post 76 Pound" tcam-sccycling aluminum cans forIS o u r g ro w th , how'ever, evc we need to do majuth T h ey u o ily lould v i go on and on about the and reach our destinalio:ation...... a to a lonely d esert p la c e h ig^ h aboveo the Associaliction. W e sat a t d in n er that r 7tf|e last election. . It night. they show thataf thesf two sp^ial people,:du- Imogine that Pole*ole L ine R o ad , W a sh in g s ain w ith a select gro u p o f discdisciples. The ' and the coconversation quickly went C ’m on, ifth e p r e s id e n t nt to base- cators and inlove u to work with childrencom- a ton and Eastlandlare arc all four lanes with' u ' ^ u y t0 (l0 it, sufel^ bodi)dy of Christ, this second pers)crson ofthe ball, «M>u can m ake a r i ^ t t u i w m unity. hat in th e ir dedication a s edi tuming meridians.IS. 1T h e w id en ed W a s h in g 2g®°- Hol>oly Trinity, was transformeded iin a cloud d f Shane: nmentioned how much he e 2 5 R L. “BURT" HOLWM e enjoyed I nm rtot aloin u n selfish service to th is 'gcc o - , ton and E astla n dI sstreets tr exten d so u th to * dazzizzling bright whiteness. A. sosound from baseball nnda: wished that Kimberly j^Hagcnnan ( •ly had an in g to m iss Shi y join an existing, undei;-uti]izedunc major) m . * the ecloud came forth, this is my little boy American tn Legiin team. I discussed;ed w ith h av e d one andilone in say in g thnt w e a r eve g . artery callcd Kimbenberly Road. Accessed by ly son). Listen to him . him the fa fact thal Mr. Duane AndenIerson and found in them,Shane and Judy for all they the one-way Sccond ^ b o many willing'to to throw stones '"uLong ago, but not so very long,;lg, a select myself, as ond aVcnues, Blue LdkesS os members ofthe Kimberierly - DAVEDVEind th e friends so m an y have and Shoshone now)w Ibisect this rectangle, S -jgjE nough already! To thoseose w ho think inmates groufoup o f disciples o f another kindnd iof energy as- Americanin Legion, had been discusi ussing just Kimbq-Iy:m. We all miss you! m ak in g a very niceicc imilc-by-mile grid| J W the Twin Falls County’ JaiJail shouldlw treated scmbmbied in New M exico in the SarSangreD e such an eriendeavor. S h an e’s eyes litlit iu p ... VEIUCRE Im ag in e, to o , th atIt FtF alls, F iler a n d A ddison • n?"** of them arc;irc your relatives in for Cristi•isto M ountains (Spanish for “bo“.'body of ^ the rest isis history. ^ ^ n n r oflcnscs or innoccnt li Let’s make ity have been enhancedced to serv e a ^ o u r e ast- u nt untij found guilty Chrisirisi”). They did their testing in a desert place S hane wwas later chosen to coach i . jjA vaiting trial. Should they tl :h th e L e t's g et one Tlhe west arteries, - ' <• y then bc denied de- • callctlied White Sands, at a site they7 n ^edTrini- newly fon)rmed Kimberly American Coint food and the opportunit;inity to exercise? Is ty. Oi in Legion tat. Twin Fallsike trafGc top prioritcral- Making the declsiclsion about how to best % On Aug. 6, their ch il^ w homn theyti; named "B u lld o gjs” s by the board of director too m uch to ask o f youou w\ ho have your Little ■ ed rate, andone wc thing straight, right ofTIC. I reach our destihatioillion IS now simple, and ; ttie Boy, transformed into d anlii S h m c h nIS s n dw co m p leted tw o seas< i n e d o m to cat what you warwant, exercise when* cloud lasons as W e ’ve beenalls dii is growing at an aecelen1 wa- the execution is easjeasy and efficient. Aftw “ )uds of whiteness high above the tch ofthe Bulldogs and is r S i u %vant, go w here you warkvant and say what you • Hirosroshima. The world heard the vo s moving vistas, lifesw e a ll expect it to continue,iide leaving our imaginoi;inary grid, the m axim i^ • : voice from Its ,outahto10 take teaching positions, Littleitle Boy and has lived in aw e anc d isco v ered - clean a ir n nde w’ * ' distan ce to a n y choshosen destination is b a ^ mid fern-of him sbanchihas worked tirelessly wilh.f.'i, ' " i ’s lit g j To those who whine aboulxjut paying taxes for ever'sci'since. e o m g x S T wIfestylc h a nd a g eneral altim d ly o v e r o n e -h a lf milt:.mill com pcnsai•ation o v er th e p a st tw o y ci O c i r support, have they notot salso paid taxes? The TTii flight log that m om ing read /em s to w e can; life a re a ttractin g m any nevle* We are restrictinging th is to w n ’s blood ad simply and d^viop th is p rogram w ith lim ited f W 'o n ’t they pay taxes w hentn theyt are released? dispa;passionately, “Bom bs away,” dlinan- t pressure of liviw in F alls. I- ■ flow b y fo rcin g ilsis nmovement of people,';® ns, ; a v h e r e is y ouf humanity? WlWhere is yoOrChi^- Two Tw transflgumdons which fore■orcvcrchmgcd lio n s o f people:an live, not just survive the through one narrowo w b an d c allcd B lu e < SI , Judy a nd h is p layers have ^ ^ t y ? Is it n ot blessed to) haveha compassion the: world.wi Guess it’s like tny brothiolhcr says: Each Shane, J v e b e c n T h e tim e hliving as with and around mil-kvin Lakes^ It m a k e s nno o sens se at all. - jJJ jurceful in finding ways to • 3 i4 .to fo ig iv c ? Ify o u can’tI’t forgive,f how can o fus us chooses ' which God to whomom w e ship our very leso u lo raise. Falls will soonp l e ., 1 ■■ Take a'quick lobkjokaithecitymapin ,g m oney, , forgiven? worthirth (worship). ~i western “town,has c o m e to realize th a t T w i yo u r te le p h o n e bookook, a n d sk etch o u l th e j slipped coupons lost year, s S It always o m a^ me thatlat thoset who are the Ani^nd now for the second ciuiz question...qu< . T h e y cli; r, spend- .. N o w and ionin t b e a “c ity ," n ot a sinall b e grid. Im ag in e h o w simplesi life could be. '«» ing m any,/, m any h ours in P erson’s■8 IIGA ' our No. .1 conci J S o s t vicious to those w ho) haveha made niistakes PHPHIL AUTH pvn.” ma- MARK MAKINN : ■: ,, S V n ie n claim to be most pious.ms. If Jesus were BaBerger tap in g therem to p roducts. T h js year,ir, they - jo r g rid systemin the fumre, ironic has to;e b a r- T w in F td li )ncem . W hat w e n e e d ;- a m; em to accommodate a large w o o n e s b u r y By Garry TrudeauT Mallardrd Fillmore ■ A.', . . By BrUce'jTlnsleJ' * g 7MATfJee>\CUKS^NA" CAKk,cneprrcfinPtK T) ' veuxKKOReen TUFe.imtSM. tUM Bii« \ CAWNSANQBANKAUzAimm- fWTMsr t '■zJ iH o e m n c m m .iu Bi s A J ZAVONStOTfWtSFOi. haw ngah* I AisersFKiMycut. ^ [mpefmxKK. \ life i^e, wr ^ 1^IpiN c I lN6ltlSff75,TH^ jsrSL FAfiTA9/BA£K \ I Mu^ TOftefiLUFB. ^ la c w B > 6 v rY ' I f tO T B ite o w . ! ' , | . « W i I c w w * J V ® tOaiiRtiTWTHE' ■ I S n

Y . Vl ItA * > » , ...... 1 ' ______—-T-- • ' f . ‘

» ■ . ' ■ — TuosdfIday. A lgusU .'1995 T1mos-No\-fJows. Twin Falls, Idaho >*^9 , .1 loTimoi,. ■ ' ‘ . ■ • ment is'fairlyrly well-written. Benson was'as one o f . Benson said mamany people feel alienated whvhen The U nabomber probprobably was not a graduate ‘ . / Profs s€ d o zen s o f universityui professors toJ recciver humans arc replac)laced by machinery, •. student, if at all collcgcliege cducatcd. Bensoi^ said j ATTLE r - The FBI is goingg Uto academi* copics^from1 tthe FBI this Week in the ho]hope th e y But not all thele argumentsd arc valid. ThcmtTtan- the thinking in the docdocument w as nol origimil / ; g * ' . ■ , cally ricrich collcgc campuses aroundid tthe country might idenfif)ify thc writer. ifesto slates littleittle boys could play and cnjnjoy -or thorough enoughI to be considered graduate^' i \ 7 O T ■ • »n«‘s sseoreh « for the.elusive Unabombimber. Benson iss

I p o t i r & r m RM zy jTfl S uffering tlthrdugh hot sum n I nm er days Is easli LE! SA n’s nice affordabli sler with Swensen ble enjoyable I A T »WENS; e n ’s rem edies.. FillI your freezerir and refrlgeratoior, save a lot andd suffer less a t SwS w en sen ’s! PINK OR — ^ IWESTEnRN FAMILY REBULAR!1 ^Nooii IlemflONAlDE 3 i f t p T m iCE" 1 12 OZ. FROlOZEWCOIiC. C A SE OF 2 4 il MEADOWW GOLD I CRE,EAM 0 WEBER11 MEADOWGLs t BIERR lESI i M o r M New Crorop Bsrrles, vino rlpoipened, already pickedId (leave the briars anand braipbles to I DREAR ICE TWII' 3 - Brer Ratabbit), packed, Indlvlividually quick frozer9n (loose In the boxX Ilike m arbles^ m akest them t easy to useI aand store), are herere now. Ways to en|onJoy berries are I fudge IBARS CCREAM POPJ unllmlteiled. Pies, lam, lelly,, cicobblers, trifles, crunjmbles, home made IceIce cream, torts, - | g tarts, cecereal topjiing, milk shakes,sl Jello salads,, cdanlsh desserts, etc.,tc., etc. . $ 1 6 9 il PKG. # ( 0 ^ 18 CT. I INDIVIDIDUAUY'QUICK FRI'RQZEN, UiiSWEETE ■ 0 F 6 J f ______< flSST. B A G 1 “ “ $ 0 J- J 9 9 : 1 1------NSEM'S9 COUPON- —------1------S Wr^HSEN’S ^ I COUPON— iS P B E R BRIES 1 3 L BI. . BOX l^ m ^ BUY ONE rn im m lY QUICK FRI&SI, UNSWEETENED^ iNonnou.DUAU.Y QUICK FROZEN, imSWEETEN: MiM■ KommjAayNBERRIESor UEBERRIES $ - | Q 9 9 £iOiiI ll BOYSENI $ 2 2 FpR_l|f »l»™ils Coupon W lien You I INBERRIES 15 a. BOX— L B . B O X G E T O N E F l „ B u y •QT. UNSWEETEHED il MARIONIIY QUICX.FROZEN; UNSWEETENED 1 'limivtDUAuyAWBERRIES lORE PIE CHherries KGDOL-AII [ SIRA IRIVING FRIDAY,.A i U G U ST 11; :E|i ! 1 5 L B . I PREMAIlTO:KfiFP.O. ____ COUPOl i .0. BOX 601 I ...... Ilf'' KANKAKEE,! HUL TIh DRAFT FOODSPOiVALUETOe I 5*C0RN ^ 1 ONE COUPON PER PI OSDEPT10399 I C l AV-R-PACK l l Fl™ “ N ; a cotiroIPON VALUE I \ w M M M - ba-iuo,TtiFAwcEnoH. I r L H V CCOLI* MIXED .-M ^ ^ 1 NOT TO EXCE!:CEED$1.50| ' ORECOUPONPE Btam yn to M ^ Wponptqff I RrtillwOFC«fllnlal D L C g 16 OZ. B g l j [ E (IGETABL BAG„ m r o f I FAMILY PA(ACK JUMBO $ - | 0 0 !N BREASTSr 9 9 « I f P E P S i I CHICKEW B: . REG., DIET, Ci;i PR O D I CANTALOUPI f l BONELESS BEEFF7-B0NECUT i BONELESS BEEF • MOUNTAIN DECAFFEINE-FREE _ I • ROOT BEER •IEW I SQUIRT g e SNO WHITE I CHUCKnROAST CHInUCK STEAK • S L IC E ^ 12 PACK CAULIFLOWVER....Q- 3 9 J$ - |5 9 12 OZ. 39£ I $ ^ 6 9 1 Lb . ■ CAWS - - - RED RIPE SLICINGL ^ S i j I ' BONELESSSS BEEF MILO - ASSORTED TOMATOES1 I TopsmioiiIIN STEAK CHElEDDilR CHEESE 49! E AUSPOBK T D R IIK 1 »69 $■^592 INCH-N- ROMA I TOMilATOES „ I $2'■ LB. BUGL 59! — ASSORTED FLA JNCHboz , I FAUSBRJ3RAND FAFALLS BRAND SUCEO JtVORS LOOSE CARRI $H0 0 I iSii TOPS CLIPPED___ FO R I I BRAUNSCH1HWEIGER SLLAB BACON ' $ i 1 99 ■ F O R I 0 1 ^l_Zi LB. __ RITZ (ERS GREEN ( CAB» age_ 4 ^ Im9 9 9 L I CRACK I hotpocCKETS & $ - |9 9) ILB.BQ NEW CROP NO. 1 JM ' - * 5 j i I I O N S l ^ I tEAHPODCKETS 1 PKC. FO YELLOW ON ■ BHBiaHBBBt 2 a O H B H B H H a 5BBBBBBBBB1_ ^ a IB I , H U NI T T ’S A MMERICAN I BEAUTY I H I ES I M A P L E O R UGGIE CHOCOLATE. B A R S I SPAGHHETTI LONINGSPAGHEni g SUPREEMES&PULILL-UPS a I S A UICE I orElELBO MACARONII d f o r a l l $ > 1 0 0 1 I D d i f f e r e i 4 7 Q 0 3 L B . $ 1 9 9 ’ g SIZE BABENT $ ( R I W a FOR iB I E S > ' IL S S Lf -i- ■ P K G . a S B B B B B B a I IBBBBBBBBBi VIENNA RROLLS | | WESTERNNFAMiLY wiWESTERN FAMILY s& w TERN FAMILY P K G . O F 6 I ; WATERSPACK I Sl ASSORTEI I W E S TA I L L P I T T E D i79'* SQUEEZE ED SMAI TOMATl FROSTED $2 « I TUANA KI[ETCHUP OES 01LIVES CARROT ICAKE ' I R T HOME PRIDE WHHITE OR WHEAT ^ ■ ' CASE i 5 1 "$-f33 . 8 9 ^ CAN 7 9 ^ 9 * ^ S i r .BREAD B l nBTAieJLOA^ I WESTERN FAMILY BENERALMIU STERN FAMILY ILLS WEST APPLE JUICE WESTERN V FAMILY!175 COUNT h m w d H ^ PINEAI FACIAL Tl!is s iie __:^ 8 8 '* -WESTERNJ=AMILYl2^ S O J O U N T t 2 F O R - -39^ J - $ - | 3 » - . „.«11.79 INAPKINS^ case of 12 MERAL MIULS 1175 COUNT REG. 1008 co u irr u l t r a 1ULTI-GHAIH I " S ! KLEENEX^ 1 9 9 ^ jjjS I EERIDS PURINA25LB.BAG! G . -i . :$ 7 9 9 m t CHE 1 D 0 Z . I W M UtHfAHK-.rW lS S DOG CHOV lAHO I I $ R PURINA I CATrc H O w i F O ^ J I ^ orMEOW^t *

■ ' :‘V i ■ ... - t - '• • . . . • • ! ' ' " r ...... I, :,:V * ■ is ' i ' Timoa-Novta. Twinwin Foil#; Idaho Tuesday, A.uflUBte.uqi 1095 I r J j d a h Q B u tle r’s toi p a id e Resoiiri premaature in sannounci:ingswapii JA C K SO N , WWyo. (AP) — The vice Forest F ih 1994 completeded a S3SO,000 chang^ andand that w e still ni$ed to get t i w president o f thele Grand' T ^hee Resort environmental e study ofsf'the bofder financing,”5,” hh e sa id .- . ^ i COP mayI ^eparts aft(te r d isp u t ‘ w as prem ature in announcing a proposal resort’s ri expansion ]plans and Last week,,wee the M oores told.-tQIS to trado private landlai for a f e d ^ holding Bergmeyer’s E original prproposal. The Pinedale RoundupRo ne^'spaper that thtfg. a V o E N l a k e (A P ) — of o a difficult divorce.” at the foot o f thele 1resort, a spokesm an for studv s concluded that theth exchange knew nothiiIthing about tiw proposal, bw right-^hand man to white Butler declined'commenent^ on landowpere sasaid. . should si not b e allow ed becaiau se it w as hot they said tthe h ^ w ere not interested in s ^ l^ push bback- £5remacist leader Richard reports n that Bishop left1 oftero _ Dick Ooodnuinlan o f the Good Land and in ir the public’s interest ing'their land B u tlcIcr i has left the Aryan getting g into, a confrontaiinlion Cottle Companyly ini Cheyenne, who rep- S u t it,,8et conditions , fo r a p ossible “ W hat isis tiddng ti placc is a very pets<|tS N a tioicjns i in what.has been with w other Aryan N ations mmem- resents landowncmers Snook and Evelyn future fi land exchange. A subsequent al matter,, tindtin< the M oores do not care; 1^. ' '.descril:ribed by .some as a dis- b b e rs a t tS e P a n h a n d le cicom- Moore, said lliss ccl li^ ts are m oving care*, anpea!, a] how ever, forced thithe removal of have theirir personiilpt matters discussed. iS mining fblly In considerintin g the proposal. "1 ,- -''ai reference to a land swiwap or condi- public,” jobdmanGoo said. “It’s not a ihatteS pule: o\ov^r domestic relations. ' pound.p ice President Mori ti ,>COEUR d’AL^N:•NE; (AP) •— Bu*’iitler said Tim Bishop, “I didn’t witness anythiihing," Resort Vice tions^nder which the fedsderal g o v e rn - for public; disdiscus^Icw.’;': • J* islzcd Bergmeyer hasIS proposed; buying the ment n: would consider one. ^ Meanwhih/hile, Bergmeyer said he w oujJ , W itial enthusiasm forr mrr ining reform ) ^h a s h e h i t h e t itle s o f said si Butler, who emphasi n e ranch near U nion Pass by the Republican:an.controlled ^olpnpnel” and “staff leader,” that tl: Bishop w as only on teneri^. M^res*160;acre Bergmeyer, who saidI Ihe was'cbn- seek Congrcigress’ approval of the proposecS [ and cxchangm g{ it for federal property at v: Congress has wanedcd to the,point stepp<)ped down last week raiy rt leave and r^ain s a m vinced that an exchange: could< occur, trade, thoughlugh congressional action IS n ^ | jT Z the base of then5 resort. The proposal is st j toat so m e believe therelere is no belter S^^ausmse Bishop and his wife» bcr b of the Church of Je said his resort needed the .federalfe land to necessaryy forfi an exchange involvirfg \ similar to one BcrBergmeyer imsuccessfully help hi sccure financing for3r the resort’s lands withirthin a single state.'^e 198» j than an even chance! a billi will pass inda, “are in the micldle Christ C Christian-Aryan Natii /o rw a id e d in 1988>88. C3expansion. exchange! did bccause it involved land im !' ; _ bpforc the 1996 electioition. J Eas'tern Idahoho’s Tafghee National “My contention-is tiiat tlithings haven’t both Wyomii)rning and Idaho. ' - liS ' • jusi a questionon o f p rio rities ' - -in-Congress, ahd;we'^'c'thougHt we needed, to see the bill marked up , before the August recescess,’.' said John j Crasser of the Nallolional Mining Association, which'ch' formed in feS S S ^ C H l _ Fcbruaty when coalI arand hard-rock rainers jo in e d forces loto save m oney. ^ ^ H | f - But that seems uni:inlikely as the Senate pushes-this weeveck to jo in the • H ouse Ibr the A ugustIt recess.rc ' - ^ S ' T h e in d u s try w anants i a reform' i^ackage to solidifyfy the mining - qlaim system on publiiblic lands and ' i^Cmove uncertainty ab'about environ- a s u p e r m a d m ental laws loominging over their ’ domestic mining projecjecis. J > - M GERriHRE VAIUI'ES .d 'E .T EVEB^UDGET!' tl i Mining companies5 wwant to know i r m i ? 5 Ihe rules they will be required to . _ follow: in multimiliiillion-dollar ^TIRESHOFi I P P E R S ^ ^ , domestic explorationn projects,f and * uncertainty over thoshose rules has resuhed in much o)f f ithe existing . i lli's d l exploration cash goingIg o( verseas.' i ■ M ost industry leadcaders saw this ANCE Congress as the bestt chancecl yet to nil pass'a palatable compror)romise between O&TOSmsA/SlS S teel Ra d u ls . the industry-backed ScSenate version • -A HURRY- and the tougher House; prproposal. M ■ | But Idaho Rcpublicatican Sen. Larry f f T QUANTITIES Craig’s mining reformrm bill, which r Q ■ makes more concess:ssibns to the ^ LIMITED! H S ^ O O / a tf i ' o f s n c L I SMAU CAR^Rj R A D I A l V , : i A L V A L O E ijtronger House versionion than previ- L r j SMALL CAR RADIAAt , AUSEASOSON M & S RATED ous versions, has yel to |H 70 Series I j60/6g S e rie T I U qtwlily oil tooton radiol pravldn to be taken up —1 A T A BlARGAIN A I PRICEl in committee and proboobably will not P 1 j r l i a aAHOAWpitKt ______p»rfofwona.wiihqun< »mering ahd trodion p in long4reod I be before (he Senatee adjournsa for L f 1 ” PI89/MH-14 48.04 ' •VPCRMAR*MARWT SUPfBMARIUrr pwcg s tn . „'.pwc« *’ie recess. piu^ofi-13 PlS9/00n-14 8 2 ^ 7 • BUPCtMAm2:’235/75R-15XL 9 9 ^ P225/70R-i5 P2 ' '.SB.*!' . Peck is the new whigng commander • _S , P O R T TfiR U C K , \ • Excellent All-Seofof«n Perfbrmonc« Pies,.65/80R-13 ' .80.01 Pl^'175/70n-a,3liw 83.72 P185/60SR-14DW PI. 80.02' of Mountain Home Air.ir ]Forcc Base, # i . •• • • P175>.75/80R-13', -83.63 • Pie185/70R-130W 8 8 3 3 P195/60SR-14EIW'' PI S 437 replacing Brig. Gen.. LansfordL E. TIRES: . tupcRMARHer P185/:85/80R-13 . 88.78 . P'175/70R.14UW li • 8 8 3 4 .P215/60SR-14owi P2 96.09> T rapp Jr. W I , . • .pwct watm f«ct P185/B5/75R-14 . 72.28 ' Pl£'185/70R-140W 7 2 3 9 P195/60SR-1BOW PI' 88.72 ,95/7Sft-14 7 8 J 4 Pl£19S/70R-140W 7 8 3 8 P205/60SR-150W P2i /1 0 0 .0 6 ; P eek wiTI co m m annd d the 366th P155/80R-13 4 W 8 OT/76R-14 S9.78 Composite Wing, an advance-s‘trikeadi A :05/75R-l'4 8 1 ^ P2C2O5/7OR-140W 8 2 3 7 P215/60SR-160W P2 !j 1 0 4 3 1 ; P165/8QR-13 4 0 ^ P20'206/75R.ls;'B2,Si nis,I15/75R-14 88.42 . P2C205/70R-150W 8 8 3 2 P2 force of fighters, bombers- boi and I I G H ^ P21S/60SR-16IW ilU l.0 7 tankers. P175/80R-13 48.53 P21;’215/76R-15 64.82 ,95/7bR-lS 7 S M f P2C205/70R-14 8830 P225/60SR-160W P2: 7>il8.62 ;05/75p-15 S4.80' , P2d215/70R-14 9I.9S' P2i T rapp is headed t^ th(the Pentagon, R L I T Y ! ^ ^ P185/80R-13 50.88 P22;■225/75R-15 6 84n P205/65SR-1SOW - -99.71 15/75R-15 ^ 3 3 P15195/70R-15 8832 : P;a5/65SR-15DwP2 .)f0337 w here h e will becomc di^di^uty.directoi:' P185/75R-14 55A3 R23;ra/T S R -lS 73^48 r z2S/7SR-15 id , , 9 0 M 'P2C205/70R-15 90.88 ■ . o f legislative liaison forir theti Secretary P R I C ^ ^ P235y , ' • 't • 12 ' • . o fth c A ir Forcc. P195/75R-14 5IB47 ' :35/75R-15i • ,-»4.e2 , P23215/70R-15 9338 ■ ' —;------pJ---- ;____ Lllj__ ^ ' Peck, who wns rccentcntly selected 'fo r promotion to brigadiiadier general, ' was’assistant director'^of ^ o f operations E N C O m V T I STOREIU,! for U.S. air forces in Europe at III rR Y -rM oiliiP fN A NI A TIRE S' R am stein A ir Base in Genjcrmany. It MlDtOUNTIirXR SHOO C K S i Peck said he is unsureire o f w hat die lOW)W(OST-AUSEASONSTaLIUUI future holds in light o f a nrecent feder- thi»ehit omMton radial hinkni ovillMd xAlM^ bn f ' i l ^ U T S J OLE!] ai court ruling agaiast the.the.AiLEorcc.’s — ------2ond a_wn^ rl^ d m •conon^ MM plans'tb build a 25,000-aib-acre training -JiS, ^ g e iri Owyhee County.,ly. 'P 2060 5/70R -16 B » T .O Peck is a command piloiilot wilh more JlS /T B R -ia B . 0 0 . 3 ^ forPASS s h 538/7SR-10 B 0©.3 U l SEASON STEEL RADIAI iSENGER CARS] | ^ than 3,500 hours in UH-1H-1.F4.F11.1. rTaJ a3B/7S.lB , C - T3 J. AU NEW AS SmM MM oo and E F -111 jcts. s oVO.OOR.IS /a . . B • 7 »^•07. . 0 BE« <^0^«d MtfilM iMn, ond q w ^ yod eon . ; H is awards' includc thehe 1Bronze Star a i./10.50H-aB' / a O , 8X.XL .1 3 g a B l - yt«•t<*»ofo«rUi»pfehip/.p£ri«lMywdtol S The unsJHESTADVANaiNRlOE '< \ apd the Distinguished Flyinyiqg Cross. 3=^^5/11.80R -i0 C S 8 .4 . I UMomiiM »ricm.wjiI.VAUH .1 I N , COMTROITKHTEomoLocY, VST Shocks i/aa.BOR.iO 0 , S B . 3 - . .-J He also served as dcplIcployed com- l * f S B/78R-14 , o i Z a a " I t n t n n Z r ■ b — B .k m o mUlCAUY m a ADJUST TO YOUR I aiO/BBR-iO o - . TT.C•55 «gp2oo/0/7BR-rB O : ,71. J J /jt'. VEHlOi'jOi'S SPEED AMD ROAO ' ■mander o f the 20ih Fightghter W ing in . ^ raaaO/7BR-16 a o • B O ^ 8/7BR-1B . O 7 4* .J .± X I S n S u ! ^ l A Turjcey duririg Operati ^ CONOmONT10MS,BYAinRIKGTHE I ation Descrl lta30/85R-X023 e ' M• ..» S S p a a s/8/75R-1B 'B, . ' .70.* lr*emiiT "I — Storm . LT2424B/7BR-iO e . 8/78R-1B D : 70;t9 - M n sHoa's mIKTEBNAl FLUID PATH FOR , LT2©2BB/7BR-10 C S3.2.• ? 2 , : - H ‘•^3.818/7BR-18 C ,• 0 1M ^ 7 lumitSlU W eo OPTIMUMJM (RIDE AND HAKDONG. ; 30R-10.0-. -;‘ b , •i? ‘ I '-'^23838/7BR-XB C ' 1 0 0 .< 2 B oise p ilo tss tI a n d 7BR-ao.B', . 0 ..sa.®; I 3o;^.|o.BOR-18 - c " a.0 0 .1 CALL FOR PRICE SOR-IO.B .■ o I ax/xc10.80R.1B C : ajL 0.inl4x4VI!i0-S26.95 S N avajo was going; dodown. ^^yrREPA IR^ V m o u n t aAIN i h ; 'Thc two Boise pilots were able to lOHlI Sfomr 3 g m H I umMwntr M M _ D RYDER GA! ' m ake a n cm'crgency landiinding Sunday GAS 2 9 9 5 ; ' In a field south of the airociiport and east 1 , ^ vsr 1 b f Pleasant Valley Rood.I. NeitherN man,. 1ST 2S% OF TREAD 2 9 % t e lK- lnitalhlko*»dljlil.St,■ St.75Eiia/»,9.S34.<5 • 1- .was, injured. The Piper suflsuffered dam- SSSSSSSBSBSSBB , > age to the engines and the lowef part U V C l » DEPENDABLE :R 260 LOCATIf IONS A network 0OF SERVICE & PROTCCIc r i o N B A Tr - T E R I E S > WHATEWEB Y( bf the fuselage. Franzerzon «nid tho^- r||flE6ail I plane w ill likely be sciappe OHo IDAHO >W«SHINBTimt *ra/ccna e iimmmmBBBBBBwyw iim ' ' A bout noon, at the begiicanning of a iJ™ !™HEiWCAUFaRNIA • S C R \ ^ i C £ \:1960sTJloiiir— riUIA—::------.------• S B M .-e C T t C ^ lost power in one enginete andt started • • P l M t l R A f i beading back down to thete gground. F O R OVER 0 4 3 YEARSS T H E N ^ X T T mS e Y o u h b b o t i h i ; , Edwards, the pilot,, andsnd Franzeo, t u e E KEEPM .' serving as a flight instnictoICtor, realized IflE BEST E PLACE tfaeir chances were slim of making it ^ In ck to the airp o rt ' B U Y TIRES^ WEBM . i! They'Workcd together;r ioii turn the IBIISEDH ^ k n e twice,' once south o f lthe airport and again to the cast fowai field oCchMicGiSfaSby?® ojIanonntl^Ki^ipVtodLnding cm the ;; .: g ro s s ; w h e re it skskidded i for T tlt . rilsbout SO. yard s before cotcoming to a 1 •

...... - - I'* ...... ------M g ralic'S—I I Apou ' Beltwvay 6p]poneniits; W ee w ant sim pker w ay ■nil By Sean L. McCanfay ^ ^ I "This is not: a bclt-linub like you wduld find •Times-Ncws writer in W ashington,1. DD.C.." she said M onday: “ It’s ~ Time to talliik an up-and-downwn roa'd ... from tlic industrial T W IN FA LLS - As^s proposed, i a future Tonight’s your chance i loll. All this is serving is the rallev : northeast beltway would :c to tolk about o fficc, 1234 12 Highland Ave. E., 1T w in they uld rum Mel Jensen’s p industrial area or plans to build a northcas I or funnding more inifTic into ’ retirement plans. :asf beltway to Foils, 'siphon m otorists arourlund the city. Anothc: _ I that horrendousis irintersection al Pole |Linc ond ' Jensen'has lived andid farmedf on 20 acres ^ ;hcr hearing will be Aug. Dreadlock:ked hijack Comment will be takencn at on open Additioni ' Blue Lakes," along Falls Avenue East«ist since the 1920s. Hc . onal comments also w'il house from 6 p.m . to 9 p.ip.m. tonight at acccptcd a beltway would only cncourage suspect sti]till at large has seen new homes sprsprout up oroun'd him d at the highway district by Aj u c ' the Twin Falls Highwmay District 25. convenience storeitorcs, fast-food rcftauranis and . , HAGERMAN-- Authorities continue during the post seven:n decades,i more so other commercialrcial businesses to set up shop ‘ the scarch for' 0& blond, dreadlocked recently as Twin Foils} cicity has expanded to ------* along the beltwayway’s interchanges - disturbing :ted of hijacking a semi- the northeast Jensen woni/Ants to be oble to cosh be: built t until growth warranants it - which ..truckingg firmf in southeast Twin FFc alls and rural residents and harming property values. < truck cab and it:its driver from Boise in on thot growth, too. couiuld be 20 yeors or more do\down the road - chairmonin t t anyI brains, he has •‘They" ore the Twi;win Falls Highway sit dircctlyd in the path of thec proposedp 500- Twin Fallsalls residents surprised by mnortheast cost into tiic city.ity. On the west side, they note olrclidy shoved hishi head, shorn ofT his District commissioners,rs, and the belt route foot’ot-wide corridor, said he carcan’t w ait much mifflc [ic-iic-ups in tile future like they:y were a that work is progirogressing to build a new sec- facial h a ir and1 changcd cl his clothes,'.' they ore talking aboutU i:is designed to be o longtiger to bankroll his future. _ yeor o r twctwo ago by the now-frcqucntnt jams at tion of U.S. High'lighway.93 that skips northwest said Dctcctivc Ro|Roger Byrd ofthe Boise future bypass road, allcillevioting downtown "I’m “I almost 80 years old,”."Hcsaid. “I’m theeomcnicr o f Pole Line Rood and Bluluc Lakes of the city. Policc Dcpartmcnlent. “All of that should traffic by shuffling moimotorists oround the goining to want some m oney oulut of< this place." Boulevard,utl.' M acM illan rccognizes rccc her solution is “not be at the botton;om of the river right city’s eastern border., PotentialPc buyers have lost intiinterest knowing "RightIt r now the ground is bare,"’ 1Burwcll fancy." ' now ." A volunteer committcad. The city and rcssidcnt,t, sj said she agrees with th e highway h Still, she saidlaid she understands that the Rood and Eastland Ori'Drive to the point ot high^w ay disirict should do sim police sflid.'-Thec h ijackcr seemed irate, similar widening district’ss pposition that "we need to10 be far- political proccssess is deinocniiic and requires which 3250 East meets_ OrchardO r Drive. to AddisonA Avenue, Eastlan • perhops on drugs,;}S, and at one point fired land Drive and thinking; on the traffic problem in thislis area as compromise, andind she hopes people will take The first of two highighwoy d istrict .open WasI his Roger revolvjlver out the vehicle's oshington Street to relieve localloc traffic con- it grows." part in the beltwajway hearings. houses on tho beltway willkvill be tonight gestistion, he said. w iiJow, pdHcee s:said. A Boise rcggoe But MaclacMillon doesn't think the proposedpi “We happen1 to oppo-se it, but come in and Although the beltwayly iis not scheduled to Dick Di Burwcll, president ofo f a beverage- beltway is t c o n ftrt h ad liiccn:n heldh o day o r tw o ear- is the solution, cither. voice your positioiiition on this thing." .she said. , * lie r.^ Following the:he gunman’s orders, Lcppert told poliolicc hc drove toword Dierkee;s gets r A ccidentts c e n e H agqtm an. T he miman instructed Lcppert to pwl over atIt the1 intersection of Highi^ay 30 on(and River Road near MaladBridge. toilets;i crt drove to H agerm an and callcd policc.;c. Authorities scarcarched nearby homes. must wvait The gupraan was/as described os white, with four earringsIgs in his left car, wcor- B y Sean L. M cCarthy " ^ — ■ I ing black gloves'cs without fingertips, Times-Ncws writer h i ^ - to p tennis shoes shi and o blue basc- ball cap, red plaidpla shirt ond jeans, TWIN FALLS - Dicrkicrkes Lake Pork will HB h B? police said. get more portable toiletscts before car dealer Hc appearedd betweenb 20 and 25 Storrcr gets o chanccincc to build a dealer- years old. ship on Addison Avenueic EEast. T he City Council decidicided Monday to rent Gusty, dustyy winds\ pave way tw o pomiblc toilets forr useus at Dicrkcs Lake through the Labor Day weekend.wei S for cool weathIther across state Councilman Tom Condicndie said tJic additional TWIN FALLSS - A cold front headed restrooms ore needed hjKause K i continued hot for Wyoming nnd'nni Utah passed over ■ ‘ w ester bte.into the sunimttimcrhas brought more _ • south-central Idaldaho Monday, kicking • people down' to the city■ paipark. The cbstTor the • up dust and dropplp ping m o to rists' y lsib il- tolletil ^ estimated ol oooilOOUtSlOOcacii. K ■ ■ ity to half a mil(nile, according to the The council had a memore difficult time u N ational W eathe er r S5 crvicc. . Monday rezoning 37.5 ac:acres along Addison n But law cnforcbrcemcnt reported 'no Avenue East os commercitreial property. 13 accidcnts as aI r cof local when Emery brouDrought up his point, told the meeting. For more)re informotion. contoct Trail Elementary School.1. T w/in ii Falls, Dr. A.C. Emeryry 'said d u rin g - doctors, MiMagic Valley Health NctwjE^8Us jCou!ouri;V.I^nir iuid ' ' , Oth'cr.loc.locatioifS'inelud^ Corner:^ appear at the Twin FoilsIs CountyC Fair as the ^ manning and zonin.ning com m ission iQOk- ate due A ug. 19', aadndiiQiatp Hve-ii,iri'CiisHefleford; Balanced'Rock £ - bition truck burneimer, powered by a 1964 283 traveling Northwest RcR e g io n a l-H e re fo rd :V'_, . mg fot: permissionion to build four four- stock entriep-willt be,BCC;ccro'te'd, F.air; -Conservatvatton J^istrict 'iaDd .Do :k with a J-46 Wcstinghouse Show arrives on A ug. 30. Ilexes ju^t east of3fo 0 subdivision he.won JO. . M anogtt Cii\djj P^ihorieiy-^'.-saii , : , • , Thrift^ayay in Buhl:; W est One-B? j®* engine In theJie irear that produces 27.000 Fair Manager Cindyy DemoncyD said the , Ip p ro v al fo r last: mm( onth. M'To.avoict woit^B.iiTlin'eses ^g...William7s;lrsjMaricctand-ihft'far. offic- pounds of thrust.ist. H ereford exhibit w ill inc:include a pen show, E The total neiieighborhood would dtiys.'.senci entiy^lan'ks''cs'to' the Fair'' Filer; .'DaD aw ’‘8;.M arket.,'in’, ;H ansncMni ' The third annutinual Destruction Dcrbywill OS well as the usuol heifeeifer, bull and group include 22 four-pr-plcx buildings on o Ojfice at PO Bbx'iK7|;Filer,e r,ID 8 3 3 2 8 ^ : Petereoni'li'IG l A io KithberIy;^MurtaS o be Aug. 30, andid a:all seats arc general admis- dosses. : } o o p ' ro o d SOU'outh of Elizabeth '^ritry. blanks n»5«nifedd ini tHe“preriii-• Coimnuni^hiQ^'BuiIdrhg iSupplyj,'!^] n save Sl per ticket by pur- “Pen shows ore relotivelively new to the fair ii' i Boulevard. liml books, avai!abIeto;T w ii F^ls at the. B ^.'s MaMarket and M urtau^: Comimiiiy;-’' m ndv™^ancc at any Napa Auto Pans industry and are growiiwing in size every ; Thei olanning ,(;ommission,<;o also will .Cham ber q f CbiMttearce;;D<;D&B;Supply,;-;Stor< in'NI'M urtaugh; and Antlqueilesi'&i- Magic; VaValley, yeor," she soid. Rancherslers enter three bulls consldv 0 request;sst by Robert C; Wills ' Globe ■Sccd:& I^sed.' ThV:IP, Homestead;:'* TJiiiJgs and a® Rose Antijiue^M alllit in \' Businesses,, gngroups or individuals who or heifers, and the stbfck3fck need n o t b e fit, .''.-/y' shortep the front-yard- ^ «n?e.y ,e^tembney sold fairgoers conn sees “the best numbered:d ccottle from one end o f theiie Main Streets Pro Freestyle Frc Team. The Las' J nizers, she soid. •: : . ' Idahcho has to offer in beef onn Ithe hoof at 'Rodeo Are^reno to the other - in nuniimericol. Vegos-boscd groigroup hos performed notion- , ' “T his m otivates o therr breedsbi to get going th e FFirst Security Bonk o f IdaIdaho Opeii to order. “It’‘It’s not as easy as it soiounds,” wide and usesi “a city street theme, crowd ' .and get 0 show .together,”:r,” she s a id .‘1 t’s‘ on the WorldV Steer Show at I,p.m.m. on Sept. 2. Demoneyy &said. Chick Young has beeeen con- porticipotion,, humorht and unbelievable' os^et to us all th e y n y oroiiroxmd.” ’ . T he: sshow fcotures an overagege o f 70. pure- ducting workshops w o to tpaeh “local1 jpeople freestyle oerinlstIs cond fiotlond moves,” she^ . d, gnide'or crossbred steers,: .. Obituarres, ' B2 Fairgoers-will seO^HHerefords in the bred, she said. ' like sccretaxtorics ond bankers, with ooverage soid. City Streetreels, w ill pcrfoVm doily In, bam s on the' first three} didays ofthe county Ai Ihighlight of newer eventsIts that will be horses,” to competei in this year's evevent; sh e K id d ie L o n d1. . south s. of the Tom, Park’ D ear Abby B4 ■ foir, and the final three» days< will feature featutured ot the Twin FallsI County-FoirC said. Thele team1 sorting, at 9 aim. oion Sept Pavilion, ot .2,, 4,4,' 6 ond 8 p.m..The Rcrfor-! Angus, Shorthorn andmd other breeds. Induelude: 2, is limitccited to 30 teams.'Winners getgi cash monces ore freeee withv ffit: odmission. .'-.ii POOP — ....______-r" ' ' ' ' .

B-2 Tlmos-Nows, TwinI FoiFoils. Idaho Tuesday, Augu^ 8 .1 9 9 5 Hundreds ofreinfoiceiro ments called irin to battle wi i i d ^ B - 229 teamithatdiS‘bpped AA-bomb • 'lie Associated Press initially aattacked tt the blaze or headed:d tanlcers and helicopterers grounded for the linlines of theX ake Fire thatat and fire crews close tot th e ir sa fe -■ • Federal land manageI g e r s callcd in 'was sparkirkcd by lightning Sundayly areas because of its erraticei efTect hundreds of reinforcDrcements on af\cmoon.n. on the flames, Lsnbregjrets haliIf centurry later iMonday to battle a high-countryhi The fireire had covered 800 a c r ees s There.'was no targetet for contai* ' wildfire that was beinglg Iblown out of by daybrbreak M onday and wasis ment ofthe fire, whioc!)ch wos about, ALBUQJQUERQUE (AP) — A sci- control by high win<'inds through, being drdriven by high windsis four m iles north o f the! Trinity7 Ukcs cntisl who10 flew on 'both m issions tliat ' squthw cstem Idaho’s BoiseBo National throughIt iheavy bug-killed sub-3- recration area about 40a milesi cast of dropped atomicat bombs on Jopan. andI P r o btlems l o f B-212 9 p ilo t Forest alpine fireire. The winds from a coldId Boise. A team of firc't;'management ended WoVorld W ar II said Monday Over 300 firefighterse rs were either front thatat moved across southernrn specialists had taken overo\ direction those involvolved *\verelonday aftbm oon kept airlir o fth e attack. the killinglg wouldi stop.*’ . , b ra n d e(:d others, fell ______« Law renc;nce Johnston, a member ol ALBUQUERQUEJE (AP) — The exhibit beforebcfc its bpe'ning. I Ihe'top-secsecret M anhatuin Project that questipn brought Ilaughterj from Memberbers of the 509th soid developeded the bomb at Los Alamos,’9®* m em bers o f th e B-^1-25 group that Eatherly's’’s perceivedp problems also said thosese who took part in the mis-"'?■ d ro p p ciU h e on ly otomic a bombs have brandeinded them. Tom Ferebee, DeathII lidtices>s. - ■ sions weresre so,sure the bombs would hi*v comibat b — how is bombardieriier on the Enolo Goy, sold' , „ J . force a JaiJapanese surrender that they their mental health totoday? that in thethe years; since, he’s been . \ • Emliy Town A rraingements n j arc pending inin H o m e, 2551 K im b erlyly Road ,n j„gg!^ n g to go hom e even before But the question1 alsot produced reported1 as as in an insane asylum or BURLEY - Emilylily Town, 19, o f )f Blay Colonial Funeralll Twin Falls. J a p a n annnnounced it would aecepllE i------eerious-answers becacause the debote ' suffering0 fromfr de«p rcmorsc,.ovcr, W heaton, 111., diedI SiSunday, Aug. 6, unconditioidonal terras. — .... J. over whether the aatomic bombs his role min theti; atomiii bombings. ' : 1995, from injuriescs :sustained in a ^ A nd Joh'ohnston said that despite the should have been usedui continues “That's's notn true,” Ferebee soid. climbing accidentIt ata the C ity d'f controversersy that still surrounds the • Rocks. Brvices ima .holf a century nfteler the United “I’venever;ver regretted i t" ------dropping; 0of the bombs on Hiroshinu Arrangements ttrcjK:j)ending and will ' States,dropped the5 1bombs on the TibbetsIts saids h e doesn’t believe , ithy B e raic e R oss, o f H a w lto nn. . Chapel. Twin Falls. Viewiwing, 3 to 8 onclNagascasaki SO years ago this month, be announced by theK IPnyne Mortuary Japanese cities o f HHiroshima and anythingJg wasv ever wrong with lide service, 7 p.m .-^doy,y, p.m. today at the funeral efii:hapel. he findsI ppeople today more sympa- in Burley. ^ ’ Nagtisaki. Eathcrly. H azelton>n •Cemetery. Viewing, noon Joto = — thctic. 10 commanded "I’m th6the man: who said Eatherly today 01 White M ortuary itiill Haze] Hafflier. o f Twinn Falls,I 10:30 H e recallailed an anti-war sentiment irJ- ' F red B o c k ,-w h o Chcstcr J. Sumn The Great Artiste, ithe B-29 that- should stoystay in the 509th and fly” oils. a.m. Wednesday, Blay'y Colonial the 19408Os. “when people said we TWIN FALLS-Ch(C hester J. Sum m y, Funeral Home, 2551'ICimbtibcrly Road, ,j_„ , earned the monitorirring instnmients after havingving il doctor evaluate his ' • 79. of Twin Falls, diedlied Monday, Aug. r-i. j- feel guilty even for winning Jeao Mflrrs, of Twin Foils, 10iO Twin Falls. Viewing. 8 o.ir,.m.to9p.ra. ihewar." ontheA ug.9.1945,:5, Nagasaki raid, ‘medical records,reci he said, 7. 1995, Qt the M agic' /ednesday, Reynolds Funeralal today at the funeral home. ‘dia 'opened a news conlinference at the Eatherlyrly wos a wonderfiil pilot, M edical C enter in Twii N ow adaidays, with extensive niedii iarv -^®^h an n iv ersary reunion re of the but "kindid ofc wild,” Tibbets said:] covem gee egiven the 50th anniversary 1 he used to call Eatherly o f World-VJ-W ar II, “people realize whai ■ 509th C o m posite GroupG here by He said he 'lynn Jr.” after the swash- f the stakes'M were in the war,”, Johnstornon saying that criticismn iand controvcr- “Errol Flyn .Qjj. sy over the years ha;las suengthened bucklingS moviem star of the 1930s, . said in anin iin te rv iw after a news con- Hospiiitals fl-v the group’s ties. and th att EiEatherly “was the only , • . ------fe re n c e: aat the 50th anniversar> 10 flew a B-29 with a scaif J of the 509th Composite And Paul Tibbets:ts, pilot o f the man who fl . MAOICyAlXEYFY R EG IO N A L M E D IC A L C:ENTEI^ E f Bemstrouch andd Hilmah Dickinson, both of.f Paul; and reunion 0 ijly .Enola Gay, which:h d ro p p ed th e around hislis neck.”r Group, a1 E B-29 imit forftied esp Kerrie DschaakofNJf Malta. itjflhimo, Japan, A fler thethe w ar, Eatherly felte a hero and have people . w ere ablele tr the news conference, the Smithsonian Institi Angela Lee ofTwinvin Falls; and Lesler Peterson\ of Filer. Mr. and Mrs. Feman■nando Vale, bolh of Burley. ;rly took to holdingHip . lone reunicinion event open to the new:ews the atomic bebombs which Eatherly ufTering of the- small post3st offices< in Texas wiih a EOIONAL MEDICAL CENTETER MINID6:d 6 K A M EM O R IA L HOSPITAfAL media. emphasized the suf C A S SIA REO stol and developed o d i ^ - O th e rs-s ini clu d ed m em bers o f the Japanese and alludided to mental water pistol -obiem, Tibbets said, A dm itted Admitted c re w o fF tlthe B-29 Enola Gay thathat problems by thee late Claude ing probi oily, Tibbets said, iriter- Jennifer Vole of Burley;Bur Blanche Davis oftieybiybum; and Nichole Phillipsps and\ Stephanie Grant, bolhhofRupcit; dropped!:i the first atomic bomb oron “Buck” Eathcrly,/, pilot of the Eventually 3 made Eatherly an(|, sccond thouhought,” he said, n I O b i t u i ------“ Y o u ggot another one of thoseo se T ib b ets sa id th a t hih a lf a c c n tu ^ And, he added:a “I don’t rcgrct it for LeMay asked. later, he’s not uncomfofortable defend-' one minute,lUte. It w as 0 thing that had to --.-"■x—------~T"\ C oncertsrts Association of Twin Falls,s, 1528VislaAve.. Boise IC Its said he responded, “YesI'cs, ing the use of the bombnb, even though be done.” . : Twin Fallslis - ' ■ ■ She was/as a member of the Firstst r------i Unitedi MN ethodist C hurch in Twin 13 , b o Im ______Falls. Sh(She was an avid crafter and painterra n d enjoyed traveling.' ^ WCILLEJONE)NES HOUSBHOLD S h e Is survived by two sisters,s. Battt makes list Lenniet ScSchm ucker Caldwell- anId d ••.■34 Jan iceI (Verne) Snodgrass of Twinin "‘‘i irint on F a lls; 01o n e n e p h e w . M ich ael L. 55 ^?^- S nodgra;irass of Twiri Falls; a n d one'0 '■ - " ^ 3 T heresa L. (Scott) Guthrie of i t e niece. of ju d iip(ln0i&««Wnn tTUBw, S-dxnw Mitrimi -T«4ni4n e«dBti xte t ipiings & mm m - Ottrtn The farfamily su g g ests m em orials to,0 licial Council. Tml&wmFta»l Court-nusIus 9>M nockat - (2) Rust PiM SwM Rodv1odm-Orapl^libpbCoAMTM)ki-(:) ' the First•st Uniled Methodist C hurch, state Judici H enncssesscy, who with her husbandand Ujp»iaBi«-6wnTW««JCoi::oudi - (2) 8n s Unps - 0 * OqslHfilHf E&xJ Tabto - Uaoriaw Coraolt 9»no 360 Sho:lo shone Si. E.. Twin Falls ID Ph«wh-S«-(rgM*J*»Ti•T^-MbodM^ailnaRadi-VVbodWMrabudrateCcbtw 83301. contributecIted a total o f SI,000 to Bait’s _ successfuiful 1994 campaign, willn il SCHWriNNAIRDYNE-OFRCEFl I^ -FURNITURE ‘ -j Henry R oland MillIller replace forformer Democratic state Sen.len. u»M^ -TVTV Tnyi - HumiAr - PUcamus - Tonblb & UnoraL - Knpi CoOn Uakw - Gls»' -■ Aug. 19. 1977. thee ddaughter of Jim ■ ■ n E 3 -1907. In Manchester. England,Ei fo CAsPlM-VtodtnBiMb-Cr■ CNra Ct<)e a S u m - ttdr^ BtMto - fiancbiandxwiWuvTuFU-OantorBendor icvcn-member commission, rok - Gt»*M - BMi Mhcr- Z and Linda Depewiw T h o m as. S h e fl Paul Carl and Louise Br -RMCtnOptn*r-C(«NMi1 Mugs - SMI M n - FViv Ptm - Ultral*- g He was educated at"'che“at dle hcadedb:by Supreme Court Chief|>C! F^uVm-Spon Big-Bockek Baa > UK. LKin CloMns - C oom»JoM*y JoMi - QuMn Sia CoRi^»niit*«r - had aitended schic h o o ls in Flier, rharies McDcvitt, is rcsponsi-nsi* thura & bod lUrt-QuotnStza»za CoirfcnK Mfilcw ihvm & baa piOHH - CQjMn Slai BKtapTMd •^‘3 Pr. OiapM ' ' Rathdfum, Shoshone)ne, Glenns Ferry, H Hulme School and MtJlanohester Justice Chi ble for rccrecommending actions m dis-d is- wmaicMflgf»e»cunalnB-p)TiiTi*WMRo(b-(2)CunahRod) ; Mountain Home a nnd d 'Twin Falls. She P * ® ■I Univorsily, - was a special girlirl t that loved the ja Mr. Miller w as empio;loyed for 30 ciplinaryy casesc against sitting judges outdoors and likedod watching (he M M I years as a commercialI representa-r and for sclselecting panels of nomineesl e l L uucille Jones, ovow ner 1 : sun come up. Shele enjoyed( being ■ tive In transportation andar trading from whicllich the governor fills judicialcial AuetbnMnNoU: ULucHthassoUhtfhomaandhaammI mond info anirament eonlar. - with her friends a ndId fifamily. ■ enterprises In Central Atoiorlca.it and vacancies,ts. EvwylNnglssuptfdt.d«anink». niswiat»aitiotttutn»Itmttauethnl ! She was preceded:fed in death by a ■ for 10 years in retail sales ook no position last w inter on brother. Jeffery Thofhomas; and her ■ Survivors include a u r c S«sful legislation to eliminatelate ■ Peggy Cummings of Ha grandfalhers. Russelssell Thom as and . Heidelberg. ' the counciicil’s role injudicial appoint-int- [Ti SS S i i III i W a u Frank Depew. Survivevivors Include her 9| ter. Elsie Elsenlohr or H ■ Germany: and six granindchildren. mcnts amand allow the governor totc father, Jim Thomass oiof Glenns Ferry; CI---- li jeath by his select whohom cver he desires subject to molher, Linda Tho'homas of Penn He was preceded In de parents: nis wife, Marianin Day-Mllier; Senate cor:onfimiation. The Legislatureture Valley. Calif.; brolf-others, Mickael Matthchew P. Giardner a nd a brother, Paul Millerer. currently;ly has no role in judicial:ia l •' Thom as of Twin Falls-alls and Matthew th e w 'P a g e G ard n er, 21. of,of. The family requests; nor flowers. appointmc ibia Falls, Mont.; ®Fa nents. • Thomas of Columbit =alls. died Sunday, Augt 6. Memorials may be send S€ to an The gOA sisters, L aura BoleE)les of Columbia g? 50vemor also named Robert3crt at his home. orphanage in San Salvac G ra h a mn of ( Bonners Ferry to ththe e Falls. Mont.. AnnelKetie Detweller of He waswe born in Twin Falls on )n orders may be made to Resources Board, replacing Canbf, Calif., andi JenlneJi Piper of oac 2Q29. 1973. the son of Arthurur Hermano f^edro, or checscK v bS Water Re I Glenns Ferry; half brbrolhers. Ronnie -nnn- andnr Sadie Suezo Gardner,sr. m a d e p a y a b le to to Peggy Kenneth1 KHungctford o f Moscow. His Thomas of Boise anand Jo rd an and Uft a tAnended Twin Falls schools. He■ie Cummings. P.O. Box 3769,37 Hailey termexpinpired. Johnalhan Thomas.as. both of Penn enjoyed)d television production andId ID 83333. In otherler appointments, the gover- Valloy. Calif.; half sistsisters. Ruthanna. radio broaroadcasting. He had worked3d - ...... nor namled: ed Merryia and Robekeekah Thomas, all g, Mornlirning Sun Productions, KLIX ' \ ] • D ennim is Johnson o f Nam pa to the ■ of P enn Valley. CalU . KKVI. Z103 and KGold radioiK p i ^ d e l l I Public EmEmployees Retirem ent SyBteirtem m others, Mary Thome I In Rifle, Colo. Board. and IVIifiam D epewvotDlelrlch. of " ®Hee„ enjoyed being with friends K atherine R. Helnlitzelm an • Idahoho Water Users Associatiortion ■ A memorial service imily. He loved m aking peo- a n d (am i jiman, 72. of DirwtorSIr Sheri Chapm an and Divisior ■ 30 a.m . .Thursday. AuAug. 10,1995 at pig hapiippy. He was loved by hislis Katherine R, Helntzein Sunset Memorial Pari=>ark In Twin Falls, A n th e r Ha Wendell, died Sundayay, Aug. 6, of Envtroironmental Quality Directoi'to r )r and all his friends. He Cory to the Western Statesues with the Rev. Jim Win/Vinkle officiating. his fir mother very,much. Hee 1995, at her home, W n lly Co Memorials may be sent to Magic n e c e d e d In d e a th b y h islg Katherine was born JaJan. 4,1923. WaterCoi"duncil. • Tax-freee investments meanm more Valley Allernative Scl-School. 201 Main Arthur ‘Don’ Gardner; a els-lg In Chattanoga, Tenn., th(the daughter . Clyde'de Ingram of St. Anthonyf “tc > ■ . : Ave. V^.. Twin FallsIs IDII 83301; or to ™ Lia ls a Michelle Gardner; a n d his,lg of Mary Scholl a n d Rotobert Logan the Idahoid Board1 o f Tox Appeals. Twin Falls S earchland ai Rescue, m prandm.Imother, Alice Suazo.o Farmer Sr. She was raised and • s t\ Jaca of Nampa, RorJon income fo:br you. In fact, iffyou'reinthe J .H ed u c a te d In T ennessee.le. Katherine « care of Jana Hedbn Church’s Council of thi . ■ becameANR Freightaht Lines: W ednesie s d a y a t W hite M ortuary in th e Rev. Bill F lan ery c 'Sflfclatrng r T A,Apostle^, was released Sundaj She had been enjoyinger retire--TwinFalli■alls. • ■ , ■ Burial will be at the10 W en d ell Tw elve A{ meni'fot the pastit severals years. The familyfa suggests memorialsI's C em etery. Family a n d frfriends may from a hohospital where he htid h^orfear! nSing BobSeibel. Kent£n S tu a ri T im A 'L o ri S he w as e o t i ^ In the Mental Health be. m adeide to the American Diabetes59 c a ll from 2 to 7 p .mn . to d a y a t surgery laslastw eek. 1625AiId!MaATe.]e,E. 8S4FaIIsAve.’ UIMt Association andId Community Assoclal:lation, Idaho Affiliate Jnc.,'■> ^ Dernaray's Wertdell Chapapel. Ballard,ird, 66, underwent quadruphjple Salta 108 8alt«1010 PI ------bypass het! beart suigeiy on A u l I at LDS.D S P h o n e 784-910(106 . . Fhooe739-tti5 - .. m 7» t m . , BaH,r.i!78.iin Hospital11 ilin Salt Lake. BalhnI joihet the Councincil — which is a goveminj ' b o d y i nThe n Church o f Jesus ChristS. o SEdwjrardD. Jones i i S t a n a t o ^ Latter-daylay Saints — in 1985. H e wa;w as MsoiberNow'm Yor1( Slock Exctunge. loc. & SaeuiilieiJiilieslnyestorjyoUKllonCorpoiiUOT . sly a member of the church’ich’s • Rato oxprotMd. oas thof lowor of yield to maturi^urify or yloid to call effoetivo rTMWwtv i i ^TSk S S ^ - previously TWINKAXlSiKIM , First 9 uaonim o r o f the Sevdity and wa;w as - 8/7/95. Subjoct.to avo;ralla'bllity. Morkiet risk ia o eon - ' n l i n m l 7 3 5 »6<00 « k ■ \ . ^ • in the'pres:residency o f that quoram.

______I, . . . ____i:: ------.. ,..Ks . , . i .

■ ■ ■ 'I .

TF Tuosd.sday, August 8.1995- Tlmos-Nc»-Nows. Twin Foils, Idotio B-3"

\ ^A ^ ll" . . , Ma

I FlyingI low Tr fu Jm im e stuLidents get saiimetreasatment

H ■ B y K aren ToIIdcincnI his two3 clchildrcn.’said hc would I. . Times-NewS writer . eventuallyally enroll his children in , so m e ’publublic school classcs. But if TWIN FALLS - Private- or a full-timeimc student couldn’t take a; home- schooled students st also class becaccausc of dually-enrolled' enrolled in thc Twinn Falls School children,n, Ihis children would give! r spots. ' '*TrTv^ District will not be thctl first to be. up their sp bumped in case dfr oc v e rc ro w d e d “ I w o3uld u lt take my child out vol-: , .classrooms. untarily.i'becauSc be that child doesn’t; Afler board mcmbciber Dave Saw have anyny other option,” he said.; ‘ objected to part of aI proposedp dual "My childlild does.” enrollm ent policy,i , the School -District;'icts have been struggling- r: Board voted "8 your dues which police seizeczed nearly four car," saidlid Jensen, who sought to proveovc Arizpe had crossed the I tc say you can’t levy reso'solution^ designating the; ' times, had tint- pointed outoi dial officers did find tool;oQlg a n d h earin g som eone pbunds-pf marijuanana Ilast April, was that poliolice stopped the vehicle: to side of the road a few ti ime Saturday clcmcntarjitary schools as the placc for' re too dark and m it So,3, tdie compartment had a purpur- have your tec-tirr legal, a judge ruled MoMonday. . search it Ifor illegal drugs. cd windows that were lo-plays every thc pollsIls for the S2.03 million^ lis rear w indow , pose otherher dtan police’s claim thal iis because Fred, who •..Fifth'District Judgedge William Hart Minidcidoka County Prosecutor Garaiara had a tent blocking his ” altcmalivelive school and technology" was used:d Ifor smshing illegal drugs,5, hehi tJoy* y our spot.” ' 4 « lin c d to dismiss MiMinidoka C ounty N ew mtan ar told thc judge that she Swecsysaid. Superintendent Tcrcrrell Donicht plan levyvy on( Sept. 7. ~ II Jensen did not have a solidslid Taking an inventoryy before turning contendedIcd. t ^ g charges againstt IsiIsrael Arizpe, 20, thought J ipcrt said the policy mightht be needed to • Heard:ard a brief report on crow d-; a car over to someoneic odier than the Swccsy;sy said he callcd in the Rupcr 0 f Rupert' argumentcn t ddy control overcrowdiding. Already cd clas:lassrooms in. Bickcl thc b^(iier is a standard pro(xiccdure, intend- Policc DqDcparuitcnt’s drug dog, Budd> Minidoka Coumy/ PublicP Defender "I wou'ould respectfully s u r e s t to the s to some parcnis havc approachedaj ihc Elemcntarnary School. that counsel is barking up the cd to protect the officer:er and the vchi- It tookok Buddy only seconds ti Kent Jensen, Arizpizpe’s attorney, court tha I die school aboulI ; s ig n in g th e ir • H ecard a r a technology plan tree,” Newm an said, cle owner, hc said. locate aI sacksi o f marijuana behind di argued that the policece scarch: on April wrong trc lack children lip for seven:ral classes dur- update.. MMomingsidc and Harrison lidoka County Sheriffs SglSgl. When Swcesy begar;an to inventory d riv e r’s’s ;seat and then jump bad 13 w as not justified. M in id ; the '*^6 th e school day.. iMusic classes elementalntary schools arc already, osl- the vehicle, he noticedcd what hc sus- inside thcthe vehicle, and scratch at th ‘ "There was no proiprobable causc to Dan Kincindig testified diat hc had post­ •gjjy and sports teams aree the most like- wired for the plan, and the rest of ^ said. ed an attattempt tp locate on Arizpc’j)c’s pected lo be a homcm:made compart- compartmtmcnt, Rupert Detcctive Terr &arch the car,” Jensen itari- ly *0 be affected, he:soid. s thc schochools should be done by e for suspected involvementit ir in ment behind the drivcr’it ’s scat, he tesli- Quinn testlestificd. Thc“n a l o f dte man *He argued that policcilice - who arrested vehicle f • Doug Farris;' who3 'home schools January.y- iVizpc during a trafiiclc slops for not hav- drug trafi'aflicking. ficd. juana wasms found there, Q uinn said.’ C a lifo rn ia W(m m a n assHled: 733-0931 ICA r•evises alibortion ]proposilition RoMllover kills C IS L AAND h PARK (AP) —- / A Heights, lost control lofhcrcarandc ^ in a was partially ejecteccd and pinned : ' BOISE (A P)- TheTie Idaho Citizens ly rejcctectcd by voters last fall, WaltorUon Director Jack V an Vailalkcnbur^ said Califomimia woman was killed in ir rollover near thc easteritern when it rolled over r 5 S atu rd ay , th c < AUiancc resubmittedcd a revised anti- and thele iolliance ore.plso promotingling thc initiative falls coi:onstitutionally one car i :om.munity of Islarld'Park.-k.- F re m o n t C o u n ty Shehcrifrs Officc ' Di abortion initiadvc .on>n Mondayt intend* tax credisdits for parcnis teaching diciiheir short. Van Valkcnbur;urgh contended Idaho cot citi Fcdgwick, 26, of Citruitrus said. . cd^to*mKt:'thc cons|iisdtutiunal objec-'i children3n at bom c.or sending thema to tc dial court rulings havce defined healdi Patricir tions raised last mohllOnth b y A t t ^ e y private'•schools si and legislation aimecTied, much more broadly lhanihi the protcc- P General A lan Lance. a t stripipping r thc Idaho Educatiorio n lion from serious injury,ly. , ------sent “Hcaldi is a medicalll term,( u s mcd- i ■■■■ But thc Americanan int to be dte 21st week o f prcg irley, Idaho 83318 fego by K elly W altonton o f Heyburn to nancy,, arand that require later abortion;ions would even give a cauQusc o f action to 'J tiu r J ® Burley, Idah [pTDmotewti-gay Icgis:igislation. to be alliallowed to protixt thc healthh aas die perpetrator of rape;)C or incest with L _ .._ ^ In'ad£tion to on.an1. anti-gay initiative well ass tlthe life o f die mother, the act results in a prc{regnancy and thc ro v is e d '^ m the onete tlutl t was narrow- But itit is on that score Uiat A CX L U l woman seeks an abordetion." - c___ 7 ) u n t r y 1 hlespititai ____ 2 31 after aI lawla suit initioted by the IdtUtclaho pediatrician Dr. Paul,—^ll .M iles about a |' V/I ff MILKS> 8 Cbntlt^ed from B1 inih consulting ■ £ ist thc key to thc Hospitaltai Association was settled outou $40,000, thrcc-moni SM • Twin Foils internist contract between lhthe Physicians ■ " Kospidt's involvemeiment in managed of court,irt. LLONS 3 •pproved a policy conccminjting Center and hospilal.1. Among other | M u re gcpends; upoipon whal local *.^PP p atientsus’ rights to determining thithc things, thc contract callsc for cstob- - m d n p lo j^ rs w ant: o f medical treatm ent Oiey wwill il lishing a satisfactioion survey for I " 1600 Overlani< n d 2 ^ 0 1 In d thcr business, b

r ' 1 ______— |;i I • :. / [iokaI M ermorjiial H riDAHOc'i ta i a, M inidoka (ue to th e relocg: a t i o n d f D r . S tteven « W eber aiand the retirenim ent of D r. W a lue its com m it:L tm ent to pro'widde i q u ahty he£l\ 2% h e lital w ill contini N > i Mlem e orial H ospit ■ Mlini-C i assia R egig i o r i . 2 GAL I 1 r . $ o M .S., fam ily , ,Has contiitracted the servivices of Dr. Janiciice.M. A l pha h M ahler, Rk 3 ^ e a ijl. Dr.r. Pearl is a graraduate df Colun:imbia n u r s ee p ractitio n er 1: 'y ' Umlt2Gatlore office o f D r. er doctorate from J Coupon Exp Universityy and received her K e i tth h W aym ent. I Hopkins tUniversity. Shee has seven y e a r ice in KF^rosuiurgery—trau m a i- ______NsT e ew lpatientsai ) t e d „ a n d ^ m t h l ______I infectious1 ddisease, and emeilefgency medicine, l e s ss tim e in the Dom. For an I Dr. (Pearl1 iis board certifieied in emergency intm ent call 43osplt y a p p o i i ( medicine aand medical toxixicblogy. Dr. Pearl.rl : wiH beseeiieing patients in suiuite#3. 'alter P etersen, Appointntments can be mailade by calling 43f salth care in the 3472. Dr. FPearl will also be covering emergegency ' ■ pi*- "fr ^ f - 1 P h ' o n t ^ l \ ' ^ room care. ______'.I • R.N ., B .S., M ; n ■ f ' ' '' ' 1224 88 th Strec)et • R u]ip e rt • A436-048:has joined th e ■ ■ ■ 1 ' ' V are_stilLaccep_te ' ' ■ "I. ; e w aiting roo

3 6 - 4 8 3 8 . ■

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B-4 Tlmo8-N«w9. TwinIn FFalls, Idaho Tuesday. AugU:gust 6 .1 6 9 5 V p ’

Valley Iiffeli 0 I

Engag*jementsi - J, D ejinessio tiiis not ssimply statei oJ)f milidl Gluff-Bo;toyce' , ■ DEAR ABBY: In1 one of your r*3 H | periodic bouts comntitfue. I felt Pleasese i u rg e y o u r read ers n o t tQ' H columns some timirne ago, you ^ DeapAUby/ fatally flawed. give upI beforebe they have ruled out a; TWIN FALLS -■ Dr.D and Mrs. 9 solicited comments i I fro m p e o p le M g , Finally, I found antiitidepressants. I physical.ll. b(basis for their depression. I John.R. (Vicki) Cliiffcrr o f T w in Falls h| | who suffered from ddepression. I A b ig a il have been taking medidication for six was vch('chemcntly anti-drugs. 1 announce the engagergement of their H am writing about myI cexpcrience-io ^ VanBurenI . months and feel likike .the happy believedd d(depression was a character dau^tcr, Elizabeth Ell'Ellen, to Daniel H offer hope to anyone : vwho feels life • woman dcscribcd abovDve. Since I am defect rathrather lhan a possible chemir '' Benjamin Boycc. ^or^on of Dr. and S niay,no longer bc'wortirthliving. —J also in a therapy grouilup, Paskcd my cal imbalajalancc. I was wrong. It is a, Mrs. Robert D. {Christiistine) Boycc of jB Ifyou are acutely depressed,d< joy I occnsioiiionally considered suicid<:idc physician how much of the joy, moti- physicalII aaffliction as much as dia- B cntinviJle, Ark. H is replaced by despailair and hope- as the on!;inly w ay o u t o f m y poin, butbu vation, energy and opi>ptimism I now bctcs o rr cacancer is. I realize this letter ClufTis a 1993 gradim duate o f Tw in H lessness. I have been:n there. M ost -piy twoI yJyoung sons kept me flrmljmiy .feel is due to the mediclication and how is ra th e:r r 1long,< but I hope you will .. Falls High School andtd ac 1995 gradu-' r H people see me as a sismart, attrac- anchored:d toi the earth, much lo therapy. Whotat h e jo ld m e is .print it. ;e in econom ics.- tktc.of Rick’s College ii H tive, happy, energeticlie, self-confi- Overthwho will identify with it Wcks College in Okla., and attended Ric ■ possibility of a brigh5ht future and workingg hhard at the therapy, it wa:iVBS sant simply makes my• bbrain work cor- and be corcomforted by it. Thank yoif served an LDS 1991, 1994-95. He sei ■ felt only sclf>loathingg and imxicty. doubly disappointingdi to have thth< e rccUy - 1 do all the re stt fo r w ritingting. ♦ Mission from 1992>92-94 to St. t Petersburg, Russia. He is employed by Icon Inc. in Logan.a. IElizabothCluff . They will bolh be studentsstu at Utah and Daniel Boyce State University in Logj,ogan inthe fall. Packi]]lg for COoUege reequires pplanninglg ahead I • The wedding is planilanned for Aug. A rcceptic)tion will be held Aug. 26 at C olorado Springs O azctxttc Tclcgr^)b ' 15 in the Provo, Utah,h, 1LDS Temple. , The Whitelite H ouse in Tw in Falls. _ COLORADO SPRIIINGS, Colo. ^iVhat to biinng, what noDt to bring totc college I Jenseri-Chii!ristensen |J |; ■ — When Duane.. Slocum; of H Colorado Springs vwent to'the Coloradrado Siaings Gazetts Telegrap;ap h • Hangers • U niverivcrsity documents ‘ \ TWIN FALLS - Jerry and H University of Nebraskska-Omaha ih • Headphones • W interIter w ear I Kristine Jensen of)f 'Twin Falls, H 1965, dorm-dwellersrs were doing Manjmy colleges and universitit tot , Pictures and posiciters • Cigargarettcs/cigars/pipes : sity in Logan, Utah State Univcrsit H Heather calls “the neileccssities”: a bring: • Popcorn po|o p p c r /c o f f c e (allo w edd only oi if both roommates ‘ V U tah. ■ TV. VCR, stereo, desksktopcomput- maker/hot-water pot agree andid tthere are no complaints I ^ Christensen is a igrad'uatc of H cr and printer, notebooDok co m p u ter, at ” To Bring: • Plants about seconcondhand smoke) Kearns High Schoollol and is a l s o ____• H an encyclopedia, dictionaries d • Ala^larm clock • Prescription mcdiark-‘ how often laundry wiivill be done to tures m roomrooi s) « is employed at Kimberberly Nurseries Heather’s gencratioron has grown ing lots)ts are distant) determine how manyly to w els w ill • Pets; o oi ne 10-gallon aauorium i-. and S hari's Restaurant in T w in Falls. “ up with computers,s, a n s w e r in g . * rarpct be needed) for fish or turtlesti is allowed if both ; ;: Crider attended Rickscks College. He machines, microwavcve ovens and * Computer , • TV (reception monay be poor if roommatestes agree } is em ployed at D oorsI PIPlus in N iles. appointment books. • Des)esk supplies rooms don’t have cabable hook-ups; • WallII p: p ain t (paint is p rovided ! The wedding is plantlanned for Aug. Their lives are higigh-tcch and dictionary, * thesaurus, refeisfcr- most residence halalls have TV for hallss piparticipating in stu'dcnt > 17 in the Salt Lake fast-paced, a n d th c y ’vi'vc learned to ence booksbo. lounges w ith cable) room-paintitinting program s) i Tem ple. Crider an d N icole S ta n g er depend on electroro n ic c o n v c - -■■■ niences. th e U n ivivcrsity i of Colorado in posters, pictures, flagQgs, tapestries hand whenhen students don’t plan for Anderson-P(Perkins Iv, And they certainlyI (aren’t going Boulder. — whatever you wai'ant to put on their packiiicking.. V Sj o f f to college w ith o uIt t them. What “Well,1, y p u ’ v.e g o t t a h a v e: a y o u r w alls.” ...... “ T h eirc!s r e : a tendency after th(L WENDELL-Mr: andmd Mrs. J. Glen B ^ » |B ;r appears to be frills toto parents.are fridge, ca^et.cai definitely a stereo,CO, Heather Slocum sa^:ays some stu- senior yeaiyear lo just enjoy the sum- Andci^on .of.Wendell,a11,announce.the '.'f turning into the bssiisics when it CDs, tapes3cs o r w h atev er...... d e n ts - in h e r r e s id c n:nce hall-tiaJ m orr’- DucDuane'Slocum says. “And- engagement of their daughter,da Lois '!. comcs to packing for college.c< “Most;t peoplei have a TV andind blenders, toasters, pastapi makers Heatherr cecertainly enjoyed her sum- Jean, to William Leon1 P/ave and answeringing was stolen during the:ycar). j of thingsigs together at the last o f Yerington, Nev. || around his room in Fararrand Hall at machine,”5,” he says. “And you needeed The college load canca get out of minute.” A nderson is a graduatiuate o f W endell High School and serverved a mission for the LDS Church inin tthe Io w a D es Moines mission. She novHivesn in t You’rei not too0 big to 1take up) those c:crayons: Reno, N ev. Perkins is a graduateIte o f H olbrook Allentown Morning Cal]all ‘ coloring; contestC( for grown-ups thatJiat Room. Ten third prizea winners will will takee place p] in October. ■ [ High School in Arizona3na and is now will bejud]udged by children. receive Crayola B ig Kiod e n try along w ith a biibusiness-sized during the tl- exhibition at thd 18 in th e Boise LDS Tre er m p le . vVIIII'llllam Leon Perkins works of art. But atIt the neorby momentt iwith Crayola crayons,ns, self-addressed stamped:d envelope to: Americanan C( ouncil for the A rts. First^ The couple will liveve rathe Reno I Lols Jean Anderson American Council for thetl Arts, visi- markers,, ppaints, colored pencilsI oor r. Crayola Big Kid Clossissic, P.O. Box view thee worksw either at the exhibi-u . area, tors can see an unusualII iexhibition of modelingng compounds. For eachjch 21630, Lehigh Valley,.!',.PA 18002. tionspace(ice o r on the Intem et. ^ _ art by some of the famoilOUS. entry, Binrinney & Smith will make;e a Children between thetl ages of 5 Bidscan can be submitted through the; Marchant-]t-Ford There is a drawing in p en and ink donation1 toto V eiy Special A rts, and 17 can vie for ttthe chance to moilorthrtIhrough the Intem et. ^ depicting two teen-age; boysI meeting The -rc'rewards are adult-sizedECd select the best grown>iu-up colorcr in To submjbmit a bid by mail, send a' JEROME - Ronn arand Lauralee 'Jtois Joplin before a co:oncert. Artist: 525,000) iiin-gold and silver to the the country and wivin a trip to- postcardd withv. your name, addressii Marchant of BilHn]ings, Mont.i actor Kevin Bacon. Ancnother, in blue best colore}rer in the nation. Orlando, Fla. for thee judging., Six phone number, nui bid amount and; announce the engagemement of their . marker, is a canoopey:y self-p o rtrait H ere isis \ what you need to know/ totc judges w ill b e chosen. n am e of artistai to Crayola Celebrity' daughter, Evamarie,, to Brent Ray E fiH .' » of a smiling boy playin;ing the drums, enter the; cicontest, become a judge; oroi Just write a two-sentntence descrip- Art AuctioiElion, P.O. Box 431, Easton; — Fordrson of Gordon andm d E laine Ford- n Artist; musician Phil Co:ollins. b id on celeelebrity art: tion on w hy yo u w ouldId m ake a g ood Pa. 18044-(44-043L o f Jerom e. 3| Great art it's not, altalthough there Adultsts 18 or older may draw,iw, judge. Then send your:tr n am e an d th e B id s can car be placed on-line on a Marchant is a 1993?3 graduate of H arc a few exceptional piecesp among paint or scisculpt their most memorableible name of a parent or o guardian, computer[er ati the exhibition site or Skyvicw High Schoo S h e a ■ the 32 on display. But: artistica excel- childhood>d im om ent. T h e w ork cant be address, age and phonetic num ber lo: I w ith a personal p e computer.’The jtmior at Brigham Youn.>ung U n iv e rsi^ ■ Ience is not the point. any shape3C ior size and will be judgedged Want to Be a Judge.J, Crayola Big address onon the World Wide Web is in Provo, U ^ , majoriniring in graphic ■ T he point o f this exhxhibition is to on visualll appeal,a creativity, ori^nal-Ml- Kid Classic, P.O. 1Box 21630, ,http//wwv'ww.crayola.com/crayola. an design. ■ encourage the creation1 ofc art by folk ity and jppropriatencss.app Professional,nal Lehigh Valley, PA 180<1002. B idders; can.viewcat the latest bids. 1 •.‘ Ford is a 1991 gradualuatc of Jerome H of all kinds and to suppcport the arts. artists are■enot r eligible. The deadline is Auglg. 15. Judging Informatimation: 1-800-CRAYOLA. - 1 High School. He serveded tw o y ears in ■ That’s why Binneyy &.Smith of . On thee backb ofthe work, put youiour the England London SouthSo Mission H Easton. Pa., m akers o fXrayolaprod- C name, age,ge, address, phone number, and is a junior at BYU,'U, majoring in ■ ucts, asked celebritieses to recreate and a brief ori description of theth e btisiness finance. H memories of their chilliildhopd with moment depicteddc in y o u r creation. ' The wedding is plaiu:anned for Aug. I mediums that they mimay not have Three: second-prizesc winners williiii BlA i B Y S im^ R S 17 in the Salt Lakeke City LDS K touched sincc they wcvcrc c h ild re n , receive aa tripti to New York City and Temple. A receptionn \will be held The art is being sold byb; silent auc- dinner forfo two at the R,ainbow B gnt Ray Ford Aug. 19 at the Jeromene 1st and 3rd * tion and proceeds willill go to Very CERTIIFICATIOP) N C L A S S W ard L D S Church. a n dd EvamarieE Marchant Spccial Arts, a non-prorofit organiza- T ^ tioii that provides disatablcd children 1 1 : H . e r e . . . with o nistic opj^rttm itictics. «—-t t s : Find what you’u ’r e l o o k i n g f o r InIn the Classifieds. • The exhibition is a part of the P’l Tuesday, August1st IS Crayola Big Kid Classi^ic, a national 1 Call 733-0931.I. 8j a.m, - 4:30 pj Education Centnter ^ ECOGNIZirING AND TlTREATING “ I m • (modular urinit located, behind thele imedical center) BI-POL/AR DISORDDERS [ Learn hov/ to rerecognize the symptonoms of bl-polar disorders)rs and mania. Medicalal a n d ' 1 • CPR classsses being conducted se;separately before ' ■ counseling techichnlques arid methodsIs that1 have been succes!:essfuily used to treat bl>>l>polor ‘ ' AI class startsrts. 'd iso rd ers will b)e e discussed. Ways to' minimizerr the negative effectsefi from this Illness forfc th e individual os well9ll 111 bI e review ed,. " • Reservaticions required for CPRR aand babysitting ______F -Bresented.by------■ ■TUBlre rN E W -W 6 -Wlltoir—------' —- ^ la s s e sCaIL73.7»2006-X)frice-fc ^ :e-bours-for-this-iium-— ^ ' - i ; • K a y nne e Klshlyomo, M.D. Yearb800-66:>67-5000 or (208) 734-676C760. CAN^JYON VIEWr ' ' ' - ' . M A G IC \VALLEY JnB2QSQSSB99BQiS E ' I REGIONAL MEDIi3ICAL CENTER ; ITAL * COUNSELIN G V H O S p rL 7M aliiAveata«W «ft ' 610 .AO DI SSO ( N aVi. w i j t .. tw i } CENTERS 1471


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IV/ BIxFa c t a Disneey: ;o-smiall, snnail wv^orld The Associated Press

Last fall, the Walt.Disnesney Co. did some- i i i m V thing rare. It. conceded dcf ' • Old MUwaukoo (Slroh) I in 1923 deepened its claim on the SOURCE; MUmlHtraJO. )m Main Street to v Top fivo ontortolnialnment proMors, thoIr 1994 mvo0 vtjm /e s and major assets & AuodAM Americon psyche, from Tomorrowland. It wouldId bc1 hard to name KRTIrrfoBf»lIJOtKJWayPAUL TTW ■ another company that hosha: ever exercised ^^3 DuSSSIQ ■ I H H such,influence on Amernerican culture. It would be hard to find anomother company so' SiG.Sbllllclion $15.9 billionon $10.1 billion $ 8 billio n $4.9 billion widely admired — eve:ven loved — by ABC lolovlBlonn rtetworkr». Time Inc. Porameunl studio Pox broadcasting network Americons. od studios MoQulnes Indudtnudtng Fledgling Unltod . As a nation, wc; flock:k tto Disney films, • , Tlmo. People. Forli'orluno Poramounl Network Satellite TV networks • Stakes In Olscovory In Europ« and Asia Chennai and [Bri^Ivin and then replay them —- o'over and over and Warner Books • MTV ond Showtlmo aho^t-twme iluOlo cable cftannel. 20th Century Fo*' over — on Disney videcdeotapes. We read f Dlwoy Coble, ChannelCh Sludl Studio channels latwork SImort & Schuster Disney books to our Disi3isney-pajama-clad I ESPN and porl-liin-lnlorosl Fledgling WB netw Publishing Guide lnlerosUlnwlfol*M TV phone aervicas «nd children. Wc watch DisneyDi shows on 1 ^ . _J In othor cablelaihomo al • Womor Music Wawspepora In ond abroad • Tima Womof Coble Blockbuster Video Microsoft orvUns Disney TV.- We make merchandiBo lIccilconslng Institute, an adult-educducation resort in inal spons lion in .thrce-monih1 bibills at an average.dis- k.'-nJ'’ ! profflMlonal Florida where, The Wal^^all Street Journal count role o f 5.41 penpercent, down from 5.44 observed, “Goofy can get;et in touch with his * perccnt last week. Anc\nother S12.7 billion was inner self." sold in six-month billsills at on avdage discount The worid of Disneyy is becoming any* B K rate o f 5.40 percent,, up from 5 J9 perccnt' thing but a sm all, sm all wow o rld . g n Sourc«:LliU>d<»J cooioanie*. The three-monthI bi!bill rote was (he lowest Hoovar'iHandbo All o f this is m aking5 scsome people more 0 s !: • sincc they sold for 5.45.40 pcrcent oVJuly 10. than Q little grumpy.. L: L i s t e n t o H a r o ld AP/BobBlancMnl ^ The six-month billill ratei w as the highest Bloom, professor of hurhumanities at Yale cheererred-up vision of Americanin history and too simplistilistic a question. The issue is how taken this over."■ hehe said. “Whai’s happen- ' j Sincq they averaged15.46 5.* percent on July 24. University and*author>r cof The W estern folklo:lore. do wc begingin to look ot Disney so as to take ing is that we’re: all all being dragged down to i The new discountLint rates understate the Canon, an analysis of thehe t ofo my most critical and “The taste of the Disnesney products.” said mostit o f w hom w ill bc able: tcto recite the Thcologicoical Seminary in Madison,1. N J., cynical academiclie friendsI — nevertheless, Paul Fussell, a professor;or of English at the compliplcte script of "The Lion-in-King" long argues thatlat Disney has become cehtilitral to you walk into theirthei house, ond if they’ve University of PcnnsylvaiIvania, "has always beforore they ever learn the CGettysburg the “civic; religion" of Amcrica — thele secu- got kids, sure enough,eno ‘The Lion King,’ Stocks C2 ■ maid,’ ‘Bambi,’ ‘Pinocchio’ ; re lain of ‘The Little Mcrmaii seem ed to m e gravely sub-lub-adult." AddrcIress. lo r v a lu e:s s tthat oncc were the doma Mutuals - C4-5 - Critics of Disney, andind there arc many, ‘‘M;Vly argument about Disneyicy, is that it’s Lincoln,. Jefferson J< and Fourth ofjf’July — the videotapeses theyt choose to own tend Classifieds C5-10 see its films and spin-ofT■off products as rife nota amatter of whether Disneyicy is good or parades, ^ to bc the sam e onesmes everybody else owns." . with sexism, racism, andnd a dumbed-dowD. bad forfi your kids — that’s rejreally, to me. "What hasha happened is that Disne;icy has Please p| see D 1SNEY/C2 Markeets ^ UOnum 423.60 421.30 421.00 ..OS,06 Frl.'a opon Inl n j. ^ ^ W g h Lew (MM Oig, IS 34.00. Platinum. S432.00.S4;X>.S424.O0 troy o t. N.Y. (conffad). - luew 1005 1007 tO.04 *.24 SUOAR-WOI^ Can« and cahmr 460 head comparedadloLattwaek ■ Ptasnum-S421.90N.H D o w - J o n ei s s Sd - CHICAOO(AP)-Futur«.lradlnoiitgalthaclOM'onne . 112.000Iba.;an tiaugnter iteere end heiten .30 to 1.00.00 higner. except n.q.-not quoted, n.a.-r«r^ssr.'s.s?“ “"' 3a0 Traoi I hoiilein alaer* fuov alaooy; cowi and b NEW YOFW tfkP) - Final DowDowsJonaaavaregaator Sop Troais s s , K , .00 Chicago DoonlolTrada Mon.: ■s;rA > ,0.7 . 37 Op*n High Lmr S23X 4.31X -.12X Mar 10.19 10. 10.30 10.1B 10.31 *.13Z OI.OO;Mlect50.00-30.00. 3 202.74 203.OT ♦ 0.69 S«p 0-Po .a 0,307 Ko»l>k> staart: choica orada 67.00-00. : i t s 1637.03 1308.04 <0.66 8«p MunilunlQond 111.14 110.27 110.03 *.13.13 Ual 4,10 4.18 *2222 4.20X —.13)1 Fri.'auiatO. S ’<^64“ ,S=‘ *~’ UQKTSW^oiS - ' Indus I 10.30a.300 Sap ChM7>oeaa 129.70 13B.B0 127.00 *.10,10 May 4.02 4.03 3.9191 4.01 —.oox Fn.'iopanimlim 119.840 choKa grade 54.00-57.0Q seMl at 60.< ‘otVMIIIaa 40.60 30.40 40.40 *.73,73 Jul 3,7M 3.T4 3.04X4X 1.07X -^.OOX SUGAR 14 Slaughier heifert: chokx grade 00.304M»J3.00; lelact 1.000 bU.;aoBara par I Sap 3,74 1.74 1.7474 1.74 -.03 112.000B>a4O«ioantsparlb. and choMa 67.0040.60; Mlact 34.00-60-67.00. • Sap 17.02 117,76 17.56 17.65 -.08 Uiil* e:oo4!4oo ^ 2 Cowt: breaUng utuy end corrvnarOaJ: -flSaik 33.1M.700 Quetatloftan^uUity37.0(MO.OO;c< Ffl.-. open Ml 87.072 Jan 22il22il0 23;i0 23:10 22.15 -^OB9 cutter 32.0009.&I; iheiv Conner 20.00,.0C«2.00. DJC 17J0IB 117J0 17J0 17i9 —.03 2 .05 —.01I Dullt: heavy Mlgrua 43.00-48.00. 27 17.30 17J0 1 7 i8 ' —.01 M ost activieves Beaia n s CORN 17Jfl 17.39 17.26 17J0 . B.OOObummi(hum;dolla>«parbualwahal May 2,23 -01 X 17.30.38 17.30 17.26 17.31 *.01 NEW YORX lAPJ-StHi. do«ld o ^ ptice and n«t Vonay Qaan X 2.73>S —.03 Jul .29 1759 1759 1 7 ^ *.01 ehano* ol Vw 1S mo»t octtvava NawNi York Slock Orealnorthciralwn*: - .20,00^,001,00 ^Sa 2.7M 7.74S 2.7WIX 2.73X —.02 . Sep 22.18 ~;011 Metals E»tfia iy luuat. tra d n ^laUonallyalmoramanSI. n ^ Ptntsa; 16.00 7X 2.60 -.01X F(t.'aaaiaa3( Mjy 17,34 *:01 jma Laat Chg. SmaO red*:da: May 2!b4X 2!o3 sioiXIX 2.83)1 -.OM Frt.'a openS,V Int 80,...., Selected world gok) prKat. Mondn, NlogMPow • 6.'6.060.000 14Jr»X Idaho pkika:nka: S1B.OO100 Jul 2BSX 3 8B)i 2B3X Hong Kong Ula: 1363.33. oil SI .00. iMd Sap 2.74X 2.74K 2.71K LonJon momiftfl fljOng: 1383,78. o« SO.33.JO. 17^33:m ir33 1/33 1137 t;oi AmW»»l« 4.B London ariacnoan fU^: 5 ^ .10, up S' ' Cnry»l*f 3. m ’IX .Quwuw?! Jaan Dae 2.02X 2.62A 2.69X Liveststock .38 17.39 17.38 1 .43 *!oi mvrnoFer 3.077,BOO 3.C S3K -M MaitWNaw , London late: S384.36, up 10.60, 0 onwort. 1 » poundi. O S. No. 1 {>aant,l!** Fd’a*oSfl*lm^OT?06« . POCATElWjAJ •> Part* attamocn Rung: S179.90, on »4.(IT E TelMoi AOS 3.023.100 3.0 34X — X annatloor *lv#M0d.rwSrS»fc£T3.y! Frankhin fixing: S3U.67.oRS0.10. 1 ;48 *!0 . OanMoton E 3.037.S00 3; 4t MicranTocn « ^■'” -5S,7,4r-57i 00 1.03X -.0 « i LIVESTOCK AU(AUCTION — Conomraod SMaaVwd In\ NY cSeJitchsSyj)?!^^ *' M^ -lia? i'.B7 ro303 1.03X —.04X Cottonwood ooSDO SalunSay; ussy and commercial cowsw> NY Engamart) Itblfitad: 1404.67. up:up SO.10. Jun BnwOwtySn 3.4 ains 83 1 30 —.03X '30,00.41.00; heaheavy (eedera 04.00-07.00: Mht leadwin NV Comex gokt aoot month cioee Monkw.S303.00.up Dec 1 43 *!0I Fora Motor I'tll'oSS 3.1 ,3»’‘“’5 er JO.30. ^ Ell. tala* 40.017.1,017. Fri.'a *aie* 33.012 PNC Bank ioBiooo 3.G 29 . * M, VallayOmln 08.00-73.00; aton«»*'0W); wom, a Sap 3.88 0S3 0.06B6 8.B1 >.01 85.00; HoekatMu hallara NA; alock'dowa 1 ^ dakv owr* 1.80 49.96 48.45 48.65 *.16 L ocal inten' r e s t motasuta). Prte*»ar»e*v*nfl**l'byry ^ Nov B.S7 0.00 6.8282 o.eax '.OIK NA:»MAarpiqtp4oa NA; laadar iambi 7B 00^.06. " ^ w U. 8- 01 0.07X •.OCX Ramsrka: Fa«3e«3er* aiaady. oowa $1 hignar, ahaep 1.33 30,39 60,16 60 65 *.18 OMcnptUn cdoaa Ctunoa R a /^ 'a . Jan 0.03 0.08 0.01 100 Iroy ol: doOars par tloy QL Dec 61.001.00 61.30 60.60 8156 *.1B AnMAlont 20X - >X WatlametcI WkjTun'a Inc. m Mountain Honia, quolad«ad Mar B,16 0.1B 0.1U10X 0.10 *.OQX ataady, 0 383.00 . *.10 . Jan 61.231.23 51.60 31.13 61,63 *,1B AmtrUtarCaalnoa 7X *N byWatlam«m Stodunan'a inc. ol Buitay. taporiad toAofl May 0.21X.8.24X 9.19 Aug 38300 394.M 363.30 : C„,C*00,AP,.ti>) — Futuras trading on the Chicago 385.00 *.30 Fab 60.00).00 81.10 60.63 61.16 *.13 A/n*netn Tal A Tal 61X - - nhUMtiaMlact Aw *t dallva^ In Mountain Homa. Jul 0.2V( OJOX 9.26! S S ilia 0 « 366.10 387.40 366.000 I180.70 *.30 Mar 60.05 *.13 < . OMCWaii 16X , — $3.70, 8.24 Mwcantna &chi OottaCaacKla 43X «X RaadOftlnrain and Oa«n In Duhl and Haitaan raporti»ma ma NOV 8.11 8.14X B.io10 8 13 »01 open!Un"‘fi«h“ 'u>w OatBa Chg. Dac 368.40 390.30 3B020 \ } Oram prtcva: apot daliyary. aoft wWta wKaal.<••1. Jul 830 CATTU Feb 383.00 393.00 382.B0S S : E S S :S X ConAcn UX •x loBowMeen 40M0ICi«.:oattt 193.40 *.30 Jun 47.40'40 4?M 455o 47'eO *'l3 Coo™ 17X « X »3.a9. Fii.-atalaa 08.100 308.80 *J0 Jul 47.60rieo 47160 47.60 48:i0 M3 Clnaray Co>s. 20X *X F>l.'aepanlnl13e.304, up3,06 oStT^M^OS 94J5 64.60 -.100 j S 10X ‘ X POCATELLELLO (API — klaho Fafm Duraau SCVBEANOIL ?5 65.77 SS;! 09.90 66.05 66.12 -^.36>6 Aug 401.60 *.30 Sap Empraua La Modami Dao 05.80 OS.i 65.65 63.33 69.02 -.186 ' ' Oct 404.70 *J0 Od 60,10 *!i3 Emil Homa Or. OX — Intannounta 10 408.00 *.30 Nov Ftr»tlntU.IUnaxp . B6X *K POCATEU' 9.86 39.34' 0 4 Fab 65.90 05.' 63.87 63.60 B6.67 -.20:0 'D ec 408.50 406.S0 406.40 . • 27X • -3/18 BJO(*taa«) B.81 2fl.17. ♦.08- Apr 69.:68.82 60.65 68.27 86.47 —,08>8 Fab 411.40 *.10 Dae § ];S :;1? F m Sac. Corp. 15 Apr 414.50 •M EM.aaias16.666.),686. FrL-atalat 17,011 - 26X *X eanlwinlsr< g s i ! S « S l 62.70 62.77 02.40 62.60 *.05 039,243, up 8,087 [. 72X- - OOOEN-I - WhKa wt>aat 4.0B B): barMv B.M i:! ? a s ? -S , &■ OT.BO 91.60 81.46 61.45 —.10 0^; 14 p«t>ant aprtno4.&) {up 4); 11 pareant a 10,390. FrU-aaalas 0,046 “ . 2? , |S |S I=52 US ::8J Frt.-iopankit1T9m'upl06 \ kunoPowarCo. . JS “ .7 issa; SILVER _____ : KayCofp, 31X *X PORTIANCWO—WTiW*rt2 J*d 618,8 .3,8 Nov 81,70.70 61.63 61.46 61.70 -.14 Pri<»«oatMlnc. 17177/10 PORTUNC (API — Bida at 1:30 p.m. MOT Mondayday Frt/aaalaa 2^133 .W 61.40 61.10 6 1 ^ —.14 Pramtrli i "■ S46.2 *1.8 Mar 82.001.00 62.00 63™ 61.93 —.14 4J3 Aug 172.00 17J.90 ITI.i71.00 173.70 *1JO Eat aaM• 1.718.i; Frt-a talas 2.060 . OmirnaF/OlBO. . ‘f, ;!! A wNmwiS m 4^3 655.6. *1.6 *pr 63,101,10 63.10 6600 64.M ’ —.14 . snookoine. 12X ’ -X No,1»ttWa <.80 Sap 174.00 1 6.20 172.173.00 176.10 *,00 ..^ '•o p e nrt in kit ' 13,794. S ! • ' . ! 26X ■■*>( No.ScemSSwS^STSa eoo 76X * ‘ -IX No,2t>an*anay.unAtrsmsandbaiQaa • 6.90'!:!S- & UliSffiJSlB;niM lU M m I o 40.000l»jeanl i K “ S ii,.- ’;‘i.8 6 84^ SIX *X No. 2 bail*•allay dativarad to Hand araaa 6.70 46.1?^ 46.77 47.77 48.67 *J626 May s as S!S gi SIX ' -X ' iiw dr*d' radwMarwhaalBimryprotaIn ^IS '« !SS!.iS!S:SJo loiio ^ 44.39*4 44.00 43.99 44.40 *.10 ■ s;s:! S ' SSS «.8« May 1BS.00 163.80 164.8420 189.60 -.70 Oae. 44.66 44. 44.90 44.39 44.0? —.15 Ett. ta)at j^.6U ' UiVmuiFood* 31H *X lOpctpcoti 46.20 46.23 44.69 46.03 -.171! » . 8 , V86.6OI. Up867 87X______!« USSSSl!S ' - i1-S t ivL 44.18 44.13 - 43.90 44.07 —.10 ______...... j:jo s!|p “ 47.98 -« J 8 ‘ 47.B8 4BJ5- *.0333 "“ ■'NEWYORIflAP)a;f«ha#»'H»mi*i Dac - •1B^60 186.00 162.62.60 198.00 -9.60 ' M ' 47A6 47. 47.30 47.06 47,10 —.0737 S3.220. up 10.030: FatAatad S9.340 3i8^A5**1.429 1>479 * S2 -a :5 i’cSS M T^a bullion piM lor sBvaraanwrkiU ■ ■ SOX • , ♦» ISpaprotti s s r * ^ 9.03- Frl.-awlM2B,13S 4363 -,08 S S : n pretam B.J3 9.13 . /cfiopwlW74.8M. up536M ^aLMia»6. s s !:SS wtman , . '' T'C 36X 'X 14pdpR)t S6.340. up M.043; FabfkJrKatad 15.668. up Dm I.W780 1410 1.776 1.807 • 7 Wa»h.Fad.8*L . 22X «X IBpdprelprola«i 6,87 6.87 ;KS:oS'W.“‘ 933 1446 1420 1444 * 7 ; Zlog Inc. NY. C o ^ sivar spot monm Mgndfyi,y«.m.«. S ,783 140» 1,780 1.404 * 7 ' • • MIKNEAPC Potatoes/omiions 742' 1,767 1.742 VT68., * 7' Qucwtimfroniedwwd O.Joi).JonaaACa ' ,T10 1.TJ0 1.710 1.731 * 7 CHICAOO (AP) ~ USDA—Mi)aijarpotatomartau ^ ‘ ■ 6: H ' s ?S £!?:S:S :;SS . Aar 1.T10 9ay(i100lbaKk*; Mar . 89.16 o: 63.29 62.20 62,66 ^.MH ' NEW YORX (AP) —Spot nonlarrousWS matal prtcM . ^ 1 . ^ "”**T5,“ r.r'a “ -..i 5a!»,SSJS"C 5faB.DO-e.OO; Idaho too M ^ ...... C l b s i n g f uiiturjBs t '- r '”” . . Jul ■ 64.0(^ 6- 64.1^^ 64,00 64,76 W MinSlm-67.0c m part).LondonmMaWEB«i.Moa I . J J • l li S i i m i i M Unth Convnoday '■ Hlgn V I,■ Vi, s sasw «„;«.»,unt; WAhMton ' Auo - 86 Co«Mftl.4400.CMnoda(ulpUta.l^ U .8.0*M »-...... A « .. 1.760. 00: ktaho 2^ 00-28.00. EiLatfaal. :S8- !:S8 i:SS IS : ! — i - ■ »T613."Fnii'aaIa«2.457 »«>otMon.. S ; 1J06 ■ s s i s s s . a sS . S M ' x I'- S’ 1 ! ‘j - S d ■-.o! cmihWgten 16.00; ' Fn.'aopaninmmiX980' • Con>ar-llJ760par».NYComai 406 140# 1406 14M k S ^ ' r ^ 07 07.M 87,07 • ,0B . r>rt,ialLMlMe.42S Oragon 16.00; Idaho 14 00-10.00, L«ad>42oaM*parlb. ,960’ 1.060 1460 •* 77 47.77 . 4A.87 ' ♦ .2B * Fil.'a oo Reind wtntaa 100 B Mtta WiaoxSi4ln8,00-10.0a NATIONAL-STC8TOCXY^8.B.(AP)-Hoga; 1.900« -ano • J320-,63f e f y f t da»y^ 1. M ' 1.M0* IX 4.14X 4.22X :.^7X WHITa.W ■■ ■ bamMaandMt 1-3230460lb< Oeial8.l77partoyoc.NYCe(nax 1.00 383.20 SU M * JO ' mS 30 MwMy-t36lE00par7enfla*kjNs i i ; ; ; : ; s ? a s . ’ K f.30 1S7.90 13TJ0 • 1.79 JU 4J0 ^ 1 0 ExehangaMon: .Bowfc — 1I .MMghar; ^ ov«r 2601b 93.00: under 25^ S ^ ; > d s 5 i s

. •• ■>; ■ . ' : V - . , . . J'-: T ' ■ ^ , ■ 'V '

c-2 ■nmes-NavA.Twfnvfn Fall*, Idaho T uesday, AugiugustS, 1995 ' Moneyr: ^ cm read] ies]uiM alaciccprd, tailks aboilUtpt^0I*S Stocl^^ drift to3 slightly ll union officiiils the prosptecting paid health benefitsts ffor pany: Bell Atlantic,, 1 Pacific T elesis, tion o f th agreem ent M onday wi Atlantic need-to negotiate harder b i^ e r firnish resenting most of'it£its employees, 0* r c tir ^sand a i ino tasin g pension benefiilefits. AmcriteCh, BellSouthh Iand SBC. ‘ . Bell AUoi li 'car, because-the situation is g. ' union official said, be<3ccoming,the first Formemerly known as Southweste;stem M iller said the unioiion ogreed to tern- th is year ThoAjwodatedPrea*iesa m illion)n shares traded on the Big asionsofonetyM changinging so‘much..with the coinpcti- ‘ o f five regional BellI ;stems analy e Army and a lifelong Disrnisney defme ourselves withith ." now faifaccs.out on one of the taw-tav pie shopping at a DiDisney store in a for the / How much furtherher this can go is driestst landscapes in .Ar^ericjrica, mall a few miles wcscst of.Ncw York,' fan: ^ 9 wI Water i W orid (13) C:45-8:30 ' icn he thinks,oT Disnen e y . anybody’s ^ e s s . w h eree one< of Mickey’s new neiglsigh- a store where the salsales clerks wear When l o u e la s s ( 1 3 ) 7;15-9:1S. 5 said, “I think of cntertail a m - Among its manyly other projects, bors is currently advertising a sasale cheerleaders’ outfits5 {the letter “M” Fonzo s -EWloumdu t> oO rop(P O ) 7:60^i);06 that’s been with me n Disney is now takinging aim ot the one on bestestiality films, presumably/ n9 1717 SM'!mVJ 21M T - : — * come by from 1 to 5ij5:30 p m and pick NEWYOmW-UoKMM J II - X GMMiiO 2t SIIO 4U-X 4U- im ’ II 2 27X aueta JO il III 41“: . .j .K S i? . MtT Itt IS IMU e a l’x ^ 2 w ^ Vi»” qa*^ - X SMMI l« 12 2IJ2 SM- : t s v s ^ z i S S 5 ' so.Ss^'1 i~ * WM ” iS“ o:4” i(* S S " '" J S»«. . II . S CdiMtitf II MUg ' s i ’i S E 5 MO AK .. II notrioi J2>. * j c to „ ,L *' ‘l:J C -iS - Vi’SS.’Sisfc! sr.'s? !i‘s \ ;.i! rj ssr” . i ' S f S ES;'*. ij’sjijij:5!:il BS.S. ‘v a sstiZ X yS T iea io ’u i - x Environmnential c Science ' u42 . X H M lJa 2t 10701:Ifis ! S S l i S ; S ’s «TJ 211- X Cbm« ,TI 11 IKSSS . 1 » . SOM 1iO 2« 4»4 UX-1 M M tM II tuo ^ }»W* 77S 17X ~ H-M - £'! S a ..•sTstlLJ.- \^aDHWIMWS ^/ and Researcirch Foundation MTouSi 97U OT- * MPKWtM IS »4I saa - X ta tr I M 17 iioi 4«x- S‘J"! Si's KS!S ! f c 5 . ! S i « V Z '. ts r , 5 ‘ ■’ .1 *«424*'ji1m C o S 'S l ' (-U a , s / b ' S"*! ” ’a'’sux. X BMti X. 7 7 s n n < sx iSS?*:; “r. E ! S j ’ AjSJI’n u JiS " ; « 3 a s ™ ,!‘s ’J- iU.lX M t) }I1 171. - com m ents-about J s r . J w112UUS7X.1 . OMM J2 22 2SMS'?:i S 'S M s s ■ ' S W O^IM B>'Me1J« II » |j American D o y o u hhavc.qucstions ] or c< trtm m . 1212 ' 'i“.11 I ^ I x ' tS ow m ^ i i J T ' S "six ■ I S f 24'*W3 M»-1»-X IffWytXKW-lKrMScnilpwtf“** the Id^hoD N ational EnginceiBering L aboratory. 0SI2 JSX. X CiaCn }] 20 IU> X aa>fif H» 4(2 91*..T».|X ij” ”« .i“x iS m .» (isiii^^iS: J444 i‘S V as. S i . ! Il S g . - Ltl X cratio £1 . 1044 IMI Mfloic Valieviv M nll on Thursday. An IMI W . X DU* « - U S . 4IX> X. on 2.40, 12 I2M i41X !S. on hand all day to answiswer your qiiis^ons ! i>2ri2im till! ,i5! a ! S ' 3. i ' S lU. s -X OrCOKI.12 ■ . 19 UO 2ZX- W.* 14 *23 9m“’■’I'sxi'h s t a f f w ill b e o • ’’’f ' I . X 101 7X— X iix. X tetaotra 1SI“fio2110 and take suggjgestions about the progi•ogram. • ; L | Ml 7U> I sr w m 1^4. 23 IM" UX s : 1 £ ■ .''iii’isw; TMiBS" n 11 ur 4ex-SX-X Edit) 7S 270 U.S-11 Please stop by andd visitv us! I US SU - X MPW 21 13 4fM !S Ml :'! ~ •” ,79» ■ 10 S4I 2U« ’V S f B l i'BMl 22X- X K«S 211 14 .203 IV ^ J, W lU lt 331 20X. “i II I— — — — — HI m . X Ck^ IM 1«J”lsS":« I ■ 20 4« 1S?',S li s Ih OineXIM ^ JJ 1227I7«-K ' * :i*»«%SU-X n>lLft»ll7 14 2471 U -X Fmx U Sl ISS 1SX.U. X IsiWliK* EMC " is 2S2JI ' X K i l IJ? It I’lM^ax i„s srs '•■sa-! 'i'r* !m X . S S " M Vl 2«1 2U> 5 X PkCC tJt 10 ISIB 2IX- 10 21 o n 3IS * 8M£iM tJ 21 flj iS'5 ”T5i S«CNtX 13 "H2072 2 “« ^ 2 3 g ’ss * 2 3 '* * ’*m}J?7) S2l" IHO JU~ X EiMI ' J2 II 3IU m.» 'i : i . WpiUUAflY, ssaii? .’IS? i l l i i ' l» :■ ' S . i - " . r a ’ sMl. : X Wa .1S6 II 9 IU. > BMTr 14 S2 I7D4WS!;! ..!!«4U ''u.*K jo lV» 3U3IX-X P w l 2S 1S2 1IX.i n - * TMm i n IS 424 4U>liX. X M M ,40 14 20 22X. > 'j i m m e2t » n t-x iv c ttM “ I” ’ ' Tto 12 17 2U-U -X ti^ g 1 « 471 UX-1 l o T S r i SSSfi’if • !!r.! ■ R S ... 1S . S ™ IX-X tw o « '. iwr Is IX. 1 H iJI *Get0 way to Quality Care I7^aS7*')» ' EMI JD II tSM s i r - I — X en 32 42M 2U.i».x > S m im It 4S70«70uSU. X U r o l * . m S iIO 2°4J4»m 27X. X JHM IIS 2X-1.1I 'III MX- * , »)< •» . '‘ i i1717 ' / 10*. X l « 13 'l»4f i W r ! S i V i Z 'S'* , ! !3S, . ,'f "SSI M SUO PMO a -21 ttiS ssx.S}“ 5 . Tim« .00 IliSJISiMOf ; . ! S i.T-ti -W. PlWt IM 22'737l 40X' 114 rSX. X- lAOr VIS 2X- 2X X FM ) 1« 10 SSOt UI SI-X tMA . 70 IS < ) m S ia MS 32 4UO PMVSJCa _ IS I0»7 741 I S I SX ' KTWoi. IJ4 4X* > • : I iS si,!. S k . IS 24X . II 2277 u2S S , i S i ’B SlX-X (*i)Oa120 IS 1771 401 ! ^ J 4 1i 'iW|-2SJI-2SJ “£^ 1 B i l Hi i ' i a ®,T 5 IW. n 1171I 14 U7* K* V«e • 17^^10) S i >M .SIX-X Ufi«*».7J tIJIM 4a ■ ; j: ofi ' ' U4S^IB~X fSSeitCI I 2SM fi>i ffig” S 's3Ut i X oone J7» 0J.4X ; .J ’il?m« l « . X U»> . IS 2M 371 y fl?T1T7I mi-iJ » - X rjSHS ■ il 'S i . S : 5 '.V ;!?'!!!' W X 40 II *^3* soij-IX— iX ‘ . |” V X FW^2£2 11,103i’S .us*;.s «0 20 Fa^AlO IS sr 4U-J» -x ri,,5u 1*^ * uaaisj 1 14 m i s u - m 2s“ t X ’ *Uj 3M i i s “ ■■ J??i».*ii:!ii-x . SU..X SJoa 2M3t.10.|.Vo.|.i» . • a r » : { i £ - “ i _ i v a ' s 7 ,SS1 TS 41 IX- I 'f;: S J. ,.s » .X ™ S='5 ,s,KO 99 - i*l« Hpu IP l? -4g SS.* . '2TX.X MM iVl'sV »X-1 u ^x ^ !32< I2X-IX o n 1« 14 14100 six. I USSug H 41 SIM 24!4*^ . X i!lEo, *v Physic.c a l-':''! i ^ X 0 « « 1 JI. - II 3«! S v ■ i , ¥ i i ' SSU2lt” o.| Sal ■ 14« 1IX I M 25 I4U 14. 10X« X iwm 140 ' IS 4«3 37«. ViVx <* i s i ’a i S S S * 3a: s s ^ - w w v S:! us Cii 41 SIO DUX. i uV Ji S - r M',£ iMX.lX , V«l» 21 ir 12U 92X- CvSl JO T 2 l i l i l l44X* X V«tr 13 10*3 4U.& ! a s ” ■ E x a i r Crto«W1.72 . 12 I ’ X A II 4UU 2U - W-W - x a Ud • 2097 . X.M i . S ; ,v i“ “ 4U. X VARToM n UNOHO 9sox X»wi. . .121, a - i.i ■ S S , ^ » iU£'g.a?g ’’5)sn W «.n Ucotl X40 . ll1tS4 >77 Primary H(iealtR I T wiviii Falls C 1 0 ^ ''’ '.1T O W E ' 1 VVe li provide com pleteitephysii^sj Gi3 R E A T E S T |W T^owfie's's so fiappy he doesestt't care that we for yo'OUT f a m i l y a t a n 'a fffordabie f o price. 4 N o a p p o i n t m e n t nnecessEu?; e // a ■ B R O T H E R k }^ ' d i s c o i i nn ted EVERY HHOME bn our lot.,t. ■ ^ ' ; 0^en7daySa.w( w e e k . 0 -1 . ■ J n Our HomesraW c FLEETW OOp.: IDAHO... ^ \ :/.Ju st stop byIVat i - p Savings^iasseJmI on to von»f»» Youa Big 60;: i im aiy: H e a lth IXviiii* FFalls C en ter,' '; ~ You've A l w a y s M near the M agic failey IWaU ■i.-.Krfi ■'■'■ri' . 1 Had M ore *? „L469 Pole Line Ros[loadEaSt.,..',', f i 733-711 r' *%:»wUl;«e yon tato of;If o u r ham».:aJkc.. ' „ J 1 Z Im p in^uiidass-Tail—‘ B i r t h d a y , ; i to taii!/l*^Ve'(e O ^iii rim ^ H ^th , we pi ' I. H. ^ | N .FeatuHns i - N i ;■■■:■■— 3C C:cessibfe;‘an ' d couyra'^ent'ciffe.,^'.^:'^ JAY! 1^ HjAEjfklenq, ^ ^ becatis^ \w e c a r e | o r h e a ] wB • . Coiumtfoon H o W ^ f i A P H c eaithofyoiufa^dSly. iia i I aM W wtmaiiiwTar aO .T34-45ft a i S M i ;. " •l' .' / ' ' I ' ',

Tuesdayay, August 8.1 9 9 5 Tlmos-Nci-Nowo, Twin Fallo, Idaho C-3 ' , C o m ics

. . P ean u ts______By C haries M.^■1.^ Sc h u lz • F o r B e tte:e r o r F o r W o rw a _____BBy Lynn Johnston . | \ . fl-0 1 r r s WDiRD.K7.HAVlt« EUZABEIM ) ALLTHrWtrWOCHMVHGH- ...= ss p P E O A u v r s s ' , Q j ^ , PILOT..T ..) I J NOTlDTICE WE.PON't have A ry'tolanp IN^1 - AWAV-UIHnW .. . ^eeiw.ESPECiALiV Ct V j H E W A T E R . . ^y i co^*:e^^w r - v \ , p a r a(\CHUTES..SH0UL0N'T c , . ^ . ‘ USUAUV ^ r^UCAVEMEKERE S»r I WE HAVI PtOHOVi i cZ ^ 3 ' ' !

fe K^.-- ^ r-v I-.'. ” I ^ Calvin and HobbeaB8' • . . ■ ______By Bill W£V atterso n ■ ^ I Biondle e in YouYoung S^fen drake . ALMOST EiEWWUESE: •{( ^CW, W R £ ^C:UJMUALW I , / VWH. twW CAU ' l [-WSH li S =3I HICH MEANS YOU WOKE I <30, ’toy CAN HEM5. PBDP8K1E. • CDHtftOKTCO:,WW\ T yiKZ ' * ^ ( en£h. va H'EAft / M S \SS MAWHQ \ • c HONEY,. trsTtr iM E .) I r p A G'fO ^ O P f I tWHATSS THE W IN MY ‘- " J tVHia ;^upi — V, ^■rrerei? ? ) oaefijf^ i " -r. miME UP TWICE ..... '> RM>roS.-WiO ALU WHDS - SnU-HESS 0P.WW1^■WRE, .' C ^ a i A 'KMR^O.fI f Tuw'ii.} WE ue?lew oos. - I . Y /A K B .l _ ^ J X W A 5 TAKlNS , » C^. ENS1K£S. ^ TTS WUD OF STM5.TLW UNG. _____ GO \w.J ( OH n o ; IB

. I I M m By Johrhnny Hart Pickles By Brian Crane it>T MOW 6 0 R M E P I sav^s Gor^rtAv = VVIM£,U0U?1 I EY C ^ SWE. BORKJEP ^ ^ ^ 7 1 WA&-^ 1UE.tD ftJRTDfJAmLY; A U . T rie WCKi- iEwrTOLEfi.&v w m >AV TEKST P O {J^V , f i . s o r . ^ . l « G T » P f J fA\&TAI:rAK£,60U3&W»0 GOTEEAT£KigHA6eAR — ' ■ &eoBoes. I A l s o riAVe • .-7 ^ g . .. e ------^ TO &U£{ lUSOME&lWCAME U££PlhJ-W£CAR, UKmU' — ihsoMMiA. ------V A NDTMTWEt^ WV\EKi W £ AWl?£?SA\JEPli&,MOP ~ r I :£ UP TU£ RAC- W W V ■ “ ^ ■ HAO GOTTEJO 7^C R im s )------______-yJ N Tiro_Ol3^FCO^ O ^ £ W / M t o A / , r ^ ^ '

g s , “ B yJir I Garfield D av is S e H n rthe a Menace B y Hankink Ketcham The T Family C ircu s By BII K e a n e j • ' 1 TOPAV 16 0DI£'S.'S BIRTHPAV, i I I > THERE'S A CAKE H£H E R E *) I B < ^ ~ 7 OJ C A R ^ j : L 30Aft£WHERE,RI&HrHT?y zT _ ( i m m ■ - V e ^ —

" 3 \ J o . y

3 > - W ?!:i .s> 4;i I By C hancea Brownei o . |N —4^^__'' S-riT (\

/Vfr'OOAV’/Ah*' ^ T T W TAk-e THE > . t^sesirpioR I ^ Oim »i 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ 'CSr S ' l I F “I suggest you all:all s ta y o u t of / ® »-6 ‘ the sandboxX uuntil you y i ''Yc'Y o u HAVE TO LEARN.1WE ALPtV.pHAeerJbEY, finish thoslo s e ." bSfc V n g sSO o YOUlLKNOW WHICH WWJiV5ilfJSTOTAKE.'' I ACROSS5SS |1 |2 |3 \*“'m to“ Ti~ “ ia” I ) 1 Undonn oo n d ______■ ‘ Holbroohook '« B ■ i s ------H i a - — ? y «dney l n i Omarr islve ------■ The Wizard of Id By Brant Parker & John^ ^ n y H a rt short ’ ■ HHoroscopeo i . i4 W o fk o n z T ------"" — H * 5 “ — 23 ~ I / ^ manuscrscript ______^ _ IF AUGUSTE8 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: 15 Jargon ^ f CT ! I P6AR OU Berore Augustist Is finished you'll be more K \ r ...I F Y o u -1 , 16Notawoi HHH _____ ; v$s.p T’^-Aiiiii<9 II — 32 33 34 popular, fonxsc s sciltcrcd.M social imd tmvcl 17 'A u mio -—■ 27 28 2o T A f»T(T<5H R f (MPPEN TO BE A ______mviiations gnlorralorc. Capricorn, Qinccr per- I [ /) T/llW H ,1!? I— iSPoftalnlrInlno lo ------L _ ^ V £ 5 h 30------! ^ | * M J8 sons play signifignificini roles .in your life, ------— Wlicn prcvsurcire Ls L‘ on. you cxccl. You are ap.iblcofbrin{yiin p n g order oul of confusion, . I f sS H 47------^ cliaos. You arcirc ininlciusc, dynamic, dnunaiic, ■ - - f 5__^ — , :' 22 Copo CaCanaveral j ; ------1 Ik ovont |H ______romanlic. Nol cvi)l everyone loves you but few, ' • 24 WoodJstrip oil . ia «9 u I if iiny. can ignoiignore. Complicated rclalion- ^ ^ ^ = 1--' 26WrilorWrW losol ______— ^ sliip resolvedd in September. Joumey re­ —— 27 Moro pin l K = l i laict to publLsliin;siling during Octdwr. ; ■'■•^.^..-ritrT 31 Printing — 60 01 M ARIES (f^unf^urcli 21-April 19): Free mlaiokot P P P — ______dom! Finally obsI obstacles removed, freedom - H agar th e H orriblele . ~ ■ By Chriss Browne 35 — Abnoi 67 lo irnvcl. to be \vulnemble to love. Lunar ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 36 Chou — ------— position lii^ilighlilighLs prestige, achicvemenl, ^ ^ ^ A / ^ r Y o u f^0A 38 Lovol:- F = = | unique honorr Ixstowedb « by community. :''^r^x/^AT0 . I 39 Solo phraoophf ______■ f\ You HAre 41 Microbo! 73------TAURUS (Aj> (April 20-M ay 20): Words! y \ k 43 Info t ___ II I I I I Status clcvalctl/aled via verbal, written I 44 Kind oof t rnumbor. o i« » iCofvtco*, sor inc. 08/D8/95 words. Focu-sis onoi publishing, communi- 4 5 Ploco.in in Asia ig=i I , calion,. articulsiculating spiritual values, llAVn^ 47 Cyst Yostorday's Ptizzio1° Some arc anonisionishcd by. your abiliiy lo 9 Easily m anagod 4 8 Lact 5°'* m p l 6 | s W 3 | H| A| R |Tii ■| 11 III I |ii| analyzecharactcracier. Libra involved. (-./ 51 Trnnspojposod 10 Stnjck RB ^jvtei?] GEMINI (Ma(M ay 21-June 20): My.slery! jo d fopootodly r % 53 W or ood oB ^U U tm Solution foundlund to dilemma involving ' ^ y 55 CInrit, KeKonfo CO- 11 Mixture N ^ E R N o family, money,ley, unique relationship. De- or 12 Complaint worker y h n - ^ a M M B fine tem u, taJcc lak nothing for granied, i ^'m 4^ 56 Compos?osor Victor 13 Bondman n o w a y 21 Bakery itom 3|n|X|NToTB| clear ofof self-deception.s< Late news _ j • S ^ S u e 59 Eat. in 0 to inheritance. ' | ; i f c z . - - I 63 Africanin (plant • / 23 Troo ■ c L A H a could relate to ir I (June 21-July 22); Eimpha- p Drt w a l k e r « « v oor r ,0 spooch 25 Actress HayosJS |n| I |o|^R|E|pfA T^^ e M t o Q CANCER(Ji ;| Beetle Ballsy * By Mor liko 27 Flory signal M f sis on lime.. deadline,de. engineering pro- i ------, p ji i _ ------1 68 Oicporai]rano 26 Ascondod a R h E L E D I, sirstructure. Relationship in- , 1 5 I / MAVBeT;E IF r 50T TH6 I r~THl•HINK, BEETLE... Sf j j* WHWTHE m Oo M H iT5SYOUR 6 9 B asoleas Iea Glory 29 W ork by Hpmor 'ojonj-U uM ten.^, you could coi be inextricably in- ;hos 30 Less common - ■V • / RI^HTr B 5ACK5f?OUHP WHAHATfONGWOULP -Tps'^e like a pI ;f t 70 Twitchoi volvcd. Legal;al arrangem'cntsar require loos- • ?: -V MU5ICM I COULPW IN OB'5BT 5ARGE TO J i f 71 Touchotheo llghlly 32 Acknowiodgos t L J ^ P iR o cning o f liics.5. CapricornCa involved, TriAT'5 AMo RE / 3 x S [ j M 72 Hard oponly \R6B OVER PRC a |eli.|a|ABHlo|R|N|rp M p w Q a ^ (^ulyly 23-Aug.Z 22): Refu.se to be C' y r V ^A R < •d 33 Certain homo ’ those who b i faith, inspira- ^ Sword 34 Pul — to (stop))p) loiel*|t.BE|L|M rgrBh B h o H E f® * ^ c d liy iho! — * ' ' *■■' lion. Stress universaluniv appeal, look beyond ! fN 37 Drivo rpp[ fVecYTHfN I . K o ?if :tribal longues so various thatlhat A. Michael S A O nT'ARIUS A R l (Nov. 22-Dec. 2l): § il’s an individu^ im industrial language,ige...... ISludents of animal bbehavior say Break Ihroughugh lo ncw dimension - tear • . I , It’s.callcdcd “Fanagalo." they've repeatedly seen chchimpanzees of down in orderder 10|i rebuild. Focus on credit IV fellow. Tim Conway. He said,aid, normal size offer a certsrtain smile lo kmR -ovenlue.due, payments, collections, ■ n't exactly a divorcc. I'was irad-53- larger’chimpanzees.' They' iitjalIi«C love'. ^ J ~ ~ .■ . ed il to be Ihe equivalentil^of*“>\^a'tever i O ^ ^ R» R J N (D e c 22-Jan. 19): i m & C h I p i Th«B«mLosar By Art S an so n illfic birders know half the you say, boss." ^ Read, write,le, disseminate « information. >und ))irds won't ever be north-rth- Q.'^flntdceaesticiaiatedborae*? You’ll pass3 test,ic questions answered, 7 i"" '’[hTKllM&IDTUWrllTCH! V ' ■•““ihboun j" ’THisNEwawreE-as-iiie/EN, .'’ .‘K mLY .r WHWT NJ£ 'rOU TKrtMG ^ ’^ y bound Bgaagain. A. Those wranglera of)f 30,000 years you might bebc‘< offered position as news 3' r— « * e C (RMFFICU-TTO r^~7=^ TODO.SeMD£-/WLT B r i ^ht l Imind? a Jew ycara back putut a ago whb lived in what’s’s now France, analyst. Geminimini in picture. las* O r so som e sc h o b ra bleUcve. e i If true. AQUARIUSLIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You HeHANfiOF ■: / ,7 nLEXPKO&KWA?; / {*• m usicalI inmicrochip into a strip of plas- S ^ t e r m ! It then was slipped inlo a baby's)y's they say, it would have; bbeen iong be- might be yearnearning for long ago and far F U ^ Y ^ C ^ ' ' He. T h ai tl ITHOlfeHTl^ diaper. It played ;'Whcn thc Soints Oo fore any other sort of animimai was tamed away. Key isis tot bring ambitions up-to-- ' § : ------; ...... Jklarchlng.ng.In".when it got.wcL To alertilert anywhere. Even alMut 5,C5,000 years be- dale. Focuss onon decorating, romodeliog.' r— , .0 parentt to the lieed for a dioper change.^ge. fore the E gyptians V&orkedtdbees. marital status.us. M^ usic lo n i^ t. f—• ^ i Excellent,:nt, excellent. Early market testsests Scientists say Ualblics'3 show we get PBCES (Feb. (Fc 19-March 20): Your ’ proved promising. pr Am lold, however,vcr. more thunderstorms arounund the lim e o f • kind o f dayl'1 PsychicPs; impressions surfacc babies lealearned to, love the music, and the full moon. Why’s silUU iunknown. - you'll knowow whal> lo do. when to do it; t ' f t ® itosoflenaspossiW *. ’, If it's a fair-sized whaliiale,. ju st one o f W ear blendsIs ool f sea. green, express feel* i C Vhit’i Syhrecter Stklloae's leied a l ' its vertebra can w eigh 60} ppounds. ings in measureisured tones. ■ ~. ’ _ , • , ,

- ~ v»' ; j . : V ;V' ■■ ■ ' . / ' i ' L ...... ^ ,1 ■! t , ■ V t ■ ■

C-4 Timos-Nows, Twin(In fFalls. Idaho Tuosdoy, Augu;igustS, 1995 / M u t u all l funds B!^ 'ta'iifcii 'i :§ J?' WfcS SS!SB, ,ISIIt - » ‘i I- i; ira ft I «' fii I “iH JJ. ,»,isa r I iilf i'l ■■i I iHil Ii 1. i 1 1 | | . |I 5 ^ 1 .iii ll III g-111 f r S fe'i' I »i;! t t illfii 2 S- ■ • I r i ' i :| I ill I W ■ 1" ill'I .0. ^ !!fta=| SS2mM -iL W I Ml iii i j t a i l r Iif. .i!i«‘i Wi; jj 'W‘S:a ^ is E '“rs”®- a .illiLiii W} i i i , # ■ ii I If ' ,rli^s ^ iif s I f f I ; J l i U ! P 11 1 !fi' Iriil tl fj i li! I t m t iIjl’l -■ W 'ill Ii l l -11 l i t : rh l fli i I,1 t i i . I' I i i 1f m § i ! H ; i ) i i* 'M l l ii_aa g I w l ' . | : ® f ‘ m i|i|f m/'i t i i ! I^ '!3,|f I I I r l i lI'i f f'ii # i f i i 1 lS«*tB2- J) ^ I If t ! 1:1 f'iilE I r 't p j J g * S k S I . B Ij ; ti ET 's| S: si ^ 'iii I ; :ii ’tfl ICM- l^^'l 1 r | i i I 1 = iiH ii » , i i m i ' i , | f g „ ■ S i ^._^3(iw si ffi lii.jis ^ i s i s a 'gf.' ! ill ^ I'i i l f I ' I i» -f: -,!S,!!! CS - ..* i ■ I ii ^ I1“ I: Is 1. il! 1 :, I'i f|ll^ “i h i l f ii. ® i i t e : ii i‘ ■ i ' l l i I m III f I : • p ' ab ii s I I I lli ^I ^ M '« 1 ^ 1 i ill P I ^ 'IW fjj3 S l . Ij 'J b M riftt i .ii f"' fi’ Ijii f isass: v t e . E Siii: S' 'Esi' 'kS !,|!| ^ ! ifliCg \\ iall S ’MS. s I 'IS'ISzS ••K It i£ , m'I j “S II i iii ^ 33® fe '' ■ a I ': ® '? I, s: «£i ’£ ’§ i | i l i l l g , J sfc s ss?=* ii4K -« ;i, s ! '® ,W ! i i i r ® ' ! § r ^ S E S'.f^ I S! life ,pl a.'»'® ' # . "i £ ^ 3S S: S !M i M '/siiia "g ^ f'irJ ■iis'iiM E i' 'j® ’“ ■vs S , . « , £ i w&l i: 'ik pi 11 i t - i l l I 'i I ^ § r •s,i«| 1 jpi m iiii J l l 1 ! J m •; i li i : E'; iiS Pi' 1P i'ls S IP % i|:‘ J i l l II I i, i If I! S i s i f ^ §; 'i r « ”, Sif*. il ill! . i l ! I f i i i ; •’" 'i i ! I il 11 f ii I f-1 '^'"|'|v t I i n k^l i'l It I J 'is!£s ®,''' ',)III' i 'ill 'li! l- f . I P • p ^ 1 ? I I -I I sp j fP ^ I I f i f i i 1 r ; f f l i P . “w ’ ,ialiin‘ S g ■ il l l '■ |||ij j| i fc I I Ii L 5 5 ® 5 ii] I J" ' I iylllSI le i| J . 'iii I P* ,19^'^ ^ f ■ 'III 1t ' ‘p I I T:S m ifliifi it’iioiT?? rSf» „ S '; .^ssVi .li| I f ! W ,£ is iii s O ii ■ i K S! I 1 1 I I I 'i| fc i I i l l Ja ' silils Si i I I I „i| ijMUij.M P y { IJ I"g Si t I ' i I I 'il Ii), Ivfli ^ li'i l i f t }i ? ! I I I ^ § « i i ' :i•;ltt prtii i!' fli f “\ pf ill;:! ^ I J S ,is a * & t* '*« jjg tli t If! gJi l l P ' l p |T|i| I " Mp <

Continued from C4 ' iS S ’. TU\ L ' H ' k s I ' * 3 1 | J ^ | ] I Ilf I-!;: ; w ■ i 1 1 I I 1 ii! I^ ' i 1 P)^ 1 ^ 1 'J'K ^ ft I i! f5|!5- S i ’ Infill iiina pi la 1 l l i i a % m i I ii IT'illi 1 ^ '4' lisil:! § I'i r i l i i $ . I t ' S ! i « y -i I t i - i 1 iilsEll Has-a' 'w''si I f i i i l l K , I M M a » ' ™ iS P ' i I I ^ ^ 4 i , | | §? S ‘si;" f e ■ t i l i i ' ? i p | - ■ ' : £ ■ * e s ' €” - Wo a* 1 l i | I * i | I i p n , i £ j | j i " i . • l i i i - j J ■ I s i l ’# “ S35! ■ M l II. : Ilf M ^m ■ t - l l I ^ i||||| 11,^'■'11 %. i ■ i 'ill Liif f 3 IV* K ” Ii I K i 4 ■ ft. f b IK&i W MS I. lili i jj p i i ! 1 ,111 1ii^isSi&s S' iss i S S ' i l r l i i' lii ‘i" f f r i s l I m 1 1III I PI ’t'■ -i8is:ii Ss inIf t ! F l S i 1 ' iii “is 'S' ’•alii I m ^ r i l l i i I , H i i I II . i ’, 111 £ S' 1 ““ M . | | g ;S|| p ’ “ " " a i r p i M i ' A l l Sr 1 f ?, i ^ L i ' V i l S. ilii' f i | 1 [SS, ll|S:i i r l i 9 " E .iii ¥*"^!i i j 4li t l „ | p | ^ i■ I ■liii € ii P i ir s l i i J "i l l W l l l - i i 6“ 1S T iii) sa* 'J lasj^ tia a: a gsif l l i ■ I,ill ^ 'i'llI L e g a l s - EE r m p l o y m e nn t

LEGAL NOTICE 1 0 8 I i 201 I f “ "203 PROFESSIONAL I ADMINISTRATION/ ■ ADULTCARE S E R V IC E S I MANAGEMENT | ■ .PERSONAL served vrfth this Sum m ons. : h e r i s h MANAGER Kings oporat- Nc If you wish to se ek iho ad ­ BANKRUPTCY ^ 1Wow Hiring - 3 sm all rosi- ing varloTy doporimont o vice or representation by All C hapter & AQ related dontlot focilitlos. 2 In Twin on attorney In this mottor, coses. Free toiophono stores offers In store Iroln- F ing program. Bonorits, ad- Foils. d 1 In Filer. Call Mon­ m u R you shoulo do so promptly consultation. day Ihrough Friday 90m- 00 that your written ro- I 536-7760 800-548-2166 voncomont to storo man- 5 ; i i o i I ogor to Individuals who 5pm. 733-5184 sponso. II ony, m ay b e filodI iL^ST^FO U r^ Wm H. Mulborry m m R in limo and other logoi I 28 yra oxporionco ore coroer orlontod and ^ ^ O O T S rights prolectod. . J .FOUND S m all m ole dog havo those quallflcatlons: ■ I COUNTRY CLEANERS High School gm duato. ox- I 204 around Banbury Hot CHILDCARE/ QZelebrate E arthi Di a y , An opproprlato wrltton ro-' 'i 'Springs. Dingo mix. GoodI Wo clean horo, wo cloon ocutlvo & loadorship po- I sponso requires compll- w/ other onlmals. LookingI thoro. wo cloon ovorywh- tontlal, eogor to odvanco m NANNIES In retail m erchandise flold, M p l i S ^ e^ v u e r y d a y !. anco with Rule 10 (o) (1)' for homo. 543-4225. Bo- oro. Rosidonllol. detail­ ing, & offlcos. Roosonobio wllling'to rolocoto outsldo M > O T H E R S h e l p e r : and othor Idaho Rulos ofI tween 7 am-9 am & 7 Homo basod working ratos, refs avail. 734-872B of oroa. Contact Ron Os- r Civil P ro c ed u re a n d shollI pm-11 pm. mothors holpor. Gonoral D osn n ' 'l lake th e planet for grantedted. D o your p a rt tormoior 324-8.069 I also indudo: houso work/somo boby- 1. T he tltlo and num ber' FOUNDI groy fomolo kittenI HOUSECLEANING Look- Joromo, Richard Cortor t Celcblebrele Earth Day every d ay^ bjby y o u r actions...... vory friondly oround 6thI ing for housos to cloan. 733-6950 TF.______slttlnn.[ 3 to 4 hours 3 X ■ ol this case . ‘ • ' por wook (M-W-F)Coll 2. tr your resp o n se Is anI Avo N. Cali 733-1174. Roosonobio rotes, rets. - 733-5958. *Movorlk C ounlry S toro In ~733-4455.______• m S- •’ '•N ik/.' *' Answer to tho Complolnt, It: ]LOST sp a y ed fomolo gold- . TF hos Immodloto opon- Tl TIicTimraN.n^'a m ust contain adm issions or • m on Rotriover. Kimberly' MAID SERVICE excol rof- Ings for:.FT Manager. TF c Roformod Church'is C U S T O M E R denials of tho soparoto al­: aroa. 734-0581.______oronces,reosonablo must hovo rotoll oxper. rogistoring < now for pro­ SERVICE locations of tho Complolnt . J ratos. Call 733-9363: ambitious & enthusiastic school. . Plooso call 734- I and other defenses.youI LOST;| Black loather wallet ' porson, good rols. Also —3126 for moro info. m may dolm . . . w/concho, JHS '8B onI iNow available to manogo assistant in food sorvico. c noney o t the Unliod States, all PUBUSH: August 1, 8,15, oblod young man, 28, mosphoro with oxcoilont __ Oepartm ont'a.M aln Confor costs, hour of 10:30 a.m. before Profit Shoring, Bonus (b) all of tho 1994 ta x e s, wh : A D S 1 BOX96M. D odo, Id which a re delinquent In the tho Honorable Melvin C. andCommlsslon _6 3 3 2 3 ______A bkJ bond'in the am ountt of 5% of th e total bkl am ount..I Is s am ount ol $553.30, plus perioliiriolty a n d Interest. Receipt No. Edwards. schodulo. Starting sal- Q roqulrod. ' 5447. DATED this 27th day ofI THURSDAY,' 2:00 pm ary DOE. Applications GENERAL FARM HAND. (c) lalluro to pay hom eow nersera Insurance a s evidenced by July. 1995. for FRIDAY moy bo pickod up ol ■ FT, must bo oxporloncod Documents moy'bo obtainssined for bidding purposes frompm Notice of CancoIIotlon.fornonp - E j l tho business offlco w/oli farm mochinory. lonpoymont of premium, dated the office of Hummel Hunsunsucker Architects, P A , 1324>24 July 18,1995, /S/RYAN J. SHAUM FRIDAY 2:00 pm for during store hours. Sond rosumo lo Box Idaho Stre«l, Boise, IdahoIho or John J. Straubhar. P.E.,E - TTTLEFACT. INC. Deputy Prosecuting, S A T U R D A Y 93846. %Tho Tlmes- Cortsulting Engineer, 1201101 Falls'Avenue East, Suite 38, BY: TODD BLASS, VICE PRE Attorney News. P.O . Box 548. Twin irs'may obtain two {2) comploto 5RES1DEMT ' T H E BON MARCHE’ Twin Falls, 1 d ^ . Blddors'i Mo STATE O F IDAHO, County/ofTwin of Falls Thank you Falls, ID 63303 '. . sets upon deposit of $100.(00.00 for both seta. Deposit ra­ O n this 1st day of August, 11 PUBUSH: August 1 and B. ' ' 4 201 I IS AN EQUAL ^ the contract documonts In good t, 1995 before mo the undor- fundablo upon return of the •Oo signed, a Notary Public In ondone for sold State, personally 1995 ______I ADMINISTRATION/ OPPORTUNITY Gonoral farm hond, FT. condition vrflhin (I0).dayss afteraf bU opening. ap p eared R. T odd B lass, known kni to me to bo the Vico ; FAX I MANAGEMENT EMPLOYER musl bo oxpor. In opera­ tion & malntononco ol - President of the CorporationJon thal oxecuted this Instru- NOTICE O F HEARING rs may obtain seta or part of sets, In tho Matter of the op- ' . , Sub-bidders and suppliers rr 'IS' m ent, o r th e perso n wrho executedexi tho some os such ADMIN/MANAGEMENT | (arm & sprlnklor oqulp. a n d prime bidders addiilomUonal so ts, a t tho Architect's orOf Trustee. plication of Elizabeth Jan; YOUR Im m ediate position ovoii- Sond resume to Rand- Englneof'8 dffica^^^ng g thoti co st of rofjroductkin, post- IN W ITNESS WHEREOF, t havo hi hereunto sol my hand Grigsby for chonge In oblo for full-chargo ac­ ADMINISTRATIVE con, Inc. Rt 1 Box 98M, and affixed my offidal seal, th name, hearing ia set foi^ • D odo. Id 83323 I, the day and year In. this cor- countant In og related a s s i s t a n t tlflcate first above written. Augusi 22, 1995 at 9:00r . AD buslnoss. Supervisory n the formoJumlshed, and must If you oro odmlnlstrativoly POTATO INSPECTION All bids muM bo m ade on tti ^ Susan Lavender a.m. TIMES CLASSIHED1 skills necessary. Com­ ■ orlonlod, extromoly orga­ ’ wilh his or her name and post A poUUon by Elizabeth [ MONITOR . b e s l g n ^ by the bidder wii u t Notaiy Public for Idaho ; , DEPARTMENT plete knowledge of entire nized. highly onaljhlcal. a , office address. ’ Residing In Twin Falls Jon Grigsby lo Elizabeth accounting system indud- Ja n ette Simpson. good problem solvor. and1 POTATO GROW ERS OF My Commission expires: 5/17//17/2000 208-734-5538 Ing financlol statements, possess outstanding oral ' No btd may be withdrawn1 afterafl th e scheduled tlrne for re-n - PUBUSH: Tuesday, A ugust 8. ' S u c h petition will bo» ■ Invontory costing, cash IDAHO. INC. sl8.15,22.29,1995 . and written communica­' . 736 Rim Vlow Dr. - celpt of bids, unless the awawt ard of th e contract la d ^ ay"ed e d heard al such time as. the• ■kh-kifklrltlrlririnr-k'kie^ flow. & custom ized com ­ .! court m ay appoint, arxl ob­ tion skills. Cactus Petes; Tvrin Foils. ID 83301 't o r a petted exceeding 455 days.di pulor skills. Salary com­ h a s 0 challenging and ro- , IN TME dT ^ I C T COURT ' jections may be filed by any-- mensurate with experien­ r Tt o jUDGM O^A(^^ warding position for youi; Looking for an individual w/ :: ;.The owner reaen/es tho rigttiright to refect a n y or all bids, or‘to to O FT H E RFTH JUDICIAL ' > porson who can. In such! NOTICE TO ALL ce. Respond to Box . YOU WITHOUT FURTHER Ideal candidatos will havo' oxpor. in tho inspoclion - waive any ferities, and/cnd/or to accept the t>kt deemed DI8TRICTOFTHE8TATE I I objections, show to the-' Keith Detmer/TK Construc-^ 9 2 3 7 8 9 , % T h o T lm e a £ NOTICE UNLESS YOU functioned as an exocu-' procoduros & U.S. grades ,: b e 8 t t n C a s ^ County. OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR I I court a good reason againstt lion is no longer doing RESPOND WITHIN 20 Uvo secretary working on^ o s they portaln to ' t h b c o u k t y p f tW fH _ .DA^ajEAD -I THE INFQB^— such a rhiing^ of ------w orkioc------^ r^ l 1163^3^' loanled bv a certlfled or celshier*a ~ corff^ToiTShd m ulR T acef^' . Each Bldmurtbeflccom ^ . FALLS MAGISTRATE MATION I BELOW. THEHOMpLACE,lNC. projects. Microsoft Word. o r bid bond, with Idaho S tate U- . DIVISION PUBUSH: July 1B. 25, Au­ ■ EMERGENCY SERVICES transportation 10 trovol to . . . check on an Idaho bank or t Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel - c en a ed Surety Company’ aOS s surety. In a n am ount not len ss s gust 1 and 8,1995. ^ . DIRECTOR 1 Inspection locations In _ TO : DANIEL L BAKER required. Excellent oppor-' Minidoka & C assia than 6% of tho total bM, madnade payable to the BoanJ ot the C a se No. CV-95-638 - Aro you someone who con . tunlty for odvancomonL counties w / Burloy & . . -S o u th Central District Heo)r I their budget hearing on , 'send.thalrrnum e with' locations. Position ontaiis - . IfaHuretoelgnthocontractotH or furnish the necessary 100^% FARM BUREAU MUTUALL auH, an .appropriate written r 734-4647 Amsrican Rod Cross li : I Tuesday. Aigust 22, 1995 ■ ’ cover letter to: ' observing Inspections on : ‘ contract Pefforrnan«e Bond,md, Labor a n d Material Paym ent INSURANCE COMPANY resp o n se m usl b e filod wKh - .seeking somoone.to de­ f I at 7:00 P.M. al the Twin Karen Brown behalf ol PGI member ,B ^ d (6 ). . OF IDAHO, . Iha above designated court velop disaster plans, ro- I Falls Flro Station #1 at 345 Human Resources growers. Identifying Plaintiff,- wtthin 20 days afler sen/lce i 4 1 0 7 I cailt a train volunteers to f. Second A venue E ast In th s help deliver emergency Reprssentathre ' problems & taking correc- ' 'BIddefB shall be licensedI In thI e S tate of Idaho a t th e time™ vs. . of this' Sum m ons on you. If. » I ABORTION r a 8 0 X 4 3 9 - of bid opening, tn accordandance wtth provisions of an actact DANIEL U BAKER I dassroom. II ALTERNATIVES sorvlcos. Starting salary ' Uvo action, notifying grow­ you fall to ab respond Ihe Jackpot, NV 88825 e rs. & mailing of conincai- .: . known a s *PublioWorKa Contractor'Coi 9.8 ta le U censa Law,«w. D efendant court may enter Judgment for FT position ! s i l 2,006 I 7We 54. Chapter 10. IdahoBho Code Amended’. The termtm I DIANNE BOLT ABORTION ALTERNATIVE: per year. Position ro- CACTUS PETES e s. Knowledge of fresh ■■ against you as demanded handling proceduroa a ♦. V ’■ •-'-.r ’Public W orks Contractor*r* InckidaaIn the contractor or spe-»■ NOTICEtVOUKAVEi by the plaintiff In the» 734-1998 T PREGNANCY CRISIS quires some travel. PItese RESORT CASINO * : d a lty contractor, reoardleeaesa of the dollar value In v o ^ . '8 EEN 8 U E D B Y T H E CEMTEH , .« bring reeum eloTlB JACKPOT. NEVADA ■ Hourly w ages « ml. ; C orhplalnt ' ^ com pensailon. S ond letter : . .. TW i Public Works Projectct Is iifll financed by Federal Akl^ ABOVE-NAMED PLAINTT- PUBLISH: August 8. 15.. Free testing. Call 704.7.4722 Shoahone St E. Twin AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY o l application & r6sum e to. >' ' ■' FiindC FF. THE COURT MAY EN- I and 21,1995 ' or 1-000-371-7472 ‘ .Falls! ' EMPLOTERMff'/H/V' I- A copy of th e Complalm is tho abovo address. - f ' T - / ______)i i ■ ------K- - • ------. - ...... — - C-6 Tlnioa-Nows, TWin/in Falls,F [daho l\josday, AujAugusts, 1995 , Employrrm ent

'*■ 205 I i 20 6 4 2 0 7 I 4 2 o i ito “I ■ II 211 “ H” 4 2 1 2 4 ^ JiF "1 1 I . 2 1 2 3 [ a g r i c u u t j r ^ JMEDJCAUDEN^FAL I |^FFICE/CL£RIC^a l | J ^ ^ r o f e s s i o n ^ J J B TRWE >1 FARM/WASTE WATE\T E R P art a n d full tim e posltksitlons CLERICAL Typist & hom'omo Froo-lonco writers wanlelied /Advertising Salos1 DISPATCHER, PT, aap p - INSTALLER DRIVERS - l^ow hiring ox- TRADE Looking for de- SUPERVISOR. AvoWon- (or CNAs avollabliblo. basod PC usoro, $10-1i0-1 o to covor now s tmd eventmts S3000-S6000 proxlmately 24 hrs. aI wrk.vrt TTio S o u n d C o. In Burf*)l*y p9ri«ncod ovor tho road>ad pondablo yard porson and ■ • moroAVost Inc. has!sim- i -Ploaob contacfDNSNS a t • p e r hr.-, d e p e n d in gB oo: n In Kolchum . S u n V alleIley Monthly CommlBslortSms oves. & SaL Need gooi]ood Noods'expor. car slorooI InIn- drivers. 48 slate ond west« s l dellvoiy drivor. M ust hove modlQlo oponing (oror su-s 886-2228. skills. PT & FT avail andtho Wood RIvo poopio skills, b o -self mme o- staDor must havo vortflabliIblo c o ast positions avallablo.3lo. c l a s s A C D L . a p p ly tn porvioof ovor w nsto watorwa '■------rzu—^ T-T ----- 1-800-771-0962. ____ Valloy. Sond a rosum!mo Corroor Opportunityy tivatod. abillty.to workrkin li . ..on-tho-jobrof8.,ApplyInin No louch-frelghL Our>ur porosn. No phono'calis. ' & farming oporatlorlions. Pharmacy technician •QR a n d a writing sam pleI to; tc - w/establishod NW/ high bUoss situations.. Ap-Ajii person. trucks artf lato modeldel A.C. Houslon Lumber, 30 . . Muat havo oxporlon TK RELIEF NIGHT AUDITOR rect ply In porson ol 261 Easi 11 9 E .M a ln ProightllneVsw/70*’0* W100S, Jeromo.Askfcjr - lonco position, part-timo at 1 11 p m - 7 a m . P o s ltlotio r n N.S. Nokkentved, roglorlon- Compony. Strong direc pivots,'crop caro, tai kills, la n d Dr^ T F. No pho n i “ * ' rstoopors. Good payy & K en t , farm Modlcino Shoppo. Call available Immediatelyiniv al editor. Tho Tir(to108 so le s pros w/phono skilli malntonanco & sOpor^ w in Ovdmlght travol duringing colls p le ase . KING y VID in ! NE£DEDNOWII benefits. Call immodlato- lorvisi- appoinlm ont, 733-924J Apply In person Wostoistorii -Nows. Box 548, Twi TRADE. JOURNEYMAN on. Yoar round positi coll th e week. M^isl b e avalivall E O C A B L E C O . E qT^aal u e l-ot'a Haul T ruck D riven ly Tvrt) G uysTm cklng 1- LPN’a PiozaN . 1350 Bluo Uq kL eios Falls, ID 83303: or ca 1 2 yoars oxporlonco PLUMBER, FT. oxcol. b090d at oW Gooding,S id M5DICALHN'»imdLPI 733-0931 OXL 204. to start In 2 w eeks.J, Opportunity Employer. . ,, 800-e2S-4563or xTatil- noodod a t Snake RivRivor Blvd.______.' required. Ploaso call S09-627-4553. w ago a bonofits. chooso plant w/goont. - a n d bo a p ro fe s s io nn a l FT om proyoo. J o b coji*. ® Nows, Box 548, Twiwin on. Call Insurance Not-No • Food Processing MILKER FT mllkor. small sm noodod for all shifts,U. OS- computoro, tho Spocic Calf Procision^Plumbin'ling school b u s drh'orl sists ol son/ldng custorT>- l l ? P a n s- ID 8 3 3 0 3 : o r call ca work Amorlco • Bola3lao ’Production Jorsoy dairy, oxporr only.or pocially 11 pm-7ti7 a m . Education Dept. & Schoc In Hallod @ 788-9420. No oxporlonco necessaryry ora, operatint) fork lift;' 733-0931 OXL 204. 1-800^56-7999 • Facotry 886-M 01. ^ Please call 543-6401101 for Q[3, proforrod. Apply: 23' ^ Paldualnlng woidlng skills necessafy > . intofvlow. ______* W arehouse SWATHER OPERATOP ____ E. 19th St. Burloy. EOE.i)E. • — REPRESENTATIVE.-Do D • MIII operation ^ Part time work-perfect for for this position: Call fer ~POTArolNipECTTO? FT. vragos D O E 423-426 extra Income, Intorviow 733-4188, bA- MEDICAL Therapy ToT echs > ■— -----1 ^ i 209 you Ilko fine leweiry? AreAr «B oan Sorting MONITOR Qc you BOlf mottvatod & wil a v i APPLY IN PERSON ATiT twoon 6 am a 6 pm. I tieoded. to work wilh(h jpro- ■ - 2 0 8 | r e s t a u r a n t /i ^ ^ will- • Constnjctlon TRADE APPLY TODAY e found hondlcappoda kkids. I PROFESSIONAL ing to work for a socurc u re • CDL Drivor Take advantage of th e W e st« m S ta te s B ub POTATO GROW ERS C 1;45-10pm or 5:30-20 -2pm tomorrow? Ctill u s to' flOlgi T em porary. Seasonal, ond on opportunity to bocomooa ServlcB.lno. ' i ' - a a - Tl IDAHO. INC. shifts, weekend worl,ork in CLAIMS REPRESENTATI"ATI- F/T cook needed, opplyy InI details on a fun buslnesn e ss Fulltim ePoslllons. NEV4EV- port of the expanding Icto. 2134 Hlahland East JWSOOPPORTUWTIK 738 Rim Vlow Dr. • volved. II Intorostodod call VE. Insurance componpony porson. 496 Addison AvAve lhat creates a residualilln- Ir ERA FEEI 734-645452 cal sot up crow for Hom,m e Tw in I^IIb, Idaho . Twin Polls. ID B3301 Teresa at 934-5603.). , , Is looking fo r a C laimlim s W ost. No phono ctills. como by the salos of (Ino(In 1-80O-721-WORK Centers of Idaho. Porllc ______733-6003 ’ RoproaoniativolnlhoBui jewelry taking advantagtage AMERICAN STAFFINGING, polo In tho moving & st — AMALGAMATED Sug'or ♦ Looking for a n Indivttual u|qu RESTAURANT: Hiring fc .®°i TRADE - Printor/Blndery. Co. is now occepting op- m edical loy area- Must havo higl ' ■ of.a S92 million dollarlar o INC. up of m anufacture Twin Falls Shop h a s posi- oxpor. In tho inspocUon •S school diploma or oqulvauhm- o'l positions, no .oxporOV' day industry In Nonorlh SERVING THE-MAGKQIC homos. Comploto appi 0”'' plications (or seasonal i r ^ M CMA'S AND NA’S onco necessary. AppI tion for oxporioncod only. procoduros & U.S. grad TELYI Collogo dogroo o IPW A m erica. Call 1-800-89:892- VALLEY FOR 9.6 y eARS a r ; callonalHonstoadHomo niy. em ploym ent In our ftugor o s thoy portain to NEEDED IMMEDIATE anco between 2-43o pm Mor ^ PT/PT. Send letter of ,**£■ap- woronouBo (mid Aujp . TF & surrounding areamna ’ comparable oxporlonc< 5361, OXL 58.______~ near Curry Crossing o pllcaUon to: Box 91906. % potatoes. Must have Q. required. Responsiblen (c day thru Friday. No phon C3lvlna up goll7 AdvortiM7®"^ ^ Hwy 30, o r call UncTa t Fob). Must bo ablo to transportation to travolv olto FT /PT . Apply at n calls. North Chuck Wo{rag- SALES. clubs tor Boto with a lowi * **• T he Timos-Nows. PO Box^ work rototing shilt and i" Jowel'a Homo Caro. Initiating and complotin' 734-4571.______648. Twin Fafla, ID 83303 lnsp<^on locations In a]f nocessory actionsg ooi " on, 1839 Klmborly Rd. T tie S o u n d C o. In Burto-rtoy cost dntsinod oti.______^ handle 1001b. bag of Minidoka & C assia ;. 1243 Lynwood Mall. Seeking a hom o & car sugar. Starting wage _l_v claims receivedd oo r RESTAURANT/LOUNG SLat CONSTBUCnON TRADE Trade countlos w / Burloy & Iring. assigned. Comploto om sto ieo salesperson. Muj ™®^DraVERS $8.16/hour. Apply through ^ MEDICAL: Now hirii om- ^'Now hiring cooks. Muilu st havo oxpor. ••Electrlcions, Carpenter* MILL OPERATOR: , Rupprt boing primaryV . ,, CNA/NA'o full & portrt timetl ployee bonofit packoQ' n ^ : EN G L A N D TRU C K 1N ( FT, m usl havo CDL & ube .. ■ Job Seoiico 2W 4th Aye locations. Position onta *090 be ablo to work varlou ■ p tjiborors. Palnloro. Dry N. Twin Falls EOE i inioiis a t M ountain V iewI C C aro offered and com pany cb shifts. Como bo a part” ( 1 wallers, HVAC« ^ The other guys won’t hirtilfo 25 yre or oldor. Wo’ll train. observing Inspections c you without W©' fis on Contor. CompotitlvoI wag-w providod. Ploaso sondfJ rc x our toam, groat benefitsfits. ______**Alf T ra d e s" mining. 324-6606 CASHIERS noodod. behalf ol PGI mombor’®*’ , OS. Excol bonofits, choor-cht sumo to Box 93972 jal train and hire you. Froroe Onjwors. Identifying riApply In porson Travovol- SALES Broadcast saleales All Phasos-Commardal, approx. 32 hrs. por weql<. ^ ful working cond. hiringhir %Tho Timos-Nows, P.CP O; o ^ s Oasis. N of tho Hor /ood Rosldonllal, Industrial a -f.• — ______copting oppllcations f o r . lun who bolivo in first rate so At- Call 734-9062. 'Of ® time oxporioncod servei vico&dodlcatlon.ifyou'rjuVo Ca. RELOCATION N/ A ‘0 drive with Iho bosll A 20-24 hra por woolf. Look­ Hourly w ogos + ml. MEDICAL Diolaiyoido.do.full secondary math-loacha ch r a cashiers. Apply in p« lend a ctiroor opportunlt ing for task oriontod sqll- com pensation. Sond loti spiv in e r , ( A l g o b r a I & P r o fjf ^ road y to devote your limelim MUST, Compotitlvo wag md, TRADE Journeym an I lottor tim e, day shlfL Appt) son, dally botwoon 1:00 iting os/bononis/txmusos/relo-■n\n. seminar... Gene Englanc starter, must bo a loam of application & rosumimo o to porson only a t W esttMag- M Algobra) also possibi & onorgy to an oxcltin and Plumlrers wanted, short 4:00 at challango, then get on1 iho'th cation package avallablinWo ProsldontofC.R. Englan ^ player, croatlvo ability 13 a tho abovo address. ic Care Cntr 640 RlorilorW. coaching for th e 1995-9 win or long torm. 503-69&4796 15-96 S o d b u sto r R ostauranL’I; right caroor Irack noww ini In so m e a re a s . All skllakin Trucking, will b o j t Twi big plus. Turn apps In'ot ------school yoor. This poslUo»tJon 5S3 g|„Q lqIcos Blvd N Ion. Foils Holliday Inn, 135 — j MEDICAL PTEMT-s broadcast sales. SondId inI levels ploaso call 1-800 TRADE. Wanted, part per-3or- c a ta lo g u e c o u n te r. JC •s for will remain open untu ntil i ,0 Bluo Lake Blvd N. cor u ^ P e n n y ,^ , Idoho. • ,,j, i 206 non-emergoncy transpisport. (lllod. The salary is3 ac-ac RESTAURANT/LOUNGinc your resume todayy toI 711-8881 Mon-Frl 6am ti °!1' son w/exporionco in truck JMEDICAUDEJ™ . KSKI Radio PO Box 1341340 5pm PST to apply. ducting ofroo caroor sen- & farm machinery. Gall rAL ContactJulloatTransnnsmod cording to the nogotialolalod Help wantod: Day 1 - inar explaining Iheir True H E Y L O okl ^ Inc.. 200 2nd Avo. N. 1 job Hailey, ID 83333. ART. FT & or transcrlptlo 'I. TF. salary schodule. Appilwjiica- am -2 pm . G roat PT )ol ------CONSTRUCTION. Fram•am- Driver Training Schoto d ___ Jobs avaliablftwith good 1st.noodod. Knov^odgo 77777 tions may bo obtainedodal t . Taco Bandido. Rotirorod SA L£S ers noodod. Exporloncoiicod which combines schoo301- T R A D E - A u to m o tiIvo v e poy, benofHa.&lompora^, fgo of MEDICAL-CNAS/N Rlor School District OfficDfflco p e rso n s o n c o u ra g o d t ' coding, m odlcal tonninipinol- NEEDED for full-timi lolstors. stackers, (rom•om- Ing with paid on-lho-jolob mechanic. Exporionced,:od, POft timo and full timo: fl ■ 700 B Stovons, Rlor apply. Call for an appoln rtor ‘Factcs^/w^houso ! ogy & exporionco w/wln part time posltons, $ 7 5 K / Y E A R ers, good wagos. CalCall training. Experience:od aggressive, Boll-stortor or by colling 326-5981.1 mont. 733-8100. a v o drlvors a re olso welcomt ows required. Send^iH d ? ' avail. W ood Ri ___ International mftrkoilnting (208)726-4613 loovi mo. musl hove own tools, sume to St. Benedlel . Ig group expanding In: R theth message. T his FR E E se m ln o r willwi 733-2049 •CNA’s diet s C aro Contor offors a w a wide IMMEDIATE opening fo RESTAURANT Maxle's I ----- *COL/local • : : FMC. Attn; Jan Grarirarit. rango of bonofits. Ind lex- ^ * ah a re a . Looking] fo fc r ' ------be hold this Wodnosdo)loy, ------Indud- Business Services Man\,1an- now hiring PT or FT. flo) I s h ! Call today P.O . Box 586. Jo ro mno, o ,'ID In g m e d i c a l & d o n ^ |. sales rep/reglonal marnan- DRIVER 10 whoolorr (ofor August 9 at 1 ;(X> shtirpipi If TRADE. W anlod, fish onta I agorfor Magic Valloy' Re-Ro ible hrs, m ust bo.avtilltibl »or« hotchory worker, FT posl- 83338. Insurance. Ptild vacal nniu a g o r s lo m a r k e t n o o w ' comtmrvOTl, 1 3 sp d R o^oad a you aro al letist 23 year ication glo n a l M edical C ontorito r. nights & wookonds, appi 0(jy Ranger, wago DOE. CaCon old and want to kno’low lion, no oxporlonco SNELLING and rotlrom ont pliIa n . Exporionco In hospitalilad- ad In porson. botwoon 2 health tochnolofl PERSONNEL SERVICES .CNA, PT. 6:00 a.m . to 2:t )m e. bo full time.. 423-4269 39 more obout tho iruckln(Ing necosstiry. 736*1606. in.on Ploaso contoct DI^SS a t milting, billing, rolmbursojrso- 4pm. Maxlo's Pizza 17.|7Q products. If you tire some ___ 734-1000 NO FEEII . p.m . & 2:00 p.m. to 10:; Wood River Caro Con one who hos owned c ------indurlry please atlond thi ' p.m. shifts, Good bon Jontor. mont & collection practicictic- Blue Lakos.______DRIVERS seminar. Hero is you“ TOADE lo c a te d 18 m lloa R N.N .o l -o s roquirod. Knowlodgi ___ operotod a business. < LOCAL TBUCKDHIVEirt I fils, full modlcal & dom lino IlyouhoIdaCDLIIconso,[^o, chanco lo loarn lo be Joromo. 511 E 4th RESTAURANT |I has oxpor In morketlnc 0 ° NEEDED AT needed for local Green > after 3 monihs. Apply th St. of Modlcaro/Modlcaid 0 ^ ; wo can pul you to w ork rk e s s professional truck drlvt Shoshono. Id 8335252 or manogod caro and insur,«' • A SIMPLY BETTERt ’ teaching, or public spoaJ Giant com haivesL CDL ; SL Bonodlct’s FMC. Atl C ing for Intorviow sondj .A r< soon a s todayl from Iho bo st com pany'Z I ONCE callB 66-2 228. _____- ance rolmbursomont sys PLACE TO WORK requlrod. Call 543-8800. . Ja n o t CAmin or call 32 tmd sumo, to JC Coty & Con the business. You statart Menandwom«n toms osBontial. Musdust Enthusiastic, energetic an :om- SNELLING ■ 4301, OXL 327. ~ ead- responsible omployooo o s pany; #1 Galleria BlvdI StoSt PERSONNEL SERVICES3ES earning monoy withinIn 3 ' MAINTENANCE PERSON I havo demonstrated lead ;il w eek s, l^owest tuitionT of c For carpel shampoo . . WANTED; Apply ol Clinr- DENTAL Assistant (pt 4 207 orship abilities rolQtlvo'o tot( wantodi Ifyouonjoy worlork-- - 912. Motairlo. LA. 7000>001 734- 1000 NO FEEII ling or fax to 504-831-71811 81. ------^------any training school. Guajof. trainees & monagomont mac Ttallora 452 S Park- ' Dfflco I O F R C E /C L E R ICPAL A hospital billing/account!unin Ing with people, oarnin timo) and. part time offl ion- Commission/salary..' - DRIVERS; Must havo COLCO antood job with Englan tmlnlno. . ' holpTorbu^denlfllofdcoffice. rocolvablo and admlltlniiiino compotitlvo wagos, hai Lsful exporionco nocossary,uy, M ISC Buhl School District 10 if; dling several dllleront dl s— , C lass A liconso. for haullaul- • Trucking upon succossh - Exporionco roquirolirod. 'AMERICAN STAFRNiING, dopartmont. Dogroo Ir SALES. Con Paulos Choihov- [ng dllforont commodltioJItlos c o m p le tio n . F In a n cInInn w o will train ihose has 0 vocancy (br a school S e n d r e s u m e to 1011 001 INC. accounilng/buslnoss. Q^.ad ties, and being a part of jay. seloctod.Mochanlcolabll-ibll- lunch program super,rt8or. .,Q£j friendly environm ent, th,uia rolol. Ponlloc GMCTruckucks . In tho MV area. G oodI paypo availabio through our Shoshone St..N. TwT w in *Word P ro cesso rs w/Ex('Excol mlninslrotlon preferred & GEO. is expandingI our01 with everllm o. Col^oll as-you-eorn-plan. Thf h o IV nocessory. Mustist Inquiries moy be directod • Falls. ID 83301 '• •Bookkooporaw/Comptnputor Excollont salory/bonofil:olits position is (or you. No roi >y Iq bo n eat In opptunm co,:o, lo th o * su p e rin te n d e n t's t|o(j taurant oxperionce Is r<.g sales & leasing toam.Tl. If 829-5482 bost caroor opportunity I , ' • SecrotaryM ocoptloniolnist offered to quollflot y . . you can followoTmpIo prc a n d oblo to Start immodio-dio- office by colling (208) :EducBtIon-Coordlnator 0 to quirod, but you mui right In your own boc ']or • C ustom er Sorvico condidato. Rosumo tc -no ceduros. mollvalodf bb°y -ELECTRIC MOTOR RE . h o toly. S280 0 wook guoran-•on- 543-6436. EOE A pplica­ ■Minidoka Momorlol Hos| present a posllivo imag yord. Chock oul th Also havo oxcoilont FTT jDO- MVRMC • - rt 0, higher Income, & havlave WINDER, wanlod. Expc^po- chanco ol a Itfelime. A t. toed lo start. Call tion D eadline la SOdt tal is currently accoptli tj with PO Box 409, Twin FallsII. IHIc to our custom ers, port lio n rlence boneddal, but wl 736-2535 22.1995. £!!C? sltlo n for s o m o o n o V. mfull timo, various hours_s good communlcatio t will tend this froo som inar. oppllcatlons for tho po: good PR/actlvity/socsocial 83303-0409 Attn; Humar .ie<„ ekillB. apply In porsonm o( t train qualifiod applicants - tion of Education Coon jn g ] shifts. Join iho BUMPIE ants. Soo you W odnesdayl'I skill. Call today Nd T/ERe f A ’R'esourcos or cali 208 ' C o n P b u Io b A u to MaMoll Sond rosumo lo Rowlndvind- . If you ne ed further nator. Roqulroment team i Apply In porson 1 P"/®- FEEI734-64'4 5 2, 737-2173 EOE______001 S Lincoln, Joromono er, P.O. Box 1748, Twin.Twi . information coll current RN liconso In U ____ BUMPIE's Subs ond S q lilht^ 1-80O-721-WORK 208-324-3900, or Falls. ID 83303. . sta te of ID and 5 years ods.* locolod at Trovoloi ____ 1-800-356-5046 SERVING THE MAGft'Q IC PROFESSIONAL: in™ 208-734-6565. C a r e e r s . nursing nxporlonco. I ExocuUvo Director. Ad- Ad Oasis. North of tho Ham •'m ay VALLEY FOR 9 J YEA _ FT position avail. TIRI■IRE t r a d e Ughting contractc te ro sto d a pplicants mi ____ I mlnistartlon of a legal1 ad-ad on Bridge. Soe Doroth' SALES, SALES & SERVlClICE noods Journeyman & 0{ contact Human Resout»ourc- CLBRIGftL//»DMINlSTRAT>ATK)N - vocay agency for peopleoplo’ 1 Must bo 16 or oldor. EO;O t pfico Tfuo Valuo Hardwarvoro PERSON. Expor.in josicbasi pronlice olectridan. goo ' OS a t 436-0481. noods with disabilities. BS Ir ppli- tiro & auto sorvico holplu position, applicants noc RESTAURANT Now hirin & Gilts Is accepting oppl 'P poy. local travel, oxponim s- T ■ u t u i 'e s : TT” to bo knowlodgabloble In Human Sen/lco or Mana cations for a salos d e rkrk 1In Exc stilary & boneflts pk{ -0 In qualiriod applicants lor P Pkfl^ oa. 208-788-1137 m sg. -MEDICAL LPN's full tIm windows. oproodsh(sheet gomont. Exporionco Ir g ' tho GIft/Housoworeires OK Auto Sysloms, 65' In The Hospiipltallty industry Ail shifts. Excol. bonof irizod advocay/son/lces lor000- poo ^ Bon/or positions, L^ii^ and computerij -p Dept. 4 lo 5 days/woolook. 4th Avo W. TF 733-30771077, TRADE- Truck drivers. Ru Oiedc into Ihe cxcitlng: and rcwaniing career Opportunltl^ & w agos: Excol. workli 03 in- plo wilh disablllllos. ox-ox P'ofson 01 TF■ , . Apply In porson 147 Mali,«aln Soo Tom or Jim______11 w o sto rn s ta te s . So 3 bookkeoping. Duties 0 Porklna Restaurant ol now available at the onlyonh Four Diamond property Iff conditions in a carirns cludo dally transactiictlon portiso In managea . Avo. Wont.______------ho m o m o st w o o k o n d i 1^0 n. 1564 Blue Lakes Blvd. Northeafl Nevada; Cactuitui 1^rates Resort C a ^ , C om pratw ■ atmosphere. Apply audit, payroll, acct. roccocolv- mont/ad ministration ------Rotbod Drivor. 48 staloj Exporlonood only. ; person only. W ost Mag some strong Interpersonal S IZ: SALES Sond rosumo lo: P.C • wagej, excellent workinging conditions,< (lexQile s^edules/ A ft ablo. acct. payable, soi * RESTAURANT LA Casil ___ advancement opportunity,'™tv, ncalth insurance and proRt sharing ‘ Caro Cntr 640 Rlor Av Inventory and woivord communication skills A SALES PROFESSIONANAL Box 162, Buhl. ID 83311 ______; w.______In?’ Mexican Restaurant, ai Hiring rops to work on prtpro- or call 208-543-6126 TR/U3E. Sen/lco personIfor f< auureyourpoiJlJonatOKtu.actus Petes is more than a job, It^ a -- processing. Custon-omor Send Rosumo & Salary,,y ceptlng applications fc I also roquiromonts by Aug sot confirmed appls. onl) plumbing & line deanlniling. career. We have Immediateoiate openings available.' > .. [MEDICAL: A cceplingg op.a service skills aro al tho lollowing positions: l" ''’’ HAIR STYUST Full-time y a n d 14th lo: Co-Ad, Inc. nch NOCCLDCALLSII Imo insurance, w agos de p er , plication In assisted living.iTvin n o o d o d . G o o d p a y a •Wallporscna (or bolh lunc iritv or part-llmo, for JD Hoir•lair u p o n o x p o r. W ill n eoS e d ‘ Floor Cashier* •Pantiy .'i- “ yord benefits. This is a 8-5•5 iDO- 4477 Emorald. Sto. B-100 II ba product Is socurll • Full-time Qravoyai • and dinner ohlflo. (Must t 0 8 Studio. Apply a t RO By^3YN C D L . W ill t r a i n r i g l ply In sltlon on M onday thrur u i ^ Boiso, ID 83706 AA/EOEO E 10 yotiro of ago) CC t V to buslnossos flh t . •Special Promodons i •Kitchen Steward' S I position. Ploaso opply vnr. • TODD, MV Moil o r call porson. Coll Mon. thru Fi w Es- S ond resum e to; S TTT *c:tooK for dlnnor •tilft DAYTIME SALES. Avoi •C arpet Layer ' porson a t Bridgoviow E PROFESSIONAL: SCCAJ hin ageincom elsSSOk-SlOO U sa 734-1488. 8 am to 5 pm . ^ - 0 9 8 8 •Wardrobe Attcndjint S • I totes, 1828 Bridgoviejvlow Valloy Aviation, PO G CAA .Dlshvwoshor lor dlnnor ohiti 3333 Hood Start will bo accept:opt- .HoBt/HoBtosB/CBotilorf Jotfl pof yoar comm, with TT" • Electrician •ESE (custodial):;^; :t : Blvd.______1085, Halloy, ID 833: MAINTENANCE TRUCK DRIVER Now hi No phono calls please. Ing applications loro r a( lunch and dlnnor shiria. WEEKLY DRAW 0 ,!tr • Grounds •Security • ; '' __ Family Educator I forr theth« (Must bo 19 yoars of ago),Q). SI .000. MinSyrsvorIf' S , ' MECHANIC. ng oxporioncod OTI Now hiring CNA's/NANA' b 3 Avonmore Wost Inc hahas hoppor train driver. CD i s s e s O ffice 8. Clerical poslUlUons o Twin Falls Contor Wraji/rop Lookin for high en erg y , do-dl ablo outside salos exp JDL tFcHxi Sen/ers •Soft Count (pa[t-Ume)_ Offering on-slto classi lora Immediate oponing) fofor w/tioubloB roqulroc for certification. Compo Around Classroom. Startilart- pondablo poopio. W e willw Fax resum e to: Mr. Slov "<'• .Bujser •Income Auditor • ing wago S6.29-S6.61 <4 -. experienced nialntononcionce 536-6255.______tivo pay with evening EXPRESS ■61. train ./ap ly in porson. III11 Poulson. 602-867-814 ICES Applications ond Job Do mechdnlc ol our cheosi — "Cook •Stoclcer/Chedcer night dlfforentials' AppAddIv PERSONNEL SERVICE Do- Soulh Pork Avo. EOE. or coil 800-486-9279 3°on TRUCK DRIVERS S:00 scrlptlons aro avallablo a plont In G oodlno, ID oi In p o rso n only at 640K) ^ * Twin Falls. 733-7300 tho gravoyard shliL Proforefer Drivers not getting onougu sh •Bate'- •Station Attendant:' ^ RIar Ave. W.,Twln Falli:allB . Burloy. 676-4040 ‘ No0 FFoe SCCAA. 726 Shoshonel ° o ' ------St. W. In Twin Falls; Bur Industrial oxporlonco;o li In miles? Try us. ; W ort Magic C are CdnU ® T o y o ta Ical, Wo ore expanding with^ g 'p o sitio n includes incentiientlve bonus ; , . ,, n FA R T TIME posltlorr avi mechanical, oleclrlcal avail- ley CAA Olfico, 103{03® now intervielewing for the right ding variety of ixislllons forth (Tiodi- a b le , re c o rd k e e p inIhg g & Ovortand Avenue, Burloy plumbing and weldlni flnnQnnBnHni •PHLEBOTOMIST. Immoc g in d iv id u a ls t o sell ools. qualified driver. : a te oponing for PT. ExpExpo- oppL setting. 5 night:|hts a and Jerome CAA, Court 111 new Toyotas and usedd with own small hand tool: , call week, 6-9pm, Mon.-Fi.-Fri. houso Bttsomont, Joromo3mo. . ^ rs & trucks. Good bonofit and com:om - *11 WBBtBm * 4 8 S ta taIto* ■ rioncod proforrod, ct uall- Wo also offer lato modi>dei f l i | H l | | f l f l f f l m | o l m Ask Apply 250 2nd Avo.^0. S EOE. Closing Date: AuA u- • Guaranteed Jn ponsation pkg (or quail : 733*3700, ext. 243. Ai Income While Training ly at conventional, wilh conom- Sulto A betw een 6-7prrpm gust 11.1995-4:00 p.m.m. • Excellent In flod Individual. Apply e ; for Nancy. EOE, income Opportunity Gooding chooso plant,It. c o r potlUvopay& bonodLCoCall Smplo/eeTrvniportathnAfon Avallat^e from TMn falls area • Reasonable Hoiours, 5-Day Work Week^ can personal office at 201208- Sherioi 1-800-S23-3089.59. ) e (TO _ • Pleasant WorkW Atmosphere - 733-7555 for Intorviow — r ^Ofcanoiul i Auurd EOE.______ARLO LOTT TRUCKInI If y o u a re self-n-motivated and enjoy — INC. Wo nood OTI apply In person at w illsIs MECHANIC Need mecharihorv drivers. 48 & CanadiII QGacluHsPelefl NCOW HIRRING 6 Shoshone St. W., lc with somo knowledoid g o E arn SSOK-f. Ins., loa pot, Nevada , ' ' nRT T•win w Balls ______of spud equipm entnt &< pay & bonus! 324-505 Eqtiil Opportunityunity employefM/f/H/V. SIALES RlEPS: ^ .woldIng.Call349-6511.II. contactJlm. No EI x p i r i e n g e Ni ii C p S S A R Y North Ameililea's la rg est bulk tnic { If you are interestedint in startingg a new career, we requires: ■ w o u ld like toq talkli w ith y o u . V I Tliesd sales posltoslfions'offer o'potentialII incomeI of $.30,000 to I C O MMPANY DRIIIVERS ust have o good driving ■ for our dry-bulkd pneumaticIc rder entiy, export lioicense application, H Homi■ne e v e ry d a y ...... 5 W « offer:offl • O neon-one Trainalning document- pr)reparatlon, merch:handise receipt, ■ ______. A con ritage Including farriliy ' ______» Paid Vocation ■ —inventoryrshhippihgr-invoi^ingv g,-recordkeepingr^ _ - ■ ______vi*!on,.ihoiLflDlLjori8______— } - r — • Liberal Commissiissions ■ termT) dlsabili^, ancflife Insurance • Medical arid Der)enlal Package accounts r ^jivable, r iaccounts’payjlyable, etc. We a re. ■ ... Paidj Iholiday and vacation. • Excellent Reliremiiment Package looking for scsomeone who is flex,ZKible and able to H AppUcanU requi|ulr«: • Good WorkingJ ConditionsC think on their'ir feet. Required PiP rio r Ej^erience: ■ . .Good:ki dHvIng record. H .. Two:0 years tractor/traller drivingig eexperience.- Apply In perso.ni0.n at the Dealership, MeWonday through Friday, Computer-WirIndows, WordPerfectct-5.1+and Excel, . H ' t^o nnmajor preventable accidentsIts InI the past 3 years.' ‘ 10:00 o.m. to 55:< :0 0 p.m. fq Manuel Dovllivilo. shorthand or fastfi notes; math profisficiency, ability to ■ Ablee toI pass DOT physical andd drugdr screen. ' ? i ham Motors it on Eqvol Opportuiwfunliy Employer . Lothorr take and follow>w directions. • ■ To appi/, oor for more Infoiinatloitlon, pleaM 011 ^ I f yo u h a v e (tli h is k i n d o f ex p e r ie n c e fand w ould ei^ioy ■ 1-800-378-93»316 o r 702-757-34444(Welb,NeVMl(i) ( -a ckailenin g in g a n d s tim u la tin g[environm ei ent, ^/anw^y4«.7>toKK'moegnupoecoiopm k t . ' M a n d dcd e s ire e x c e lle n t g r o i ^b^tential, I call 32M 35Q for an ap|ippolntm'enL ' Bl ■ ...... J, . y*- • . - I , I.L .

Tuesday,ly. A u p u st8 .1995 Tlmos-Nov-Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho C-7 •

Ei^ployiiitient-Fiharn cial-ln struuction-Reaal Estate/SSale-Real Estate/RenE nt

"tr ■2 13" 301 I 4 3 0 2 4 5 0 2 1' s o T ^ "I I 4 513"^ |- 6 0 2 604" I 4 I 6 0 5 I US&OPPORTUNI^ BUSINESS ■ M ONEY T O LO ANJ IjW f^AUSHOli^^ GOOOtNGWENOELL. | a c r e a g e s & l o t s UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED I ROOMS FOR RENT OPPORTUNITIES . H O M E S HOUSES APTS/DUPLEXES ,1 (r^A T lK 'C ountry^S tore ir ^ ■ -SSO-IOOKS* •ANSWERS FAMILY ^ $19,500 buys 40 acrv MOTEL $95 wk. $375 mo? • TT^.fws.oponinga In tholiIhelr Edm up to.S3000/m o. pro*pro Roflnonce & equity loims.s. NEEDS For Bo^e•Wondoll oroo, “ • country ho/no-lsltos, I Cloan, 2-bdrm, rofrig, indudos all, 738*1988 •fust paco Btoro for C oshuh- ceulng mortgage refundinds 20S-734-8727 Smart ranch offerlfig realal ' sm oll o ld e r h o u se to bo1^® posturo 825-5617 avo iuRLEY. 2 bdrm.'l both aer«.,fogl#tor or 10 koyko) In your aroa. No oxpoi — ' comfort. Oulot streot,t, moved. 2 bdrm 1 bat^. _ w/onc!osod porch. All now, stovo, W/D hook-up, stor­ MOTELS iholptul. 19 or older. AiscWao nocossary.801-488-eZ8£ SS NEED CASH? groat family orea, oloctricIc $3,000,536-5071. 2.02 acres, nice location &fi, fixluros fii carpet $325-f- age oroa. carport, wator &! R{ oom s for ront: t.ow rales. ^ 1 dorks, will train. A(>Ap- Wo buy notos & real ostato“0 hoot, carpeting, oot-ln - area. Bolow appraisal,I. dop. Aftor 6 @ 678-1598. sanitation Ind. $500,154 Dally & wookly. Phonos, Dfor contracts. Creative l^iy ’20 6tr8th FOR salo: liquor llconso fo kitcbon, 3 BR, fencing,i" GOODING: By ownor, 2 2 $12,500,324-8566. • Dubots. 733-8914. microwavo & rofrig. tho uso of tho cityy 0of Finance. 1*800*999-4809 storm windows, dtywotor.V bdrm, 1 both, 425 Nova-a- JEROME Clean, stovo, ' WAZELTON - Taking appli­ Convonlont downtown Burley. Globe Roolty ~ FHA, VA IHA, Immodlato10 da St Coll 886-7068 ■ - rofrig,, 1-bdrm, no pots, locauon 733*5630. Kfinlt-Lubo 18 now accqpt 6 7 ^ 0 0 MONEY EXPRESS ~ 70 acres Buriey. Adjacentnt $340. 324-7352,______cations for 1 bdrm aplfor ___ RNANCIAL SERVICESe movo-ln. S85.000. TWIG? Now 1784 sq ft. -f 2 cor g a­ Hng appllcallons for FT to new Whlloplno School, - low Income elderly, hand-[ " Room s for rent. $45 wk. ' Your local Roal ostato loan SCHUTTE 328-4497. ' rage, 4 bdrm, 2 both, hoot o JEROME: 3 bdrm, 2 balh, 'tervFco toch. will train,,ap^ ai> JACKPOT GIFT SHOP “ Churches, closeto Icapped. disabled. Call' 825-5733 « 734-3540 fSlv In porson at 2362 AdAd- Qroot for rotlrod couplo.I. spodallsta , pumpw/AC, malntononcor® Smith’s. Albertson's, now^ mobilo homo In VillageI 829-4206TDD 1-800- . dison Avo E. TF, NcN o Noxt to Stotolino Uquor.r. ^O ulck loon approvals freo oxtorior. Soo at 638J? hospital. Surrounded by W ost $450/mo. No pels, 377-3529 EHO 1TF - room for ront »^lh balh —— ♦Crodll probloms, OK . Pino, Gooding. $115,000. ^ Call 324-8903. phono calls p le a so .' Modorn restaurant avail dly. 654-2083 or 673-537^ and privolo entrance, CSI /all- ♦ CompotltlYO R o lo s- CB 934-8194,______JEROME newer 2 bdrm. female student, no smok­ Pormanont positionI foifo r___ able, north Bluo Lokosslc^ Ic ♦ist& 2nd‘supto100% rr For salo 19 acre parcol townhouso, WD hook* 9 for___ callon noxt to Ernst am Coldwell JEROME Now homo on ing or alcohol. $200. Coll '• • RontaJ Roprosontativo fo: ♦Mobile homo loons REDUCED $13,000 TO w/woll, South of Fllor. ups, no smoking, no pots, 733-3284 days or 733- itur-___ Costco. Fully oqulppoO $ 9 7,000.2700 sq ft houso ' Joromo Goll courso for -^Chursday, FrJ(Jay. S atur }0d, ♦Debt ConsolidationsiS & Banker Ownor Roaltor. Coll Dan '' S525/monlh, 324-3213 0071 evenings, t b e ____loss lhan.9.months old.old - personal loans- with 6 acros. 934*4277-- ront Call 324-8721. day & Sundoy. Must b< Western Realty ovos 733-9249, • KIMBERLY. 2 bdrm. In tho " Qvor 18 yoors old. CCal oll ____Vory small down and Mjos (208)73»0033 ritA ____sumo looses. Col _ 733*2365 W ENDELL3bdrm.1.5 - BUHL 3 bdrm 2 bath mo­ country,' $325/m o, leaso.! FtJRNISHEDF ROOM In i'?33-2668 Hortz R ont/ MEANQER POINT bilo hom o, In Buhl Mobllo am 733-6770______NEED MONEY? Indopondontly ow ned & blhs. don, Irg dock, priva­ ' refs, wator. garba'QO, lawnI downtown oroo. SF. ••Car, botwoon 6am-11am Canyon Rim, 3,3 acros Estates, No pots. Long ------Roal E state lj)a n s operated. cy forico, 24 x36 htd ga­2®^ 734-0822 or 736*8687 I caro fum. 423-4077, $225/m o -f utlllUos. Call IS Is Own y o u r ow n rout*.•• 1 s t 2nd ond equity 1-800-733-5927 rage oh 1.5 lot 536-5024 torm lease. Rofs. roq, • 736-8349 osk for Bocky TiF/Sllvor C rook Farm s Ii - $450/mo*plus dop. 543-■ Nlce2t>drm, 1 balhduplox. .Wring tor FT posillonsIS Inir All Snacks nooda indopon (Intorost o s low a s 8.5%) FOR SALE BY BUILDER^ Summorl# horo - nnd It I#’ ) 8342 or 788-4305 1 car gam go, WD hookup.! FURN F RM SF 5225/mo i Bpot Apply Jn porson 460 S elasslllat TF. Recently ronovatod. O FR C E SPACE ,^ o c u s t SL Twin. Exp. apap. 208-734-3611 or 1 -800 dlrodofy ol flood* nnd aor-Ir° I BUY HOUSES. SM-BOK Launch, Ready to build, Opon floor plan. 5 bdmi.. TF Charnilng 2 bdrm Con- fo r 266- 7629.______. HAGERMAfWOMESJ | recent survey, financing 600. 850, fi. 1250 sq. ft .^licants may call fo ■ ytecatovTOfk for you today.IT. .. rongo. FIxors ok. Save '0 2’/. balh, oxecullvo styledI do. closo to CSI. $460' All utilities induded, H avoiloblo. Call ownor at ) Jritorvlow. 736-0629 ____ REDUCED TO $160,OOC -I Brokorfoos. 734-9786. 2 bdrm, 1 lorge both. sId- :it homo $950 mo.-». CallI avalllablo 9-1, Call 734- 208-839-2501, 'Amplo parking PET Burioy mobile hom o pork 4 3 0 5 I ,1 Ing, gas hoot, now cup-°[ 733-7078 or 736-4902 5715 for oppllcallon. EBluo Lakos Blvd. Locations MXPERIENCEO CAMPEI plus I COrmiACTS & Immodlato bccupancyl j7 ------:------■•CLfANER WAMTEDIIII O wners double wido plui Spacious 3 bdrm. 2 bath^ boards $43.000.733-3467 Call for m oro Infonnallon 5 olhor rental units Iny II16 I MORTGAGES - TF*1% OC. w/home, 5 OC, TF Duplex 2 bdrm. 1 balh. Contact stovo Hallows Call 733-8667 • J homo w/dbl frpi on largo0 3 bdrm, 2 balh, ronch-atylo,a, .w /shop & MH dovolopod | 4 ^ 6 0 3 I ' sp a ce c o u rt Show s goo< foncod doublo lot. Land- Rofrig. sto v o . OW, W/D’ - HALLOWS M l^, OI^ORTUI^ES.=S. cosh flow. CALL BONNIEIn ie SSTOP DOLLAR s s J- 1310sq,ft.AC&firoplQCO:o 'A ml from TF 736-8247,7. j I FURNISHED APTS/ hook-up, garage. $575 for For contracts, mortgooos.a scapod, RV prk. SI 79,500, on 1 full ocio. 7 m inutesJS Iv. m sg. 6-8 Taking oilersa i g duplexes REALTY •• PARSONS. CRS fo - Calf Ed 733-6521. dop, 736-0927. 7 3 4-433^ has locaUon.m-171. 208-734-8727 ~ from North TF. No bro­0- .■ I . Avonmoro Wost Inc. hai 0, BUHL Country ocroogo -Immodlato openings 0 — MOUNTAIN VIEW kers or rooltors ploaso, 0 TF. Vory nicely furnished TF nowor 2 t>drm 1 bath. 41 ' . - 65K 1st 15% Intorost paysys REALTY $91,500, 324-8838, ovoriooking orchard. Builtlit studio opts. Sharo both, plox, yard, $525 dop. ' Qoodlng ctiooso plantIt fofor S58.000. Looking fon’fp S685 am ofof30yrs. • ' CENTENNIAL » on place for your smoll busi ® 1216 RLER AVE E - In 1992, 1900-f sq . fl, 3 utils, pd. $325 & S350, 324-1165.______“productloTi workors or n ils make olfor. 734-9834 By Ownor, Joromo north S * 0 * U * R * E ilfte. n e ss In Twin Falla? This lb bdrm. 2 bath, largo familyly Call 736-4819.______- swing & gravoyard shifts ~ 7 3 4-1898 sido location. 3 bdrm 1 r -OFFICE/RETAIL space a l s Is iti Zoning, parking anc 1 room, portlofbrlck, TF, 2 Ig, bdrm. appls. water - bath, Coll 324-2456, & ga * a g o pd. paint fii car- avoiloblo. Two hscatlons; 00/- aign alroady In placo REDUCED S88.500. 3 _ $121,000,543-8243 ' : I . | 6 ' ! S r ! g o in g 7o°S 7 .w ' _ 4 6 0 4 I p o t WD. $425, 423-5685. 1.120& 1,800Voro '■ hr.'after 90 days w/gooclood CALL JOANN at 324 bdrm. 2 both, fully foncodd For Sale By Ownor, 3 bdrm J] 1 I I UNFURNISHED 1 foot. Call J o d lS ^ J ^ n o f t a . Apply In porsorrson 0443. #94-342. yard w/patio. Play area / 1 bath, garogo,land* d ^ , I APTS/DUPLEXES | TF. Now 4-plox, 2 bdrm, 2> 326-3319, ^ Tflt chooso plant In G oodDOd- play h ouse & Ig, storago.0 scapod, sprinklor systom,n, IlNCOME^flOPER^ b a lh , c lo so 10 sc h o o ls , ; ;;ing o t 1726 S outh 320C shod, sprinklers. Morn-I* RV pod. 10x14 shop, pa­ 1 & 2 bdrm apts, $525 w/dop. 734-8452 orr TF^ Office retail space, 506 > i^ t,- 6 c ^ in g , ID. 8 to 5 ingsldo/O'Loary Olst, tio & dog run, $63,900,0. DUPLEX: By ownor.-22 S335 fi. up • 734-8522 . sq, ft.. $275 por mo; in­ ...Monday Ihru Friday or1 cal GEM 2708 9th Avo. E 733-27677 Call altor 8pm, 324-3891.t. bdrm, 2 both. AC, oppls. Quiot living, d o a n complex, d u d e s utllltlos. Also 1200 ftPor'sonal office5 a t STATE REALTY. INC. - garage in each unit. Or- refurbished, dlshwashor, TF Studio, Shared balh.. sq ft. $765/mo. avail. 8-1. ;„208-7M-7555, 734-0400 -[ SPACIOUS HOME HAZELTON, Nice 2 bdrm,n, chard, nice landscaping, loundry faciUllos, no pots $180 -f $100 dop, 423- Com pus Com mons Shop- ^ 4 ^ 402^ I 5 bdrms. 3 boths. Irg IMng :» '* EOE______} homo, 1 both, foncod'd good NE location. Call>1 864 Quincy 734*8800 5670 or tako to Jack alI ping Contor. Coll 733- THE TIMES-NEWS l^iusjciissor^ rm. family iro. sto rag e rm,>, yard, now corpot Readyjy 733-3802 734-3930 6384 10 am to 6 pm. MISC. OPPORTUNITIES 2 car garago w/oponors &1 now. $32K Call 625-4129, 1 fii 2 bdrm o p ts. oTol CURRENTLYHASJS PIANO LESSONS: piano lols of storago, storago TT, por'manant. gonora Instructor sooking now 1 Laurel Pork Apartmonls. iwarohouso labor. ExportW3rt. THE FOLLOWINGIQ w shod, auto sprinklers. IrgI By ownor 3 bdrm. 1 bath,ir I 5 1 8 n ^ students. Coll 736*1595 176 Maurice St, N„ TF j 9nco h8l[«ul but not nocn « - INDEPENDENT L. bosomont, fireplace, DW. Foncod. Totally noww I MOBILE HOMES J 734-4195 ' ossorV, hoavy liftinj hot tub, ploy oroo. g as Insido. Lg. family rm. JUNIORROUTES hoat, control olr & lols ■ $66000. 335 E ost K BY OWNER: Updated dou­ 2& 3B E D R O O M roqulrod. Apply in porson ble wido. 1664 sq ft. 2 Kimboriy-Soods Inl’l, 20£205 ' AVAILABLE morol 2890 S q Ft total, 324-2834______2 TOWNHOUSES S tr 736*8002 for Showing. _ bdrm, 2 baths, familyy from $440. oma a im Fowlor, Klmborly. Id. 3 room, control air, 35' cov- — •TWIN FALLS - 627 Park Terraco Dr. JEROME • Beautiful 3 W ashor & Dryor hookup MISC. OPPORTUNITIESf® ' Routt B14 $114,900 bdmi, 1 balh w/don/olf1co;o ored deck, 2 attached° Small yard S storago Automotive dotolloi' ' ° 200-800 blk Of 2nd Avo N on landscaped corner lotIt, shods. doublo carport, hotjl Nopolsl 734-6600 S p a c e f o r rent O ffice - Retail -wamed.-APPIy 309:Addl^ d l- 200-700 blk of 3rd Avo.).N' N V foncod yard w/lg dock.k. tu b , sp rin k le r s y s te m ,' i9on Av6'..W, 1:30 thrif’fU RoutaBIS 1 Groat Location. $89,900io; m a n y m ore a m e n itie sJ. . A-138 4-plox $575 brand •Great Localcation . 324-3946 ■ Price to soil $52,000. ,3;00pm.'.' , " ____ 300-800 blk 4lh Avo. N TF - 3 bdrm, 2 both, now »- now. 2 bdrm. 2 balh. W-D, ,c h . 200-500 blk 5lh Avo. NJ I” ~50^ “~\ |. - 733-9342.. ■______rofrig,slovo,mlcrowove. •Quality Spa'pace ■. S^ISCHbm* ichool tsacfv corpol, now aiding. Lg lot, RoutaB22 L o p e n h o u s e s —I quiet neighborhood, 508 I "T dlshwashor.- AC. covorod • .-.f^r,fbr 6 children. 4 da y s ( Greot for collogo sludont.j parking, handicap •Competitive'ive Rates u 100-800 btk 3rd Avo. E S97.500,’ 994 W Wlrschl- KIMBERLY/HANSEN1 10X46 mobllo homo, sot i(Wj)ok.^Muslc & Sponisl' i Now 3 bdrm, 2 bath, all M accessiblo, ;nnrt 100-600 W k4lh Avo. E ng, 733-6756 for Mrs A. HOMES up In court, $5,000. Coll •Available»Immediately In ■ > ock ground holpful, SoncMO Route B36\ ■ appls. S93,000 cosh. ELWOOD 8, EVANS Ownor/corry w/lg down, •f 733-8641. -^sum o to Sullo 655, 54( 500 blk Shoup Avo ]ii TF Why ront w hen you can2 '3 homos on 4 acres, 20!0 ------______734-1401______Contact ^ ■ UBIuo Lokos Blvd, TwIr low intorost 423-8773. h. -own 3994 Manufactured • " 100-400 blk Tyler S t miles from Twin Falls,s, TF - Is your homo ond yard^ AVAILABLE SOON Laurie-Shouse ::Folto 83301. : ____ flotrte8«» n, homo on pormanont : $156,000. Coll today ■ getting to bo to much? 'I 1 &2bdmiapts.$335-S43S. pr6perty Manager 100-400 blk OuBols Avo foudnotlon. 4 bdrm. 2 — MISCAVON-Eom € 5 0 2 I 3 432-.6834. havo a beautiful mobllo® 733-0740 — bath, Must soil. 734-3185. 1223 Lynwood Mail •:’'$8'Sl5flir; Full/part timo.m o.' 400 blk Ootrandor S t N iTW IfiUlsHOM K I, ' " •■- homo In Lory J or possl- flt*. 400 blk W ashington S t N Twin Falls. Idaho 8330 io>No doorlo door. B enefits "1 ble trade for your homo.). . AVAILABLE SOON =IEP • • TF. Elogant country living3 I 510 Call 733-3612 homo or 736-1857 -'r1-80<>676-062l. IND-REF Enjoy country living In spa- noarly in town. 2800 sq, ir 1 fi. 2 bdrm apis. $335-5435. ----- If yoti live In these \ loUT^rAREWJOM^J 734-6062 work.______' 1322 W ashington St N,TF clous brick hom o w/ shopE ft. Beautiful turn of tho i »re lnten$t«a In be- on 2V^ acros. 734-8310 > GRANDVIEW/BRUNEAU- s! Ing B Independent Jun iQ- contury homo. Noarly ;c;There's no business! 3P 100% restored, 4+ t>drms,> 320 acros row crop farm,n, 4 5 1 9 " IJkeTemp buslnossill tor route earrler...Pleas€ > Irrigated from snake lo ss Call 733-0931 ext 203 2'/i boths. Incrodlble acre 0 I^^EMETERYLO^ ;8 o ,’com o join our buslnosi r fax — lot w/hugo troos. Full> RIvor, Lios well, wator at IS S U N S E T M E M O R IA L fn c .' sprlnklor systom , two> costs aro roasonablo. Has . , Sntfr* RIvtr Ttmpa, Ine. docks. Truly a unique5 0 3 bodroom homo, two(0 PARK Valloy View Soc- limes-]'News 736-HIRS (4473) id tion 3 lots. Call 733-0526 W YOUR property w/a viow of tho 11,000 bu. gronorios, and E A D A . E.O.E. M/F/V/H bridge & canyon. 2696 shop. $410,000 g Curram PoslUona: Polollne E, Call for ap- NEAR HAGERMAN- Largo H * Mechanic* 10 4 5 2 1 THETJMES^EWS^ AD polntmont @734-1221. row crop farm, raising'0 I. MANUFACTURED 3 * Forkllfl Operator* boots and potatoes. U M l CURRENTLYHAS\S TIMES CLASSIFIED 5215,000, n * Potato Qradera Approx, 950 acros with 2 I H O M ES THE FOLLOWINGG DEPARTMENT ^ If you are unab: l e b y T h e g * General L^bor « TF. 6 BDRMIll 236 MadI-} shops, lobor housing,3- 1994 14x86 Fleetw ood 3 .ble to call or come 1 Tim es- a * Mill Openitora INDEPENDENT -* son, 575,90011736-1654, granarion, Only $^5,000. 208-734-5538 0- bdrm 2 balh. nice homo,>] N e w s office, simply si clip and mim ail this order 2 . 'r'i / ■______— C ARRIER ROU TES BRANDT AGENCY, located In Joromo, Coll TF. For salo by ownor. 4 : ______486*7821 form to our cIi - 1 A V A If^ B L E bdrm. 2500 sq . ft, oc. lot. Mlcholle 536-5500. :Iassified departmeinent so that we § i :o..214 —1 country living, spacious, can get your adtd started without: dd< e l a y . 2°l *HANSEN/KIMBERLY. 2nd garago, seller motlv-• 4 ^ 5 12 I I Hon, Indopondont Junior olod. 736-0077/736-3944■ I FARM/RANCHES/ CASHIER PT-FT positionin o ’ Carrier R outes Availoblo. f I D A IR IE S * Please pr>rlat clearly w ith darkr k p] e n c i l o r p e n iCaahlOrlnb. stocking:n)<^ Pleaso Coll 423-4926 Rose ^ TF For a a le by o w n er (2) 2 . • T here rcare approxim ately 2 3 charactersc h tcloanlhg. Apply at Honko-Un- Ken' o r Tho Tlmos-Nowa bdrm homos, on 1 lot, 2700,25tocros w/food lot &fi. I r’s Mini M art 3079 S. Un- 530,000 for bolh. ownor‘ stock water, $500,000. I (inciudlnjD g b l a n k s p a c e s ) p e r liol i n e . coin Joroms.______•QOODINQ ------10ththrough13lhW O 8t financing. Drive by 951 Dolry. 120 ocros-sot up to I EQUAL HOUSING • Please palay according to rate> schedulesc w hich " n Colorodc 900 block & up3 OPPORTUNITY 2nd Avo, W. thon call; run SOO cows. $385,000. l i '2 1 5 733-3752 640 ocro form & 400 cow iftu E lm C lrdo ‘ AdnulostaloatirortisloolnsU} 4 i o i ' i s p r i n t e:e i d b e lo w . g i R E ^ J H E P R b A R A£lU ^ Idaho 900-1400 blocks fwwKttpor b subjoct to thd Fair dairy w Ith3 hom os, TF, FOR SALE BY OWN- $995,000, ’ ‘ I FURNISHED THh Maple H aux) Ad Mhitf) n a to I iooclij ER.4 -f bdrm., 2 bath, fi 733*2009 for custom lzoc Novado 900 block & up lo adrartlsa *arry profororKO Morco Invostmonts, Inc.c. I HOUSES r Please ruu n m y a d i n c l a sssificaUon s ! ] Q prof. rosum o > Roy SloRor lif 2280 sq. ft. family homo,. 487-2900 Pino inftifcn or dsotrratcn boxd cn TF. Rocontly renovated. ran. colcr, hardesp,d 244 Hoybum W. S83.900, 577 Morloy Rd. RIchflold,u 17 Spruce CIrdo ' tax, ' O pon floor plan, 5 bdrm. ______f o r ______— d a y s . i 3 MaitcVl/ord. 734-821^— Utah 1000 blocks up kvnii Etae, or na to d crigK or« . For monj Info. 734-5152 - ID 83349.______2% balh, oxocultvo slyloddS 1I (Print one charactc:ter per space please, includ a* Call toll froo 536-2535; on EnlonslOA. to mako ony wch ’ :ludlng blank spaces.) I S f>rofesslon^ reiume* ‘ , proforonco, llmliallon orp, TF * BY OWNER 4 bdrm, 2700.25+ocros w/food lot firBe homO'$950 mo.-f. Call>1 I g Cindy at 733.1608 If you live In these areat (fljainUnallon.* FamPlal slalujT . 3 balh, 1935 s q ft. Spo- 733-7078 or 736-4902 — A ■ ■ slock wator, $500,000. I I are Intereated In be­9** M u te chUtn under Vu ago d^ ■ clous Ivg rm w/flroploco.i Dairy, 120 ocros-sot up to - , I ------ing a Independent routeMe IB livino with paronls or Togal Dbl gorogo w/storogo. run 500 cows. $385,000.1. I 6 0 ^ I I , I cam»r^.PleaseCall733-33- cutlodja; ^iropiajit -ly Must soli. 3 bdrm. Volued duction sprinklor Irrigotod posal, Jonnolro. Immocu-1; ! Name ______I 60k>calestabIl8hodBltasUS 9777. Tho ToD-lroo tclophono:s a t $ 5 8 ,0 0 0 : W ill soil for farm, or dairy site. loto, rodocorotod„all utils= ! Address.______I tact RobinWalkor or loovoovo $i500porw6«k.Opon2424 nuntxr ior tie h o » ^ k r p m bJ $44,500. G arogo. big lot,• 408 ACRES-ln.2 parcels, fi^ lown core Incl. $575. ,1 a m ossago a t the oftico. hrs. Coll 1-800-866.4588.B8. I t-a)Mg7-fl275. V fbcor u p p e r. S om o terms-' buy all or con split, 2 Coll Molly at 733-5038 for''' j CIty/State/ZIp__ I 2 0 8 :^ - 5 6 0 f appolntmont --- r /oflor/hurry.Spi lllhAve.‘ homos, pivots, crops fi> 0 N„ Buhl. 734-9786,' pasture, oo st of Jerom e J Phone Numbel'______I 2 bdrm houso on rood to *^0USEKE^1NG. Accopt- ' 400 A C R E S - c ro p s llvo* ______. 1 . ___ I i^flti'pplioatlons ffor o r Sun Volley, $475 +dep. WHY RENT wtion you can stock sot*up, 4 bdrm .734-2235 or 734-3758. d jousoK oepors. Apply In own this 1983 Nashua' home. A nice operation Pay SclioduU le • All AdS Muvlust b e Prepaid Mirson'or Econo Lodge,Ifle. mobile homo In’ Filer, 3I NWofPaul.T41. FANTASTIC VIEW! Con- 20 Moln Avo S. 1-5pm, . bodroom, 1.6 both. Lg.I 240 ACRES - crops, pas- lomporory home on 5 ac. kltchon wtlh built-in hutch,; lure, TFCC wator. gated 3 bodroom , 3 both, Number of Day:ly s ______ClCharge per line v breokfast aroo, and bay ■ plpo & contour. 2 homes, $950/mo. plua'd6poslt. . window. Garden tub ln SW of Buhl. Call Stove. Hollows R o o l-'l master botht Charming■ 230 ACRES - Good sprin­ ty, 734*4334. h ' — .. ' ' opon'-flDor p (m . Patio, 2 kler Irrigated form, aolry 1 - 3 d a y s ...... :..$3.09 per line storago sheds. Priced . site, Wendell. “ j o n e s W h a u l 4 - 7 d a y a ...... r...... $4.76 per line right at $18,600! Hurry for 40 ACRES - Beautiful 5 U sually c an m ove you 8 - 1 5 d a y s ...... $7,95 per nne a showing, contact; Mick­ • bdrm homo,- h e ate d shop, •ANYWHERE 1 6 < 3 0 d a y s ...... $14.40 per line le Homback 734-5157 or ■ gated pipe, TTCC woter, for loss than ronllng'o truck. IK 733-2365. S W o lB u h l. B11 N eed loads to Collf&Arlz. t ),i301 - # lines ~ xS/llllB- _aQBEBIjlQNES>; FREE EST1MATES__ g _ , ^ ______------CAirg24:g^90"~^— — REALTY For oach Sunday Inseisertlon, add S3 for Magic Values.es. • ___ :2.00 ; TF 1 tx)rm w/gorago &^p-►- , Indudo your a tfin Ag Weekly for only ^ p e r week.« k . + ______IPAYPHONE ROUTESS£8S l iwliffllijlllw GB 733-0404 pls, $335 doposlt 8,Si T o ta l a m o u n t d u e ® - .'1 S ; ; Local sHos for sale Coldwell or referoncoa. 734-6577. - S $2000 w eek potential. • 1-800j262-500t . b My check or monsvey order is ehclosed forr $ $,______v s . 3 a l l 6 0 0 - 2 0 8 - i ^ , 24 hia. Banker . E X f l 2 1 1 ■ TF 3 bdrrri, 1 both veryy □ Bill my VISA or M asaster C harge (cirdo ono) >air. InlllllllM iiiirm iffiBii nice. $Spo deposit & ;j . 9&jto parts.& auto repair Western Realty ‘ Credit Card NlNuitiber ■ 11.. 733*2386 “^ 513 . I refereno68.734-8577. ------— r " '~f> . B h o P fof .. - V Expiration Datate 32^751 ' Indopondently ow ned & ACREAQES&L£ra o perated. TF.A-120-$S50.Blocutivo '' yoM uflo a n e x tr a etylo 4 bdrm, 3 bath, r ^ jTbcTiiiic»N:ns B^O-SIOOO for referringIng l|n ||||||j|H - • 1-800*733-5927 5 acres near Grandview Mail y o u r 1 ;j refrig, stovo, dlshwoshor. [^■s^CUSTOM ER .""" P.O. Box 548 *71 . 3 3 . ■ golfcourso; Yr round^ washer & d ^ r, AC, sprin- o rd e r fo rm & . TwIi»W Ii.litabo ] I sprlno.S etroam. Well, Ills! 504 1 • . kler systom , 2 cor garage, p a y m a n tto : I . . ' B3303 g p fe j ^qrgpm for details! BURLEY/RUPERT I sqptrc tonk,.&olec. . fenced yard, patio, 1 : $29,500 by owner. 733- rlfii easy to advefllte In do*st< ELWOOD ft EVANS 2034 ev es. 738*1728 day.'■ - 734*1401 BURLEY. SW . Cottage ------•: stylo. & very clean. 2 , bdrm., 2 bath.-fireplace carport shop. 670-4763 C -8 'Hmoa-Ngwai fW n1 Falls,Fo Idaho ' Tuos^y, Auguugust 8 ,1 9 9 5

R e a l E s ttate/R i ent-i■Farm er's MW a r k e t - M I sSC

7 0 S -GI :e o 7 7 M 4 8 0 0 “ 1 4 ^ " 8 1 7 OFRCE& CUSTOM H A Y. G R A IN L_C 0 M P U T E R ^ ^ ■ m i s c t o r s a ^ ^^RCTAILSPAC^ FARMSERWCK ^ COMPUTER FOR SALE:E: 7' Curio coblnol, $650.-I < BUS! & SERR ^ I C E D F F tC E S P A C E Qvailabltable JANTZ CUSTOM HA'1AY. 180 ton of 2nd, 60 tonI of 386, color monitor, key-ly- man raft,,$100. A pair'rot 0 « In th o Snow Bldg. Twoodit- dl -Swathing, baling, 1i to ton. 3rd, no rain-$80. Call be-t>e- board, mouse, pnsgram.m. studded snow tirosO S, ■ ■ foront slzos avallablable 8tiaw&hoy.Can543^■6049 foro 7:00 a m . 366-7914.14. $500. Coll 622-8103. , P126/85R15, $65. 8 ' Immedlatoly. Cell-67(678- " ...... - — .Christmostree,$:a. lOi , .X 3089 a s k for Chris. 1st and 2nd and oot hoy,'ay, g ; 5 ^ 5 - 20 gallon fish taniaf, $1{ i 704 ■BV sm a ll lots, can d e liv e r. 1 ext 1 fortnore / n f om i r o tion or your servicvlcenm aei^a^ ^ I^RMMACHIM^ & $35. Wolding se t, $125 PARIS BUILDING-.3 a * 2 ^ Exc. quolity 734-3532 ^ 5 boxes ol fruit jars. LowrBwn "-■ oas avallablo. 1400 sq.1 *93 Logan spud digger, i mowBf, $5 . Call 734-3881» i . 1600 sq . ft. & 1 0 0 0 sq . I )r, all 1st cutting alfolfo mix, ’carousel fireplace, $150/0- ^•[1; belted chain, eloctrte overov round boTos, no roln, - All utlllilos Incl. AmpI fler. Rrewood, approx., 4 BLM will havoV vohideand one S & R ConstructionIon A-1 DRVWALL P Best Pialnting hydraulic controls. FroFront 20.4% prololn; $65 & $70 7 , Expert hanging, tajDlng & / parklnQ, 733-2049 , & lear star tables. Bnsa oofds, $340 total 324-411111 property sale on Augusjust N eed a b ackhoe? • 6 Benenel’s Home Cars™ ■■ -B«« quality. rook- Q ton. 6 1 II208-487-2011. — 11, 1995. Coll 888-721^ texturing. Since 1976. DrywaO • Painting • Carpentiy f, ow ay boom . 225 totlotol ' ~ Firewood: Hard wood 01 N eed a duinp truck? ^ Best workmanship ••TF. Omco spaco-600 sq. >cel. l6thay,$65.Call328-3209 o r o r 888-721.6 for salo Info. Jobs large or small, All home repairs ‘ otficp ♦ 1.000 ft. wofWfi. j j j r acros since now. Exc« ^ pine. 733-9318 Bestprice ■ ^r^hi cond. $27,000/olfor. CiColl ' Dependable & Experienceciced! G reg L o ssln g , oW nersr Inside & out 10 yre exp.P- 324-2426 ' ' oroflo a ro a , 22Q3 Wrigl late Ton's Alfalfa hay ton — I Casaottos, $2 00. Rocords 587-2247 early or lot ton poiioi stove Insert, usod'3 3 SI oa. 8-traok 25 centcmts 985S. 1200 E. Edenlen 733-3579 FREE ESTIMATES 1-800-464-9656-0961 ■ Ave. (Suite-A') 736-62»E f i : Will trade for cottle. boles, test avQiioble.*o. s e a s o n s , excel, cond. Catl Bruce ------823-4456.______'O- o a \ w /p la y e r s . M o sti)ijly Call iis a t 625-541616 ■ LARGE OFFICE SPAC __ $800. Call.726-9331. IC. :____733-7543 WANTED: C ot #1 5 ft r __ rock-n-roll. Will consldoi - - - Dean’s Excavating, Inc. Excollont location. Roi BOTIst, no rain, call 326- an offors.Barnotl Thundor -- Wedoasphdt “ NORTHWEST COLORS , J . tary mowor. diac..bla{ 26- Pine firewood for aalo. $90 e „ Bill’s Handyman^ ; ...... - ' -nagotiablo. 734-S3aO 4274. 4040 loavo message. fZ bolt crossbow $125. PSE! | '’^om as Backhoe dHveways. Parking lots, -- 'manure spread. 324-427 pe'r cord. Also fence N o joU too small Don't let you? house fade ^ posts, $a50 eg 733-5826.if, Polaris compound w/UnUni . S e r v ic e Asphalt patching, In the summer sun. ’ Buying and soiling hayl ±1 ^ o m sbc $150. Contai; Light construction. 610 18‘ Tosco spud bed, bo Serving Paul to Goodin J Protect It withe new coat STORAGE/ roll o v e r ta rp & olO'■ loc’ All cuttings. Coll Kurturt Wonthlleld pellet stovo.0 , ( g 280 Jackson, TF ^ Remodeling, Painting 950/- Wlorsemo 324-8551 or of paint Free E^mates. WARBJOUSEREMWTAL motor. Fair shope, $95( Of $1.000,0011324-7282. — - F oundations - Also Lawn Care 'ly or mobile 539-2889 Commercial Vi hp bench 423-4296 or 420-70799 - Call324«596 1 1 olfor. 6Q7-2247 early __ Soo das«tnotfs buslnou ondnd grindor, $65; 7V4.2 hp ’^3^dr- Water Unes-Ponds-Etl-Etc. ^w yrfTTtnfSM a u m s t o r a o ES late. ' T I ^ _ _ GraBS-oIlolfo hoy $75 ton Bonico dlrottory lor tho hcrip"P cular sow In Pormane*^OX e25-4237Jkn4625-5414Vun -N O W OPEN Home Repairs hro, ySmolli.ota ok. 543-8302.2. ■ you nood to get your homo c o se $60.733-0471 OfAIIIOnds ^ S h o s h o n o 1983 MF 860, 1970 hr ---- BhIo»h«tK». __ ^ 9 6 4 9 4 21 at tha ioneo n e I JD EXCAVATION Claude's Pro Painting yjll $12,500. Call 532-4109. C A L L . For m oro InformaUon call Hoy for solo, some dairyilry _ E lo d BBQ grill w/rotlssorio, Footings. Foundations ■ • n Dale Robinson’n ' . Lowest bid In town. - ; (208) 888-2042 days•or or ^ 9 9 3 m f 4x4, 68 horsOfso quality: some with roln:iln: g.| $45: oxordso rowor, $40;40; Waterfalls, Ponds, Top Soil ' (208)886-2673 evening J 7 3 4 - 2 9 3 9 Highest quality. Exterior I,"fl loodor. 1800 hrs. rebuiltiuirt4 s o m o g o o d P e a & oaJJ a t JnmNfTUREiCAR^T Nice Ig size m en's West-»st- RneGradIng, Landscaping. r I Also, opening so o n In utch hay. All In IT balos. D ays U om shirts. 733-0471 - brush, roll, or spray. Mso' J” wheel drive, now clutc Roasbnable Rates/Trade' ftayetSonConstrvctlon Twin F a lls-733-1683. Uke new cond. 538-5635637 4S8-410Sevos. 356-0748 18 Children's school chairs,rs, ir> oiling roofs, all work. ; ^LookQrwt All the timefme/ Rod( Hauling 734-7948 m e n Quality Counts' Guaranteed. Local refs^' i WAREHOUSE W/offlcc 7 ^ Now buying w heat. Coll (Qffor solid oak, high quolity. P erm anent eyeliner,er. I Additions, rsmodeUng, ^6^14.2:__ 541 ton dairy quality tost-^ PC. DINING RM. SET. W e build & repailr ,nd Boautlful pine table • froohty painted, 13202 sc®'l 915 IHC gibin comblm.i_n Od hay. No roln, good . all types of fences. ' ■ f t & am pio paritlng. Goo oto w/whlto logs. While choirsli AD Remodeling? "Si? S3000. Flbonclng ovaivoS’ Pfico- Call 788-4455 Ioto Work guaranteed. ? • location. Call Stovo. Ha eves or ooriy morningsI w/country blue seats.18. TIMES CLASSIFIEDID HwSpCSBB . N ew C o n etru c tlo n ? able OAC. 587-6411 __ . Bought new 6 mo. ago. FreeEstimates. _ lov^ Realty, 734-4334. DEPARTMENT 423-4490 or All kinds of contracting. PROFESSlONAt Cose W-11, 1991, 31CJ in n Quality C am as prolrio h ooy. y ,. $650. Selling for $375. Also decks & h rs,, 8 0 ‘ bucket, muin u a t norain. 2 & 3 siring bales,OS. Exo. cond. Call 733- 208-734^5538 law n sh ed s ROOnHQ COATINGS M 614 ik. 9511, leave mossago . CERTIFIED STEEL Q ft nal allalfo & ollatla grass m k. JW ANTEDTO^R^MT sell. Phone eveningi — For solo, firewood, picket Ron Hamey 733-8380 733-7221 or 326-5857 208-852-2147 “ ' Call 764-2118.______X BUILDINGS __ Chino cabinet wtiltewAvoodod fonce-30 to 40 ft. 70 to 80 Q Commercial, Industrial, .^Joromo deputy w/lamll ^ TOPOUAUTYHAY trim, like now MOO. Kingng Bluo Spruco tn>os-3 to, 9Q Metal Buildings & Roofs>ofs ■' looking for a houso to ror FOR SALE grain wlndro ,Q. ♦Garage ♦Workshop>p SECURrrV BUILDING tjjinn pkAup for Mossoy Forgiarnu- 50 Ion. $85 & $75/Ton watorbed, w&veloss> 6 fl. In height. Cali 326- residential. Buildup riMfs, •• In Je ro m e County. 3 bdfT xj^la Cutoorly, no rain, 536-5856156 drawers headboard.d. 4928, loovo mossogo. ♦ Carport ♦ RV Storagege Old World FlooringI MAINTENANCE ^ ■ Of larger. 423-5329 son combine to fit mode Leaks repaired In 24 lira. ____ 510-850 and 860, 'oxccxcel- — ,1 I— I 324-7245. ______— ♦ Machine Shop Artistry 20 years experience! — GE 14 cubic rofrig, ly r old ♦Horse Bams ♦Loaiing Shediheds Hardwood Installation JEROME. Vory dean famlami- lent condlUon roasonoblobly 4 - 7 0 9 Floral couch, $60, greatlat almond, like now S275. n Carpentry, remodeling, - ly of 3. looking lor homno o InI priced. Call early momir ,5; COMPLETE INSTALLATIONION Finishing & Refinlshing I cond. Call 726-9331. Coiling fan suitable for Iceg PalntingYlnside & out)g home r e ^ r s , painting, or dose to Joromo. CaCall or lato evenings. 652-337M79 — dining room or bdrm, 4 Custom Design/Low Prices . (702)777-1005 or 324 I ------12ck more info. 735-1513. Use HERO, tho Powor M & M Construction -• sons to Share amoblli mb — — —— Clipper sharpening & rep^r. /?]»? evenings or early momitimin- ropo horso trailer, thum b ~ cleonor and dogroasor Remodels & Repairs 'H SOUTHERN IDAHO homo. 2 blocks from CSI gs. Phone 852-3379. tod(. Call 654-2720. Quoon bod; oxcol cond., that's QUARANTEEDIDI j* 141 Bracken SL S. ' S200 a rnomtHncludo; — fmme/2 sols shoots Ind., Roofing, Decks, Fences, BUILDING & REPAIR HEROIsavollobloatat TWIN FALLS I, Painting, Roofing, Siding,' 734-4050 ★ 1-80CM71-4050 .. ulllB. 6 m o co n tra ct plu:plus IH 1460 combine, 198*9 8 ^ 7 yr. golding, AOHA. solid-Ild- $300.734-9852 Iv msg thoso locations: ■Siding, Doors, Windows, y PLAN ROOM i, Decks, F ences & " StOO dop. 208-527-89013908 1.750 hours actually use ' SERVICE 0031 orouZ dIsL hitch for travol tralTof. u- 324-1320______208-232-7001 or ovoivoa Ovor 20 yrs. experience.CO. ■ B lueprint copies A-1 SHELTON'S — Eieo brake unit, wido DEUVERED ■ Ward'a Home _ 208-884-4082______Specialize In chronic5 ®& FURNITURE - Trodltlonollal mirrors. 736-4658 734-PLAN (7526) TREE SERVICE ____ tomporary foot disorders.1™; Sofo, $350; 2 choirs. S7575 ■ Sand & gravel topsoil Construction H 1480 INT Combine, w/20'/20ft Hoad farrier for W est TX ooch; solid ook ontoitoln-n- • KILL WEEDS for drtveways, 'I Room addltk)ns, ramodellna,f Serving Magic Valley, ■ hoador, field road)id y . S tate University for 4 yra.''o- mont contor/bookcoso0 . Trim & e d g e orourid treos, parking lota, etc. electrical, plumUng. No jobra Wood River Valley 1 1 678-0369.______Wori Killers. QUARANTEEDI ' decks, patios, paildcovors,Dre, Avolloblo o t I D A L E 'S T R E E U M ^ '4 701 or late. Will tradeI fofc r Qymkhana Playdaya y BARTONS JEWELRY X carports, sheds. Small cattle.______Tuesdoy-August 8th, VALLEY CO -O P CENEX th, AND DIAMONDS 837W M AIN I . CHIPPING ------8pm. Filor Fair Grounds.ds. Q u estio n : Do you knoW jobs & repairs. 150 hoad Holstoin sloeinnr NH 912 14-ft. swathoihor. 733-8805 Of 733-9403 — 734-3244. IS For mulch or disposal. 'why you should hove Bor- KILLS FLEAS? I McGinnis Enterprises calves, 300 lbs. dohomocmod F ie ld r e a d y . $ 6 5 00 0 0 . . ■. Fencing, Decks, Lawn» FreeEstimates ~ r tons Jewelry doan, polish ENFORCER OVER NITE r, Welding & Concrete : &vacdnatod. 324-1232.te 324-3543. EQUINE podiatrist. Bob TE ______Z & chock your rings for FLEA TRAP controls floas SprlnkJers, General FabrlcaUon & Rep^r J (208) 734-2742 . Hansing, groduato Mon- froe? . " 8 hoad short brod helfors Now4rWestfield 10* grai3™” tana St. University, , without insoctlddos, and Handyman Services, 24 Hour Portable Sendee (208) 733-3123 ,25 .: ougor. $2300.733-1333. • A nsw er So you’ll bring In it's QUARANTEEDI FREE ESTIMATES u Al sired & Al brod, $925.' >33- 734-3532______your jewelry before you Insured - Free Estimates 00 per head. 324-3119 -, Avoiiablo au 5 733-0033or736-011B- I I . Now Holland 1900 Forag e r q w lose a gomstono. X J & C DAYCARE rage | ANMAN ^ VALLEY CO -O P CENEX ■ KEN'S HANDYMAN SERVICEE ______It's chooper to rebuild or re- R&RTREESERVICE « Bulls for lease. harvester lor soil, has“ ^ HORSESHOEING o'- 837 W EST MAIN Licensed staff 326-5836 or32& .5045 2 At bapkgroundl 543-8373J73 row com hoad, hay hooload 643-9185 chip prongs thon to ro- s M KfyftTTTftnyfM Trims, removd. Also place that precious dlo- ~ C PR & FA C ertllled — & direct cut hood, goo|00d . 0’ Little PU style golf cart, WORK OF ART ■Ig stump grinding.- Fully n Colostrum fed bull calvosIvos cond. Heoth 3 row doiDoat R nlshed heading horse,), mond or colored stone. $75. Hot Point rofrig. runsIns Mon-Sat. 6 am -6 pm r) Handyman Services RJLLORCLI/SPRINKLERS for solo. 934-8300 harvester, has row findcndor .$2800. Call 532-4436.!. Como In now & soo howIW ovory day, $100.324-855959 . All a g e s accepted. insured. Free e s t a t e s — - & extended boom. oxc( — your prongs rooiiy aro. I. Home repairs: Bectrical,I, Servicing new &okJ In Magic Valley 3^4-3667 "'Colostrum started bul HORSES: 7 yr. old Paloml- 5 CALL 734-1206 plumbing, light carpentry, cond 438-8397.______Til- 546 Bluo Lokos Blvd. 733-3 -^ Log Csbln pkg $10,945 /• systems, conversions, « calves. Call 324-7360'. ------ho Gelding, good arenano 3115. YourLynwoodJow-M- 24'x32“ with 8 ' porch roof.)f. or 800-675-^ Pablo Montana 77-20 Johilohn trail, Intermodlato rider,or- olor8lneo1961.______7* Sw edish cope; saddleilo ----- ■ EStSmAT^S 733-0968, manual/electric, landscaping. 2 HOLSTEIN DAIRY HERE:RD Deere Combine 20' fully full $2000. 829-5656. — notch logs 2 ‘x8*T&G roof Free Estimates Q TREE STUMP P < Call 538-6688 oqolped, w/heador tralleiiJIer ,. I.M. — ' ^STUNNING Ono Ola kind^d docking. Plans, video, loft ' * III C an H o rses: B o u g h t, s o ld a n d I 324-7653 or 420-6036 - jg 7 0 2 ~ = $18,500 or bost offor. Cai nd womon's bridal sell Mor-u- & other slzos avallablo, . GRINDING & REMOVAL deliver. 406-675-28000 oro traded. Coll 733-6055 qulso co'ntor diomond,d, 307-684-2445. MT 406-882-4274. — surrounded by 1 0 b a ­ — COUWTHY CLEANERS^nHIEuEu9Hl Free Estim ates t IdAIRYEQUIPMENT ___ WHITEHEART g u ettes, 18 carat gold.d. MISC - 150 yds golden R.R. HARDWOOD FLOORSI MR. GREEN idor Boarding, training, an .733-1554^;___ _ J! S o M r t S O O O w n S oana h ^ SPUDNIK SOlf unloado _ Comes w/certified appro-a- brovm carpot, $2 0 yanl:rt" We dean here, we deanan OLD & NEW FLOORSg The Yard Care Senriceman ors, Lessons/ongllsh-westom, H «eeo food box, S47,500.100 bod- Now drivo motors I"' Isal. $1700. *734-8570I m ountain bike, $60. Stovevo there, we dean everyv^re^re. Sanded &RennIahedry- ■ T H T O fffiSK m — I 420-3943 or B37-6313 Call 934-5004.______Support, servlce.'trade.de. . WECANHELPik 736-8772. “ Software membershipl t i 703” ^ "j d 15V4 In c h s a d d l e u a eid. d , I llpl TOUTS LANDSCAPING. •*Quarant9od Tdtoring** C I C U S T O M Vory good cond. '79 JC — RATS OR MICE?^ 736-8808 e 660 0 EB co m b ln o forfoi good cond, $400/offer.sr. John Deere riding lawn Buy ENFORCER Products SA W TO O TH I '5 1 FARMSEHVICES Pruning, trimming, new lawn^ English Qramnaf/Wrftlng ' ^ salo. $5000 or bost offertier! 736-2S62. ______mower w/catcher. Cash. G U A R A N T E E D ! to kill.11] Located across the streelreet S H E E T M ETA L - - Uke new. Coll 206-572- by Computer M art sprinklers, spring deanups &* Creative Writing -i M 1 ton stacking & hauling.Tq. 678-2779,______' BEN TARRELL aaddle, 2; Rats&Mlce.- , Heating/Air Conditioning lo. 3033 for Bottie for Instant2 ! Available ot: ® , CallJlmat7334173- S .;326-4141. Of 420-4142. q[ |. good cond., 487*2207 return call. Avail, in Buhl Refrigeration ' 1 dean lots. 15 yrs. exper. We ^ WANTED: 14-16'self VALLEY CO-OP CENEXX ■ K R f J T n S T S j i 3 unloading potato bed — week of 8/6 at 643-6176. Commercial & do what you cant Free Est t -:, CUSTOM SWATHING Home made open 2 horse — 837WMAIN Residential WKBSSJinXMKi 5 733-7764 Leave mossago.go. 324-5061 evenings ___ trailer. W alking tag 734-3322. I BJ ROTOTILUNQ Rofrig. $75. Queen waterter Treat’s Concrete Const — , wheels, $700. Stock rack Large or small gardena, 3 6 0 0 0 0 2 3 ^ 2 CUSTOM SWATHING,IQ . I ^ - for full siz e PU, $150. Call '*• boo w/new m attress,' ^ • Concrete work of iail typies. BAUNG&HAUUNG lawns, lots. Free estlmat- $200. Call 736-1335. B I FARM&RANCH1 438-9671 or see @600 ___ Foundaticfva 4 excavation ELECTROLUX - ; : Call 432-5677______92 OS. 733-6789, Bruco. ^ s . __ ISUPPUES^^ E ast to o North, R upert lD — Sony console color TV,V. for manufactured homes. i ‘ C U ^ O M VecuumdM^. ^ ^ LAWN MOWER sell pro­ tion P E R S O N A L C A R E S b u sto m Baling e n d stacking 0- $160. 8x11’brown brald-J<1- FREE ESTIMATES ROTOTILUNQ Of < sliampootraictntraivBca. g C all 832-7608 or 832-2381^ Burlty Tractor Salvage pelled,reel t^e.C p9tH ed rug, $25.20x20 brown HOSPICE CARE — Combine & tractor pons?? 4 ~7U ‘ . $450,Seil$150Tempef^ 423-4524 or 733-3923 S tiller mounted on tractor ul«s,M nlcM and repairs. ) ■iRRjQATION^ carpet, $50. S43wtS46 ^ H O M E C A R E Z bustom combining, 1 ma-na- . Paul; ID *438-5420 Jt- steel. 738-8170 48* weed roto cutter 1 — Stool Rod tent stakes. 10 •3, ,,, Medltare/Medicald - *-chlne. ready to go nowt [cY 0' aluminum gated pipepe . I ^ WISE CONCRETE— . Certified/Bonded Call Murray Barkman at' : 733-S618 a ; Call 438-6083. FAST SHADE, PHIVACll n for $7.50.324-6733 Troegrows6-10ft. yeaily.X 30& 40 ft lengths. Collall 4 816 . _ _ Spedattzlngihffalwork,■E 734-0600 Twin Falla . 734-6030 ^ Custom combining, twowo $4.95-6.45 delivered. Pot'!?5t: 423-5719.______iKERaSEEQUIPjlBITT Stereo equipment, Mltsl-8i. patlps,d(fvew8ys, • 436-6566 Minl-Cassla 10S tod, plantable'now. bIshl/Onko, Corwln-Bega 2 ; *94 2 5 ' h e a d e r m achlnos “ 1 BkMiU.digltal treadmill, 1V4 ija rock work, decorative rode.: MAGIC VALLEY . ■i M a i i i ' p Mnaaytooo.43&OS4Z Brochure. 1-80»615-340i405 tf” 712 speakers. Snapper 26* Free EstirndssiConvettlvs Rales^ STAFFING SERVICE: I J yrold, $200.82S-6416. — I POULTgYft RABBITS, „ riding mower, asking SERVICE INC. I Q R EEN CHOPPINGI Fence posts, peeled and ^23-6923. " 0 . • 324-6462 mes HfBHHBiaiBBHHpHIBHI DESERTOASIS’ STANDLEYTRaCHINQ ' treated. Most slzea avail, Schwinn rowing axerdser, I * • Hay.graln&com SSOSTRICHtS. value $265, sell $80. Golf Tree sendee. I, • repair Of ^ eq u l^ n ^ ____fi lDuano!«.Cu8tom ffarmingna 6*xr, $5. Ralls 21* bark, _ C hld« available no w ___ VIDEO POKER MACHINEj s WSSfUnfTffSTfSfHH Sprinkler &Unctocaplng, 5 “ $8. Pooled $10: House -net^asyto assemble *a ■2Sc-.rull8lze/8to6l'$1200M'- rnXUM imSUUM—^IDAHOHOM E^ 326-4 5 0 6 o r 67S-1666 {80 C radieA cres Ostrich Farm^ s tee 1^ , value $160, aell , ■'•aSSnliiumpf^ repair — logs, firewood. Stan John-hn- 208-536-5460. te^ 733-6324 2 2 1 ----- HEALTH AND— son Logging, Haliey, $50. Coll 733-7530 after __ Build yo u r ow n hom e, Wood River Valleys. •aOlnfkiktmalntanance I ; HARVESTING ey. xti, Save thousands on your“ ■ H O S P IC E S pasa, grain, arn^j seeds,ds, 788-3158 6:00 p.m. ACS FOR SALE Whirlpool, ,88ft^1or734;-3261 47000STU,4«ry.cood______COIKtruCtiQI}.COSt.WfttL_ 734-406! Twin Falls • — 73»S544» 1-800-734-5548 _____ ■WanmrfforfTNbTarcR ru, C o n a t r u e t l o n ^ - 436-5855 Minl-Cassla SBwTbfwindrow. Grain-cutcut M 7 o e CK 8^arpAC,1800-i7000ffTU I 10013rd Ave. W.. , Track, $699, selling $400. u se d very little. 643-4605. 1— -GertHM/Uoeneed/Bonded S-Qor wind row..Let us tell 734-0966. t Home Health Leadecs. *3 Hyou tha advantages'o of f := MISC. b o/s 'fe* bike $20. aCstrtoperhM der. • consfnjction company. Home Grown In Idaho ' dflAA ALFALFA SEEDD ImKiHaflililjlllKB Com plete darit rm. equip.'''P- - 324-2420 . . Bob Hamilton Seed t maqic.valley I $400/offer. .734.7285' . . -«^7M^6408er32e-«280 _* 1^800-484-9656-0981 > '734v/Zlld,8abla ^ Ping Zing, new grips, 3 P- WIndow9„T1le Setting- - 7^4-06<* Tvvki Falls - Call for free bitr /pair or oner. Twin bedlie g r e a t o o n d .S S O O“ . • cyms; Thrne. ne»y BP l|ifi»rmbv« big bal«a ay, frame & mattress $50. 6* ■ 77 Painting & Carpet Qoanlhg - 436-6566 Minl-Cassla' • • llO.TonCamaaPalrie-hay, 50 733-6493. a' Peep $800.934-4277 1-800:694-7163 S'Dfbm ptly &'«nlc J 9 8 7 . . C all 733-7638. . American mode. Working»g pm only. $6,000. Call324-7327. $300. 467-2674 - or not. 734-4416 leave accumulation offaci’acts is n o m o re . V K Q J 9 5 '0 —” £ . 9 W I Carry-lite Supor mags, G en e ra to r min. 5KW, wood<> mossago.______'I science than a pileleofbnoisisa < ♦ K ateyo. propone rofrlgo, I BICYCLES ' I 4 9 0 S I ‘ goose decoyo. $150 per Doz; G&H Si^er Mags. ' hdtise." . ♦ J 1 Q 2 • tSiO irtvef ra ft 837-6304/ W antod to buy, Y am aha 80 ■ , Girls'M ountain bike. 24 in. LqUNS^JP^^J -H e - motorcydo. &HI 536-6801. $100 for 6. Exc cond. •Henri Poincare WEST-r- E A S T • japanose generator, 3000 whool. 1 yr. old. $50.. 9mm Beretta, 92FS, Gold^ 678-9224,______...... 4k4,2 * A 3 to 3500 watts. Call GoryV W onted to buy: Oldor 423-4934.______. Inlay, 2 clips, new In box. . 073 3 -0 6 7 4 .______Barbie's & Barbie clothes>8 $690, 1 cs 9mm ommo. Generic ( Cobra Irons, 5- V A 7 6 $200. 326-5668 Sand wodgo. Graphite “DoyoufoTOrsdeid^tific bidding ♦ Q 9 S758 ♦AX0i6 4 - from tho 1960'8-70's. Will 903 n LIVE TREES WANTED buy estates or colloctlons. BOATS & - shafts. A R . grips. All liko I over direct methohods?” asks a #>Q7 6 3 4.9 864 up 1030*. Spruce & all typos COLTi Anaconda, 44 mag­' new. $325. S36-2751 ovo '8 Call 733-9688 4 901 1 A C C K S O R I E ^ num, like new w/cose. . reader. "Our oppone;m en ts in a te a m , Call 208-766-2676. ^TVSWOTjRCYC^ . SO U TH - or 7 3 3 - 1 ^ oves. holster, and box ol am m o,1. Kawasakii gas gonorotor, match rejected scienie n c e a n d blast-'" 'eg-IB' Bayllnor opon bow, A K Q 1 0 6 5 Largo fish tank can bo° Wantod to buy: Oregonin '84 Honda Shadow 700, ■ $475 or will considor .3577 120V,1100watt,$150or ed to this spade gan;ame and made cracked. Call 734-6667. 0 | w/126 HP forco. All cov- magnum revolver + cash1 bosl offor. 324-8768 oftor V IO 8 4 Myrtlowood bdrm furn,n, clean, black. Must seolol ers. low hrs. stored inside, it. We bid it sdentlfiitifically, only to : Intrado. 733-1166 5:00 p.m. ♦ J 3 2 any piece, sold a t Hoosleror $2200 543-5079 .. excoL cond. $6200. 733- t ^ East how to beattat us.” Massey-ForguBon tractor, «AK r, F urniture sto r e 1 9 3 0 's- 5639 or 733-1963. Rugor M77 MK II. 300 Win1 PoolF table, 3/4* slate top” My reader’s opporp o nents bid a di- model 20 or 30, roason-I- 1940'S. Call 436-4443. 1075 650 Yamaha model ^ X5650 only 8.000 original 12* olumlnum Sea nymph,■ m ag-25.06 w/ B&C flber- netfd recovorod. Pool rect one spade, threer e e sp a d e s, four ^Vulnerat oble. 8uhl S43-8390 ' gloss slocks[>460, 223 r^e:Both . - Wantod working hydraulicscs ml. $6 M . Call 734-4001. electric 26 Ib. motor, 3 light, sticks and bolls. ' Rem. $350. ^ > ^ 9 3 2 $375. Call 733-0661 spades, leaving Eastast a blind ded- Dealern South£ Motor scooters or smallII for barter or beauty chair, $550. Call 843-4097 sion after winning I cylondor motorcycles for JO ll ctaulllod wMinblng didnt lg his diamond ir Call 736-2526 ovos. loavo I W inchester model 70.. Sailboards.$ 9' 4* Gorge ace. He chose a club, Idding: colloge student 736-92855 mossogo. Days 736-6550.n oxlst, tomoono would Invsnt•''* 16 1/2' I/O fiborfomi. 165 ub, giving South Thebidd — —_ hp, now soots, wator-: 22/250 W/4X16 scopo. board, 10'/^'Tlga Loko time to knock out boM iimjorsult ' WANTED 2 lengths of 8* Now cond. $500. CallI board, 2 masts, 4 soils. 2 I West North East I* Wantod: Yamaho. 1980-83 1979 Y am aha 250 Enduro,■n pump, and outdrive, aces andw inlO trijdc diam eter whito plasticc >CT 250 motorcycle. Any • -733-1667. . booms, $650 tokos all or Pass 2 V Pass 2 stroke, runs good, $475.•sl $28QO/offor 324-9209 In the replay, East^ t h a d a n e a sy « 2 pipe, to buy or trade 4'I' condition. 733-6793 T. makoonollor. 734-.1221. Pass 3 * Pass ' n'obi« & latch sprlnkloi' _ Lalne 536-6323, or 1992 1 6 ' Hysldo Bolf-baling: 300 WEATHERBY MAG- - decision at trick; two. After the a ^ 0 . 536-2371.______’ MARKV w/3x9 Loupold id a n d r a is e d , 1960 Suzuki 400, motor-,r. Excol. cond. $2700. Call WANTED 3-ploco knock­(- cob high Toyota campor Call 934-4766 foryou. Can 733-0931. E a s t knew W est cocould have no Opening I bike $400.783-3504 734-9686 ______lg lead:. Diam ond seven down type oloct. cemontIt sholt, proforably flborglas- more than two heart:arts. Therefore, ' SMITH and Wesson 357 I „ mixer. Will pay cash. Ral- 9- 543-5962 *1992 Yam aha RT 100,^ 21" day cruisor,'Ellmlnator, 7 4 9 1 0 n be switched to hiss hheart ace and ' Highway Patrolman. I BID WITH THE ACES . ph 736-0728. “ $800. 536-2493______45 4 'CU. In. Berkley pump, • |toAVELTRA!L£RsJ • another heart. Thertien he grabbed - WANTED Old duck or — bost offor. Call 934-5160.' $250. Beretta modol 21A I :• now, $200,326-4107 7 ; 8 Kit Road R an g er, 24', and led a third ' S+B•B WANTED B oat loader for a goose decoys. Must bo30 A T T E N T I O N H U N T - the first tt-ump anc pickup. Coll 536-5421 voryroasonablo. da 24'/4‘ Four Wlnhs, cabin ' self contained, $3,500. h e a rt an d th e killiniling ruff netted South hoholds: 3 - ERS/FARMERS 2 Honda 4 J 9 8 7 - 837-4040______Fat Cats, 1 w/rack, bolh,lh cruiser, 1969, fully{ f 907 ^ . Call 736-3756. . - . ' _ one down.-. • WANTED small oconomi- or oqulppod, sloops 4, 350 V K Q J 9 5 “ oxcol., $1650 00. or 5 jMOTORHOMESi^^ '67 • 24V4' Roodrangor. ’’ ^„To answ er m y rereader’s ques- cal.cor, ratod good Inn WANTED TO BUY: An- $3600 for bolh. BolsoBO C h o v V8, 2 0 0 h rs . Will ♦ K ' good cond. fora hlgh-h- tlquo walnuc fumlluro, old considor smaller trade-in. bunkhouso modol, excel tlpn, there’s a place» fof r bo th b last- 323-816 7 1S76 Dodgo Unio Titan, cond. For moro details ♦ J '1 0 2 . school Student; paying InIn pursos. crochotod & om- — $24,500. Phono 733-6696I 2 0 ' 62K ml. 734-40M . iii'g and scicnce. How[owever, I do not tho range of$2000-$$ broldorod linens.s . For sale or trade, '64 Hon- _ call 788-5059:______1 S o u th 3000. Loura733^)0ia- 733<}738______rs Dorsoti 16' cabin boat, ;■ u^e science without'Ut good reason. ■ N o rth _ daV65.$1995.423-4378 > 1978 Sports Coach. i26'.’ I19' Roadrunnor, tondpm In-today’s example,le, the only rea-. J J IV — w/sink & Ice box. 150) fully oqulppod. d o a n , low -I HONDA XL250S 4 stroke,(0, Merc OB motor. $3500. or '* axlo. fuPy soll-contolnod. . I son to introduce the WANTED: 1978-80 motor r mileage. 543-6292 hitch and otoblllzor. h e heart suit is I ' f ' 5 t oxcol shape $900. Lalne,n o , will trade for 7 734-2633 I to ^ l o r e slam possitsstbiUUes. How- hom e AT.'A/C, sleep 6-6, ; 536-2371.536-6323. - l963CrosscountrydassA\ sloops 6.934-6336 $2300 . i l to 25*, low mllos. 733-7106li Jgaragesale^ — Evlnrudo 18 hp, goodi 30-tL 57K ml. 454 Chovy : ] ever, unless SouthJl can< move to- A N S^IHER: Tw o s p ad es. A lthough I 1972 26'Coochman 5lh er.does not have four HUNTER SPECIAL 1961Bl shope, 326-5227 onglno. 6.5 KW gon. 2 waM slam over a .tratraditional fore- parm er i r WANTED: 3 cords of good Kowoskl KDX 175, In- ■ AC. Top storogo pod.I whool, now stovo and car­ ing'raise, slam chan• However, I do adnidmit to bias. In W anted 1965 Ford Mus­}■ 2 days, 5 lines 90CC 6 spood trail bike. ! 32'Cle5sA 1978Concort $125.934-4823 .- rudo 40 rip + oloct Mlnnk- Jl .734-1998.______|;several welUpublici:icized matches tang wKh a 289 or 302 V6'0 $ 1 5 0 m otor homo, fully loadod. • — oto. EZ load trallor, $1800 1979 23' Golden Falcon, I'desi^ed to “settle;le the issue,” I motor, wllh good Interior $2 for ooch additional lino0 SUZUKI 1991. DR350.0. bost offer 423-5325 733-4362______- solf-contalnod. oxcel I have always represejsented the tra-' & oxtorlor and runs good; Listed by sopam to citios for'or Yam aho 1994 Timberwolloil — fg qwatkn lo Tb* AM P.O Box Ujn. also looking for a 1969 or " GMC 78 Royalo 28' RunsIS shape, microwave, sm Ajid w e ’v e w on your convonlonco on 4 wheoler. oves. 423-492121 • -JET-SKI t dltionalist side. Am :7*ns,»tthaASEfcr«ptr. 1970. Z28 or RS Chov. — 550CC Kawasaki, lots of,4 groat-looks graat. Colloct-t; gon. $4250. 733-4691 prrifhi im. tJeUtd rMBnSTndkat* ■ Fridays & Saturday’s ablo $26,000. ‘Got Bus* • j more'^times thanwre eh have lost ' cpprru Comoro, automotlc In" With propnymont you also10 YAMAHA 1 ^ Moto 4 35050 extras. $1800 734-0963 good condition br can ;! A.T.V. w/snow plow - 734-4781______1984 V^ldomoss Ughl 5th " gol our garago solo Wl! - whool, 16' complole trade tow ards a 6 cyllndor $3,000.00 733-6755 Deadlines: _ 904 ” '1 Sharp Winnebago 1973, w/hltch. fully soil con­ “ 1 MusUing In good conditi­ Thursdoy 12:00 noon tor I I ; 818 I 4 8 2 0 i 825 '8 3 Y am aha 250 YZ. $75050 |CAM PEHS^HE^ 19' now paint & Inlorlor, tained. tip top shape. on. Phono: 733-8380 or Friday ' generator, chromo I lin^cA LN Sinu^^NTS I PETS.& SU PPU ES ^^AHTEOTOBU^J 733-8838 anytime. Call 733-8374.______$4200 complole. Coll ^ Friday 12:00 noon — 8Vi' E ldorado cam per. whools, avming, 436-3054-or soo al 1623 for Saturday W anted 6' chain link fenco, HARLEY-DAVIDSON '8181 •Stovowon-fumacoTofrig.* m otorcydo. original Cedar, Ruport. ID 83350 ^ FXS-Low-rldor. 1340cc.:c. hydraulic ]acks*good I EpIphoHd-GlbBOn'.e otrlrBtring POMERANIAN AKC rogl ro Buying comics, Star Wars, top roll & galvanized line'0 TF 2598 E 4000 N. 2 ml W d manuals. • r accoustic guller, Exc=xcel 3-yr-old P. 7-yr-oldd M.t McDonald toys & otherIj"'' posts. Call 423-4934. 1 8900mls. Clean bike.:e. shape, $1000. Days 733-I- $6600.734-7735. 1991 Coochmostor, 35\ of Hospital on Hwy 30, 1 1 4 5 1 ,eves. 324-3966. - boautiful condition. S9300. t cond./tone & sustaliItain. Both roQ. AKC, $15050 or' typos of toys, sdonco flc- . mlN. 12lh-13th9-4. Fur-J ’ Call 733-0020 33- Wanted Uvl 501 joans & VinNNEBAQO. Call 734-1465 - j Hard caso. $450 42^-6773 6 7 : '$ 1 0 0 00.736-6349, msg.m»l llon. collectlblos. 733- nlluro, appls. stereo, no ------0016, ask for Laura._ jacKets. S43-6901. no HONDA - ’84 V65 MagnalO 8 'over shot, hydraulicc Minnie 300, Mlnnio Vi/Innio • I Moving salo. 20 usejse d POMERANIAN chocolat>late, II. ■ _ reasonable olfor refused IIOOcc. E x a Cond. Low! jacks, stove, Ice box. pow-'• W antor, Bravo, Advonturor COMPANION r p la n o a. All otylea. MuMust 7 yr. old fomolo.'$75rs or Buying peddle care. AnyVny W anted at least 1 0 'PU mllos, $2500 438-e011omjm or convertor, sleeps 5,>. BROCKMAN'S RV Quality m ado in Idaho' y TF ESTATE SALE — good cond. $575. Coll 7 NASH I go. Bolow wholosololie t by b e st offor. Call 432-60111010. mako, model, color or campor, soli contained, 733-7115 for oppointment. II 734-31671-eQ0-773-31g7 igs clean & good cond. roa- KAWASAKI '93 250 Endu-lu- 733-3918. - Affordable, durable ' 8/1S. Bring this ad to r ------cond. 543-8462 ovofilngs 3 Hospital bed, wheel chair, a m ^ PU P RcttwollOT 636-552 33- sonably pricod. Also. 3 ro, liko now, Only 15656 5 ■ I -I - '93 ROCKWOOD Moverikik BROCKMANS'RV ' I colvo froo music lam >522 or loavo mosBsgo 733- , incontlnont supplies, twin — 5782 days. Ask for Moi.I. w heel bicycle. 733-5862 miles. 736-1814______. . CAMPER 3 0 ' 6*. Fuel Inioctod 460«) 734-31671-800-773-3167 I 670-2717. ROTTW EILER. (9) Blai - couches. 2 console TVs. — 1993 Lance pickup compor,r. Ford, gonoralor, roof air,Ir, • 10- KAWASAKI ‘94, 250 NIn]a { Pearl 5'ploco drum soi,,n i 2 ~’' l ^ X 'p u p s . tails dock)wked Computore, prtntofs, W anted lo buy non vwrkiha ^1° 10'9’, A/C, generator, microwave, etc. Uko noww RREBALL 7 7 - 23'. Fully iltion ' & dew clawed. Askirtking anything oloctrohlc, NOTOT VCR's, computers, monf- h ^ , bedding, vintogogo for solo or trade for 4- mteovrtJve, screen rm, cond. 12,500 ml. $37,500^ self-contolnod. AC. I yoare old, w e . conditio .li clothing, books. Evo^-ry> w heeler. 600 mllos. [ Call 734-2929 ’ $75. 643-052S«ftor3.-O3.-00. WORKING orWORKINQNG tora & printers. Cali storage pod $15,000 or olfor. 788-0031 days,s. Equalizer hitch, tandem ___ _ 733-6760 will pick up free.ee. 733-9444. thing m ust go by Fridaylif 423-5330 324-7419 788-3722 ovos w3o. 733-0020 aflorepm I R>rtor»d plano».733-3^• 3 ^ ROTTWEILERS, AKC re . ready 9-10-95, dopoi I W ontod: Grunpe gulti I player for bond. Coll D will b e required to Kol ^ 733-0469 after 5 &wkm 1 1 ^ Bt 536-6421 I Y am aha Intormodlato tror SAMOYEDHUSK ; bono, F otiachmen PUREBRED,cottonba]i t excel, cond. $600. (SI1 ,3(VM $200 each,^female { llst)7af2448-Mori<. Call 436-0711.676-316i166 V W k ■ = SCCTTlEAKCBIackpuF 819 11 wka old, 1st snot OFI^EQUPMENIen t male.>$200.423-6118.a __ SUPPUES Jordan1 Mazd^ L _ SHAR-PEI dogs for sal Clms^ sale. .'v ST-; I PANASONIC copier. TMo J? $150&$500orbe9tofr(offor. — J — ^ el FPw-1670. W orks floo0 ^ . 734-6676 or 423-4167. $39fll'Call 734-6206I ____ SHIH-TZU puppies. Pu ,ypo. bred. 734-6269 SSSSniHE S m ith‘C o ro n a e lec . typi wrlt()r. XE 6000 w/ep< SIAMESE & Balinese k rtte & correct tapo. $79.5^ tons, reasonobly pricerIc*od ^ Call 733-7125.______w/l6t shots. Catl53fr57Ssreo. m ■ ^ d 1* SPRINGER SPANIEL pu AKC rog, Ilver/whllo, 1 [j|pgTS4SU PPL^ qi IES, wks old, good podlgro • Air Comfi'a'orun^ • 5 S|Speed • AM /FM Ctusejte must seel^O O. 676-44! • Rear Sup OidVxr • Rtor AOSiBSDmlm •3SpttJ»Cniwvw • TJi5«Tinj ».A«» I9Mr W ' • Power Lodi CHBSAPEKEAKCro fng • DmoI Atr B ap $15,86C u^plos. $250. QooIood TINY TOY POODLE!.ES. $10,580 MSRP $14,980 MSI 60 M SRP unting dog. Call afterall* aKC. $ 200 a u p . Had Ho . — $500 Rebate • 6pm 6SS-4141, I A V T 7 ' “ 5900 Ret shots.1 adult fomal -JSOaOcalcrDi rcc LX Package . -S ^►SAVE R - r — Mlr>.PoodleS175. "Ct iS i - $ 1 1 4 5 Free •'Save COCK-A-POOpupploi 423-5935 $9580 or ^*1 SjSea.676-StS0; FREE To good homes. *1833 , I. buff lovable mole pups, me 000 cScKAPOO puppies, bl frolored, $45. CCa ali slM. 324-4038 734-3222 ,______r e S i h FREE 5yr old Cocker/Lir/Lab m 8 2 t &(c. companion for a sli ISTEREO/BADIO/CD! gle woman, great wotc dofl. Coll days 733-46£-4653 3 yyay 8* Fosgate true o r 736-1649 evys speakers. $125./4 &1010', ! FREe2yoaroldmaloPlc $25ca.734wt456. S gHound:S43-S367: • A!rC(>nd>iMR{*SI^i!Mr • • Tilt SioTini • 8 2 3 ~ 1 $15330 MSRP . • AM/FM C>wttf*AiIo>U S.QERM^N SHEPHEH ic o n •Pou'rWinii}ui*IWfLoel J1 6 .3125 2 ! VARIETY FOODS — $805 Free A irIr •FullSigcSfmOSpMd •RttrAnffldcBroia $20,700 MSI B ipuppI*, AKC. bloodllr iOO R ebate & SERVICES_ *—$300 Rebate: — $1500 RcbLcbatc' "^JRJlMiVilJllfJJf T ro m Qem iafjy. 6 wks oli i^SA V E ::|8?J48 D ealer D iscount SAVE $500.862-9201 1 CE “■^JZ^De^ttscouiicount >A V li -llOOO D^l, at l^lley Orchard .aleo.Sfi?:6e48- . a t th e fruit sta n d a t Kelli _ _ Garden Center. For n» ' g o l d e n R E T R IE V E ^ Infonnatloncatl 734-651 AKC, 10 mo old femali needs Voom to run, $7 Rasberries for sale. Yo< with papers. 438-11S4. pick or we^)tek. VeryB*^east - ® 1_ ly Faims. 4 1/4 mis. ea GOLDEN RETRIEVEF /po of K*mart on Addisc _ j_ Pamale._m-yra.-Qic .Oldi.. Ave.. TF. Call 423-9071 U.1/FM C«ra« ^ 'fsn « « 5 ------• RwSjwilff* Air Conc^a^dcnirvf > s p m d i ^ S o r b e s t o f f e • SUMtnarW^»!St>ttd»Vi w lido • IiwiBT • r a Siffiwi C^f43g690e. offer. - III vfi $ 2 1 ,6 2 0 M S *CniK{W*AirCMlrCanifab6 736-<644 eves; •••;■< ;LABS AKC black pupplei “ '5 wks old, ready now Sl50»ach.CaJ]366-781 le w e m s g . ™"d Ijm w TM TO ^ , MAlAM.UTE HUSKY 10* Larger non>wort(lr l iiiWiillii $78^126,436^709 KY, -.eolorT\^AVCR’s. r>da' O B M M M M 423-4676 ev es& w k n d t J>0ME^1AN AKC puf ">-ptt8;Atali,S176: femtft^ Any stzB flo p se 'd e p w V ; ^ . Call 436-6093 / ■ '

, i, " ■ }• ‘ I 1-’^ , ■ • . , ‘ • I V . f j I I* J « t : t ;^C-10 TlmaB-NBwa.TV.Twin Falls, Idaho Tuesday,ly. tA ugust 19,1995 " 1’ vS

|. ■; RecreatitionaU T raiinsportatiol

9 1 0 n f io o T 1 '1 0 1 0 I i 1W 0 " n i 1 0 2 0 l l i r.i< »o Tl i IMO ^ l|TRAVELTRAl^X R S I ’ TRUCKS ^ V a n ^ b u s e^^ LAJJTOSTORSAj^ i J LaUT08TOR8A^^ §^AUT^TOR8AU \ W d o w ^ u iT s o ll !911 JJa ay co MAZDA l'9 9 l" B k 0 0), , e extra W V ^ S e s TFAUA ‘91 •Low-Lo UNCOLN■'89COffriNEfEN- DODGE, Arles, 1986, WaWag- OLDSMOBILE 88, 1971 6th whool. Ilko now. t 9767 SUBARU‘83 new chitch.< b e st , cab. LE edition, ox c:..« cond. 1 mllos. PS. PB. PW..AC,: A( TAL. Loadod Inbludlnling .-oh, good cond. SI6O1500.- excel, antique cond. 2 d :ES600 | l 1 ~Qffo r.3 2 4 -2 0 6 0 . ^ ‘ $6795:0111543-515757' cruise, awning. M Mir int AC, Pow er sunroof, loatlath- 324-4825, ______less than 48K miles.•I";- er Interior, aluminui “ — o w n sr $66 0 0 . Call ea;1 ^ .ROADRANQEH 7 4r. . 17- DODGE. 1 tonTie 77— w heels. A true iuxuiy ca DODGE 400, '62, cleai® an. m om ings or iate evenincS VW 1967 Fox Good com3 n d , n a c o w/eervlce bed. VW '81 Vanagdn. Nio -gaa raneo, furnai Nice $6900. Call Frank at 73:r33- good g a s mileage, 1 ^owi -(8662-5379. " $1600.324-3643. . ,; reiflo..port*o-pot. moatgr DODGE.y«ton.1977,47,4X4. $2950.-733-2034 ovai 5777. Utham Motors. , er, $2000/offor. 536-S3S 1985 FORD THFEMPO FORD, Ranger, 1984.4«.4X4. 736-1728 days. cond. Inside & out Sa ------PLYMOUTH Fury196(^ i i o M r ^ -l ' MUD,E>nllnlMbnlElgniniy.llsnlGnitl V CaJl 324-6651 Call-734-7432daysor< ■=— MERCURY Monarch 198(5 ^ DODGE '9 0 Caravan • CHEVROLET’76, carg iunft - .a ia V-8. runs good, goo ______nings call 733-5467. Bf^fl o Exc. cond. $1000 or offefSr. $4000 FIRM Call 543-84C shape, new alternatoi rs W afl995 ' step-van. Runs gooc S t'S RO A D R U N N E niA ’Cai Call 734-1202 e x t 105. $500. Call 736^)327. : or traitor. New tiros. V FORD (6) LN T9000'e.:e .3 S 0 SlSOO/offor, 734-4313 L - tWf*T«MWnWrt«rt«rfr N ow O nf/„.„.. ______^...^*995. d e a n . G ood cond. S1E$1500. Cummins Jt ------NISSAN '69 Sentra. Grojreat ^ORD 1990 Mustan{^ G irkirliirleirkieirie-tr**- 'biSe' CHEVY 76 Delivery van PONTIAC 1984 4 dr hatcf . . 733-3667 ovo. 9spd.'long wheel ba 'a n -----college car. 4 dr., hatcltch. convertible. Must Seis®'*- b a c k , n e w t i r e s , ru n CHEV c o rv e tte ,'88. cor» n - 19 5 DODGEi O01 M N I . I .... . soiTio with new paint, i > n d .--back, air, auto: 30mp5IRQ. $10,000,735-0936 ■ ■ ■ good, low mileage, $99J ^ vertlbie, loaded and beat«u. fi.15!(,79,OOOMIIn,E2995 .JUnUTYTRAI^ suspension. StartintJng ot FORD 'Sfl^Cadco Econo -snr ______^______?on‘ PLYMOUTH'92 QRANI,ND oxt.^' i l Now Only.-----,.„..^.™.„*1495^ 1: .. - -r6Wx12', 4’. aides, landTTZ S®«>0 . C all438-559(598 or lino Conversion Van ^ 2- PONTIAC '8 7 G rand'A:Am.' m _i ~ 436-6123______Groat for vacations, loadm S; VOYAGER s e ; a m /FIFM ...... I ll" " - " I . Qxle, olec, b rakes, SG r— New lires, new palnllint. I 1099 n i984P6NTiAC\C PHOENIX 4 D R . ------ed w/oxtras. AC. PWPW c asse tte , tilt, crulso. AC,2 ,7 FORD - T aurus G L> '93 AC/AT. PW . R uns i look ■ 324-3364 ______; FORD '94 4'-dr. crow C i-lr- passenger. Great vacjica- LOADEOli Exc. cond I AUT0 DEALER8L #5^n2D,AliC»»«ltalnj,ling,lowMH«. /V cab. Cnjiso. CD. Capt. chairs good..$2200.^3-869i H.rtHiK, diesel, AT, Low ml. Fprocl- R e s ta u r a n t w o o k d a y j — cond. $4700. 733-469891 g g v g S605O, Qgji 334 ...... __*1995 ’ BUICK, Skyhaw k.-1988,8, 2 after Spm ______' Utility trailer. 8x l 6 flat6latbod. ate. After 6 934-6689ffl m o rn in g s , o r c a ll 7 3 4 _ 2655 E v en in g s.- - 1978DATSUN2f< 2 8 0 Z Tandem axol with o 3 '’ * dr. 5 spd. 100.000 miles- ^ YOUR 4154 0,733^799 HONDA '60 Prelude. 5' sc*P- ■ ' : brakes all around.^ S$;t I o PORD 75F150Superc ____ good cond. $1600. Ca SPORTS COUPEPE •______390/AT. Extra sharp. mia, 543-9061 message. . sun roof. $1000/offei PONTTAC, G rand Prtx LE firm. 934-5897 VW -’74Van.86korigmis ___ Call 733-7900______M2!D,6iid«itConilil1oiiltita l ______6' cam per sholl. 324-45•4569 less lhan 5000 mis on ro- ____ '92. Vory nico. lots.fi 0 AD Ssih Whool ie- Bucko • I BUICKSkyliiil<.1991,4'»» DEPARTMENT . C -S43-S 1t6______cond.S1300.4ar-5302 !!IL $6000 or take over pymt• , book. See on Hwy 30 b] NowOnly______*2695 IZILJ NISSAN- ’87,1 owner,!sr. ox- T ------CADILLAC'90 $240/mo. 543-8744 C oors a t Buhli 643-4944w ' 208-734-5538 1 002 collont, S3S00.733-74;7434 1 ^ Sedan DoVlllo, white w/ro ' 1984 NISSAN14X4 4 : PICKUP p leather.-exc cond, $970((S? MERCURY Grand Mar ilion AUTO PARTS & I a u t o s F O R S A L E :SSSSSSSSSS I t TOYOTA. S R 5 ,1980. sh 733-4691 after 5pm quls. '65. excol cond^ s s s s s s s s ^^CCESSORIKb od, spd. nice tires ___ loaded. AC. $2600/offo I Was'4995 6 CARS UNDER $2001 Vohi- CHEVY Cavalier '89 5 sptipd, 3 2 ^ 7 7 1 ______', 1 JAPANESE ENGINENE& wheels, excel shap®P0- clos auctioned off by IRS. I i v o i v i . $3.000/offer. 734-9274. AC. new tiros, excel conc ^PAYING ! Now Only„„.....__ _ *2995 ': TRANS. 4X4 spodal: DEA-FBI. nationwide. Sfi: MERCURY 74 COUGAR 1-800-36S-37422 ■ -•' :— r, I ■ Trucks, boots, fumlluro,i7®- everything works, 100K S 1983 SUBARUHU HA TCH BA CK 4 X 4 ml,$3500fim'.436-S26< MUSTSEEllIl ; f 1008 computers, & morol Call f l Excellentco^d$1200RR^ tllant Condtion, Air Csndllloningl i o o i " I TRUCK PARTS•S toll free 7daysl 1:600-00- CHEVY Nova '75. $80C00. 734-6009 .after 5pm' IE S 549-2951, oxt. 2799, ; i C 3 I I Was-3995 ANTIQUE AUTO!ros l&ACCESSO^ ___ R uns good. 423-5004 ___ NfSSAN, 1984 Mox/ma, < & COLLECTIBLE CHEVY Monte Carlo, 73, I Now Only.___ WILDCOUNTRYTIRES ■73. CHEVY 1988 Boootta 3T,GI door, loadod. 6 cyl. ATK I OH THHE SPOT I „.™„ *2995 0 Cor- 33-12.50. Uko newll11 (On «"glno. transmission,on> black, sharp car, K19G95. crulso. AC. new paint, CHEVR o Te ^ 9 9 ^ I 1985 DODGE CARAVANCA ' votto Roadster, 22.0■2.000 alum, star rims. SS50/otvnffnr b o d y & Chrom e In good)od Call 1-800-228-1239I or0 wns exc. 733-4805 s F O R UtS£0 S CARS I • book.- 326-5853 cr 734-79727 2 cond- S760 firm. 934-5897807 678-2426 r #f.M7>,toloni(ill(,Exid.itttflintConlitlm / \ . miles, S2000 undor bo S * r / . 436-8163______NISSAN'92 Sentra XE7^. '■RUCKS s CHEVYSuburban. I960.80- CHEVY '64 Monto Carlorio, loaded $6,000 or bosi s Was-4995 i 1009 4x4, AT. AC, runs well, $: Tap Dollar for AiyAn Year, Any Uoaell $ . '66 Crown Victoria um ell. AT. AC. now tires. 1051I5K offer. 324-5949.______$ O n/y...... , $3500. Call 423-5734. ___ .mis, S2000.Call324-S25< Now ___ *3495 • stored, S 7 ,5 0 0 .'7 9 SMoio I 4X4-S ^ NISSAN 240 SX'90, Carlo T-tops. S I.150.0-C C all CHEVY '91 S -l\B L A\ZER Z£ FORD Escort EXP, •67.97. CHRYSLER‘87Nevew CHERRY RED AC, PB; I 1985 FORD BROR 0 N C O 4 X 4 ; 7 ^ -1 3 6 7 ______4x4 with alumfhunum black, sharp & loaded,9d. Yorker. Low ml. Execec. PS, AT. Runs GREAT,iruIHIIM'SI- i-somuiiiN I l;lo(Tut(< ^ ck. 6 $2200.034-M13 CADILLAC 1964 Cou:ouDo wheels, luggage rack. ___ cond. $4250.733-93465 No problem s. $7495/offot Tas.m 8a~ ' $ cyl. AT. AC, AM/FM Cfl — Call 432-5382______S Was’4995 OoVllle. 2 dr., flam e n ' “ *• HONDA 1984 Civic 4'door. I — “ a s ,r„ni sette, 2-tono paint, ru >or. DODGE, Omni, 1983, rum runs and looks groi flnnri ^ C . $ 1 8 0 0 Or b e s t 9 e o i MAININ AVE. BAST S after' ''>'^0 boards. Only 60( ost good, $800 or bost offerfer. NISSAN Altlma Silver GXE $ NowOnly.______*3995 ; must soo S4000/off( Only 423-6824 L e ^ messago 736-935454. 1994 Call 438-8230 676-6703______mllos. Vory Shar^ Or S $ S S S $ $ Ss s s s s s s s s s _____ $12,895. Call Franknk at S 1985 CHEVY AS'A S T R O V A N 733-5777. U lham Motoi9tors. . B^)03B,»li,to»niatlc "ORO 1956 F100 PtJ, t window. 351 Windsorsren- o CHEVY V-T.-84. gocfo o d ______^ Was’5995 ' 'glno, extra doors & panparts, shape, S4690,324-224^244- S1350. Call 734-7735. Now Only------*4495: — CHEVY '88 1/2 Ton 4> •FORD'66F100.4x4robuobullt New eng.. trana,& tire 1990PIYMOUTIJTH SUNDANCE ' 352 ongino.,,roarer r e n d Fully loadod. $9500/of> 4 DR. SEDAN brakes. Tn good shapilapo. 326-6853 or 734-7972 , 733-7502.______I T h i si i s Y o iu r <5.|39»,AIr,/to»»nollc,L»lLowMiIm — : f o rd '96 F-150 FUL Was’5995 1006 SIZE 4x4. XLT Packag SEMt & HEAVYY shortboxw lthA C . AMyF NowOnly______*4995 cassone, chreme wheel» M a pI t o G r«e a t S ^EQUjJM ^Ji^ Only 5000 actual mileliies. A 1990 MERCURYRY SA B L E . '83 Poterbllt. 6 3' walk-l,IK.|n VVllI sacrmco at $19,55 ■ sloopor, 400 cummins.,9. 1,3 Call Frank ot 733-577 4 DR. SEDAN GS spd.. good rubber., 'Q3'6 Latham Motors.______#5.1009, UoUl Tlmpto, 48'x102’, 4( e d ,•15! TORD F 160 flatbed,- 3C N e wr & Q s ( Was’6995 r d tric k fla t b o d . g e ’x41r«*m’ ongino, lock out hubi .Groat Dane. 79 Potort) ‘ « K ‘ " “w w heels & tiros, Go< ' NowOnly.._____ „*5495; c a b o v e r . 1 1 O* c a t work truck. $3000 Firr KT450. recently ovoi °3<.5897______- 1989 FORD TAUItU R U S GL hauled, good~rubboi S V a lui ( e s ! /S-119B,ta«l«lAI(,Cniln:jbe^50,000MiIts . . 788-9370.______F O R D ’6 8 B ro n c o XL1a r . r r z lo a d e d , 67K,, 10,500.3. tor I------:------JJ Was‘7995 '1954 KW Spudnik w/2( b e st offor. E ves 733-492 . aolf loador bod. $1150' “ 5 ■ Now Only______*6495 1963 Peerless loggln - W E AlVRE OVERRSTOCKE ED W ITH CLEAN ( , trailer w/w olghts. S250C:500. FORD, Bronco, 1978. AT.Al 1977 ROAD RANANGER Call 436-5793______$4000.825-4143. S P O R T C□TILITY VVEHICLESS! MOTORHOME ,1978 LNT 9000 Ford, 35035 G M C '67. Jimmy, full sizoczod, _ ■ #5.172>,J3',lnrMilK,BicilExoDant C o n t e • B. C. Cummins, 250-60* (blazer). 4 spd. man, I whool base, good mbboi3bor, lock-out hubs, rocolvcZ i For exampiple... B|igi|g Was’8995 asking S6900.4^-5598.>90- hitch, -trailer brakes, oxc cond., 934-6336 $6500 1992 Isuzu RRodeoi NowOnly....„..„ *7495 ,1985 GM C Brigadier, 30( _ St.#337Z79 C. 9-8pd.,4-spd. Aux.<•11 1 G M C '90 SLE Ext cab. 1991 SUBARUI LOYALEU 4X 4 SEDAN , X24.6, 4:10Roycow/2C1 20' 4X 4,350,'AT, AC, loadoc <5.1111, IwUI . ■ S p udnick S.L. bod ww / o r Alplno stereo, towing a«i:pkg 1993 Jeep Cherokeea B H H H - w /o u t 1 6 ' p u p tMr. Flelt'lold Excel, cond.. $12,601 St.»569084 Was’8995 '...ready. Call 934-5004. ■ "FIRM 324-8674 ovonlngi^ 1992 Isuzu R(Rodeo H I Now Only______*7995 '.1988 Groat Done. 48 ‘-102'102'. JEEP W agonoor, 197! 975 st.#58079.1 ______1991 SUBARUI LOYALEU , -reofor, Therm o King, SB23B2.- V-8, PS , PB. AC. crulsoIlso. Y our C hoice.e . n s , 8 : • JiautO 8tnrt,'8talhloss stoo»tool S2450. G aiy - 734-9393. 4 X 4 W A G O N '.front & roar. Good palmalnt — ' ------• ■.S17.S00. 734-4521. ' SUZUKI '86 Samerl 4x41x4- I------#S.|7SB,lniy ------RV tow car. $2,900 '21 1/2 'Soml hoppor/natIt 734-4781.______Was‘10,995 :;Call S43-6040 ^ For exampiple... Q ------CHEVY Blazer, '89. oxco 3M PROCGRAM C2 A R Now Only------___ *8995 jLoaders/du% p truckicka cond.. loaded. $11,500 ■I , . <1981 Ford dump truck, S ' 1994 Olds 4 1992 SUBARUI LOYALEU JCk, 543-6641 or M 3-4372 ■t - .- 'ta n d e m a x le , C um mlln ins s - Cutlass Cierai r a ______' CLEAV R A N ^ E W A G O N 4 X 4 ^ engine. 1967 backhoo,100 FORD. Bronco. 1988, gj hai St.#08143.0 ' full-cab.'extonda-hoo. 1« an Eddie Bauor pkg. 324 #54l75A,ln(HUiwMII«l . yrd. articulated loador. ox-ox. 5954 after 4. Was‘11,995 , ;. cel cond. Straight frameim o ;:o R D *08 F150 XLT 4x4.- 1994 Buick I loador, diosol engine, e ® oxcollont condition, must NowOnly^______*9995' yd gas dump truck. Inger- MT BOll. Call 536-6040. . -soil R a n d air com pressor, 1994 SUBARUI IAIMPREZA • tri. mounted, low hrs.,rs.I FORD: 1990 F160 4x4, ; S2950. Call20a-7e5-6500600 Uirlat XLT, white, greatSi 1994 Olds 4 D R .S E D A N fi.|531,«Ir.JUaiislli,!000 cond, $10,400. 1-800- » ra lOOOMdu . ; I . jsHEVY 1976. C-65. 10’0. - 228-1239or678-242630- Cutlass Ciera .wheel truck. 20' dumpm p -- _ St.«O0193-O,. Was‘12,995 -‘-‘bed. Call 825-5635. FO R D 1990 Crow Cab. Du- I______^ • • ■; I >Y our C hoice.. . . n o , ? ; Now Only ______*ld,995 ” ally 4x4. $14,500 or-bosl« s t . .FORD F750.1976 Uft bed. offer. 733-4430.______, ; $3.000. Call 734-1998. 1993 SUBARUI LIE E G A a ™ FORD 4X<'90 F260 XLT 4 DR. SEDAN (INTERNATIONAL 1974>74 351 V8,5spd. 78000ml.red I ^altruck. 1500gallonca- . & black. S13750. U aveI , W E AkLSO I HA v^E A LARIG E S E L EECTION »073G,*Ir,»iitomolk pacity. dual pum ps,• ® • msg. 352^1127 or mobilo ■ $8.000. Call 786-9117 Was‘12,995 731-1127. " . ■ - , cOF CLEAliN LOCALL TRADES■S! . Now.Oriy„__...... _ *10,995 r f ’” ' 1007 “ 1 ISUZU • '86 Troopor 4x41x4 I . • L8. clean & loadodi' d I ’ 1 9 9 2 S U B A R U LELEGAa ' iJ $7750.324-3946 _ For examp ::CHEVROLET. SIO. 1884. ^ P l e - 4DR.SEDAN4X<1 X 4 - JEEP '91 Chsrokee, 68K - iV6.-AT.bucketseats.long^ mi, AT. AC; exoai cond. ] e S p i r i t <5.nU«lr,(hils.,CiistW> ' bed. $2400. Call 734- Jf ; 1993 Dodge i1777 days or 324-6644^4* _ Auto., A/C, St.#46( Was‘12,995 - .'..^evenings.______MAZDA B3000 1994, cab>b+ Now Only...... ™>_. *11,495 — 6spd.PB.PS,20kmlt6s.. VORO ’90 F250 SuperCab 1993 Buickk Si k y l a r k .•AT.V8 , AC. Bit w heel. CC.^ 324^6954. 1994 SUBARU LELEGACY - , •-St.«53q65.2 M M -FM c a sse tte . Low Ml.Vli.‘ NISSAN '69. PU. 4X4, 4 4 X 4 W A G O N : i,^Call 733-0020 after 6pmm oyl. , 6 spd, chrome1 e . Y our C hoict= e ; . . ^ 8 , 9 9 , #5.177.4,ln>M,20,a00lll>lU n 7 *. .w heala. big wide.tlrea,1 8 .. ______— T fTO R D -T g'flreenA /an-^ ton ■ very nice one, S6300 oor r Was‘17,995 .,;'351*V8, 2000 ml on rt-*: offer. Cali 736-8928. )'.>j'bullttfnglne/lrans. goodod II ■ I Now Only *15,495 ' .iitlfes. oraat work yohlcle.Ie. TOYOTA *91. AT. 4x4. lot# — - 1 — ■■■:-~ < 1060^^»nTvya4-47ft1^-T—— •H>f-»xffaa. 9107600T- 1 ftiaO TftYftTAivivtfriJi MnVvnUDsKiAl11 H , - ‘.V o r d . 1989, wion Pu.U. #S-I34^.Alr.(ni»^(a»milJl ' ‘ ' i l l ■ 't‘.S8000 cash. Like new.». TOYOTA !86iForerunner.»r. • Was,‘32,995 rjio.ooo miles. Windowed»d 6-spd. AM/FM stereo. cam per top. Call 206-572-2- . Running boards. New n w W ’V n i f «>»< *27,^51 > .3033 for Bettle for Instantn t t i ^ 104X mis. Must sell.- >' ' ’>retum call. Avail In Buhhhk $6600 or beat offer. '■ :« \» e e k o f 8/6 a t 643-6176.I. 73fr89e3. , MTSS trORO, 68 Ranger, reliable v r m D • i^bacft to'schooi vehicle.? 1010 _ :$2SP(yoffar. 324-6372 ' liiiiVAN^BUSES^ J ' - d 9 1 - b s i v i i ^ f p B u i cSK I ; . . PQpD,F100-Pa.1677,W-‘~ CHEVY 1900 Astro van, SUBIa r Sm / per sharp, rebuilt 302 VS d r - 733-8721I i / i - 8 0 0 - 8 2 4 - 11 8 8 2 8 ' 794FallilUs Avenue,. H engine, runs great, i ISISUZU jj-.v; - ta iio l POUUJNi RO .'!. • jyTWIN P A M (AOIIOM frhaMlMMIIB I i VMXBV MALL).HU ■ -SSOOO/offBr. 643.852& 'ir-''l* ,Twin F cJls ^ * 734-8860 g , t o r 3 : 0 0 p ^ r ' . , - , *Priceplu»aaleileg tax. Utie and $41.90I DocumD entaiy FeC; • •

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—:------:------! l lWori■lling glN B CC pays ■ ln e_ m SI-27TbiUion ^ f o r OOlympics ^ £ T h e A ssociatedted Press 4 6 N E W Y O RKRK — NBC announced a bil- lion-dollar deadeal with the International If I onlylyhad a little Olympic Commmmitlee on Monday, ending humility,ly, I would be • C B S ’ W in ter:r COlympics run and cutting Fox owner Ru p c Rup^^t Murdoch out of a perfect sh are o f the 20(2000^ummcr Games in his hom eland. ' 5 9 NBC will pay paj $705 million for exclu- y i sive U.S. TVr v rights to Ihc Siimtner iCledIaI mogulrr and ow ner / m Gomes in Sydni/dney, A ustralia in 2000. and o f t h e A tAtlanta l ? Braves and ' M $545 m illion1 foifor the Salt Lake City Win- I . HHawksTede Turner M t e r O ly m p ic:s s ii in 2 0 0 2 , b o th rcco rd s l^y f huge margins.s. W - - "This was justjut too good a deal for us W : . y r [ A not to say yes'OS to." IOC TV coinmittec ^ chairman Dickick Pound of Canada said, VoUeybaUII tryouts —■ ' “This was a prcrempliveprc bid on the pan V o f N B C ." for Filer b(begin Monday . ^ P ound saidJ ththat NBC also wiil supply V '" ' ■ ■’ , ■ , FILER - VoIIcHcyball tryouts for FilAr I each organizingzing committee with about W n : - $10millioninpin prom otional support. driv- High School will'/ill begin Monday at the } j S z gym. , -ing the total vavaluc of ihe package to al , Any ninlh andtd 10th1 graders Interested least $1.27 billioillion. in play in g ju n ioor r varsity need to attend • APphoto N B C b id $ 4456 5 C million for the 1996 At- 'l i , al the time a record for the . ^ tiyoiiis next Mond;)nday and T uesday from 9 San Diego’s Rodneyley Culver drags Minnesisota's Ashley Sheppardird (No. 59) and Corey FullerF i into tho end zonen Mr.n Games, al a.m. to noon. day. Despite the run,un, the Vikings won the3gan^e, ] 23-19. Summer Olymjyrmpies. while CBS' hid of • Varsity iryoutsits will be next Tuesday $375 million for the 1998 Nagano Games from 1-4 p.m. , w as a w inter recrecord, j For more infoiformation contact Ed , M urdoch, the’the’billionaire media mogul who owns Fox. Richards at 326-35-3361 or Bnice Lening- ox. was known to be keenly V ik tatigs’ stiin g y dle fe n s e interested inn bbidding for the Sydney ton at 326-4933. e stu ffsS Games. Althou;lough a U.S. citizen. Mur- doch is n native■tive o f A u siralia. w here he Hansen voUe;leyball players began his tclcviIcvision and'newspaper em- must attend1 meetingr today G h a r He never ever rg ers iin e x h i :ven got to make a bid. Nei- ' HANSEN - AlAny girls interested in ib itio nI o p e n t ploying varsity or junior varsity volley- ther did ABCiC or( CBS. both of which ball for H ansen HiHigh School must attend Tbe Associated Press brui■uised right knee. cisco's SteSteve Young. , were interesteded iin bidding on one or bolh a m eeting at 5 p.m.i.m. today. C ulver was slartmg in place:c o< f star running Afterr a a6-yard completion from Jollohnsonlo oflhc Games.' The mandatorjory meeting will be in ' SAN DIEGO — WaWarren Moon wasn’t badick N atrone Means, who suiisuited up but did tight endid AndrewI Jordan, safety Rodrdncy Hnr- iUing'bn Sydney wasn't ex- front o f th e h igh1 school.sc > ’ around for long, leavinging backup Brad John- not)t play, having ended an 11-day 11 holdout rison knocnocked the ball loose and cororacrbock PM cd to takee piplace until mid-September, For more infombrmation contact Andrea son and the Minnesotaa dedefense to get most o f onlyily three nights earlier. The: C:Chargers gained D w aync n eHarper returned the funjmblii 33 while the Saltt LakeL: City organizers tradi- .L arison a t 825-5445442. the exposure. onlytly 51 yards on 18 rushes, wiwith Culver get- yards. TheThi Chargers hnd fourth-andnd-2 from tionally wouldId haveh had lo wait another Johnson, a fourth-yeara r pro.| rebounded from tinglg 8 in five carries and one TITD. the Vikinkings 7, but Humphries oviiverthrcw two yrars to get a TV deal. Canyon Spriirings golf course ari early interceptionn tot' throw a 29-yard Rookie R' retu:;tumed a kickoff ShawnJcfTerson Jcf in the end zone, NBC now hasha: won the rigiils to four . pass to Quadrladry Ismail and lead an 90) yardsy for a touchdown with.-th.4:47 left in tlie C omlerback ert ; Sann Diego’s eonsccutivc SunSummer Games. It tdevised site of hole-in-in-1 on 15th g ^ n 80-yard scoring drive: in the third quarter os gamime for the Chargers’ last scoicore. —' top pickk inii the April draft, interceptclied John- Seoul in 1988,8, BD arcelona in 1992”^and al- TWIN FALLS-S-— Pat Richards has the Vikings beat the Son>an Diego Chargers 23- The Tl Vikings originally listecited Moon as bc- son's passass on the first play of the ne:icxt drive t-eady has beene'en announced as the U.S. ■ joined the growing'ing list of area golfers to 19 in an exhibition opcneicner M onday night. ingg out with a strained muscliscle in his right H is 19-yai■yard return helped set up Cullulvcr's 4- "Shts holderr K)K jije A tla n ta G am es. It jo in th e holc-in-oni■one club this year. . M innesota’s defenseise had an exceptional shoiiduldcr. But he started, goingng 4-for-7 for 38 yard runn asa San Diego.took its onjyHead. 1 6-5 paid S300 millitillion for the Seoul Games Richards madeIc ggood on his seven-iron night. Linebackcr Jackk DDel Rio stuffed Rod- yardirds in two possessions. He15 ledU the Vikings midwayy throughth the second quoricr.. (Gilbert’s m illiorIlion for Barcelona. " shot on thc'par three,thr< 159-yard 15th hole ney C ulver for a safetyy oron San Diego's fourth on\ a 42-yard drive that culminilinated with Fuad convcrsior>ion pass failed. NBC, meanwinwhile, has not done a Win- at C anyon S p rinigs. g . , play from scrimmage. ChCharles Mincy and Es- Revcveiz’s 27-yard field goalll for f a 5-0 lead San DiegoDie reverted to its Super BoJowlfonn ter Games sincencc Sapporo, Japan, in 1972, Witnesses werere ]Debbie Richards, John era Tuaolo intcrceptepted passes off Stan wiihiih 7:26 left in the first quarteirtcr. when rookookic free,agent safety Davidd ,Hendrix wh"'' “ paidP"' a paltiy S6.4 million, Svingi and Bill MoM orehead. Humphries, and Alfredd JacksonJi intercepted a Johnson, ic who was 11-of-1313 for 124 yards, was bum

Timos-Nowa, TwinD Falls/IdahoFt Tuesday, Augus3U818, 1995 - ['NBA]play^sito meet tto discusss contraact NEW YORlC (AI(AP) — Facing a mid- T uesday m idnight for getlin{ling a new labor "Wc'll'11 have to dccide if whereTC we are J night (leadline for>r rreaching a new-labor deal. d If the deadline passes,ses, union presi- merits gettingg< together" with thethe NBA. • y^ 3j- ^ ^ agreement or disbonbanding, the NBA play- dent d Buck Williams of the1C 1Portland Trail Gourdinchc_said. “W e’re out to reallyJly hash it i crs' association schscheduled an-1 lih'houp EBlazers has said the unionon will agrce to out withh our players and gel a goocsod cross-. K ^ . 'I j K S meeting for Tuesdayday to discuss reopening decertify, d giving in lo the wishes of a section ofo opinion.” NBA deputyf C(commis- WflM __ _ _negoriations_with.theth e jc a g u e .______g group of dissident playerss leled by Michjacl_ sipncT RtRuss Granik d id n ’t rule oututreopen^ i , Union executive10 director( Simon Gour- Jordan’jind J Patrick Ewing. ringhegbi50tiatidns on Tuesday, ...... ^ . • dine said M onday' nightnij he cxpectcd 20-25 Jordan, Ewing and’olhcricr supporters of “1 donjn’l know if we'll meet tomtor orrow :• players to comc: tclo New York for the decertification'want d to aboibolish the union or not,” he said. “If there's sonomething BH, meetingi. in order to press a federalI antitrustan lawsuit worth meTieetingflbout, it’s possible.” Talks between theth< union and the NBA against a Ihc NBA. ■ T he Icjleague, w hich locked oul its p layers y broke ofT Thursdayly \with no progress made G ourdinc said Ihc m eetinging o f union ofTi- on JulyM 1 . has said the lockout wcwould re- tow ard resolving, ththe issue of the luxury cers, c player rcpresentalivlives and other main in1 placej indefinitely if the uniunion dis- ^ tax. a salary eap-tighighlcning mcchanism the players p w ill be to w eigh theirthei options and bands, althougha Jordan, Ewingg-ond t the . /Mfi players staunchly oppose..op discuss d several counteipropcoposals made by other plailaintiffs in the lawsuit arcre seekingi . The union prcvioii/iously set a deadline of the tl NBA last week. an injuncnction to end the lockout. —__^___I

Strawlberry n•elishes hhis secQ]nd channee" ■ • ■! -'''I'l '' NEW YORK (A P)-) — The last lime DaB^l high-cost hi risk not worth-tal•taking anymore. ' know I can still play b aseball1 at a Q higher Strawberry was nearir YTinkec^ S tad iu m , his' Strawberry Si returned to his bo;boyhood home of level. I destroyed m yself, b ut: I didn’t dc- • i'-'. lawyer was asking aI judgeju to send him to a Los L< A ngeles to play for the DoDodgers, and w hal stro y m y b aseball sk ills.” prison near his home in (California. followed fo was one problem:m after another. ThoseISC skills, especially that ofl)f left-handed :Thai was only fourmr m onths ago, back w hen There Tl were injuries, most notilotably a herniated powerr 1hitter, are what led theJ \ Y ankees to • • Strawberry had ju st bcec>ccome a convicted felon, disk di in his back that hampcrcicrcd him in 1992 bring StiSlrawbeny back to N ew Yorii , Atlanta's3 CChipper Jones slides IntoIr home past Montreareal’s catcher Tim Lakdr He stood in a federalral courtroom about 12 and ar 1993, limiting him to 75 games over Ihc The: Yankees^ were 5H games ( con , a single by teammateito Fred McGrJff Monday.lay. The Braves won, ^ 1 . miles from the Bronx,c, admitteda evading more two tw seasons. place after a( Monday’s games, and'L Z fJ'Sl: >0 score than SIOO.OOO in tnxc:ixcs and then asked the But better remembered arcire thei off-the-field things; tlthey need to closc that gap5ap with first- jiidgc for mercy — or £at least a jail cell near problems pr that included wifedfe beating, alco- place BeBoston is a serious hom e runun threat from A A ~M his wife. holism,he his tax evasion conviciviction and a eus- the left[I sidej o f Iho plate. He had no idea howw muchi mercy he would pension pc for using cocaine. The-^: Yankees have few er homic e rruns that all lanta keeeps on[ rolling get. O r how soon his liteliie would turn around, “I destroyed myself, reall;lally,” Strawberry but thr[iree American League teams.tc Paul , Instead of being sentent lo prison, Slrawbeny said sa M onday. O'N eillill had 14 from the left side, bbut no other was given six months’s’ househ arrest. H e w ould ■ •"M y destruction came from)m immaturity,i and lefty haclad hit more than four, be allowed lo keep workingw« as long as he we'all w go ihrough lhat perioiriod in our lives. in lat 2 0 lh home rpn inlo the Icftr Stadium was Mondayly asi he relumed to the Detroit Di over ihc weekend (4-f(4-for-9 in two vie- Barry B lowed witli his 20 Bonds flnd M alt W illiams; hiihi .364 wilh Atlanta,t, vwhich had always had troubletr bleachers, cily where he had the5 bestbi years of his career lories), to it would appear he iss inindeed starting to 26 HRsIs and 58 RBIs when Slrav rawbcip-was beating Monlontreal, took three of fourr 1games Antonio Osunajn a (2 -2 ) got four ouu^ strik- • with the New York MeMets — eight years in a get gc back on track. g fifth and protecting them in , batting I inthchncup. from the Expos,Ex improving' to 7-3 aagainst jng out the sidedc In the 11th, for the wim row wilh at least 25 homers,hor e i^ t years of at “I don’t consider myselfIf a risk," he said. "Ther icre w ere tim es w ith the M Mectswhci.it Uiemlhisyeiyear w ith three gam es rcm aitlining. Todd Worrell pile least 100 hits, eight yeanears o f al least 74 RBIs, a "I’ve "1 been forgiven for what'hat has happened seemed pitched the I 2 th for his 2 0 th d Darryl won games all Ihcle itim e in lale immportantj p the Braves’ 5-1 vviclej^ save. championship ring in 1986. 191 to me, so I have to move on. Life is differ- innings : ;s for us,” said D avid Cone,.oncea.tcam- oi Monday streitretched their NL East leadIto t Ilh Dodgers relicvi■icver Pedro A stacio„w orkcd That was all beforere Ihe left town as a free ent cr for me now as a person,on. There’s more gf of Strawberry with The Mets;ts and now a games over/er idle Philadelphia, the; club< s out of a jam inn tlthe bottom of the,ninth. A agent, dismissed by theh e M cts front ofTice as a of ol an appreciation of whalhot I’m doing. I late wilh the Yankees. biggest leaecod sincc moving to Atlailanta in throwing-errorr bybj Dave Honsen on Royce ell you one thing, if he’s gotgcjj his life m 1 9 5 6 . I J ‘‘‘ “ 'I Clayton's groundunder ond Kin Manwaring’s R u p e rt, P oiocatello golfeisrs share pro-a-am le a d ordc^lK-he can help A is team,” Coneme said. - “ Historicjlicdrty. they’ve been a loughBh team doublc'put runnerincrs on sccond and third with A s allalways when it com es to Stratrawbeny and for us to bebeat,” said Kent Mercker (6-6), one out. iT jc Times-Ncws Pocatello Riverside pro:o Denny1 Howell NcwTc?ork, there are naysayers, too.toe There are who allowedved seven hits, struck out thnurectmd Clayton wass throwth n o u t a t the^ plate on won the regular and seniorr propi prizes wilh a those whow say the .Yankees wereere better off walked twoJO iin 6 2-3 innings, Mike Benjamin’:tin’s grounder to Honsen at RUPERT — Amateateurs from Rupert and 6569. In lh'e^-14 amateur divdivision, Buerklc keepinglg Luis Polonia, w ho was desdesignated for “To comeme in here and take thire off 1four >8 third and AsUicio,cio got piiich-hitlcr John Pat- ;I^ocatclIo shared the tc won first gross with a 74, one ^head of assignm ! team title in Monday's w iment''when Strawberry joincincd Ihe Yan- huge.” tcrson to groundid out0 lo sccond. ) k, ;Rupcrt C ountry C lub0 pro-ampi . SiSteve Stiidcr. Burleyites JimJir M cC ord and )(ccs lasast Friday. They soy Sirawbc'bcny will de- Only oncenee in the last li seasons ha[lavc the The Dodgersrs scoreds in Ihe first when ; Jackpot pro Davee /Albrecht joined wilh RRay G uiles w ent 65-66 in netnet. stroy thithe team chemistry, they decdcciy his lack Expos hadj a0 losing series ogoinst th e BBraves. Chad Fonvllle hit a Icadoff single, stole scc- 'Rupert amateurs KodyKc Buerklc, Perry In the upper division, Pazaz \won gross at 83 of defer"cnsc and point out lhal heJ i!is not a pull “Wc playcayc4d well, b ut th ere's no ququestion end and* continuenued lo third on an error by iGillcttc and Jcrrcd Don)oney to tic Pocaielloans wwith Dan Walton, Rupert, a su-okes ahead. In hiucr arand won’t be oble to take! advantageae of the tougherer teamt prevailed,” Expos numanager shortstop Cloytoni^ton. Jose OfTerm ah drove, in :BiIl Beck, Art Paz, TerryTc Dance and Tony nrA«»i ‘or Kelly Stinnett, homercd on • MrKIl MHSB 4011 McrusK said. “Nextxt time1 I’ll try a knucklcball M ge Itand 4 0 0 0 ft S I I 2 C 4(23 end IOOO Sense • • • ' , .» « « u J s a !r s ? ninth for atl.allania, allow ing one hit. Cmrl 4 122 (Mdnl Ijft I I U t e 1^.. I 4 0 4 3 S 2.Cc*iUcrtoara<)f.Sccevi :« last week. He: hahad been winless ill h is la s t OOOO lem T cm O aMI 2so.mj> F a sse ro0 aallowed four nins in sev lova 3 0 00 M raa 4 110 DtT)n2) 2 0 0 0 fO uf{ 9-0 0 0 WP-«TU»ttii(S.ga S » v e n starts, w'ith ith fo u r lo s s e s . ' - UkOmNdMiiM1 Ftr«a > 0 00 Ur«e . . 4 0 2 0 . WMOP IOOO Watfl n in g sa sMvlontreal o i closed a 3-8 hom est . Ds«BnS.Tenntt4. lOI-rAiei Sisrtu 30 10 CcriMntt 4 121 Ou» I I I 0 IftD; 2 0 0 0 M ijc k i g a ve uiup two runs on seven hiti •'C «nili9.Tettr 7M a 2 ( 2 T«* !37Sa> RV«a» OOOO DHrrrp ■ • ‘ ' ‘i S s s M 3 a modest outing, but he p OncBC^ I 0 11 Fnnae while strikinglg oul0 a career-high' 10 a n d •■>wYtrtHUOTDf»8 T a n Mta Xb-i l«»ip OOOO 1.SC1* 227.7To!ie b e tte r a fteter.making r adjustments aft 30 1U-4 APnp OOOO ' NFL standings w alking o ne in1 sseven c innings. ''' E-Ccraa IS) D*>-C*rni I. lOO-T.IS-Tcui4. TcM 8272 TM , 3 s i U 9 AJC8CWC0WDE second innin:ning,” said Alou. . John Franco) pilchcdpit the ninth fof-'his 13th Clftrra S. J!l Grn> m 0 201:337.11 CDI lEO-2 W I T Pit8 f _ 1M«imonnLW*« (OM M)« Dowm (WMM U|*i2m.Cen»{UHfUirwm.Pt r o c e i).joMfB>«o.sp« .ll.i a p r i EMcra (n|.SU))Yert(Car»Con.no. »■ H RER' DB so • E-Wart(IOl»>-»te)»I.LCO-ft5-fttWl. * 2 * ^ S ! S -S Hn Ten 11. 2S-CltfncR (171 Ow (31 PttPf » .itoSSiSi»l!S2«in SA N FR•RANCISCO ^ — Eric Kanoros hit a when Vizcaino0 wwalked and went to, second ’ c£mCAU)oa7.S|«Kn*tC>V(&rr(G«en»- 3 JO • I1 7 ) 1 4 r4i.CH«Trl 3 1SM(kFd*).En^ tiomer in the I2th inning M< DVArfiu^ 4 lg 4 2 23 0 4 tS-TMwroS-TwUig ^ S 1 “oOT luuSio two-run hon M onday, on S tin n ett’s groundout groi and scored on Da- ^ 2I » Mn is9i«36.ss giving the Los I Angeles Dodgers a 3- 24)« HnnmU (R*M Ci*crM 00 ir 30 iS.pKiel i4s,0si,40 their four-ga-gam e series. • mu UiMLM 1 2-3 4 4 12 4 1 CMird 0 I 0 Ae p inch-hitter Marielario Diaz doubled, was socri- 9 2 2 3 APn -14 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 ^ «o 11 ;; “ W ith onene out In the 12th, Mike Fiazazza sm - f i c j j uiird, ani SJSpm. ^ 31 41 24.PMB4t*r.Era|M ond scored on Kurt Abbott's C N ^ -I)« SmM (OtTM IJ 3lt0U olcr*n S 0 3 0 NnYiit ' '■ uv?«ib 4011 iMwa3 4 0 1 1 laojWM I 7 2 2 ' ] I 10 Dmr 2 0 0 inog o I. itb a ll gled o ff Jos'lose Bautista (2-6) ond Karr"“s single. j a«p;a . - 4.0 10 OHiriY I OOO0 0 0 1 MMOr I 0 0 itn nNMxIToim- n*stf 3100 Oni9l»» 4000 FmtD&l3 I 0 0001 0 0 OiBrt ’ 0 ° !no S >3 IT J e r o m e B e slaCoMYCUAia tb NL standings rwifrtf IOOO Sec»«36 m v 2 i W M tn Cm4l 40 10 am« * i ! ! ! jOOnH- I . W I pa Ptt oa >»>tg3ti 4 0 00 itMsif( 1100 ttrkU ' UMt ts M Ul (W _ HttTonc 2111 tonaaB 3 110 FmfcS S120 OSrtfid>d 1120 EM priidiM u U;A 'it 20 11 KY.GIM I 3 0 im naw 19 SI u] 1 0 00 Ftaie 1120 Oncnit Pitpr PK M ^^H dareM A M I MwYM r sr JM 214104 Kmlb 4 112 MKKlb S 3 S ” , 4 000 (MNew York was upstagci!cd by a ' . A m eerican r i League “"ST l « 1 cn 0-4 OMp OOOO Ume ; CMMud s s s . u■s. a ?- s . . S! SiMvsa J Oanp OOOO ft 4000 04309 t 0 0 locg pitching du(duel between Jack McDowiwell and J74 gi) E-HMlm>iQl.u«enM(l).MM< m 11 V .M^OmnrdKtnCi • 0 4 ^ '47 4S JOS 13 0P-«mil.U8-&ttnaTcRrM10*11,5- • IOOO TVitap

. PBttur^ 3S SI 4»- SiaMn(2Il Ttfmp OOOO UrpUiFA win despite ollowing DBvon ..Sllali » » srs .4IS M assssisar -J. OOOO um ui t 0 0 IICO|M II li an rdnwiUMT* n ^ th e B a ltimmore'0rioles,3-0 o Monday' nniBht. White’s game-tyi:-^ing three-run: homer in the VMCMU Mu (31 SF-tkOw. UidMa. „ OOOO Tews., 0 ^ 0 lia xce 27 II ’ ‘^'"^Bceueo0r«MQuai W I Ptt oe p H ncn BB BB 80 EWWKi IOOO PmcniA S tra w bberry, e i in his retum .to th e c ity bottom o f th e eig]eighth inning; - — csmao S2 (2 i£]ia - t OOOO c-!^ • ' i 1 0 « where hele )played eight seasons f o r th e , . IS, s ;i(0 1 0 0 0 J ? ”0 ° '! , S»lOI*ga <4i! 48il .473S !, s s ? 2 2 2 O' HMMd 1000 uDiRMi M ets, w enent t O-for-3 but received aI j20-sec- Angels 9, RanU n g e r s 2 ' SxrmiBo 4} S2 .44;Ml 10 D i^ « » l •• 22-J 2 .11 1 I 0 2 TM 41212 TMI ii'iii aio* 0 1.0 3ra « » SaiFmM 0 2 0 ond ovatioition when he come to batt for the ANAHEIM.1, C pllf. — J.T . S n o w , t o n y CCS (0-1 HM1 4 4 3 iMiyMSS-7v;44 first tim e.i. Phillips, Tim SalSolmoh arid Jim'Edmonds all - ' ’abms. um m ii Cne«».U>-2 2 !1 1i .!•!■ ftlSS. S S S . tMAr9iMS.8«iFnndKDt. 12h«v M cD o wwell e (9-8) pitched a three-ic-hitter, homcred as Calif:alifomia widened'its AL West ! ! ; ! NoYcrt&nciliUS ' ± ln.FUaan i SiaF»tkoil»-< < w |ia[a Striking ouiout five and walking threee e i n .h i s lead o v er T exasas tto 11 gam es. " " Q |9 H first shutoutout o f th e scM on a n d 100thtil c areer Snow h it h isis i;1 Sth hom e nm an d first iri ,75 KiKa W^ara^UW).tyCr«M|C victory. W-AlAr.PS-WrtaL ,» » saS.'.'SSkSS , . at-bats o f f S eOlt o u Taylor l (1-2). ‘ f 1 4 2 Knna)r" CAUPOBWAHOEU9-ti^s^BMo. cnth.WiA1th two outs, Tony Femandcdez hit .a 100 career starts, ££Ta ■ |22D s s ?f 2 10 1 OuaW^2 1 1-3 0 0 ( md.eugMMr.toljk«QMixrwiiMrnmicn. D ouhdcr baback to the mound that bbe o u n c e d H e allow ed si? l(fcM>7- e«iM» 31IIPICMKIf 1134 TASOMUO. I OOC0 0 1 1 ^vi.OiM«Tcra«).Spl 1 six hits, struck o u t none tirid CMIb 3 .i.irf« « *h io o o aaiFnMtt ' ... . SSSftOtfyOnm o f f M u sssina’s s i glove and behiiiind the walked one asts tlthe Angels earned a split of tfuMHi. SMtfie 40111CMI Vo 1 3 iw irsgffiyf: nenkrttfiwH mound. He ' ■ 2iS£foUdt M)« ( " » ) « Ox«.i« 3 0 0 IVS»HI« W ' l 2?“ ■ 1 0 00000 ««.7(un. _ »pft(FOX) He threw wildly past first,t, allow- the four-game? sciseries. < '] ' 8LliMiKMen<«&4|«t0tAn«riH{U JMrd 4OI0'lM«36 ! 4 110' SM '.I OOC Mi ’ ing Ruben:n ISierra to score Irom seco:ond. Pat ” •<«i1|.^»05p7n. • ^ te » a 4 0 0 1 VMC 4 110 taML24 3 2 I 2 I 3 I \ kdWi. ""’“topSoSSS PH»» 4111 ■ 2101 )0>-»rTV*en(K«nl r ' C rS iidW ._____£ aSS?i. i-™ K elly foUo^llowed with a two-run doublIblefora Twlns9,AthI.t h l e a c s 6 - ; ' T«k K IM TM S i l t • ' WTBAa I!a L box scores ATUWTA ' . U 3 -o ie a d .. M IN N E A PO‘OLIS L — Minnesota wasted a ------^------»«W* PHLUCmWEAiOUar-A ■» {n!m foVoStnmid '" four>'Tun'‘le 8 dibefbtc'TTittying b e f Avitli'il foui-Aih *goo B-uuiinopwttiMt.ioe-0S-OMIS. LaM>2b S 1 2 llrM I O^dNT) , • . •*®^‘g2a?j!Sii|iSVISSS:; Red Sox»x 5I , B l u e J d y s 4 , 1 0 ininings n eighth inning,;. ccapped by Kirby i’uckett’s BraMIL .CpMi» 4 2 30 Si^lb 'i M n H . IfeOtflb S0 2 2 {toll.: i oaoHH , T 0 R 0 N►NTO 1 — Mike’ Macfarlane’ie’s sacri* twe)-run single. . '.'.M iT l o o t } '!!! KSSSKTpJK ^ . f ic c n y in the 10th inning comm pleted . Twins rookiecie : MarQf C ordova le d 'o f f the , 0 , ^ ^ '■ O M m JOIO CMv > 0< totMgu* , B oston’st fofour-gom e sw eep ov er Toroironto a n d . eighth w ith hisis I16th h o m er o ff ic ti^ e r C a r - ~ -ihS* ItOO UMIb JI 30 00 ^^BeACHOARSm,^!HH M ac 30 IS » ia > ]( “ “ -S K i finished on.an .8-2 road trip. los R ey es (1-3) t< 6 ■‘ta if i t o o SMMrc .n KJints 3) to tie the score a t ^ .' 1 1 ^ s - 35:^ ■ i l l l » 1 \i v r ’ Tim.Cral'rabtree (0-2) started the inrnning b y ■ T ho T w in s loadlidloai the bases with two outs I M S ' 2 0 00 TrmflM 31 1 1 2 0 10 11 Ulpapr OOOO H.r.naks10U&fcMml< s® 'Sil! s-sgmosMAjk hitting Joseose Canseco with on 0-2 pit)itch. Ri- when Scon Lcui n i l s ’* as udidp OOOO rtMcp n i l -euis 'singled, Pat Meares was , C “ . . .S 9! 4' 1 inaiAMPOA cardo Jordardan replaced Crabtree andd walked hit by a pitch and Chuct( K no b lau ch ‘ cnt 31 J*_J . anm u 0 0 2 2- TM . M Itll TM , . ” iiiiiiiint'w battersBrs before being r e p l i e d b>y y Jimmy . After,relievertver Mark Acre walked'Rich ,1'. . i-4k«M(aCIM«triilXlOB-M<.MMn -Pmp»«lol,Nairihr.»iV»P Becker to forcet:e inI the windipg rim, 'Fuckeit AM » IMIH' ffiw ^ B«nrt . . 0 0 1 N L b o x s c o r e s 1,0U.I87. M M tM aM M M cnr It field onid C an seco slid in safely Pat Mahomesie s (2-^5) pitched th reerh lt ball i nil 1 I2TM0 AXeoOWIHieWATICNA .low right f 0 1 » ' ROSW '.W.NEWYom ■> 'h HEA as “ ; t i s a : . " 770M0 nwrt ahead.ofCfi‘C andy MnldoniBdo’s throwr. . ••' o v e r fouT'inningsings, and Dave Stevens pitched ''/M l • ■■ T.BtnCtMiM "solioo S e S m S p w w S •. - S tan BeliBelinda (84) pitched 2 2-3^ innings ' th e n inth for*hl9tils sucth1 save; 'eOlJOO t«M ostfl.lebM cm^ ■ 6Hjt8 MattflMCsmACKM • .___ j ______,

i S :::: I • , . ■ ■ i , . • O ^ j ■ _ i ,

^ > Tuosdo)lay; August 8.'1905 Tlmos-Nov•N0W3, Twin Foils, Idaho D-3 G ia n tts QB ggoes d a)wn; C!aro]inila'yettc:o decidle o n stita rte r llie Associated Press I quaHerbock of the future,re, will play injury woulcluldn’t require surgery, I the second h alf against thetie B roncos. W ash in g toDn. n . woiwould undergo I “They didn't dra'ft him mnot to play,” shorthanded;d ata yet another position, • an MRI to determinee ifi there was ||||||B ^ H I said Tillman, who beliilieves he's Burke, inn'his h second yeor, injured any ligam ent dam age. I already lost his jo b to thithe Heismon • his riglit kneenee during practice in a dri- f Trophy winner and the tez;eam's No. 1 ving rain Sund;unday'oftcmoon. NFL trainingg icamp )• ‘ draft pick. Codch BillMil Parcells1 said he did not P Another rookie, rececei,ver Ja c k expect B urkeke tto.be sidelined for long, 1 ' i. Jockson, separated his rightht shoulder. B urke’s artIarthroscopy was the third i I “Hopefully the MRlLl will,V turn out perform ed1 thithus far in camp. Inside I ' }iegaiive.“He' has' goodd nmovement in |H H |H I Philadelphia linebacker VirVinccnt Brown nnd defcn- ; •it, but it is sore andmd has some 5^ I Guard Guy McIntyre,i, who spent sive Jon Ham^and also have had minor sw elling in it.” ■ 10 years with-San Franincised and- knee surgeryrry jand femain sidelined..In Giants trainer Ronnienie Barnes said • I another wilh Green Bay.. ssig n ed w ith ad dition, line!linebacker Andre Bowden the injury,, which occiccurred when I the Eogles. underwent more mo extensive surgery to . Brown was sacked onn tl the 1 1th play ' ■ '‘We're excited lo have'c him,” said repaid a brokeroken leg and tendon dam-. ofthe game.'was in the area of the I coach Ray Rhodes, an asassistani for» age. tiiccp, the muscle of the back ofthe U much of McIntyre’s tirlim e in S an Parcells saicsaid diot iJecause of a num- ■ upper arm.-It originQll;ally was diag- ^ Francisco. ber o f injuriesiries at several positions, hc nosed as a bruise amdid J X -rays taken "He’s a five-time PrP ro B o w le r is starting tolo irinvestigote the possibility nftpr the gam e w ere ncgcegative. who’s going to definite:tely h e lp u s o f making a trade.tn ' *‘^ e don’t think hc: tctore k out. He’s going to bringg an attitude Parcells has assigned scouts to exhi- ments but we wantant to mak^ I to our offensive line w e ncneed. He’s a bition gamesnes elsewhere around, the absolutely sure,” Barnes:.es said. "This is ¥■ ^ I very aggressive, tough guj;uy.” N FL w ilh specspecific targets in mind, pri- I not a throw ing injury/ or oi an overuse I Third-year guard Lestister Holmes manly insideide linijbackcrs, fullback.*? ; . injury.” I could be shifted to leftt itackle, Ihc and wido recereceivers. Team spokesman Pat’at H anlon said n Eagles’, most glaring weveakriess, to I the MR] results wouldId 1 be disclosed accomodate McIntyre. Left L tackle G rccn Bayta y T u e s ^ / MS# ■ Bernard Williams hass been sus- Aaron Taylfaylor came oul of Green i.“^ c want to be safeife than sorry," pcnded for the season'ti's first six Day’s exhibitlibition game agoinst New . Reeves said. "If we don'lsn’tdothcM RI —* games after testing polositive for Orleans withvith his injured knee and APphoW qnd I't continues to botl)other him and m anjuanu. ogo intact. there is something in thenhere, w e’ve hurt K a n s a s3 City's.quarterbackC Steveive Bono Is sacked by WkVashington Redskins’’ 11linebacker Ken " A a ro n wrwas very excited about him.” l^ a rv e y' Iatola ih th e first q u a rte r of their game Saturday.^ . Kansas City playing. He js going to be a fine Reeves said'he didilidn’t know if Backup fullback Jamimes Saxon football player^” pi; coach Mike Brown'w ill be availablele forf the Giants -W hite andid rookie1 Geoft" Bender. ;games. Reich and Trudeai:auhavemir- yards in aian 18-15 loss. Reich injured a knee Saturdayy in Kansas Holmgren1 sasaid ofthe 1994 No. 1 exhibition game againstst >N ew Orleans. • Brown1 hith five of 12 passes for 633 ;rored cach other in' the Pa:?anthcrs’ two camc on the final quarter nnd wass City's 37-21 victotory over draft pick’s:’s debut( after missing all ^ ‘The ci^uarteiback jobI waswi something yards in leleading the Giants to fieldd exhibition< games. 4-of-13for:3r 38 yards. Washington and will mmiss Friday of last seasoiason due to knee surgery: Rceves'W hoped not: to worry about goals on1 thetl first two possessions, ' Against Jacksonville,, ReichI Stan- C apers saisaid both would continuec night’s gam e at Arizona. HolmgrenI aisalso praised Earl Dotson^ this yca't. ' H e also scrscrambled three tim es for 288 cd' the first half and compnplctcd 10 of to compete:te for the starting job.'• Coach Marty Scholtenheileimcrsaidhe the new rightght tackle. Brown, who beat outIt FKent Graham yards. " 17 passes for 77 yards andai a touch- Reich will1 playp the firsl quarter andd won'l require surgery o dA will proba- Dotson1 andan Taylor, both noted ' for the starting job lastst Jyear, sccured ; down in Carolina’s 20-:)-14 victory. Trudeau thehc second against Denver,^ bly resume light mnning !ftxt week. fo r th e ir run blocking, played wilh it for this season byy. leadingl< New Carolinan a ' Trudeau played one quarlartcr and was Carolina’s’s first home game at Starting strong softifety Brian the first-teuiteam offensive line that Vx>rk on a seoson-endiriding, six-game cbncliI DDom Capers soid Mondayy 3-of-6 for 31 yards. C le m s o n ’s Memorial Stadium on Washington fractured theic orbit in his gained 58>8 ;yards on 14 carries winning streak. Grahamlam would start that Franknk Reich and Jack Trudeau□ Trudeau played the ofopening half Saturday niglight. right eye when his helm[met became against tlieic S;Saints' No. 1 defense in aft pick Kerry Collins, if Browri-doesn’t playy nndai would be ' will contiriiinuc to split No. 1 duties5 againsi Chicago last Fri'riday. corn- Top draf loose and struck the sidee oi f h is f a c e . a 2 7 - 1 7 victory v: Saturday at backed up by sccond-yc-ycar-man Stan jmd pla'yilying time in exhibitionn picting nine of 2 2 passsses for 108 whom the: teleam hopes he will be the® Though Schottcnheimener said the Madison, WiW is. Ropkiee mistakces have 1Redskiii I p ■ coachei3S steamilifig at 1stst-year p)ros .'iFROSTBURG. Md^d. (AP) — Bobby Jadackson when Jones stoppedi Ilike 1 don’t belong, and someS' days I Lany Jones took two0 i fo o tb alls — too soon onon a play. igo out there and feel like a superstar. o'he in each hand — ancand dived onto It was> aa day when t ^ coachess You’ve constantly have totc have your ^ 9 9 ^ ^ a piece of padding beforebcl rolling weren’t aboibout to ease up. .. 1head in i t ” onto the wet grass. He did it over “Wc (Otgot some young players who3 Turner agreed that tlie cicureforfum- and over again, until hc w ns the last I’m not sure!ure understand how critical itt 1 bling is usually found in thithemind. - - piayer to leave the fieldfle after the is every' timeti they touch the ball,, "I think a big part o f it; iiis concentra- W ashington Redskini:ins’ Monday every timeme'they step on the.field,”” ition,” Turner said. "Larrrry ’s used lo m orning practice. Turner saiweapons the Clevelanind Indians have In their:elr powerful areenal. e Indians only recentlyly hadIi all their players fa liO T i leading their division foifo r m o s t o f th e year, th o BrGwnsa^agree to conQtract termsI ^with McMjLO llV Jll playing to,together, making themn evene tougher to beat f .691. T h at’s BEjREA, Ohio (AP) (A — Jim time bom>nuscs. The Browns wouldId w inning percentage o f . NFL quarter- McMahon wns expecpected to sign notdiscloi:lose term s o f ^ e agreem entnt the best of all active N with the Clevelandid Browns on Monday,y. backs. thepie(5ces in jplace, in “I needed to go to aa iteam with a ith aU t . Tuesday after agreeiceing to terms "We’rere excited to have Jim join MohSay and passingg a team physi- us,” coac}ach Bill Belichick said.d. legitimate shot at gogoing to the _ ■ “ A bove; everythinge' else about him,n. Super Bowl and I thinkik the B row ns . X i | - Mahon said ■ l» : The Plain Dealealer reported he'saWirVinner. H e’s p ro v en th a t foror can do that,” McM fle will make our team bet-;t- M o n d a y . “ I th in k I can ct help the evelani[d lookss unbejratable .Moqday that.McMahcahon will get a years. He the minimum ter.” Browns win and I wantnt to get start- one-year deal for th' C L E V EELAND I (AP) — It’s thetie The injuries left the: IIndians with on base, Eddie'sEd going to bring him ; plus playing- McM^h[^hon is 66-30 as a starter, a .ed. I ’m read y to go.” salary of $178,000, p Clevelandd IIndians’ own dream team,m, some glaring holes in I aa lineup that in. This is o one o f the best lineups in ^ • 1 the startinging lineup they envisioiicdcd now seems to have none,e. F or instance, b a se b a ll.I. ^ When we have Kenny in y gaUiered for spring trainingng Ruben Amaro (.179)) ;and Wayne there, andid IEddie Murray and Sandy 1ready, v(billing, aalmost aIble AlOt\lom ar, 1 don’t diink there is ©zzie my w eakness in our lineup.” ineup, from Kenny ‘Thirhis is oiie of the Ibest lineups any ST. LOUIS (AP) — With every “Everylrybody knows how hardd training. In the-mid-1980JOs, he played L o ^ o il'e aead '; in g o f f through Any number of opposing In baseball. Wheim w e have pitchers would agree. passing day, O zzie S mmidi it is feeling a O zzie woivork 8,”.he said. “His workk through a rotator cuff injinjury without sandy Alorlomar baiting ninth, ’ * lullhemjury '„„c, “In my opinion, that's the iittie younger. habits arere tthe best I'v e e v er seen.” undergoing surgery but ct last week for the Keiiny K« (Lofton) In1 th ere , and "i , j^e^ajor-Ieague's's (oldest short- , When1 heh gets back, Smith cau-1- got progressively worsele through the tofounintimes-all season, and ijcst-hitting team in. the Eddie Murray arind Sandy game;" soid the Chicago . stop in 45 years, on the mend since tioned notlot to expect th e o ld O zzie atat years. _ , the resultss w erc almost scary: undergoing shoulder:r ssurgery May first, N o w the process is inn reverse.i The . porty-t)I'-two runs, an aver- Alomar, I do^*t thilink th ere Is ,.whiWhite Sox’ Alex Fernandez,- 31, expects to return to the ' St. Louis “I canI’t treally expect it to be 100lO big test comes this vweek when „g5 ofm on;jrcthan lOpergame. >arany w eakness in ut there from g o o j g(,j,chich,” Indians hitting )f an iflstinctive'standpoint makmake a bad pitch, and you pay to play,” Smith said. “Plain“PI and sim- bounce! a a highcY percentage of -.t. in s tru c toor r Charlie Manuel 1 season with ..jijm j)Ie. I’ve earned the rig)ri^t to play as throws on0 ithc Busch Stadiumm Sthith is in his Mth : lat’s definitely our strength,th. Kitby (.187) filled in for)r Lofton in die dearly.” ing .250 with wg.ye so, one glitch is apparent^ lo n g as I w ant to play.”f," A stro Turf, u ri although hc added hele St. Louis, and is battini iayed well without them all in leadoff spot, and Tonyjy Peno (.232) Even so. le opposing teom starts o left!- ,'i=.After the surgery, do hitters Jim Thome and Poul .;i950, Is,right on scheduljdule. “Sure,:, it’dii be great to be able toto halted an assault onn the record ^rst thnthree monitis o f the season;; it .324, and Aloinar, in thetie nindi slot, is h anded hitt 3 and partly becausc swilchf 'm,Not ihat the Carditdinalfi. in last just gun1 somebodysc out,” Smith'said,d. book< w as easy' totc overlook dial they never« r batting .358. There arc sisbc hitters widi Sorrento an /lumiy and Omar Vizquel are place iathe NL Centraltrai; are rushing “But peo|eopie don’t realizd ifyoulu ' Last.season,'Smith' Ibecame the hjd all thehe pieces in place. But theyley double figures in home; iruns, sbc widi hitters Miur lomentum going'that way,y, carcer assist leader, suriupoMing Ltiis „,„e withe 1 seven batting better fromom the) left side. ; h i m . : ; . h a v e m o r thout their catcher, Alomarlor 49 or more RBIs, and s technical standpoint it’s an'in' 'Aparicio, and Kb needsj297chmccs : (knee sure A g ainstist right-handedI starters this . » “ I ’v 9 k in d o f le ftft him I alone.” from a te( irgery), until late June, andind over .300. e Indians arc 47-15; agoinsi rmmagitr M ike Jorgenseiascn said. “H e’s easier playlay. and 17 double plays toosM pi^'two shortly aftafter he rcttimed, they lost des-es- "We've got everybodydy healdiy, and year, the In ied starters, they are 16-13. 1 progressing, slowly bpibpt surely, and fEverytrything that,goes in motionm .m o re o f A p a ric io ’s m:major-league ignatedhittiliitcr Eddie M urray to brokencen w e ’re 'r e a d y to r o ll,”” said Carlo's left-handed; the American “Any})od|)ody who’s left-handed ca 6 w hen h e’s ready, h e ’ll11 kknow .” stays in modon."mi i . ‘ m arks. ribs for mosaost o f July. Baerga, who leads- th ;ainst this teom,” said Dcnnif " - I f there’s a setback;k tbetween now Smith'jh’s career bit a standstillII There’s also the matlatler of 2,500 Lofton,1, arguablyi the best leadoffofT Leame widi 124 hits. "It"I makes a lot pitch again* :z, who lost to C hicago left;- ' and next Thursday, whwhen St. Louis , when he5 wentonv. the disabled list forbr hits, a milestone considcdcnnghey;as hitter and..id ono o f the b est defensiveive of diflercnce having ever■erybodyhere. Martinez, v ar a defensive specialist a /h e n h e gets on h a n d e r DDave a Righctti on Sundayv ays:At1anta to beginin a seven-game only thee. .ffourth time in his 18-year ffielders i ' in baseball, thenien “K enny’s our key; Wh l e ’s 1 1 8 hits - alined :ft-hander seems to bectom^ inti^tand, ^rgensen5n tsaid it vroil’t carcer}n on M ay 18 after bfiiilg both-h- ning of his carcec. He B muscle in his rib cage andind base, we. win. Eddie Muilunay is a solid. “Any lcft-1 loufax against us.” ] ebe from lack of effort.t ...... c re d b yf the tl shoulder since spring.ig ..a w a y . ^ missed the!le second half of July, ^ ^ veteran, and when Albebert -Belle gets Sandy Kouf \ . 1 ' ■, C.. .- • .. . . -I- 'V.'L-.’ .• ■

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D-4 TImos-Nowa, TwinIn Folio.F Idoho Tuesday, Augusgust S, 19'95 O ’BSrien captiures idecatthlonI 12-ye;^ar-oldh breezes Strong fininish pastt field foorTF results ini1 title tenniiis tourniley title -forex-Vai^ d a l Ih e Timcs-Ncws In thec juniorju boys’ singles fifial ; ' John Hiebieb downed Aaron Roberts I „ . . G O T E B O R G , S wweden c( (AP) — TWIN FALLS -- 'T he w inner o f 6-Q, 6-2. ■ Dan O ’Brien started:d ipoorly, wob- th e 4.0 w om en’s division di of 'the For the junior girls’ singles, 1)10(1 in the middlee anda finished C lo se d te n n is K o tic Rei ({►AiutoO. Retry . (Mh ! Three years ago, thnthree no-vault «e*. N«»tan 8.3. (InM UO* (M. 6.. ‘ onship Sunday. prevented O’Brien frfrom going to )MQcrM.44.>.44.0.2. Dille, who lives piport o f the year *.0 »i>x)Io»aito*Anfl(.D.P<»Ty.|«mlflnatt WclcWC. Pollow daf start and a slow openihgop 100- ;• Matzgar 74 (7-4), 80; TlmooayUtla dal Rcccntly, she wosu iinvited 10 piny mcflcr race with a strongsti perfor- Rownar 0-4.8.2; ftnati TVnoney'Uaa dar. in Zonals. a Unitedd States Tennis wbwwc. pob0Bw8-1.44,(KJ.«. i man^e on the scconcond day of.the - Association natioiional event in gruehng two-day, 10lO-event com ' 8-1. 8.4; VateaqusiAtaa def. OnVOrii' also ot 0 nation- o-o. 5.7. 7.0 ^ , petition. P Ashvillc, N.C. and al 7.8 (7-8): final! DIavlnUMsy daf. al event in Fort Laudiidcrdalc, Fla. . MozaOJ, 14.8-2. / "I am happy withh thetl third gold lublaa.llnala PiaacolUConnor daf. ^ Lost year, Dille V medal, but not withith my perfor ; w on the inicr- HoMwawoogiai>OBia«.0.l- . ^ mountain scciionalal for 12-year- 3.0 aoouioi • mance, -I was probab!ably 300 points W S S m Md 14. 8.3. 74; flnolt Oovltmahl M. y olds and w as chosei>en to bc in the below what 1 had cxpectedexp here,' ''' fC4.04. ' Challenge Cup as'' one0 of the top Wcmon O’Brien said. APphC*.ht*>, 50, I2-ycar-oids" in th e n aiio n at Wia'da*. OBvnao 02.02; •*But the 9.30 a.mI.m. start both Whiuwy 44, 0-2. 74 (7-1); flnati Oilla ' days is incredibly early,ca and the D an O’Bt’Brien attem pts a clearan»Oa<.Waftsr0.3.04: ! three-hour break eaceach' afternoon T rack anand Field ChampionshipsIps In Gotebdrg, Swedenan, Monday. O’Brien’sI effortel helped earn him uinait &1.8-1: Anal* Raid daf. Pcim 0- tendonitis, find no t was too long. It wa 1 trouble taking 2.m . ' J his thirdrd world championshipI tittitle in th e d ec ath lo n . this year’s Twin Fall;ills Closed tour- 30 lifloieMoloa-aanillnM Jcnai daf. Wins 0-2. 0.3; everybody," he saisaid. I don t f. riactwr 14.02. 0.3; flnatt Jonn daf. nament. Before defcrfeating Howor.^ think anybody wasQS happy with his total I is, threw only 188-3 for fo a total of 1.8.1. ll to 5,531 after six events, Dille mode quick wwork of Shelly' 4.0 aouw**->bl«(.»aminna!( MaUoa»/Olngin«n daf. th e ir sco red h ere.” an d a 10808-point lead. 698 points. Dingman 6-2,6-2. n»oy« 24.0.3. O-t; def. O ’Brien, 29, troirailed by 107 • WithI a Uirow of 163 feel, 11II O’Brien, safely inii the lead, «egan 0.3. 04; llnala MaUoar/Omsman ' Dovid Perry sli{lip p c d b y J e f f aSnSiftvtSmWhitnay74,M. . . . . points'in sccond placlacc at the cnil inches in the discus. Hom'alainencn threw 206-4 for 782 7 points. ^ Wong 7-6 (9-2), 6-S-4, for the 5.0 3.b aoubicloublaa-linali HoaQ/Conner daf. ■ o f th ree ev en ts, b u t hhi ad reco v ered m o v ed in into sccond placc ahead of Hamalaincn lost aniny rcolistic men’s singles clchampionship mon 03.74. ■ enough for a slim lealead at the end Chris Hu ho chancc of upsetting theth American iblea-aaminnslt Homnald/Flichar daf. , Muffins, the American who Sunday. Ikar5-7,74 (7.3),04;nnaURatdVM«tn ' of the day of 47 points TBqiMWVanur S ints. led O’BrBrien by J07 poinls afterer when'he managed a throwth of only Scan Tim oney aniind Dave Little M.HcMM/racd/FlKM04,0.1 Despite failing to;o win> a single three eveivents. 183-4 for 676. worked together: to1 beat Rob 45 mixBO-. discipline outright,t, O’Brien C had But th( xBd-cound-ovt»04.34,0.4 w In the 4.0 womcnen s doubles 3,b mi»od-taad-flnalt McOonaldrPonanka del. sure of his victory. than 40 sec- In thiC e Ipole vault, there was nono American by more tl [S Kothy Metzger J S h e lly wW .C-l. .. O ’Brien collectected a total of cmbarras•assing repeat of the 199292 onds in the last racQcc. He was xad-round-robln 1, FloiafFlota; 2. Dingm an needed on!inly tw o sets to Cooksmownor.mor. 0,695 points, cnougu g h to b c th e U .S . O! as O’Brien Olympic trials, when:n faster by only 12 a beat Susan Howai^ar and Susan best in the worldId this year, O’Brien:n fa ile d to s c o re a h eig,ht h t jogged home, raisingg his arms in ilnolavaamflnata Hirt def- Pin 0-1. W hitney 7-5,6-2. 8.3: Rebsruit dotdaf. Helner G-2. 7-9; finals Hi«b del. .. although below hiss vworld record and didn’In’t moke it to the Games at triumph as a cool duilusk fell over ® The 4.5 mixed evevent was played .1.0.3. i,, “I had pretty good hhurdles, but I ^ Karen Little claimm cd firs t w ith Jgnlorglrt»-»llift*'»ln^e»4lnal» Reta def. D«ytt 00.0- ' won the silver withith 8 ,4 8 9 , a n d on ly 2 inches int short of his best, to Ict my nerves get thei 1b e tte r o f m e ^ Tom and Lynn Bairlird laking sec- juniqfoiri.-girl*' doublai.llnali Miy/Gngala( dal, Mike Smith of Canamada took the take hiss pointsp total to 7,309. in the discus,” O’Bri)rien said. “I f C E4torVK«van8.7fl0.7(4.T).0.1,74. bronze with 8,419. H am alaalaincn, who placed fifth in was pretty worried aftifter that. But H O ’B rien c lo ck ed 13.73 13 seconds the vaultlit at 16-8^, stayed secondnd the pole vault went veryv( good. ... . K ' '* in th e h u r d le s , a fte‘ter r losing the with 7.i:,139 but only two pointsits But the javelin was probablyp the 1 M a n tle w aijnts to remainin in hospital lead to Hamalaincnn cover the last separateded HufTms and Smith, whotio k e y .” ^^^^w o hurdles. w en t 15-:5-1 and 15-9, respectively,ly, H a m a la in c n . s a id a:any of three S DALLAS (AP) —• I-Hall of Famcr said Mondainday. “He soid, ‘I wont to feel y ^N rh e American looooked well in with thee javelinj and 1,500 to go. medalists could havevc won. “We APphobM s Jvlickcy Mantle has toliold doctors that good justList like before ... Keep me o^^^i^trol of the rocrocc until he Huffin:Ins faded in the last twos'o a ll h a d o u r p ro b lem s3 and i the best. Brfen ra is e s h is h a n d Ip In he doesn’t want 10 leavave the hospital here.’" chopped his stride be)before the sev- events anand dropped back to eighth until his pain and disc(jcom fort stop, o Mantlelc is fighting ancmio caused ith o n e w o n ,” he said . h qfter winning the enth and then beforfore the ninth overall. O’Brien said Ham:najoincnwos triumph* close friend said.. chemotheniherapy he was given for lung hurdles. S m ithh vaulted ■ over Huffins in probably the only dcci:cathlctc right d ecath loIon i following the 1,500-0* “H e said, ‘Look, I dodon’t wont to go cancer. The Th canccr was discovered T h e perfo rm an ce wiwas enough to the javelielin by throwing 211-6 foror now who could chahallenge his m e te r rac-ace, the final disciplineie home and keep cominglg back”' to the ofter Mont[ontle underwenl liver tranfc c a m O ’Q rien 1,0035 pipoints to take 805 poin)ints, while the Americanan worid rccord. In th e evi)venL hospital, Dallas oltoramey Roy True planl surge:rgery about two m onths ogo. • -

) ' Appanrent homnicide ' GOOD NOW riMiIW T H R O U G H ofbox€ [ies has 1 AUGUST 31, er Hugh SUIVAMER' 1 9 9 5 I ■■ investij[gators stitumped ; MOBILE, Ala.t. (A P ) — 2 0 -8 vith w it 16 knockouts, had w Welterweight boxer• JamesJa Melvin appearedd JulyJ 7 in, a fight shown on E T R I C ^ ~ Hughes emerged fromm Iprison with a ESPN. HughesHi knocked out Nick K H 7 81 2 2 cham pion’s goals forr ththe ring. Then Rupo in in the seventh round in NeiVGENERMEHATIOW TOOBIMG AU-SEASOKSON STEEL-BELTED he fought as Jesse Jamames, the “out- defendinjing his U.S. Boxing 40,000 HUe PASSENGERGERRADUU. law” from Mobile. A ssociatiotion title. U nited Warranty by 80,000 Mile His bicep brondisheched a tatto o o f “ W e ttadhoc a house full o f people for ConmereialTIra. ISdW arra^by the Old West bandit,, arand he arrived that,” hiss fatherf said. UffilKdQuMtlUM Tf«»d dttlgnt m«y »»fy, H n n e rd a l Tire. at fights w earing o cow:owboy hat and On Oct.tct. 26. 1994, Hughes won 185R12 ...... $39.67 red bondanna as partt ofo his get-up. the welten:erwcight tille from Anthony I ISSR13...... S20.33 H e seem ed he m ightt bibe as good as Stephensis ini Bossier City, La., in a 163R13 ...... S3I.B5 II || ;; ■ t75R14 ...... S34.67 his hype. Freed fromam prison two fight laterer nam ed o ne o f E SPN ’s top 1S3R14 ...... 837.33 years ago, he defendedled his title lost three boxii>xing events o f the year ondid 1S5R18 ...... 837.33 t75/70R13 ...... 842.67 month with a knockoikout in a bout the ' Internotionol In Boxing>g H B B y M fSS/70R13 ...... S43.es show n o n ESPN. Federationion’s fight o f th e year, 1B9/70R14 ...... S39.SS ' . On Monday, howcveever, investiga- “tie waswa going to make up to 20S/70RM ...... S4S.33 TonSs 1!!!!!! s?o3!v« tors wondered how the body of the $300,000lO ini a championship fight,” '-29-ycar-old boxer endedeni up sub- . said thee boxer’s1 brother, Steve m erged in sw am p w aterIters beside rail- Hughes..._He F had prepared to fight road tracks. Felix T rihiinidad. The body was recove;jvered Saturday The MoiMobile boxer’s “outlaw " rcp-P- •LEBRITY a^u^asri.,FiRREHAWK i near the site where his abandoned utation £rcw£r< out of a stint in slatele illl-8E*S0N SSIi l O truck hdd been foundid around( noon prison. HeH served three years at STEB.-BEIIED PASSENGER RADIAL IRlUNCESTm-iaTB) b n July 25. Fountainn (Correctional Focility near SS«ISOEUOmUOUL ■ The truck had been for robbing a Mobile man of en d riv en on to A tm ore foi 40,000lina . pievTonoiRo ...... ou.ar the CSX tracks. Thee ignitioni{ keys S442 at[ knifepoint.k He wos sen- pisvoonu>ni4 ...... UB.SI 1 Umtted W airanty by AM ...... 407.07 were missing and invesvestigators still tencedis as a habitual offender, with ‘ pies/eoRiB I CoBmerelal Tire. PMB/eoniflInlfl :!!:;:; i ;! o7o:m ■ hove not found the keyske or deter- his rap sheetshe including nine monthsi- f m PIBS/TOftM. mined any motive forb r what appar- in a Monlgnlgomcry detention center as is Pie5/7sm4 .,....$30,36 IRI4 ...... 070.37 ently was'ahomicide. , • a teen-agergcr. ^ P20Sn5R14 S30.34 PMSrrORM . Jerry Hughes, the boboxer’s father, Hugheses was on probotion at the ^ P205/75R15 . . . . - , S30.36 .p33S/T0Rt8 ^ P2l5/76fl15...... $41.30 X. dismissed any thought;ht that his son time ofhis his death. ini4 ...... 874.S3 h a d taken h is ow n lifb.e. F o u ntain ta i Warden Arnold Holt P235/75H15...... $45.52 “My God, he loved:d 1his wife too said Mondinday thQt H ughes-w os not a“ rI V . • - 6 ^ iii m u c h . H e lo^ed his son so: loo much, problemI inmate.ir Ho soid he worked He was getting prepae p arcd fo r th e out in priserison; but received no specialal —— biggest fight event of5f his1 life,” the treatment:nt becausc of his boxinglg n SPRINTER efder H u^es said at a tnews confer- career. I F A R i S J R UL14* 4 n iS 2 7 L 0 0 ^ e n c e a c c o m p a n ie dI b;by his three “I-didn’iIn’t know who he was until uiir impiLoo ^ itm aining sons and MobileMe County aflcr he.gogot out,” H olt said, ^ au . i r t n t w i M ^ '■ - S h e riffJ a c k T illn ia n ,, wwhose brother The sheriff’s sh brother, Jerry • ’ ^ Ihe b o x e r’s manageiiger. . Tillman,I, intervenedi: for the fighter I------1 BUH ^ - ^ TheUheriff said thatlat H ughes had d u rin g his hi: stay at a state prison & ,p3isnsfll8...... i..8«l.0S“ - _ M i t r 4 » 5m ^ n ^ wJtbdrnwirSlOO'fronra*1 a b a n k 's auto-— tv o rfc ^ lc j !" ■ I 3i/ib.soniii'!l!!!!!$io>i43 matic teller machine ob...... SM.13 ■ LTnS/BSfllBIIO) ...8107J3 / the withdrawal on thee dayd the triick trainingg schedulei while still inin ■ ■ LTnsnsnia(8) ....8108.01» . T m o b cu sto d y . ■ Ln4B/7BniO(l(P ...SI08.7S wfM found. .1;, H B.T&niSJU.T...... 8104.31:» . uitr . s a id h e ’si h;handling the — ■ e.80fll0.SLT...... 8II8M death as a homicideI untiltu forensic U ft ' . experts determine the.qauseiofth IlN jlliigjIrljJ U ip ffi • (iMth. No weapon wasas fotmd at the \|jQUNS fecene; I Kimberly Ro. V jVAhoiher puzzlinglg discovery:. ‘ BItYf»SELL»TBftPE * Sotneone bad remove< waH (208)8)733-8761 K i 'm B ' l ^ h e t frb tn th e tnicif,te a y ".? IDAHO10 COIN GALLERIES S o u t h M a in 32 0 OvEnLAtio > < ci^t'Home limbs to freifree the. truck ioaN.MI. Main,TWln Falla; Id. 83301 TTnrai ezis jhJm the tracks. \ ■ JiliiliiT (208)B ) 9 3 4 - 5 6 1 4 (208) 678:5651 ■' •; The boxer, who.hadad a. rc c o rd o f 733-8S93 ' '? ■ "S- 1 ■? ......