• I p g » h e'.. I fe v ir s G r o o d mrioriiing G o o d d aay’s ^ end igLos , stRiv Today’s forecasti s ti' MosUy sunpy. brcbreezy ond cooler. Highs in the middle: ■/Os.'West7C w inds 15 to 25 tnph. Low s 40 to 45 degrees.* , PageA2 H finids ATco ajigain By Williamn B£ rock Butte County ExteExtension agent. “Right ^ 2 ^ 5 Timcs-Newsws w riter now, there’s morerc thantl enough water for everybpdy to do ever:verything. BeeQiTg up the fairfa - FFor the past nine years, DickD "It was runningB throughth here excessive- T w in Falls C ountyy FairF organizers un- - Bowo hasn'tin't seen any water in the: Big1 ly," Cheyncy soid.d, addinga that the surfeit veil new additions to0 thetl schedule of the Lost R iver• near his.liome just souihwcsicst of of surfacc water was “too much of a good 1995 event.. thing." Page Bl O n M ay 18, the river began flowing5 ppasl - swollen rivervcr produced widespread IBHIM Bown's land.nd and “it’s still running cighjht to erosion and som ee fl(fiooding. On a brighter The road to ruinlin »*’ ' 10 feet acro!:ross and about a foot deeppn in note, groundw aterr levelsIc' arc rising in areas m ost places,”:s," hc said. On Monday, thee rivi - around the Big Lost,DSt, IRiver, Bown soid. ■ A Twin Falls farmeimer says a proposed cr stretched:{j all the w ay to th e B ig LLost "At this time last1st 3yeor, the woter was ot • cast-side beltway wouli3Uld reduce the value |H |ji||||j River Sinks,:s, where it puddled,up and1 <dis- 23 feet in a smallII wellw ot my place - but o f his property. appeared intonto the porous desert soils, this year, it's at sixX feet,”fc Bownisaid. PageBI W l in additiorion to scenic benefits, thee re- Bown’s story iss beingbi cchodd by more vived riverr is doing a lot to diminish1 cdis- than a dozen otherer groundwaterg pumpers, putes over water.w i Wells that had gonee dryi said Steve Cote, Arco-bosedArc district con- arc now yieldelding water. scrvationist for thethc U.S. Deportment of “ W e’ve beenbcc quarrelling over w ater hhere A gricu ltu re’s Naturotural Resources Conser- Totally mdrketaltable for.a long time,tin so this will go som e 'vay« vation Scrvicc. to mitigate;e that.” said Chad Chcyn(n=y, ■ I PI, i The Olympics are: ajapparently worth a Please see RIVER/A2 i lot on TV. NBC paidlid $1.28 billion for ; the rights to air the 20C2000 summer games ; and 2 002 w inter gamies es in the U.S. PageDI 3 Wooman c:limber r, 19, Mtasiire of revei^ n g e 1 PGa' golfer Craig: StStadler helped San D iego b n icials saw thethe the tree at Torrcy 9 H ! ■ die;;s at Ciiity of R(ocks K Pines Golf Coursc thatlat costi h im a toum a- B y Jennife r Hi ' m ent cham pionship cigl:ight y ears ago. r B unch 1 and her mother. NanMancy, were on the trip. PageDI T im cs-N cwI'S s writer\ . the report said. “In their grief■ theyth< were not able to ' - /A 19-year-old woman dieddi leave for 20 minutelutes or so," Keck soid about 1 p.ni.li. Sunday5 w hen she fell neai:arly Monday, 200 foct lilc rock climbing in the Cityty of The family had stoppedsto| a t the reserve bn Rocks Nationconpl Reserve. their way to a famimily il reunion in Idaho, If not a beltway,y, ■what? Emily Towr)wn, o f Wheaton, 111., was lealead- Keck said Thby arcirc experienced< climlwrs, ing an cstimat Opponents of an east-ast-side beltway pro-' mated 240-foot clim b up Stritripe he said. Rock when sh posal have a responsibilibility to offer an al- I she and her father G len TowDwn, “ Even experiencedced climbers make mts- ternative, today’s editoritorial says. who lowc>wering her dow n the rock,, mnr takes.” Keck said, PageAS :, accordingQ to W allacc Keceek. The accident invesivestigotion is still under assistant resenserve manager, way, he said. Offici■ficials ore not yet sure Em ily cd instantly from severe hcbead what actually happenc3cned, he said, trauma, accorcw ding to Cassio County Coi!oro- Emily was hiddenen by1 the rock when she ncr Paul Youioung; Her body was flownn to fell, so officials only3nly can. speculate os to W heaton, III.II. Mr onday, hcsaid. how high she hadi climbedcli and what mo-, * .Small world?. A Cassia: CountyG SheriiTs report statlated neuvers she hud modinode, Kcck said. The rc -, that she bouncunced two or three times befc Even before its purclirchSse o f A B C liwt ;forc serve’s climbing ranranger will investigate ., , inm she lan d ed1 oion a rock at the base of t week, Americans seemiem cd to be living in •> '• UIKEaU»OURY/TT*-nm« ' the the route this w eckrk.to ti check for any rope climb. D isney’s Iw d. A dusty, unsettled MondayMo com es to a'quleilet end for Twin Falls ref fragments or loosele boltsb thot moy give a Page Cl real- The familyily stayed with the body’ forf ■ better pictuir into the accident, he said, dent Stephanie Pino0 asa she relaxes while wiwatchiM her children playpi neorlyohalfhIf hour before they sought hchelp Climbers must hikhike into Stripe Rock, In City Park. The day*>y tu rned out good,’ Pintno s a ia ^ at reserve heacicadquarters in A lm o, the repc^on. which is located ina theth reserve’s inner city -i- said. E m ily’s’s father,f her brother D avid, 1 ' P le>ase a s i s e e CLIMBER/A2 Looking to the outsideoi .' ]Idaho d<lodges b)ullet onn nucleaar waste2 shipmclents R e p u b lic a n s o n theth< House Ethics Committee order rcseanearch into the use of TThe A ssociated P ress ing Laboboratory on Oct. I — faileded to com e , The bill, however,hov is still pending befofore Moy by U.S. District.ict Judge Edword Lodge outside counsel to protirobe Speaker Newt to 0 vote3tc of the flill House as itt rushedr to the full Senateate amid controversy over prpro- until he rules on thele state'ss contention that- G ingrich’s conduct. The Batt administratiotion’s drive to recessfofor August last week. visions for a land-basedI antiballistic mimis- the federal govcmmcrmcni wos wrong when it Page A3 sisid estep , c o n g re s s io n o llyy mondatedr re- And DemocraticC Sen. James ) ;s E x o n o f sile system, concluded another 16516! tons of woste could sum ption o f nuclear w aste: dumdu ping in Ida- Nebraskiika has advised Idaho’s senornators that But the failu: I*' lilurc of citlier the full House oj be safely stored on1 topto of the 261 tons al- ho has gained a month’s1 brbreathing room he willI notr pursue a similar mandmdatc on a Senate to oveiivcrride the June 1993 feder AMA'demands1 actiona |!* ready stored ot INEL.iL . from one house o f Congresiress and may be Senate; billb providing the outlineine for no- court order banningbai new waste shipmcn The American Mcdicdical Association oi ents That ruling couldlid come( by the end of on the verge of getting thele .same5 from the tional defensedc programs. ExonI agreeda] to only buys somome time for the state to neg , has taken the lead in pi I pushing for federal other.oi ' back o fffT after being urged to doI sosc by En- tiate a resolutiiution to Navy demands forr^ r - September — the sansame time the 9th U.S. regulation of tobacco CO as an addictive The House Appropriatiorlions Committee crgy^ececrctary Hazel O'Leary,.whivho has in- sumed dumpiiiping thal gives Idaho somjp g ' C ircuit Court o f App<appeals will be deciding , drug. budget plan for national secuccurity — and its d ic a r cJ<i.desire ^ to reach some: mutuallyn thing.other thantha more stored waste in, rre- whether to modifyfy thet ban to allow os Pao8A4 rider authorizing resumedncd radioactive agreeablble resolution to the long-ig-running tum. mony as 24 shipmenticnts of waste from the dumping at the Idaho Natio:Itional Engineer- cdnfrontjntation. T h e shipmment c ban was extended lalast nuclcar Navy. [■ ■ ^ American leadss protestsp Senate^ launcheili !0 years:1 after A- ■ An American rabbi>i isi: leading Ameri- .-bombiling, I •can-style civil disobcdi>cdience protests in '1 •the dusty hills o f Isroel’jel’s W est B ank. welfare' ! Rebatei PageA6 I IN^agasakki shows5 few seaars LoaL Angeles Times ocrats view the Senatetc de- More bloodshedd looms1 bate as their last chancnce to The AssociatedsdP resa W ider fighting loomsms as the Yugoslav ^ .WASHINGTON — As^s limit the scope o f the: revi-r the Senate began debate army sends tanks andind troops toward L tc sions. Clinton, who rananJbr NAGASAKI.G, Japan — Fifty years ago,Igo, m uch jgdM Monday on landmark legis­s- office on a promise to0 dis-' . of (he world ov . Croatia in the wake of)f thatt nation’s blitz ovcriookcd the atomic boml)m bing o f j d lation that, would transfer against the Serbs. er mantle the current wclelfare Nagasaki. control of the welfore sys­s- system, has.given no1 iiindi- A visitor to:o the city today is apt to d o th e M jm jM tem to the states, Presidentnt cation that he w ould blockbl same.
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