Pftsr! Prison Special from Women Who Vvero Got Tive Wednesday Nights J on the They Think They Debs and Berger, Etc

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Pftsr! Prison Special from Women Who Vvero Got Tive Wednesday Nights J on the They Think They Debs and Berger, Etc L'tWiWJ. PB?SW5SPH TV "SO Ti illlsitoiaaiiiiiii i it" Hm -- v"-' - " "'-- '''- 5 - " ' fTS ,1 3 ' si TY.TP -- rrewr aswevfef . ' " ' f ",", 'Jt,ir'Ji t'TT-"1i 1, it";vi mi; .'ri v ". "v?', 5W!Tr'5? Wi?vfr$t& . EVENING LEDGER 1?HIIADELT?HIA, 19, IV PUBLIC - WEDNESDAY, MARQH 1919 01 IV --tRvl A tfXtlDnnmr tttfr.'Tmii itntxus j ?JH I , ; JUST GOSSIP ABOUT GERALDINE FARRAR MRS. EDGAR BAIRD THIS IS "DONATION DAY" niuuisiiViC nna j.i.Aim;;si i ft PEOPLE f SFT Recruiting Oft' STARS AS FIAMMETTE AT ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL by Military Corps fallen flancy Wynne Hears That Miss Alexandra Dolan Is Suffering Since War's End Recruiting by tho Philadelphia MlHtury With a Broken Wrist She Tells of the Tea at Brilliant Performance of Lcroux's isilors Training Corps', a military training organiza- Admitted to Institution on tion recognized by the government,. whl?h Chapin Home for the Blind New Opera Given by the North Fifth Until 5 fitted many men for commissions In the army Street during the war, Is not progressing as rapidly Metropolitan Company o'Clock as was expected since the armistice. Mora WAS so sorry to hear about Allx Dolan's Mrs. Burton Clinnre, Dr. and Mrs. C'hailri This Afternoon of the returning soldiers are urged to atterid I accident. Did you know sho was thrown Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Nuthanlel Know Its. the drills and keep In the condition they This Is day Roosevelt Hos- wero In army from her horse whllo hunting down In LA REINE FIAMMETTE donation at the while the Miss Frances I Sullivan, of the Woods, pital, "12 North Fifth street. The organization, which lias now about Aiken, S. C, whero her parents and sho Hatlnor, will leave today for New York, seventy-fiv- e Is officered Opera by Navlcr I.crou. Tho hospital Is open to from ln members, by men frbm are spending several weeks? Her wrist where she will spend seeral dajs. vlsltnis the army and marine corps, and has short was broken. Allx, you know, has been Oiinnda Geraldlne I'nrrar o'clock until C. and the members of the drill periods on Monday, Wednesday and Long taking a course In nursing. I mean a real Mr. and Mrs. Sabln W. Colton, of Agramente Kattileen Howard women's auxiliary of the hospital receive Saturday nights and Sundav afternoon' at th Meadow House, Mawr, will return from ' Squadron Thirty-secon- d honcst-to-goodne- Bon Angloletta tho guests. will be In after- First Armory, and i3 ss weeks Mary Kills Tea served the course, not a few Augimta, Cla., on April 1. Lancaster avenue. The company has a radio Chlurlnn noon and useful ni tides, home-mad- e cakes or months' one, but a coupto of years, and Mario Mntlfeld uIush and Ii doing some sterling Work In and candles, aro on da she has been having a well-earne- holiday. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Uttlng returned Pantasllee Flora Perlnl sale all military tactics. to Bryn It Is too bad this accident has happened. Mawr on Saturday after spending Mlchela Lonora Sparkcs Donation d.ijs of tho past they come ouco throe weeks at Doctor Ettlng's shooting lodge Pomono a. j ear have Inspired generous gifts of However, It's better than a broken arm. near Beaufort, S. C. Mnrle Tiffany The Bob Strawbrldgcs are down In Aiken, Viola Mary r.llis moiiej', coal, wood, groceries, canned goods, rilll.ADIII.PinA'S LEAD1NO THEATRE DIRECTION Li:n ft J. J. SHURF.RT too, and Anita, their attractive daughter, Lieutenant and Mrs. Wallncc'chllda Slllz, Vloletto Lenora Sparkes sheets, blankets, unbleached muslin, and is with them. of 243 West Harvey street, Uermanlown, are Viollno Kitty other necessities The contributions of money SAM S. CLJI THEATRE rccoMng congratulations on tho birth of a Bcale Brand DclowiJnVJIDIilA.TRrRT Locust If Is about tho and checks made pajable lo Charles L. Olanz. fitrt Anita, I am not mistaken. son, March 16. Lieutenant Still Is with the First Youth Mnry Melllsli Evr'., 8'lfi. Mats. Wed nnd Sat., 2:16. coming-ou- t age, and will bo among next 312th Meld Artillery in France. Mr. Stllz Second Youth Cecil Ardeu tieasurer of the Institution, will go toward MAT. TODAY. Best Seats $1.50. year's debs. It's dlfllcult to keep tab on was Miss Dorothy Pennock, of Germantovvn. Danielo HIpollto Lnzni-- tho liquidation of the hospital's floating the exact ages of the joungsters as they Cos'ar Sforzn Leon Kothlcr indebtedness IjI Mr. and Mrs Herman Dercum, of Over-broo- k, MdNTYRE& HEATH como along, when they get to be about Gidrglo D'Ast Adamo Tile mtmbeis of the auxiliary who will 'ivi announce tho engagement of their Dldur serve are George ;, sixteen, for so many of them turn up their unughter. Miss Cirnce Lucy Mr. Lucagnolo the following: Mrs. Hajrs, IV THE I1IO SCENIC MUSICAL Dercum, and Mario Laurentl 1207 Marlborough Rnmsbol-tom- . EXTRAVAOANZA only (The H Joseph Philadelphia street; Mrs. John . hair now when they are fifteen. Harold Watson, of Castlgllone Angelo Bada Walker street, Wlsslnonilng: Mrs John "boys won't dance with them at the parties. Cortez 11. Reeves. 1013 Allegheny avenue; Mrs. A Mr. and Mrs. of Albeit Iliiss HELLO, ALEXANDER you please, are al- lllard M..nicc. Sherman Savldgo, North Flfty-fomt- h street, If when their tresses Phll-Rlle- osnno lit and and streets, Germantown. have Giordano Paltrinlerl Mrs. Albeit Schauliel, 2305 Last Norrls lowed to flow down tho back; that means to St. upend- isi returned Augustine, Kla., after Vnwirt Pietro Audlslo street There are sixty-fou- r active members they aro Can you beat it?) ing a fortnight will kids. nt Palm Bench. They Tho Prosecutor Paolo Ananlan of the women's auxiliary of tho Roosevelt TONIGHT at 8:20 iJ Noxt year It will bo rather hectic as to remain South until tho beginning of April. Hospital The piesldent ADFIPHT First Novlco Vcni Wurw Ick is Mrs Fianklin M ages, anyhow, because a lot of tho girls Brady. 1815 Frunkford avenue Mis 11. L A II. WOODS Presents Mrs. Margaret Walton Mrs. Second Novlco Templln, 21)15 y of nineteen who would havo como out last and her sister. Phillls Whlto Last Fletcher street, Is m Clara Virginia Hey, who spent the winter Conductor, ricn Montcux or the organization, and Mrs. Rosa B. year and tho car before will make their with Mrs. Walton's and daughter, ihoneinan, C42!) Inexel loud, is tiens,uicr M Mr. .Mrs. I J, debut next, and you won't be able to say and Gelirlng Hnrkness, of CJupen This l.s the flftv eighth annual donation s, n. In future years: "Oh, yes, sho camo out in Lnno, i;ip returned to their heme In Atlantic The Metropolitan Opera Company last day at Ihn Woman s Hospital of Philadel- r"'a City for the spring and summer. evening gave tho first Philadelphia porfoi-iiinnc- e phia, 2137 North College avenue. Monev BOOK Mv 1919-2- 0 eighteen and so she must havo been and household rm you of Xavler Lerou's opera 'La Heine supplies of all Kinds arc then and so she's about ninety now": Mrs. G Henry Stetson who went to Bellalre, Fianimette," a work which required nlmovi ulgentlj needed si Bo as may, Fla , spending some In Delnnd, A r' know tho way you do. that it after time the entire resources of even that great com- lunch will be seived nt (he hospital be- IMFracrEJ they are all coming out and it's going to has returned from the South to her homo pany, for there am twenty-thrt- e In the cast tween tho hours of 11 n m. and 5 p m, la- on Juniper avenue. Oak Lane. and a van sons, the ladles of the be a wonderful winter as far as purtlcs number of extra pel while auslliarj Those desiring 3With FLORENCE MOORE the scenic demands are as great as In any lo tend cheiks may make them payable to are concerned. At a luncheon and card party given at oppra which has been seen hero for a long Mrs. A L. Pogg, treasurer. their home, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hespell an- time. I YRTP TONIGHT at 8:15 "WISH you could have been with me nounced the engagement of their daughter. Probably ono of the chief reasons for tho I on Monday afternoon at the Chapin Miss Marian II. Hespell, to Lieutenant Alden production of the work, aside from 130 GIRLS TO STAGE POP. MAT. TODAY. Beat Seat. $ ! r D. Hlberson, of Atlantic the fact Memorial Homo for tho Blind. They had Cltj. that Mr a Is always on tho Did you rend the nice things printed ono of their afternoon tea parties for the lookout for worth-whil- e novelties, Is that yesterday about "Ladies First," my own the part of Fiammetto is admirably adapted BIG MILITARY DRILL little play? old people who are nt that home, and Mrs. to the I read them again and again. MISS M'BUMEY WEDS dramatic talents of Mls Farrar, who If I can males the critics laugh can Edgar Kalis Smith, who was In charge of Is unquestionably at her be&t In parts like I that of tho make you laugh. Come round and let me tho entertainment, asked tho quartet of Impulsive queen Exhibit of Latest Steps Will Pre- try. the University Ulco Club to slug for them, THIS EVENING AT HOME who was the heroine of last evening's njiora.
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