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Ragazzi, Ronald TITLE Automotive Emission Control. INSTITUTION Color DOCUMENT RESUME ED 132 391 CE 009 166 AUTHOR Lee, Pilly D.; Ragazzi, Ronald TITLE Automotive Emission Control. INSTITUTION Colorado'State Board for Community Colleges and Occupational Education, Denver.; Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins. Dept. of Industrial Sciences. SPONS AGENCY Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Stillwater, Okla. PUB DATE 76 NOTE 279p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDES. DESCRIPTORS *Air Pollution Control; *Auto Mechanics; *Behavioral Objectives; Curriculum Guides; Instructional Materials; *Learning Activities; *Motor Vehicles; Teaching Guides; *Unit Plan; Vocational Education ABSTRACT This guide designed to assist teachers in improving instruction in the area of automotive emission control curriculum includes four areas. Each area consists ofone or more units of instruction, with each instructional unit includingsome or all of the following basic components: Performance objectives, suggested activities for teacher and students, information sheets, assignment sheet, job sheets, visual aids, tests and test answers. (Unitsare planned for more than one lesson or class period of instruction.) The four major areas (and their respective units) are(1) in/ine Pollutants (Introduction to Automotive Emission Control, Internal Combustion Engine Pollutants, Origin of Internal Combns._.)1 Engine Pollutants) ;Pre-Combustion Controls (Heated Air Induction Systems, Evaporative Emission system); Combustion Controls (Engine Modifications, Carburetor Modifications, Ignition Timing Systems, Transmission Controlled Spark System, Electronic Spark Control System, Exhaust Gas Recirculation System) ;and Post-Combustion Controls (Positive Crankcase Ventilation Systems, Air Injection System, Catalytic Converter Systems). (NL) *************************** ****************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makesevery effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are cften encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and haLicopy reproductions ERIC makes availabl * via the ERIC Document Reproduction S2rvice (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the iginal document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that ii be made from the original. *********************************************************************** AUTOMOTIVE EIVIL-nON CONTROL 111, g----4 0- cIreN rcN r---1 Developed f Billy D. Lee dm.! Rondld Dendi linen tofI irdustridl Sciences Color ArloStiite Univrrr sity For tCr IriS.Colo! ddo IiCooncrirtion \vitt)the Ori-updtiondi Eduedtion Division SIdte Bod dfoiCommunity Colleges .ind Eduridnon 207 St.ite Sei vices Building DenverColor odo PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL BYMICRO. FICHE (I.., HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY -TCT-E-RIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERAT NG UNDER AGREEMENTS WITHTHE NA TIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION FuR THER REPRODUCTIONOUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRESPERMIS SION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER Diiii,sernindtedI Ivthe Mid An Gig r IiiIII illConiiifii ',Him, Bodirr ofDiiectoi U 5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Bob .Per F y, Colo! Ho EDUCATION /1WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUA OF Amon Hord, Missont EDUCATION kiriisirs DOCuMENT HASBEE',RE-rPC Giddy Kniriht DEGEXAC!L AS PECF,vE0 ACV Of R5ON OR ORGAN; Z A T toN Bol) Pdt ton, Ok!iihomii r P0,0 ("1, v I15 (14 OP,N(,4` SrArr 0 01) NOT NECF SSAAJ, A Al PHU VJ.PA. A ombidi igh 1< dirsoi, Nr NAr.op.,4 N. F Po., 7 r;,4 po, GOO! rjr... MCI le Anderrusch, Debt d Don Esnelby, Nor tlr Us ; L. A. !Verson, Soo th H.Fit/i, RrilwrtKeri;food,Ar',II id 19 Pi 2 Copyright -r 976 Vocational Curriculum Consortium, Inc. Printed by Deuartment of Vocational and Technical Edrwation Stillv.rater, Oklahorria 74074 3 IV; CO,"IIKO; ALIN Hi WI UM l L; F N HvlissION. CUN1 HUt H H I L.,. ; Nc.;1!',.:I:l'OL LW ANIS TEiHH LL.r.11MS11()N FNAiNii'L)1H L: CONT-HOL S A JlLA SILOS 1.(:2\ LV 0!.; '\:!II LV 1 I S 1 L.LA,11-W,HC V-I-FLU HF Ci RLL. ,A U-f.S's; ! I POS-1 CL.):..)P LU I- 1 )! 1)(,)H11\.'1 FL. A T !L). Hit 4 t A'.1t.1.S:1,,.' tn.,'! 'u,H t.oll'.1.)!..iir r.,:..: !il, 1L,k11., Oli.' Olflik;tttil1lit' ol1:1,.,11t1,111oH II .1111 tli.tio11.1! 11I1O. 1.ttit:'COI Ili torc'llt!, Ot dt:;It(t't111',11- H ci.I ss 'of Itl,!,10' ottl.,o',. .o.11,, . tot ,ill1.1lilltS,ifitO,11tot.,(111 t1,.',','.,.11'ts NI,IstiltII.,, 11'11 -.1,,,, k.tIld 4111`.S.t.:tjSto t11.1t leSt.Do11..;,irt'OLIV:1,.'dill :110,. ' Itt.H1 ,11 I.i' i-i,);ii.iction. St.!(tyof 111'ifLW. t1oil,t1 1.1111! tHt ,vH1 A. The dmount of mite! !HIthat c,rn co,..ereduc eicn neriod. 3. TI-J:skills Ahich 0111 51 dernonstr,ited. 1. Supnlies needed Equipment needed 3. Ar1101.1111:otprdCtIC,., flisskS) 4. Amount otclass time needed tordi,.:nomtidtions C. Supplementary ;ftiterials such 0-, icainichl,q,, ;intfilmstrip, th,ii must Is' ()I cli.rks1. D. Resouruc peoide that must : LiCtlI.Ittlfof ItIstrifilt!orlis5.-Asod 011tsS tor Moro's! obje;;tives. These ohji,ctiver; state the goals of the cows,. thus providing 1 ',;ense of direction and accomphshment forthe studnt. Performance objectives Jte stilted in tvio forms. Terminal objectives state the suhject fridtt,_trto be coveredindorlitofinstruction.Specific objectives stdtethe sttidnt iierforinance necess.lry to reach the terminal objective. Since the objectives of the unit orovide direction for the reaching learning orocess, im;iortant for th;.; teacher and students to hove d common understanding of the intent of the objectivLi. A limited nonTher of performance terms have been used m the Objectives forn lo CU rryt:olum to OSSISiiioromoting the effeLtiveness of the communication among individual.; using the roate:H:ils. f-ollo,..;ingit; list of i)er form iatice 11 iris orldI tltilttnflo1)11 1:11;\:./11(211tiLl; t.h j-! ldenhf7 Describe Ld' Selef.t Define i i t i ,...1 itl..fj ';'-i.lr', DIY1.1.1tV., 11I viriting Li J P nnto1.;1 Disco-,,..;cir illy Pk.:- (1, l loteipret Act.ord r; r):),,r: Thllhov,' Arc' ,t (I, :c! ; f rIlc.,,,hat E_,Tiaiii 6 Distinguish C011qti;ct Disciuninote DI.1."! NII;Akt? Build Design Etv mu Lite Rejnodtic: Tronscrihe Reduce Iticreise FigLite . prMcdtire Thp,f!' J11i'Xpt.1.11!?Mt P :or ii steps Opi:Ltte Torn ol'on U. wir.)ec; dinq of ot,i,,ictiv$,!; by the student should be followed bye Chss discussion filly oiwstioi,,-; concerning performo we requirements tor each instructionoiunit. ochers should hee ridd Objectives which willfit the material to The needs dents zirid..01111nonity. J teacher odds objectives, he should f.'llwfu!wr tO , Lind or job sheets, and criteriontests. E:,;c1.;tnlitOf!!)5fri.;i:11(or has o sugiteste(1 octivities sheet 00ih11 ing stepsto follov,, octiviti,,s ore listed'Iccordiii() to v.,H.lhi,r tn ct.',;:e)!ISibtlit t)f !IritiUCiW()! ii uctw c Dcc 1,0 ;Nici,)1 11 I it 111 (O:tii;tr icr H1 bi",i :ij !flnq-1.11 ',H)l111;It I I t f(1110VVInti: piro.e.de 1011 fmr -.PHd ,ifIc1 1,1 1I 1!),11;.111110I1,1! ttlrj Ht-HI !1\,- ii 117..1 ),1 t '`.lSonii,11 i t 111 (II quid!! 0 ',H",:.ntelg ' 7 Students should road ailormation sheets helore the information is discussedIn 1 1,", .trio-i)Hit thus mad S i5; the j:kw Ink) Ili1,1t1W. HWY re,i:torce ,i5op ppria5rited 111;k1N11,111i'a a 1 Is tIt'LW;S,Ily. '.11C1t!', `.-; L. I matte and tho itonsiook 55'y \NM invhediuiely availabletr-a5ase. liii J1k11C1, til,'C.1the class's 5ittenlion to the topic 01 disCHSS1011. ';h0Uld lot ft on the screen only \diem topws aic 'andel discussion. TE: Stand away from the oss-Jrnead projectoi when discussing muter TH.: poise of the projector mi y.cause the teacherto speak too lomlly.) Jot) Sheets Job sheets ;ireiiiimportant segmer rh, instioctor should be toandinihot situations should deinc- ,55lallsoutlinedinthe job sheets Procr,clures outlinedin me joh, bon to the skill hying taught and both student and teacher to check studentiites,. toward the accomplishment oftht, skill. Job sheets provide cl ready outlinefor J studentto followifhe has missed a demonstration. Job sheets alsctrirnish potential employers with a pictlIW Of the skills beinfi taught and the performances he might reasonably expect froma pet son had this traibing. Assignment Sheets Assignment sheets give direction to study and furnish practice forpaper and jtencil activities to develop the knowledges ..vhich are necessary prerequisitesto skill development. These may :3 given to thn stigiontfor completioninclass or used for homewon. assignments. Answer sheets are provided whichmay be used hy the student and:or tetichcr for checking student progress. Test and Evaluation Paper-penciland performancetestshave been constructedtomeasure student achievement of each objective itted in the unit of instruction. Indivithialtest items inay be pulled out and used as a short test to determine student achievement ofa particular objective.This kind of testing may be used as d daily quiz and help the teacher spot difficulties being encountered by students in their efforts to iccomplish the terihinid objective. Test items for objectives added by the teacher strould be constructedand added tothetest. "5-estAnswers Test answers ;re provided for each Lis( .1 by tile tritichnr ,ald'or studfin for checking -5i.identJchiz_iyiimentoithe obj,,c5tives. 8 ix INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL UNIT 1 TERMINAL OBJECTIVE After completion of this unit the student will be able to discuss the difference between smog, photochemical smog, sources of air pollu- tion related to motor vehicles and theagency involved in the regula- tion of motor vehicle emissions. This will be evidenced by scoring 85% minimum on the unit test. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES After completion of this unit the student will be able to: 1. Explain in writing the difference between smog and photo- chemical smog. 2. Explain in writing the sources of air pollution related to motor vehicles.
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