NEWSLETTER From the Principal Term 3 – Week 9: 17th September 2018

Dear Parents/Caregivers Kia Ora Koutou, Nga mihi kia koutou

Our very best wishes go with the Hokowhitu School Dance ‘Strivers’ who are competing tomorrow night in the National Finals of DanceNZMade. Having won their regional final was a huge success and we know the team will compete tomorrow night with 100% commitment and STRIVE to be the best they can be. Once again, sincere thanks to Mr Pouniu and Mrs Flaus for their work with the team, and also to the parents/whānau who have assisted with makeup and hair!

JUMP JAM TEAM Huge thanks to the people/organisations who have supported this team’s fundraising efforts 1. Cross Country Rentals who have very generously provided a mini van for the team to travel to Tauranga 2. Marlene (from Zumba Fitness with Marlene) who very generously donated her time to provide a Zumba class last week. The proceeds from this event will fuel the vehicle for the trip. 3. The parents who have generously agreed to make yummy treats for a bake sale being held at school next Wednesday. The proceeds from this will go towards the meals for the team while in transit and in Tauranga.

BAKE SALE If you would like to support the jump jam team, send your child along to school with either $1.00 or $2.00 next Wednesday morning. For as long as it lasts, there will be morning tea treats on sale. If you’d like to bake something (suitable to be sold as individual servings), I know that Laura Flaus (and the whole jump jam team) will gratefully accept your contribution.

HELP OUR SCHOOL WIN A COMMUNITY GARDEN Our school is competing in the Colgate Community Garden Challenge. By recycling oral care waste, we're in the running to win a recycled community garden set. Drop your oral care waste at Hokowhitu school to help us win. Items accepted include; Toothpaste tubes and packaging, Non-electric toothbrushes and packaging, Floss containers and packaging, Interdental brushes and packaging. You can also vote for us online at:

SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS Orders must be placed by this Sunday 23rd September to qualify for free postage. Do this online now, last chance.

LOUD SHIRT DAY Please join us in supporting The Hearing House and the Southern Cochlear Implant Paediatric Programme, two charities dedicated to enabling deaf children with cochlear implants or hearing aids to listen and speak like their hearing peers. Neither charity charges deaf children or their families for their services. We can all show our support by wearing a LOUD (bright and/or colourful) shirt to school next Friday and bring along a gold coin to donate to this very worthwhile cause.

ASSEMBLY Our final assembly for Term 3 is being held next Friday morning commencing at 9am. Mrs Connell and Mrs Orr’s whānau classes will be on the stage sharing some of their learning. Everyone is welcome to attend. We will also have a short presentation from ‘Tall Poppies’ - a drama group that offers lessons here at school at lunchtime on Mondays.

227 Albert Street, | P: 06 357 9667 | E: [email protected]

CRICKET From now on, junior cricket in the Manawatu will be played through clubs (as football and rugby are) rather than through schools. I have had some Hokowhitu School parents let me know that they are opting to request that their child plays for Palmerston Cricket Club - Hokowhitu Park is their home ground and therefore our ‘local’ club. For more information regarding registration etc, please check out the Manawatu Cricket website.

ATAWHAI AWARDS A correction to last week’s names – Thank you Andrey L, we very much appreciate your kindness.

END OF TERM School closes for the term break at 3pm NEXT Friday afternoon (28th September). Term 4 opens at 8.50am on Monday the 15th September. We have information regarding holiday programmes etc available in the office.

Happy weekend everyone! Nga mihi Lin Dixon Principal

Achievement Awards

Te Kete Wakahuia Te Kete Manawa Elahze - For making great progress in your Reading. Ka Elizabeth, Carly, Michelle, Bella - Clever poetry writing rawe Elahze! Hunter, Crystal S, Luai, Emma W. - Making great choices Ava - For your amazing dancing in production. We were to manage themselves very proud of how confident you were as one of our Sun Mark, Jason - Working hard at writing time dancers. Ka pai Ava! Nick - trying hard at learning letter sounds Te Kete Aronui Huntley and Jack - For excellent improvement in Congratulations to our Week 8 Strivers - Angelo, Regan, handwriting Addison, PJ, Caitlin, and Shoki. Thanks for all your hard Lilly - For excellent improvement in spelling heart words work in TKA. Cooper W - For displaying data on a bar graph Miya - Welcome to Hokowhitu School - it's great to have You will have received your note about Marble Jar Day if you in Ruma Rima! your child has earned it. There is still one more week to get Gracia - Welcome to Hokowhitu School - it's great to have a yellow box! Keep striving. you in Ruma Rima!

Haylee, Cooper H & Finley - For showing greater Te Kete Tangaroa independence in their writing Lillie - For excellent work in inquiry designing and Skyla - For persevering with her reading and writing budgeting for her pitch Isabella- For making great connections in reading Te Kete Pounamu Nic - For trying new things and persevering in the creative Yuna corner Ava Sihui - For showing great perseverance on the Josh T presentation for her non chronological report Josh F Madeleine - For showing great self management and Jai TKP Superstars this week! taking ownership of her learning. Kai pai! George Nickolas W - Putting in extra effort to stay on task. Good Daniel job Madison Daniel - Being a really good friend to people who need it Lena


Jump Jam Competition Team Fundraiser Thank you so much to everyone who attended the Zumba evening last Friday. We had a lot of fun and raised enough money to pay for our petrol to get to Tauranga. Thanks to Michelle and Sarah for organising the event and the wonderful Marlene for giving up her time to lead us. Next Wednesday (26 September) the Jump Jam Team are holding a bake sale at morning tea time. Children can purchase a baked item for their morning tea. Items will be priced between $1 and $2. Please support this amazing team of talented kids.

Sports Results

Hokowhitu Hummers vs Tyros. Hummers 5 – Tyros 2. We came 3rd overall. Players of the day – the whole team. Well done everyone. Hokowhitu Heroes - I am super proud of the whole team. Another nail-biting game this week with us losing 4-3 to Bears. Hokowhitu Heroes finished 3rd equal for the season. Ka Pai everyone, great session. Michelle

Community Notices

Request to Host a Japanese Teacher

Between August 13 and September 3 this year our school will be hosting a retired Japanese teacher. Ms Sakagutsi will be working mostly in TKM. She requires a place to stay and three meals a day for her time with us. She will be able to contribute $150 per week towards this. If you can host her, please contact Ms Finikin.

Request to Host a Japanese Teacher

Between August 13 and September 3 this year our school will be hosting a retired Japanese teacher. Ms Sakagutsi will be working mostly in TKM. She requires a place to stay and three meals a day for her time with us. She will be able to contribute $150 per week towards this. If you can host her, please contact Ms Finikin.

Hilton Brown Swimming offer a FREE trial swimming lesson to all new customers, so that they can come along and meet us, get a vibe for how our swim schools work and we can ensure that their child is placed into the correct class for their skill level.

SPORTS Term 4 Sport To register for next term’s sports please read the information provided with today's newsletter. All registrations need to be in by Wednesday 26th September. All fees can be paid through Kindo, direct credit to our bank account, or by using your family account. Please mark all payments clearly with your child’s name and sport you are paying for. The school bank account details are : 12-3143-0322799-00

Badminton Well done to all the Hokowhitu students who played badminton this term. Special congratulations to Oliver and Steven’s team who were the Division 2 runners up and also Merlin who was chosen as the most improved boy player.

Ricoh Sports Tournament

Great work, to all the fantastic students that represented Hokowhitu School at the recent Ricoh Sports Tournament. Everyone gave their best and played hard and fair. Our soccer team placed second out of the six school competition. Also Silas received the best and fairest hockey award. Well done everyone.

A huge thank you to all the parents that coached and transported our students to and from the event. We would not be able to do this without your support.

Hard work recognised by the Palmerston North City Council Well done to Gracie. As part of her inquiry from last term on Kia Kaha – keeping our environment strong, she investigated about how our birds are affected by predators. Throughout the inquiry she learnt about what is happening to strengthen the environment for our native bird life. Gracie decided to take some action to help support predator control in our area. Below is post that was put on the Palmerston North City Council Facebook page thanking Gracie. Next week Gracie and a number of other students will visit the traps in the green corridor that she helped to buy. Great initiative Gracie, we are proud of your efforts.

“A big thanks to Gracie (pictured here with her sister Sarah) of Hokowhitū School, who raised $153 through a bake sale to support our predator control operation. These traps will form a part of our Green Corridors Palmerston North network, and help keep our native birds thriving and safe from predators. You can do your bit too by hosting a trap and of course by planting more native trees on your property.” Palmerston North City Council