FIMA Daily Insight IN FOCUS – BANJA LUKA STOCK EXCHANGE 13-Jul-09 BLSE STOCK MARKET The total turnover at the Banja Luka Stock BIRS Last Change Exchange has been BAM 67.850 today. 985,59 3,04 % daily 0,31% The largest turnover of BAM 29.934,74 has been % YTD -3,44% realised with the Republika Srpska - izmirenje Stock Turnover (BAM) 11.364 ratne štete 1 bonds. They have been traded on Total MCAP (BAM mn) 1.618,50 37,6718% of the nominal price (BAM 1,00) which Source: represents the price decrease of -1,67%. The Republika Srpska - stara devizna štednja bonds have been traded on 88,50% of the nominal price BIRS- MOVERS (BAM 0,80) and the realised turnover was BAM TLKM-R-A 1,8% TRZN-R-A 1,0% 15.619,89. The Republika Srpska - izmirenje ratne ZERS-R-A 0,0% štete 2 bonds have recorded decrease of the price VTNK-R-A 0,0% VITA-R-A 0,0% for -2,18%, so that today they were traded on SODJ-R-A 0,0% SEMB-R-A 0,0% 37,7659% of the nominal price (BAM 1,00) and RTEU-R-A 0,0% the realised turnover was BAM 9.632,64. RNAF-R-A 0,0% RFUM-R-A 0,0% PDPT-R-A 0,0% NOVB-R-A 0,0% At the quotation of funds, only the ZIF Kristal MRDN-R-A 0,0% invest fond a.d. Banja Luka has been traded. It MIRA-R-A 0,0% METL-R-A 0,0% has been traded on the unit price of BAM 4,50, KDVO-R-A 0,0% HETR-R-A 0,0% which is for -10% lower price in comparison to the HELV-R-A 0,0% previous trading; the realised turnover was BAM HEDR-R-A 0,0% ELBJ-R-A 0,0% 1.125,00.
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