360 , , .

Wells, Mrs. straw hat maker, South palIant Wood, David R. turner, North street WeBer, Frederic, auctioueer and general Woods, William, pork butcher, Sottth street agent, Westgate Woods, William, grocer, &e. George street Wigmore, James, plaaterer, Little Woolgllr, William, boot and shoe maker, Willis, William, shopkeeper, St. Pancras South street Willis, William, Eastgate lunch house, beer Woolgar, llenry, grpengrocer, South street retailer, Eastgate Wooldridge, Stephen, maltster, hOld Broyle Wilmhurst, Thomas, silveramith andjeweHer, road glass and china warehouse, East street Wooldridge, Mrs. maltster, the Hornet Wilson, J oseph, watchmaker Imd jeweller, Woodman, John, basket maker, Sonth street 26 East street Wright and Son, auctioneers, appraisers, White, 'l'homas Foocks, grocer and tea dealer, house agents, cabinet makers, and up­ East street. Agent to the Imperial Fire holstet:s, East street. Agents to the Atlas and Life office . Fire and Life Assurance company. White, John L. appraiser, house agent, Wyatt, Edward, auctioneer, surveyor, and anctioneer, &c. North street afpraiser, St. Martin's square. Agent to Wolfe, James, boot and shoe maker, Eastgate the Globe Assurance office

BIRDHAM is a parish and village, about four miles from , and has a population of 531. 'rhe benefice is a rectory, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Chichester. The Rev. H. J. C. Blake, M.A., is the officiating curate. The church is an ancient edifice, and contains several monuments of persons of distinction. Arundel and Portsmouth canal passes through this parish, which terminates at . Letters are received through Chichester, which is the nearest Money Order Office. Blake, Rev. Henry John Criekett, M.A. Curate, Rectory. Bard, Mrs. Harriet, beer retailer Lawrence, William Henry, ]\;ational school- Beale, Joseph, farmer master and postmaster Clayton, George .1ohn, farmer March, Thomas, Egremont Arms Cobby, Matthew, farmer, Cowdry farm Napper, Henry, blacksmith Collick, William, farmer Napper, William, carpenter Cooper, James, shopkeeper and farmer Osborn, Edmund, farmer and surveyor Croucher, Charles, butcher Peachey, Thomas, farmer Fame, Charles, miller and farmer Randall, James, registrar and relieving officer Francis, John, farmer for Manhood district :Francis, Misses, farmers, Whitestone farm Valler, John, Bell inn and shopkeeper Hatchard, William, bootmaker Vine, James, farmer Kerwood, Edward Augustns, Broomer farm

WEST ITCHENOR. This parish is situate about seven miles from Chi- o chester, and in 1851 contained a population of 254; it is in the hundred of Manhood, rape of Chichester, and union of Hampnett. The benefice is a rectory, in the archdeaconry of Chichester, and incumbency of the Rev. Stanning Johnson, M.A. Letters are received through Chichester, which is the nearest Money Order Office. Halstead, John, esq. Itchenor park I Johnson, Rev. Stenning, M.A., Rector Cornish, Thomas, shopkeeper Hawkins, Samuel, shoemaker Darley, Henry, coal dealer Long, Enos, farmer Florence, Mrs. Ship inn •

EARNLEY is a small parish, in Manhood hundred, Chichester rape, and Hampnett union. The church is a small, plain structure, and the benefice a