Spring Weekend and Phi Sigma Delta, Delta Zeta Softball Game Slated ^Jn Combined Skitzo Prize Honorary Fraternity Initiates 40 T

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Spring Weekend and Phi Sigma Delta, Delta Zeta Softball Game Slated ^Jn Combined Skitzo Prize Honorary Fraternity Initiates 40 T Editorial jffi Weather ProcrMMtltutiai ( /rS " Warm Seniors (Honnrtrut Satin (Hampms (See Page 2) M&Y IS v&- "Serving Storrs Since 1896" No 122 IN URSDAY MAY u, 1959 Offices in Student Union Building VOLUME CXII Complete UPI Wire Service ff}\\ \[ c SIORRS. CONNECTICUT Spring Weekend And Phi Sigma Delta, Delta Zeta Softball Game Slated ^jn Combined Skitzo Prize SI | ■ Lambda Chi Alpha and Alpha family who was stranded on entation. I-Mi's skit. It •-.•lUi i/i'd Delta VI presented their fer- an island with the ™ »". n nei - In the Ai n j. [or Monday Monday pinning on the Uconn Ca n t -its Your Life." The who weic beatnicks. division tor Monday ing • •, ,,. \uagn foi pui ni pinning anywhera for skit was a take-off on the Tr judges toi Tucsda; Skiizofunia we 11 tiwiloii nlghk-g sklUofunia were Col thai matter, They c television program "Thui I' night's Skitzofunia were Ann Phi and Alpha Lpsilo I I „,„., barren S. Baker, Pro- itrued the tnle of Ten- Your Life.'' It featured Ihe Etklnd, vlceprealdent of ti"' Tau Epailon Phil ikll wai ,,...,„ ,,, All. science; Dean ; pssee V i It iraa famoui play II. <;. Hewitt, Dean <»! Iho \ Hoi Tin Rool ' s, hool "f P lai MI,i iy; Dr. A I-: PJ i 'i d a la .'-"if on Aruood S. Mothb, . Director ;m infamous cigarette ad I ha of Student Peraonneli and skit entltM "They Said M Honorary Fraternity ! i Bales, President of the Coldn't Be Dona" examined ftudenl Senate. the consequences of drafting Mond iv night tiie audlen a women into the Army. It's \ red skits which were pre effect on the Russian Forces Initiates 40 Tonight r.ui was also characterized, Fortv students and faulty achieved • 84 •ccumutatlv. (or .how Flltz: John t :»i'>..-: Enid T^j-wl «1 \'^ssa A d* I |\'|l IpO members will be InlttatedBo 85 per cent Ks In the case or Greenhaus; George Joseph. J < H I tl > » 1 \lv I I > 1 I 11 & ,'lii Kappa Phi in ceremonies graduaie sludeiitsi lias 1 Jueitj Lyman; Jerome Mahi.; Ann Matljosaitis; Christopher IO be held in the HUB Unl .-.I invited to join the honorary ,,. Nelson; Dalla 111 It ITBI.H IT1 COMMIT Admission is tree. The per- Nations Room tonight. Dr. fraternity. Faculty members Mi; The Publk Itj Commll formances w ,n atari al * p m. Albert E. Burke, educational who have belonged to the fra- Nenortas; Henry Nledfclelski; c.f Richard Pascussl; Alan Prouo lee w ill meel tonight between MIXED MABRJAGE CLASH I television consultant for the ternity as undergraduate stu- i s.u in HUB 301 for a A meeting will lie held al •'. 80 National Broadcasting dm- dents, also max- belong Io the man; Marietta Scht .unis Scully; Walter Soder- regular business meeting. p, in. ai Aquinas 11.ill. b, cuiin fiibinio) pany, will speak on "Science Iraternily. NPE4 I Al. EVENTS < OM SECOND SMTION MEDI- and Scholarship The Ques- Dr. Lawrence Amundsen, of £,■*•: ^vJ^ YokeL M ITTEE: The Special Events CAL ETHICS CLASS: The Tim HUB Spring Weekend dav evening Bridge, checker,. HUB. The colfee will begin lion answer'The meeting ^ ch em 1st r y department NV rur rlAm'vn' s'uVn.s « ommltlee will meel al 7:30 group Will meet at li::tll p. m. befcin tomorrow night chess and billiardl may be at 3 u m and is informal is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. pi-esidcnt of the chapter, will Mt.HT <>HAIM A 11- stuaenis tonighl in HUB 11, 2 .«' ' 1 Rectory of St. Thomas perform the initiation cere- will also be mili I: I DOLPHIN! I n s: The) Dol Aquinas Chapel with the Academy Award played free of Charge for in- Saturday night at 8:30, an PHI KAPPA PHI Is an hon monies I'owlos; Frank Formica: Ra movie, "The Snake formal competition between informal patio dance on the orary fraternity which recog- phinettes will meet at 3:30 Io 411 CLUB! The 411 Club :'.:":;:"•:> ZXSJZS. T"„-,;- undergraduate s.u- mond Houghton; Maurei s In the Hartley Armor} poo] will meel in back of Holenirih Pit" this weekend, a stu- student and faculty members, HUB patio will be held. Tito nizes scholarly achievements .. pan: Richard Loveland; Rob dcn.faciilly ailair, is an en- The HUB Recreation Com- . will feature student- of students in any school In dents will be initiated tonight. tod i.v. al l> IB p. m. for a im slery damt Finrpnro Arabian: rit M acLachlan: Jamps Skif- event for the mlttee, wnii :-.liss Marda No- faculty dance compeUUon and the un'versity. in th i i M ING CLUB: The Fene 1 i.l"' ;n££ Charles" AichibaldT sTnford fington; ami Richard Vahl- ing Club will have lessons for DEBATE MEETING! The Board of governors, and is Villa as chairman, is sponsor- W1| i,-ndat 12:3a The dance « differs from Phi Beta being scheduled to take the ing this event, s and advanced fene- final meeting of the season place of the Hub open house. President Jorgensen era tonighl al 7 In the Hawley will be held tonighl at 7 In The Special Events Com- ted to throw out II Armory, Everyone is invited. HUB 207. There will be elec- tion of officers for next vear. mittee will present the movie, ball at the studen UNDEBWATEB 1» I \ INO Hi .1. II Lamb, director of de- 'The Snake Pit." This movie softball game Saturday, CLUB I Tiie regular meeting bate, will speak to the deha- won the best movie of the. a.m. In the rear of Haw Icy ,„ charge of the patio dance, If Club will be hel.l tonight at 8 In the P. K. classroom. tors. Dr. Phillips, head of the year award, with its leading Armory. The softball game A JA// CONCERT featur- New members are Invited to Speeifi and Drama Depart- ac-tress, Olivia de Havilland. is sponsored by the HUB So- ,ng tWQ weil-known college attend. ment, will be the guest speak- winning the best actress of cial Committee, jazz bands is planned lor Uconn ROTC Units Feature er the/ year Oscar. The show Following the ball game HI I. LEI.: Folk dancing Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. INTER -VARSITY CHRIS- Will be presented at 7 and 9 there will be an informal cof- group will meel al 7:30 to- in front of the HUB. 'Thm- TIAN FELLOWSHIP: A meet- p.m. in HUB 101102. fee, sponsored by the I ney's Favorite five,'' a group night. There wUI be a Choir . irsal ai 7:30 also. At R:.tO Ing will be held tonight from THERE ALSO WILL BE Public Relations Committee, oX ,luUcntt ;IOm Williams Armed Forces Day Program 78:IB ln the Storm Community the Bible Study group will recreational events in the under Brenda Goshberg, in College who are well known Mouse. Mr. Peler K. Haile. game and card rooms on Fri- the North Lounge of the on the college circuit, will be meet. The Armed Forces Day sector of the 18111 US. Army air was somewhat coaler and New- England secretary ot featured in the first perform- I KKSIIMAN COUNCIL! The Parade was held Tuesday at turps marched Maj. Chrlsto the parade began, li started Freshman Council will meet I.V.CF., and his wife will a+ ance. The ROTC S. Zoukla; Capt Dwighl l- al LaFayetta Monument dress Ihe croup on the topic: iins aflernoon al I In iinvjni. "The Christian and Marriage.'' HUB Committees Mr. Halle is a graduate of ox- foi-d University, England. Mrs Haile graduated from v. ton College, III. All aie in- band. The |azz concert is un- ••• I 10 attend. To Have Banquet thundered oveiiie.nl, w. Hunt; MSgl David F. Arch The streetes wen- nnea rag( (iu,r ln ,,„,,, ,,„. s , ,„ a YOUNQ REPUBLICANSi dei the direction of t.'ie ape- !'' ','^r impressive Pol/: and SFC William M, wMh eager onlookers who , ,ilvM,v Even|ng Prayers will The seventh annual HUB event are Sluela Counilian cial events committee, whose aooing to the Moore. of! ed man favorable apon. ,„._,,,, .,, , ,-, p m in -SI Short business meeting in Recognition Banquet will be and Michael S'llafer. They are chairman is Miai Penny Man- ■ Eight school buses and nine Cd. Col. Roger Peterson taneous con nts concerning Mark's Chapel, III'It 103 from 810 p m. With discussion of new constitution, ■• unit and the appearance •>' our uni- EPIHCOPAI, t HOIR: Those versity ROTC representative* GAMMA SIGMA SIGMAl In- intereste I In singing in the it Illation of the Catherine Dil- a. m. service are invited In lon Pledge Class will he held m meel al 7 to 8 p, m. every SpragUC Lounge at 7:30 p. m. Hub Music Program Tim i td committees. '.here will be a student-facul- ^ military car, m Which rode mander, Janet Doollttle and A program ol chamber mu SEN Mi: ACADEMICS COM- III be pre- vii i ii i,: ,\ -i eel Ing will IM- dent'- offtST A2&O!TO1 He.'... ASS W. S W^ * ^«?m ^ < Commies Shelf fsfes Cole-e UiZns w 1 eve the I* followed by the Silver sponsored by the HUB Rec- Brink/nan, led the convoy Penek also marched In the Hl 8:15 in IhellUB Ball m held at 7 p. m. In HUB 202. A from the University grounds, parade, The Pershing Rifles those who have been appointed Taipei, May 18 (UPI) ! ,i"u e Blue Notea, a singing group -ann,, Committee. 1 leawim i ol the faculty.
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