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The BG News February 28, 1985

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 28, 1985" (1985). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4363.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Thursday, FebruaryTHEBCLNEWS 28,1985 Vol. 67 Issue Bill urges student involvement by Michael Mclntyte versity already has student representa- resentation on the Board of Trustees at Tilgner disagreed. pointed by the governor, with the advice staff reporter tion on the Board of Trustees and said this University, but he said he is in favor "It is not a good bill. It should be up to and consent of the senate, from a group the bill would not be necessary. of the bill the school itself to decide whether to of five candidates selected pursuant to a Legislation was introduced into the "If it's not broke don't fix it," Mason "The students at Bowling Green are have student representation on the procedure adopted by the university's Ohio House of Representatives last said. "We currently have students sit- fortunate, but we are the minority in- board of trustees or not," Tilgner said. student government and approved by week that would require the individual ting with the board and they have very stead of the majority," Wade said. "At "It is prudent for universities to have the university's board of trustees." boards of trustees of state universities good input. The trustees listen to them, a lot of other universities, the trustees such representation on their board of "The governor has no idea what's in Ohio to have two students as mem- and they have been effective in their only show up at football and basketball trustees, but it doesn't need legislation. what as far as students go," Tilgner bers. current status." games and do not know what is going on I see the bill as an encroachment on a said. While the bill does not provide voting Students working with the Board of at the university." school's autonomy." Wade said he has expressed his con- power for the student members, it Trustees at the University are Under- He said the bill would Increase the Wade and Tilgner both expressed cern to Ohio legislators about the bill. states they shall be appointed to two- graduate Student Government Presi- trustees' awareness of what is going on concern, however, about the selection "Right now, the students get the oppor- Kar terms by the governor and would dent Bob Wade and Graduate Student at each university and would let them process for student members of boards tunity to select, the representatives full members of the board. Senate President Kory Tilgner see things through the students' eyes of trustees. (through student government elec- Philip Mason, assistant to University WADE AGREED with Mason on the instead of Just the administration's THE BILL STATES, "The student tions)?7 Wade said. "If the bill goes President Paul Olscamp. said the Uni- fact that the students have good rep- eyes. members of the board shall be ap- through, the governor will select." Preppy author speaks at campuses before she wrote that by Danielle Fischer handbook, but only 186 are listed staff reporter in the book. Birnbach stressed that admin- Lisa Birnbach, author of The istrators from every college she Official Preppy Handbook and visited knew she was coming in Lisa Bimbach's College Hand- advance and said her reception book, entertained a sparse audi- at the various campuses dif- ence in the Union Grand fered. Ballroom last night with a "Some schools really tried to speech she has subtitled "How buy my love," Birnbach said. to Make College the Best Decade "Some were indifferent. Some of Your IJfe.'T were really showing off and had Birnbach suggested college PR people showing me around, students in the audience se- and some just had the students riously consider a liberal arts show me around and were real degree because "it prepares you loose about it." to do nothing in life." Birnbach Birnbach said she does not graduated from Brown Univer- have a favorite out of the col- sity in 1979 with a bachelor's leges she visited. degree in English. "I don't really have a favor- Basically, I'm a no-talent ite," she said. "I respect some of bum - an NTB - but that's what I the schools, but I still wouldn't was trained for Birnbach said. want to go to them." "If I could find a job in which She said the University is not you get paid to do very little - if I in the book because "there are could be a Nielsen family ..." 78 schools in Ohio and it's just so Birnbach offered other tips on many to visit and write about." how to study and take classes Birnbach said she had not been "Highlighters? Forget about on campus long enough to for- them, Birnbach said. "Never mulate an opinion about the wear a pocket pal... and University. never, never, never take a class Birnbach, who has appeared before 11 in the morning. You on the "Today Show,"''M-TV" cant watch (David) Letterman and "The David Letterman every night if you do that." Show," said, "being on the Let- "Never write a term paper terman show was probably the before the night it's due, she highlight of my life ... being on added." the same stage as Paul Sharer Birnbach also talked about was really something." Birn- two subjects from her college bach said she considers Shafer handbook, "Fire Drill Eti- and Don King her personal Lisa Birnbach auette" and "How to Pull an AB- heroes. bzhter." "When Letterman asked, Birnbach visited 270 college • See Preppy, page 6. U.S. deficits to stay high Lack of water WASHINGTON - Federal about (that) level through the tough problem but I think I after 1987," the budget office Drought a cause of famine deficits are likely to remain- period," CBO Director Ru- have something to contribute said. above |180 billion through the dolph Penner told the Senate and I believe they know that Under the congressional end of this decade, even if Appropriations Committee in downtown," he told the House forecast, the three-month Editor's note: This is the sec- ON THE average, Ethiopia Congress adopts all the spend- prepared testimony. Budget Committee. Treasury bill rate would de- ond of a three-part series on the has a marginal rainfall of about ing cuts sought by President The CBO, in the first com- cline from 8.2 percent to 5.0 status of Ethiopia and why it has 30 inches, falling in five to six Reagan, the non-partisan Con- Meanwhile, White House plete congressional analysis ot percent by 1990. Under the become the way it is. months, Seavoy said. A high gressional Budget Office said budget director David Stock- Reagan's latest budget propo- congressional analysis, the percentage of this rainfall is man rejected Democrats' sug- sals, said the administration's rate would remain at 8.2 per- by Benjamin Marrison high intensity (thunderstorms), In a 141-page review of the gestlons that the projections of declining defi- cent through 1990. news editor leaving little to seep into the president's $974 billion budget administration was using cits after 1988 are based on Administration projections for fiscal 1988, beginning Oct. "fake" figures to support its brighter economic conditions also assume lower inflation Almost everyone has an opin- George Tanber, a reporter for 1, the CBO disputed the ad- budget projections. than those foreseen by con- rates and more rapid growth ion on why Ethiopia has been the Toledo Blade who spent six ministration's contention that gressional economists. in the gross national product confronted with famine. The weeks in Ethiopia, said a reason adoption of the budget would HE ALSO DENIED that his For instance, although both throughout the decade than fact Is, many of these opinions for water -off is "they cut cause the deficit to decline outspoken attacks on certain the administration and the those foreseen by congressio- are probably valid. down too many trees." gradually to $82 billion by programs like farm subsidies CBO predict that interest nal analysts. With the rainfall the country 1990. ana military pensions might rates will remain between 8 The CBO report said that The reasons vary from the does get, it (the water) cannot Instead, the deficit would cost him his job. percent and 8.5 percent without any congressional ac- drought, to the people, to the go into the ground. "Without the drop from its current level of throughout 1965, "the adminis- tion to reduce the deficit, fed- government. trees, the wa- just over $200 billion to about "I plan to be here.. .Iknow tration assumes that real in- eral red-ink spending will "The prox- ter just runs grow to $303 billion by 1990. , $186 billion and "remain at (defending budget cuts) is a terest rates decline steadily imate cause orl>• Tanber of the famine said. At one i s t h e time, Ethio- drought," pia's land said Ron Sea- mass was voy, profes- covered by Springfest may become a reality sor of history trees - ap- at the Uni- Sroximately versity. "It's ) percent. Possible financial support from local merchants reopens party plans the cause Now, it has most people dwindled to assign to it 10 percent. by Tereaa Tuanttno for renting space to local ven- police chief, keeping the park ville Madness party resulted In a because it's staff reporter dors to sell food or beverages. open later will help prevent an- street bonfire, damaged city the most visi- "In addi- Plans for a party had been other ManvUle Madness situa- fire-fighting equipment and a ble - the gov- tion to the cli- The on-again, off-again tabled by a sub-committee of the tion by keeping the students in a number of arrests were made ernment and mate and Springfest party proposal is on aty-University Relations Com- monitored area. related to the incident. others are in- rainfall, the again, according to USG presi- mittee, due to a lack of funding John Quinn, committee chair- The City Park Board and City visible be- real cause is dent Bob Wade. and a lack of support by Univer- man, sakl, "If we are going to Council will have to make a cause all the subsis- The possibility of financial sity organizations. Some organi- have a big party, Carter Pan is decision on the use of city land they see are tence organi- support from several Bowling zations opposed previous plans a better place to have it (than for the party. the starving children." zation of production," Seavoy Green merchants has reopened for on-campus parties. Manville)." Seavoy spent 18 months in said. "Households are only will- plans by the USG to hold the A major concern of the com- IN OTHER BUSINESS, India and wrote a book about his ing to produce enough food for Springfest on April 28, Wade THE ORIGINAL goal of mittee is getting the support of Mayor Bruce Bellard asked the experiences, titled "Famine in them to consume until the next said at yesterday's meeting of Springfest was to give the stu- the residents of Manville, committee to formulate contin- Peasant Societies." harvest. They do this on the the aty-University Relations dents an opportunity to party according to Bob Stovash, USG gency plans should another He said there is a history of •assumption that every year will outside the University, accord- representative and committee- Manville Madness occur. famines in South Africa, begin- be a normal crop year. Local members of the Retail ing to Wade. member. The committee also voted to ning with the India famine in "And when you've got two or Permit Holders Association, in- wade said the party could be Stovash said he is currently send to City Council a proposed 1963, to the Sahel and Ethiopia three consecutive years of cluding several area bar own- arranged on short notice be- trying to organize a meeting ordinance requiring owners of famines In 1973. drought, you're going to have ers, have shown an interest in cause of the financial support of with Manville residents and a rental property to provide the Seavoy said droughts are endemic malnutrition.'' financing the parry. Wade said the retail permit holders. city attorney to discuss the ram- tax commissioner with the nothing new for Ethiopians. The normal production for a new proposals indicate that the The committee also discussed ifications of another Manville names and addresses of tenants. They have been in a drought family is a It to 15 percent party will take place off-cam- the possibility of keeping Carter Madness. The ordinance will allow for from 1983 to "85. The country has surplus. The money they make pus, possibly at Carter Park, Park open later than the usual "I think residents (on Man- better tax records of people who bad less than average rainfall from selling the surplus is used located on Campbell Hill Road sunset closing time of about 8 ville) are behind an alternate live in Bowling Green but work since the 1973-75 famine, which for the purchase of textiles. southeast of campus. p.m. party," Wade said. outside the city, according to claimed the lives of more than The new proposal also calls According to Galen Ash, city Last spring the annual Man- Patrick Crowley, city attorney. 200,000. • See Famine, page 3. BG News/Fcbnuuy 28,19852 -Editorial- Nicaragua: a Vietnam? Lease smart idea U.S. seeks to polarize, not democratize, country Many students get their first taste of apartment by Donald McQuarle life during their college years, and along with The cat is now out of the bag that can come the bitterness of a hassle with the concerning U.S. policy toward landlord. the Sandinista government in Some of these hassles could be avoided with a Nicaragua. President Reagan's statements at his latest news standardized lease for landlords who rent to stu- conference, combined with re- dents. Such a lease is being developed by the cent leaks from the White House Student Consumer Union, and we would like to see as reported in several newspa- pers Sunday, make it abun- it completed as soon as possible. dantly clear that the There are several things such a lease should administration has lied all along about the purpose of U.S. aid to stipulate. thecontras. First, there should be separate leases for each For the last four years, we lessee. That would allow students to be free of have been told that the purpose responsibility for their roommates' share of the of this aid was to help interdict the flow of arms from Nicara- rent. There are many circumstances that can gua to leftist guerrillas in El result in a student not returning to school, and in Salvador. Instead, the govern- such cases that student should be accountable for ment now admits - and this is something that critics of U.S. his rent - the responsibility should not fall to his policy in Central America have roommates. long maintained - the purpose of Second, there should be available both nine- and the aid is to overthrow the Nica- raguan government - to make 12-month leases. Some landlords' practice of re- them cry "Uncle." (The prepos- quiring a 12-month lease is ridiculous in a college terous nature of the argument town where a vast majority of students go else- about interdicting the flow of arms may be judged from the where for the summer. fact that El Salvador and Nica- Third, there should be an option to pay by the ragua do not even share a com- month or by the semester. Paying by the semester mon border.) The reasons for the White is more convenient for some students, but it's House duplicity is clear. Nicara- financially crippling to those students who rely on guan-style socialism and social monthly or bi-monthly paychecks to pay rent. reform are a threat to corporate business interests in the region Fourth, landlords should not require enormous and therefore must be crushed deposits in the spring, when many students have at any cost. We are now being not received loans or summer income that pay the subjected to a hypocritical and hysterical propaganda cam- next year's rent. paign by the Reagan adminis- Such stipulations would help protect students tration that is unmatched since against leases that are inappropriate for their the days of the Vietnam War. £>rufa*AL>v.->s-'rJA 43C" situations. Students, after all, tend to have more And to what end? We are told varied financial arrangements and summer resi- by President Reagan that the "WUAT \*JE NEED. VUESTV, IS SOMEONE WlTr-l YiDUe&cPERlEKlCe Nicaraguan government is a TO ^UC&E ENEMV TROOP STREhlCrTM IN CENTRAL AMERICA' " dencies than other tenants. totalitarian communist regime, The lease could not be required of landlords, but with no freedom of the press, no free speech and no democracy. democratic than the recent U.S.- attacks on the government, in- on in reconstructing the society. at least students new to renting would be provided We are told that the contras are sponsored elections in El Salva- cluding hundreds of pages of Nicaragua is not a perfect de- with a reasonable model contract. "freedom fighters" who helped dor. In El Salvador, no leftist full-page attacks by the conser- mocracy. There are problems in overthrow the Somoza regime parties were permitted to par- vative parties that participated a number of areas -labor union which was ousted bythe Sandi- ticipate - after several candi- in the elections. rights, treatment of the Miskita nista revolution in 1979. dates of the centrist Christian In the end, about 75 percent of Indians, press censorship. Reagan limits college These are all lies. The largest Democratic Party were assassi- eligible voters cast ballots (com- But the point is that U.S. pol- of the contra organizations - the nated by rightist death squads, pared to about 54 percent in the icy is not designed to strengthen FDN - which has received al- it became Impossible for that last American election). The democratic elements inside NH to rich, army-bound most all of the CIA's "secret" moderate, pro-U.S. party and its Sandinista Party (FSLN) won 67 caragua; rather, it seeks to po- aid - Is entirely controlled by leader Jose Napoleon Duarte to percent of the vote; 33 percent larize the country between the Whether or not today's stu- former officials of the Somoza campaign outside of major cit- by Henry Marchand dents are truly ignorant of the went to opposition parties, contras and the hard-left mili- government's attitude toward regime and its officers and which were awarded 37 percent tants within the Sandinista There was something in last them is debatable. Our apathy is many of its soldiers are former of the seats in the National As- movement. U.S. military pres- week's Friday magazine that not. Readers of this paper may members of the hated Somoza 'Wc are now be- sembly. This result occurred sure on Nicaragua creates a really caught my eye. It 't recall James Vanzant's com- national guard. Already its ing subjected to . . . despite blatant U.S. interference greater reliance on Soviet and a feature or a review; it was an ments in a Friday column. He members have been accused by in the election, including well- Cuban military aid and ad. The ad was for Army ROTC. attacked the "disease" of apa- Amnesty International and hypocritical and documented attempts by U.S. strengthens the case for Like many such, it featured the thy that is "infecting" our na- other human rights groups with embassy officials to bribe right- censorship and authoritarian slogan "Be all you can be," but tion. His points were valid, hundreds of "death squad" type hysterical propa- ist politicians to withdraw from measures. this time there was a difference. especially as they relate to the executions, tortures and kidnap- gan da ... un- the election, following the much- This ad implied that to be all you populations of America's col- Sings - in Honduras as well as In publicized example of Arturo And this is clearly what the can be, one thing you shouldn't leges and universities. Apathy is icaragua. The exploits of these matched since the Cruz - the Reagan a(lminlstra- Reagan administration wants. be is a "burden*' to your par- dangerous, and undermines the U-S.-backed "freedom fighters" days of the Vietnam tion's favorite "Nicaraguan" The emergence of a more au- ents, by accepting their support basic strengths of this country so revolted the other major anti- politician who has actually lived thoritarian regime in Nicaragua for college expenses. like no other factor. Where Mr. Sandinista group, ARDE, that it War.* in the United States for the last will be used to justify a full- Vanzant erred was in referring broke off all contact with the 20years. fledged U.S. Invasion, just as the I found this insulting, and re- to apathy as a disease, which it FDN. In return, the FDN engi- The Nicaraguan elections case was in Grenada. sented the obvious attempt at is not. Apathy is a voluntary neered an assassination attempt In contrast, the Nicaraguan were observed by academics planting some form of guilt In condition, individually culti- against ARDE's leader, Eden elections included parties from and government officials from Support for the contras is a my mind. It also was infuriating vated and nurtured. There can Pastora. the entire political spectrum, several countries. The reports violation of international law, that the ad comes hard on the be no widespread cure. Indiffer- Nicaraguan society today is including three parties to the C' "shed by these groups have and worse, it becomes a self- heels of President Reagan's pro- ence can only be conquered on much freer and much more right of the Sandinistas. These overwhelmingly favorable fulfilling prophecy, justifying posal to cut student financial aid an individual basis. democratic than El Salvador, parties were given access to the to the election process in Nicara- ever-greater levels of U.S. inter- Guatemala or Honduras, three media which is unparalleled in Sia. I would especially refer ference in Nicaraguan affairs. drastically. In effect, what is If the Reagan administration other Central American govern- recent Latin American electoral being done is this: The present has its way. the only people terested readers to the report We would do well to return to the administration, while cutting ments which are propped up by history. Each party was given 15 of the U.S.-based, non-partisan hypocritically abandoned CON*: attending college in the near U.S. aid. First, unBke those minutes per day of free, uninter- back aid to college students and future will be the rich and the Latin American Studies Asso- TADORA peace process - which college-bound high school se- three countries, there are no rupted television time (a total of ciation, which endorses all of the the Nicaraguan government has army-bound. If you are cur- government-sponsored death 22 hours per party over the niors, is attempting to make the rently a member of neither Kints made in this analysis of endorsed as a treaty it can live acceptance of parental support squads in Nicaragua. Second, three-month campaign); each ! Nicaraguan elections. with. The militaristic posturing group, you would do well to think there is a free press. One of the party also had 44 hours of free distasteful and stigmatizing to about your future now, while One last note of caution: Nica- of the Reagan administration those very same students, and is three major newspapers in the radio time on the public radio ragua is a country slowly trying will not bring peace or democ- there is still a chance you can country, La Prensa, constantly stations. blatantly presenting the armed keep it. Ask yourself if you can to find its way to peace and racy to Nicaragua, but will cre- services as the obvious and hon- criticizes the government, and There was no censorship of democracy against enormous ate the conditions for another truly support an administration during the recent electoral cam- any electoral campaign orable solution to the problems that is actively seeking ways to obstacles - the U.S.-sponsored Vietnam. it has created. It's an almost paign openly promoted the U.S. material on any of the 39 private guerrilla war. material short- keep you from meeting your line of an electoral boycott. radio stations in the country; the comically obvious ploy, but well goals, and make a decision as to ages caused by the U.S. eco- Donald McQuarie is an asso- in keeping with the Reagan ad- The recent November elec- opposition newspaper La Prensa nomic boycott and an absence of ciate professor in the Depart- your priorities. Can you con- tions were, again, much more was full of uncensored vitriolic ministration's heavy-handed at- tinue to ignore the realities in democratic traditions to draw ment of Sociology. tempts to refashion our entire which you live, or is it more society in its own misdirected important to do what you can to An invitation to a caning image. change them? Remember that you have the right to speak out, Perhaps the most frightening and perhaps if enough people feature of the whole situation is Liberals' attitude is annoying take the time to look around and that the administration feels start talking, something can be tas" suggested by the Affirma- man who was not his social and especially to one raised in the comfortable directing its efforts accomplished by the very people tive Action types in Washington. moral equal, a qualification that South, is the utter indifference in such a manner at college this administration feels are un- by Bill Mwldwt The racial composition of the banished Sumner (and most with which most people seem to students nationwide. There was worthy to attend American col- public school breaks down to Massachusetts politicians since) view the situation. At the risk ot a time when students were more leges. "Bowling Green is a noto- roughly a 50-50 balance between from the field of honor. sounding sentimental, one must politically and socially con- riously racist community," blacks and whites, and the com- History's loss was Stunner's say that area whites simply: cerned, and when a ploy of this Henry Marchand is a sophomore sniffed the young professor as he missioner of education, who is gain, for he escaped with his life. don't know what they're missing sort would have been recognized creative writing major from plucked apiece of lint from the black, is likely to be re-elected to In any case, one finds Congress- in this non-pluralistic local so- and denounced for what If is. West MUford, N:J. sleeve of his Dior blazer. "It's his current office until such time man Brooks' heroic act partic- ciety. The blacks, alas, probably almost as bad as some of the — THE BG NEWS- as he chooses to run for mayor. ularly Instructive when one know only too well. cities down South." Concerning All of these data are illusory, of considers the constant vilifica- which remark, a few obser- course; for my borne town is, tion of the South by such lowlifes For some reason, I am unable Era* PatrWa mttar Copy Editor MtMaBH vations. MMgogEdW .Gaottray Barnard Copy Erato PaM Brazz* after all, a Southern city, ana as the professor in the Dior to conjure up any shame over AMI Managing Editor Taraaa ParrMtl Copy Editor Shwy Truaty It would be less than gracious must therefore be a bastion of jacket. being a Southerner. I have gone r*n»aErJlor Bar4amki Marriaon EdftxW EoHor M Trudaau of me to find fault with the racism and oppression. I have not yet lived in Bowling to school with blacks, lived with SportaErJIor MarcDaWi Grapnic EdUor PIHMMm Bowling Green community, hav- Green long enough to assess blacks and worked with and for AM Sporta Editor SfcvtCWnn Friday ErJax Larry Harrta ing only moved here from the PnotoEdaor Suaan Croat Production Sup'r Stapftam. MM* The perpetual condescension fairly relations between the blacks, all my life. I am not wiraEdaor Una Honxdal Produdon Sup'rJamaa Kordteh benighted wilderness of Tennes- of Northern liberals does grow races here, but I am told that without prejudice; no South- CtimCopyEdrtoc DanaaErwIn Production Sup'r CralgOHaai see a scant six months ago; rather tiresome after a while they are dismal. What few erner would claim to be, but I anyway, my perspective is hope- Tha BO NM • pubWwd dairy Tuaaday through Friday during It* academic yaar and and puts one in mind of drastic blacks live here are the victims know that prejudice, like a bad waaUy during Via aummar malon by ma Board ot Studant PuMcatlona ot Bowing Oraan lessly provincial. The pathetic remedies. In May of 1858, Sen. of constant and none-too-subtle temper, is something one either 8MaUnMnWy. backwater I call home (a city of Charles Sumner of Massachu- racism; whites who are raised masters or is mastered by. And, OpHona tirnrawad by coamatt do not naoaaaarty radact Via opMona ot tha BO only a few hundred thousand setts, having delivered a vi- in the area tend to view blacks needless to say, I am no liberal. Mawa people) is undoubtedly one of the Tha BO Nawa and Bowing Oraan Stata Untvaralty ara aqual opportunity amptoyara and cious, bigoted speech attacking either as menacing freaks or I hope that the young professor do not rjauimnala m wring practksaa. hotbeds of bigotry the young the people of South Carolina, Sanford-and-Son stereotypes. will not accuse me of posing as Tha BG Nawa «■ not acoapt advancing mat la daamad diaotnnalory. dagrarjng or professor would find so distaste- was set upon by South Carolina The schools may not be lntenti- one - for even the patience of a naunng on da baak) of raca. tax or national origin. ful. Nearly half of the city's Congressman Preston Brooks, nally segregated, but the time- Southern gentleman has its lim- copyright IM6 by tha BO Nawa al right, raaarvad police officers are black: the EdMrW and Bualnaaa OMoaa who thrashed him unmercifully honored system of de facto seg- its. Ask Sen. Sumner. 108 LWvaraUy Hal city is second in the state in the with a silver-headed walking regation is very much in effect. Bowing Oraan Stata UnhrarWy number of minority businesses stick. Brooks would have pre- A few miles up the road, in Bill Melden, an Instructional Bowing Oraan, Ohio 43403 to be incorporated in the past ferred a duel to a caning, but the Toledo, race relations are even assistant at the University Writ' Phona: (418) 372-2001 five years; hiring and promotion Hour*: 6 am to 6 p m Monday through Friday Gentleman's Code forbade him worse, particularly in the ing Center, is from Chatanooga, practices far exceed the "quo- to make such a challenge to any schools. What is so appalling, Tenn. I BG News/February 28,1985 3

USG seeks support to lobby $3,500 raised by Nancy Boslwkk The Haven House fire, which "If the word lobbying The issue of direct funding to staff reporter occurred last semester, is an cropped up in a request for USG would either be brought to Famine fought example of a situation were an reimbersement, that request the students through a referen- Undergraduate Student Gov- emergency fund may be nec- would be questioned," he said. dum or to the Board of Trust- ernment will be Investigating essary for students, Wade said. State organizations are lim- ees for approval, he said. by DanldU Fischer said efforts to raise funds on ways in which it can change ited in funding for the purpose staff reporter campus were hampered by Uni- the restrictions placed on "We want to make sure there of lobbying because it is con- "I would prefer that it would versity regulations. spending their funds so it can is an agreement that we can sidered one state agency lobby- go to the students," Wade said. In a Joint effort to raise money finance lobbying and provide help students in an emer- ing another, he said. "The General Assembly may for African famine relief, the The effort "wasn't aa good as an emergency fund for stu- gency," he said. say they should go to the Board University and the University of we were hoping for," Wade said. dents, according to Bob Wade, Providing an emergency ofTrustess." Toledo raised almost $3,500 in a "But when you're looking at a USG president. USG has written University fund for students may be possi- Arrowsmith said that if USG month-long campaign. world crisis Lie this, every little attorneys to determine if the ble because the financial aid were to propose a direct gen- bit helps." USG cannot use their funds - changes in ACGFA regulations office uses state funds for this eral fee amount, the funds AH proceeds from the drive, Wade said USG would also allocated from the Advisory are feasible, he said. If USG purpose, Arrowsmith said. could not be used to finance which officially ended Saturday channel funds to the Red Cross if Committee for General Fee can change the regulations According to Judy Babcock. lobbying because it would still at the UT/BGSU basketball it continues to receive dona- Allocations (ACGFA) - to fi- placed on their funds, they will account clerk for the financial be limited by general fee regu- game, will be given to the Toledo tions. nance lobbying on the state approach the ACGFA commit- aid office, students may bor- lations. Chapter of the American Red level and is limited from tee with their proposal. row up to $300 for personal Cross. Mary Ann Coscarelli, public spending money that benefits reasons and up to $500 if they Going outside of the ACGFA relations director for the Toledo only one individual, Wade said. State law and policy deter- cannot meet their tuition bill. Sirocess has not been tried be- Chuch Sword, president of the Chapter of the American Red mines the regulations placed ore, Arrowsmith said. If USG student government at the Uni- Cross, said she was "pleased USG will first determine if on University funds, according Arrowsmith said USG may were to go through the stu- versity of Toledo, said he feels with the results of the drive." students want USG to lobby for to Bob Arrowsmith, chair of be able to set up a similar fund dents, the decision to raise fees the fund-raising drive was a "We did not set a goal for the student concerns and if stu- the ACGFA committee. with their finances. would still remain with the success. universities," Coscarelli said. dents want funds available for "General fee and state funds Wade said that if USG cannot University administration and "We (the two universities) "But, based on the short time emergency situations, he said. cannot be spent in a way that is change the restrictions placed the Board of Trustees. raised close to $3,500 and money they had to prepare, I think it The decision will be made after not permitted by law or state on their funding, they will in- If USG is not able to change is still coming in," Sword said. was a tremendous effort." USG senators talk to students policy," he said. . vestigate alternative ways to ACGFA regulations or get a "I think it was successful be- "There was so much cooper- in their districts. finance their proposals. direct fund from the general cause the two schools worked ation. I think the dollar figure is Lobbying is not permitted by "I want nothing more than to fees, they may ask for private together on it" outstanding, but you have to also USG will also approach ma- state regulations, but state or- stay in the ACGFA process," donations of individuals to sup- look at the effort that went into jor organizations on campus, ganizations can have their in- Wade said. "If the only way is port lobbying, Wade said. Sword said he could not quote it. You have to put a value on such as Resident Student Asso- terests represented by having to go outside ACGFA then I'm the exact dollar amount raised that, too." ciation and University Activ- a member of that organization behind that." ARROWSMITH SAID USG because donations are still being ites Organization, to determine contact a member of the legis- would be able to finance lobby- accepted and turned in to the Coscarelli said the Toledo if they support USG's propo- lature, Arrowsmith said. ONE WAY to go outside of ing if they were to accept dona- Red Cross. The University of chapter's regional goal of $40,- sals, wade said. ACGFA would be to have a tions for a foundation fund. A Toledo would continue to act as 000 has already been met. "As of THE LIMITATIONS arise portion of the general fees go foundation fund is a separate a collecting agency for the Red last Friday, we had $57,000 and "IF THE students want that, when the act is specifically directly to USG, he said. This account outside of the Univer- Cross "as long as people are still that figure does not include the then we, the student govern- labeled as lobbying or if an money would be limited specif- sity. This type of fund would turning in donations. money from the universities," ment, have to seek out a way to individual is hired for that pur- ically to financing the two pro- not be limited by state regula- Coscarelli said. The Red Cross do that," he said. pose, he said. posals, he said. tions, Arrowsmith said. BOB WADE, Undergraduate will donate 100 percent of the Student Government president, funds to famine relief. Buckeye Room Special NOW RENTING FOR WINTER SPECIAL Saturday & Sunday *fe*^ I I 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. 13 In. On* * Two-bedroom apartments Bowl I $4.75 lt«« Pino I * Fully furnished I* 'Natural gas heat, cable TV hook-up All You Can in 2Vfe hours for $2.00 I Ph. 352-5166 /^~^\ I and water paid by owner per person 4 persons to a lane 203 North main i^ \ .. 'Laundry facilities, parking lot, bike shed available Free shoes ■ oe..4p. pgfcjnUb* I $560 per person per semester (4 people) Billiards Located at Clough & Mercer Sts. 1 block 2V2 hours at $1.50 per Table ■ additionalUte-I h-hemim. IU.75« to VOTED MSTPIZZ« IN B.G behind McDonalds Restaurant. »«flO!iivt»y <««»"» Expires 3/15/851 Call Rich at 352-7182 Old Milwaukee on tap I on* coupon o*r piiza (Enter the Union on North end of Building next to Prout) MAY May Department Stores Company proudly announces that an academic scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded to a December 1985 or May 1986 graduate of Bowling Green State University. All Majors interested in retailing careers are encouraged to apply. Applications are NOW available at the University Placement Services.

Application deadline March 8. 1985. BG News/February 28,1985 4 'Big 8'no longer the ultimate goal by Dave Harding Price Waterhouse and Co.; and Leathers said. "You either work lic accountants. "Instead of working in industry private accounting. reporter Touche Ross and Co. yourself up to a partnership or Leathers said one-fourth of the and seeing the same people ev- He added the demand for pub- "The first thing accounting you are out of a Job." accounting majors at the Uni- eryday, in public accounting you lic accountants has increased in Hie traditional belief that ev- majors should ask themselves is Leathers added that one-half versity Join one of the big eight may handle ten different clients the past year due possibly to the ery accounting major should if entering one of the big eight of the people who enter a public firms because of their mystique. ana work with many different recovery of the economy. seek employment in one of the firms should be a goal at all," accounting firm find themselves "It looks good on your record 060016." Public accounting firms look "big eight firms is fading, Leathers said. "I think many working in private accounting if you worked at one of the big Another factor involved in de- mainly at a person's grades, according to Park Leathers, the faculty members would em- after four years. eight firms (because) it can lead ciding whether to work in public personality and extra-curricular acting chairman of the account- phasize other career goals be- ACCORDING TO the book to a better job later on," Leath- or private accounting is salary. activities when evaluating appli- ing and management informa- sides entering one of the big "Introduction to Financial Ac- ers said. LEATHERS SATO the pay in cants, Leathers said. tion systems department. eight firms." counting," by Charles Hom- Pam Leber, senior accounting industry Is better in the short- "If a person doesn't have at The "big eight" firms which Leathers cited one of the rea- gren, these companies are the maior who has joined Coopers run where a starting salary may least a three-point (grade point Leathers spoke of are Arthur sons for this is the brief amount eight most prestigious public and Lybrand, said another rea- be $2,000 more than public ac- average), they will have a rough Andersen and Co.; Arthur of time the average person accounting firms in the country son public accounting attracted counting. However, if a public time getting a job with a public Young and Co.; Coopers and works at a big eight public ac- - handling 85 percent of the 2,600 her was because private ac- accountant manages to work accounting firm," Leathers Lybrand; Deloitte Haskins and counting firm. companies listed on the stock counting was less interesting. their way up to a partnership the said. "They should also interact Sells; Ernst and Whinney; Peat, "If you work for a big eight exchange, and employing 12 per- "There is a greater variety in chances of earning over $100,000 well with people and not just Marwick, Mitchell and Co.; firm, you are either up or out," cent of the 200,000 certified pub- public accounting," Leber said. are better than If they went into want to hide behind a desk.'' Famine (Continued from page 1), falcon baseball: And the food they produce is demic malnutrition and Kwa- "The high fertility behavior is aid." not the most nutritious, but in- shiokor. "It (Kwashiokor) is a directly attributable to the peas- "COINCIDENTALLY, this stead, the one that harvests the protein deficiency that will kill ants themselves." came after the 10th anniversary good-luck in Florida! earliest. you." SEAVOY SATO they might not of the revolution against the "They resort to planting food The Ethiopians have experi- be in this situation ft everyone government," Tanber said. which will harvest the quick- enced famine before, "yet labored in the fields. This is not "They received much criticism "1 est," Seavoy said. They have they've literally re-pro- the case, however. because they spent tens of thou- chosen to cultivate maze and grammed themselves into more "They are vitally interested in sands of dollars on this cele- I cassava. famines by having high repro- transferring the work to other bration while millions of people duction and low food produc- people, ana the work is trans- were starving." The majority of Ethiopians tion." ferred mainly to women and Tanber said relief could have have chosen maze and cassava "This is predictable and will children," Seavoy said. "And in been granted earlier because it One large 1-rtem pizza to plant. Cassava is a tuber remain predictable if the people all famines, children are expen- was requested in March. "But which grows underground. "The continue to do what they're dable." most appeals were Ignored. It reason they plant cassava is that doing - high fertility and low And the atmosphere of a close- wasn't until the ABC (American it is unaffected by drought," (food) production." knit village has disappeared. Broadcasting Company) film in Seavoy said. Another reason for this situa- "Village sharing has broken October that relief was sent" '5 By eating these foods - which tion is the rate of reproduction. down ... the males have fled The government is being crit- Free Delivery 352-3551 are very low in protein - they "They simply have too much ... (and) they're eating; the icized now because 1.5 million are highly susceptible to en- family fertility," Seavoy said. seeds for next year's crop/' people are being moved south- Many people believe their do- ward from the northern part of nations are helping, but the fact the country. is the food only feeds the govern- The opponents to the move are IS YOUR IMPORT FEELING ILL? ment who is keeping the situa- saying the move was orches- WE HAVE THE CURE!! Budget Rent a Car tion where it is. "why should trated to weaken the rebel they help the people who may forces. This is because the re- revolt against them? It doesn't bels have a greater control in 12953 KRAMER RD. introduces their make any sense and the govern- the north than in the south. - B.O. — ment has every right to do what The proponents to the move it's doing. are saying this is the right move BG'i LARGEST specialty line. "The governments of the Afri- because the land in the north is can nations have failed to make unfarmable, whereas the south AND MOST it their priority to commercia- is fertile. COMPLETE lized agriculture." Seavoy said. Tanber maintains that there is Tanber said the government hope for Ethiopia. Seavoy is not IMPORT was trying to deal with the fam- as optimistic. FACILITY ine on its own, but it eventually Tomorrow's story cites possi- realized it could not handle it ble solutions to Ethiopia's fam- "They let certain media in to ine and whether or not U.S. report on it and make it national contributions are having any - so they could get an increase in effect.



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Students look for rides by Ellen Zlmmerll ruary and the other, an might see it," be said. staff reporter Ainsworth 7204, was reported The department had the missing Tuesday. A lock secur- electronic Ainsworth, which by Zora Johnaon honor of him," she said. "I'VE USED the board a cou- Two analytical balances va- ing the Ainsworth had been does all its measurements with staff reporter THE BOARD consists of two ple of times when I needed a luing $1,250 have been stolen broken, Steven Gatton, a lab a sensing unit, for about one maps, one of the United States ride," David Larabee, junior from the physical chemistry technologist, said. year, Gatton said. The Mettler It's a familiar situation. As the and one of Ohio. Bach map is advertising major, said. "I have lab in Overman Hall. Gatton said the chemistry is an older electric model that weekend approaches, residence divided into zones. Students lo- had a couple of calls each time The balances may have been department is now taking was purchased in the late '60s. halls and apartment buildings cate the zone of their destination from people wondering if I had stolen for personal use in mea- steps to secure other balances are filled with students trying to and fill out cards with informa- found a ride, but I've never suring drugs. Dean Gerkens, and re-evaluating its proce- Gatton said the department find rides - home for the week- tion such as name, phone num- found a ride myself." assistant director Public dures to prevent theft. will have to replace Doth bal- , to another school to visit a ber and whether they want a Colleen Day, a senior major- Safety, said. Gerkens said the chances of ances. "A chemistry lab with- 1 or girlfriend, or just to ride or have a ride available. ing in communications, has had Both scales were used in recovering the balances are out balances is like a car t away. The cards are then placed in similar experiences. "I've used teaching labs to obtain precise very slim. without an engine," he said. Some people find rides slots which correspond to the it twice - once to try to find a measurements in milligrams. "An item like that, if it is through fnends or by conning a numbered zones. ride to Pittsburgh, and once to The first balance, a "Mettler being used for drugs, won't be Gerkens said Public Safety roommate into loaning them a Mentor. The only responses I got H10, was stolen in mid-Feb- left sitting out where someone has no leads in the case. car. But a large number of peo- Students can fill out as many were other people who called me ple use the University Activities cards as they desire. The UAO to find out & I had a ride." Organization Ride Board, office keeps the ride board up- Some people have met with according to Joanne Bruning, dated. "The travel person keeps success, however. "I got a ride Dateline UAO secretary. the board current," Bruning home this weekend by going to "We don't actually keep track said. "If someone wanted a ride the Ride Board and seeing fiat Thursday, Feb. 28 Green resident, will speak quet ($3/10 flowers) to a friend of how many students use the in September and the card is someone had a ride offered," about Peace Corps to Liberia while helping CANCER re- Ride Board," Bruning said. still up, it is thrown out." Linda Schultz, sophomore inter- Teat-TaUmg Seminar - From 198041, at 7:30 p.m. in Room search and services. Order by "But I run off the cards fre- UAO does not keep a record of national studies major, said. 10-11:30 p.m. Topics include 113 BA building. Open to all. March 8. Delivery dates are quently, so I know that a number how many people succeed or fail test-taking skills, test anxiety, March 21 & 22. Sponsored by of people are using it." in finding rides through use of Because the majority of stu- and relaxation techniques. Black Student Union -You are Kappa Delta, Beta Tbeta Pi, The Ride Board, which is lo- the Ride Board. "We have no dents try to find rides within the Free and open to all students. invited to an Open House at and Association for Career cated on the first floor of the way of knowing, all we do is United States, those trying to Sign up at the Counseling and the Black Student Union Of- Women. Student Union, was put up by offer the service," she said. travel outside the continental Career Development Center, fice from 9:30-3:30 p.m., 408 UAO in 1975. It was started in Students have mixed reac- United States don't have as 320 Student Services Building, Student Services. Refresh- Lenhart Classic FUm Series - memory of William Martin who tions to their luck with the Ride much luck. "I requested to go to or call 372-2081. ments will be served. All are "The Yellow Submarine" will was UAO Program Director Board. Some who have put up Alaska, but no one seemed to welcome. be shown at 8 p.m., Gish The- 1970-71. "It was Just something notices have received calls from want to go there," Vic Conti, PI Sigma Alpha Meeting - ater, Hanna. Free with BGSU that the students wanted to do in other students who need rides. senior pre-law major, said. Jack Wilson, former Bowling Daffodil Days - Send a bou- I.D. Registration changed MAC WOMEN'S SWIMMING

by Meg Tiemey reporter He said registration will ter for only the classes that they & DIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS change from being a 19-day need or want and should put Due to a turn-over in com- process to a 24-day process, en- classes in the order of impor- puter systems at the University, abling the students to have more tance. FEB. 28 - MAR. 2 Cooper Pool registration for classes will be time to decide what courses they Students should also include different this year, according to want to take. alternate course choices when Roger Newman, director of reg- registering. SEE THE BEST IN THE MAC AT BGSU's COOPER istration. THE DATES of registration At approximately this are extremely important. If stu- "IT GIVES the computer an- POOL FOR 3 DAYS THIS WEEK. time each year, students are dents do not meet the deadline, other outlet to schedule you, given the opportunity to register the chance of receiving a partial because if you do not use alter- * BALL STATE ' BOWLING GREEN ' EASTERN MICHIGAN ' for next fall's classes. This year, is greatly enhanced, he said. nates and the computer only there will be a change that will Registration newspapers and schedules what you orginally ' KENT STATE * MIAMI' NORTHERN ILLINOIS ' OHIO U.' affect how the information re- forms will be available begin- requested, the chance of receiv- garding registration is proc- ning March 6. All registration is ing a partial is greatly in- Tickets: 50* for BGSU students with an ID for all sessions. General Public tickets... due in the registrars office by creased, Newman said. $2.00 for preliminary events, $3.00 for each final session. Tickets available at the "In the past, we used a card March 29 and schedules will be He suggested that the regis- that was read by a card reader, sent out beginning April 20. tration process be completed Memorial Hall Ticket Office and at Cooper Pool. but since the University no Newman said students should before spring break. "That way Preliminary events: 12 each day Finals: 7:30 each evening longer supports a card reader make an appointment with their it will be done with and you do (computer) system, we are adviser now, in order for regis- not have to worry about mis- transferring everything to tration to run more smoothly. placing the registration materi- disks," Newman said. He said students should regis- als during the break period."




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BG News/February 28,1985 6

RA's interviewed Job challenging

by Pattj Skinner through final interviews. reporter There are about 136 RA posi- tions on campus, and 90 to 93 of University resident advisers those positions are open for next and hall directors found a way to year. bring prestige to their some- "(The University) looks for times difficult positions. enthusiastic, responsible people with a positive attitude," Kathy At a recent conference in Illi- Acerra, sophomore music major nois, University hall directors and RA in Ashley said. were honored for two programs which are used to encourage "It's (being an RA) a great RA's to find creative programs opportunity to gain responsibil- for use here in the dormito- ity and to learn to work for and ries.The programs presented with people," Amy Malaska, were ranked among the top 10 of freshman business administra- over 60 programs given at the tion major said. Malaska is now conference by Midwest area col- going through final interviews in leges. the RA selection process. After applying, students are According to John Johnson, interviewed by hall directors Conklin hafi director, his pro- and two RA's outside their hall grams encouraged resident ad- to determine if they have any visors (RAs) to plan creative previous experience and how activities despite limited bud- interested they actually are in gets and faculties. the job. Beth Burner, Prout hall direc- tor, and Pam Walter, Ashley "The first part I enjoyed be- hall director, presented their cause their questions made me ideas on expanding the educatio- think I was right for the job and nal programing for the resi- helped make me sure I wanted dence halls. to do it," Malaska said. This is followed by the appli- Burner thought educational cants working together with programs in the residence halls RA's in group settings to demon- could be more than speakers strate their organizational, com- and suggested the programs munication, and interpersonal should encourage residents to skills. learn from one another. Trick shot Photo/Jacqule Peirson LEARNING TO become an Before final interviews, the Jack White, internationally famous pocket billiard and trick shot artist, time. A tournament for male, female, and faculty and staff RA often includes classes and applicants go through RA puts on a demonstration In the game room of the Student Onion divisions started Tuesday at 2 p.m. and continues to the end of the interacting with other students. classes to learn about such Tuesday afternoon for students who were in a billiards class at that week. White will put on an exhibition at noon on Friday, March 1. This involves creative program- things as counseling skills, ing and special training which stress and time management, Preppy (Continued from page 1) takes place during Spring se- and programing activities. tioned in the two books." mester. "toe process is designed to be 'Why wasn't Ball State (Univer- a Republican. She supports nu- don't think he's a good president sity) in the book?', I said, 'Be- clear freeze and gun contol and for our time... besides, he's not "College is a time for going as fair as possible to the appli- away from home, learning about STUDENTS WHO are going to cants but they may go through cause the name is too did not support Reagan in the a friend of higher education." disgusting,'" Birnbach said. last election yourself and learning to make work as RA's next fall have been all this and not get picked," "I didn't vote for him (Rea- Birnbach said she considers a decisions - as well as a place to selected and are now going Johnson said. Birnbach said being preppy gan)," Birnbach said. "I don't college education "extremely decide how you're going to does not necessarily mean being flke him. I don't trust him. I important for reasons not men- spend the rest of your ufe." ©CHERRYW00D HEALTH SPA & TANNING CENTER Sth a High Sts. 352-9378 HOURS Mon -F'I Sam 10 p n Sal 11 am -9 p m Son 1 9 l> m Greyhound gives M i ton art

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(mer effective "OPPOSITION" ticket. Your ticket will then be good for travel for 2-15-85.5.0fferlirnilear' I Notwlid in Canada. 25* NITE Zfifi NO COVER CIUffi Greyhound Lines, Inc. 893 S. Main St. GO GREYHOUND Open 4-2:30 And leave the driving to us. Tues-Sat. For more details . call 352-9737 here BG News/February 28, IMS 7 Employment services funded Federal grand jury begins COLUMBUS (AP) - State Riffe said the agreement ties. "They (jobless workers) officials will abandon plans to was reached at a meeting in would have had to drive to investigation race-fixing close 33 local offices of the his office with BES Adminis- . That's not going to CINCINNATI (AP) - Wit- racetrack, Travis said. The law- The FBI probe, code-named Bureau of Employment Serv- trate* Roberta Steinbacber happen," Riffe said. nesses began appearing yester- yer declined to be more specific. "Stewball," has reportedly in- ices (BBS) as a result of fed- and others, including lawmak- Rep. Joseph Secrest. D-Se- day before a federal grand Jury saying he had not had a chance volved Latonia; River Downs eral budget cuts, House ers from districts which would necaville, said he and other investigating alleged race-fixing to discuss the testimony with near Cincinnati; Darby Downs Speaker Vern Riffe Jr., D-New have been affected by the clos- legislators also objected to the at Midwestern horse tracks, but Headley. near Columbus, and Raceway Boston, said yesterday. closings because they involved at least two witnesses declined Park at Toledo. He said the state will fund It bureau had announced offices in rural areas where to testify, their lawyer said. TRAVIS IDENTIFIED James Calderon and Headley have the offices "if it has to" but in a letter to local officials on Jobless workers might have to Burr Travis, a Florence, Ky., Robonts as an undercover oper- ridden mounts at Latonia and that he and officials of the Feb. 5 that as a result of exten- travel 30 or 40 miles to sign up lawyer representing two jockeys ative in the FBI investigation. River Downs, and Isaacs has administration of Gov. Rich- sive federal budget cuts, five for benefits. "The urban areas, and a horse trainer who were Robonts, whose name has trained horses at various Ken- ard Celeste have agreed that local offices would be dosed on where there is public transpor- subpoenaed to testify, said he emerged previously as a key tucky racetracks. they must remain open to pro- April 1 and an additional 28 tation, were held harmless un- advised jockey Mario Calderon figure and whom FBI officials vide services for the unem- would be closed later unless der the plan," he said. and trainer George Isaacs to have declined to discuss, was THEY WERE AMONG nu- ployed, especially those in additional federal funds were In addition to Riffe and Se- plead the Fifth Amendment, the listed as owner of a horse named merous witnesses subpoenaed to rural areas. released. crest, the others who met with Constitutional protection "Lend Em Last" at Latonia appear yesterday before the Tne federal government cur- THE FIVE OFFICES are in Steinbacher included Reps. against self-incrimination. Tra- Race Course in Florence, Ky. grand jury. Subpoenas are re- rently pays the entire cost of Celina, McArthur, Nelsonville, Cliff Skeen, D-Akron, John vis said Calderon and Isaacs quests for information and do maintaining the offices where Caldwell and Bamesville. Shivers Jr., D-Salem; William didn't testify because federal Travis, who met with federal not indicate wrongdoing. unemployed workers can sign Riffe said that one of the Hinig, D-New ; prosecutors had declined pre- prosecutors Tuesday for a dis- up for benefits or receive job future closings was to have Jack Cera, D-Bellaire, and viously to tell the lawyer details cussion of what his clients would FBI officials and U.S. Attor- referrals or other services pro- been in his borne area of Ports- Frederick Deering, D-Monroe- of what the pair would be asked be asked, said, "They just told ney Christopher Barnes, chief vided by BES. mouth, which serves five coun- ville. about. us kind of an overview of the federal prosecutor for southern Travis also said he advised whole thing. They weren't will- Ohio, have refused to discuss Calderon not to testify, unless ing to give us details, because any details of the investigation Travis were allowed to be pre- they didn't want to put all the or even acknowledge whether a sent with him for the question- cards on the table. They appar- federal grand jury Is involved. Fish poaching ended ing because Calderon speaks ently used this guy Robonts to Michael Brandt, a Grove City uue English and might not un- infiltrate the standbred and lawyer representing at least six derstand the questions. thoroughbred racing circles so people subpoenaed to appear Jockey Owen Headley, an- he could gain the confidence of before the grand Jury, said he Extra fish pose a problem other of Travis' clients, testified jockeys to give him the trifectas does not anticipate any indict- yesterday before the grand jury and ... see if the jockeys would ments soon -if at all - from the about a 1963 race at an Ohio fix the races." TOLEDO (AP) - A raid by mee River, and the intake pipe, half-mile long, Kovacik said. grand jury. wildlife agents ended fish poach- this spring. THE CITY HAS traditionally ing at Toledo's water intake He also has suggested placing used a basket-and-hoist ar- station last spring, but left city stainless steel grates over the rangement to remove large fish -can- officials on the hooks of another lake end of the intake pipe, a from its water pump station, a ■ Haircut^ problem: now that no one's solution city officials say would set-up that Ladd said is legal, poaching the fish, what does the be impractical and too expen- except when employees keep or j Hours <& city do with them? sive. sell the fish, as they did in the it The puzzle went to the top of The water intake pipe, built in past. However, the U.S. Fish ■MM, -9:30-5:00 the Ohio Division of Wildlife's 1941, has 16 ports, each about 10 and Wildlife Service has told the problem list last spring when the feet square. Grates on those city it no longer can dump the |T,W,TH,-9:30-6:30 poaching scheme led to the con- ports could easily become dead fish in a marsh in the I Fr'.-9:30-7:00 viction of more than 20 city clogged with slushy ice in winter Cedar Point National Wildlife BG, employees in connection with or algae in summer, said Refuge. I Sat. -9:30-4:00 illegal sales of Lake Erie wal- Thomas Kovacik, Toledo utili- leye. ties director. He is trying to Kovacik said the city's least It spawned a state program to develop a contingency plan be- expensive option would be to ■ THE HAIR REPAIR eventually require every major fore the spawning runs begin. freeze the fish and give them to don't "Where quality comet Hnt" water user on Lake Erie to re- charitable organizations. The located In the Stadium View Shopping Center duce or eliminate fish entrap- Another possible measure, a city law director, Sheldon I ment and kills, said Jerry Ladd, fish-return pipe routed back to Rosen, has nixed that idea be- Lol. Leah Su«e j 352-2566 administrator of law enforce- the lake, would mean building a cause of the potential of contam- ment for the Wildlife Division. new, expensive pipeline up to a ination or other liabilities. -litter!- 1. In Toledo, similar to the situa- tion in other cities, walleye and other fish swim the 2.5 miles up a water intake pipe from Lake UNIVERSITY THEATRE Erie, then aren't able to swim Student Recreation Center back out against the current, PRESENTS said Jeffrey Seutter, fisheries William Shakespeare's biologist at Ohio State Univer- sity and director of the Center WOMEN'S MAC for Lake Erie Research. AS YOU LIKE IT WHILE THE TOLEDO water intake alone probably has no February 21-23 SWIMMING MEET serious impact on the fish pop- and ulations, the cumulative Impact February 27-March 2 of all public and industrial in- Thurs-Sat, February 28, March 1, 2 takes around the lake might Main Auditorium affect the population, he said. 8:00 p.m. Cooper Pool Closed Ladd says the state now wants Toledo - and eventually, other Students '2.00 cities - to set a timetable for Adults M.00 Thurs thru Sat 6-10 pm solving the problem, which will begin again when walleye begin CALL.372-2719 FOR RESERVATIONS their spawning runs up the Mau- THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO BILLIARD EXHIBITION BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. And they're both repre- by sented by the insignia you wear as a member of the Army Nurse JACK WHITE Corps. The caduceus on the left means you're part of a health care Internationally Famous I system in which educational and career advancement are the rule, Pocket Billiard and Trick Shot Artist I not the exception. The gold bar on the right means you command respect as an Army officer. If you're earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P.O. Box 7713, Friday, March 1 Clifton, NJ 07015. Noon x ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALLYOU CAN BE. Get Psyched for Spring Break WINTHROP TERRACE NOW RENTING FOR BOWLING GflEfNS BOCK AUTHORITY 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR $MW PAR^ ♦Heat *Water *Cable ♦ Trash Removal Tonightl ♦ All included EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT OF $10.00 PER MONTH IF LEASE Free Busses leave Union Oval at 8:00, 8:45, 9:30 & 10:00. Return to BG at 12:15, 1:00 & 2:00. IS SIGNED BY MARCH 31 $1.00 Admission with BG I.O. Locations available just 6 blocks from campus 400 E. Napoleon 352-9135 9-5 Weekdays, Evenings by appointment Hfm farSummr 0*HHt/UtotAFn$ V'At fh$ ft* BG Newi/February tt, 1985 8 Strip-mine may Mental patient to testify LORATN, Ohio (AP) - There time at the Psycni- necessary skills and attitudes staff started working with him. was a time not long ago when atric Institute. to lead independent lifestyles. Group therapy exposed him breed animals Brad Widener had no wish to A victim ot delusions, illu- "There's no comparison to to people with similar prob- speak to anyone. He was a sions and hallucinations, Wid- being on your own and being lems which, he said, made him CINCINNATI (AP) - Four decided on the group effort be- loner and unabWto adapt to the ener said he didn't learn about locked up someplace," Wid- realize he wasn't alone. zoos are teaming up to develop a cause they individually lack world around him. his mental illness until the ener said. "Tiffin was pretty 10,000-acre strip-mined area of space for such a project. Cleveland hospital placed him rough, and all I got for seven He is involved with Pro- southeast Ohio into a breeding "All of the zoos in Ohio are Now be says be has his life in a halfway house run by the months was work assignments. Clean, which started in Octo- ground for exotic and endan- pretty much land-locked," said together. He sets personal W.G. Nord Community Mental I was very sick and I needed ber as a sheltered workshop gered animals. Roger Hubble, project director !;oals for himself, and he en- Health Center in Lorain. help. I didn't get any." which pays clients for doing The area would be called the for Robert Teater and Asso- oys conversations. Deinstitutionalization - plac- janitorial work. Widener works International Center for the ciates, a consulting firm work- ing the mentally ill in commu- Widener said he would walk part-time five days a week and Preservation of Wild Animals, ing on the project. Widener, S3, of Lorain, ex- nity programs as an down the street and not know gets paid $3.50 an hour. located about 24 miles from Za- pects to testify today in Cleve- alternative to state hospitals - who he was. He said he heard nesville on barren land now THE ZOOS HOPE to demon- land before an Ohio House is currently under review by voices. He thought he had su- "I feel like a completely dif- owned by Ohio Power Co. of strate how land can be re- select committee on deinstitu- the committee of state legis- pernatural powers. ferent person. I was very quiet Canton. claimed and used to preserve tionalization of mental health lators. and withdrawn, but talk to me Zoos in Cincinnati, Toledo, endangered animals. patients and the mentally re- "The only one who wasn't now and I never shut up," he Columbus and Cleveland are "Exotic animals are vanish- tarded. Hell talk about his INTEGRATION INTO the afraid of me was my mom," he said. "I still get a little scared cooperating in efforts to obtain ing at an alarming rate because years in the state's care, as he community, not isolation, is said. His mother died while IK sometimes . „. I see my case the land and raise money for a of habitat destruction." said struggled to understand him- the goal of the Nord Center's was hospitalized at Tiffin. manager whenever I need to, three-year development pro- Don Anderson of Teater and self. Community Support Program. After Tiffin, Widener said he maybe once or twice a month, gram before it's opened, accord- Associates. "Without intelligent Some IS years ago, Widener Emotionally disturbed clients became hostile toward mental to help me with my decision- ing to zoo officials. land use, all species of animals became a patient at the Tiffin learn to cope with their ill- health systems and "it was like making or whatever is going on An April 1 meeting is sched- will be threatened by extinc- State Hospital. He later spent nesses while developing the pulling teeth" when the Nord in my life." uled to find ways of raising tion." money to build the center ana The land is valued at about fund its operations, according to $400,000, but planners hope Ohio Cincinnati Zoo spokesperson Power Co. wul donate it. A com- Carleen Kearns. The center pany spokesman declined com- would include tram rides for ment. tourists, walking trails and A special Governor's Zoolog- Jane Austen chapter founded other facilities. ical Commission recommended Other zoos have built similar a breeding and holding facility facilities, but it's the first time a in 1979, but the state didn't fol- DAYTON (AP) - Nineteenth Dunsky, a photojournalist for ron, Johnson and other period Larry Ruff, an associate pro- group of zoos has gone into such low up. Private interests have century novelist Jane Austen WmO-TV in Dayton. Dunsky authors but not much Jane Aus- fessor of English at the Univer- a venture, Kearns said. The zoos taken over the campaign. would probably look with pride helped found the local chapter ten. sity of Dayton, said that in upon die 23rd chapter of the and is regional coordinator for "The fact that people can get addition to observations of mid- Jane Austen Society of North the Ohio chapter. together and discuss literary dle class life in England, Jane America, which shares obser- The Dayton group held its things like this is all rather Austen's "stylistic perfection vations of what they say are her third meeting recently, to view intriguing," he said. along with her general technical Turner wins Grammies timeless insights. the 1940 movie version of "Pride Fans of "Sense and Sensibil- perfection" is unparalleled "Jane Austen is such a social and Prejudice." Although the ity," "Mansfield Park," among authors. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sultry Turner, who also won for best observer of people, and what she movie showcased well-known "Emma," "Northanger Ab- soul singer Tina Turner won female rock vocalist for her said about people 200 years ago movie stars Greer Garson and bey," and the posthumously Ruff considers "Emma" "the three awards Tuesday, includ- "Better Be Good to Me." verified to me that human be- Laurence Olivier, the group pro- published "Persuasion" have most perfect novel in the En- ing record of the year and best Richie, who also shared the ings on a whole don't change," nounced the book, which was been getting together around the glish language." female pop vocalist for her producer of the year award with said Helen Hardy, whose hus- written in 1813, better. country for cocktails and dinner smash comeback album "Pri- David Foster, said: "I have to band suggested that she read "There were no letters at all in for the past five years. "Emma" and Austen's view vate Dancer" at the 27th annual tell you I am nervous." "Pride and Prejudice." the movie and that's a good part "Her ability to draw charac- of feininism will be discussed at Grammy presentation. In the more than three-hour "Fashions change. Styles of the book," Dunsky said. ters that were very realistic and the Dayton group's meeting next Veteran songwriter and singer telecast that saw no clear sweep change. Settings change. But JIM PRICHARD, a legal as- who have a romantic view of life month. In April, the group will Lionel Richie's "Can't Slow by one performer, Cyndi people in their very essence do sistant at Smith it Schnacke, makes her very special to me," feature dances of the 18tn and Down" was named album of the Lauper, the unruly rocker with not, she said. who was attending his first XRob Hardy, an Air Force 19th century, and in June, will year at the show televised live at carrot-colored hair and flea "Jane Austen's writing is al- meeting with his Austen-buff er at Wright-Patterson Air hold a lawn party, complete with the Shrine Auditorium to an market clothes, was honored as ways refreshing," says Martha wife, said that he had read By- Force Base. Victorian garb. estimated audience of 140 mil- best new artist of the year. lion worldwide. Prince, the reclusive super- "I've been waiting for this star of the summer movie opportunity for sucn a long "Purple Rain," won or shared . onhf * 8. days ' left till 'spring . break! tune," said the 43-year-old three awards. * * SALE SALE SALE GUADALAJARA CAMPUS LEVI FRACTURED Check Out Our Guys SUMMER LEE CORDS DENIM CAPRIS 9.95 RACK FILMS Reg. 20.00 SCHOOL Rey 31 95 SALE IMS Values to 39.95 SALE 9.96-13.95 Cottom-Coolt-Denlma University of Arizona ot- The Yellow Gals LEE ters more than 40 courses JEAN JACKETS anthropology, art. bilingu- ALL Submarine Rag. 32 95 SALE 27.S5 al education. lolK music Buy 1 Pair of Knee Socks Gals Winter CORDS Thurs. Feb. 28 and folli dance, history, 8:00 p.m., Gis^ FREE ALL ELY WALKER at Reg. Price 40% OFF political science, sociol- CASUAL WEAR & Get 1 Pair ogy. Spanish language ^ Gals Flannel Shirts Solid 10K Gold 50% OFF FREE and literature and inten- sive Spanish Six-week Genuine IMATUML OF EQUAL VALUE 50% OFF session July 1-August 9. Wedding Rings Fri/Sat March 1 & 2 t985 Fully accredited pro- 7:30 and 9:45 SUm JEANS N THINGS for Guy. N G.I. J * * 1000 5:30 gram Tuition $440 Room Capture your love in beauty , 35Z-8JJJ ' 8un 12-5 and board in Mexican torever Find the style that 210 MSC $1.50 w/ID home. $460 says it best tor you from our EEO'AA selection ot wedding Write bands in 10-karatgold Guadalajara t8450 \ * » T H K ROCKLEDGE MANOR Summer School Mon.-TiM.-Wad.-Fri 104 4 HI IS !•: II > Robert L. Nugent 205 Thurs. 10-9 LARGE APARTMENTS University ol Arizona Sat. 10-5 Fri/Sat March 1 & 2 Tucson 85721 Midnight Only • Two bathrooms • Garbage disposal (6021621-4729 210 MSC or 621-4720 EWFLRY)TO« Si.50 w/ID • Dishwasher • Laundry facilities available IN • ■'• -Plenty of extra storage space- Located on corner of S. College and 6th Call 352-3841, 12-4 p.m. or 354-2260 ATTENTION PHOTOGRAPHERS! John Newlove, Real Estate

Is looking for PHOTOGRAPHERS who would like to be published in the Spring, 1985, photo section. All kinds of THE PLAYOFFS BEGIN! photography welcome! Please submit at least six (6)black and white prints (at least 5"x 7") by MARCH 7 at 5:00 pm in the FALCONS Miscellany mailbox, 103 University Hall. Prints can be returned. Mark entries with name, address and phone number. ILIJNOI&CHICAGO Questions? Contact the editor also at the Miscellany mailbox. ■^m FRIDAY^SATURDAY 7:30 Application For H0LLIS A. M00RE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP TICKETS- $1.00 Deadline: Friday, March 29, 1985 The HoUit A. Moore Memorial Scholarship was established to recognize students who contribute to Bowling Green State University through participation and FOR STUDENT GEN. ADMISSION leadership In University community activities. The first award will be in the amount of $300. The recipient must maintain a 3.0 G.P.A.. demonstrate active participation in ALLSPORTS PASS NOT APPLICABLE! University organizations and be available for a personal interview with the selection committee. The application along with any supporting materials must be submitted to the Office of the Vice President for University Relations. Miletl Alumni Center by 5:00 p.m.. Friday. March 29. 1985. FALCON HOCKEY- YOUR The recipient will be notified prior to any public annoncement, on or about April 15.1985. Applications are available In the Office of the Vice President for University WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT. Relations. Miletl Alumni Center. ■ ■■■■aial>aia»«a»s««aal»iaalair>a>»i«a«»a>«iaii«l Snorts. BG News/February 28,1985 9 Taylor steps out in style with a 35-point night

by Tom Reed team which ranks last in the sports reporter Mid-American Conference in field goal percentage. In four years, Mrs. Ethel Tay- "When we run our offense lor has only attended one of her correctly we're not a bad team," son's college basketball games, Falcon coach John Weinert said. but it's one she'U never forget. BG ran its offense to perfec- Last night, Mrs. Taylor tion in the opening minutes of watched her son Keith score a the contest as it Jumped out to a game-high 35 points in Bowling 24-9 lead. Taylor led the Falcon Green's 90-79 win in Anderson outburst as he connected on six Arena. of his first eight shots. "It is really beautiful to see "Tonight I would vote for him play," she said. "This was Keith Taylor for first team all- really thrilling, I'm so proud of MAC," NTU coach John McDou- him. galsald. Taylor, who played his final However, the Huskies home game, said his outstand- trimmed the Falcons' com- ing performance was dedicated manding lead in the closing min- to nis mother. utes of the session. "She has always been my KENNY BATTLE, who leads inspiration," he said. "My sister the nation in scoring for a fresh- brought her down to Bowling man, notched eight of NIU's last Green to see me play because 12 points to slice BG's advantage she doesn't have her own trans- to 41-34 at intermission. pertation. She has watched me With the Huskies' late charge play on TV, but never live, this it appeared they might make a was the first time and I wanted game of it. However, NIU's her to see what she had been comeback was snuffed out by BG News/Phil Masturzo Bowling Green guard Keith Taylor evades pressure from Northern of his BG career, scored 35 points to lead the Falcons past the Huskies, missing all this time." BG's 14 straight baskets at the Illinois auard Jerry Williams. Taylor, playing in his final home game Taylor finished the contest 16- start of the second half. 90-79, last night in Anderson Arena. of-23 from the field, but he cer- Bryant ignited the streak tainly wasn't the only Falcon when he connected on a 10-foot who enjoyed a torrid night from jumper to make it 43-36. r Hair Unlimited the floor. BG's Bob Nass, who had Mini-Course ANOTHER SENIOR, Freddie seven rebounds, followed with a Family Hair Care & Tanning Center Bryant, who tallied 18 points and long range missle. Robinson grabbed eight rebounds, was 8- completed an eight-point Falcon 143 E. Wooster 353-3281 of-12 from the floor, while fresh- run with a pair of baskets. Registration SUN TANNING BOOTH man Anthony Robinson was 6-of- Taylor ended the 14-basket 11 with 17 markers. uprising with three straight 5 visits for '10 BG finished the game shoot- jump shots to give BG a 71-48 March 4-8 and March 18-22— ing 62 percent from the floor. In Percision Haircuts for ^6.00 the second half, the Falcons shot "I can't vote for him, but I'd Including Blow Dry over 77 percent as they hit their Call 372-2343 for more info. love to see Keith make the all- Good thru 3/22/85 first 14 attempts - not bad for a • See Falcons on page 10 V Cold King Kegs, 24 WINTER CL0SE0UTS Returnables, Cold Wine Drastic Reductions iUI-Wi-can-Ea* Sunday Wine Sales NOW All One Price Frito Lay , esday VEveryW'f SKIRTS POTATO CHIPS 7.0Z.pkg. . ^^S-World's tSSSr PANTS $099 Bvoao^dw"m BLOUSES 7UPcUike s- 0Q TJlwithbuW- 9" i Kids 10 and SWEATERS (with Nutrasweet) .// under only SI** Dresses-Suits EXTRA 25% 2 Liter .PEPSI (already Vz price or less) Bowling Green: All Sales Final - No Exchanges 1544 E. Wooster Street RACKETEER'S 352-0461 Dke PoU, Puff Sl9e»Ponc*ro»* tnc FOR ALL YOUR PARTY NEEDS' 525 t?iJ9* St. 434 E. VVOOSTER IN THE D.Q. BLDG. P0NDER0SA ▼IttTAlL rAfcMl^fe NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT imm D0N1MIND THE WALK IF YOU CAN SAVE MONEY? 9 or 12 month leases 2 bedrooms Is Your Style Unique9 Do You Dcue To Be Different' furnished or unfurnished ' -he place for you to buy: V/2 baths Carpeted Washer & Dryer in Building FREE water & sewer

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Mon Sat Noon to 5 p.m. v CALL NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT -H . :>,IK| : -1016 352-5620 328 S. Main BG News/February 28,1985 10 Shoup leads BG victory

"I've been working hard at "I was more depressed before by Ron Fritz getting the record," Shoup said. the game, but I don't feel so bad (ports reporter "It's even more special because now because we won," Lippke it was the final home game and said. "I'm glad coach Voll kept Give Falcon center Joelvn we won." me in there and I got a chance to Shoup a bottle of Windex and a NIU coach Jane Albright said score." rag and shell clean the glass, she found it hard to believe that After the Huskies took a 17-16 because last night she wiped her team allowed Shoup to grab lead with 7:23 remaining in the everything else off the back- 24 boards. first half, BG outscored NIU 17-4 board. "There is no excuse for any- to take a 33-21 lead into the The six-foot junior grabbed a body to get that many re- locker room. Mid-American Conference re- bounds," she said. "Shoup is The Falcons came out hot in cord 24 rebounds to lead BG past definitely the best rebounder in the second half and scored the Northern Illinois, 71-61, in the the MAC and she really worked first six points to take a 39-21 Falcons' final home game at hard. It was a great effort by advantage. Rhonda Moore, Anderson Arena last night. The her, but we didn't box her out too Dawn Brown and Jerinic each old record was 23 rebounds, set well." score a hoop to give BG the 18- last season by Ohio University's The Falcons are now in fifth Biint margin and force the Caroline Mast. place in the MAC with a 9-8 uskies to take a timeout. record. Despite the loss, the THE HUSKIES hung- tough Huskies still hold on to fourth and closed the gap to 62-57 with -tr-tr-tftr-er-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr place with a 10-7 mark. BG can 4:17 left in the game, but BG still qualify for the four-team came right back to score the MAC tournament if NIU loses to next five points, giving them a Eastern Michigan and the Fal- 67-57 lead with 2:22 remaining. cons beat Kent State Saturday. The Huskies came no closer as THANK BG held on for a 10-point win. BG SENIORS Dina Jerinic The Falcons made 28 of 70 and Kim Lippke went out in shot for 40 percent compared to style in their final appearence in NIU's 27 of 80 for 34 percent. i YOU front of the home crowd. Jerinic BG was paced by Stephanie scored a career-high 16 points Coe with 17 points. Shoup also to the following and Lippke saw her most exten- had 15 points to go with her sive action of the season, con- boards and Brown scored 12 who helped in the ? tributing two points and five points for the Falcons. rebounds. The Huskies were led by Lisa 1985 "Funnies * "This win was a real tribute Starosta with 17 points. Sonya to Dina and Kim," BG coach Crider was the only other Come Alive" Fran Voll said. "They both per- figure scorer for NIU with 12 formed well in their last home points. game." "We played exceptionally well tonight," Voll said. "This MARDI Jerinic and Lippke are both gives us a lot of momentum glad that their last home game going into the game with Kent was a win. State. I was real proud the way GRAS "I'm glad we won because the girls bounced back from the this was a really big win," Je- loss to Toledo." rinic said. "I was a little tight at BG will play their final regu- The Getaway first but once I warmed up, it lar season contest on Saturday felt like a regular game." at 5:00 p.m. at Kent State. T.O.'s Campus Corner Dexter's Domino's MIDNITC SrIOWHl BG News/Phil Masturzo Bowling Green freshman Anthony Robinson drib- Mark's Pizza CINEMA 142 last night's 90-79 win over the Huskies In Anderson CLA-ZEl bles past Northern Illinois forward Kenny Battle in Arena. Myk's Pizza The Rolling Stones TH€ ®| Noble Romans r€RMINRTOf -1 Pagliai's Pizza ARNOLD Falcons Pizza Hut SHELTER :HWfiRZ€N€GG€R Continued from page 9

Ponderosa Steak THURSDAY STUDENT NIQHT MAC team," Welnert said. "I WITH VALID ID Urge Deluxe Pizza feel the same way about Keith House ONLY f 2.00 as I once did for David Greer, (former BG all-MAC guard) and Rudy's Hot Dog TKFMC0N& EDDIE MURPHY he made it." _RLY.HII.LSI 7.95 James Tyler, who had Just Sundance ^fl^ENDsS] checked into the same, had the AT 7:30 & 9:50 If I TONIGHT FREE DELIVERY 352-3551 I misfortune of ending the streak ENDS TONIGHT BGBeverage T 7:30 * 9:30 with 11:50 remaining as he EVE. ADULTS $3.50 missed a 12-foot jumper. Jack's Bakery WEDNESDAY STUDENT NIGHT THE FALCONS missed the ONLY 12.00 conference record by two as University Bookstore HELD TMP OPPORTUNITIES Toledo hit 16 consecutive field THE goals in i960. PurceO's Bike Shop Ml Huknti • clconx- The victory boosted BG's re- EAKFAST cord to 12-14 overall, 6-11 in the Japanese Cuisine C L U B E) WHERE/WHEN? MAC. The win also keeps BG in the hunt for the seventh and AnneCoburn I. National Conference, Popular Culture Ajsoc.. Louiiville, Kentucky, April 34. final spot in the MAC tourna- 2 National Conference, Black American Proles Drama, Baltimore, Maryland. April 17-20. ment which starts next Thurs- Ruth Babel day. WHAT YOU GET For the Falcons to make the KiysCahall tourney, they must beat Kent Siimublilf lecture, .orkiborn, metlinjl wiih diuioiuislied ethnic proleukmtb. leachen State at Kent on Saturday and Karen Herz and mdesu. Travel, hold and conference rtautration apeiuo paid by ECAP have a lot of help from other MAC teams. Jack Whitney HOW YOU GET TO GO Toledo must defeat Western Michigan, and, if Ball State Emily Christoff Subs* a iwo-pate typed any on the importance of mulii-culiural/ethmc educational beats Central Michigan, NIU experience! to your life aoali mt your previous effort! to include luch eiperiencei in your development. must defeat Eastern Michigan. COCO However, Welnert said what- ever happens, he is proud of his Kappa Delta DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 8,19»5 AT 5:00 PM team. "We could have lust rolled French House Subax u>: Dr. John Scott, Anisic Director, ECAP- IMSnauri Hall over and died down the strech, but we didn't," he said. "We Frisch's 372-2798 (for more information). ' Unwed umber of participant!, idected by ECAP director; indicate have won four of our last five games. These kids deserve a lot RSA Now, choose the eye color coofereoot chokes in you any. » of credit." WFAL that's just right for you. Insurance Club Ask us about NaturalTint "soft MAKE YOUR BREAK Alpha Phi Omega contact lenses by Bausch&Lomb. BUY AFROTC TO DENTLEY'S! Whan you wont to chonga your notural aya color, llvan up Warzys WSA your ayas with NaturalTint toft contact lantas. Available FAMOUS in crystal blue, aqua jada and sable, they'll help you look Alpha Sigma Phi your b«t whilo Improving your vision. Of court*. tha only Carol Johnson way to find out how good you'll look it to try on a pair GRINDER of NaturalTint lamat for yoursalf. Call ut today for an SueZoldowski appointment sub-sandwich Cheryl Clark Contact Special! Peggy Adkins B 8. L Natural Tint Contacts »75.M $ Maria Pettit B & L Extended Wear Contacts 59.00 Parma Flax Extended-Wear Contacts '19.00 BOWLING Hydron Daily Wear Soft Lenses '39.88 You deserve a break and GREEN'S Professional Fees & Sterilization Extra Bentley's in the Holiday BEST! Eyes Examined by Dr. S. Shift Inn, has just the risht deals for you. Monday through Saturday enjoy special drinks at special BUY WEIGHT! prices! And, don't forget the Bentley's BUY TASTE! Happy Hour, every night from 4-9 pm Burlington Optical Inc. featuring our famous Sip n Dip! Make BUY PRICE! your break a "Bentley's break!" 1*1* I. Weester, Slsiiei Mae, Bawflng 6reea 351-2533 INS urn Mm st. .*M S. RaynoMt lid., Toledo M2-2O20 tentley'i in the Holiday Inn-Rowling Green 352-1434 if/ftr-Crfr-tr-tr-tr-tr-tr J153 Sylvanta Ave.. Toledo 472-1113 1550 E. Wooster St. • Bowling Green. OH 43402 • 352-5211 BG News/February 28.1985 11

Don't look now, but. is. Cavs are trying to be contenders, not pretenders Tomorrow ushers in March (24-33) currently hold. If anyone had told me at the Nissalke, a move I didn't - and themselves. Much-maligned rebounding. and with its arrival comes the THE CAVS have won five of beginning of the season that the still don't - support, and hired point guard John Bagley is Many people think the Cavs anticipation of the National their last seven games, and own Cavs would be in playoff rookie mentor George Karl. dishing out a solid 8.1 assists per are playing over their heads, Basketball Association playoffs. a IMS record for February, contention come March, I would Granted, Karl isn't a coaching game while garnering 1.24 and they may be right. I'll be the Post-season play is the including victories over have taken their measurements genius, but the Cavs are steals. I'm not, by any means, a first to admit that I'm shocked pinnacle of pro basketball, the Philadelphia (twice, one in the for a straight jacket. winning. After starting rookie big supporter of Bagley, but he by the Cavs' string of upsets, but Kece de resistance. It allows the Granted, of the 11 teams in the Mel Turpin early in the season obviously is doing something it's good to see that the top ns to see the cream of the Karl's Komments Eastern Conference, eight make and benching World B. Free, right. teams in the league can't take NBA's crop. the playoffs. Karl has reversed their JOHNNY DAVIS (13.1 ppg., Cleveland lightly. All of the league's best teams But Cleveland is a special situations. Now Free starts and 5.8 ape.) and Phil Hubbard (15.8 Whether they're pretenders or will be there, the Lakers, case, having just come out of the Turpin comes off the pines. ppg., 6.4 rpg.) are also chipping contenders for the playoff spot is Seattle, the Celtics, Ted Stepien years, or as they are Free, one of the great streak in on offense. Meanwhile, vastly Cleveland... affectionately refered to by uncertain, but the picture will be by Karl Smith shooters in the NBA, now ranks underrated power forward Roy clearer before the Bowling Wait a minute! The Cleveland many Cavs' fans, "The Reign Of with the league scroing leaders, Hinson is averaging 2.14 blocked Green campus moves to Fort Cavs in the NBA playoffs? sports reporter ." having raised his average to 21.7 shots per game along with I-auderdale for spring break. What's going on here? Stepien had destroyed the per game. Turpin, coming off grabbing 6.3 rebounds per The Cavs start a road trip out Before anyone starts taking nucleus of a growing team. In the bench, is hitting a contest. west tomorrow against Seattle. my measurements for a straight Sixers' Spectrum), Milwaukee the process, he dealt away respectable 50.1 percent from Obviously, the Cavs aren't If Cleveland can break even on jacket, let's take a look at the and, of course, the Bulls. Since a almost every important draft the field (11.8 ppg) while pulling stocked with overly-talented the grueling road trip, they will playoff situation. dismal 2-19 start, the Cavs have choice in the near future, down 6.3 rebounds per game. Slayers. There are no Magic give the Hawks a serious run for Tuesday night's 123-118 posted a respectable 19-18 mark, therefore assuring Cleveland Turpin isn't making the Cliff ohnson's or Julius Erving's on the final playoff spot. overtime victory against pushing their record to 21-37. fans of mediocrity for years to Robinson trade look like this team. Maybe they won't make the Michael Jordan, uh, I mean the With 24 games remaining, the come. highway robbery, but the deal Instead, each player is playoffs, maybe they'll hit a Chicago Bulls, combined with Cavs have thrust themselves BUT THE GUND brothers doesn't look quite as contributing in their own way, losing streak, but that's not Denver's drubbing of Atlanta right into the scramble for the came in to the picture and seem questionable as it did when it doing what they do best in order important now. Cleveland's put the Cavs only three and one- final playoff spot. to have the franchise moving in was made. to help the team. Free is scoring winning, and for the first time in half games out of the final And who would have believed the right direction. They Of course Free and Turpin points, Bagley is passing and quite a while, Cavs' fans have playoff spot, which the Hawks it? disposed of popular coach Tom aren't doing everythhing 6y Hinson is playing defense and something to cheer about. Women tankers Tribe hitting improved TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Andre an outstanding big leaguer," "should be a good power host MAC meet Thornton said. "He has all of Thornton said. "He just has to Thornton, the veteran desig- source in the number of at bats become more diligent in study- nated hitter who is easily the the tools, including a quick bat he gets." ingthe game." ' most feared and speed." As in right field, a struggle Brook Ja- by Jeffrey Fix trying to take it away. I highly slugger, says he's impressed CARTER CAME to Cleve- looms for the starting catch- coby, 25, hit .264 with seven sports reporter expect that they'll be ready to by some of the younger hitters land last June with er's job. Chris Bando, 29, hit home runs in 126 games in 1984 go." vying for starting jobs with the Mel Hall, 24, in the trade that .291 with 12 home runs in only before breaking a bone in his This is it. There's no more MU will not be the only com- American League team this sent pitcher Rick Sutcliffe to 220 at bats last year. His top left hand in August. fooling around. petition in the three-day meet. season. the . Hall, said competitor for the starting po- The young Indians' player The Bowling Green women's The entire MAG will be rep- Young Cleveland hitters who Thornton, is a "more disci- sition, Jerry Willard, hit only drawing the most attention so swim team, after enjoying one resented except for Toledo. Ohio have already begun living up to plined hitter, a better overall .224 as a rookie last year, but far in spring training camp is of their most successful years in University also enters this meet their potential include infielder player than he looks." Willard also collected 10 home Cory Snyder, 22, Cleveland's history, today begins hosting the undefeated. The Bobcats have Pat Tabler, shortstop Julio Hall hit .285 with 11 home runs. first selection in last June's Mid-American Conference not faced either Miami or BG in Franco and Brett runs in 407 at bats with the THORNTON SAID Bando draft. Snyder had a brilliant championship meet. The women dual meets and are not consid- Butler and George Vukovich. Cubs and Indians last year. has "really improved in all career at Brigham Young Uni- began the season by winning the ered strong enough to knock off The best of the rest of the Outfielder Carmen Castillo, C" ases of the game. If he con- versity followed by solid show- Tom Stubbs Relays and contin- both teams at once, but they Indians' youngsters may be 26, hit .261 with 10 home runs in ues to develop at the same ings with the ILS. Olympic ued on the winning track with a "can't be counted out," accord- outfielder , a 24- 211 at bats for the Indians last pace, he will be a good to baseball team and in winter string of eight successive dual ing to Draper. year-old who hit .275 with 13 season and will battle Vuko- excellent major league ball. meet victories that ended two DRAPER ALSO mentioned home runs in only 244 at bats vich and Hall for the Indians' player." Snyder is getting a chance to weeks ago at Ball State. that teams such as Northern last season. right field Job. Willard, 24, "has the poten- win the Indians' second base Along the way the women Illinois, Ball State, and Kent "Joe has the potential to be Thornton said Castillo tial of going on streaks," job. defeated a Miami Redskin team State all had individual swim- that will probably give the Fal- mers that could cause a ruckus. ■•■•■•■•■•••■•■•■a cons the stiffest competition for These swimmers could displace the MAC crown. Miami, last any one of the top three teams year's conference champ, "has with an unexpected victory in a lot of depth and a lot of very any event. good swimmers on their squad," ''Last year, Miami won the HOWARDS according to BG head coach meet by over 250 points and it Rich Draper. The Falcons was kind of boring " Draper CLUB H Basketball Marathon^ handed MU one of its few losses said. "This year should be one of this year, a 71-69 squeaker that the better championships. I February 28 Draper said BG was lucky to think it's going to be highly win. competitive*'. "They came back in the sec- The Falcons will entertain March 1.2 ond half of that meet and we hopes of capturing the confer- •ARTY were lucky to hold on," he said. ence crown this weekend and FOR THIS reason, Draper they have a lot to support those ices t Eight" does not consider his team the aspirations. with favorite to win the crown. "We have the home pool and "I think Miami has got the that is a definite advantage," THE HENRY X BAND edge on us in depth," Draper Draper said. "And we're 8-0, said. "Well have to have all of that has got to be a confidence Thursday. s our poeple swim very fast and builder. I think that if our kids Friday, March I * 8:30-1:00 dive very well to be in the hunt are up and swim the best times for the championship. of the season, then we can make Friday. "We're not the returning it a heck of a championship." N.E. COMMONS champ, Miami is," he added. The meet begins today at Saturday Benefiting "They're coming in here trying noon and will continue through Children's Resource Center to defend their title and we're the weekend. 210 H. Main No Cover of Wood County PUFF'S PIZZA 440 E. Court • 352-1596 SWIMSUIT SALE 2 Item Pizza cBti^icS $5 V.MIdiife" FREE DELIVERY

Meadowview Court FRIDAY - ROCK NIGHT Apartments 18 and over, 50* on mixed drinks 'til 8:30 p.m. Nou I .easing Im 85 X(> Scliool Year ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT •all utilities included »gas heat'laundry facilities SATURDAY - WMHE •drapes»carpet«party & game room •swimming pool'sauna DATING GAME $270-furnished $250-unfurnished 18 and over, 50* on

TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS s mixed drinks 'til 8:30 p.m. $270-furnished $265-unfurnished Plus gas & electric. GET WET IN ARENA Landlord pays water & sewage THURSDAY - ATTITUDE 20% OFF all Swimwear EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS 3 Days Only Thurs.-Frl.-Sat. $225-furnished $200-unfumished ADJUSTMENT NIGHT Plus electric. 19 & over, *1 cover & 50* FALCON HOUSE Landlord pays gas heat, water & sewage your Alhhtk Slum ond Fret membership to Cherrywood Health Spa w/leue on mixed drinks 'til 9 p.m. SportiApparolH$odovorlftml.G." 214 Napoleon Rd Bowling Green, Ohio OPtN DAILY 10 Til t SAT. 10 TH. S 352-1195 t» Ml I. WawHr, 1.6. 152 MM Classifieds BG News/February 28,198512

'Devotion o« Deaotlona?" Thursday Nlghl A WORKSHOP ON EDUCATIONAL Manager— PLACEMENT SCHEDULE U*a, 7:10 In Fee. Lng., student onion. RIDES PORTFOLIOS WXL BE PRESENTED AN0 • • • SPRING BREAK GIVEAWAY • ■ • Seeking energetic. IndualnOua individual lor Sponaored by Campus Crusade For Chrlel. SPONSORED BY EESAB THIS THURSDAY. Order a 1885 KEY and automaticaty auk* copy operator. Long houra t hard work FEBRUARY 28 AT T OOpm IN 11B B A PLAN guasty to win one ol SU SI 00 are reworded wWi salary, profit sharing t Feb 28 1985 LoueMne Bound? ON ATTENOMG THIS MEETING TO SEE cash prizes' Drawing Spm, excel bsnsMs 2-4 yr buemeee degree t JoumaUm 300 apptcetJon deada-ie * March If so. ride a needed to Baton Rouge or New Spec* education tesclw Ohio LDBD WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR PORTFOLIO. March 8 appfcabte Bualniaa eiojerlsnce preterrsd but cattalcas—l. Reerdentel students with behev Orleans area for Spring Break Cat Greg M not required Send letter of application 1 362-2731 ORDER YOUR KEY NOW"! 3720086 or* problems Year-round poeaon 40 Union Foyer or the KEY office resume to KJnko's 326 E. Wooster. BG. Ohio (oft* With Involvsment In Man wort. Peer See Europe and Earn a Houra of Cracttt Ride needed for 2 to N Y 43402 group therapy & tamty couneeeng Salary for a SUMMER STUDY IN NANTES. FRANCE WBng to Pay 352-4148 • • • SPRING BREAK GIVEAWAY ■ ■ ■ Progressive company seeking ambitious indi- BA - $18,690 ••» metiers $20 '66 Bene Claaaea m Engaah Order a 1 MS KEY and automascafy vidual tor summer employment Exceasnt expe- Quality to win one of six $ 100 TERPJ OHLILAND Ma health ( dental insurance i Ma a> ■•Travel Agent wH ipeak-- rience for the business minded MMdual cash prizes' Drawing 5pm, Congrstuletlone tor being lelepled purpoae laava. Recruiters wfl be at BGSU ■Regetreson forma available - Pads needed: Two need nde to North Carolina pursuing s business degree WI Involve the plecemenf office on Tues March 5 between 10 March 8 Outstanding New Mimbir M Scholarship Tuesday. March 5. 9pm RaWorVNew Bern area for Spring Break Can Deeeerttl We're so proud ol youl coordlnelion of ouangs and special events am 1 5 pm Make appta for 3 5 with the The French Houee on Sorortty Row 354-7808 ORDER YOUR KEY NOW!" 372-0086 Minimum of two years of undergraduate study Lore, YOST OeHa ZeSa Sisters ptecement offloe Union Foyer or the KEY office and tleidbto hours a must Send personal TIM AND JULIE Rkta needed! Infcvmatlon or resume to Gseuga Lake Person- (ABBS: Pesky and Chugger] , .The Lesbian And Day Alliance To University of Cincinnati Friday anytime WI nel Dept. 1080 Aurora Rd.. Aurura OH Congratulations on your Alpha PhHJett 44202. wi meet tonight al 8 30 in the Religious help with gas Cat Pally 2-6121 or 2-2801 le-Jtertngl Beat ol Luck to ttie Sigma Nu Beetetbal Mama 8sto.l»»lsl.Psdtlrr»),lltriesa«heelm Flexible CAMPUS/CITY EVENTS Education Room of Si Thomas More Parish Ride needed to Columbus Frt 3/1 and back Leva ys lots. Slecey and JM Sadomasochism wll be tonights topic of explo- 3/3 Cat Carotyn 372 4079 in thee final gamee tonight Go gal em guys" hours. Please write to 110 ES Boundary. To The Men ot Seoend New Kohl Hal You ration Open to the pubec Love. LI PM Psrrysburg 43551 ALL STUDENTS guys ere great lo party with' You know who you SALES TRANWG OPPORTUNTrY -or- fade Avellebte to for Spring break! BGSU Sororroee are You tot* Marvelous ■ Pat CAMPUS ORGANIZATIONS Leasing Friday, March I - returning Sunday, Good training program tor merketthg or busi- The University Bookstore wi be cloaed We can make STREAMERS The Best COL- Trad Cnambon- CnnyaaJaBOns on your March 17. Can 3S48S21 1 ness students Ful-tlme. summer Pay Saturday March 9 and March 18. 1985 during LEGE NIGHT m Toledo The Short drive to rttalton! Love. The Dee Gsss $150/wk plus commission TranaportaDon The Bowing Orson Jaycee'e Racyclng Center Reynolds I Heetnerdawns lent much to ask tor Spring Bleak The University Bookstore w* nssdsd. On campua interviews March 21. w* give you $ Caen $ lor your Aluminum cena such a WILD Urns Thursday right See you atao be cloaed March 11 through March 1S. 1986 Cal coop office 372-2451 or stop by They aleo accept donatione of newaoaper and 1985 for th. anrxjal physical inventory We wH H Dottles The next operating day a March 9. USE YOUR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT 222 Admin BMg. return to regular hours on Monday. March 18. The Frets 1985 on Poe Road SERVICES OFFERED GOVERNMENT WE'RE HERE TO SERVE THE FRESH AS) FUND, a 108 year ok) 1985 BOSU SWWaHN' WOMEN YOU VOICE YOUR OPINION TUESDAYS independent, non-prom agency, sands 2500 APPLICATIONS FOP. FHAZIER REAMS Good kick at MACs- We're behind you si the 7:30 112 LIFE SCIENCE underprtveeged Nsw York City children to FELLOWSHIP DEADLINE: TUES.. MARCH 11 A professional typisl wanta to type your papers way. BEAT MIAMI" Annette Dawn. Karen- summer camp, free of charge, each summer Office ol Hie Vice President tor Unlveralty So for those Important documents e Teat swim fast and be reedy to party Sat. night WENOY, LAUR, ROC, WEBER. EARN S PETE- To learn more about The Fund and Its chateng- Raaationa. Afcampi Cans". minute' asalgnmenta that need typing, cat Who'a going to lose I first? (our money is on mg eummer camp opportunities for ootega Attention at Education majors What la a Brenda Page al 352 2551 M-Fri 9 4 30pm or Ao») LAST FRIDAY AT THE RANCH WAS THE BEST portfoeo? What do I put in A? Come to an LOST & FOUND after 5 30pm 1 on wkenda at 372-8674 Love, Chnety and Kety TIME EVER" WENOY- CAN WE BORROW A students, plan to meet with The Fresh Air Fund Information meeting Thursday, February 28 at REASONABLE 1 FAST PAJR OF YOUR SUNGLASSES THAT AREN'T representative el the BGSU Camp Day. Tuss- Big Deb, BROKEN OR LOST? LAUR- ARE YOU SURE day, March 6 ^ 7:00 In 116 B A Sample portfoaoa we be on LOST: Pearl ring with 2 small diamonds on Just wanted you to know how very special you YOU DtONT HfRE THE PHOTOGRAPHER? TV BROADCASTER raaptey and questions wi be answered Tuee 2/26 at or near Rec center Deep, deep FOUTS TYPING are to me! Thanks tor everything' 1 ROC— DOES JOHN TRAVOLTA REALLY sentimental value. Please return- REWARD Superior qualty on a Xerox memory writer. Love U Peg ______ENTRY LEVEL 364-8811 $1 00 page (da) On campua pick-up IMF) DANCE LIKE THAT? WEBER- NEXT TME Hiring now! Cat 471-1440 ■fj Ml. ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS 4 00 pm 889-2579 YOU GET A HICCUP ATTACK TRY PUTTING A Job Exchange. Smai toe. LOST Thanks lor al the fun times we've hed tine year' THE BOSU AMA (AMERICAN MARKETING BAG OVER YOUR HEAD' EARN- WHERE IS $10-5360 Weekly/Up MeOng Circulars! No Sue 6 ring w/three diamonds If found PLEASE PROFESSIONAL TYPING You're the BEST BIG anyone could have' YOUR MONEY? AND, BY THE WAY. DID ASSOCIATION) WANTS ALL STUDENTS TO boeeee/Quotas! Sincerely interested rush self- KNOW THAT IT IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH eel 2 4239 Reward 20 mess from Bowing Green. Bring your Love LI Peg CRAIG REALLY TALK TO YOU ON THE pepers etc to us. or send In the mat 423 S addressed envelope: Dept. AM-7CEQ. PO Bos CAMPUS MARKETING OR THEIR TRIP TO BROTHERS OF DELTA SIGMA PI PHONE? PETE— THE ROUTE TO BUTTONS Man. Foatofla. Oh 44830 Cat now! 436- 830. Woodstock, K. 60098 FLORIDA Loaf: Gray spiral w'CS 380 notes tf lound Congratulations on the moel successful AREA DOESN'T HCLUDE THE DfTCHi THANKS please cat Meessa 2-8347 6824 , Attention Criminal Justice end Pre Criminal Love. Laurie PS I tasty do know the FOR A NIGHT FULL OF MEMORIES" LETS Justice Malora C.J.O. meeting Monday, Purpose DO IT AGAIN SOON March 4, 1915 at 7:30 pm In the Campua LOST A burgandy Agner purse. Fn night LOVE, THE BIMBOS (M.K t JEN| PS HK- FOR SALE DOES IT TAKE A GUY ON EACH SIDE TO RoomtSrd Moor) of the Student Union. Queat (around 900) m the eaat sue parking lot ol SI 19 Breakfast speaker will be Judge Bachman Free end Rodgera Contains IDs. checkbook, etc Cat PLANNED PARENTHOOD MAKE THAT WATERBED A "FULL MOTION" OF NW OHIO Bacon or Sausage, 2 Eggs.toast.cottee ONE? (FLOP) P S.S JEN- WHAT WAS THE FOR SALE COMPACT REFRIGERATOR 4 a open to ill 372 5543 Mon-Fn 9am I pm with this ad 920 N. Main St BG NAME OF THAT NO-TELL MOTEL YOU CU FT. $100 VERY GOOD CONDITION. 2 ConfldentoaLpersonal care Expires March 3, 1985 WANTED TO STAY AT? YEARS OLD CALL DAVE 354-8272 Special Rales BGSU students THE CLOCK RESTAURANT For Sato: Kenwood H.O. Stereo Set: tape 412EWooeler Convenient Appointments deck, equalizer end receiver S Technics 354-3840 Linear Turntable. All tor Nag $7«0. For Info • • • SPRING BREAK GIVEAWAY ■ ■ ■ caSFadl or Sam al 352-9146 or 3528112 WARNING: Order a 1985 KEY and automatically Octogon Ian tank tor aato Al your typing needs THETA CHI BIKER PARTY QuBBty to win one of six S100 354-1588 after 6pm cash prizes' Drawing Spm, OPEN HOUSE prompt $ profeeeionel 2 DAYS Roto Tome and other drum equipment 874- March 8. 362-4017 Clara CHICO ANO MONTY: 5583 or reply to OCMB #2971 ORDER YOUR KEY NOW!!! 372-0086 HAPPY lUtTHDAY Union Foyer or the KEY office Round Hip artne ticket to Pi Lauderdete tor OWEEBS! Spring Break 372-1054 BLACK STUDENT Abortion, pregnancy tests Oxxjratuletione lo the Phi Delta. Pft and Alpha 1875 Plymouth Valient. 3 speed on the col- student rates Qsms tor s third piece ftntsh at Anchor Splash WARNING: umn, very dependable work or school car. CENTER FOR CHOICE Thanks for being so cooperative THETA CHI BIKER PARTY $450 or boat oiler, cat 354-7734. downtown Toledo Coach YTckey 2 DAYS FOR SALE: COMMADORE VK-2S WITH UNION OFFICE 419-265 7789 CortgrsksBsona lo XI roses are red MODEM WHl SELL SEPARETELY. HARDLY Mliluli Voter on your Delia Tau Delta Isvaser- XI violets are Dlue BEEN USED. ASKING 1100 BUT WILL TAKE lng to Mike. JuNe Takaca on your Delta Tau SAE's are XI coolest BEST OFFER ALSO. FOR NFO. CALL SS4- 408 Student Services Delta iavaeering lo Tm. Terese Fields on you And we can't wan to party with you! 7421 ANO ASK FOR PON. Kappa Sigma lavatoring to Brian, Stephanie Pregnancy Problem? Looking forward to Thursday's 82 Ford EXP Excessm condition 354-1382 F ree feels 8 help Ortra on your Sigma Nu lavalertng to Kevin, and warm-up • The Alpha Xi's Thursday, February 28 taaan Bangs on your engagement to your DP weight bench, keioeeno neater. BSD HeertBeat of Toledo 1-241-9131 50% OFF ALL CONVERSE home-town swesfheartl router. S40 each: king-size oak water bed with BASKETBALL SHOES 9:30-3:30 We love you at- The sHlera ol Alpha Phi bookcase end 6-drawer pedestal 352-6343 LOCKER ROOM 372 2087 Congratuletlona Phi Mus on receiving the Com 108 N. MAW Refreshments Served munty Ssrvtcs Award. Kssp up His good workl 1978 Honda Civic Wagon- 4 spd 64,000 mi O: What la WELLNESS7 35 mpg $1795/besl offer 362-4834 eves PERSONALS •A: Ths tBeutSBuii of body. mind, and spirit- the FOR SALE Electric typewriter IBM Setectric II, epprecletloii thst everything you do. and think, 4 yrs. old, axoeeant condition and feel, and believe has an impact on your Alone XI, Sag Ep, end PI Kapp swimmers • • SPRING BREAK GIVEAWAY • ■ ■ $475 352-4265 Congratulatrona on doing euch a fantastic Order s 1886 KEY and aulomatlcaly stale of health. SUPER SINGLE WATERBED. COMPLETE. 8 |ob in the DM Oee anchor splash. You looked quality lo win one of si. $100 Want more kilo?? Check out the Student MOB. OLD, EXC CONDITION MOVING. greet- gone love thet synchronized cash prtxeal Drawing 5pm. WaSneee Center 220 Hearth Center 2-0302 MUST SEU $100 OR BEST OFFER 352- swimming! March 8. 3185 The Alpha Xl'a ORDER YOUR KEY NOWMI 372-0086 "Star Search" Union Foyer or the KEY office AuoWons tor womena band- serious, dedicated 1S64 Falcon Marching Band Albums/Tapes and experienced musicians (drums, lead & base Wad. S Thurs. 1:S0 - 3:30 1012 Music Bldg. guitar, keyboards aaxapnone, flute, trench Extras atW avetieble. SS. CaH 3728239 If any Congratulations Jenny Kuzeppe on winning horn, singers, etc.) Musi hKv9 own Instru- THE CAROLYN AWARD We are so proud of ments Cal Tars tor dales > time ol auoToon you! 352-7438 Love. Your Ft. Mu eaters FALCON CLIPPER Haircuts $6-7. hetstytee DEL10FS $6 9 Cal lor an appt today' 3528200 I AM REALLY GOING TO MISS ALL OF YOU FOR RENT NEXT YEAR, BUT REMEMBER WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT" LOVE, DEV Apia tor rant, phone 2874841 (local call Data Sigma PI Pledge class OONUT SALE after 7pm 8:30-12.30 M-F WANTED CARTY RENTALS BA Building House- 928 E Wooeter DELTA ZETA: Congratulation! tor winning 4 bedroom for 8 students 2nd piece Active Chapter O.P.A. end 2nd Must sublet for summer only. Large Houee Apis-311 E. Many St. place Desn's Scholarship Trophy al 133 Manvle S90/month plus uhklies Grsal 2 bedroom for 4 students sVJioleranlp Oeeeertsl location Cal 372 1093 anytime (he heal, cable, water S aewege) ENJOY SPRING BREAK ON THE WHITE NEEDED: One female (non-smoklng) roommate SISO/each- $585/semeeter SANDS. OF THE GULF OF MEXICO AT lor 85-86 Cheep and does to campus' Cal 630 N Summit- SI 25/BBCh THE MARINER INN Barb 2-5488 or JoAnn 3548882 Cal anon! 3manspts- 316 E Merry St BEAUTIFUL BEACHES. NEAR ALL FORMS OF Headed 1 or 2 female roommates Summer Rentes el Special Rales lor ENTERTAINMENT ON OKALOOSA ISLAND Nonsmoking Fat and Spring asm. 85-88 1 Houeee.-Roome -Apts CALL OR WRITE FOR RESERVATION Mock from campus Cal 354-7404 Office Hours 11-4pmat318E Marry-Apt 3 or phone anytime for into 352-7365 208 SANTA ROSA BLVD.. Need. 2 non-smoking female rmtee lor '88-88 FT WALTON BEACH. FL 32548. schooiyear 372-5215esklor Cherylor Carol One and two bedroom anailiiiwiia^iniayis (904) 243-7188 Need 1 non-smoking, female roommete tor doss to campua. S and V Rentals 8sm-3pm lOSOFFWfTHTHtSAD IsrtS veer, (tuff Aperlmerrla) Ce» 372-SMI 352-7484 After 5pm eel 832-7555. (3 NT MM REQUIRED) Two tornatee need one 'ornate lo share apart- 3 bdrm turn . 1 oft campus $475 plus iml 12 OFFER GOOD UNTIL MAY 20 lease 353 3855 (EASTER WEEK INCLUDED! ment on Scon HemHlon Rd.. only feminist non- amoksrs need reply. Contact Women for Gel outfitted lor Sprklg E Women al 372-2281 for more mfo st Jeans a Things 531 Ridge Open tonight H 6pm 1 or 2 m rmte needed for 85-88 school year Near campus, wfl have own room. Free heal Apertmente. Houses. Duplexes DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Get psyched for Spring with Buttons and WFAL at. cable TV Cat Chrta soon 354-8362 Cal 354-2260 or 3628653 Kdiled t>> Trude Michel Jafle Tonne Buses leaving Union at 8.45, 8:30 and Roommete needed tor SprtrioySummsr John Newtove Real Estate ACROSS 2 Vertical Comb 28 Fence crossing 46 Ol certain 1000 Return tnpaal 12:15, I 00 and 2 00 Apt Comer ol S Coleoe t Napoleon. 319 E Wooeter I Allhough. m lorm 29 Conve* grams Good Job DZ Anchor Splash team' What a way near drive-thru Reesonabie. Cal Don Berlin 3 Hindu diely molding 47 Musical to show that OZ athletic abHyt 5 jalopy Var 30 Suitor tor composition or Demon 354-8141 10 Hudson 4 Wooden rail m lady's hand 48 Basics 26 PEOPLE NEEDED TO LOSE WEIGHT supporter 14 Pennsylvania 3t Happening 49 Clumsy craft NOW ATTEND A HEALTH AND NUTRITION 3 bedroom lurnished duplex $191250 a port 5 ' Love 33 See 19 Oown 50 Case, on the esrneeter ($425/month). S450 for Summer. GRAND OPENING OF OtBENEDETTO'S PRESENTATION FEB 28 (THURSDAY). 7 30 iS Be'ore active or Song 36 Go too 'ar Continent 354-1279 grede Ellington V Battle 51 Broadway hit Nsw poolroom Frl 3/1 a DJ w* PM AT 117 BA. LOSE 10-28 LBS /MONTH 16 "Winnie composition 36 Good place to 52 Facility playing your favorite recorda 9pm-1am 100% GUARANTEED FOR MORE INFO 2 bdrm brick ranch Fum-1 Hi campus $375 Pu 6 Income, in spend today'' 53 Malay title PLUS win a free prize. Register for a CALL TROY B/T 4 ANO 7 AT 354-7693 plus utaflse Grsd aludsnts or couple pre 17 Time (of a sweet Aries 44 One way to 54 Jet set mils free pool sack. 4 ft party sub Roomete(a) tor 3 bedroom furreshed duplex lerred 353-3866 and a treat 7 DA s prepare the hair 56 a chance with beverage, T shirts a many more S400/eemester avafabte Summer or Fat. 352 Houses t Apia for 1885- '86 school veer 8 Color or Corn 20 ' o'Fue 45 Viscid globule 57 RR depot 352-4683 1961 Oscar precursor 2274 SftMh-Boggs Rentals. 352-8467 btwn 12- tymnet 9 A long time 1 Mats Apt. mate nssdsd immsrsjall>. Own 4pm or 3528917 after 6:00pm 21 Requires 10 Up and about ANSWER TO MEVIOUS PUZZLE room $126 mo Cal Kurt 352-0785 Need F students to fl apta and houses Aval 22 Thereby nanfls 11 One lund ol HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM RECKER 1 NON-SMOKING F ROOMMATE NEEDED now Near campus Ph -362 7386 shoppe a ' UlJMI I UI'IUKIH UMllfJ Your the Chi 01 tavortle (and only) CDC and 85-88 YEAR LARGE APT CALL 352 3886 Apt tor Rent tor Spring Semester. 23 Sea-s*aiio»v *2 Dressed we love you lor It Thanks, Ths Xtys 2 bedroom, lulty him. apt. Heat, Cable T.V. 25 Author o' 13 Coral islets "NoE«it 18 Baron HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY BUOWNN hookup, water paid by owner. Close to 28 Evenmfl Munchausen I'JUH IIUIII1 111 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY BROWNM campus ess $52-7112 aek tot Rich. Roman style 19 Like some HAPPY BWTHOAY HMSY BROWWII THURSTSV. APARTMENTS 29 Copennagen lovers 1 i ;IIII.I:.IMI:I A* COIaDlTIONING. FUUY CARPETED. CA- 23 Heute JAM AND SLAM AT THE coin HELP WANTED BLEVISION. EFFCIENCY. LAUNDRY FACIU- 24 Ares sibling MARATHON PARTY 34? Jai 111 UMl'l TBlS NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER 1 FALL 33 Anchor 25 Woodland ceie Ml II11IM IIIIJ Ul'JLKJIi FR1 NE COMMONS 6 30-1:00am position brant today' iiui.ii i i l l IH * " Your SOTC buddy wtenoe you s grsal dayl 4444 xBQ Air Cal 352-3841 124 or 354-2260 everyday 1 Lovs. Bs-Bop Camp Vocamae locted In Weet MHord. N J. (1 JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE 43 Ireland, once ■ PJ' t hour from ] la looking lor quetfied 44 Electrical MBS WEBB measurement If THANKS FOR THE RAINBOW staff to work with underpnveieged children We 46 Heraldic border ANO THANKS FOR THE MOUNTAIN wS be conducting kitervtewa on campus on March 6«i In the Grand Basuom Please slop 47 Cteo • romantic " —1 ■"" BUT MOST OF ALL THANKS FOR Fat 1885 by or V SUB is net poaaajlB, write for an waterway BEING THERE WHEN I NEEDED 2 bdrm fum apt applcation to: Camp Vacamss. 268 Mscopal 48 Lappmg SOMEONE TO HOLD ONTO 362-2883 51 Kind Hearts aSJ^I PJMM^ Rd . Weal MHord. N J 07480 and WAFJaMQ: COMPUTER OPENWQS 55 Song title |BJF 1" 2 BORM. APT* FURN. A UNFURN. THETA CHI BIKER PARTY Entry level or experienced adapted 'or 3 |"| * PRIVATE SLEEPING ROOMS 2 DAYS Hiring now! Cat 471-1440 today' Major utWa*. A eebte TV turn. 58 Whodunnit Job Exchange 8mH lee PM TAU MARATHON PARTY 112 Mack of) campes. item CRUSSESHIPS HnteS. S16-S30.000I Csnl- FWOAY NE COMMONS 6.30-1 00am Cal Teas 59 Aquatic bssn. Hawe.. World Cal for Guide. Directory. 8AIT8 - A THOUSAND THANK-YOUS FOR aton-Frl 7am-noon 312-4(73 acrobat fetwsletler H916) 944-4444 » BO Crutse 60 Prep sen mm HE C III ALL YOUR HELP WITH ANCHOR SPLASH EVa's S weekenaa IIMeN 81 Covering YOU ARE THE GREATEST FUN ANO HARD WORK WITH 1006 AS CAMP 62 Like a choree LOVE, THE OEE GEES COUNSELOR YMCA STORER CAMPS IS morsel " CARING. CHRISTIAN COf^MUNTTY SERVING ttm I'S HAPPY HOUflS- 4 TO Spm 2SVJ-A. SBL S Mam St., $160 plus utllrtlee. 63 Sawbucks KIDS 7 17 UNIQUE PROGRAMS HORSES. pej" r YOU ARE 21, WE WILL IE HAPPY Cs» S-IS am U4-72SS TO SERVE YOUI AQUATICS. SAILING WILDERNESS AOVEN- DOWN TURE. WTERNATIONAL EMPHASIS FOP) MOUSW AND APARTtasNTS Ctosa to Caav i Relative of a • • " SEXUAL AWARENESS WEEK ' FURTHER SiFORMATtON CONTACT: pmkgmmmIts*end Se-MKhooly*,. son Abbr KOHL HALL-FEB 25-28 KARLENE GAROAC PHONE 372-4488 M I l^& J _M p^ Tie BG News Magazine J& ^^ ^"^^ ^■^^ ^^ Hard i. 19SS

" ^ ^^ ~ S-ACA L>J , Wt i IVfeft vi • • • *& °°4 A /?/ ^^:^v ^ %—^ _ <•% *■* i0P> . Oo«' V — — _^^\ i _\AV> v„<<^ . of* 1 § l i tPL.*** .,V\>*!^' VII \ 1EV ..,«*&««* ..\e*>C% r 9 i^-^ . *.«1>'-e ' 1 / W* ..••.\o^°(^ \ / ^°^<<^° ^ V \ v»% ^>^ .. -^~ Viv ^

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■ ■-■' ■ v v ••'■ ^- ■'• V- V.'" ■. — . TKe Better Brunch

Jridajr Jll.t •6.25 • II yoo-teoeel TIN IS MM MailZlM

Jan |H lot Thr Bum Eojgt Qu«h* SauM9t Stunt I. « Ik. H»IM*« Chat turn Liven and Cover Iw-Bwltaf Gwn Thr Omom. Chitkrn Saul*. cdkWshol Ih. rnuBm. Pol«tn*v Paarttn. Friday gourmet Leane Costello suggests some of Toledo's finer food hotnvm«dv and ihv pnc. n EWty,an WahV, establishments for that "special night out." ■ K|hr Blmuet with fruit topp tty Sun ing* I rust Bowl and day rmwwi 10 AM aml^ much much rnoif" .10 2 PM W.K.V.OUI Com* on m and i*« ttthnhing Ot.nar Juic. what, cooking M Tht Morning Munchdown Founuin out M«l^To- H*ti*i EWuixh. avtry Otdn Otn*l*lt*t C«v*d SuncUy al rh« Hokday A look at Bowling Green's breakfast buffet scene. tUkrfH.m SttatnbM Inn Bowhng Green' 4 Oriental Food ft A sampling of food from the Far East right here In the midwest. BOWLING GREEN ISSO E..I Wooatrr Si. • Bowllnaj Grm. OH 4S401 „ s WWI Dump Cooking Friday writer Dianna Borsl takes to the kitchen with a revolutionary new concept In meal preparation. .16 And Much Morel \0^y < m OFF

Cam:. ... The menu Is open and It's time to make your choice of anything from 128 N. Main - Downtown 1 SALE breakfast to the evening meal to a midnight snack. THIS COUPON ENTITLES HOLDER TO $1 OFF -FrMlI/TM M IIM M.IIZlM ITEMS BELOW OR ANY OTHER REGULARLY PRICED LP, PRERECORDED TAPE OR COMPAQ DISC IN STOCK. lUUlHt Etftttf Good Thro March 6, 1985 Larry Dean Harris MarcelkJ Grande CBS Atilstiit MMjMf MICK JAGGER Tim Dehnhoff SHIS TH€ BOSS SURVIVOR Liz Allen lndsie*n: VITAL SIGNS JuM Anovwt NkgM/fM Worn*. '. * Lotf/lucky In Lou. lon^y Al Ih. loo Friday magazine is a weekly publication of The BQ Newt, 106 University Had, Bowling Green State University. Bowling Green, Ohio 43403.



I. National Conference. Popular Cuhure Assoe.. Louisville. Kentucky, April 1-6 2 National Conference, Black Americas Protest Druu, Baltimore, Maryland. April 1710. HIO SPUKDWAGOIV PHILIP BAILEY WHAT YOU GET \\ IILI.I.S VHI. II I1MN Majftji CHINESE WALL Cant FIQM TTN. IM. inciudana _. »*«• Know/Tht* Th. vVuutow Srirrrurafjng lectures, workshops, meetints wilh distinguished ethnic pfofmioub, teachers OotU IM ilpo/On. L >Hy lavef (i35 «-» PTtHCo>


Sobnit a iwo-page typed essay oa the unponance ol multi-cultural/ethnic cducaiioul experiences to your life foals mi your previous efforts 10 include such experiences in your develop**. DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH I, IMS AT 5:00 PM 95 - K95 Subtnil lo: Dr. John Scott, Artistic Director, Only... «# Only...4^ ECAP - IM Sbaud Hall 5 JT2-2TJI (for mote informalioo). with coupon with coupon • Utnied auaber of panicipaats. selcaed Iry ECAP directoi; instate J 11.11 CINEMA Instructor witnesses the making of "Witness" terman's Amish friends live. When showing an Amish woman's affair thing I could to help portray them as by Connie Perkins she went to see them, she learned bow with a Philadelphia policeman. the beautiful, peaceful people they upset they were about toe making of "The movie people were trying to are. I found the experience interest- Vkki Hesterman, instructor for the the movie. show the peaceful side of the Amish," ing and I think I was helpful," she School of Journalism, has been inter- Hesterman said, "but probably felt ested in the Amish faith and way of "They (the Amish) felt they were they needed some sex and violence to Hesterman was on the set for three life since childhood. She has always being exposed to the world and that attract people." Hesterman said she days, and during that time she did get wanted to write a movie or TV show to people would see them as they had was torn between her commitments to meet star Harrison Ford, famous "portray the beauty of their beliefs." been portrayed in toe movie," Hester- to her Amish friends and the making for his roles as Indiana Jones in Because of this, she has stayed with "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and Hans an Amish family for several weeks Solo in "Star Wars". each summer for the past three years "He was really a delightful per- to leam more about their lifestyle and son," Hesterman said. "He reminded "set toe basics." me of the characters in his films - During that time, Hesterman friendly, but somewhat reserved," droned and lived as the Amish do, she added. attended the three-hour German "There was one thing I really ad- church services (none of which she mired about him (Ford)," Hesterman understood), rode around in a horse said. "It was during the filming of a and boggy and even boiled her con- shot that was eventually cut from the tact lenses on the stove (the Amish final movie. He was on top of a large have no electricity). barn. The script called for him to sup So when Hesterman heard about the and nearly fall. He did it, and al- production of the recently released though it was dangerous, he didn't Dim "Witness," which focuses on an have a double. He did his own stunts." Amish woman, her son and their "I find myself torn between fin- involvement with a Philadelphia po- ishing my own script about toe Am- liceman played by Harrison Ford, she ish, which is a true story and would be contacted the screenwriter, Bill Kel- rated G, or just dropping the whole ley, and expressed her interest in the idea because they so resist publicity,'' Amish and the making of this film. Hesterman said. Kelley invited her to the set to watch "My Amish friends know I'm a the barn raising and make any sug- writer. I told them before I went to stay with them - and they know I want gestions as to Amish dress and cus- An uneasy relationship develops between tough cop John Book (Harrison toms for the filming of the movie. to write something snowing toe true Ford) and Amish widow Kelly McGilks (Rachel Lapp), standing with her nature of the Amisn religion. I believe Due to the private nature of toe son (Lukas Haas), when Ford is forced to take refuge on her farm during a the world would benefit by a close Amish, the people involved with the murder investigation. COURTESY/Paramount look at their simple, back-to-the-ba- m«Hiig of the movie had a hard time sics lifestyle, reverence for family, finding anyone to help them who knew map said. of this movie and thus served as a and self-sufficiency. 'Witness' was a much about the Amish culture. There- Hesterman delivered some letters mediator between the two. good action movie, but it didn't really fore, they welcomed Hesterman's from the Amish to publicist Michael "I wanted to do it because I was explain much about who toe Amish knowledge. Dastorin and the rest of the crew concerned." Hesterman said. "This is are, and why." The setting for part of "Witness" is which expressed the Amish's desire a group of people who really live by Connie Perkins is a public relations l*nraster County, Peon., where Hes- for privacy and their concern for the Bible, and I wanted to do every- major from Maumee, Ohio. fit U/itnacc" fi wv\' Harrisonnarnson Fordi-ora andana crew havenave comecom W I in CSS 1. up with a winner about Amish life

bvKenZokel Dangerously", starring Mel Gibson glish'proves it." Every element in "Witness" is im- and Sigourney Weaver, and "Galli- The film works as a romance as rtant - there is nothing extraneous In Lancaster County, Pennsylva- pouV^Wr's considerable talents well - one of the memorable scenes clutter the film Even when it nia, there is a community of Amish lend a coheaiveness to this suspense- has Book dancing with Rachel to the seems as if nothing is happening, people living in much the same way ful thriller, which works as a romance tune of the classic "(What A) Wonder- Weir is preparing the viewer for the as their ancestors who colonized the and a story of cultural conflict as well. ful World," mvading the barn through climactic confrontation area over 300 years ago. These are a The cultural dash between John the car radio. Book smiles, sings a between John Book and the "dirty people infused with strong traditional Book and the Amish he is hiding out line from the song, pauses as u he cops" that are after him. And it is values of family, self-sufficiency, and with provides an interesting con- might kiss her. than starts to sing the Weir's ability to interweave toe va- community. As part of their religious frontation- Book is forced to adapt to song again, dancing playfully with rious story elements into a cohesive beliefs, the basis for their agrarian a society that has remained virtually Rachel in the dim illumination of the unit that makes "Witness" an in- lifestyle, the Amish are pacifists and unchanged since the 18th century. car headlights. This enchanting game tensely suspenseful, enjoyable film. avoid contact with toe outside world And toe growing —""**""«i attach- of cat-and-mouse shows the hesitance as much as possible. ment between Book and Rachel com- involved with two people as they grow Ken Zakel is a senior Blm studies However, Rachel (Kelly McGillis), plicates matters even further. Yet, attracted to each other. major from Dayton, Ohio. recently widowed, and her eight-year- toe film does not take sides as to old son (Lukas Haas) must venture which way of life is better or worse- into the modern world aboard a train director weir strikes an uncanny bal- to visit relatives in Baltimore. Her ance between these two colliding son witnesses a murder in the Phila- worlds. delphia train station, and Rachel be- comes involved in the complexities The first shot of the film is of Amish ftmrnifiiiiiiuaiiuiiiiiiiiiiim iniiiiiiiiiiRtk and violence of a society she wants no walking through a grassy field from part of. And when detective John right to left onscreen - symbolic of the Book (Harrison Ford) discovers the coTonhatton of the new western fron- police corruption that precipitated the tier in America. The Amish seem to murder, thdr lives - including Book's have attained a peaceful tranquility Rating: 9 on a - are in jeopardy. that the film envies, offering the view- Initially a Harrison Ford protect, ers a romanticized depiction of these "Witness" is the first American film people. "The Amish gave me this 1-10 scale by Australian director Peter Weir, feeling of how recently this country whose previous credits include toe has been settled," says Weir. "The ••• highly acclaimed "The Year of Living fact that they call Americans 'En- ISllTlllllllllTTfitfTIltTftt*»«*« »»»•••»»••••» 1.11

Breakfast buffet-style is a The morning switch for mouth exercise Tim L. Dehnhoff Directly behind Frisch's is another Holiday Inn's buffet is open Sundays The battle of the breakfast buffets familiar rival, Ponderosa. Although 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and provides a chance boasts heated competition among Ponderosa is geared toward steaks Battle of the to taste homemade Belgium waffles, Bowling Green restaurants. and A-l sauce, It claims to offer one of sugar glazed ham sliced to order, Tim Bean, associate manager of the best buffets. Bean, of Frisch's, chicken and shrimp sautee, cheese Friscb's Big Boy, 1540 E.WoosTer St, notes that Ponderosa is probably Uintxes and an endless assortment of noted the demand of breakfast foods Frisch's biggest rival "because of the breakfast food. Martinez said that the among area residents in his restau- location." biggest competitor for the Sunday rant Bean said that a good share of morning brunch is Frisch's, again the early morning customers are tak- Ponderosa's Saturday and Sunday because of its location. ing advantage of the breakfast buffet. buffet, from 7-11 a.m. is a hard act to "Breakfast buffets are selling much follow. According to Mr. Marsh, assis- Another Sunday morning brunch better than our other buffets," he tant manager, the buffets includes happens at Kaufman's, 163 S. Main said. waffles, bacon, eggs, sausage, St., from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Dorden The Big Boy Buffet begins at 8 a.m. oranges and cantaloupes: all you can Bateson, manager, cited a tempting and tarns into a branch at 11 a.m. The eat menu featuring eggs strata, beef stro- brunch is then available until 2 p.m., ganoff and bakedchicken. seven days a week. The buffet menu is Tucked away in the Holiday Inn, The battle of the breakfast buffets "fairly steady," according to Bean, 1560 E. Wooster St., the Stable restau- continues, but after reviewing the featuring the buffet and fruit bar rant caters a first-rate buffet, accord- credentials, you will have to make before 11 a.m. and buffet salad bar ing to Alex Martina, assttant food your own educated guess where you and a soup bar between 11 a.m. and 2 and beverage manager. He pointed should retreat for breakfast this p.m. For an initial cost, you can get a out that his buff et is different than the weekend. hearty breakfast including eggs, traditional ones. The food is "not pre- country fries, bacon, link and sausage cooked or pre-packaged" according Tim DehnboB is a senior public patties, biscuits and other items. to Martinez but "made to order." The Buffet relations major from Findlay, Ohh.

*^ ■*#■ *•■ UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS & "\^%- William Shakespeare's AS YOU LIKE IT WBGU February 21-23 . and I r.T February 27-March 2 Main Auditorium 8:00 p.m. Students '2.00 Adults '4.00 CALL 372-2719 FOR RESERVATIONS #ta

>•! 13 RAILROAD SIKH I 00 BOWLING GRbtN OH S5 OFF ANY St Cdeno) 3528130 PURCHASE OVtR IWbNIY DOLLARS between Dorsey s S Sterling' LADIES APPAREL •coupon valid on now sales only •one coupon per custon •must present coupon with purcha Invites You To A •coupon not valid with any other coupon SPRING SAVINGS SPECTACULAR" (EXPIRES 3-8-85) 20VOFF NON-SALE MERCHANDISE Extra saving with attached coupon 1.11

Create the salad of your dreams by Andrew Perles "Lettuce entertain you." "Lettuce make you smile." This is a common slogan of salad bars, restaurants and produce sections of grocery stores. But green, crisp, cool lettuce, carrots, celery and tomatoes aren't very entertain- ingand they rarely induce smiles. There are a hundred different types of salads to replace the common lettuce, Call the carrots, celery and tomato concoction. Be daring. Try different and unusual salads. Here are two rules to follow when constructing a vegetable dish. ' Rule fl. Anything edible that can fit on a plate is a candidate for a salad. For instance, try mixing tuna and chicken chunks, bologna, salami and other meats in your dish. Experiment with uncommon vegetables you have never tried before. For instance, bean sprouts and alfalfa. Go nuts! Peanuts, walnuts and almonds make a salad crunch. After mastering all these techniques, advance to the second rule of salads. Rule #2. If you want to use a vegetable dish to lose weight, remember where the majority of the calories are: salad dressing. Salad dressing is delicious, but calorie-infested. The "lite" brand of many dressings can save a weight-watcher as many as SO calories per serving over the regular product. Any discussion of salad would not be complete without mentioning the many types of speciality salads. Ole! A taco salad is an excellent choice for a lunch or dinner. Just add chile and nachos (maybe a dab of sour cream) to crisp lettuce and enjoy. (A siesta is then in order.) Other specialities include macaroni, tuna, chicken and fruit salads. Why eat the same food day after day?


The OBSIDIAN, Bowling Green's fastest growing college magazine, is coming to you again. Look for It MONDAY- .MARCH 4. The OBSIDIAN, BG's freshest breath of air, the reader's alternative to the cut and dry of everyday life. Pick one up. Find out why the people in the know are talking about The OBSIDIAN. Let's build it. Together. The OBSIDIAN, the reflection of people of color—all people of color. QUQDQNQE MARCH SPECIAL: El Enchilada Suprema $3.95 j SUNDAY-THURSDAY The Best Appetizers in Town are 1/2 Price After 10 pm!! 352-1092 110 N. Main J^^^W^^^J —■—■— ■™ *


Oriental food i Local food thrives in BG by Corl Buerglef Getting tired of the same old thing? by Marcello Grande Pizza one night a trip to McDonalds There is an answer for college stu- the next? dents who constantly contend with the For those suffering from "burger "freshman 10", tight jeans, bulging boredom," why not try something beer bellies and ''crater" faces. An different? Right here in Bowling alternative to high-calorie pizzas and Green, there are a variety of restau- burgers is a tasty and filling, yet FWDAY/U. Man rants that offer something unusual at healthy and moderately priced meal a reasonable price for students who of moo goo gai pan. In fact, Oriental The stiff at (fee Phoenix Paisce key up ft M bmy day ot satisfying Its want a change of pace. food may be the only food that is low- tmtmmu. One place to find relief from "the calorie and filling, yet memorably Tarn said the customers' favorites and dangling red tassle fixtures, same old thing" is B.J.'s Food Empo- tasty. include Mongolian beef, almond winch is traditional Chinese decor, rium at 143 E. Wooater St. B.J.'s Noted for their longetivity, flawless chicken, moo goo gai pan and cashew not Polynesian. offers a large variety of subs, hot- complexions and trim figures, the chicken. Fifteen years ago, the Villamors dogs, nachos, ice cream and special- people of the Orient attribute their "I also make the chow champagne came to America from the Phil- izes in barbecued ribs and chicken. health to their diet of poultry, vegeta- (entree) for the American," Tarn ippines and opened their restaurant 10 According to owner Bob Tennison, bles, noodles and rice. For the college said referring to a succulent blend of yean later, Melba Villamor said. BJ.'s will deliver any item on the community, this type of diet is acces- hearty roast pork and fresh shrimp Consequently. Filippino fare la the menu. Tennison started file business sible in downtown Bowling Green. with a vegetable ensemble of mush- feature at Polynesian Village. with his wife Joanne In April 1984. and At 183 S. Main St is the Phoenix rooms, bamboo shoots, water chest- In an elegantly humble and serene said that student business has been Palace owned by brothers Andy and nuts and pea pods. atmosphere, patrons can dine on picking up. Alan Tarn of Toledo. sweet 'n sour pork, fried Wonton, Another place to consider for fun The Phoenix Palace is a bit of a For dessert, the Phoenix Palace chicken subgum, beef with mush- food is Rudy's Hot Dog, 999 S. Main St. newcomer to the city's restaurant serves the traditional fortune and rooms, and almond chicken. After a Rudy's offers a large assortment of scene, since its opening only a year almond cookies and ice cream for delectable meal of egg rolls and sandwiches, soups, and chili, and ago. those who just can't stop being Ameri- chicken fried rice, customers can specializes in - you guessed it - hot Tarn was born in the Chinese prov- can. enjoy Oriental custard for dessert, a dogs, served up with a variety of ince of Canton and came with his Around the comer at 134 W. Woos- definitely different appetite capper. cooking expertise to the U.S. five ter St is Polynesian Village owned "It isn't like your custard Dere," T»,. Proestou, manager of Rudy's, years ago. Tarn's family also oper- and operated by Melba Villamor and Villamorsaid. "It's made of egg yolks said that the most popular hot dog is ates another Phoenix Palce in Toledo her husband Unlike most Chinese- and milk, and then we steam the the Rudy's with mustard onions, and at the corner of Reynolds and Heat- Oriental restaurants, the Polynesian custard" It is topped with sugary chili sauce. Rudy's also offers beer on berdowns. Village does not display gold dragons syrup and garnished Up and in bottles. ATTENTION PHOTOGRAPHERS!

Is looking for PHOTOGRAPHERS who would like to be published in the Spring, 198S, photo section. All kinds of photography welcome! Please submit at least six (6) black and white prints (at least 5" x 7") by MARCH 7 at 5:00 pm in the Miscellany mailbox, 103 University Hall. Prints can be returned. Mark entries with name, address and phone number. Questions? Contact the editor also at the Miscellany mailbox.

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HURRY! LMMTEDTMEOfFER f>; H,,,,, $££YOUR ARTCARVEDREPRESENTAT1VE FOR DETAILS. 1 iMSAitCarvedCUKvR'ngs 1.11 spots are change of pace The place to go for breakfast or a.m. every weekday, 7 a.m. Satur- lunch in a diner-style atmosphere is days, and 8 a.m. Sundays. the Corner Grill at 200 N. Main St. The For a taste of days gone by, check Grill offers breakfast anytime, and out Rogers Brothers Drug and Soda, sandwiches and entrees every day 135 N. Main St., the only remaining from 6 a.m. until 2 p.m. According to drugstore-style soda fountain in the Mary Traver, who runs the Grill, ft is area. The drug store, which has been the oldest restaurant in Bowling in the same location since 1864, has Green, having been in continuous operated a soda fountain since the operation for 36 years. 1870s. According to owner Fred Rei- To satisfy the sweet tooth, try The chert, lunch is the busiest time for the Getaway at 998 S. Main St. The Get- fountain, which offers sandwiches, away is B.G.'s only morning donut soups and chili, along with the normal delivery service, satisfying the morn- complement of fountain items. The ing munchies all over town every store is open from 8 a.m. until 9 p.m. morning. weekdays, and 8:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. The business was started by 1981 Saturdays. BGSU graduate Dan Shook and his So when the "burger blahs" attack, wife Connie as a place for students to consider trying something new. You "get away" from the concerns of the just might find some welcome relief moKtmamsutammt day and enjoy a cup of coffee and a from the fast-food plight. The soda fountain at Roger's la a favorite hangout lor stadeaU aad donut. They also offer sandwiches and Carl Buereler is a junior public tawa folk alike. ice cream. The Getaway opens at 6 relations major from Akron, Ohio, Here's the inside story of our new Exhibition Buttermilk Biscuits IgU IMIIMWMI>«l,k>inM V iMIiaHahllUii by JACK WHITE internationally famous pocket billiard and trick shot artist.

Exhibition starts at noon TODAY Buckeye Room, Union FREE

-Now Featuring- Fresh-Baked Buttermilk Biscuit* Made From Scratch "Use Our Convenient Drive Thru" Kgntucky Fried Chicken 1020 N. Main • B.G Fremont 352-2061 BBBII sters have a rough life

"They (lobsters) are used in bio- painted numbers on their backs, and by Shelly Trusty acoustic experiments - they make a probably bet on them," she said. very low frequency sound,' she said. "I'm sure a lot of the lobsters we live lobster in it - which is very For an American Lobster from "It s something you can use a lobster sell don't end up in the pot right romantic." Maine, life isn't easy. If it isn't eaten for besides eating ... Many think away," Doster said, "People buy To keep a lobster alive to j as plankton in it's first year, it may be they may communicate." them as a practical joke for their the memory of that special {. dashed against the rocks by angry Stoner said that lobsters will eat loved one, keep it away I seas, or captured by one of those almost anything. Amy likes things "People buy contact with fresh water. Fresh water notorious Maine fisherman and flown like cod, filet of fish and live bluegffl. is lethal to lobsters. You must have a half way across the country to be- "When she wants to be fed, she throws them as a practical "primed" salt water tank ready - a come someone's romantic, albeit her arms up to say 'hi.' We think she tank that has the correct amount of messy, meal for two. Things may be has a personality, but then again, we Joke for their room- bacterial organisms, according to better with butter, but not from the think everything in here has a person- mates, or for a gift to Stoner. Lobsters also prefer cold wa- lobster's point of view. ality," Stoner said. ter and solitude. "They're fairly se- Amy, named for her scientific name Joyce Doster, head seafood clerk at their girlfriend or boy- cretive." she added. homarus Americanus, is a resident of Kroger's, 1096 N. Main, said the friend —Instead of a For those who haven't the patience the University Marine Lab in 209 Life lobster tank sometimes serves as to raise a lobster in a tank, lobsters Sciences Building. She has been living entertainment. "It's like a babysit- dozen roses, (they) can be kept alive in a refrigerator for in her 250 gallon tank for two to three ting TV for kids," she said, "Mothers up to 24 hours, with the added excite- months, according to Gweynne wifl pull their carts up next to the tank send a box with a live ment of seeing a roommate faint or Stoner, senior biology major and un- to keep the kids busy while they run lobster In It — which getting rid of all the leftovers if the dergraduate lab assistant. down aisles two and three." lobster is not kept in a small box or "Lobsters need lots of room, a place "Back when the store first opened, Is very romantic." paper bag during its wait to become a to hide, and good clean (salt) water," the fellows who worked night shift Maine course and part of that roman- Stoner said. She said lobsters do bet- would get them (the lobsters) out and roommates, or for a gift to their tic dinner for two. ter in cooler water. "We keep it about have lobster races on the floor ... rlfriend or boyfriend - instead of a Shelly Trusty Is a junior English 21 degrees Celsius." until we found out about it. They i roses, (they) send a box with a major from Reno, Nev. JOHN NEWLOVE

W*(i Qvolily o*tfl.«ot*«

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Toledo dining promises elegance, atmosphere

by Leane Costello and spice shakers beat a rhythym against the iron range your table is When price is no object, exquisite built around, and the display is so cuisine enjoyed in one of Toledo's fine fascinating you almost forget to eat. restaurants is the perfect way to Dinner entrees include a choice of forget the sometimes stale offering of chicken, thin-cut steak or selections of Bowling Green's middle-of-the-road lobster, scallops or shrimp. The meal eateries. When you want to dress to begins with miso soup, salad and a kill and enjoy an elegant night out tasty shrimp appetizer served teppan- with your favorite date, here are a yaki style. A glass of sweet plum wine few suggestions from this avid gour- is the perfect choice at this stage, met fan. unless you prefer a powerfully potent •En Japanese Steak House • 5060 cup of sake, a Japanese favorite. Monroe St. in central Toledo, open Each entree is prepared with sweet seven nights a week. onions, zucchini, juicy mushrooms Colorful paper lanterns and bamboo and bean sprouts, a delightful combi- decor sets the mood for an exotic nation not unlike wak cooking. Ac- entry into the art of teppan-yaki cook- companied by rice, green tea and ing - Japanese cuisine prepared ta- capped with a dish of ginger ice bleside. A meal is truly an cream, a dinner at En Japanese en- entertaining experience when sures satisfaction of even the heart- grinning chefs cut, cook and serve iest appetite. Just leave room for the your dinner with a flair. Knives flash fortune cookie. Price range: $9 to $19. Tie table Is set for an endless variety ofpalatables. Table by John Lariviere, senior restart

• Frank Unkle's - 2605 Broadway in also offers specialty Ceasar and spin- the heart of Toledo, open seven nights ach salads for two created tableside. a week. Superior service is the hallmark of A tempting assortment of nearly 20 this fine restaurant situated on the unique appetizers awaits the diner, north bank of the Maumee River in ranging from Nova Scotia salmon, central Toledo. Frank Unkle's is pop- seafood-stuffed crepes and even es- hank ular for its expertly trained staff and cargot. And the gourmet beef, fowl extensive selection of gourmet fare. and seafood items with an emphasis So sit back and prepare to be pam- on French preparation will leave even UnkUs ■ pered. You're in tor a treat. the most critical of connoisseurs con- You know a restaurant is classy vinced. when it employs a full-time somme- lier (wine steward) to suggest wines With a French fudge or strawberry to diners. Al Kozeni is in charge of puff or one of Frank Unkle's ultra- buying and maintaining Frank smooth ice cream drinks (try amma- Unkle's stock of over 200 different retto and cocoa), your meal is com- Italian, German, French and Califor- plete. The taste buds have quieted and nian wines. His most expensive? $105 you can sit back to the strains of for a bottle of Chateau Mouton Roth- dinner music as a pianist lightly fin- child. gers the keys of the restaurant's Tuxedoed waiters serve with an air grand piano. of attentive formality, highly skilled In warmer weather you can enjoy in the art of tableside preparation. champagne and bors d'hoeuvres on a Just imagine a tender Duck Flambe leisurely cruise down the Maumee. Restaurant sign photos flamed and cut off the bone if you so then dock for dinner. Now where did by Liz Allen choose. Or thick chunks of beef served you say the perfect place to take a Shish Ke Bob-style. Frank Unkle's date is? Price ramie: H-16. i //

and superb cuisine

• Ricardo's -1 Sea Gate in downtown Toledo's Fountain Gate Plaza, open teed in butter and topped with crab every night except Sunday. and asparagus), Gulf Shrimp St. Tro- At the base of the Owens-Illinois pez (plump beauties sauteed in a building lies this spacious restaurant, C"c and wine sauce), Tornados the ultimate in elegant dining atmo- ini (two juicy tenderloins served sphere. Its muted tones of pink, bur- with mushrooms in a Madeira sauce) gandy and silver evokes a sense of and baked chicken Josephine (a flaky mellowness while the subdued con- pastry stuffed with a double chicken temporary music performed nightly breast wrapped in ham and melted Cides a relaxing background toSwiss). All dinners are served with eating experience. salad, steamed vegetables cooked But Ricardo's main appeal is the aldente, crusty homemade rolls and a clear sight from every seat of the refreshing sherbet. Maumee River and twinkling lights Manager Chris Manera says his surrounding the plaza's fountain pool. restaurant is a cut above Toledo's And the food! Mouth-watering appe- traditional steak and seafood houses tizers that include stuffed mushrooms because of its emphasis on sautee Florentine, steak tartare, fresh rather than broil and fry. It's no oysters served with a tangy cocktail wonder the food is so savory - Ricar- sauce and a creamy fetticine Alfredo. do's head chef is a graduate of the Gourmet cuisine is highlighted by culinary institute of New York. Price entrees like Scallops de Oscar (sau- range: $9 to $14.

Dress and act for the occasion

by Leane Costello parking and a coat check. flavor blends, the delicate So figure on five extra dol- sprinkle of oregano on a If it's been a while since lars up for these services. salad or the sweet taste of you've gone on a "no holds Also, don't tip below 15%, a full-bodied burgandy. FRIOAV/Amy Whlt«*jnl barred dining junket and and, if you employ the use • Speaking of wine, when the old etiquette is rusty, of a wine steward, he ordering, order to taste at mamagemcnt major. here are a few tips to re- should be tipped also. A (whether you like it dry or member to avoid complete good rule of thumb: If any sweet, mellow or strong) embarrassment: of the waitstaff performs {'list as long as your selec- • ALWAYS make reser- beyond the call of duty, he ion doesn't overpower the vations, and give restau- or she deserves recom- taste of your dinner. rants the courtesy of a call penseraent. • As far as table man- back if you can't make it • Patience is a must, ners are concerned, just • Dress with an air of when gourmet foods are remember good old Mom's formality. That means no painstakingly made to or- admonishings from years Levi's! der. In fact, the beauty of back. And don't forget to • Remember that many fine dining is its leisurely iiush in the chair when you establishments have valet nature. You want to savor eave.

• Real Seafood Co. - In the Portside shellfish items charbroiled, steamed, shrimp, scallops, herbs and romano Marketplace on 406 N. Summit, open sauteed, stuffed, fried, folded in sal- cheese). If you're in the mood for a 1 . seven nights a week. ads and blended in spicy Italian truly adventurous meal, Real Seafood This specialty seafood house car- sauces. But wait! How about a bowl of Co. offers beer batter-fried frogs legs ries Portside's festive theme through- chunky New England clam chowder and steamed mussels. out with lively ragtime piano, an airy soup or chilled Cherrystone clams to Every dinner is accompanied by interior, bright neon lights and an tease your appetite? coleslaw, sourdough rolls and your energetic waitstaff. RealSeafoodCo. Whether you decide to prime your choice of seven vegetable sides,(try is another establishment renown for palate or jump right in, here are a few the fried zucchini!) and, of course, the its spectacular view of the Maumee - dining suggestions: succulent Maine inevitable carafe of crunchv oyster you'll want to go just to gaze and eat lobster with crabmeat stuffing, crackers. Sweets you can reluctantly appetizers on the outside balcony Shrimp Scorpio (prepared with to- end your meal with are a creamy during warm nights. mato, onion, garlic, topped with feta chocolate brandy mousse or a home- The resUuramboasts a spectacular cheese and baked), or Seafood Al- made cheesecake with fresh straw- array of fresher-than-fresh fish and fredo (linguini cooked with salmon, berries. Had enough? Price range: $8 to |17. ■■

12 i.ii Fresh seafood easy to catch in Bowling Green seafood arrives at the store every are as big as two pounds," he cruel, the lobster is not tortured in the by Laura S. Myers Tuesday. Food Town carries "every- sail process. "You throw it head first into thing, both fresh and frozen, except Carr said that the lobsters are a pot of boiling water, and the lobster With the Lenten season in full lobster," Bc'.ce said. flown from Maine into Columbus. is lulled instantly," he said. swine, many students find themselves Churchill's Supermarket at 1141 S. From there, they are distributed The normal cooking time is 7-10 searching for alternative choices to Main St., however, does carry lobster throughout the state by the Lobster minutes per pound, Carr said. The their usual meat and potatoes dinner. tails. Gub of America, he said. lobster will float when it is done. He One alternative for Friday meals is Kroger at 1096 N. Main St. sells When a customer comes in to buy a said most of the meat is in the tail, but seafood. lobster as fresh as it comes. It's so lobster, they can either chose one there is also meat in the claws and in Surprisingly, there is an abundant fresh, in fact, that the customer takes themselves or ask a clerk for assis- the body. "The meat in the claws is supply of both fresh and frozen sea- the lobster home alive. tance. The clerk chooses a lobster really sweet," he said. food right here in Bowling Green. According to Doug Carr, assistant according to the customer's needs, In addition to live lobsters, Carr Most of the major grocery stores seafood clerk, a customer selects a Carr said. The lobster is then put into said Kroger also offers 30 other kinds carry a variety of seafood ranging live lobster from a tank located in the a box, while still alive, for the cus- of seafood, some fresh, some frozen. from scallops to shrimp to orange seafood department. tomer to take home. So despite the distance from Bowl- roughy. The lobsters are available year- The reason for this, according to ing Green to the shores of the Atlantic According to Milo Boice, meat round. The usual market size of a Carr, is that "you should cook the ocean, there is an abundance of sea- manager at Food Town Super Mar- lobster is 1 and 1/4 pounds to 1 and 3/4 lobster while it's still alive." food to be found and enjoyed here. ket, 840 S. Main St., a fresh supply of pounds, Carr said. "But sometimes Carr said that although this sounds Laura Myers is a junior public relations major from Fmdlay, Ohio. CONGRATULATIONS OFF-CAMPUS LIVING NEW ACTIVES OF Your Business Prof will tell you PHI KAPPA PSI that LOCATION is the single most important element in Real Pat Dodge Jim Cocca Estate. Gregg Gascon Steve Spinks Your friends (and our residents) Mark Smith Walt Szuja will tell you how nice it is to live in a location only three minutes Ken Linhart from Classrooms, the Ad Building, Student Book Ex- change, Clothing Store, Mark's Pizza Pub, University Cleaners, BARNEY'S CONVENIENCE Dorsey's Drugs, Sterling Conve- MART nience Store, Banks and many AND CAR WASH BEER AND WINE AT STATE MINIMUM other businesses. 996 S. Main St. 352-0534 Other Apartment Owners have Doritos Coke & diet Coke told us CAMPUS MANOR is the 11 oz. bag 8 pk. carton $1.69 save40« $1.58 + deposit PREMIER LOCATION for (limit 2) student off-campus living. Little Kings Kegs 55 l2oz servings In stock & cold Cigarettes 85* + tax We will tell you that CAMPUS Generic 61* + tax MANOR is a great place to live. Century 94* + tax Marlboro 25's $1.05 Hole 'n one Donuts + tax Visit CAMPUS MANOR - the close- -made fresh dally- Gene see 1 by apartments. We Deliver 7 a.m. • 11 p.m. Beer Balls 55 12 oz. OFFICE - 505 Clough Street, B-15 Instant Lottery Tickets Serving* PHONE - 352-9302 Uni(£>n Open 24 hrs. 24 hours answering service

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HOWARDS-* CLUB H March 1.2 Aces ft Eights Friday. Saturday

MONDAY. March 4 ^ Beorgia-May Revue $> 210 H. Main Mo Cover 'jwewwe—i»e« ■ i *MIW 14 i. ii by Amy Whltetofd American cheese, pop, and bruised Take a look inside any college stu- dent's refrigerator and observe the Wav back in the corner is a medium following: beer, milk, a jumbo size length, slender bag of what looks like Bagel Bonanza! pack of individual] v wrapped slices of donuts next to a tub of soft spread cream cheese. Now, take a closer look blue cheese. Or show guests bow at the contents of the package; it bagels can be exquisite hors contains bagels. d'oeuvres by serving bagels topped Bagels used to be consumed pri- A kosher way with cream cheese and shrimp. A dab marily by Europeans. Around the of cocktail sauce will complete the turn of the century, immigrant bakers dish nicely. brought the round, chewy rolls to the to be different Bagels aren't just for main dishes; Jewish community in the streets of they can be desserts, too. A banana New York. The common toppings for Perhaps that suggestion is more split, bagel style, is made with bagels in those days were cream appropriate for the bagel lover with a whipped cream cheese, banana cheese and lox (salty, sliced smoked sweet tooth, so the "Red-eye Special" slices, chopped nuts and a spoon of salmon). may be more appealing. The Red-eye strawberry preserves. Or, for those Since then, Americans have be- is a plain bagel covered with chili "you've-got-chocolate-in-my-peanut- come a little more courageous and sauce, ham, onion, and a fried egg. butter" lovers, there's the ''Choco- have strayed from the conventional Those recipes certainly "spice up a peanut melt." Spread a mixture of cream cheese spread, entering into a normally dull breakfast routine. crunchy peanut butter and honey over whole new exciting world of bagel Students are always looking for a a wheat bagel. Sprinkle it with choco- accoutrements. According to the different lunch idea - something other late chips and place under the broiler book. Bagels! Bagels! and more Ba- than the traditional cod-on-bun or until the chips melt. gels! by Nao Hauser and Sue Spitler, Aunt Ruth from the dining hall. How So the days of the conventional the only limit to bagel toppings is the about a bagel "Italiano?" Pour mush- bagel and cream cheese are long rooms sauteed in butter over the gone. From breakfast to dessert, ba- for example the traditional bagel of your choice and top it with a gels can take on a variety of looks and breakfast bagel - a raisin bagel with meatball in spaghetti sauce. tastes. It just takes a little creativity COUBTBSY/HMd MdtaKy * Company cream cheese. Why not try "Apple For dinner, try the "Beef Baron," a and an empty stomach. Pan Dandy," a wheat bagel topped toasted bagel with spicy brown mus- Amy Whiteford is a senior broad- SAVE1.M with slices of sauteed apples and tard spread on top. Follow that up cast journalism major from North f*iniWiHfMr*1 i with rare roast beef and crumbled Canton, Ohio. HAVE-A-SACKI A Sock ol Hamburg**! That It. 6 %lb. Hamburprt *5" Ut In-Tak* OuMtolhrary BJ's FMJ Emporkiw M3f.«*MfKx 352-7603 llttlK

From the producers ol The HIDING PLACE and JONI

I believe THE PROD ICAL may be the most powerful fUm ever made to reach people fot Christ — Bitty Graham How long I've longed • fot films of this caliber to WINTHROP TERRACE be produced — the realism of the story line — the dialogue - - the relevancy of the lyrics of the songs—all of it is NOW RENTING FOR first class —plus the incredible message Joyce Landori THE PRODIGAL is a 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR profound commentary on our present condi tion a mirror in which •Heat *Water 'Cable we all see ourselves It is a Christian film in me best and deepest sense ♦Trash Removal —Rev. Domn D. MOOMMW All included EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT OF $10.00 PER MONTH IF LEASE

181V, S. Main IS SIGNED BY MARCH 31 352-0672 Locations available just 6 blocks from campus Sunday, March 3 400 E. Napoleon 352-9135 9-5 Weekdays, Evenings by appointment 6:00 p.m. HI I'tWHifT tlYn'ti I irffcii tfHWOtlktl tUmtm r i i i in ■ " " 11.11 15 Easy homemade munchies break the chips and dip routine

by Jonet Schreck Ingredients: for five minutes. Remove from heat Bat why not whip up something Graham crackers (saltines can be and add baking soda. Mixture will When friendf get together to watch more palatable? There are many substituted) foam. Pour over popcorn and stir. television or play Trivial Pursuit, the recipes for snacks mat are easy, as 2 sticks of margarine or butter Bake for one hour, stirring every 15 inevitable is bound to happen - the well as inexpensive, to make. 1 cup of brown sugar minutes. munchies strike. At those tunes, stu- 16 OB. package of chocolate chips Cbex Mix is a favorite among col- dents reach for whatever is available The first recipe, commonly and Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. lege students, especially at small in the apartment or dorm room. appropriately known as pig-outs, is Melt two sticks of margarine and add parties. Maybe, if someone has Just been not for the serious dieter. However, the brown sugar. Bring the mixture to "Krocering," there will actually be the end result is too irresistible for a boil for five minutes until it is fluffy. 6 tbs. margarine or butter something as exciting as potato chips most to tarn down. The best feature is Place the crackers in a greased pan 1 tsp. seasoned salt around. its simplicity. and pour the mixture over mem. 4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce Place in oven for five minutes. Re- dash of garlic powder (optional) move and sprinkle with chocolate 2 cups Rice Cbex chips. When the chips melt spread 2 cups Wheat Cbex over the crackers and refrigerate. 2 cups Corn Cbex That's it (Mixed nut and pretzels are optio- The next recipe is a good one for college students to have on hand. The Prebeat oven to 250 degrees. Melt major ingredient - popcorn - is a margarine in a large shallow pan and common feature in any college stu- add the remaining ingredients. Stir dent's diet. Caramel com is quick and and place in oven for one hour, easy to make and is also inexpensive. stirring every 15 minutes. Cool on Ingredients: paper towels. IS cups popped popcorn The recipes require some foresight 1 cup brown sugar to remember to purchase the ingre- 1 stick margarine or butter dients before the munchies strike. 1/2 tsp. salt However, a Kroger run at 10 pjn. is 1/4 cup light corn syrup always an alternative to a boring 1/2 tap. baking soda batch of popcorn. So next time the Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Melt munchies strike, surprise your margarine and add brown sugar, salt friends with something different. and corn syrup. Bring mixture to boil Janet Schreck is a senior public relations major /ram Shelby, Ohio. ■"■■■SPRING BREAK '85/ Lambda Chi Alpha IFMD-X-> would like to congratulate our new officers: m* >MP bnngwig you bar*" Rush Chairman-Bill Thielman ACT II Ritualist-Jeff Haven HAPPY HOUR NIGHTLY 7-9 P.M. Scholarship Chairman-Chris Yeazell BOWUNO OREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Social Chairman-Dave Lewis FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1085 FR€€ ADMISSION lo*abc^(>)aao CuVtomao nn&ui "is < »fl laudaxM* Honda M316.t»»|7ai "O" (IccatM 4 Doom &ov»i of 9u«r*er» on *-1 -At

Om SPRING BREAK '85 16 MI Dump cooking: the art of innovative meal preparation by Dtanno L. Borsl to the idea behind pizza supreme, but meals can even be made using only a easier on the wallet can opener and those dusty cans no There are a lot of myths about Dump cooking can be used for main one remembers (or admits) buying in cooking. Some people think that to be courses, vegetables and even des- the back of the cupboard. good cooks they have to have kitchens serts. You are limited only by your No one can get very excited about that look like the GE commercials imagination and, judging from your vegetables. Something about their come to life or so many fancy utensils last excuse for cutting class, the sky is healthy green appearance stifles even that the can opener looks out of date. the limit the most creative cook. But dump Or good cooking requires fresh ingre- Start by hunting down a chicken at cooking can save the day and relieve dients so you have to hunt down your the nearest grocery store. Resist the guut you feel when your mother own chicken and have the broccoli temptation and pass the fast food calls and asks if you're eating your flown In from-California. places. Head for home where you are And cookbooks i reduce their own going to create a new taste sensation. Cream of anything soup can hide mythology. Filled with recipes that no Toss the chicken into a pan perhaps nearly any vegetable. Some tried and one can even pronounce, the authors with some onions to keep it company. true combinations are cream of seem to assume that kumquats grow Now let your creativity take over. mushroom soup poured over green in everyone's back yard. But for most Glance through the freezer or cup- beans or cheddar cheese soup over of us, cookbooks Just stifle our own board for some compatible vegeta- cauliflower. Add some bread crumbs creativity and we end up feeling like bles. Don't bother measuring - does to the top and some spices, and your we are trying to paint a Van Gogh by your favorite bartender measure? friends will think you've become a number. Add spices by the sniff and pour gourmet chef. So if you think the can opener is the method. Simply open the spice con- With dump cooking, desserts are moat important kitchen appliance (it tainer, sniff and, if you like the smell, easy, too. Remember the time you is), cancel the flight from California, pour some in. Then add water ana were assigned dessert for a pot luck toss out the cookbook and Join the heat. Add a lot of water for soup, just dinner and stopped at the drive-thru ranks of dump cooks. a little for gravy. for two dozen twinkles? Well, those Armed only with a sense of adven- It may sound hazardous, but re- days are over. ture and a hearty appetite, you can member: you are pushing back the Bag a can of crushed pineapple, push back the frontiers of dump cook- frontiers. Perhaps going where no cherry pie filling and yellow cake mix ing. Dump cooking operates on the man or woman has gone before. on your next hunting trip to the gro- mix and match principal. If you like And dump cooking is not limited to cery. Grease a pan and start pouring, one food, you'll love it mixed with fresh food like chicken. Try the dump finishing with the cake mix. Add a few another favorite food. This is similar method with any meat, and great pats of margarine and bake until the top is brown. Presto! You're Julia •CELEBRATE' Child By this time you should be reaching for the can opener, ready to impress SPRING BREAK 85 your next guest But before you head off for fame and fortune, keep in mind * Ft. Lauderdale * two principles. One, don't call your creations dump meals in front of (Hi the beach company. Guests tend to hear their mothers calling and slip out the door. Second, remember even Betty FT. LAUDERDALES PREMIERE Crocker had to start somewhere, so CONCERT AND DANCE CLUB dare to be different And, if all else fails, that big guy down the hall is UiMims L Bora/ is » senior public always hungry, right? relations major from Chagrin Falls, 10amto 6pm P00LS1DE PARTIES Ohio.


Com and Party M 3 AM I EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS or. MM BMCTI' Contort THURSDAY: Look tor NMiooM Concrl Act. $225-fumlshed $200-unfurnished S17J.00 CM PrM SUNDAY: Plus electric. VNtoo MuMc NI«M SSL! Landlord pays gas heat, water & sewage ONE FRK BAR DRJNK OR DRAFT Free memoershlp to Qierrywood Health Spa w/leaw OOOO FWOM 7-t P*J NIGHTLY RMNaUM • mi WW| 214 Napoleon Rd Bowling Green, Ohio I M—il —lA im« rime——1" »AMII»AIAI 352-1195 I -SPRING BREAK '85 i. . 17

ly waahaa up on ahara unawara paadga to ho* dyong lathar thai nam war haro fight i iha Mtabkah OAVTIMf • 1-2-1 CONTACT IRI g I MOTOR WEEK at Nat that aha a rha marmatd ha aha «■>« ■nn tha coat Sahara auto mam to dafand a 'aaarvatron and 1ATUFOAY WIERMUUM ■SMI POCKET BILLIARDS SQUARE FOOT GAR- (FRII aaw aa a chad. PG raca a> a apertt car of h* own itaachool IRI DENING (TMCI MOVIE IMON. WEDI MO daugn ■- laada har no dangpra o* *fj TONrOHT Hoat Johnny MARCH 2. ISM 12:00 avary aorl PG' Caraon ScharMad Roban Blaka 11:30 4:00 • •CSS NEWS • ■■NEWS _ ■ HOC NEWS 8:30 Civriiio Srattiay Scon Gratnaa ..,-.■.#.. IPPI I v CM m SB PRYOR 8 PLACE Om»«y RITUALS O CORONATION STfMIT DO IT FOR YOURSELF ■ AKNfWIg ■ • WALL STT4EET WEEK IABC NEWS NrOHTLINE ■ RYAN'S HOP! • LATENIGHT AMERI- • hart T LOVE SOAT ■ HAPPY DAYS AGAIN OMPH T 8oon* PidUfta > • EDUCATIONAL PRO- ! CA Moai DanrMWhofay • UTTLfSCa HART TO HART IMON. • BUSINESS REPORT rtyprmafi and praaaaaM kapppPa- OHAMMWaO •SPNI SPORTSLOOK • SANFORO ANO SON • MOV* **', CramaPy WED-PRII PoaaumCo 7:10 XANOV OfWPrTH *BF-tlSPORT8CENTER Voura (18381 Lprpfta Young (SPECIAL TREAT (TUEI 7r00 s«o RHODA WOOOwmiOMTt SHOP (TMCI MOV* ft**, -a Oawd Nrvan FANTASTIC FUN FESTI- ■ ■ ENTERTAINMENT JSOS) MONKS lbe UNCLE SEN (PRO Gkda in BkM 11973) Nobart • JOV OF PAINTING VAL TONIGHT '••IU.M MaatuGa STREET HAWK Horman ■ TRANSFORMERS • NEWTON'S APPLE Bkaka Baty Graan 8uah An A*H (TMCI MOV* ft* Maial Xm SESAME STREET CJ format gatkiand may ba ameroaad I DETROIT THIS WEEK MM fona moiortycla cop lurrw datac- I llorm Tha Oaahuction Ol Jarpd- VOLTRON, DEFENDER •OUNOCP a. an Ptogpl armp aaaang oparanon (TMCI MOVIE *••■ Put) (CROP OAME (TUfl iroa to hnd Ihp kakv ol art aldarty Swn 118831 JahVay Byron Tan OP THE UNIVERSE (TUE- WHEEL OF FORTUNE at a ("•«» raapprch lac*ty Q 119771 M starta (*•• I9B3 lam wthom (.Pnqia or Gafco and ihp Siaanoa • m COLLEGE BASKET- ■HUB SUPERFRIENOS: LEG- (TMCI MOVIE ITUE) Scandal Kool B ina Gang ivarraiion Phski) Giaat compoppd 12:00 ENDARY SUPER POWERS BALL loutaiala a* Mamphsa ■ SEARCH FOR TOMOR- Trtompaon I*.** Cuttu-a OUO 4:10 tha rfiuaKal KM O MOV* * * Star ah* m.a SHOW SlPkablata ROW John Wana Oaroace WPkarria SarOOCTOn WHO fwona 11978) Roban Vaughn ! WHAT SNEW? SLOVINO (DIVORCE COURT • VICTORY GAROEN R«* SprMtgfsakl Ksknrty logon*. Chrraiophai Laa AMAZING SPIOER-MAN I LOVE LUCV KIDS OP OEGAASS4 •:30 MO STREET (PRO Roy P«.« J. O CAROL BURNETT ANO ISJ/LOSO ABC WEEKEND Tha Ad- EDUCATIONAL PRO- IOET ALONG GANG iBUSINCSS REPORT FR*NOS 1THREE STOOGES I: I A Two-Mmuia r O ELEPHANT SHOW SESAME STREET GRAMMING M-A*S*M *8PRI USFL FOOTBALL Haw Waraworl A boy -ho a a honor (MONI 10:00 KIO-A-LITTLE S ■MSPEEOWEIK (PRII MACNC-L / LEHRER Jarpay GanaraM «t Orlando Bana Is ? EDISON TWINS (TUEI mov-» Ian Imdp fimiaat lurrwtg HOW COLLEGE BASKET- Si (■ DALLAS P*m and Sua PINK PANTHER AND GOING GREAT (WED) NCWSHOUR vadMiftl •mo a ataraaroH lor iwo-mtrtvM BALL (MON-WEO) Elan l-naah, %4-r tht> iMiiani thay SONS WHAT'S NEW? (THUI *8PN, •PORTSCENT1R 12:28 panoda (Pan 2 of 2) g S.SPNI POCKET BILLIARDS ttavtitMil *uun.| IIM> world io ImJ • SUPERPRatNDO: LEG- 7:SO • MOVW **'/ Tariana (THU) ■ MUSIC VIDEOS (TUE- JR ami Citil craaia a b-g at- Q 0 GOOO ROCKIN- I Schad ENDARY SUPER POWERS Thraa ChaMngaa (18831 Jock (TMC) MOVIE (THU. PRO FRI) • P.M. MAGAZINE '.». O NATIONAL / JOURNAL L*ad wamaia ol iha Oman Our an SHOW Con*i, Um.i.nlv Of Mahonay Woody Sw oda ■SPNI COLLEGE SASKET tcw.1 cuniaal UB40 and thaa •> • MOTORWEEK 14)0 • QUILTING SALL (TUE. PRO SfPtBBMK-i * iConn ) barAarbali # MIAMI VICE Whan Otxfe ifcao It II Happarta Agatn . woaoa I MOVIE IESPHI SPORTSCf NTER KSPNI SOOYSUILOING: plavar Manula Sol art Kara In hr-k. art oM hsynd haa lw ira. I.m HfO Spaadwagon 12:30 IOAVSDAY OF OUR LIVE! soo MR. UNIVERSE COMPETI- • TRI-COUNTV CAMERA: haraaM h.-.. J rPaM an a yangpiar MatkaxM Dokka" and Ruah OMPl MICROCHIP ALL MV CHILDREN I MUPPET SASIES TION (RMMON) STOrNfVPOINT i-*i-il by lnt*nal AHpai S INCREDIBLE HULK ■•PHI WORLD CUP SKIING 12:S0 ISMURFS {TMCI MOVIE (THU, PRII ifAMK.V ftUD IRI Bar FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS AMERICAN BAND- TAXI I MMHTY ORSOTS MO S MATT MOUSTON A. Man Inlarwaw w.ih Bruca Spratgatapn I SESAME STREET (J STANO Guaaia Garmptna Staw 1:10 WaLO. WILD WORLD OP ■ a 0SENSON ttara Io laid out .' young Pag Airy ndooa by Iha Lara f Why Can I I I WILD KINGDOM Pit i Tha Word la Out. I l*a O ■ AS THE WORLD it I iha Blaaiari ( Coiorad 0VIOEO HITS ton haa baan coarcad *>to ro-i-ng "ova Vou' I Tma Tom* I Pr, COMPUTER CHRONI- TURNS WKRP IN CINCINNATI • THREE 8 COMPANY a raagooup cull C J gj grpvory at vata Oancar I Bryan Adama r i'«h'* 1 ■ CLES KSPNI WORLD OP AUTO KSPN) NfL S OREATE8T • VICTORY GARDEN Bob • PEOPLE'S COURT paari by ona of iha mil laadar a 1 Sumaburly I Outpn Ouran (ESPN! SUSINESa TIMES RACING 1SS4 DASHES MOMENTS * prat*, ©f fo-mar Thornaon tkacwpMO tpad garrn.- ■ HE-MAN AND MAS- dacaMaa IRI :j I W«Pi.yPi I MANAGEMENT RSPORT Uc AND SMASHES (R) (THUI Na» York wt nuaioiwl Joa naoon and warla tha Bloom Nor TERS OF THE UNIVERSE I NEWS 1:00 to rtata buamaaa attotmatam lot (TMC! MOVIE IMON. WEDI Namath (R| tpnoa at England (A) fm MISTER ROGERS MONTY PYTHON'S FLY- ■ JIMMY SWAGGART managata atcajotna attatagv ■» 2:00 DUKES OF HAZZARO BOO ING CIRCUS •B MOV* *** Mtadar auaa lachnotopy. and a 'awaw ot 1:00 S ANOTHER WORLD IISPNI AUTO RACING O • MOVIE *** * Tha (TMC) MOV* • . 1990 Tha me H960I Stuart Wh.iman Waa Sttaai actiMtwa 0 SPORTSWCfKINO ONE LIPE TO LIVE (WEDI vVujrd 0> 0/ 119391 Judy Gar Bran. Wariaxi 119131 V* Mar Schpdukad Woman ■ World f.i* May Br.11 S:SO IEEPM1 PKA FULL CONTACT (TMO MOVIE IMON. WEDI land Ray Bo»oa. BMM on iha L raw FIEMI W*anion In iha nppr downhtN akang horn VM Coaara 1:28 ■ DUNGEONS ANO DRA- KARATE (PRII Fiank Boon. chPdrart a daaajc A twtvaa iwo > ganga form an al do Cpfiadkpn man i downhal aki MO O HOUSE CALLS GONS (TMC! MOVIE (TUEI •) JEPPERSONS tornado «»«•»• a Kaneaa farm pal hanca ai tha no-man a land crl tha Shorn WlMllar 8 C 1:90 S JUST LIKE MOM 2:10 )NEWB to tha rnaOKal Und d Of whara Sroni to baiila a corrt«H agaM o" COLLEGE BASKETBALL (TMC) MOV* ** Whan A GREAT SPACE COAST- ■ ■CAPITOL I THREE'S COMPANY aha jo*"* a Maocrow a lai iha Manhattan Corpot'lam and North Caroanp at Ouka 8! Slrangar CaP» H9'9l Carol ER aroodarnan and a cowardK Mm on control tha riana ol Naw Vert «PNI LPGA GOLF (MONI JM-A-S-H B TURSO TEEN fat ■) FRUGAL GOURMET an ortym, io maal a sirondartut CrtV R Kana Charkn Ourrang Jt" Srtuih praparM port prcatta ■SPM HARNESS RACING ■ ELECTRIC COMPANY ■ LORNE GREENE'S NEW •vifMrf IP.1Q 2:00 paaa and paata. and a apaghani CLAW OP S4 (TUEI IRI 10:90 WS.OERNESS 0 TOMMV HUNTER 4fa.MOV*P* Crowhavan frrttata IESPNI AUTO RACING: SNEW TECH TIMES (FRII S BACKSTAGE AT THS ■ EDUCATIONAL COM 1 SHOW Guaaia Tammy Wynana 19S4 CART AWARDS CROP GAME (MONI COTTON CLUB Gragory Hataa Farm H970I riopa Langa Lloyd PUTINQ PROFILE B-SPN, WORLD OP AUTO . I lova ina World Away' I. Carnal Bochnar RACING: 1884 DASHES (WIDI ■ ON THE LINE (TUEI Mpurca Hataa and Lonano McKaa (TMCI MOVIE •* Cam Bakar I l va Mavar ftaan Th,. Far O CARRY ON LAUGHING AND SMASHE S Ot) •SPNI WORLD CUP SKIINO SART BEAT (WED) dracuaa Iha raM Hprtam raghtcM) MMSIRooloan Jactu*na•al- Belora I. Con-va, Twilly • NEWS (TMU1 UNIVERSITY PERSPEC- and Ihp Francra Ford Coppola him lot ITaSO MOV* **v) vaaay 1 Somabody a Naadm Soma ■ Gai 119831 Ncoiaa Caaa Da (TMC) MOVIE (THU) TIVE (THUI .n airach thay aipr 2:10 HMO body ) Ta.ryCa.-iMi Tha Ck» (OOO COUPLE • NEWS borah Foraman MO ■ ■ BUGS SUNNY / Ml Th«g io Vou I FAONTY PYTHON'S FLY- I OUIOINO LIGHT MO ROAROAD RUNNER 1:30 • MOVIE ** Tana Bomb ING CIRCUS t CORONATION STREET 0 MOVW **a Vow IVtOEOGAME 119841 Morgan FaactMd Bd, I BONANZA 1100 Paai la (1BB8I T«.,, Sat THIS OLD HOUSE | SANTA SARSARA Daa VWhami A r-gnr, ••nad I DRAGON Si AIR 1 GENERAL HOSPITAL OO08J1C)N€WS Thomaa Pptpr Saaara Compkyhon pf lloonng: mat akatton laam o* tranaport apaoaMn ai- I WONDERWORKS Si WB.O. WILO WORLD OP KSPFI) SPORTSCENTIR 01 a wood aiova Q I WOODY WOODPECKER tampia io inwari a tarronai group MOVIE »*« Tha «a- I THIS OLD HOUSE (FRO ANIMALS t|MOV-E*P DtaryOIA p4oti>->g io hiact »n armoiad .«»".- 3:10 ■anojati 119 721 WAam Holdan SWKRP IN CINCINNATI Madman (1883) Vaxam Pnca. ACRYLIC PAINTING eta haiAng p(ulon DENING (TUEI CSPNI FISHIN' HOLE (R) Bat • COLLEGE BASKET- ■ ■ ■ NEWS WEEK IN REVIEW aMO Joraav Gonarpa at Orlando Kana • NEW YORK'S MASTER BALL VAanova ai Priiaburgh ■ S10O.000 NAME THAT • MOV* **# Tna Naa. 11:28 IB MOV* ** Blood And gadaalRI m LITTLE HOUSE ON THC CHEFS (WEDI TUNE Caniur-ana (1972) Gaorga C O GOOO ROCKIN* I Schad- laca M971I G«r.a Grphama • COMPUTER CHRONI- ioao PRAM* • MACNEH / LEHRSR SCOII. Slecy Kaacn Tha da#y •aad wmnara of th* Duran Oman Matody P attar ton ■ ALVIN ANO THE CHIP- CLES (THUI • •» HOUSE POM ALL NEWSHOUR Inraa o# itVM Loa Angaaaa L*KO trma contMl UB40 and thaa ■> IB* SPORTSLOOK (R) MUNKS CfPNI POCKET BILLIARDS dPO M II Happarta Agpat . ytdPOP SEASONS A tour o> acuaaa .->■ IDIFFRENT STROKES man prowa io ba hvarctout ai 4-00 ■ SCOOSY-OOO MYSTER- (TUEI by tha Fam RfcO Spaadwagon da Kalaay a oolat homa EDUCATIONAL COM- ■waP aa 'aw*d>ng CSPNI FITNESS MAGAZINE •SPNI TENNIS (WEDI Madonna Ookkan and Ruah ESPNt COLLEGE BASKET- PUTING PROFILE C8PN) USFL fKXJTBALl. Naw Hoat* Torn and Nancy Saavar 95■ PET ACTION LINE (TMCI MOVIE (FRII BALL Mwouarta ot OaPaul (THC) MOVII * * * V, Jaraay Ganaraia at Orlando Rana- 11:30 n 1100 2:30 MO 'Spajati' I19S4I Tom HarWi gadaa (TAXI 4:SO O CORONATION STREET • Sat LAP QUILTING Pubfec I JUST LIKE MOM Op* Hannah A Naw Yorti bache- flMCl MOV* * H Sahara MOV* *P>VJ ThpTripiOl CSPN) POCKET SPU-IARDS SKIDD VIDEO TV vtawars produca a OMU Kir a PORKY PIG AND lor wiihoui much luccaaa at am (1884) Brooka ShaMda Larnbarl BAN Jock 11974) Tom LauQhhn Caaaata Tahoe Claaa-: woman'a SCARY SCOOBV FUN- FRIENDS local Biawm a aucbon hRa lor a baaotilti tprl who NiarM- vWaon in tha 1920a an haraaa . OatOrMTaylo. A harr-lr-San v«f- fma. horn Laa Vagaa Nay (Rp I NIES Grand Opening Trust ATTENTION in your TOUDO 77— THE BULLPEN future. is buying & selling baseball and DiBENEDETTO'S football cards, album's, sheets, New Pool Room Wfeda Cliff Kurt from the Music Connection etc. Come and see us for your will be spinning your favorite records 9 needs. to 1, plus we'll be giving away many LOCATIONS: FREE prizes throughout the evening. BOWLING GREEN E1MDLAY THE BULLPEN Come in, or ask our delivery persons to 100 S. MAIN ST 418 S. MAIN ST. 1021 Revere Dr. & W. Poe Rd. bring an entry blank with your deliv- 1098 N MAIN ST 1660TTFFIN Bowling Green. Ohio 43402 ' 327 S MAIN ST. Phone (419) 352-0276 ery. Win — pool sticks, T-shirts, a four Gary foot party sub & beverages, hats, ^A**^ E FHONT ST CAP^ OPEN Ul Monday-Saturday albums, etc. iM — Li* ■


lai.ona I1B7B1 Anunatad punkw becauaa the a COLLEGE BASKETBALL BBtBJ BPOftTSWtfKIND lAKNtWfg Adaptad bom Charkn Onban a threaten, her atandmg wthn har Indiana at Iowa « CSC NEWS Scon Tournament of ' NATURE A look at tha "oval An orphanad Boy ■ bfa peer group R (COMMUNITY CLOSEUP 9PORTSV-ORL0 Sohad- ioapray i ah* cycla. bom hatchmg ubtd: Japaneee Grand Sumo Hm ICwitMl MHWi curt- changaa whan a myttanoua ban* 11:1B a WASHINGTON ■"jl bee tram Wwnm men s •» tha Scotueh hughlanaa through factor makai nan waafthy a NEWS WEEK IN REVIEW Wreetang Tomnerrtent bom To- a NBA BASKETBALL De kyo: World Bobaaad Chamf-on and *om*n ■ world sprint nugrehon to Abca and tha annual • MOV««I SI Bar-., Tha 11:20 return to Scotland MIQ von futon, at Boeton CaRca atwp. bom CervsMd. Haty. W*>iimg chempwneha)* bom Da) M9&H Dck Haymaa Nauj a ASC NEWS CJ HoBenrJ; man s World C<*> doem- •J STAN TREK Fach Thraa con man. ludaig out 1:30 a AUTO RACING Vnntorne- •J BACK OF THE BOOK 11:SO bonda . hdl M »na. bom Japan at a mimon to aacapa pokoa. lOflO JHYMN SrNG «FNI SPORTSCf NTtR poaa aa dargyman and wind up a MOVIE * * * The N.gM a FRONTLINE An eepfotPbon B) COLLEGE BASKETBALL a WESTERN GARDENER MOV* •* »■ lha Eagle Kentucky ai Loueuene State on tha load lo roformation Of The iguana IIBB4I Ichard of the m-tw, artdpokweat leeoea S:SO Burton Oaborah Karr Thraa a DAY OF OfOCOVfRY Ma. Landed H9T7I M*heei • BOVW.INQ Si 25 000 Lit* ICBSNEWS - BOO Gene DoneW SuthdrtanaJ ■ weed by the IBB* inmam of woman touring Meaco •* at- %■ NOVA 241 US Mar-tee >i Lebanon Q Baar Open We frixn Buckeye I THIS WEEK IN PARLIA- a AJRWOLF Hawk, and San (EMERGENCY a a WALL ITRUT WEEK Lanee, Ofcn.ieed Oh-> weed by thee gurtle a former a LIFESTYLES OF THI Mi.MENT hn< vatiiyj(* whan a country WORKING WOMEN Guaat T Boona Piehafia Jr. RICH AND FAMOUS i-tw • «W VQmC'S MASTIR I 13 REPORTS mua< atar • M. >■ thraatanad by chaeman and preside"! Meaa I*. 0 MOVIE * * * Great M* (TMO MOVK ** Recklaaa CHEFS AT THE MOVIES Schad har managai BobjumCo ween wdh lanp Turner. Cltm aovn ftaejr' IIBBOl MacdonaM H9I4I Aelan Chenn Daryl Han Ew«1 Lloyd Hugh Down. Cabtor- • MOVIE **H Capt*r> uM Roger (bail and Gana Sejkel BBPNI COLLEGE BASKET- a COLLEGE BASKETBALL Carey Wendel Corey The Jamea neh Name And Tha Underwater dry nMOw "Tha Suni Treng," Ma BALL Maryland at Vegwea net wete ketg Robed Mondev Ctuo Stata ai Mmnaaota and Younger boy* bagm to '.da 1CVSO 11*701 Robert ftyen Owe* Cor* rets lovwi ' Tha Purpta Roaa a LOVE BOAT On hw 1|th beauty a«aart Bdwerly Saaiopn tha outlaw mi I pat a NORTH COAST MAGA- MO and goeae columneii nors Of Co and Tha Baaoh Boy* balhdoy V MATINEE AT THE BI- haaa a daMciwa lo kxata her col Ebert |oei boat B*y Cryital for tha a ONE ON ONE a RCAR VIEW MIRROR broka. Dor, r Cheet -> Our JOU Featured Prelude To War ktga lama a man twgrwig am 6:30 feel SN* Fwn ieinvet feaiuiing a I ORAL ROBERTS Featured Slen Demel. look .1 Hometown and Uncle San" 11*42). a documantafy deocted naM buarih wrth h.. ** hancm a LOST KINGDOMS cofHxion of '4m eagmenti bom I ST ARCADE manwd kfe No Two People Naomi and Wynonnt Jwdd ang by Frank Capra. a 1642 carraon BJQ staneig Joeaph Shan* and Mary the UHI »■«* year, of the aaiNM IPRESENTE Mama. He's Gary and Why and nawvaai and Chaptor 4 of SSPM1 USFL FOOTBALL lot Semdge The Tap* Recorder EWNtNG NotMe> ' a AUSTIN CITY LIMITS CBPN)tm FISHtN' HOLE IRI loal Cm/ Ol Tha Jungta An gala. frp"»» at Portland Faaauied Gian Campbea (Gentle epwoae bom the earuM Frogiam nMC) MOV* **■. 'ttsjr 11:00 119461 IRI Braakwt on My Mmd Slow Night. ) X a tern record of a day m the Prene Meeatar Lee ftooney Eddy Reven i Thank God lor I COMMENT S MOPPETS M9B3lRoblowa Jacquakna Bd I! lar Paaraon. From Tha Heart «K» Who Do You Know at WORSHIP FOR SHUT- IN CONCERT ffad Sade aal A prap tchool atudant am CanedujnFoh Arnata. profeaaof MO REAL FISHING SHOW CakfoinM' l INS •9 GREAT CHEFS OF NCW fj HIE HAW Feeheed Tom T barkt on an affa. wrth an atuat IB sell taught Canadian fob art 11:36 a KI06 INCORPORATED ICBSNEWS OSLCANS Hal JMnGbMai two okdar woman, unaww. thai MS a STAR SEARCH a THE LIVING PLANET: A y MINORITY REPORT fj DIVORCE COURT aha % hi» .oonunata a mother N a MOVK **** How 4:O0 PORTRAIT OF THE EARTH I FAME Coco ttnee G-npell 6B0 SOLID QaDHoii R<» 11x40 Green Waa My Vahey 11941) O MOV* ** The Oueet MO ! WRESTLING return, lo gal har dpioma and (19781 Tan Madia ton. Im Rue- Oees buaati Jack Wagner. Enh) a MOVK * * * Red IW a THE PRISONER Watte. Fhdgeon Mauraen 0 Hera TONY BROWN'S JOUR- end. up bieig caat m a production lenahl. Now Cdmon PM Cobna It9481 John Wayne Montgom I2O0 a IN SEARCH Of EXCEL- •ai NAL by a famoua .ehrad deector IM> AI Jarraau. Fat BanaUr Iwdaol ' ary Cbft A young man and he> a S.W.A.T. LENCE Baaad on the book by • SPOUTS SATUflOAY SPN) BUSINESS TIMES ion(onBerWH a SPN) SPORTSCENTER ■ Thome. J Patera and Robert H Scheduled American Cup Gym fj MASTERPIECE THE- ltapfather quarrel owar the lOuM ■ MANAGEMENT REPORT Up | VICTORY GARDEN naehca prekmanary competitions ATRE tha Jaw* m Tha of tha* (Mtle r»..« Watermen jr thai documentary 12:30 lo rUH» iHiunes. ntoimelion tor I STAR TREK kve from IndhenapoM Crown Sarah >« to prauanl a PRECIOUS LEGACY A B1SPN) COLLEGE BASKET looks at the rtMimctrv* gmltm of managers etdutkng abetegy. m- I OHIO BUSINESS OUT- •derrick i marriage lo Suean by documrniary auryey of awfetta wghi Amwican buimoaeel l fj TONY SHOWN'8 JOUtV BALL Oh*) Statr jl Minretota sue. technology and • rowew of LOOK MAL ontecting. an old 'rend who bom 'tagua a CrachoaMvak^ 12:36 Waa Sheet at rnnten (R) MO ■arm COLLEGE BASKET- Stair Cowuiton of Judaea •9 MUSK IN TIME ■now* about tha maior • past a SOUL TRAIN fTMO MOVK * * •* M mght BALL Sun Baft Confaranca 11:30 KSMI COLLEGE SASKET- IPart 11 of I4|CJ chmrwc BMJ Canual Euirpaan Jaw Long' (1981) Gene Heckman Chempaonsnp kue bom Hamp- 12:40 .f FACE THE NATION SALL Waka fore.1 at North Ce KBPNI COLLEGE BASKET »ah ruatuiy before during and a* Barbra Snwund ton. Va 8 WRESTLING 5"g| AROUNDARC TOWN lOBna State BALL Sun Bah Confaranca Sam. tw World War II (TMO MOVIE **W The ima< bom Hampton. Va 12:46 a) SUNDAYsun MASS MO 4:»0 10:00 a RGA GOLF Honda Oaaac. Bteck SlKkon Return (19*31 (TMCI MOVIE •# Uetd a THISTHI WEEK WITH DA- 69 WIDE WORLD OF (TMQ MOVK *•* Baa O a COVER UP Dan. and Jack KeBy Reno Ten Gen A boy Hav- atom The OeetiuctMjn 01 Jarad- VTOBR INKLE Y hne) round, kva bom Tournament SPORTS Scheduled Aaron Fryof Fra 118421 GwyCoopar Barba help a cyncel American lomecban Players Club at Coral Spnngs Fla el, to the Sahara Doaart to hnj Syn 119831 Jefbey Byion T-n a INTERNATIONAL EDI- v* Gary rhnton (or tha IB F world ■ a Sianwytk A gioup of priaay (Jack CarMri go bahmd the Iron hw betoved Arabum staseon T homer eon TION MO junav wajMafwaadM Mia. eched- prohruora laaaarctung a dKhon Curiam to >eban« die daughter ha wtwrh waa reclaimed by its prow (TMO MOVK** F .near, at a MOV* *** Kung Fu >ead 'of 16 rounda. fcve bom At ary ol Amarcan aUng bacoma w> neuw knew he had 1:00 oueoumer PG do 119*2) KUM Ketek.. OaudM IIB'll Dawd CarreoVte Berry lent* Crfy. N J Tha Florida Dm •Ohwd wrth a gang of thuga and a a NIW YORK HOT a BERRENGERS Krucak Cankrujte 6:30 cabaiat Hngw TRACKS Scheduled new yuJaoa by. a maes raoa tar three year ok) ptott revenge agaanat Sanon Lau- a MY HEART. YOUR a CSS NEWS by Madonna I Material Grl I. Al ihcooghbrad* leading up lo tha 7: SO iel come* out of iMfeng. Cammw HEART Newsman Jan Lehrar re BJ HOTLINE Jeneaul Ragyng Watar'l and tha Kaniucky Oarby »ve bom Gull ! MOPPETS •a concerned thai 6*, ■ gembkng caa. he) 19*3 heart attack »ur •J NBC NEWS Commodore. I NedHahdt ) Car Sbaam Pan m HdUndeMi Fla DON CHERRY'S GRAPE- addition may wrack the. rat gary end lahebeVlbbon at thd re- a a ADAM SMITH'S VINE Guatt SchmaR. lonatMp k*. oa Jatua hoata bom Pared*. 0 MAGIC OF OB. PAINT- 12:0O port on heart dwweeo mcludng an MONEY WORLD Garage ING fj WEEKEND MAGAZINE a FINDER OF LOST LOVES a a COLLEGE BASKET- update on recant anprovamanta m a MOVIE *** The Black 7rO0 Faaturad banxd tha aoanM of A man aaki Cary to kxMa what BALL Wesfungton at None eujgnoeis end eeetmwnt. Q MB Marble II960I Robert »o~orth a a BO MINUTES • PQA GOLF Honda Caw rha aoap Santa Barbara, and an aaama to be the ghoat of IM wde Dame BBPNIFtSHIN- HOLE a FRAGGLE ROCK Whan athvMaw wMh March Wofcar and e men t magume pubkahar Paula Prantew Herd round, hva horn tha Tourna- a MEETING PLACE From Red dweovw. hw fewjnta radMA A Martawf. 4 qu-», lour Of Eu- want, to hnd the eon he lathered 1:90 4:00 mant Players Club at Coral Iomonton Alt. the Rev Gary a MOVIE **'-. Sc-tout 'opa Pak«tan and Onowa Cana- wrth a former centerfold Q a WORLD VISION Harder F«»i Mennon-te Church Sp.->g. f-u beat bwnd CJ da a MYSTERY! Agatha Oma- (IBBSI Ehea Praetey ShaBey Fb- •J MYSTERYI Aoethe Chne- 1:40 a HM3H SCHOOL QUIZ baree a NEW HORIZON'S ha Mysianea ■' A woman who ' Kenton V* Swan ton ia> Mystarete ■ A woman who a HOUSE CALLS a SPORTS SUNDAY Sched- SOSCRING UP AMERICA MO euapetta har huaband of amdakty a NEW TECH TIMES A euapecia har huaband of inhdeM* • ■ OTHERWORLD Traca MO uled Amarxan Cup Gymnaabca. a RB»LEY-S BELIEVE IT OR aaeka help bom a pareonal con- computer aided leocheig ayatam; aaaha heap bom a par aortal cor a MOVIE **'> ThaLaw- mans and women s hnah k-a NOTI Tha B i MUM loBowad lava *» a provMca auMam IJ auHant Q yae" I1B701 Barry Newman. Har- Iteahtach cattle rancheig. Korea horn tnoMnapoe. tha IB* century gold nejfi at 11:00 i ante., the VCR market 6l ST A* SEARCH SaaaNE ws old Gould a TO BC ANNOUNCED Sutler a M* at Caaforrua. Be* Be) Wm_D AMERICA A look at a * AME Chns caacouara thet model city he the mytfecal kevj O NHL HOCKEY Now York NATIONAL CJ 2:20 BSPN) WOMEN S TENNIS a pa* of orphanad hahare CM lame bretga ita ahere of problem. kdandari #i Toronw Mapka Laafa WBXIAM GRANT BTKL: OMC) MOV* #* Vejfanta ChryUw Team Champoneha) ft- dom of Shengn-La how Via 0*1* sued members ol tha aojejejej *em after he and Danny • comedy act • COLLCOE BASKETBALL TRAB mt A7TR FROM THE (19831 Robert For.iw Fred We- nal match, ewe bom La Coata. Lama eecaped to kvBa through ■h. roacuod and adopted by Many turna out to be a autwea WMtarn Michajan al ToMdo SOUTH Author Ahn Hahyy hoata I. am l on CaM Stouflar a lamay (Fart I of 2IQ a NOVA An lurnnKen of a T.J HOOKER Tvromis ttua mwacal prohte of the biack (TMC) MOVIE ** little Dtrt- 2:30 choohyrVe acqwa>i«m of lenguege Clown Why*" A 9 year ed deector (Me EVCNMO muacal aura MoaM Moor*. Rob- fTMCl MOVIE * * B Vatay 4.00 m wfuch they >tw art GudUuma and Sharman Hama- GaT (IBB3I Ncolaa Cage. De- a MOVIE ••* Canara BBBBt. fTMO MOVIE +*"> The ion Bart.) MB borah Foreman A rugh achool gH Army MBSBI Stephen Boyd. IBM Lonely Guy"II944) Steve Manet 7: SO OSfjNEWB I MOVIE * * Graat Eapac braafci off har romance with a Robert Hooks a COUNTRY CANADA Char*. Groom

352-8459 Hairways vThrliT.k^^ee^Lw* ^KeT/' HUTCH luuirrluuiBr: B--BP^ wmwiii M'ii l.ll I. WM M UriM OraM OH 41UI "HERE FOR ALL •WE HAVE OVER 150 FRESHWATER PHONE YOUR HAIR NEEDS" TANKS AND 1000 GALONS OF SALT WATER STOCKED FOR YOUR NEEDS 353-1045 DIANN DEBBIE •2 FOR ION ASSORTED WEEKEND SHERRY JUDY TROPICAL FISH SPECIAL 428 E. Wooster DONNA BEV -She's new "™Fnv5AWUM?4ojn™"" •$1 OFF AQUARIUM GRAVEL Friendship Bouquets lllf E. Wooster •White Cockateii & Starter Kit $99.99 $3.50 STADIUM PLAZA 352-2107 WDeoyoaaMatJontbiiad '""*• GwiTkraJ-IHS Cash* Carry 1.11 19

> oabysrt Constable pray to !» waddmg Wabster s B:30 CSPNI COLLEGE atASKET- twnationji thwf Albert Grand IFar- TUESDAY activit-s PO John's dog bui in* nigh ipa-ited siarimg a video deimg serv Cry Tar PRACTICAL JOKES Otymp-j is looking lor Iha vacationing Is Joksrte s coach whan the decide* gymnast Much Geyford is the HO- back* BOO M.O. J T brmg* m a beg lady rorf' I197B) Susan Hamp*haa Caataea Mnv Oeu -- to try out for a professional be* tan of a practical joke; what* oa- 0 0 MURDER, SHE who's bean wandering m (ha ram BobHoakms 0 NATIONAL / JOURNAL keibaa team Q WROTE Jessica mher.ts • key w*th a larroua caaa of broncfuhe teprnws shop commercial goof* 12:30 EVTWNG 0 WHO'S THE BOSS? C? percentage of • protassronei foot wdh Andy Griffith John Cteas* 0 BILLY GRAHAM Gloria suspects har 12 yea- old • TAKING ADVANTAGE BOO Ml mm and rmde her see) purau- daughter of drug abuse and Ron Howard CRUSADE 0 0 MOVIE "-de Dont Blh* OMW ■ • ilM) IBM 0 HARDCASTLE B> CTMC1 MOVIE * * L.ttlo Oarl BOO O LAWYERS A •sport on Iha THI IPramraral Michael Ontkeen SEEING THINGS •inM hundreds of permanent boards TAKING ADVANTAGE MCCORMICK Much to tha inga I1BS0I Taium 0 Na*l Kfe> 000 NEWS NEWS 0 SIOO.OOO NAME THAT JoBeth Wahams An mdppandani ««" raponar. Low* s mvestiga and tribunals m Canada that mate pudge s chagrin a former Nan ty McNiehoi Ai sumrnar camp CHILDREN RUNNING TUNE filmmaker tasaarching child lion o* a murder lead* hen into a laws, ethough they ara not w Siorm trooper and a World War II two teen age gels compete lo see FOUT OF TIME 0 MACNEB- / LEHRER rnoktBiation lor a docunsaniary dangerous caaa invorvmg iha At- ways slatted by lawyers Q cml defense worker arS icourmg who w* be the led to lose her NEWSHOUR drscovws hra naw lound knowl- posei of nuclear wast* (Pan 1 of 0 MYSTT.RYI Agaiha Chr.t 1:2B Is* beach lot a cache of buried vegin.ty B 0 DIFF RENT STROKES edge * having a profound affect Ira Mysteries II A woman who (TMC) MOVIE •** . ia gold g 10:30 0 ROD AND REEL on hra ratat«n*rMp with rue lamey • KNIGHT RIDER M«he*i suspects har husband of mhdaaty Cage Au. FoUas (19791 ugo 0 ALL CREATURES GREAT 0 O DEATH AND THE (TMC) MOVIE * *■. Brady s 0 WAYNE B SHUSTER IN- fee** dang* at a n*w construe seeks help from a personal con- lognai/i MrchafSariauti AND SMALL II MISTRESS OF DELAY An e. fscape (1984) John Savage TERNATIONAL Q i-on »iia aa ha s**rch*a tor *«- suHant : J 0 MOVIE * * Hard Tana* emmet>on of issues concerning Keby Reno A downed American 0 RIPTIDE Cody Nek and Bor dance lo clear Itia reputation of a (ITS YOUR BUSINESS MONDAY I1B7SI Ctfarias Bremscm jama* capital pumahmeni a* viewed by bomber pilot Imds unkkaty war agree lo protect a band who murdered engineer GREAT PERFORM Coburn Outmg the Depression a lour peopte drrecity affected by ■sine efke* m Iha rugged Monger, cleans the CIA a houndmg han • ROONEV DANOERFlELD ANCES Koyaantaqaisi V-ws ISURCH4. IHI down end-Out driller lights his > lor -I* s death penally *n csAos includmg an orphan boy about las soon to be putwahed EXPOSED 'aeiured at /any skus of Iha American landscape era way to the top of the Naw Or 1 1:00 who come* lo hero worsfup hrni ■BBBI ara special guests mciudmg Mar- awtapoaad win image* of uiys leans tuning u en* OO000NEWS 0 MACGRUDER B LOUD Ban Fa* chad Harvey Korman. 0 WONDERWORKS lad Of MO cap** at lhat ci«.aay accuwnad 0 VtrtLO. WH.0 WORLD OF Malcolm and Jenny a lives are Oca Butku* and Bubbe Smith g A Tiger A young modal aapfana OB CBS NEWS 1981 fern without dialogue or ANIMALS compacated lurthw when * new* 0 9 NATURE A Survey of buff gals help bom an old peoi 0 NBC NEWS narration Phwp Glass composed 0 WKRP IN CINCINNATI isporier assigned lo accompany Iha vest katp araaa on Iha bottom and three ghosts whan h* nws to 0 ABC NEVVSg the musical score • CO 0 CROP GAME them lest m lov* with Mafcokn of tha FacAc Ocean that provide rebuild a Tiger Molh lighter plane O HAPPY DAYS AGAIN iTftsCI MOVsE • *• Stay OSSEBNEWS lESPNI WOMEN'S SKIING food fo> cowntiaaa creatures 11) 0 BUSINESS REPORT Hungry I 19 7fll Jeff Br.dges Sal #3 BlOO OOO NAME THAT Q M-rrmfoli »H»»t Ci* from North IfSPNI USFL FOOTBALL IESPN) WORLO CLASS 0 0 FRONTLINE Buymg ly Fwld Tha offbeat soon of an TUNE Conway N H IRl Tha Bomb Tha result i of an m 0 PUTTIN' ON THE HITS old Southern lamey tries to save a MempiMS Stv-wlM.jlv at Jachson WOMEN |R» •J MACNEfL / LEHHER 11:30 vert•gation by Puktnr pnra wm Songja Cool Jar* Signed veteBulK 7:0O seamy gym horn tna hands of >aaf NEWSHOUR 0TAXI rung reporter Seymour Harsh that Saalad Oahvarad. Bad G-H fTsBCI MOWE * * * ...■■■■ O 0 ENTERTAINMENT estate speculators fl # DIFF RENT STROKES O MOVIE ** A Black VM reveal Pakistan a efforts to pur- (vwybody Naada Somebody To Of The Both Snatihert i '9781 TONIGHT Featured Don John I03O EB ADAM SMITH'S MONEY lor Irs* (19691 John Mais luci chase nuclear parts trom U S low ' Pssaade* Part and Donald Suthedjnd Brooke i I Miami V.. ) © KENNETH CORCLAND WORLD ana Pahun The head of a narcot cornpena* IJ lati Go Ow, Judges Mi- AiUm\ Snik-if i-i iha high and A J s >-*i» for a coad s sports (TMQ MOVtC ** Reckless • ROCK ABY Scenes from f bvas Pi, 0M*A*S*H ESPN! BOOYBUK.DING Ms haarsats and »n aniaa perform •ow pomis Tf their siormy mar m put* ihem on th* trad of a Gtympa Competiiion horn Mem M98«) Aidan Ouatn Daryi Han S30 0 MAC NEK. / LEHRER ance of Samuel Beckett s plav ai ru^St ft lomphcetert underground stolen ■real IRl nan A young motorcycle enthus- O DANGER BAY Jonahs NEWSHOUR •IS world pramwfa m Buffalo 6:30 Srghl i* impeiied *lwi he and Ni tm iwlwork IRl aai who** Ma haa been mada KSPNI SPORTSCENTER 10:00 unwhotaaoma By an aKohoK fa NV wrlhacltessBtlWVVniiataw O El CBS NEWS cote diu-uver thai the area Ihev 0 BEST OF CARSON HOSI O NATIONAL / JOURNAL )«l I NSC NEWS are snorkakng m is polluted by a Johnny Carsnn Guasis itrhak 7:30 lhar become* mvofvad wrth a gal O P.M. MAGAZINE A stunt CSPNI SPORTSCENTFR ABC NEWS C? IOIH •hemnal iRl P-lmari Wfham I Buckley > who >• loo good for him ft skajr country and western smgar 0 REMINGTON STEELE SHARPY OAYS AGAIN (Rl S:30 BOO Tarry Hameton a now wmiar Issnvngton a drugged and lor ONEWSFINAL BUSINESS REPORT 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 0 TALES FROM THE 0 ABC NEWS Q OKATEBALLIE sport bottom busimg luted when ha and Laura mvaan ESPN! SPORTSLOOK O REACH FOR THE TOP 0 0 LATE NIGHT AMERI- gala tha suspwiou* death of an DAHKStOt Tha twm Mtar of a 11:30 CA Scheiiuktd author Jack G*» O GEORGE B MILDRED daad computar wr*r tra* lo bring 7:0O Centennial vs Sandw TAXI 0 MOONLIGHTING Private luted Roger tbeti and Gene Sskal TONIGHT Featured Tma Turner 0 SANFORO AND SON mvesiigeiors Maddw Hay** and George Nankervis and Dr Robert 0 WILD. WILD WORLD OF 9:00 Iravrew The Sura Thmg Ma OSHELLEY • Judd discuss chadhood dnweaa lESPNI SPORTSCENTER Dawd Addaon lac* revenge and • m CRAZY LIKE A FOX ANIMALS Inas lovers The Purple Rot* 0 WHEEL OF FORTUNE and •mmunujations 11:4S terror wh*n may help an old man Aftar Harry aaaa a (allow patient lOf Caeo and the Beech Boy* 0 THREE'S COMPANY B BILLY GRAHAM 0 MOVIE Romance On The (TMC) MOVIE * Caiharme 4 search lor ha masmg son Q murdered m the hospital by a man An Amwrcan Band lESPNI WINNING GOLF CRUSADE Orient E ■press (Premwral Cheryl Co M973I Jane B*km Patnck 0 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS with a "tip tha k'Har targets hrm IfJ MOVIE * ft 'i My Guests BrKy Casper Charts* Srf- S BUSINESS REPORT Ladd John G«rgud An American Dawaara A Bntrsh gal m Paris be Featured Joe Ely ( I Got My Hariraon and Cmdy tard 'Spy (I9S1I Bob Hope Hedy M*A*»*H maganne editor rekmdtes an old coma* a proshtut* and hnda it Hopes Lip -ugh Dakaa I Enc O FOR THE RECORD Fattw, ilamarr An American aniartamar W MACNEB. / LEHRER low) affarr w,th a daehmg Enghsh aspedrenl to mcorporata R MO Johnson I On Bratot Shores HM (Bram Over) .a released ■mparsonata* a spy m order to pb NfWSMOUB man whae Iravarmg horn Venice IteOO 0 0 JEFFERSONS Georga s I m Fmckng You I from prison m Central America tam secret plane for tha U S attempt to help lomse run a bui- CBPNI SPORTSCENTER to Pans aboard tha fabled iram 0 STREETS OF SAN 0 BILLY GRAHAM but whan iha Church reassigns m ENTERTAINMENT THIS ness leads to near disaster Q 7:30 FRANCISCO CRUSADE O han lo a sm*» country parish m WEEK Featured Cyb- Shap 0 THE FIFTH ESTATE Bob 0 P.M. MAGAZINE A man 0 MOVIE ** '. The Gaunt SBJ/LOBO 0 IN SEARCH OF EXCEL- Canada ha (oms forts* with a k> hard McKaown raports on Iha tcmfi who helps prevent eki injurws let (19771 Clmt teat wood Son LAUREL AND HARDY LENCE Based on tha book by cat woman to hght for outissr da SB POfs MY PEORLE dentiafcty of phyatetans' record* Gregory Harrrson of Trappat dra Locke A datarmmad poeca (ESPN) USFL FOOTBALL Thomas J Paiers and ftobwt H m MONTY PYTHON S FLY- 8A-TEAM John M 0 Saving shaving officer attempts lo survive a setup Memphis Showboats ai Jackson' Waterman Jr Hue documentary 0 MOVIE Sacral Weapons ING CIRCUS THREE'S A CROWD Jack whae dakvatmg a key wrina** - a vdteBuNslRI looks ai the datmctn* ouafcia* of IPramraral Linda Mematon Jamas O VENTURE and Vicky s lest anniversary tele 11:3* »*ry uncooparafrva prostitute ■■ lo arght American buaimasaa Ffancscus A young Russian Ian- 0 FAMILY FEUD 12:30 oration a* put on hold whan a m LIFESTYLES OF THE a synacais tnal (Rl Q (TMC) MOVIE B>*# % Dfh guags siudsni rs iranatormad by 0TAXI 0 LATE NIGHT WITH DA- prommant food cube caves Th* RICH AND FAMOUS 0 0 AMERICAN PLAY- For Nrghi 119731 Jecrauakn* Ba- Aa KGB wo an a" American gal 0 WsLO. WILD WORLD OF VID LETTERMAN Guests A. b-ttoaravarevww Q 11:46 HOUSE Th* Ghost Writs* sai Vahsntm* Cortaaa French warned to taducs and Neckmaa ANIMALS nofd Schwarrenegger BafcnOa 0 0 NOVA A took at tha i O SPORTS THE FINAL Starring Oaee Bloom and Sam fammakar Francos* Trufntut • val US officials and moueirujhstt aa O THREE'S COMPANY C*rk*f*r the Go Go. I IRl (*e«m of pure matharnat«a and WORD KBPNI COLLEGE BASKET- Wanamakar this adaptation of antme to the mono moustry • a Soviet spy O 12:40 how ma them at loans study com fTMCI MOVIE ** AJ Night Ptufcp Roth s novel canter* on a French rjreclgr * prabktrns. end ; BALL REPORT A preview of 0 MCMILLAN B WIRE pkti. abstract probkem* Cp Long (19811 Gone rfaohman. some upcoming conference lour young artm t lecoaactions of a those of hrs more company 0 MOONLIGHTING IPrsm Whae Mac investigates a murder 0 MOVIE * * * ' > flesur-ec BarUa Sneisand Aftar berng de wart writ, an older famous author mount a* ha i« «* lo shoot • con- are) A glamorous mode, and a he discovers a hnk between So ban M9B0I Elan Btattyn. Sam moiad horn corporate executive •nng m ncluaion with two wom- lemporary «ve story m NjC*. 'PC private rnveengeior team up for MO lenasm and Haaoween gifts sent Shapard Aftar a near-fetal auto lo Cham store rw^i manage' a an IRKJ adventures and romance Stars 0 0 SCARECROW AND ermueBy lo Saty (fl) accident a woman hnda that eh* 11:0O rraddW-agad man s hfastyl* end Cyb- Shepherd BrucaWak* Q MRS. KING Amanda is stunned MO ha* tha abrkty to h**t otharB fJOBSI I NEWS values are turned up*MM-dOwn 0 0 NEWHART Joanna ma* 1:00 0 WHD.. WVWILD WORLD OF • 0 MASTERPIECE THE- whan a b>itar •■ spy who s pisn- ) HAWAII FIVE-0 ■SPN) TENNIS isghkghts of ft to show Larry and Iha two Darryts ANsMALS ATM Tha Jawafl In Th* navg revenge agamst the Agency ) JIMMY SWAGGART the 1984 Daws Cop Champ-on 12rO0 appaari on a lafawtron left, show how to anprova lhaa rujndhng of •0 vWKRP IN CINCINNATI Crown Ma-jr Mar rich returns to MOVIE •*# Cold Tur- mp (Rl fj ENTERTAINMENT THIS food and Cuaiomars m lhaa cafe Deei. from Penkot Perron dacov Guests A/tana Francs Stave keyI l»97 II Dick Van Dyke Po (TMC) MOVtC ** C...-W 11:30 WEEK Faaiurad Cybr" Shap- Eaetm (ft) 0 REACH FOR THE TOR ars that Merits haa seen Susan t ppScon Bust-1 11980) Terence H4. Bud )TAXI Brervtan v* Tacumaah pavchajfnc records (Part 12 of hard 0 HANGfN IN M-. ha* »«c TMC) MOVIE * * 1 A Najttt Spencer Two would-be hero** MOVIE * * * TUP Dart SB 700 CLUS Sehaduiad loprc 141Q ond thoughts after meeting Ro- 10:00 luk Of Ram M97BI Gsencerto take on a powerful group of mob Meror (1946) Okvuj de Hfms- sanna s .. husband lArden Base) • TWEJGHT ZON€ Surcrda 0 0 CAONEY B LACEY In Gtarwani Candroa Bergen stars controamg lisgss watarfrcml . land. Lew Ayr** A doctor probes

Mm, Mm. WMSy» Th» Saten Of The Fulore' jit er F3/. FOB MM AND WOMBN 0 \ ^ ALL NEW r^ BJBF*at JUST FOR YOU JskF*B) V W HotrO«i»n..M«iiHolrityUnB *T nROi'i kAKtH - rtegsOKta* - rfSCMRl Mok* Up Dem,. Baord S MuMdw OMW« WEEKLY SPECIAL! FeeM Wexns - EyWrow A/chlno (yete)l>BEyeWow Tinting Daisies in a Vase $7.50 C •lyiiwinc Hotfcotonno • Sweisrii***** Fennanant Waving - KKOndinonlng CASH & CARRY SCUIBNHWJ Nafti. NoM tie.. Noli Wrapolng

353-838JL... nRd. j til giqwrftg 20 i.ii

the pertoneMiee Ddpua) iwm vatarara produca a ojmlt lor a local 8:30 iHand Dawd Aiienborough vwiia great CBPN) TENNIS Oawa Cup US staler a 10 determine which or* of station a auction 0E/R 0 MAGNUM. P.I. Aha* ftyavg lands on three comments esam «■ Japan m hrai round aavglae Iham is normal and winch n an (ESPNt FISHIN HOLE lo Sicily to rescue a woman being mmg lha Mhavtor of Brashan matches Irva born Kyoto Japan insane »ieer 9:00 MO O MOVIE ** Author! Au haad captive Magnum becomes 6:00 answer a. North American btaon 11:28 9 FALL OUY Con sravaH to O 4V CBS NEWS Ihori (19821 Al Pacayi. Oyan ■he target lor ravanga (Rl 000 NEWS and Ahicen w^debaasls g Maaico m pursuit ol a man who O GOOO ROCKIN' TONITE • NBC NEWS Cannon Wtth fwa naw play about 0 BEST OP CARSON Most 0 SIOO.OOO NAME THAT CSPN) FISHIN' HOLE ha« stolen rnakona tn a oompwter Top 20 video countdown inter S) ABC NEWS p loopan a Naw Vork playwxghi ■ Johnny Cataon Guests Susan TUNE (TMC) MOVIE **', Btaav fraud. (Hi •aa wiih membara of Stmpla © HAPPY DAYS AGAIN domatK iifa is compacaiad by hra Satandon. Brooke Shields Carol 0 MACNEIL / LEHRER aiorm (1983) Christophw Waft Minds fealuring that video SB BEST OP CARSON Hoai • BUSINESS REPORT anta'a daoaion to mova out laav- Wayne NEWSHOUR en Natake Wood A marrwd cou Johnny Carton Guailt Slav* Don I You other videos by CSPN) SPORTSCENTER **q him w>th noi only hra own 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 0 DIFF RENT STROKES psa tiws to kaap a apioaay la—ranca. Susan Sulfcven Hoana SheeneEaaton Furoghdw* Jukan (TMC. MOVIE a* Mat* aon. but lour oihar chadran by har 0 0 LATE NIGHT AMERI- 0 OHIO BUSINESS OUT- Mend* mi dasrgnad device which aaowl a Lannon Murray Hawd Images In alarm Tha Destruction 01 Jered pravioua marnagaa CA Scheduled author Or Bene> LOOK parson lo •■panaoce lha sans* Vogue Krokus tA»C NEWS NKJUTLINE Syn 11983) Jeftra* Byron, Tan i MARKET PLACE rrun Spook i Or SpocA a Baby CSPN) SPORTSLOOK irons fall by another horn meVtary 0 LATENIGHT AMERI- 11:30 Thomeraon An mier staler pa ace MOVIE M#» Town (Pram and Chad Care I and Or Michael and mdustnei groups PG CA Scheduled author Pan* 0 8: fTAXI kaapar travels lo a barren desert •ara) Robart Blaka VVh-iman Rothenbarg M.H#. (Tha Common Sanaa MO NKSHT HEAT An eyawit world whara ha bellies an av* Mayo A controvararaf aa-conwct 0 SANFORO AND SON T MO 0 FAMILY TIES Manor, and naaa to a mvrdar rafuaaa lo coop warlord fa poaaaaaam of a pow lurnad-praMl aktuggjaa to upgrada (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER >AND SON (TMC) MOVIE **4 Tha Sfcmpy ara eccidentatfy locked up •tare wrth 0 Brian And Grtmbone erful crystal PG IM mnar city ghailo paraui and 1 *SPN> SPWTSCENTE* 11:48 Buddy S.stem 119641 Richard m tha Kaaton basement together i unta they can guarantee her safe 7:0O kaap it crana h%9 (TMC) MOV* * * ' i PJp Dreyfus* Susan Sarandon Ro- 0 HALF-A-HANOY HOUR 12:00 ty • m ENTERTAINMENT 0 DYNASTY Tha raunasn of 11973) Mchael Came Mickey mania; compacanons ensue whan (ESPN) TOP RANK BOXING O STREETS OF 8AN 0 BEST OP CARSON Most TONIGHT Featured Oavid Soul A*..* with Pr-xa Mchaaf ■ fa Rooney A seedy writer is head by a konary boy targets a gadget a> Live from Atlantic City NJ Johnny Car aon Guests George FRANCISCO O NEVER THE TWAIN ihar has an unaapactad allacl on an ei lam star to ghost wite hei vantor and would be wniar aa a 8:00 Cerhn. Ion. Anderson Lmda Mop SBJ/LOBO • WHEEL Of FORTUNE Amanda Cwjutfea t marnaga to barer. prmlaMa aulobography match lor h.s smgta moihar PG !0 SIMON ft SIMON lum (Rl LAUREL AND HAAOY CD BILLY GRAHAM Siavan sours JaN got* lo a. PG g CHEERS Norm learns he s (ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE CSPNI SKMNO World freestyle iramaa lo a** Ban 0< W LATE NIGHT WITH DA ffSPNI COLLEGE BASKET- 12:30 0 P.M. MAGAZINE Recto * WEEKLY anleelers North Arrvencan braon Faa 11942) Gary Cooper. Barba VIO LETTCRMAN Gumia Boy BALL Michigan at Ohm Stela 0 LATE NIGHT WITH DA- American Comady Naiworlt a and Afncan wildabaaata EJ ra Stanwyck A group of pnaa. VID LETTERMAN Guests W.i 7:00 George Mari.n Mua (R| look at tha CBS serai Oih B:30 profaaaors teaaarchmg a cfcckon- lie Nelson pn.stci ptotetsco Or O 0 ENTERTAINMENT 0 MYSTERYI Agatha Chra. 12:40 erwortd an amaiaur ma*tat that O MAN ALIVE ProHa of Judy ary ol Amwrcan slang become e»- Richard Brand! IRI TONIGHT featured Pally CKAa tra M.steties ii Paraonal conauti Sat COLUMBO Columoo match who taathat man to cook Mia. a woman whoaa 30 yaar da votved with a gang ol ihugs and a tCSPN) FISHIN' HOLE (R) O ROBIN'S NEST ant Partiar Pyna frnda a way to as ami anth a nightclub ahawmail O ROBIN'S NEST pandanca on an iron lung for sur reheve Mapr Wabraham a bore- cabaret singer 12:40 ! WHEEL OP FORTUNE suspected of murdering hn but* 0 TOURNAMENT TIME vrvai hat not hamparad har vbwty dom with his early raUamant Q 0 MOVIE • * Dei-vt- Us DUKES OP HAZZARD 12:00 naaa associate (Rl MJL.C. PREVIEW 88 A took to maka n-tnda ihroughoui tha BUSINESS REPORT B:30 0 STREETS OP SAN m coaaga baakafbal a Mid Amer. world IRICJ (torn Evil 11973) Cworga ftenne 1:00 dy Jan M. h«e< Vascani M-A*S-H O FRONT PAGE CHAL- FRANCISCO can Conference ■) HAWAII f IVE-O 10:00 MACNEIL / LEHRER LENGE SBJ/LOBO 0TAXI v 1.-00 « JIMMY SWACtOART O NATIONAL / JOURNAL INEWSHOUR 0 TELEVISION PARTS M. LAUREL AND HARDY 0 WILD. WILD WORLD OP O HAWAII FIVE-O MOVIE * Survival chaaf Najanvth hosts -aiyks 0 JIMMY SWAGGART «SPN> SRORTSCENTER 12:30 I19761 Pablo RmL Hugo Sugku ANIMALS 0 CHARLES IN CHARGE muse: and comedy sketches with 0 MOVIE ** Juste* 7:30 0 LATE NIGHT WITH DA 0 THREE'S COMPANY Char las and Ihr Pambroka chaV guests mcludmg Martm Mu> Gar 1:90 119891 Anouk Amsaa Oak Bo 0 P.M. MAGAZINE Author VK) LETTERMAN Guaata B.u • NEWS MO dran ara so wr a?pad up m ihaa ry Shandkng Jan Stafford and lha 9*oa Mickey Spesane bo.->g champ Murray Tme Turner IRI 0 CHARLES IN CHARGE plana lor this ajmmar thai lhay MO CSPN) TENNIS M^kghts ol Harry Arroyo TV tenet thema funny Boys I2 40 Charkta and the Pembroke iM hava ktikr nma to wart wrth 0 CSS NEWS compoaar M*e Poat 10^0 0 MOVIE * * Saa And Tha dran ara ao wappad up in (nae Grandlaihw Pambroka tha 1984 Dews Cup Champion NtGHTWATCH sh« (Rl 0 ONLY WHEN I LAUGH 0 0 KNOTS LANDING Satght Parent 119791 Susan plana lor thrs aummar that tha. 0 HOTEL Christmas laurwon • NEWS « FAMILY FEUD Greg chooses between h-s Senate Semi James MAa > arrak neve kttkt tana lo v*d wstfi with coaaga Itwnda Mads to aW 1*00 IESPNI WINNING OOLP TAXI seat and runrang Empra Vaftty'a Grandfather Pembroke Ouaan a woman l aha m lova wrih ID Nizwr, TOO Gunit B*v Casper Charles Si 0 WXD WILD WORLD OP intassganca proract Cathy ra- O PLANET FOR THE TAR- tha man who acctdaniaty kalad (TMC) MOVIE * * Vaaiania 0 HAWAII FIVE -O lord IRI ANIMALS cawaa a •lattkng propoeal from ING MOM DavMl SunAi takes a har husband Pata> lacas hit f*ai I1BB3I Robari 'orsiar Fiad W.i S HOUSE CALLS (TMC) MOV* * '» 1990 Tha 0 THREE'S COMPANY Joshua q look at tachnotogxal advancaa avrtt Q aamaon JIMMY SWAGGART Bton. Warriors 118831 V* Mor (ESPN) SPEEDWEEK O NATIONAL / JOURNAL and poaaa tha question Ara w* 0 0 ROCKIN- 8 ROLLIN- MOVIE **> , City Be roar fiad Wabamaon 2:00 becoming a slave 10 Our own WITH PHIL SPECTOR A wok BOO neaih Tha Saa) 11970) Robari O CBS NEWS 0 HILL STREET BLUES 2:30 at record producer tongwrilar O 0 MAGNUM, P.I. Mag Wagnar. Stuart Whitman technology ' IJ NIGHTWATCH Davenport trers to gal a ate. ol STJ CIS NEWS and anlrapranaur Pry Spec lot num agrees lo hasp a woman find ISO 0 COLLEGE BASKETBALL 0NEWS aaacution for a conwctad katar. a NIGHTWATCH har husband a computer eiparl 0 NEWS Mtchtgen at 0h« Slate who became a maaonaaa bafote (ESPN) INSIDE THE PGA f I mala detective makes a pass at (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER ha wa* 21 (Rl wrth important claaaaSad informa- 0 HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN TOUR(R) Furalo. a new rof Cast sergeant (TMC) MOVIE **'■. Tha tion who seams lo be m.semg and Buddy System 11984) Rchard 3:00 Jonathan and Mark POM aa car 0 BILLY GRAHAM takenlakes over tha podrum |R| (fSPNI TOP RANK BOXING pantari lo halp a couple Oommet- CRUSADE p •n rJangar Dteytusa Susan Sarandon TI41IRSOAV ~|20/20p Charles Campoal vt John M Roy (TMC) MOVIE ** . Urtaith O PAVLOVA Let** Car on rvjr- ad by tha* tyrannical I 1-VMT Okfl I SOLO MO at • rtaddsaareighl boul schedukw daughiar I J fuHy You-a 119841 Oudkay raiaa ihn tr4>uia lo puma baHarma MARCH 7. IMS »NEWS 0 CBS NEWS lor 10 rouoda. horn la* Vega*. Moote Naatassia Kmak. An or- Anna Pevtove aa dancers mcludmg LIMA CONVENTION / NIGHTWATCH law IRI 0 FALL GUY COM and How* chaatra conducior tfanka that h.s Haaiy Cartwnght. Vakmima Ko- Caaaaaa iaa* t v 0a» -. CIVIC CENTER GALA OPEN- 0NEWS faca danger whan (hay emoar*. on wrfa may hava had an aflaa with a isova Joknda Manandu and Ron MO a maiaajn to raacua Jody from a Reagan perform some of he* moat ING 2:SO (TMC) MOVIE * fnghimere woantii whaa ha was away on prann whara woman ara forcad DAYTIME MOVIES famous rows Mwae; by fha CSC (TMC) MOVIE ••". V-teO- 0 CBS NEWS [19811 Fertknend Mayna luta lour and conapaaa lo mutoar har "to prostitution |B|[J Symphony Or cheat, a under the »- droma 11883) Jamas Wooda. NIOHTWATCH Bercovto PG g 0 0 NATIONAL GEO- reckon ol George Dauahari. Deborah Harry A co-owner of a MO 10:30 12:30 Toronto UHl natron that special GRAPHIC A survey of Ireland • 0 COSBY SHOW iTMa MOVIE # # v» A Nrgrtt VVEDNESOAV 0E/R ITMC) *•'> Brainstorm horses and tha paopW who breed 0 MOVIE ** Buddy Bud- ./as m adult entertainment Fun Of Ram 11978) Guncerto 119831 Chtisiophar WaAan. Na warn and tide mem cusrnmettng a> 11:00 dy 11981) Jack lemmon Weft* searches lor fha people bafund a Caannmi. Carnkca Bargan taka Wood a ax* at tha annual Dubkn Horaa 0 O 0 0 0 NEWS Metthau An aaiaaim concanirat- buams aauftta broedcaet R 0 WILD. WILD WORLD OP 1:O0 4iO0 Show Q ngonlM nait kakng is intarrupl- 10:30 BSPN) COLLEGE BASKET- 0 *** l.oMan (1977) 0 MOVIE *** Thay Cal ANIMALS ad by a bumoang man who a) at 0 SNEAK PREVIEWS Naal BALL Oregon Stale at UCLA Ma Mr T«bai 119701 Sa*vav 0 WKRP (N CINCINNATI David Ackroyd Jose Ferret tempting surcida Q Gebter and Jafhay lyona ravsaw EVENING Poila». Marim landau Ahar Ma 0 ART BEAT 0 •*• Obaasswn 119761 0 TH4B OLD HOUSE Metal- lha baai and lha worat of 1884 »ng r«a hiand kaava tha acana o( a (ESPN) INSIDE THE PGA CU1 Robertson Ganevwve Buaiad Babay wmdaw Q IRI 6: CO crtma a poacaman it unoariaai TOUR 2:SO MOVIE *** Tha Quasar • OOD court* o **** OBI NEWS niJCI ** ') A Nrghi Fid 01 about what ha ahould do 11:30 Memorandum 119661 Geoge 11:00 r nil »*»« flD SIOO.OOO NAME THAT (TMC) MOVIE *•', Ehtctra 0TAXI Ram I197BI Grancarlo Cvannati Segal Aksc Gumnaaa Btdsah in ooaracNEws mm *** TUNE CandKaBargan Gkda in Blua 11973) Rooart 0 MOVIE * * '] island Ol latiganot haea an Amarcan to lo ■ vinuo. W«.D wonco of Oood . . . **» 0D MACNEH / LEHHER Blata Baty Graan Buah An An Tha Loat 11966. Richard cata lha haado»ariws ol a Nao- 4:30 ANIMALS NMSM •» NEWSHOUR rona motorcvcfci cop lurna datac Graana luka Hatpin An advan ITMC) *« Runaway island Nai> orgarwation BJ WKRP IN CINCINNATI l» *H ffi OIFF RENT STROKES Irva lo laid tha kalar ol an aldarty luraaoma aniryopotogjat and hta 0 THE LIVING PLANET: A 119821 Man Buchanan Sanona ft UNIVERSITY PtnSrCC- ttm * O LAP QUILTING Pubhc TV raduaa PG lama, ara stranded on a ratnota Riirt*H)— PORTRAIT OF THE EARTH nvri

STUDENTS! t^- Howard's For Those Special STOP IN AND SEE ** a club H *"» Birthdays... ALL THE ITEMS WE CARRY! Anniversaries... ^ 210 N MAIN Lavaliering... * SCHOOL SUPPLIES Pinning... ♦ ART SUPPLIES ♦ PARTY GOODS HO COVER People in love... * GREETING CARDS ♦ GIFTS Tll ETC. #» II « LIVE ^ Ca" Balloon Smiths man HALLMARK AND ENTERTAINMENT 352-6061 anytime OFFICE SUPPLY nmrl'i... Balloon Bouquets Hie FUN placa 10 IN" Delivered, by o.Clowrwn .-.•■ ...■■.•.%•.■•.•.. .•■',•■■ mi it 1111 ■ !••••; 'frffrin