Nutzotin Mountains Alaska) Áuvial Strata and a Dike Record Ca. 117²114 Ma Accretion of Wrangellia with W
Research Paper THEMED ISSUE: Geologic Evolution of the Alaska Range and Environs GEOSPHERE 6WLWFKLQWKHGLWFK1XW]RWLQ0RXQWDLQV $ODVND ÁXYLDOVWUDWDDQG DGLNHUHFRUGFD²0DDFFUHWLRQRI:UDQJHOOLDZLWKZHVWHUQ GEOSPHERE, v. 16, no. X 1RUWK$PHULFDDQGLQLWLDWLRQRIWKH7RWVFKXQGDIDXOW Jeffrey M. Trop1, Jeffrey A. Benowitz2, Donald Q. Koepp1, David Sunderlin3, Matthew E. Brueseke4, Paul W. Layer2, and Paul G. Fitzgerald5 18 figures; 3 tables; 1 set of supplemental files 1Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Bucknell University, 701 Moore Avenue, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837, USA 2Geophysical Institute and Geochronology Laboratory, University of Alaska–Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska 99775, USA 3 CORRESPONDENCE: Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042, USA 4Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA 5Department of Earth Sciences, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13244, USA CITATION: Trop, J.M., Benowitz, J.A., Koepp, D.Q., Sunderlin, D., Brueseke, M.E., Layer, P.W., and Fitzgerald, P.G., 2019, Stitch in the ditch: Nutzotin ABSTRACT clasts. Deposition was occurring by ca. 117 Ma and following the subduction of intervening oceanic Mountains (Alaska) fluvial strata and a dike record ceased by ca. 98 Ma, judging from palynomorphs, lithosphere is a fundamental process in plate ca. 117–114 Ma accretion of Wrangellia with west- ern North America and initiation of the Totschunda The Nutzotin basin of eastern Alaska consists the youngest detrital ages, and ages of crosscut- dynamics and the growth of Earth’s continents. The fault: Geosphere, v. 16, no. X, p. 1–29, of Upper Jurassic through Lower Cretaceous ting intrusions and underlying lavas of the Chisana suturing process itself results in changes in plate /10.1130 /GES02127.1.
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