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W e d n e s d a y , June 1, 1910. Met according to adjournment, at half-past ten o’clock A.M. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain. Annual Report. Corporations, The abstract of the certificates of corporations organized — certificates under general laws, together with the annual returns and returns. required by chapter 110 o f the Revised Laws and the business corporation law (Pub. Doc. No. 10), received from the Secretary of the Commonwealth, was referred to the committee on Mercantile Affairs. Sent up for con currence. Introduced on Leave. By Mr. Conway of Boston, a Resolve to provide for cer State Farm, — im prove tain improvements at the State Farm, which was read. The ments. same member moved that the 12th joint rule be suspended, which motion was referred, under the rule, to the com mittee on Rules. Papers from the Senate. A Resolve to authorize the town of North Brookfield to N orth Brookfield, — raise by taxation and expend money to celebrate the two anniversary hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the settlement of the celebration. town of Brookfield (Senate, No. 405) (reported on a peti tion), passed to be engrossed by the Senate, was read. The rules were suspended, on motion of Mr. Powers of Hard wick, and the resolve was read a second and a third time and was passed to be engrossed, in concurrence. Rule 15 was also suspended, on further motion of the same gentle man. Reports: Of the committee on Education, no legislation necessary, Massachusetts on the third annual report of the Massachusetts Commis Commission for the Blind. sion for the Blind (Pub. Doc. No. 81) ; and Of the joint committee on Ways and Means, no legisla Blue Book, tion necessary, on so much of the eighteenth annual report — edition. of the Secretary of the Commonwealth (Pub. Doc. No. 46) as relates to the edition of the Blue Book; Severally accepted by the Senate, were severally read and were placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. L yn n, — water supply. A B ill relative to the water supply of the city of Lynn (Senate, No. 408) (reported on a petition with accom panying bill, Senate, No. 3 7 7 ); and F ran k A Resolve in favor of Frank Russell (Senate, No. Russell. 223) (reported on a petition) ; Severally passed to be engrossed by the Senate, were severally read and were placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow for a second reading. State Normal School at A Resolve to provide for the purchase of land and the Bridgewater. erection of a building for a dormitory and for a power plant in connection with the State Normal School at Bridgewater (Senate, No. 335) (reported on part of the annual report of the Board of Education, Pub. Doc. No. 2 ), passed to be engrossed by the Senate, was read and was referred, under, the rule, to the committee on Ways and Means. Independent A Bill to incorporate the Independent Companions of Companions of America. America (Senate, No. 407) (reported on a petition with accompanying bill, House, No. 1634) came down recom mitted to the committee on Insurance, under a suspension of the 5th joint rule. The House concurred in the suspen sion of the rule and in the recommitment, and the bill was returned to the Senate indorsed accordingly. Charlestown, The House Resolve relative to the abolition of a grade — abolition of a grade crossing in the Charlestown district of the city of Boston crossing. (House, No. 1628) came down passed to be engrossed, in concurrence, with an amendment adding at the end thereof the following: “ ; such abolition to be accomplished in such manner and within such limits, whether in accordance with the terms of chapter four hundred and twenty-one of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, or otherwise, as said board shall determine will best promote the public interests.” The amendment was considered, under a suspension of the rule, moved by Mr. Dueey of Boston, and was adopted, in concurrence. Rule 15 was also suspended, on further motion of the same gentleman. Reports of Committees. By Mr. Rousmaniere of Boston, for the committee on B oston, — w id ow and Rules, that the 12th joint rule he suspended on the petition children of John Gorham. of William H. O’Brien for legislation to authorize the city of Boston to provide a pension or other form of relief for the widow and children of John Gorham. Read, and con sidered under a suspension of the rule, moved by Mr. Rous maniere, the 12th joint rule was suspended, and the petition (with accompanying bill, House, No. 1754) was referred to the committee on Cities. Sent up for concurrence. By Mr. Rousmaniere of Boston, for the committee on H ull, — N antasket Rules, that the 12th joint rule be suspended on the peti avenue. tion of Alfred A. Galiano and others, selectmen, for leg islation to provide for the repair, reconstruction and re location of that part of County road known as Nantasket avenue in the town of Hull. Read, and considered under a suspension of the rule, moved by Mr. Rousmaniere, the 12th joint rule was suspended, and the petition (with ac companying bill, House, No. 1755) was referred to the committee on Ways and Means. Sent up for concur rence in the suspension o f said rule. By Mr. Hale of Dover, for the joint committee on the M ount H olyok e Judiciary, reference to the next General Court, on the College, — estate of petition (with accompanying resolve, Senate, No. 411) Sarah Jane of Mount Holyoke College, by A. L. Williston, Treasurer, W illiam s. that the title to a savings bank deposit made by Sarah Jane Williams be established in favor of said college. Read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. By Mr. Roberts of Boston, for the joint committee on Street railw ay the Judiciary, on part of the report of the Massachusetts companies, — cars of Commission on the Cost of Living (House, No. 1750), a other com Resolve to provide for a report as to the desirability of panies. requiring street railway companies to convey cars of other companies. (House, No. 1756.) By Mr. Curtiss of Springfield, for the committee on Fire District Number One Water Supply, on a petition (with accompanying bill, in the Town House, No. 1737), a Bill to authorize Fire District Num of Greenfield. ber One in the Town of Greenfield to acquire land on Rocky mountain and construct a reservoir and other works. (House, No. 1757.) Severally read and placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow for a second reading. Lynn harbor, — im prove By Mr. Conwell of Somerville, for the committee on ment. Ways and Means, that the Bill relative to the improvement of Lynn harbor (Senate, No. 388, amended) ought to pass. Boston State H ospital, B y Mr. Conway of Boston, for the same committee, that — report. the B ill relative to the annual report of the trustees of the Boston State Hospital (Senate, No. 391) ought to pass. P en ikese B y Mr. Bond of Greenfield, for the same committee, that island, — leper hospital. the Resolve to provide for improvements at the leper hos pital on Penikese island (Senate, No. 4011 ought to pass. [Mr. William H. O’Brien of Boston dissenting.] Severally placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow for a second reading. Com m on B y Mr. Cushing of Boston, for the committee on Metro wealth’s flats at East Boston, politan Affairs, on a petition (with accompanying bill, — develop ment. Senate, No. 209), a Bill to provide further for the develop ment o f the Commonwealth’ s flats at East Boston. Read and referred, under the rule, to the committee on Ways and Means. Motion to Reconsider. V olu n tary associations, Mr. White of Newton moved that the vote be recon etc., — con sidered by which the House, yesterday, passed to be en trol of public service cor grossed the Resolve to provide for an investigation of the p orations. common control of gas, electric light and street railway companies by persons, firms, associations and corporations (House, No. 1 6 3 1 ); and the consideration of this motion was postponed until to-morrow, on further motion of the same gentleman. Reconsideration. V eto, — M r. Cogswell o f Lynn moved that the vote be recon Bill to consti tute eight sidered by which the House, yesterday, refused to pass, hours a d ay’ s work for notwithstanding the objections of His Excellency the public em ployees. Governor, the engrossed Bill to constitute eight hours a day’s work for public employees (see House, No. 247, amended). The same gentleman moved that the further considera tion of this motion be postponed until to-morrow; which motion, after debate, was negatived, by a vote of 45 to 60. After further debate the yeas and nays were ordered, at the request of Mr. Dickson of Pittsfield; and the roll having been called the motion to reconsider was adopted, by a vote of 103 yeas to 96 nays, as follows: — Y eas. Messrs. Ahearn, David C. Messrs. Hester, William A. Arseneault, Alfred Hickey, William P. Avery, William B. Hobbs, Clarence W ., Jr. Barlow, Erson B. Holbrook, Henry E. Barry, John J. Holt, Frank E. Bates, B. Fred. Holt, Harry R. Beal, Charles S. Hughes, John J.