Do you feel stuck?

New Solutions for

Health and Wellbeing

Phil Parker Lightning Process Alan Priestley - Practitioner "The results are extraordinary - seeing is believing."

Mary King, Olympic Horsewoman


I’ve written this information pack to guide you through the important journey back to health and wellbeing with the Lightning Process (LP). I hope it will answer the main questions that I’ve found most people have at this point. If you need any extra information, or want to chat anything through with us, please do get in contact with Alan Priestley ,your local practitioner, or our head office team.

I wish you great success in your journey and look forward to hearing all about it!

Best wishes Phil Parker

"I am convinced it is the most powerful way to make rapid and lasting changes in any area of your life." Austin Healey, England Rugby International

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Phil Parker

Phil Parker designed the LP over 15 years ago; today he works at his London clinic with a team of experienced practitioners. Phil is an internationally renowned lecturer, therapist and innovator in the field of personal development. He has an international reputation as one of the foremost Hypnotherapists, Executive Coaches, Master Trainers of NLP, and Osteopaths, having worked in these fields since the 1980s. He is the Director of the Phil Parker Training Institute where he designs programmes, researches and trains postgraduate students in the LP, Clinical , NLP and Life Coaching.

Phil has written and designed books and audio programmes giving a unique perspective which provides new solutions to meet the challenges and opportunities of life in the 21st century.

People from all over the world and all walks of life, including many actors, celebrities and sports personalities are drawn to his practice in London, where he works and teaches.

Alan Priestley

Alan, having spent most of his working life as an accountant, discovered the Lightning Process during his Open University Psychology degree and was so amazed at its impact that he switched careers from accountancy to train and become a Lightning Process practitioner.

Client Feedback “I can’t bear to imagine what life would be like if I hadn’t decided to do the Lightning Process. I sincerely thank Phil for creating the Process and my trainer who taught me it. It is truly amazing!”

The Register

Our Practitioner Register includes physiotherapists, psychologists and nurses as well as other professionals. All practitioners, regardless of their background, have completed a minimum of 12 months intensive client based training with the Phil Parker Training Institute. To graduate each practitioner must demonstrate skills and competence in delivering the training and have an in-depth knowledge of the relevant subjects.

In order to be granted a licence to practice and be accepted onto the Register, practitioners need to be extensively trained, maintain their Continued Professional Development, undertake supervision and abide by the Register's Code of Conduct. Your safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please ensure that you only pick a practitioner off the LP Register, if an individual does not appear on the Register they are not approved by us, do not have current knowledge of the LP and are not legally entitled to run LP seminars.

Client Feedback “Since becoming a mother 17 years ago and then moving country and house soon afterwards I had a succession of life limiting health problems. This became a pattern, one health problem was resolved to be replaced by another or similar problem. I had been looking for an approach for years that could put me back in charge of my life again. The great news is that since doing the Lightning Process I feel that I have learned an amazing skill which I can apply as necessary to take my life forward in a positive way.”

Page 3 History of the LP Phil has dedicated the last two decades to researching why some people, who had terrible suffering in their lives, recovered and got well, whereas for others, with the same problems, the recovery process seemed to get 'stuck' somehow. He kept wondering, ‘what was the difference?’ and if he could identify this difference would it be possible to help to get the recovery process ‘unstuck’? The research that followed resulted in the LP.

What is the LP? The LP is a non-medical training programme that combines concepts from Neuro- Linguistic Programming, Life Coaching and the principles behind . The Process involves learning a set of steps and simple movements but it’s not vigorous or physically demanding and can be tailored to meet the capabilities of everyone we see.

The LP teaches you how you can influence your health and life using techniques based on the way the brain and body interact.

Client Feedback “It really does feel like I spent 12 years in a hole…you stopped and showed me how to build a ladder.”

Who might the LP be beneficial for? The LP is a powerful tool tailored to the individual that can be used in targeted ways to help a number of very different issues keeping people stuck in their lives and health. Once clients have addressed the issues which they came on the course for they have the LP to support them in maintaining a happy and healthy life whatever their new challenges.

It has been designed to be simple enough for anyone to use and we’ve trained a wide range of people aged between 7 and 92, with a variety of issues and abilities.

Head Office are experienced in working with all ages and issues, we are happy to discuss any special requirements or questions you have ahead of taking the course.

Dr Rajesh Munglani MB BS DCH DA FRCA FFPMRCA Consultant in Pain Management "I have been very impressed with the results of the Lightning Process. I have seen the lives of some of my patients transformed by this self-empowering technique. Everyone who has battled with chronic illness and wants to win should have the opportunity to do the Lightning Process.”

Page 4 How Does it Work? Many people ask how is it possible for the LP to help you influence your body’s health? The body’s Physical Emergency Response holds the key. In fact much of the first day’s training is spent teaching you about an important response called the Physical Emergency Response.

Physical Emergency Response (PER) This is when the body experiences an emergency or threat to its safety and wellbeing, which could include: Physical injury Extreme environmental conditions such as burning or freezing Poisoning, due to viruses, bad food, drug reactions etc. Emotional shock and trauma

The body then naturally produces the PER to deal with the threat and to find a way to recover or stay safe.

There are a number of key ways the PER affects the body. It stimulates the sudden: Activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System Production of powerful hormones: adrenaline, nor adrenaline, dopamine, cortisol and Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

This is exactly what needs to happen to help us deal with the threat. The PER does this by primarily giving our muscles an extra burst of speed and strength and affecting the nervous system’s synapses and their neurotransmitters. Temporarily this is an excellent solution for dealing with most threats, but unfortunately long term arousal of this system has been long known to have a detrimental effect on many other body systems, and this causes disruption to normal immune, muscle and digestive system function (see below) and changes the way our nerve cells transmit nerve signals.

The Immune System The immune system is a key system of the body that has an important role in supporting the way all other body systems work. It has many important functions, including recognising, dealing with and removing: Infections Foreign materials Toxins Old, worn out or bad functioning cells

There are two possible extremes of immune dysfunction: 1. Low functioning immune system, resulting in: a) An inability to clear infections b) Poor detoxification (leading to poisoning) of all body tissues with resulting poor function of all body systems c) Inability to distinguish foreign matter from own components and ‘bad’ cells from good

2. Over active, out of control immune system, resulting in:

Page 5  Inability to distinguish foreign matter from own components and ‘bad’ cells from good – concluding with attacks directed at own, well functioning tissue (auto immune issues) Wastage of body resources 

As you can see from this list, any problems in this important system will have an effect throughout all the other body systems.

The Muscular System The muscular system is the main user of in the body and as a result much of the body’s support systems (blood, waste disposal, communications) are dedicated to keeping the muscles working well.

When the muscles don’t work well, not only can we no longer move ourselves about as we would want to, it also puts an added strain onto the core support systems. As movement itself is vital for pumping blood in the veins and fluid in the tissues back towards the heart, poor movement puts more strain effect on the heart and circulatory systems.

Again as you can see from this any problems with the muscular system have an impact throughout all other body systems.

The Digestive System This system has a number of important functions. The most obvious is, of course, to bring nutrition into the body; any problems in this system will have a major effect everywhere else.

Its other functions include a role: a) In the immune system, protecting the body from invading organisms that gain entry through our food/gut b) In removing wastes and toxins

The Nervous System This includes the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves of the body. Their primary job is to ensure there is good communication between the brain and all areas of the body in both directions. In something as complex as our bodies any small disruptions in the way this very sensitive system works can have massive consequences.

Physiological Catch 22/Destructive Spiral Having understood the PER and the importance of these systems, this allows us to make sense of the 'Physiological Catch 22', or as it is also called, the destructive spiral. This is one important element of the LP, and is derived from Phil Parker’s identification of the following downward spiral in people stuck in bad health.

1. Exactly how the problem started can be quite variable from one individual to another - but can include responses to viruses, operations, vaccines, or even emotional stress. This onset 'event', whatever it’s cause, is seen as a threat by the body.

2. This threat causes a PER, which stimulates the Sympathetic Nervous System and the production of adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, cortisol and DHEA, as described previously.

Page 6 3. This means the body is now having to deal with a combination of physical changes and threats: The effects of the original 'event' are now combined with Direct effects of the symptoms And the effects of the PER

4. In some cases for various reasons which are not always clear, this combination of threats and changes produces an increased and prolonged PER. The long- term stimulation of this system, has a detrimental effect on the way the immune, muscular, digestive and nerve signal transmission system and many other body systems function.

5. Any disruption to the immune system in particular makes any healing more difficult. This takes the body back to step 2 again setting up a downward health spiral. This spiral can be further worsened by the added effect of the emotional distress of being unwell and all the questions and uncertainties which that can raise about one’s future.

When viewed with this understanding of some of the physical processes that go on as a response to ill health, it becomes clear that a training programme, such as the LP, which teaches you how to influence these physical processes, can open up a whole new set of options and choices for your health and life.

Dr Helmut Roniger MMED Consultant Physician at UCLH "I am training to be a practitioner of the Lightning Process myself, after seeing the amazing changes people can make using the Process."

Neuroplasticity Over time our nervous system has developed an amazing ability to rapidly grow and strengthen in response to how it’s being used. Nerve pathways that are often stimulated become faster and more important than ones that are rarely used. This is called neuroplasticity. This is a useful function, but can clearly work against us as frequently used paths that transmit inappropriate signals can equally become very well established through use. The Lightning Process looks at how clients can re-train their brains to use different life-enhancing pathways which very quickly become the new dominant pathways.

Unconscious Patterns We all operate these unconscious patterns of behaviour, some of which are great, some keep us stuck in bad health and wellbeing. One of the reasons why people find that the LP works so well is that you can learn how to recognise the unconscious and unintentional patterns which you’re doing and relearn them at a conscious level, replacing them with more useful and healthy ones.

Taking the Training

The LP is taught in three phases. The first phase is either reading the book ‘An Introduction to the Lightning Process’ which covers the concepts and science behind the LP or selecting one of the new Home Study Downloads detailed below; there are also lots of other ways to research the LP (detailed below) to help you decide if this is the right approach for you. This all gets you ready for the second phase, the three day seminar. The programme is then completed with phase three, the post-seminar follow up support.

Page 7 Part 1 of the LP – Home Study Section - Pre Course

These newly developed downloads are the first phase of the Lightning Process. Through listening to them you will learn about the detailed science and research behind the Lightning Process and how it can help you resolve your issues, start your training in recognising when you’re using your body, nervous system and specific language patterns in a damaging way, develop new healthier neurological pathways and explore how the Lightning Process has helped others. To order yours please visit:

Alternatively you can still obtain a copy of An Introduction to the Lightning Process which is available in paperback book and kindle form and audio book form.

Arrange a Phone Conversation

We are always happy to talk to you and answer any questions you have about the LP. Please call or email and we’ll be happy to call you back and discuss any questions that you may have.

Podcasts Two free podcasts are available to you which you can find on our website and on iTunes. One, created by Phil, explains the basics of the LP and the research and science behind it. And then there’s an extensive series by the team (50 episodes!), which explores topics around the LP in a fun and approachable style - they are designed to provide information to people researching the LP and to support clients who have taken the training.

Phil’s YouTube Videos Phil has created a wide range of videos available for you on YouTube. These explain the science behind the LP and information about using the LP for different conditions. There are also videos from doctors discussing their views on the LP and clients talking about their experiences.

LP Starter Downloads Phil has also created a range of downloads for people wishing to learn more about the LP specifically for CFS/ME, Anxiety & Stress, Pain & Fibromyalgia and Depression & Low Moods – find them here: tag/starter-packs

Page 8 ‘In and Out of CFS/ME’ This is for clients with CFS/ME who want to research and explore how the LP might be useful for them. It also goes further into some of the science behind the Process and published research available. It’s a available as a DVD or an audio download.

Complete the Application Form The application form is designed to help you get the most out the training and so will ask you questions about what you hope to achieve and any areas you feel you might need to work on before coming to the seminar. This will be discussed in greater detail with your chosen practitioner ahead of them confirming your place. Please ask your practitioner to email you one.

Phase 2: The Seminar The LP seminars are run on three consecutive days and take between three to five hours each day. On day one you will learn the Process, and start to use it immediately. The final two days are for fine-tuning and learning the more advanced elements of the Process to make sure you are getting the long-term results you want. The Process can be done in group sessions or one on one; this depends on what you prefer - both formats are extremely successful.

Phase 3: After the Course We are here to support you in applying the Process. Included in the price of the training are three hours of follow up phone/Skype calls - these can be taken within a year of taking the seminar as you need them. Further sessions or telephone coaching are always available to assist you in applying what you have learnt in an on-going way in your life if required.

Follow up sessions are available. These are designed to help you effectively implement the LP in every aspect of your life. The seminars re-cover the core points of the training and assist you in moving forwards with any old or new issues and challenges that might arise.

There are also a number of other things designed to support you, including regular newsletters, podcasts, further self development courses, Phil’s range of self help books, CDs/DVDs and downloads, and a website designed exclusively for graduates of the LP.

The fee for the LP with Alan Priestley is £675 in a small group (usually between 3-8 people). Currently a one to one course is also available at the small group fee of £675 for a limited time. The fee for a one to one course is normally £1350.

The LP training includes: Phone assessment and pre-course coaching Three half-days of LP training Course materials and support CD/download Three hours of follow up phone/Skype calls

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To take the training you need to complete an application form which is available on request from your practitioner. Once we have received your application form your practitioner will arrange a time to speak to you to discuss your requirements, your application form and to offer you any pre-course coaching your require to get the most out of the seminar.

Client’s Feedback – in their own words More testimonials are available, in the ‘Introduction to the LP’ book and on the LP blog

Torhild’s Story

This picture was taken one and a half months after the Lightning Process seminar, and it's now been four years of a new and different life for me. Now I'm not scared of doing anything - I'm looking forward to the weather to improve so that I can start orienteering, and this summer I want to play football - it's so great to know that I will be able to! There are so many other things that have improved in my life since the process - I'm much more relaxed, I don't stress about little things, and I am much happier. Learning the Lightning Process is one of the smartest decisions I have made in my life!

Eamonn’s Story

This picture was taken just under 3 weeks from doing the Lightning Process, at 1296m on Braeriach, a peak in the Cairngorm area of the West Highlands. 3 weeks before the photo I couldn't get out of the house and getting up the stairs was a daily task. During the 2 1/2 day Cairngorm trip I covered 35 miles across the map and 1.7 miles vertically, camped every night and was usually 10 miles from the nearest road.

If you'd told me all this just before I went on the course I'd have been as incredulous as I was when I read other people's testimonials, my symptoms were so embedded it 'just had to be' a long term thing, didn't it? I'd been off work for 15 months and in that time had made some progress but it was always 2 steps forward and 1 step back.

I had been using CBT, visualisation, NLP and all these things were helping gradually. The Lightning Process unleashes the power that those techniques (and others) try and harness in a simple (but deviously clever) technique that is incredibly easy, practical and WOW SO SO POWERFUL. Any Questions? Contact Us…

Email: [email protected]


Phone: 07525 782252

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