by Paula McColm

copyright(c)2020@paulamccolm This screenplay cannot be used for any puposes including educational purposes without the permission of the author. [email protected] INT. CAREGIVERS' SUPPORT GROUP MEETING - DAY TEN Participants of the group are sitting in folding chairs that form a circle in the middle of the 15x15 foot room as TOM, 40, is sharing with the members. MIMI LIMERICK, 28, 5'8", athletic built, auburn hair in dredlocks, dressed in blue scrubs and a white lab coat with a name tag titled, RN ICU Supervisor, is sitting next to... JOEN GOMEDA, 35, 5'7", of slender graceful stature, long silky black hair with olive complexion, carrying an over-sized Louis Vuitton Hand Bag bulging with samples of colorful upholstery fabric. TOM It's not that I don't love my mom, but at times she has a way of getting on my nerves-- Especially when she criticizes my husband while I'm caring for her- MIMI I know what you mean, Tom-- My Dad's been pointing out more and more how I haven't found the right person to settle down with-- Maybe it's because he has more time on his hands since his stroke- JOEN Listen, everyone it looks like we've gone over our time-- Does anyone else have a burning desire to share before we close? No one speaks out then Tom continues- TOM I just want to say that since I've been coming here, I'm not feeling as overwhelmed with my mother being on Chemo-- And thanks for all of your support- JOEN Thank you, Tom, and it's so good to hear you share today. Okay, everyone take care until our next meeting- Everyone begins to stand up as a few have gone over to give kudos to Tom. Joen and Mimi start to catch-up with one another before leaving. MIMI Hey, Joen, you did a good job of leading the group today-- 2. JOEN Oh, thanks, Mimi-- It's been a while but it feels good to be back. MIMI Oh, and how's your mom doing since her breast surgery? JOEN Well, she has her good days and bad days, but she's definitely getting better. Like they say, one day at a time-- How bout' yourself? Things coming along alright for you? MIMI Oh sure, my Dad can't wait to get back on his audio board for remote TV shoots. His recover is steady but slow, so he's been mopping around right now-- JOEN Can't keep a good man down for long-- So you up to anything else, lately? MIMI Oh, Joen, I met someone that I feel has potential. I'm so excited about going out with him tonight at a comedy club- JOEN Wow, that's great. You have a great time. You deserve it. Just keep me posted later, okay? MIMI Oh, sure will. I better run, Bye- JOEN See ya, Mimi- Mimi rushes out the double-door as Joen walks behind her. EXT. CAREGIVERS MEETING PLACE - SIDEWALK/STREET - CONTINUOUS After getting in her late-model blue ROVER parked on the street, she drives away. EXT. THE JUICE BAR - NIGHT Before heading toward her high-rise condo Joen, stops by the juice bar and peers in an open top Dutch-door of the closet-sized hot spot. LOUD POP MUSIC is playing. Lights are on, but nobody's there. She pounces the bell on the lower half-door ledge. 3. A MALE, 20, in a half apron, quickly stumbles out of a side door. He points to the posted CLOSED sign. She half-smiles pulling out a twenty for change. As he fumbles for ones and fives, she gazes across the street at people in evening attire schmoozing in front of a place. Two Men, late 20's, in white shirts and black pants, are carrying guitars toward an audio set-up on the sidewalk. A Woman, 25, in a safari jacket, takes photos of Two Babes, 20s, wearing silky gowns in casual poses on a red carpet. She walks away with her change and crosses the street. EXT. THE C GALLERY ON BROADWAY - CONTINUOUS Joen gingerly passes through A CROWD OF TEN, 25-60, sipping drinks from clear plastic cups outside of the 1930's newly restored two-storey brick Mission-style building. Two tall posters texted with: "C Gallery On Broadway Grand Opening" are propped against the building on the periphery of two open doors and two large bay windows housing Art. At twilight, two guitarists warm-up and play FLAMENCO MUSIC as more couples sway out of the doors. Joen moves toward one of the open doors. INT. THE C GALLERY ON BROADWAY - CONTINUOUS After entering the gallery, Joen is stun by the well-lit paintings and sculptures on exhibit. The Gallery Owner, 50, short red hair in a red lace dress, greets her and hands her a list of the artists. She gawks in awe at a large abstract watercolor painting, then circles the artist's name, "Susan Moss". Joen ends up going into an opening where A Bartender, 30, with tattoos covering her forearms, serves her champagne-- She places down a five from her hand bag as a tray of salmon circulates from a petite server dressed in black. As Joen checks out the appetizers, she's bumped by PATRICIA BONILLA, 4O, short cropped black hair with wide framed glasses, dressed in avant-garde fashion made of a clear raincoat slashed with paint. BONILLA Oh my God, is that you, Joen? It's been years- JOEN Patricia, I can't believe it- Where've you been hiding? They LAUGH LOUDLY while having an old chum bear hug. 4. BONILLA I never hide; I just wear a lot of camouflage to stay under the radar- JOEN Wow, I missed you-- So, tell me what are you doing now? BONILLA Listen, you must come over to my Mural Painting Project near our old stomping ground around the corner from the Fashion Institute in the Santee Alley Public Gallery- JOEN Oh, yeah, haven't been there for over five years-- When? BONILLA (pulls out a card) How about next weekend? Listen, here's my card. Just give me a call anytime- JOEN Sure, let's do it. Oh, by the way, I just live across the street- BONILLA Fine, gotta go Joen, but hey, we will connect again, right? JOEN No doubt, It'll be amazing, and can't wait- They exchange kisses on each other's cheeks before parting. INT. MIMI'S CONDO - LIVING ROOM - EVENING Mimi drags into her place, kicks off her Nikes, CRANKS-UP DAVE MATTHEWS BAND on an old CD player, unsnaps her surgery scrub jacket, and tosses it on a topple laundry basket on the other side of . She sorts through a pile of mail and rips open the bi-weekly auto-deposit paycheck statement from her employer, UCLA Medical Center. She NODS while fingering the 16 hours of O.T., then SOBS over the 40% tax amount taken out. A Felix-the-Cat CLOCK in the kitchen reads out "5:45" as she heads into the bathroom. INT. MIMI'S BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS She ties up her long dredlocks and gets into a steamy shower. Soon after, the water pipes RATTLE, she shivers, hops out, and stumbles on a Yoga Mat rolled-up on floor. 5. INT. MIMI'S BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS Two outfits are laid-out on the bed-- one's a red form-fitting DRESS, and the other is AN ENSEMBLE of vintage ripped jeans with a loose draw-string peasant top. She flings the red one back in her crammed closet. INT. MIMI'S LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS After she polishes her teeth with PRONAMEL, she runs to the Sofa-Table and picks up and kisses a couple of TICKETS: "Dave Matthews Band / LA Staples Center" MIMI (mouths to herself) For my nest big date with Mr. Right, Yeow- The door bell RINGS, she turns off the music then opens the door to JAMES MENKEY, 32, a dead-ringer for Russell Brand coming off a bender. He JIGGLES his keys on a BMW key chain, then points to: 7:00 on the face of his TISSOT WATCH. MIMI Oh, Hi, James, wanna come in- JAMES Hey, I think we better get a move on-- Traffic is kinda heavy, but we'll just make it on time if we leave now- MIMI Okay, just let me get my purse- She picks up her purse on a table near the door then walks out and SHUTS the door. EXT. MIMI'S CONDO - CONTINUOUS JAMES Wow, Mimi, you look amazing- MIMI Thank you, James. Okay, let's go- INT. 1986 RED BMW - MOVING - CONTINUOUS MIMI Wow, you weren't kidding about the traffic- JAMES LA is one big giant freeway, like the old song- MIMI Funny, my dad used to play that song when I was growing up- 6. JAMES Oh, yeah, what does your old man do for a living? MIMI He's been in the music and television industry most of his life- JAMES Hum, I'm impressed. He must know all the rappers, like Jay-Z MIMI Oh, yeah, he's met quite a few since working the audio equipment for most shows like American Idol and . JAMES Well, I grew up around a pretty famous guy that I think you'd know- MIMI Oh, yeah, who's that? JAMES Trentin Sarentino- MIMI Oh my God, Really? I love all his movies- JAMES We were pretty tight all through middle school in the South Bay-- Even back then, he was sort of a rebel- MIMI What do you mean? JAMES Well, let's put it this way, he had these raw and edgy ideas for movies going on in his head even before he made his first big film- MIMI Sounds like a true visionary- JAMES Yeah, well, that's a story for another time. (beat) Oh, my exit's coming up, better get over- After getting off the freeway, James ends up finding a parking space on a residential street that's 2-3 blocks from the Laugh Factory. 7. JAMES Sorry, but parking's always been tough around here-- It looks like we'll have a ways to walk-- Hope that's okay? MIMI Oh, that's okay- He backs-up the car to park in an empty space on a hill. EXT. LAUGH FACTORY - SUNSET BLVD - CONTINUOUS James and Mimi get in a moving line of about TWENTY PEOPLE in front of the LAUGH FACTORY. The headliners on the marquee are unknown except for CAROL LEIFER, who was a staff writer for the sitcom. JAMES Well, here we go-- MIMI So excited, I've never been here-- JAMES Really, thought you loved stand-up. MIMI Oh, I do-- been to the Comedy Store and the Improv in Irvine- JAMES How bout' the Second City? MIMI You mean in Chicago? He nods his head then she one-ups him- MIMI (CON'T) Of course, my dad took me there a couple of times- INT. LAUGH FACTORY - CONTINUOUS After walking thru the entry, James and Mimi sit at a round table with a candle near the stage then a SERVER comes over. SERVER What can I get you, tonight? JAMES Just a diet coke for me. MIMI Uh, I'll have a sprite, please- SERVER Be back soon with your drinks- 8. JAMES Thank you- After the server leaves, James leans in closer to her. JAMES (CON'T) Mimi, I think you know I don't drink, right? MIMI I sort of figured that- JAMES Yeah, I realized that I had a problem and gave it up about two months ago- MIMI Well, good for you- The first stand-up comic hits the stage RUNNING with a LOUD BANG, and they both look up as the show begins. MONTAGE OF THE STAND-UP COMICS ON STAGE: -- FIRST COMIC is running up and down the stage with a routine that's similar to that of Jim Carrey with distorted facial expressions incorporated into his routine. -- SECOND COMIC tells jokes about dating, specifically, cheap dates - He imitates a T- Rex with gestures of having shortened arms while reaching for his front pocket to pay the check. He bombs as the laughter diminishes. -- Last comic, CAROL LEIFER gets laughs re: sex and 7-eleven convenience stores JOKES. She plugs a show then BIG APPLAUSE END OF MONTAGE. EXT. LAUGH FACTORY - ONTO THE STREET - CONTINUOUS James and Mimi are walking away from the exit doors onto the sidewalk, then cross the light together as they head toward the street that he parked his car. JAMES What a nice night-- How'd you like the last comedian? MIMI Oh, she's somewhat of an icon-- Thought she was pretty funny- JAMES I know she's been around for a long time. Yeah, she wasn't bad- They keep walking then James starts to scratch his head and turns around then starts to walk back toward Sunset Blvd. 9. JAMES Wow, I thought this was the street we parked on, but I don't see my car anywhere, do you? MIMI No, I don't see it-- Hum, should we try walking back toward the hill again? JAMES Yeah, sure- After walking up and back and over to another street, James and Mimi arrive back to an empty parking space where he had originally parked. An OLDER WOMAN in curlers, walks out to her lit front porch to inquire. OLDER WOMAN You alright-- Do you need help? JAMES Hi ma'am, I think I parked my car here tonight, but it's not here- Mimi looks at the sign at the spot that reads, "Parking By Permit Only" then she POINTS-OUT THE SIGN to James. OLDER WOMAN I think your car was towed away over an hour ago. MIMI James, this is a restricted parking zone- JAMES Damn-- Excuse me, ma'am-- Hate to bother you, but do you happen to know the Impound around here that my car could of been towed to? OLDER WOMAN Try Ace or Express Impound- MIMI / JAMES Thank you, ma'am-- Goodnight- is on as they leave the empty parking space to search out a telephone booth with a telephone book. EXT. TELEPHONE BOOTH ON SUNSET BLVD - LATE NIGHT James MUMBLES as he flips through the yellow pages of a chained-down ragged telephone book with Mimi by his side. JAMES Thank God-- This must be the last phone booth on the planet- 10. MIMI Sorry, James, about not charging my phone before we left- JAMES Yeah, and I left mine in the glove box. (beat) Ok, here's Ace Impound- He dials then gets an answer from GUS, with a gruff voice. GUS (O.S.) Ace Impound, what can I do you for? JAMES Hi, my car was towed away tonight near Sunset Blvd-- Can you tell me if you picked up a red BMW tonight? GUS (O.S.) What's the license plate? JAMES 86BMER- GUS (O.S.) Hold on, I'll check- JAMES (to Mimi) They're checking- A Beat. GUS (O.S.) Sorry, no such vehicle's been towed here tonight on our lot- He hangs up, flips pages to Express, dials and gets MAC- MAC (O.S.) Express Impound- JAMES Hi, I think my Red BMW with plates 86BMER just got towed over tonight- MAC (O.S.) Oh, yeah, it's right in front- JAMES How much to get it out of Impound? MAC (O.S.) 300 dollars- JAMES We'll be right over- EXT. TELEPHONE BOOTH ON SUNSET BLVD - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS 11. MIMI You found your car, right? After James hangs up, he looks in her widened eyes- JAMES Yes, and it's going to cost a small fortune to get it out- A Beat. Listen Mimi, I'm going to have to ask you for a favor- MIMI Oh, James, it's getting pretty late-- Alright, what is it? JAMES (CON'T) This is really embarrassing, but is there any way you can loan me $300? He bows his head as he puts his hands in his pockets. JAMES I just don't have that kind of cash to pay for the impound fee tonight, and of course I would pay you back- MIMI Well, if that's the only way we can get your car out, so that we can drive back home. (beat) Is there an ATM somewhere around here? James looks up and over across the street then points- JAMES I saw one over there across the street as we were walking here- MIMI Oh, I see it. Let's go- JAMES I can't tell you how sorry I am about tonight. Let me call a yellow cab before we go over, so they can pick us up while we're there, ok? MIMI Yeah, sure- While James dials on the phone, Mimi shivers as she waits. EXT. ATM MACHINE ON SUNSET BLVD - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Mimi is in a quiet passive mode, as she withdraws $300 from her account then steps over to hand the cash to James. 12. MIMI Here, James, this is just a loan- JAMES Yes, it's a loan-- Thank you, Mimi- A yellow cab pulls up, they get in, and drive away. INT. YELLOW CAB - MOVING - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS THE CABBY, 30s, with an East Indian accent, pulls up to the Impound to drop off Mimi and James. CABBY Okay, this is Express Impound- JAMES Thanks, here you go, sir. James hands him cash as they get out of the cab. CABBY Thank you and have a good evening- EXT. EXPRESS IMPOUND - NIGHT It's late, the lights are bright and the lot is big and full of dirty cars of all makes and models. James leads the way as Mimi tags alongside him to the office, the size of a medium-sized trailer with a wide opening for business. MAC, 40, in a dark blue shirt, attends to James, who's in a rush. JAMES Hi, I called tonight and was told my 1986 red BMW was towed here- MAC Oh, yeah, with license plates of 86BMER, right? (points over) It's over there- JAMES Yes, that's my car-- How do we handle getting my car out tonight? MAC It's up to you, man-- If you want it tonight, need your driver's license and you need to fill out a form before paying- JAMES Fine, here's my driver's license, and please give me the form- Mac looks at his license then gives him the form, while writing up the bill. Mimi continues to be in a passive mode. 13. MAC Alright, James, here's the damages, or rather the bill- JAMES Just under 300-- Hum, there you go- MAC Thank you, got your keys, right? JAMES Yes, no problem- MAC Then you're free to go- James and Mimi walk to the car, he unlocks the door, opens the glove box for his cell, then walks around the car to check for dents with none noted. He opens the passenger door for Mimi before he gets in the driver's seat and pulls away. INT. 1986 BMW - MOVING - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS JAMES Mimi, are you alright? MIMI Yes, I'm okay- JAMES Oh my God, what a night- Let's get you home now- MIMI That's the goal and so glad we survived this night without any scrapes or bruises- JAMES You can say that again. You've been a lifesaver-- I can't thank you enough- MIMI Don't mention it. I think we could use a breather-- Maybe we can talk about something else- JAMES Oh, sure- There's an awkward SILENCE before James talks again. JAMES (CON'T) Remember when I was talking about an old school friend of mine earlier tonight- 14. MIMI Oh, yeah, you mean Trentin Sarentino? JAMES Yeah, we went to school together up until High School before he went on to making films, and boy, did we ever have some unusual experiences- MIMI Oh, yeah-- I heard he got started in film at a really young age. What kind of things did you do together? JAMES You never knew what was next with Trentin-- I mean, some really crazy-like happenings- He drives off the freeway onto the surface street. JAMES (CON'T) I'll never forget the time his step-dad kidnapped me in a big abandoned warehouse, and nobody knew where I was for a week- MIMI Holy Shit, that sounds like Hell- JAMES It was one of the craziest things that I've ever been through, but hey, we were just kids back then- EXT. MIMI'S CONDO - NIGHT He pulls up to her condo and parks- MIMI Well, guess, it's time to say goodnight, James- JAMES Goodnight, Mimi- After Mimi gets out and closes her door, she walks to her place and doesn't look back. INT. MIMI'S CONDO - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT There's a CLICK-TURN of the door lock-- The door opens then Mimi reaches in to flip on a light. She turns on NEW WAVE MUSIC, lights incense, and sits at the table with her mail and subscription magazine of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY. From her purse, she pulls out the receipt stamped with tonight's date and time from: "EXPRESS IMPOUND-- 1986 BMW, 15. License Plate 86BMER, TOWED - In Restricted Pkg. Zone". With raised eyebrows, she opens last month's CITI MASTERCARD BILL showing hefty charges from "LA Staples Center, Wine & Dine, and The Gentlemen's Tissot Outlet". She opens this month's PSYCHOLOGY TODAY MAGAZINE and turns to an article: "Ten Signs of Co-Dependent Relationships", then scrambles for her I-phone... She sends a text message to DHARMA'S YOGA STUDIO: "Hey, Gotta Unwind! Can U squeeze me in UR Stretch Out Stress session this morning? Mimi". Lastly, she plops down on the couch and crashes. INT. MIMI'S MINI COOPER - ON THE MOVE - MORNING Mimi drives past DHARMA'S YOGA STUDIO that has a long line of people, each with yoga mats. She takes a sip of tea from her cup, spills on her top at the STOP-SIGN and CURSES- MIMI (to herself) Oh, damn-- Guess, I won't be going to Yoga today- She reaches for a napkin to wipe off the spill then picks up a few of the ends of her dredlock braids- MIMI (to herself) Wow, I should go over to Stephanie's- There's A HONK from the car behind her, then she drives on- INT. SALON MEDUSA - MORNING STEPHANIE CORTEZ-STOMP, 45, tall, olive complexion, muted green tinted short hair and an infectious smile, is blow-drying a client's hair at her salon-chair station. She looks over as Mimi walks in. STEPHANIE Hi, Mimi-- Wat up? MIMI Hi, nothing much, just hope you can squeeze me in for a small touch up- STEPHANIE Sure, have a seat- Mimi sits next to JULIE BULLA, 27, 5'5", brown hair, brown eyes in a tan dress suit, looking through a hair style book. MIMI Hi- 16. JULIE Oh, Hi- MIMI Been waiting long? JULIE Oh, not long-- Just waiting for Blu. He should be here soon. MIMI Oh, yeah, he's great-- Think I've seen you here before- JULIE Yeah, I'm Julie- MIMI Nice to meet you, I'm Mimi- JULIE Love your hair- MIMI Oh thanks, but it's a bit of a mess. Just need Stephanie to tighten-up some of the ends- JULIE ...And I really need Blu to do something with my hair-- I'm way overdue, because of my tight schedule lately- MIMI Oh, what do you do? JULIE I'm a lawyer and just started working with Loftin and Associates. (beat) How about you? What kind of work are you in? MIMI I'm an RN supervisor in the ICU at UCLA Medical Center. JULIE You look so young-- I can see the doctors falling for you- MIMI Not that young-- been a nurse for a while now-- Sorry, but I'm having a weird morning-- Trying to get over a terrible date I had last night- Stephanie comes over to give them a somewhat cheery update- 17. STEPHANIE Hey Julie, Blu should be here any minute, and Mimi, I'm just finishing up right now, okay? Mimi and Julie NOD right before BLU, 6-4", a gentle giant, dark hair with an asymmetrical-cut, arrives. MIMI Oh, that sounds good- BLU Hi, Julie-- Hope you didn't have to wait long- JULIE No problem, got here a little early to look at some hair styles- BLU Listen, come on back when you're ready- JULIE Okay- Blu walks to his salon station then Julie speaks to Mimi before getting up to walk over. JULIE (CON'T) It was nice meeting you and hope that when I see you next time, it will be under better circumstances- MIMI Yeah, me too- A Beat. STEPHANIE C'mon over, Mimi. Ready for you- Mimi sits in her chair and Stephanie puts a drape on her. STEPHANIE (CON'T) Oh, yeah, I see some of your ends loosened-up a bit. We can fix that, shouldn't take long- MIMI So glad you could fit me in-- I sure could use some of your magic touch, especially today- STEPHANIE Ohh, Mimi. I know it's kinda of early, but can I get you a glass of chardonnay, first? 18. MIMI That might not be a bad idea-- Bring me a glass just in case- STEPHANIE Oh, okay, be right back- While Stephanie goes to the mini frig in the back, Mimi has a forlorn look at herself in the mirror as she wipes a tear away before Stephanie comes back. MIMI Think I'll take a few sips before you get started- STEPHANIE Sure, here you go- MIMI Thanks-- STEPHANIE Sweetie, think I've known you long enough now-- Are you going to tell me what happened, lately? Mimi takes a couple of hefty gulps then comes up for air- MIMI You don't EVEN want to know- STEPHANIE Awright then, let's get down to it and spruce-up some of those loose-ends of yours- MIMI Excellent choice, Stephanie. If anyone can make me look beautiful again-- It's you- INT. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP - DAY Mimi's in the middle of sharing with the MEMBERS, who are seated in the usual circular formation of folding chairs- MIMI I know I should know better, but why is it I keep hearing my Dad's voice in my head, whenever I meet someone that I think is my type- TOM Excuse me Mimi, but this is supposed to be about how we can manage and cope with family members that need our care during their illness-- I know, at the last (MORE) 19. TOM (cont'd) meeting, I shared similar issues that I've been having with my mother. So, I empathize with you- MIMI Only thing Tom, since my Dad had his stroke, he's gotten more critical about giving his approval rating of whoever I go out with- TOM Anybody else want to give some feedback to Mimi? No one offers further input- MIMI Well, thanks for letting me share, and I will say that my Dad is improving physically, and boy, is his speech coming back quickly- TOM Thanks Mimi, that's good to hear. Okay, everybody, hope to see you again at our next meeting- As the members stand up and get ready to leave, Joen comes up behind Mimi and gives a gently pat on her back- JOEN Hi, Mimi, that was very brave of you to share (beat) wanna share any other burning desires with me? MIMI Oh, Joen, you're such a good friend and yes, my love life is just not what I've been hoping for- JOEN We've all been there before-- Listen, only if you feel like it, tell me what happened when you went out last weekend- MIMI I still can't believe it-- I got stuck with a 300 dollar bill-- It was so disappointing- JOEN What on earth cost that much in one night's time- 20. MIMI His car got towed to an impound lot, and he couldn't cough up to get it taken out- JOEN Just curious, what kind of car does he drive? MIMI Why? A vintage BMW- JOEN (with a smirk) Bummer, BMW stands for break my wallet.. But in this case, it was your wallet- MIMI Jesus, don't make me laugh- JOEN Come on Mimi, let's try to give him the benefit of the doubt... Did he at least offer to pay you back? MIMI Yeah, we agreed it was a loan and- JOEN And? MIMI I haven't heard back from him, yet- JOEN Ever heard of the R and B song by the group, Chairman of the Board? MIMI Who? JOEN Okay, it's a little before your time-- Goggle it on You Tube-- It's called, Gimme just a little more time- MIMI You mean give him another chance? JOEN Yep, see what happens in a week or so before you consider eighty-sixing him- As they walk out the exit door, Mimi hesitates with doubt. 21. MIMI Maybe, you're right-- I'll give him another week- JOEN That a girl- INT. LAW OFFICE OF LOFTIN AND ASSOCIATES - EVENING ANDREA LOFTIN, 34, 5'6", fair complexion with reddish-brown hair, is sitting on a leather couch sipping on white wine with Julie Bulla. ANDREA Listen, Julie, as a new associate, I think you're doing a good job, but I think you can do better, if you know what I mean- JULIE I'm all ears-- Tell me what it is that will help me toward becoming a better lawyer for the firm- ANDREA Let's be candid with each other-- Please tell me the last time you got laid- JULIE WHAT? Well, honestly it's been quite a while-- Does it show? ANDREA Yes, it does-- If it's been over a year or two, I suggest that you get back on the horse and ride it high- JULIE Okay, well, I'm going to my High School reunion next weekend and I might be connecting with an old boyfriend of mine- ANDREA Sounds like a good start-- I just want you to let loose, and hopefully you'll loosen up at your next important court appearance performance-- Catch my drift? JULIE Sure, Andrea-- You can count on me. Andrea pours more wine into Julie's glass as the sun sets. 22. INT. STARBUCK'S COFFEE - MORNING Mimi walks up to the counter and places her order with the MALE BARISTA, 20's, brown hair, olive skin, 6-0', nose-ring. BARISTA Hi, can I help you? MIMI Hi, yes, I'd like a Venti-Decaf Latte, please- BARISTA Sure, oh, and what's your name? MIMI Mimi- After Mimi pays him, she sits at a table near the pick-up counter. RICK, 30, 5-10", dark brown hair, in jeans and a hoodie, walks in, places his order with the barista then walks near the pick-up counter. He slowly approaches Mimi. RICK Hi, Mimi- MIMI Rick! Hi- RICK Haven't seen you here in a while-- How you doin? MIMI I'm okay- RICK Listen, Mimi-- You know James and I are good friends, and I think you should know that he's so sorry about what happened on your date together- MIMI Well, he has my number, and I'm sure he can call to tell me that himself- BARISTA Mimi, Venti-Decaf Latte- MIMI Excuse me Rick, I need to go- RICK Ohh, well, take care-- Bye- Mimi picks-up her latte and heads away as Rick stands dumbfounded and watches her leave through the door. 23. EXT. SANTEE ALLEY PUBLIC ART GALLERY - DAY Joen, in a hot pink blazer and flats parks in the alley, gets out of her late model ROVER and locks the door. She looks in awe at the series of art murals across the entire length of the brick walls of the industrial buildings on both sides of the alley. Joen hesitates when she passes a couple of dumpsters over flowing with trash and as an automatic electric gate opens beside her. BONILLA, appears as a rebel artist out to change the world, dressed in shorts with a tied head bandanna. She hurries out gripping onto cans of spray paints, then climbs up a rolling scaffold. Just as Bonilla opens the top of a can, she sees Joen and gives her a peace sign. As the sound of the can shaking bounces off the walls, Joen waves back as she passes under a pair of tennis shoes tied together hanging on a power line. BONILLA My God, Joen, I see you found the place- JOEN Yes, and I'm amazed-- Is this all your work? A beat. Bonilla hops down to greet Joen with open arms- BONILLA C'mere, I'm so happy you made it-- Let me show you around, okay? JOEN Where do we start? It's so massive- A beat. Bonilla takes Joen on a tour of the alley that extends over two city blocks. Soon, the curator, DUSTIN, 29, six foot, Hispanic in levis and a shirt, shows up for introductions as Bonilla waves him over. BONILLA Hey Dustin, C'mere, I want to introduce you to someone- DUSTIN (runs over) Sure, be right over- BONILLA Dustin, this is my good friend Joen Gomeda-- We both graduated from FIDM about ten years ago- 24. DUSTIN Hi Joen, nice to meet you. What do you think of our public gallery? JOEN Hi Dustin-- I think it's phenomenal. Patricia tells me that she and you are spearheading this project. DUSTIN Yes, It's a passion of mine that I've been nurturing with the help of Patricia and several other artists over the last year or so- A beat. How about yourself? You work in the art industry? JOEN I have an interior design company and started a modest furniture product line with Crate & Barrel- DUSTIN I'm impressed-- Didn't think you'd want to join our outdoor mural project, but maybe you'd like to visit our Art Gallery Workshop a little later, and I can show you some of my wood-work designs. JOEN Oh, I'd love to- BONILLA Okay, Joen-- We'll go in after we finish our little tour. DUSTIN Yes, come on in whenever you like- They each wave bye as Joen and Patricia walk back to her mural in progress. Both take turns shooting I-phone photos in front of the buildings. Bonilla points out a nearby area next to a dumpster scattered with trash and used-up cans of spray paint left behind by some of the homeless and taggers. Joen shakes her head then rushes back to her car to retrieve a box of several spray paint cans then hands it to Bonilla- JOEN Oh, I almost forgot-- I brought some left over paints that I've had in storage, thinking you might be able to use them- 25. BONILLA How nice-- Sure, all of the artists here welcome donations-- I think Dustin forgot to mention that this is all part of his non-profit- JOEN Listen, Patricia I've got to go, now, but I'd love to come back to see how the project's coming along a little later- BONILLA Sure, sure-- I'll be working toward completion soon, and sounds like a plan. Thank you for the paints- JOEN No problem, By the way-- Jason seems like a really nice person- BONILLA Oh, he's very dedicated-- You'll see him again next time you come- JOEN That would be super-- Well, bye for now, and good luck Patricia BONILLA Bye and be careful driving out-

They give kisses on each other's cheeks before Joen gets in her car and drives away from Bonilla's mural that covers over FIFTY FEET of full length exterior brick walls. INT. STARBUCK'S COFFEE - MORNING Mimi is sitting at a table drinking a latte as James enters, walks to the counter then looks over at Mimi. He walks over then speaks to her in a slow deliberate manner. JAMES Hi, Mimi-- I was really hoping I'd see you here- MIMI Oh, James-- I'm sure Rick told you he bumped into me here, right? JAMES Well, yeah, he mentioned it, but this is where we also first met, remember? MIMI Of course, I remember- 26. JAMES I know our last date was kinda of a bummer toward the end of the night, and I just want to pay you back- James pulls out an envelope and opens the flap to reveal the bills inside then places it on the table in front of her. She looks at it then looks at a couple sitting down the way. MIMI James, please sit down, won't you? JAMES (while sitting) Oh, sure, thanks- MIMI Is there anything else that you want to share with me-- I mean, like a burning desire or something? JAMES Mimi, I think I told you that I had a problem and stopped drinking, remember? MIMI Yes, I do remember- JAMES Well, even though, I like you as a person and enjoy your company, I've been discussing some things with my sponsor at AA lately, and we both came to the conclusion that I should concentrate on my sobriety before establishing a new relationship with someone- A Beat. I don't know if that makes any sense to you-- I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, myself- MIMI James, I get it, and I think whoever your sponsor is, you should take his advice, okay? JAMES I knew you'd understand-- Listen, can we at least remain as friends? MIMI Of course, not a problem, and thank you for paying back the loan to me. 27. JAMES And thank you for coming through that night-- I just didn't want you think of me as was a total Bum- MIMI No, don't ever think that of yourself that way-- I'm sure, over time, your green light will come. Just keep the faith- JAMES Thank you, Mimi and I guess this is bye for now- He lightly touches her hand as he stands before leaving. MIMI Bye, James- She SIGHS DEEPLY as she watches him walk out the door, then mouths out to herself-- MIMI (CON'T) C'est la vive. EXT. CAREGIVERS' SUPPORT GROUP MEETING PLACE - DAY Joen and Mimi have just parked their cars near the front of the building of the support group meeting then walk towards one another before going in. MIMI Hi Joen, wait up- JOEN Oh, Hi, Mimi-- Wat up? MIMI I'm so glad to see you again-- Do I have a lot to tell you- JOEN Let me guess-- You and James got together again? MIMI Well, not exactly, but you were right about giving him another chance. I mean to at least let him tell me his side of the story- JOEN Uh hum, which is? MIMI It might seem complicated, but it's really simple. (beat) He broke it (MORE) 28. MIMI (cont'd) off with me because he wants to prioritize his sobriety over me- JOEN Jesus, Mimi-- Are you a saint? MIMI No, really-- He paid me back, then asked if we could still remain friends. (beat) I accepted both the cash back and his offer. JOEN Okay, so you didn't have to eighty six him after all-- Sounds a little like a win-win, don't you think? MIMI Yeah, how about that-- Oh, I feel so monopolizing. How was your week? JOEN I felt a little electricity with someone I just met, but maybe it's too soon to tell-- Let's get in there to join the others, and then we can talk later- MIMI Oh, by the way, I've got an extra ticket to the next Dave Matthews concert at Staples-- Wanna go? JOEN Hell, yeah, when? MIMI Next weekend- JOEN I'm there-- Know of a great hotel closeby to stay at after- MIMI Okay! We'll talk later- Mimi walks with an extra spring in her step into the building of the support group meeting along with Joen. INT. JOEN'S ROVER - MOVING - EVENING After the meeting as Joen is driving home on the 10 freeway that passes overhead from the Santee Alley Public Art Gallery, there's a visible bellowing of smoke. She takes the off-ramp to get a closer look then slowly drives by. She calls Bonilla to alert her. 29. JOEN Hi, Patricia this is Joen and there's a small fire close to your mural site-- better call department to come check it out- BONILLA (O.S.) Oh my God, are you over there now? JOEN Well, I was driving by on the 10 and saw smoke so I just pulled off the exit and... BONILLA (O.S.) Listen Joen, please get out of there now-- It's not safe over there at night. I'll call 911 and Dustin so that he can check it out- JOEN Okay, I know what you mean-- It looks pretty edgy. I'll get back on the freeway to go home- BONILLA (O.S.) Yeah, and drive safely-- I'll give you a call later, okay? JOEN Okay- Joen drives toward the freeway on-ramp with her eyes darting swiftly back and forth as a couple of young men in dark hoodies cross the street nearby.

THE END Episode 2 to follow... 30.