Geographic Analysis of Luncheonette in Rasht City and Its Role on Local Development Teymour Amar1, Mohammad Baset Ghoreyshi2, Masoumeh Mirgharavi3* 1Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch, Rasht, 2Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran 3*M.A Student of Geography, Islamic Azad University Rasht Branch, Rasht, Iran (Corresponding Author)

Abstract Dramatic changes in the social, economic and cultural relations in recent decades have been considered more attention to leisure as one of the basic requirements that its consequences has been the development of tourism industry and recreation of city as a tourist destination in small scale. This study has been done with aims to explain role of suburban luncheonette in Rasht city (Iran) to spend their leisure time and as well as measure satisfaction of local tourists in the suburb of Rasht city. Thus data required collected with completing 388 questionnaires by tourists and interviews with some managers and visitors and has been analyzed as adaptation and based on location and the availability and quality of services provided, while attention to strengths and weaknesses of luncheonette in city suburban, their role in the development of tourism and spend their leisure time. Results show that the guest’s community will welcome from this tourism product and to spend their leisure time and its space is the most important factor in choosing luncheonette. Space include place of peace and safety, quality of food, music, offering coffee and hookah, style of luncheonette, decoration and external landscape. Keywords: Leisure, Tourism Services, Access, Luncheonette, Rasht

1- Introduction Nowadays tourism service is considered one of the important issues for the growth and prosperity of tourism industry in community, specifically marketers of this industry (Vellas, 2005, p185). A service is a wide sector, which includes variety of economic and social activities (Masoumi Eshkavari, 1995, p247). Performing any travel and use of travel service and tourism is dependent on use of factors that by using it can provide more utility for the traveler or visitor (Ketabchi, 2004, P24). Tourism planning and provision of services to offer its optimum, creating satisfying in tourists is needs of detailed analysis of services and its proper handling (Fattahi, 2004, 15). Service quality is providing customers' expectations and control of flexibility services that are offered to customers (Simmons, 2003, 67). Without addressing to the issue of quality can hardly be argued about service outcomes (Lumsdon, 2001, 28). One interesting approach to measure service quality research in recent years has discussed the purchase of intangible, that it is a research method for the collection of factual information about the levels of service quality in different service companies (Azizi, 2008, 55). The use of spaces and mode of distribution in service centers is one of the important factors to be considered in planning that in the meantime, tourism and distribution centers across the city due to their versatility and accessibility is important (Farid, 1994, 58). Satisfaction is positive feeling that is created in any person after use of product or service (Masoudi, 2003). But on arrival, tourists cannot have good services and facilities in the country, will certainly lead to dissatisfaction (Rahimpour, 2005, 23). Satisfaction can be a relative matter because is different according to each person's expectations and amount of it changes. Satisfaction and service quality have the different structural, but are linked together (Abdoli, 2006, 134). Part of the reception has vital aspect in tourism and tourism trends are directly affect two parts and their adaption each other means demand and the reception quality (Vellas, 2005,259). Food is such a basic human psychological needs but the food in addition to an essential requirement is known as such an important attraction of the tourist destination. Eating in restaurants, food shops, cafeteria, and tea shops are to spend their leisure time tourists as well as residents. Leisure has two Major Semantic Dimensions (Papoli Yazdi, 2009, 133). Local food and taste what they have not experienced yet gives enthusiasm and special delight to tourists cannot find a substitute for it. There is simple classification and yet so funny about eating. In this division, food is classified to two section body and soul food. Body food is mostly a typical meal that is relatively inexpensive, fast and simple available and is eaten the aim of satisfying your hunger but food as food for the soul is something beyond it, because it not only requires the human body in full will be provided, but eating become experience pleasant and memorable. Soul food is more complete and more expensive and in terms of time will be longer, but all this must be added that this food is spent in environment, such as luncheonette is a part of eating process. Soul food can be considered as a social activity because people rarely located to eat spatially and such expenses will be spent and

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typically spend more on food fit only one type of food the body. Eating at restaurants, luncheonette and ... will remember the life experiences of people and sometimes it is for diagnosis (Ranjbarian, 2007, 119-120). Tourism in each region is a function of both time and place. Based on factor of time and spend their leisure time are such as long-term, monthly, weekly, short time. In addition to the main factors (attraction and demand), always two things that must be considered in the development of tourism and leisure time, a place to stay even if it be for a short time and the other thing to eat and drink. One of the most trusted and popularized places that has grown significantly in recent years and are considered as short-term destination and attraction for a tourist (in the form of spend their leisure time). Luncheonettes are surrounding cities. The aim of this study is to analyze place distribution and quality reviews luncheonettes around the city of Rasht in order to explain its role in spend their leisure time Rasht citizens and tourists from far and near source. Due to rainy weather and regional climate of region, these places have an important role for short- term leisure. Dispersion of luncheonettes and the distance from the access are very important factors. According to research done, there are 21 luncheonettes in10 kilometers path of Rasht to that in comparison of main and important paths leading to the city of Rasht has largest number luncheonettes in the suburbs. In addition to local tourists, transit passengers can also go to these places. In this paper has attempted to examine the factors affecting improve quality, ease of access and also select a suitable location for luncheonettes, by providing practical solutions effective steps should be taken in order to increase the quality and its satisfaction.

2 - Materials and Methods In this research due to the nature of it is used descriptive - analytical method in geography field based on field observations and statistically and to collect data is used library method (refer to documents and sources) and field (observation, interview with individuals and entities associated with like managers of luncheonette and completing questionnaire from tourists referred to luncheonette). Statistical population in study is all individuals referred to luncheonette to spend their leisure time and 400 questionnaires were completed randomly that 388 questionnaires were analyzable and data and information after collecting by the software of Excel, SPSS and GIS has been analyzed.

3 - Research Findings: Ranges studied of Rasht city entries are including Rasht to Khomam length of 14 kilometers and rasht to Fouman lengths to 25 kilometers, Rasht to lengths to 32 Km, Rasht to Kaftrood (slightly above Pirbazar) in length 8 Km and Rasht to Gill square length of 1 km. Cultural heritage encompasses both sections of physical and spiritual and luncheonette with symbols and traditional rituals and the introduction of Iranian art and architecture and offers a variety of food and drinks different regions of country plays prominent role in the restoration and preservation of the material and spiritual heritage of Iranian (Khoshkholgh,2012). Luncheonette with historical in periods of its life has had various functions and multi-faceted. Art and culture and also interact and discuss are different aspects of these activities (Janetan, 2008, p179). Management and investments in reception everywhere in the world requires experience, knowledge, and attitudes and necessary information in this regard. A location and select in set up unit of a residential - entertainment such as luncheonette is very important in terms of access. Choose the location is often based on customer demand and trends. Right and proper decision about the construction site is a factor affecting the profitability of residential - entertainment units. Many people are interested that go to a place near their location to spend less time and money. People just do not go luncheonette to eat good food, because good food is only part of the experience and utility that customer achieve in luncheonette. The pleasant feeling of the customer is result of luncheonette space or atmosphere. This exact reason the design of a suitable environment luncheonette is necessary to attention to various factors. So perhaps the most important step in designing luncheonette is that the first should be their target market in terms of size, income, age, social class, and other related elements to market segmentation analyzed and choose appropriate part of activities (Ranjbarian,2007,25). The first judgment about luncheonettes due to their time constraints is primarily focused the exterior of luncheonettes (Yahyaei, 2006, 154). Exterior can be partly indicates the internal state and the primary impact will have on the customer (Taleghani, 2005, 254). Having parking luncheonettes, the exterior design, the exterior landscape, interior and inner space, paint buildings, potting and landscaping and ... affects customer perception from service quality in luncheonettes (Ranjbarian, 2007, 25). The first feature in luncheonettes is ideal panel that in first view determine that preferred location is luncheonette. The second important feature in panel is that should determine services provided at the site. The third element determined by panel is class and price range. Sometimes the customer enters unknowingly to a place that does not fit his/her budget. The fourth issue that should be included in the drawing panel luncheonettes is audience range. For example, it is obvious that luncheonette with relaxed environment and family is different from luncheonette

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that is a meeting place for young people. In fact, luncheonette with parking makes sure customer about quality of service. It is suitable for asphalt or cement floor of the garage. Parking in the side or back of luncheonette in terms of aesthetic is very interesting (Ranjbarian, 2007, 26). Illumination intensity depends on color and type of light and the location of lighting system and to create a suitable environment for attracting customers is very important. Proper lighting adds to the beauty luncheonette and can highlight beautiful exterior architecture doubles and disadvantages somewhat be away from sight. Customers at decisions about how they will spend will forced to go to the menu of the food. Set of different points can be considered on the menu and it dos and don'ts. In term of physical and appearance of menu can said that menu appearance and its design has whether or not a particular cover, in term of color, material, graphic and design is essential because be fitness with luncheonette decoration (Ranjbarian, 2007, 27). Music is considered as one of the factors influencing the formation of good atmosphere in luncheonette. Either live music or music playback from the speaker is led to happy and joyful spirit in customer or the personnel also in terms of emotional are in favorable condition for activities (Ranjbarian, 2007, 28). Location of service centers, especially luncheonette and access to them depend on a number of factors. During researches done from luncheonettes in the suburbs of Rasht city (entry routes into the city of Rasht), 21 luncheonettes are under the supervision of the cultural heritage and tourism organization. Most luncheonette is in path crowded Rasht - Khomam that only 11 units of these located under the cultural heritage tourism. The number of luncheonettes in path Rasht - Lahijan is 5 units and in path Rasht - Fouman is 1 unit and in path Rasht – Kafteroud are 2 units and finally, path Rasht - Gill Square worked 1 unit. In general, number of luncheonette is more in relevant paths which 21 units are under the supervision of Cultural Heritage and Tourism and other are accepted the license from other Corporativism, County Seat and ect. Guilan province, especially in Rasht suburbs due to favorable weather and good luncheonette is a good hosts for leisure tourists, travelers passing and indigenous individuals. According to a questionnaire that was completed in Rasht suburban luncheonettes, most people refer to luncheonettes are residents of the city of Rasht with 62/1 percent and next residents of the villages around 22/7 percent and then people in other parts with 14/6 percent.

Thesis Advisor: Dr.Amar Consulting Advisor:Dr. Ghoreishi Accountable: Masoumeh Mirgharavi

Map(1):Location map of traditinoal luncheonettes in suburb of rasht Refer to Luncheonette; convenient location and price are two crucial factors. According to studies conducted, access and distance from Rasht is effective in selecting luncheonette, based on 57/4 of respondents view, location was very influential in go to luncheonette and 27/2% of respondents consider less the role of place and 15/4 percent considered ineffective. Many Luncheonettes due to the bad place or having bad situation lost their competitive strength because existing facilities do not meet the conditions of

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ijcrb.webs.com JULY 2013 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS VOL 5, NO 3 customer expectations. So before building luncheonette should thought necessary arrangements to choose the right location.

Chart (1): The frequency distribution of the statistical population based on selection of location

According to studies conducted, the quality of service provided in most luncheonette doesn’t have quality. Based on chart above, from view 55/4 percent of customers, quality of services provided is the most important factor in attracting customers that indicating the importance of service quality in luncheonette. The overall quality of service can be found include such tangibles, reliability, responsibility, competence, respect, security, access, communication and understanding of customer.

Chart (2): The frequency distribution of statistical population based on the services provided at luncheonette

Several factors play a role in attracting local tourists and selection of luncheonette. According to relevant statistics most incentive to select luncheonette are space available in the house with a 41/5%, drinking tea and hookah with 26/4 percent and order of friends 16/2 percent and followed related to food and drinks, 8/9% and go randomly with 5/7 percent. Most visited monthly is 2 to 4 times a month that including 32/6% of the tourists, next rank related to the 1 time in months by 27/4, 4 to 6 times a month with 19/1% and 6 times a month 15/4 percent. According to statistics obtained the highest average time is 2 hours that option mentioned has been 45/4% of tourists that following tables and charts is a clear.

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Chart (3): The frequency distribution of statistical population based on selection incentive

Chart (4): The frequency distribution of statistical population based on frequency of during the month

Chart (5): The frequency distribution of the statistical population based on time spent at luncheonette

One of the strengths of Luncheonette is quality of food. According to statistics obtained food quality with 55/9 percentage is in the first priority .It is better that in addition to common food prepare special local delicacies as the food culture of their region. Health of food and cleanliness of the environment and good tastes of food, fair price are items of customer right and are factor for adopting tourism and attract consumer at luncheonette.

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Chart (6): The frequency distribution of statistical population based on quality

One of the factors affecting refer to luncheonettes is feel of safe and comfortable. Based on field studies, 70% of visitors are mostly young adults, this factor consider in second importance.

Chart (7): The frequency distribution of statistical population by Age

Chart (8): The frequency distribution of statistical population based on security and safety at luncheonette

Music is another factor that plays an important role in the selection of Luncheonette that usually welcomed by customers. According to field observations, young like modern music and adults like classical music. Due to According to interest of managers use a variety of modern and classical music. For example in zeytoon Luncheonette, Classical Music plays 4 nights and play 3 nights of live pop music. According to field studies, music has been effective for 52/5% of customers in selecting Luncheonette.

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Chart (9): The frequency distribution of statistical population based on play music at Luncheonette

Offering tea and hookah is a positive factor in attracting people. Favorite’s reason of people go to luncheonette is history of coffee shop and tea shop in the Guilan province and is served with tea and hookah at these places and according to statistics, for 47 percent of visitors is crucial and important subject.

Chart (10): Importance of offering tea and hookah in selecting luncheonette

Weaknesses of luncheonette include style of luncheonette, perspective, landscape, outer space, decorations and visual status. According to data obtained from field studies, customers like different styles of luncheonette that interest rate to traditional style are more. As interest in traditional style is 59/5% and interest in new and modern style is 32/1 percent. It seems that the reason for interest in the traditional style is rooted in the traditions of this area.

Chat (11): Distribution of statistical population based on favorite style of luncheonette

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According to field observations have not adhere to the landscape and only 2 luncheonettes in design has been special attention to view from outside, while this issue is important for 44/6 % of tourists.

Chart (12): Frequency distribution of statistical population based on landscape and outer space view

One of the most important factors in luncheonette is decorating and appearance that can be an effective to create a warm and friendly atmosphere and stimulus for further reference that 44/6 % of customers consider it.

Chart (13): Frequency distribution of statistical population based on the decoration and appearance

Management is one of the factors influencing on the functional success of luncheonette. According to field observations and interviews with the managers concluded that most managers of luncheonette are unfamiliar with management principles and only a small number of people are somewhat familiar with management issues. The management also correct guidance affairs of reception unit should define solution and a way to criticize the plan of how services and behavior of personnel with customers. First of all, he/she should have a critical bearing and along it, personnel should be cautious in dealing with people. Management through cases such as a good reception, having music according to space of luncheonette and practice good hygiene and personnel training in dealing with people can create a system for receiving comments and visitors ... .One of the most important factors that can be more important than all the above factors is specific respect to the guests. According to field observations and interviews with managers of luncheonette majority of them stated that intervention of government and regulatory bodies does not have a positive role in the performance of luncheonette. Even some of them have stated that governments and relevant organizations cause to reduce attract people to luncheonette. It is better that government delegated to a private sector specialist and familiar with the matters. As a result, managers are demanding less government interference in their business and the current state role do not know the positive in their affairs.

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Chart (14): Effective factors in luncheonette success from the perspective of statistical population

Future status of luncheonette and foresight about development number and their activity seems if state of affairs expand to current procedure means without the professional look and defined in accordance with ourselves community culture if has grown quantitatively and repetitive ,there isn’t a positive outlook. Finally, to achieve the bright future create a diverse and memorable attractions for tourists.

Chart (15): Effective Factors to increase customers to luncheonette in future in term of manager’s view

4- Conclusion In order to strengthen the positive effects and avoid reducing negative effects can be thought a variety of strategies in luncheonette. In questionnaire designed questions regarding the importance of various factors such as food quality, safety and security, health, decoration and ... considered that its results based on descriptive statistics are as follows: According to studies conducted in the suburban luncheonette of Rasht, most luncheonette is in traffic road Rasht- Khomam. In the review, it was determined that the source referred to Luncheonette that 1/62 percent of these are urban residents, among luncheonette studied, only Zeytoon luncheonette & Iranian luncheonette have adhered to agreement relating to luncheonette that in terms of service quality, food, health, decoration, music and personnel coverage are Grade A. they are more family. Highest proportion referring to luncheonette in terms of age, 70 percent of youth for leisure and 41/5 % due to the available space. Another characteristic of a good luncheonette is to observe good manners and respect and a warm welcome from clients that will lead to the satisfaction. Personal behavior is 59/5% important. Another important factor is preferred people traditional style with 59/5 percent. importance of location to select luncheonette 57/4%, the quality of food 55/4 percent, safety and security of environment of 53 percent, offering coffee 46/7 percent, music 52/5 percent, landscape and decoration 44/6 percent. Effective factors in success of luncheonette and attract more people for leisure from public view include uniforms, parking, music, good atmosphere, good light, space to play children, safety and security, good management, good quality food, reasonable prices, health and various drinks. According to research findings based on studies and research performed and use of comments and managers of luncheonettes is offered strategies for improving luncheonette in the suburbs of Rasht. - Access of customers to luncheonette be considered in locating and building luncheonette.

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- It is better that apply the intransigent approach required for license applicants luncheonette because are adhered standards. - The use of trained personnel is one of the elements to be successful that it helps to maintain and sustain a luncheonette. - The special respect to guest by management and personnel, so that only guest feels unique visitor. - Training of managers and holding management classes to provide better quality of services to citizens and dealing with visitors. - having database about suburban luncheonette and services that is provided each of them including food, music, distance and how to access , space both of single or family of them. - Continuous monitoring on maintain standards and health issues in luncheonette.

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