LIST OF ENGLISH RELIGIOUS HOUSES Gasquet, F. A., English Monastic Life, Methuen & Co., London. 1904. p. 251-317. [Public Domain text transcribed and prepared for HTML and PDF by Richenda Fairhurst, July 2007. No commercial permissions granted. Text may contain errors. (Report errors to
[email protected])] LIST OF ENGLISH RELIGIOUS HOUSES An asterisk (*) prefixed to a religious house signifies that there are considerable remains extant. A dagger (†) prefixed signifies that there are sufficient remains to interest an archaeologist. No attention is paid to mere mounds or grass-covered heaps. For these marks as to remains the author is not responsible. They have kindly been contributed by Rev. Dr. Cox and Mr. W. H. St. John Hope, who desire it to be known that they do not in any way consider these marks exhaustive ; they merely represent those remains with which one or other, or both, are personally acquainted. The following abbreviations for the names of the religious Orders, etc. , have been used in the list: — A. = Austin Canons. Franc. = Franciscan, or Grey Friars. A. (fs) = Austin Friars, or Hermits. Fran. (n.) = Franciscan nun. A. (n.) = Austin nuns. G. = Gilbertines (canons following the A. P. = Alien Priories. rule of St. Austin, and nuns A. (sep.) = Austin Canons of the holy that of St. Benedict.) Sepulchre H. = Hospitals. A. H. = Alien Hospitals H. (lep.) = Leper Hospitals. B. = Benedictines, or Black monks H.-A. (fs.) = Hospitals served by Austin B (fs.) = Bethelmite Friars Friars. B. (n.) = Benedictine nuns. H.-B. (fs.) = Hospitals served by Bethelmite Bridg. = Bridgettines. Friars. C. = Cistercian monks.