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What a Line Up MATCH DAY DEALS WHAT A LINE UP RRP £4.99 450g £3 RRP £1.89/ £2.05/ £1.99 £1 150g/ 300g/ 175g ($&+ .50 RRP £5.95 £3 10x330ml £9 RRP £10.61/ £12/£11 12x330ml/ 12x300ml/ 10x440ml ($&+ 8QOHVVRWKHUZLVHVWDWHGDOORƨHUVDYDLODEOHIURPWK0D\WK-XQH 32SWLRQ+-HPSVRQśV Doritos Cool Original/ Nacho Cheese Dip/ Walkers Ready Salted Sharing Pack: 150g/ 300g/ 175g Equiv to 66.6p/ 33.4p/ 57.2p/100g; Mars & Team: 450g Equiv to 66.7p/100g; Diet Coke: 10x330ml Equiv to 10.6p/100ml; Coors Light/ Amstel/ Bud Light: 12x330ml/ 12x300ml/ 10x440ml Equiv to £2.27/ltr. of Making a Difference Locally www.jempsons.com see inside for more... FATHER’S DAY MAKE DAD’S DAY SUNDAY 17TH JUNE BREAKFAST DEALS 60p £1 £1 ($&+ +HULWDJH)UHH5DQJH(JJV +HULWDJH9LQH7RPDWRHV)ODW0XVKURRPV RRP 79p RRP £1.15 RRP £1.19/£1.45 415g 6pk 400g/250g £3 2 FOR £2 £3 £3 £3.50 ($&+ 7URSLFDQD&RSHOOD 5LFKPRQG7KLFN6DXVDJHV 'DQLVK6L]]OLQJ%DFRQ our price £2 each 681g 2x200g 850ml/ 900ml Heinz Beanz: 415g Equiv to 14.4p/100g; Heritage Free Range Medium Eggs: 6pk Equiv to 17.0p/Each; Heritage Vine Tomatoes/Flat Mushrooms: 400g/250g Equiv to £2.50/£4.00/kg; Richmond Thick Pork Sausages: 681g Equiv to £2.94/kg; Danish Sizzling Smoked/Unsmoked Bacon Twin Pack: 2x200g Equiv to £7.50/kg; Tropicana Smooth Orange/ Copella Cloudy Apple: 850ml/ 900ml Equiv to 20.6p/ 19.4p/100ml. GIFTING £3 £7.99 £19.99 ($&+ RRP £12.99 RRP £29.99 360g/380g/ 290g/ 189g 75cl 70cl Maltesers Box/Mars Celebrations/ Cadbury Heroes/ Thorntons Father’s Day Box/ Toblerone Father’s Day Bar: 360g/380g/ 290g/ 189g Equiv to 83.3p/78.9p/£1.03/ £1.59/ 100g; Cockburn’s Special Reserve Fine Ruby Port: 75cl Equiv to £7.99/75cl; Glen Keith Single Malt Scotch Whisky Equiv to £28.56/ltr. 1 Help us make a difference! Products sold 3 from leaflets Members choose We have partnered with Nisa suppliers to ensure that the sale of any of local causes the deals on this leaflet will contribute towards the funding of the Nisa charity “Making a Difference Locally” (registered charity number 1123800), which benefits good causes nominated around the UK by our local 2 independent retailers. Local store charity Last year, we supported 1,400 local charities in communities just like yours fund and raised £700,000. We aim to raise at least the same amount next year. FREEZER FAVES £1.50 ($&+ RRP £2 6pk FATHER’S DAY MEAL RRPRR £1.99 200g +$/) £135,&(.74 3 FOR £2 £5 ($&+ RRP £3.49 RRP £3.49 403g 1kg RRP £2.99 454g +$/) £5 £235,&(.49 PERFECT :,7+ £5 RRP £4.99 460ml &XW$ERYH6LUORLQ6WHDN our price £2.13 each 400g 500ml £2 £2.50 ($&+ ($&+ RRP £4.39 6pk RRP £4.19 1000ml RRP £2.59 Nestlé Fab Lollies: 6pk Equiv to 43.1p/100ml; Birds Eye 425g/ 453g/ 415g/ 400g Chicken Burgers: 200g Equiv to £7.50/kg; Birds Eye Chicken Dippers: 403g Equiv to £4.96/kg; Birds Eye Original Beef McCain The Home Chip Chunky Cut: 1kg Equiv to £1.74/kg; Shepherd Neame Bishops Finger: 500ml Equiv to Quarter Pounders: 454g Equiv to £4.41/kg; Häagen-Dazs Salted £3.34/ltr; Cut Above Sirloin Steak: 400g Equiv to £12.50/kg; Betty Crocker Devil’s Food Cake Mix/Chocolate Chip Caramel/Strawberry Cheesecake: 460ml Equiv to 54.0p/100ml; Cookie Mix/ Chocolate Fudge Brownie Mix/ Chocolate Fudge Icing: 425g/ 453g/ Wall’s Magnum Mini Classic, Almond & White Ice Cream: 6pk 415g/ 400g Equiv to 47.0p/ 44.1p/ 48.2p/ 50.0p/100g; Equiv to 76.0p/100ml; Wall’s Carte D’Or Vanilla Ice Cream: 1000ml Equiv to 25.0p/100ml. 10 years of making a difference locally 2008 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Rebrandedan £7m MADL £1M £260K £100K £1.4m in total donations launched donated donated donated Shortlisted raised to fund When You across UK for a Better ȋ Wish Upon a Star’s Society Award to 52 Santa Express communities year hospices UK-wide Collecting tins launched MATCH DAY DEALS BETTER THAN 2 FOR +$/)35,&(£1 69p £1 £4 RRP £1.99 RRP £1.15 185g 35g .25 RRP £2.29 £1 our price £2.39 each 170g 650ml ($&+ £4 £1.25 £2 +HULWDJH&KLFNHQ%UHDVW)LOOHWV RRP £2.15/£1.79 RRP £3.49 RRP £2.40 LOW 500g 238g/326g 500g 2ltr SUGAR Walkers Stax Paprika: 170g Equiv to 73.5p/100g; Heritage Chicken Fillets: 500g Equiv to £8.00/kg; Old El Paso Fajitas Smoky BBQ Seasoning Mix: 35g Equiv to £1.97/100g; Old El Paso Crunchy Nachips Original: 185g Equiv to 54.1p/100g; Old El Paso Chunky Salsa/Super Soft Flour Tortillas: 238g/326g Equiv to 52.5p/38.3p/100g; Old El Paso Fajita Kit Smoky BBQ: 500g Equiv to 40.0p/100g; Sol: 650ml Equiv to £3.03/ltr; 7Up Free: 2ltr Equiv to 6.0p/100ml. CHILLED ESSENTIALS +$/) +$/) £135,&(.24 £135,&(.49 £1.50 ($&+ 9DOHRI0RZEUD\3RUN3LHV 1HZ&RYHQW*DUGHQ6RXS :HLJKW:DWFKHUV5HDG\0HDOV 3RUN)DUPV0HGLXP3RUN3LH RRP £2.49 RRP £2.99 RRP £1.99/£2 600g 400g 6pk/295g +$/) £1.65 £1.89 35,&(£2 £2 $QFKRU%XWWHU )LUH 6PRNH&KLFNHQ $QFKRU&KHGGDU RRP £2.10 RRP £2.89 RRP £4 +HULWDJH%UHDGHG+DP 250g 100g 275g 170g New Covent Garden Soup Co. Classic Chicken/ Slow Roast Tomato: 600g Equiv to 20.7p/100g; Weight Watchers Aromatic Chicken Tikka & Basmati Rice/ Italian Chicken Lasagne: 400g Equiv to £3.73/kg; Vale of Mowbray Mini Pork Pies/Pork Farms Original Medium Pork Pie: 6pk/295g Equiv to 25.0p/50.8p/Each; Anchor Butter: 250g Equiv to £6.60/kg; Fire & Smoke Fire Grilled Chicken Shavings: 100g Equiv to £1.89/100g; Anchor Mature Cheddar: 275g Equiv to £7.27/kg; Heritage Breaded Ham: 170g Equiv to £1.18/100g. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY ANY 2 FOR £1 our price 65p/ 69p/75p each 40g/32.5g/21g/70g/41.5g 2 FOR £1 0»OOHU&RUQHU/LJKW5LFH our price 89p each 135g/175g/ 180g 2 FOR 2 FOR £1 £1.20 3HSHUDPL our price 69p/ 81p each our price 85p each 150g 22.5g 2 FOR 2 FOR £1.50 £22 £3 £2 5XVWOHUV our price £1/ 99p each our price £2 each 180g/ 48g/ 38g 150g/ 191g Doritos Chilli Heatwave/ Walkers Cheese & Onion/ French Fries Ready Salted/ Maynards Bassetts Beaming Beasts Jellies/Nestlé KitKat: 40g/32.5g/21g/70g/41.5g Equiv to 71.5p/£1.22/100g; Müller Corner Vanilla Chocolate Balls/Light Strawberry/Rice Strawberry Low Fat: 135g/175g/ 180g Equiv to 37.0p/28.6p/ 27.8p/100g; Ambrosia Banana Devon Custard/ Rice Pudding: 150g; Peperami Hot/Original: 22.5g; Haribo Starmix/ Football Mix/ Nutella & Go!/ Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Bar: 180g/ 48g/ 38g Equiv to 41.7p/ £1.57/ £1.98/100g; Rustlers Grilled Chicken Sandwich/ Deluxe Burger: 150g/ 191g. All EVERYDAY VA LU E Products Donate Locally RRP £1.99 RRP £1.69 266g 8pk RRP £1.85/ £1.99 RRP £1.49 250g/450g RRP £1.89/ £1.59 230g 6pk/ 5pk RRP £1.60 RRP £1.55 RRP £1.39 500ml 109g RRP £1.65/£1.59 114g LOW 200g/82g/100g SUGAR £1 EACH RRP £1.19/ £1.65/ £1.72 6WDUEXFNV 220ml/ 290g/ 235ml RRP £1.79/ £1.65 250ml/ 220ml £1.50 £1.69 1HVWO¨$HUR0LON\EDU0RXVVH RRP £1.69 4x59g/ 4x55g RRP £1.69/ £1.50 300g/ 320g )ULMM0LONVKDNH 0DWWHVVRQV6DYDJHUV$WWDFN$6QDN *LQVWHUV RRP £1.32 RRP £1.39/ £1.75 RRP £1.89 400ml 80g/ 99g 170g Mr Kipling Angel Slices/ McVitie’s Penguin Cookies & Cream Cake Crunchies: 6pk/ 5pk Equiv to 16.6p/ 20.0p/Each; McVitie’s Digestives Dark Chocolate: 266g Equiv to 37.6p/100g; Maryland Double Choc Cookies: 230g Equiv to 43.5p/100g; Fox’s Rocky Chocolate Bars: 8pk Equiv to 12.5p/Each; Uncle Ben’s Express Basmati Rice/Sweet & Sour Sauce: 250g/450g Equiv to £4.00/kg/22.2p/100g; King Pot Noodle Chicken & Mushroom: 114g Equiv to 87.8p/100g; Monster Energy Absolutely Zero/ Ultra Violet: 500ml Equiv to 20.0p/100ml; ,GDKRDQ3HUIHFW0DVK%XWWHU\J(TXLYWRSJ1HVWO¨0LQL%XWWHUƩQJHU&XSV3HDQXW%XWWHU0D\QDUGV%DVVHWWV:LQH*XPV&DGEXU\7ZLUOJJJ(TXLYWR 50.0p/£1.22/£1.00/100g; Heinz Tomato Ketchup/ Reggae Reggae Original Caribbean BBQ Sauce/ Hellmann’s Fat Free Vinaigrette: 220ml/ 290g/ 235ml Equiv to 45.5p/100ml/ 34.5p/ 42.6p/100g; Starbucks Caramel Frappuccino/Macchiato: 250ml/ 220ml Equiv to £4.00/ £4.54/ltr; Nestlé Aero Milk Choc Bubbly/ Milkybar Mousse: 4x59g/ 4x55g Equiv to 42.4p/ 45.5p/100g; Aunt Bessie’s Jam Roly Poly/ Young’s Admiral’s Pie: 300g/ 320g Equiv to 33.0p/100g/ £3.13/kg; Frijj Fudge Brownie/Banana Milkshake: 400ml Equiv to £2.50/ltr; Mattessons Savagers Pork Meateors Smoky BBQ/ Attack A Snak Chicken ‘n Cheese Wrap: 80g/ 99g Equiv to £1.25/ £1.01/100g; Ginsters Peppered Steak Slice: 170g Equiv to 58.8p/100g. GREAT DEALS BETTER THAN +$/)35,&( £1.25 LOW £1.50 50p SUGAR ($&+ ($&+ RRP £1.08 RRP £1.55 RRP £2.59 RRP £2/ £2.05/ £2.15/ £2.25/ £1.99 154g 500ml 5x200ml 425g/ 380g/ 57ml/ 260g/ 250g £2 £2 ($&+ RRP £3.09 RRP £3.49 RRP £4.05 RRP £2.49 12x25g 200g 807g 6x600ml £2.50 £3 £3.65 £3.89 LOW LOW RRP £4.59 SUGAR RRP £5.50 RRP £4.55 SUGAR RRP £4.85 4x275ml 3x145g 4x250ml 4x250ml Oreo Mint/ Strawberry Cheesecake: 154g Equiv to 32.5p/100g; Monster Energy/ Ripper: 500ml Equiv to 25.0p/100ml; Caprisun Orange No Added Sugar: 5x200ml Equiv to 10.0p/100ml; Heinz Salad Cream/ Blue Dragon Sweet Chilli Thai Sauce/ Tabasco Hot Pepper Sauce/ Jack Daniel’s Barbecue Sauce Smooth Original/ Hellmann’s Garlic & Herb Sauce: 425g/ 380g/ 57ml/ 260g/ 250g Equiv to 35.3p/39.5p/57.7p/60.0p/100g/ £2.63/100ml; Walkers Cheese & Onion: 12x25g Equiv to 66.6p/100g; Jacob’s Mini Twiglets/ Cracker Crisps Sour Cream & Chive: 200g Equiv to £1.00/100g; Dolmio Lasagne Meal Kit: 807g Equiv to 24.8p/100g; Glacéau Smartwater: 6x600ml; J2O Orange & Passion Fruit: 4x275ml Equiv to 22.7p/100ml; John West Tuna Chunks In Brine: 3x145g Equiv to 68.9p/100g; Red Bull Sugar Free: 4x250ml Equiv to 35.0p/100ml; Red Bull Energy: 4x250ml Equiv to 35.0p/100ml.
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