Optimal Health for Your Vegetarian and Vegan Patients

By: Heather Schofield, B.Sc., DHMHS Medical Education Director This webinar is designed to discuss how to support vegetarians and vegans (or those wishing to become vegetarian or vegan) to obtain and maintain optimal health through their diet.

The content of this webinar is not designed to discuss animal rights, animal welfare, moral or ethical issues that surround vegetarian or vegan diet and lifestyle choices. This is a much broader discussion that deserves it own dedicated time and platform. Vegetarian Defined

Vegetarians typically do not eat meat, poultry, fish or seafood

The Different Types of Vegetarians:

1) Lacto-Ovo vegetarian - consumes eggs and dairy products *most common type of vegetarian

2) Lacto vegetarian - consumes dairy products

3) Ovo vegetarian – consumes eggs

4) Pesco vegetarian – consumes fish and seafood

5) Vegans – strict vegetarian, do not eat any foods derived from animals (meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, gelatin, honey), abstains from using products derived from animals (ex. leather) Famous Vegetarians & Vegans

Vegans Vegetarians Brandon Brazier Albert Einstein Venus Williams Leonardo da Vinci Prince Gandhi k.d. lang Carl Lewis James Cameron Ellen DeGeneres Bryan Adams Paul MacCartney Pamela Anderson Mike Tyson Sinead O’Conner Jane Goodall Stevie Wonder Bill Clinton

Vegetarian Statistics

1) Canada – 2.8 million vegetarians/vegans, up to 25% more Canadians trying to eat less meat

2) USA – 6.3 million vegetarians, 1 million vegans

3) Britain – 3 million vegetarians/vegans


Vegetarians and Vegans Diet Benefits

Vegetarians and Vegans Diet Benefits

Vegetarian and Vegan diet benefits:

1) Easy to include LOTS of veggies and fruits = antioxidants 2) Lower diet = less inflammation, less terrain congestion, better acid-base balance 3) Vegan protein powder available 4) Less ‘prone’ to disease (high BP, metabolic disease, heart disease, and diabetes) 5) Eating lower in the food chain – less potential toxicity 6) Ideal for Type A and AB Blood diets Type A = vegetarian/vegan Type AB = vegetarian (include dairy) Ideal daily protein intake: • 40 -60 grams per day (Dr. Rau, MD*) • 21 grams/1000 calories = 38–53 grams (WHO) The body cannot process 60+* grams daily, so excess is stored in the terrain, resulting in acid accumulation

Protein Amino Acid Combining Large Mammals as Vegetarians

Many of the large land mammals are vegetarian:

Elephant Giraffe Gorilla Horse Rhino Cow Hippo Buffalo Deer

- Ruminants/Herbivores - Rich supply of in rumen (chamber of stomach) or ceacum to help produce B12 needed. Others ingest some insects, soil, eggs and feces (to ingest by bacteria from ). - (in soil) is necessary for bacterial production of B12

Junk Food Vegetarians

Do NOT assume all vegetarians and vegans are eating healthy!

Vegetarians and Vegans Diet Drawbacks

Vegetarian and Vegan diet drawbacks:

1) Easy access to highly processed vegan and vegetarian foods 2) Easy to be a ‘carbatarian’ = too many carbs - can lead to inflammation, thyroid, , candida 3) Too little protein = amino acid and protein deficiency 4) May be exposed to increased toxicity (pesticides) 5) and deficiencies (, ) 6) Vitamin B12 – is derived from animal sources 7) NOT Ideal for Type O and B Blood diets Type O = meat eaters Type B = diverse eaters, okay with meat

Vegetarians and Vegans are Prone to…

Vegetarians and Vegans can be prone to: • Anemia (iron and/or ) • Digestive issues – , no protein after 7pm • Protein deficiency and lack of amino acids • Nutrient and mineral deficiency • Too much estrogen (high consumption of soy) • Too much alkalinity – can change environment of microflora • /Candida infections • Too many simple sugars can decrease immunity


Weak and Tired?

Liquid Iron is ideal for certain types of anemia: • Iron deficiency anemia • Folate deficiency anemia • Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia • Pernicious anemia – lack intrinsic factor that helps body absorb vitamin B12 from food Liquid Iron Liquid Iron Iron, B12 and Folic acid


Main Uses: Red blood cell production and maintenance Maintains physiological iron stores Prevents certain forms of anemia Iron deficiency

Ingredients: Folate (folic acid) 440 mcg Vitamin B12 () 110 mcg Iron (ferric ammonium citrate) 20 mg

Dosage: • Take 1 tsp once daily with food Liquid Iron Benefits


 Great taste  Convenient liquid formula  Non-constipating formula  Contains iron, folic acid and vitamin B12  Complete support for red blood cell production

Shocking Statistics

92% of vegans are B12 deficient

1 in 2 adults have dangerously low levels of B12

Symptoms often go undetected by doctors and are typically misdiagnosed.

Main Sources of Vitamin B12

B12 and Folate Benefits

Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) and Folate (methyl folate) have a broad range of health benefits:

• Prevents B12 and folate deficiency • Prevents anemia - Improved red blood cell formation. • Assists in carbohydrate and fat metabolism for energy • Boosts energy and promotes healthy sleep. • Healthy functioning nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. • Maintains the myelin sheath - protects against peripheral and central neurological disease & aging. • Pre and postnatal health • Enhances brain health, memory and learning. • Normalizes homocysteine levels, thus decreasing risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Vitamin B12 main source is from red meat. Vegetarians and Vegans need to supplement with B12. Methylcobalamin sublingual lozenge or B12 shots are best. Optimum B12 MeF

Methylated B12 and Methyl Folate Vegan high potency vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) and folate (L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate, L- 5-MTHF) formula. quick dissolve sublingual lozenge rapid absorption biologically active forms vitamin B12 and folate into the bloodstream bypassing several potential issues in the absorption cycle of the digestive tract.

Medicinal Ingredients: Each sublingual lozenge contains: • Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin) 5 mg • Folate (L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) 1 mg

Recommended Dosage: Adults and children over 9 years: dissolve 1 lozenge under the tongue once daily Vegetarian Essentials

Multivitamin and Mineral

Multivitamin and Mineral Vegatarian • Complete nutrient matrix – for each vitamin and mineral • NO mega-dosing – 90% absorbed • NO trace mineral toxicity, gentle on liver • NO need to be taken with food – as it replicates food • One-A-Day formula, gentle on the stomach

Ingredients: Each tablet contains: • Beta carotene 2.4 mg • Vitamin K1 20 µg • 0.25 mg • Vitamin B1 0.7 mg • Biotin 76 µg • 0.25 mg • Vitamin B2 0.8 mg • Folate 100 µg • 50 µg • Vitamin B3 9 mg • Calcium 9 mg • 25 µg • Vitamin B5 3 mg • 3 mg • Boron 0.5 mg • Vitamin B6 1 mg • 6 mg • 5 µg • Vitamin B12 0.5 µg • Iron 2.5 mg • 2.5 mg • 30 mg • 2.5 mg • Inositol 2.5 mg • Vitamin D3 2.5 µg • 5 mg • Para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) 2.5 mg • 6 mg • 75 µg Super B with Rhodiola

Super B with Rhodiola Vegan • Contains: • all 8 essential • supporting lipotrophic factors • Rhodiola rosea

• Stress and adrenal support • Gentle on the stomach • High assimilation – no ‘bright yellow’ urine

Ingredients: Each tablet contains: • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 1.4 mg • Hesperidin (citrus bioflavonoids) 6 mg • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 1.6 mg • Biotin (biotin) 150 µg • Vitamin B3 (niacin - nicotinic acid) 18 mg • Choline (choline bitartrate) 25 mg • Vitamin B5 (calcium-d-pantothenate) 6 mg • Folate (folic acid) 200 µg • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 2 mg • Inositol (inositol) 25 mg • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 1 µg • Para-amino-benzoic acid (PABA) 25 mg • Vitamin C 60 mg • Rhodiola rosea 100 mg BoneSure


Vegetarian - Bone building vitamins and minerals targeted for reversing bone loss and have been clinically proven to increase bone mineral density. - plant-based, mineral complex - naturally occurring calcium, magnesium, boron, silica and more than 70 other trace - only certified organic calcium in the world

Medicinal Ingredients: • Boron (boron citrate) 0.8 mg • AlgaeCal® (Mesophyllum superpositum) 630 mg • Calcium 30 - 34% (min 189 mg) • Magnesium 2.5 - 4% (min 16 mg) • Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate) 62 mg • Vitamin D3 (choleciferol) 6 µg • Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) 25 µg Recommended Dosage: Take two capsules two times a day Biorella (Chlorella)

Biorella – 100% Chlorella pyrenoidosa (blue green algae) Vegan Contains: - A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E - Seven essential amino acids (leucine, lysine, threonine, methioninine, histadine, valine, phenylalanine) - 58% protein content - Unsaturated and saturated fatty acids - High chlorophyll content

Also for toxicity and heavy metal detoxification (including mercury) for non-neurological structures in the body (ex. intestinal wall, muscles, ligaments, connective tissue)

Dosage: Take 5 tablets twice daily Pleo Zinc & Pleo Selene – Cellular Formulas

Pleo Zinc (Zinkokehl) Pleo Selene (Selenokehl) 3X 4X selenite

Probiotic 7-in-1

Intestinal Flora Vegetarian Probiotic 7-in-1 formula has been uniquely designed to incorporate several different forms of healthy bacteria that resist the negative actions of oxygen, gastric acid and bile salts on probiotic viability, thereby ensuring balanced colonization of these strains throughout the ileum and large colon.

Ingredients: • rhamnosus 200 million cfu • 600 million cfu • Lactobacillus acidophilus 400 million cfu • breve 200 million cfu • 100 million cfu • 200 million cfu • Streptococcus thermophilus 200 million

Dosage: Take one to two capsules two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner. Lactobacillus Sporogenes

Intestinal Flora, Vegan Lactobacillus Sporogenes is a shelf-stable probiotic that helps the body to restore healthy flora in the gastrointestinal system. L. sporogenes passes through the stomach in its spore form and upon arriving in the duodenum, germinates, multiplies rapidly and becomes metabolically active in the intestines producing lactic acid (right spinning). This form of probiotic helps normalize pH, inhibits growth and is especially useful in cases of diarrhea.

Ingredients: • Lactobacillus sporogenes 1 billion active cells • Fructose oligosaccharides (FOS) 250 mg

Dosage: Take one to two capsules three times daily before meals for ten days. Then take one capsule daily before a meal or as directed by a health care practitioner. Digestive Enzymes

General High Potency Fat Digestion Candida Overgrowth – How It Occurs

Candida and fungal populations are naturally kept under control through healthy intestinal flora and the .

Overgrowth occurs when healthy flora become altered through:

• Diet (refined carbs and sugar) • Alcohol consumption • High-stress lifestyle • and antifungal medication use • Oral contraceptives and steroid medication use • Immune system and decreased immune defense • Increased heavy metal load

CandidaFix Kit: Reduce, Replenish, Rebalance

An effective biological approach for elimination of candida and fungal overgrowth!

Pleo Alb 5x drops - Reduce candida and/or fungal overgrowth Probiotic 7-in-1 - Replenish healthy intestinal flora Basictab - Rebalance normal acid-base (pH) levels Rubimed – test, will likely find Chakra 2 and 4 with conflicts 100,000,000,000,000

• 100 trillion bacteria on average populate each person’s • 10x more bacteria than human cells • Dr. Rau jokes we are ‘bacteria bags’ • Realistically - we are bacteria housed within human cells

Importance of Bacterial Flora

Why are the Bacterial Flora so important?

• Nourishes and protects intestinal mucous membranes • Offer resistance to growth of bad bacteria and fungi (ex. systemic yeast) • Digestion of food (produces enzymes) • Aids nutrient transport through gut wall • Detoxify the body (soak up toxin ex. arsenic) • De-acidify the body (acid building anaerobic bacteria transport organically bound acids from the body into the stool) • Manufactures vitamins – K2, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, Folic Acid, essential fatty acids and various amino acids • Decrease in intestinal flora are correlated to chronic illness • Stimulation and proper functioning of our immune system

Eating for Restoration and Regeneration Basics for Restoration and Regeneration a. Build up the intestinal flora b. Eliminate cow dairy, gluten & other food sensitivities c. Reduce protein d. Increase vegetables e. Support liver function, bile flow and bowels f. Acid-base balance to support the milieu Quotes – Dr. Thomas Rau

“For every food I prohibit or promote, there is a reason that is the case, and that reason is based on the precepts of Swiss Biological Medicine. To completely understand the diet, you should first understand the medicine. To act differently, you must first think differently.”

~ Dr. Thomas Rau Basics - Restorative and Regenerative Diet

The Diet in General

Low in protein - 40 – 60 grams day - which is what can be processed on the cellular level and more creates excess acidity, mainly plant source

Alkaline in nature – a healthy body is naturally slightly alkaline

Free of food allergens, particularly cow dairy products – can cause congestion, inflammation and impairment of the immune system, disrupts regulation

High in Omega 3 essential fatty acids – enhance cell metabolism, cellular membranes, transmission of neural signals, oxygenation of tissues, healthy flora will manufacture Omega 3 and 6 in gut Basics - Restorative and Regenerative Diet

Purpose of this diets is: to remove primary antigens from the diet, restore and rebuild the intestinal mucosa and gut flora, promotes eating more alkaline and less acidic foods Foods to Avoid Foods Permitted Meats (beef, pork) All vegetables, leafy, avocado Dairy (specifically cow) Seeds (nuts if not allergic) Eggs (specifically chicken) Oils (olive, sunflower, flax, grape seed) Shellfish and predatory fish Rice, beans and legumes Nuts (hazel, peanut, walnut) Organic soy and seaweeds Citrus fruits and commercial Whole grain (spelt, quinoa, amaranth) fruit juice Goat and Sheep dairy rich foods (rabbit, Fruit and fresh squeezed juice venison, sardines) Chicken, turkey, fish (2-3x weekly) Refined sugars, processed Lemon juice, mild foods, preservatives, soda Fresh spring water Yeast containing foods Himalayan/sea salt, herbs, spices White flour products Why certain foods need to be avoided…

• Cow’s and hen’s eggs contain the primary antigens

• Mammalian meat is a source of high valence, pathogenic forms of Mucor Racemosus and Aspergillus niger (surviving heat up to 400C and deep freeze down to -70C)

• Nuts – high fat content, allergen

• Cellulose – require proper bacterial presence, which is imbalanced due to of atrophic mucosa- and accumulations of toxic gases occur

• Garlic and Onion - digestive irritants

• Histamine rich meats (rabbit, venison, anchovies, sardines) - may trigger allergic reaction

• Fat and oils – bile salts that are not bound completely (lack of sodium bicarbonate) with fats are powerful

Importance of Diet

1. Need to follow for approx 6 weeks to 3 months for natural regeneration cycle of body cells, intestinal tract, gut flora

2. Excludes the primary antigens to rebuild the mucosa of the small intestine (an atrophy of the intestinal mucous membranes will cause a dysbiosis, restoring the gut is essential)

3. Restore the immune system – as a reduction of IgA will lead to leaky gut syndrome

4. Naturally detoxifies and de-acidifies Cow vs Goat and Sheep

Cow vs Goat and Sheep Dairy

All milk contains casein (milk protein) – so if allergic, avoid all dairy as it can destroy Peyer’s patches

All milk contains (milk sugar) – so if lactose intolerant, then avoid or take a lactase enzyme at time of consumption

Cow dairy contains beta-lacta protein, Goat and Sheep do not – so in some instances, if not allergic, then can consume goat and sheep dairy

Pure butter (ingredient label states cream) only contains fat, not protein – in this case, most can consume even if lactose intolerant or has a dairy allergy to protein. *avoid if ingredient on label says ‘milk’.

The Swiss Secret to Optimal Health

Recipe Ideas

Complete Protein Recipes

Hearty Leek Potato Soup with Barley & Lentils

1 large leek + 2 large potatoes 2 carrots + 2 stalks of celery 1 clove garlic 2 tbsp olive oil 1 cup barley, soaked in water for 8 hours 1 cup red lentils 1 ‘handful’ of quinoa flakes Salt and pepper to taste Organic vegetable cube dissolved in 6-8 cups hot water

Clean the leek by cutting in half lengthwise and washing well Clean and chop all the vegetables With a large pot over med-high heat, add 2 tbsp olive oil and leeks – stirring often until leeks soften, about 8 min. Then add chopped garlic, cook for another 2 min. Add stock and all other vegetables cooking until tender, about 20 min. Take off heat and blend with hand blender until you get a creamy consistency. Add barley, lentils and quinoa flakes and cook in covered pot for another 35 min on low heat. Add more water if need to thin consistency. Lentils (legume) + barley (grain) = complete protein (with added benefit of quinona) Complete Protein Recipes

Walnut Crumble Taco Salad

Romaine lettuce

Tomato Red pepper Avocado Handful of cilantro 2-3 heaping tbsp salsa Handful nacho chips, crumbled ½ cup of black beans Walnut taco crumble Optional: sour cream, cheddar cheese

Wash and chop all veggies + cilantro Layer salad starting with lettuce, tomato, red pepper, cilantro, and avocado. Add salsa, black beans, and a generous portion of walnut taco crumble Take a handful of nacho chips and crumble on top

Walnut (nut) + black bean (bean) + corn nacho chips (corn) = complete protein

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