A SHORT HISTORY OF KARATE _______ Michael Cowie Robert Dyson KENKYO-HA GOJU KARATE KEMPO KAI © 2016 Kenkyo-ha Goju Karate Kempo Kai First edition published 2012 www.kenkyoha.com
[email protected] IN MEMORY OF JOHN O’BRIEN 1949–2015 FRIEND AND FELLOW MARTIAL ARTIST CONTENTS Preface vii 1 Okinawan Beginnings 1 2 The Modern Karate Schools 19 3 Offspring and Cousins 76 4 Karate in the Modern World: a Critical Overview 105 Further Reading 139 Index 142 PREFACE This short history of karate makes no claim to completeness. A great deal has been omitted; some of what is included is open to debate and would benefit from more discussion. The only pur- pose of these pages is to give the karateka a broad idea of the origins of his or her art. The final chapter – intentionally controversial – is intended to stimulate thought and reflection on what modern karate is, can be and should be. Anyone who disagrees with us or wishes to correct or discuss anything is more than welcome to get in touch with us. We will do our best to reply to polite communications fully and promptly. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright owners of the photographs reproduced here. Where no acknowledgement is given, we believe that the photographs are in the public domain. If we have inadvertently printed images without proper acknow- ledgment, we will rectify the situation at once if the copyright owner contacts us. In this Second Edition we have added a small amount of new material and corrected a few errors that have been pointed out by readers.