WATERSHED CODE 480 - 9936 - 709 - 386 - 01


Prepared for:

MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, LANDS AND PARKS Fisheries Branch Skeena Region 3726 Alfred Ave. Box 5000 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0


Joseph S. DeGisi Jeffrey A. Burrows RR#1, Site 27, C2 Smithers, BC V0J 2N0

Jean Lake



LIST OF TABLES ...... ii



1. SUMMARY ...... 1

2. DATA ON FILE...... 2


3.1 Location...... 2 3.2 Physical Data ...... 5 3.3 Benchmark...... 5 3.4 Prior Surveys ...... 5 3.5 Lake Drainage ...... 5 3.6 Terrain and Vegetation...... 6 3.6.1 Immediate Shore ...... 6 3.6.2 Surrounding Country ...... 6


4.1 Access...... 6 4.2 Development and Land Use...... 6 4.2.1 Resorts and Campsites ...... 6 4.2.2 Mining Claims ...... 7 4.2.3 Timber Harvest ...... 7 4.2.4 Waste Permits ...... 7 4.2.5 Water Permits...... 7 4.2.6 Obstructions and Pollutions ...... 7 4.2.7 Recreation Resource Inventory...... 7 4.2.8 Special Regulations and Restrictions...... 7 4.2.9 Comments ...... 7

i Jean Lake


5.1 Fish Species Composition ...... 9 5.2 Relative Abundance ...... 9 5.3 Size, Age, and Growth...... 9 5.3.1 Non-salmonid Species...... 10 5.3.2 Rainbow Trout ...... 11 5.4 Sexual Maturity and Condition...... 12 5.4.1 Rainbow Trout ...... 12


6.1 Stratification ...... 14 6.2 Water Chemistry ...... 15


7.1 Aquatic Plants...... 17 7.2 Zooplankton...... 17 7.3 Waterfowl and Other Fauna ...... 17


9. PHOTOGRAPHS...... 19


Figure 1. Location of Jean lake...... 3 Figure 2. Jean Lake, enlargement from air photo...... 4 Figure 3. Length frequency histograms for non-salmonid species...... 10 Figure 4. Length frequency histogram for rainbow trout...... 11 Figure 5. Age frequency histogram and length-at-age for rainbow trout...... 11 Figure 6. Ford-Walford plot for rainbow trout...... 12 Figure 7. Estimated length - weight relationship for Jean Lake rainbow trout...... 13

Figure 8. Temperature and dissolved O2 profiles for Jean Lake...... 14

ii Jean Lake


Table 1. Fish sampling effort and catch for all methods...... 8 Table 2. Descriptive statistics for length distributions of five fish species...... 9 Table 3. Sexual maturity of Jean Lake rainbow trout...... 12 Table 4. Water chemistry parameters...... 15 Table 5. Estimated : ratios...... 15 Table 6. Metals concentrations...... 16 Table 7. Zooplankton ...... 17


Photograph 1 (cropped). Jean Lake, view to S during aerial approach from N...... 19 Photographs 2 -3 (cropped). Jean Lake, view to SW from lake center...... 19 Photograph 4. Rainbow trout, gillnet catch, Jean Lake...... 20 Photograph 5. Longnose suckers, gillnet catch, Jean Lake...... 20 Photograph 6. Prickly sculpins, gillnet catch, Jean Lake...... 21 Photograph 7. Redside shiner, gillnet catch, Jean Lake...... 21 Photograph 8. Unnamed stream, WC 480-9936-709-386, outlet of Jean Lake...... 22 Photograph 9. Unnamed stream, WC 480-9936-709-386, inlet to the S shore of Jean Lake...... 22



iii Jean Lake


Jean Lake is located in the Vanderhoof Forest District, 20 km north of the town of Fraser Lake. Reconnaisance inventory of the lake was made 05 - 06 September 1995. The lake covers 54 surface hectares and is ovoid in shape, with two distinct basins separated by forested islands. The lake is intermediate in depth (mean and maximum depths of 5.7 m and 14.2 m); most shorelines are gravel and cobble. It lies 1021 m above sea level and drains via an unnamed creek to Duncan Creek, the Sutherland River, Babine Lake and the Skeena system. Access was achieved by floatplane from Burns Lake; the closest road is located about 1 km north of the lake.

Jean Lake is moderately acidic with very low specific conductance. At the time of survey the lake was strongly stratified, with the thermocline at about 6 m below the surface. Oxygen levels in the hypolimnion would have excluded any use of that volume by Jean Lake fish populations. Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations imply oligotrophy and low productivity.

Lake fish populations were sampled by overnight sets of one standard 91m experimental multi-mesh sinking gillnet and 4 minnow traps baited with salmon roe. Five species of fish were captured in Jean Lake: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), lake chub (Couesius plumbeus), and prickly sculpin (Cottus asper). Prickly sculpin and lake chub were captured in low numbers, relative to the other species. Rainbow trout maximum length and population condition factor were typical of small lake rainbow trout populations in north central British Columbia.

The lake outlet and four unnamed inlet channels were examined for fisheries potential. The outlet channel and at least one of the lake inlets support habitat seasonally suited to rainbow trout reproduction, though discharge was low due at the time of the survey. Visual observation and minnow trapping revealed redside shiner, lake chub, longnose sucker and prickly sculpin in the outlet channel only.

The shape of the lake basin, the presence of forested islands, and the relatively pristine surroundings contribute to the beauty of the area. The lake and its surroundings are already a moderately exploited recreational resource. Protection of the fish populations of Jean Lake is not of special concern at this time. The immediate area of the lake is not likely to be subject to industrial activity in the near future, due to the forest stage. However, the aesthetic nature of the area and its location only 20 km north of the developed Highway 16 corridor make this lake a strong candidate for ‘remote lake’ designation, to be maintained without road access.

1 Jean Lake


Location √ Dissolved Oxygen Profile √ . Physical Data √ Temperature Profile √ . Bench Mark √ Netting Record √ . Terrain Features √ Lake Catch Summary √ . Access √ Fisheries Comments √ . Resorts & Campsites √ Individual Fish Data √ . Other Developments √ Fish Preserved − . Obstructions and Pollutions √ Stomach Analysis − . Special Restrictions √ Scale Reading √ . Aquatic Plants √ History of Previous Surveys √ . Wildlife Observations √ Location of Inventory Sites √ . Miscellaneous Comments √ Photograph Directory √ . Lake Drainage √ Appendices √ . Inlets/Outlets √ Bathymetric Reduction √ . Water Chemistry √ Contour Map √ .


3.1 Location

Location ...... 20 km N of the town of Fraser Lake Drainage...... Unnamed C → Duncan C → Sutherland R → Babine L → Babine R → Skeena R→ Chatham Sound Watershed code...... 480-9936-709-386-01 Latitude / Longitude...... 54 15' / 124 53' U.T.M...... 10.376849.6012319 (WCD) Management Unit...... 06 - 06 N.T.S. Map #...... 93K/02 (1:50,000) Forest Region...... Prince George Forest District...... Vanderhoof Forest Cover Map ...... 93K.026 (1:20,000) Native land claim ...... Sekanni - Carrier

2 Jean Lake

Figure 1. Location of Jean Lake. Inset map shows the location within the province of British Columbia. Map scale is approximately 1: 560,000.

3 Jean Lake

Figure 2. Jean Lake, enlargement from air photo 30BCB 91067 No. 111.

4 Jean Lake

3.2 Physical Data

Elevation ...... 1021 m Elevation source...... Casio ALT6100 altimeter Water Surface Area...... 538513 m2 Volume...... 3001999 m3 Area above 6 m contour...... 226089 m2 Flushing Rate ...... NA Shoreline Perimeter...... 3059 m Perimeter of Islands...... 616 m Maximum Depth ...... 14.2 m Mean Depth...... 5.72 m

Sounding Device ...... Lowrance X-15B Lake Drainage Area ...... NA

Filterable Residue (T.S.S.).. < 4 mg/L Secchi Disc...... 4.38 m

3.3 Benchmark

The benchmark was established in a lodgepole pine on the E shore, 50 m S of the NE corner of the lake. An spike was placed in the center of an orange circle painted on the tree trunk, 1.0 m above the current lake level and 0.3 m above the ground.

3.4 Prior Surveys

A search of Skeena Region inventory files yielded no records for Jean Lake.

3.5 Lake Drainage

Quantitative characteristics of the stream surveys and of fish collection methods and results can be found on the stream survey forms in Appendix B and the fish sampling data sheets in Appendix C. Numbering of the streams (S1, S2) in this section corresponds to labels on Figure 2 and other figures and tables in this report. The NTS 1:50,000 mapsheet 93K/02 shows three unnamed channels which were examined.

S1. Unnamed outlet stream of Jean Lake, WC 480-9936-709-386, surveyed at UTM 10.376849.6012319 (WCD). This low-gradient stream likely provides most of the spawning habitat for the Jean Lake rainbow trout population, as it has no barriers to fish passage near the lake and contains good spawning gravels and rearing habitat. At the time of the survey, there was no discernible flow but the stream was watered and at moderate stage. An overnight set of two minnow traps captured redside shiner, lake chub, longnose sucker and prickly sculpin.

S2. Eastern of two unnamed channels leading into the on the south shore, probably WC 480-9936-709-386, UTM at entry to lake : 10.376250.6011875 (NAD27). At time of survey, the channel was watered from the lake only to a point 200 m upstream, with no discernible flow. This low gradient stream may support some rainbow trout spawning during spring and early summer high flows, as suitable gravels were present. Neither angling nor an overnight set of a single minnow trap captured any fish.

5 Jean Lake

• Western of two unnamed channels leading into the wetland on the south shore, probably WC 480-9936- 709-386-821. This dry channel does not reach the lake; the wetland into which it drains also did not contain surface water. The channel ends in the wetland at UTM 10.376100.6011800 (NAD27) . This channel probably does not convey a stream with habitat which is accessible to the Jean Lake fish populations, even during the spring and early summer.

In addition, two channels entering the lake along the west shore, not shown on the NTS 1:50,000 mapsheet 93K/02 but visible on air photo 30BCB91067 No. 111, were also examined. • Unnamed southern channel, UTM 10.37585.6012325 (NAD27). The channel was dry at the time of the survey. The substrate contained gravels which would be suitable for salmonid spawning, although gradient near the lake was estimated as 3% so substantial flow would be necessary.

• Unnamed northern channel, UTM 10.37585.6012400 (NAD27). The channel was dry at the time of the survey. The substrate was organic fines. This channel probably does not bear a stream with habitat which is of any importance to Jean Lake fish populations.

3.6 Terrain and Vegetation

3.6.1 Immediate Shore The shore in the northeast corner of the lake is a mixed sand and gravel beach. Most other shorelines are a 2 m wide band of flooded sedges, rooted in sand, gravel and small cobble overlain by vegetative debris. A one to two tree layer of alder separates the shoreline from the surrounding pine forest. Sedge are located along the east and south shores.

3.6.2 Surrounding Country The surrounding country is comprised of low rolling hills, forested mainly by lodgepole pine with pockets of mixed spruce, subalpine fir and aspen. The lake lies near the northeast edge of a large area (~ 150 km2 ) dominated by immature lodgepole pine aged 41- 60 yrs, probably the result of a fire in the 1940’s.


4.1 Access

The lake was accessed by DeHavilland Beaver from the floatplane base on Burns Lake, air distance of 58 km. The closest road to the lake accesses the cutblocks about 1 km north of the lake, and is a branch of the Sutherland Forest Service Road system.

4.2 Development and Land Use

4.2.1 Resorts and Campsites There are no resorts or developed campsites at the lake.

6 Jean Lake

4.2.2 Mining Claims The lake is located in a reserve in the Omineca Mining Division, with no placer staking allowed (B.C. Reg. 333/88). Four-post registration files for the area showed one claim, #10476, expired 7 May 1993. No signs of mineral exploration or mining activity were observed at the lake.

4.2.3 Timber Harvest The lake lies within the West Fraser Mills North operating area, in the Prince George TSA. Five cutblocks extend in an east-west line about .75 km N of the lake. Most of the harvesting in these blocks took place between 1974 and 1976, and the restocking occurred in 1979. The blocks are not visible from the lake, and only very limited timber harvest activity (< 1% of the visual field) is visible in the distant NW, from some vantage points on the lake surface. The absence of timber harvesting activity to the south and west is likely a result of the dominance of immature lodgepole pine, probably due to fire about five decades ago.

4.2.4 Waste Permits A search of Skeena Region waste permit files yielded no records for Jean Lake.

4.2.5 Water Permits A search of Skeena Region water permit files yielded no records for Jean Lake.

4.2.6 Obstructions and Pollutions No beaver dams or other obstructions were observed in the vicinity of the lake, on its inlets / outlet streams. Beavers were present at the lake, and any dam near to the lake on its outlet could have an impact on salmonid access to spawning habitat.

4.2.7 Recreation Resource Inventory Forest Service Recreation Resource inventory was unavailable for the polygons containing the lake. It is likely that ROS status would be Class 2 “Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized”.

4.2.8 Special Regulations and Restrictions None known.

4.2.9 Comments A good ATV trail to the northeast corner of lake from the cutblock to the northeast. Numerous pine martin trap boxes were located along the 2.5 km trail. There were two small boats and signs of recent hunter use near the shore at the northeast corner of the lake, which probably also offers the best spot for camping and floatplane disembarking. Other rough trails parallel the shore through dry areas.

7 Jean Lake


Details of fish population sampling in Jean Lake and its outlet / inlets are given in Table 1. Raw data were recorded on RIC standard “Fish Collection Method Information Forms” and “Fish Collection Data Forms” which are reproduced in Appendix C. All landed catch was sampled for appropriate parameters, except fish which escaped as the gear was retrieved, or fish whose condition did not allow measurement.

Table 1. Fish sampling effort and catch for all methods used at Jean Lake and its inlet-outlet streams, 05 - 06 September 1995. Lake = Jean Lake, S1 = unnamed outlet stream of Jean Lake, WC 480-9936-709- 386, S2 = unnamed inlet to the S shore of Jean Lake, WC 480-9936-709-386. GN = MOE / RIC standard experimental sinking gillnet, length 91.2 m and width 2.4 with panels (in order) of 25, 76, 51, 89, 38, and 64 mm mesh. The set was made perpendicular to shore with the smallest mesh at shore. MT = Gee-type minnow trap baited with salmon roe; AG = angling. Set and Haul are 24 hour clock times. Catch is the total catch for that method, by species: CAS = prickly sculpin, LKC = lake chub, LSU = longnose sucker, RB = rainbow trout, RSC = redside shiner. Number of captured fish which were sampled for length (non- salmonids) and all parameters (salmonids) are listed in parentheses after the total number caught. Where no number is listed in parentheses, the entire catch of that species was sampled.

Catch Location Method Site Set Haul Soak (min) CAS LKC LSU RB RSC Lake GN 5 2025 0640 615 3 3 88 21 39 (37) Lake MT 1 2010 1935 1405 - - - - - Lake MT 2 2012 1935 1403 - - - - - Lake MT 3 2014 1940 1406 - 1 - - - Lake MT 4 2015 1930 1395 - 1 - - 5 Lake AG - - - 160 - - - 6 - S1 MT 1 1220 0750 1170 1 4 1 - 18 S1 MT 2 1220 0750 1170 - 2 - - 2 S2 MT 1 1330 0820 1170 - - - - - S2 AG - - - 5 - - - - -

8 Jean Lake

5.1 Fish Species Composition

Five species of fish were captured in Jean Lake and its watershed: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), longnose sucker (Catostomus catostomus), redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), lake chub (Couesius plumbeus), and prickly sculpin (Cottus asper). Special status in MOE Region 6 is not currently attached to any of these species. Prickly sculpin and lake chub were captured in low numbers, relative to the other species (Table 1). The presence of rainbow trout in Jean Lake requires that its low-gradient inlets and outlet be considered fish-bearing streams of class S3 or S4 under the Forest Practices Code.

5.2 Relative Abundance

To sample a steep shore with rocky substrate, the Jean Lake gillnet was set through the thermocline. A considerable portion of the net was fishing in the oxygen-depleted hypolimnion. Catch per effort was probably much lower than would have occurred were the net fished at a different location in the lake.

5.3 Size, Age, and Growth

Characteristics of the length distribution of fish captured by angling, gillnet and minnow trap in Jean Lake and its outlet, are shown in Table 2 and Figures 3 and 4. Due to gear selectivity, the samples are probably not representative of the true length structure of Jean Lake fish populations. Growth and maximum length of rainbow trout appear typical of or slightly better than most small lake populations in north central British Columbia.

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for length distributions of five fish species captured in Jean Lake and its outlet stream, 05 - 06 September 1995. Fork Lengths are given in mm. Species Mean FL Median FL Mode of FL Minimum FL Maximum FL O. mykiss 242 266 - 118 288 C. catostomus 196 186 175 115 414 R. balteatus 90 93 94 64 109 C. plumbeus 92 85 110 75 112 C. asper 90 89 - 85 95

9 Jean Lake

5.3.1 Non-salmonid Species

160 30 18 Longnose sucker Other non-salmonid species 16 25 LKC 14 RSC 20 12 CA S y 10 nc 15 ue

q 8

10 Fre 6 4 5 2

0 0 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 125 175 225 275 325 375 425 Fork length class (mm) Fork length class (mm)

Figure 3. Length-frequency histograms for non-salmonid species captured by gillnet and minnow traps in Jean Lake and its outlet. LSU = longnose sucker, LKC = lake chub, RSC = redside shiner, CAS = prickly sculpin. Length class width is 25 mm for longnose sucker and 5 mm for other species. X-axis labels are the lower bounds for the length classes.

10 Jean Lake

5.3.2 Rainbow Trout


Angling 8 Gillnet


Frequency 4


0 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300

Fork length (mm)

Figure 4. Length frequency distribution of rainbow trout caught by gillnet (shaded bar areas) and angling (open bar areas) at Jean Lake, 05 - 06 September 1995. Length class width is 25 mm; the x-axis labels are the lower boundaries of length classes.


12 300

10 250

8 200

6 150 Frequency

4 100 Fork length (mm)

2 50

0 0 1234567 Age (yrs)

Figure 5. Age frequency histogram and length-at-age for rainbow trout captured in Jean Lake by angling and gillnet, 05 - 06 September 1995. The solid line shows mean fork length at age, while the filled circles indicate lengths at age for individual fish.

11 Jean Lake





150 Mean fork length (mm) at age n+1

100 100 150 200 250 300 350

Mean fork length (mm) at age n

Figure 6. Ford-Walford plot for rainbow trout captured by gillnet and angling 05 - 06 September 1995, Jean Lake. Lengths-at-age are mean values. The heavy line shows the least-squares regression of {length at age n+1} on {length at age n}. Estimated terminal length (L∞ ) occurs at the intersection of the regression line with the diagonal reference line; the parameters from the regression give k = .614 and L∞ = 296 mm.

5.4 Sexual Maturity and Condition

5.4.1 Rainbow Trout Sample sizes are low, but rainbow trout sexual maturity appears to occur between ages 4 and 6 for females, and at age 6 or later for males in Jean Lake (Table 3). The population condition factor appears typical of small lake rainbow trout populations in Skeena region during late summer (Figure 7).

Table 3. Sexual maturity of Jean Lake rainbow trout, by age. For the total catch, the ratio of males to females was 1.5 : 1.

Females Males Age number % mature number % mature 2 2020 3 0-10 4 2 100 1 0 5 3333 0 6 3 100 6 50 7 0-2100 TOTAL 10 60 15 33

12 Jean Lake





1.600 LOG[ weight (g) ]


1.200 LOG(WT) = -4.748 + 2.929 LOG(FL)

1.000 2.050 2.100 2.150 2.200 2.250 2.300 2.350 2.400 2.450 2.500 LOG[ fork length (mm) ]

Figure 7. Estimated length - weight relationship for Jean Lake rainbow trout captured by all methods, 05 - 06 September 1995. Both length and weight are log10 transformed. The GM regression equation is shown; the resulting estimate of Fulton’s condition factor is thus 10-4.748 ⋅ 105 = 1.79.

13 Jean Lake


Limnological sampling was conducted at midday 06 September 1995, at the Jean Lake limnology station labelled on Figure 2. Raw data and associated information were recorded on the RIC standard “Lake Biophysical Data Form” which is reproduced in Appendix D. Water samples were collected at 0.5 m and 14.0 m depths, apportioned into aliquots for general chemistry, metals, and dissolved metals analysis and shipped to Zenon Laboratories for processing. Zenon’s records show that the Jean Lake samples were received on 08 September 1995, within the 72 hr RIC standard time frame for water sample transport.

6.1 Stratification

The oxygen - temperature profile of Jean Lake on 06 September 1995 is shown in Figure 8. The lake was strongly stratified, with the inflection points of the oxygen and thermal profiles both at about 6 m below the surface. Oxygen levels in the hypolimnion would have excluded any use of that volume by Jean Lake fish populations.

Temperature (C) 0 5 10 15 20 0 0

2 2

4 4

6 6

8 8 Depth (m) Depth (m) 10 10 Temperature (C) 12 12 Dissolved O2 (mg/L) 14 14 0246810 Dissolved O2 (mg/L)

Figure 8. Temperature and dissolved O2 profiles for Jean Lake on 06 September 1995. The sampling device was a YSI 57 temperature/oxygen meter. Sample interval was 1 m, except at the surface and the thermocline, where it was 0.5 m.

14 Jean Lake

Table 4. Water chemistry parameters estimated by Zenon Laboratories. Samples were collected at the limnology station labelled in Figure 2. Each sample was collected by a single cast of a 3.2L non-metallic Van Dorn bottle on 06 September 1995, and received by Zenon on 08 September 1995. MDC = minimum detectable concentration for the analytic method.

Parameter Shallow Deep Unit MDC Method Time of Day 11:25 11:42 h - - Depth 0.5 14 m - - pH 6.3 6.3 pH 0.1 Automated pH Meter Specific Conductance 58 53 uS/cm 1 Cond.Meter Siebold Residue Nonfilterable (TSS) < 4 < 4 mg/L 4 Grav; Subsamp Buch 105C Hardness Total 20.1 22.7 mg/L Calculated Result Alkalinity Phen. 8.3 < 0.5 < 0.5 mg/L 0.5 Automated Electrometer Alkalinity Total 4.5 16.3 19.9 mg/L 0.5 Automated Electrometer Carbonate < 0.5 < 0.5 mg/L Calculated Result Bicarbonate 19.9 24.3 mg/L Calculated Result Hydroxide < 0.5 < 0.5 mg/L Calculated Result Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 0.51 0.45 mg/L 0.04 HgSO4 Dig.Auto.Colour. Total Nitrogen 0.51 0.45 mg/L Calculated Result Nitrate+Nitrite (N) < 0.02 < 0.02 mg/L 0.02 Auto. Cadmium Reduction Nitrate Nitrogen Dissolved < 0.02 < 0.02 mg/L Calculated Result Nitrite Nitrogen < 0.005 < 0.005 mg/L 0.005 Auto. Diazotization Ortho-Phosphorus (P) 0.003 0.004 mg/L 0.003 Auto.Ascorbic Phosphorus Total Dissolved < 0.003 0.025 mg/L 0.003 Dig.Auto.Ascorbic Acid Phosphorus - Total < 0.003 0.057 mg/L 0.003 Pres.Dig.Auto.Ascorbic A

6.2 Water Chemistry

Results of the general chemistry and metals analyses by Zenon Labs are given in Table 4 and Table 6. Jean Lake is moderately acidic with very low specific conductance. Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations imply oligotrophy and low productivity. Estimated N : P ratio of the hypolimnion (Table 5) was greater than 150 : 1, suggesting phosphorus limitation of algal growth above in the epilimnion. The most striking feature of the metals analysis is the reduced availabilty of (Mn) in the epilimnion relative to the hypolimnion.

Table 5. Estimated nitrogen : phosphorus ratios for shallow (0.5 m) and deep (14.0 m) samples from Jean Lake. All analyses were performed by Zenon Laboratories except the calculation of N : P ratios.

Parameter Shallow Deep Method Ortho-Phosphorus .003 .004 Auto Ascorbic Acid Phosphorus - Total < .003 .057 Pres. Dig. Auto Ascorbic Acid Nitrogen - Total Kjehdahl .510 .450 HgSO4 Dig. Auto. Colour. Nitrogen - Total .450 .450 Calculated result N : P RATIO > 150 : 1 7.9 : 1 Calculated result1

1 N : P ratio estimated as: TOTAL NITROGEN / TOTAL PHOSPHORUS

15 Jean Lake

Table 6. Metals concentrations estimated by Zenon Laboratories. Sample collection is described in the caption to Table 4. Dissolved metals aliquots were filtered by 0.45µm cellulose acetate membrane syringe. All metals aliquots were fixed immediately after collection with 1 ml HNO3 . Analysis was performed using a Jarrell-Ash Model 61E (inductively coupled argon plasma analysis); “total metals” aliquots were subjected to HNO3 digestion by Zenon. For values labelled with (1), the dissolved metal concentration was greater than the total concentration. MDC = minimum detectable concentration for the analytic method.

Parameter Shallow Deep Unit MDC Tota l Dissolve d Tota l Dissolve d Tota l Dissolve d Time of Day 11:25 11:25 11:42 11:42 h - - Depth 0.5 0.5 14 14 m - - Silver < 0.03 - < 0.03 - mg/L 0.03 - Aluminum < 0.06 < 0.02 < 0.06 0.03 mg/L 0.06 0.02 Arsenic < 0.04 < 0.04 < 0.04 < 0.04 mg/L 0.04 0.04 Boron 0.7 < 0.008 < 0.04 < 0.008 mg/L 0.04 0.008 Barium 0.004 0.005 (1) 0.009 0.008 mg/L 0.001 0.001 Beryllium < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 mg/L 0.001 0.001 Bismuth < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 mg/L 0.02 0.02 Calcium 5.5 5.49 6.22 6.35 (1) mg/L 0.05 0.01 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 mg/L 0.002 0.002 Cobalt < 0.004 < 0.003 < 0.004 < 0.003 mg/L 0.004 0.003 Chromium < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 mg/L 0.002 0.002 Copper < 0.002 < 0.001 < 0.002 0.001 mg/L 0.002 0.001 Iron 0.09 0.086 (1) 1.89 0.961 mg/L 0.05 0.003 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 mg/L 0.4 0.4 1.55 (1) 1.55 1.62 1.66 (1) mg/L 0.02 0.02 Manganese 0.005 0.003 0.374 0.376 (1) mg/L 0.002 0.002 Molybdenum < 0.004 < 0.004 < 0.004 < 0.004 mg/L 0.004 0.004 Sodium 2.7 2.37 2.2 2.33 (1) mg/L 0.4 0.01 Nickel < 0.01 < 0.008 < 0.01 < 0.008 mg/L 0.01 0.008 Phosphorus < 0.04 < 0.04 0.1 0.07 mg/L 0.04 0.04 Lead < 0.03 < 0.02 < 0.03 < 0.02 mg/L 0.03 0.02 Sulphur 0.1 0.17 (1) 0.2 0.20 (1) mg/L 0.1 0.03 Antimony < 0.02 < 0.015 < 0.02 < 0.015 mg/L 0.02 0.015 Selenium < 0.03 < 0.03 < 0.03 < 0.03 mg/L 0.03 0.03 Silicon < 0.8 0.84 (1) 2 2.13 (1) mg/L 0.8 0.03 Tin < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 mg/L 0.02 0.02 Strontium 0.055 (1) 0.057 0.063 0.064 (1) mg/L 0.001 0.001 Tellurium < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 < 0.02 mg/L 0.02 0.02 Titanium < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 mg/L 0.003 0.003 Thallium < 0.03 < 0.02 < 0.03 < 0.02 mg/L 0.03 0.02 Vanadium < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 mg/L 0.003 0.003 Zinc < 0.01 0.006 < 0.01 0.003 mg/L 0.01 0.002 Zirconium < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 < 0.003 mg/L 0.003 0.003

16 Jean Lake


7.1 Aquatic Plants

More than 99 % of lake surface is open water. Some flooded sedges and swamp horsetail grow at the lake perimeter. A few mixed macrophyte beds are dominated by Potamageton sp. and Nuphar polysepalum.

7.2 Zooplankton

The Jean Lake zooplankton community was dominated by small cyclopoid copepods and their immature stages. Small to moderate-sized daphnids were also abundant and displayed late-season morphology (head elongation) often associated with predation pressure. Macrozooplankton such as amphipods and chaoborids were not present in the plankton. The zooplankton species composition and size structure was suggestive of relatively intense planktivory by the lake’s abundant rainbow trout.

Table 7. Zooplankton collected by horizontal tow of a 118 µ mesh conical plankton net, Jean Lake offshore, 18:40 h. on 05 September 1995. Net mouth diameter was 15 cm and net length was 1 m. Tow duration was 3 minutes, at velocity of 0.4 m/sec and depth between 0 and 2 m.

Species No. / L Max (mm) Mode (mm) Daphnia sp. 7.3 1.9 1.5 Bosmina longirostris 0.6 0.8 0.5 Diaptomus sp. 0.6 1.6 1.4 Diacyclops bicuspidatus 8.2 1.2 0.5 Nauplii 5.8 - -

7.3 Waterfowl and Other Fauna

Beaver were active on the lake during the field visit, and two lodges were visible. Loons and an osprey were observed fishing on the lake. Moose and bear sign were abundant. Other aquatic fauna included western spotted frogs.

17 Jean Lake


Jean Lake provides a highly aesthetic setting, and pleasant angling for moderate-sized but abundant rainbow trout. The lake is fairly deep for its size and probably does not winterkill, unlike many small in the region. Jean Lake is oligotrophic, as evidenced by the low specific conductance and phosphorus concentrations and high Secchi depth. Abundant spawning habitat is currently available, despite beaver activity in the area. Low primary production, spawning habitat abundance, and the presence of competitor fish species probably all contribute to the low terminal length of the rainbow trout. Nevertheless, the trout are plentiful, in good condition and large enough to provide enjoyable recreation. Depth sounder traces showed some suggestion that larger fish may be present in the lake. Fish sampling did not indicate the presence of lake char, but Jean Lake could possibly support this species, given its depth and the abundance of suitable rocky substrate.

The shape of the lake basin, the presence of forested islands, and the relatively pristine surroundings contribute to the beauty of the area. Boats stowed at the lake, and trails and other signs of hunting and trapping activity, suggest that this lake and its surroundings are already a moderately exploited recreational resource. Protection of the fish populations of Jean Lake is not of special concern at this time. The immediate area of the lake is not likely to be subject to industrial activity in the near future, due to the forest stage. However, the aesthetic nature of the area and its location only 20 km north of the developed Highway 16 corridor make this lake a strong candidate for ‘remote lake’ designation, to be maintained without road access.

18 Jean Lake


Photograph 1 (cropped). Jean Lake, view to S during aerial approach from N.

Photographs 2 -3 (cropped). Jean Lake, view to SW from lake center.

19 Jean Lake

Photograph 4. Rainbow trout, gillnet catch, Jean Lake.

Photograph 5. Longnose suckers, gillnet catch, Jean Lake.

20 Jean Lake

Photograph 6. Prickly sculpins, gillnet catch, Jean Lake.

Photograph 7. Redside shiner, gillnet catch, Jean Lake.

21 Jean Lake

Photograph 8. Unnamed stream, WC 480-9936-709-386, outlet of Jean Lake.

Photograph 9. Unnamed stream, WC 480-9936-709-386, inlet to the S shore of Jean Lake.

22 Jean Lake


MOE = Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks RIC = Resource Inventory Committee TSA = timber supply area UTM = Universal Transverse Meracator WC = Watershed Code WCD = Watershed Code Dictionary NTS = National Topographic Survey NAD27 = North American Datum 1927

UTM values were obtained from two sources. 1. For lakes, UTM at the outlet was obtained from the WCD; this is noted after the UTM. 2. For stream reaches at lake outlets, UTM for the lake outlet is used, and referenced as WCD. Otherwise, UTM for the surveyed reach was estimated from NTS 1:50,000 mapsheets, using interpolation. UTM datum year (i.e. NAD27) is recorded after the estimate.

Native land claims information was derived from the following sources: 1. Northern Interior Negotiating Region, Statements of Intent, August 31 1995. Ministry of Forests Aboriginal Affairs Branch. Map scale 1 : 3,500,000. 2. “Native Land Claims in Skeena Region”, February 1995. Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks. Map scale 1 : 1,500,000.


DFO / MOE STREAM SURVEY FORM Stream Nam e (gaz) Unnamed (local) Unnamed Access Method Watershed Code 480-9936-709-386 ReachNo. 1 Lng t h(km) Location Outlet stream of Jean Lake, flows NE Map# 93K/2 Sit eNo. 1 Lt hSurv(m) 150 C from the E shore of the lake U.T.M. 10.376849.6012319 FishCard Y N Field Hist. Date Y.M.D 9509 0 5 Time 1200 Agency C58 Crew JB/JD Photos AirPhotos

C PARAMETER VALUE METH SPECIFIC DATA OBSTRUCTIONS Ave. Chan. Width (m) 7.5 T 3.0 5.0 6.0 25 C Ht ( m) Typ e Lo c' n Ave. Wet. Width (m ) 2.1 MS 3.0 1.8 1.2 2.3 N/A Ave .M ax.Riffle De pth (cm ) Ave.Max.Pool Depth (cm) 62 MS 58 59 68 Gradie nt % 0GECBED MATERIAL % C BANKS

% Pool 100 Riffle 00Run 00Other 00 GE Fines clay,silt ,sand (<2mm) 65 Heig ht ( m) %Unstable

Side Chan.% 0 0-10 10-40 >40 GE Gravels small (2-16mm) 25 Texture F G L R

Area% 0 0-5 5 -15 >15 GE large (16-64mm) 10 Confinement EN CO FC OC UC N/ A Debris Stable% 100 GE sm. cobble (64-128mm) 0 V alley:Channel Rat io 0-2 2-5 5-10 10+ N/A

COVER: Total% Larges lge.cobble (128-256mm) 0 Stage Dry L M H Flood Comp. Dp.Pool L.O.D. Boulder InV eg OverV eg Cut b ank boulder(>256mm) 0 Flood Signs Ht(m) Braided Y N

sum100% 90 5 3 2 Bedrock 0 Bars (%) pH O2(ppm) C C Crown Closure % Aspect D90(cm) Compact ion L M H Wat erTemp(C) Turb(cm) Cond (25C) DISCHARGE REACH SYMBOL Parameter Value Method Specific Data ( Fi sh ) Wetted Width (m) Mean Depth (m) Mean Velocity (m/s)

Discharge (m3/s) no discernible flow (Widt h:Valley/ Channel,Slope) BedMat erial

FISH SUMMARY STREAM/VALLEY CROSS-SECTION (Looking Downstream) C Species No. SizeRange(mm) Lif ePhase Use Method/Ref L R RSS 20 70 - 90 J R MT PLANIMETRIC VIEW LKC 6 75 - 85 J R MT LSU 1 117 J R MT CAS 1 85 ? R MT

COMMENTS Channel Stability ; Debris ; Management Concerns ; Obstructions ; Riparian Zone ; Valley Wall Processes ; Etc. Good juvenile cover; spawning gravel available; no barriers to fish passage. This is likely the most important spawning habitat for the Jean Lake rainbow trout population.

Edit ed by: JD

Dat e Y M D 960220

24 Jean Lake DFO / MOE STREAM SURVEY FORM Stream Nam e (gaz) Unnamed (local) Unnamed Access Method Watershed Code 480-9936-709-386 ReachNo. 1 Lngt h(km) Location Eastern of two unnamed channels leading N Map# 93K/2 SiteNo. 1 Lt hSurv(m) 200 C into the swamp on the south shore of Jean L U.T.M. 10.376250.6011875 FishCard Y N Field Hist. Date Y.M .D 9509 0 5 Time 1315 Agency C58 Crew JB/JD/ Phot os A irPhot os C PA RA M ET ER V A L UE M ET H SPECIFIC DAT A OBSTRUCTIONS Ave. Chan. Width (m) 50 MS C Ht ( m) Typ e Lo c' n Ave. Wet. Width (m ) 50 MS N/A Ave.Max.Riffle Depth (cm) Ave.Max.Pool Depth (cm) 45 MS Gradient % 0GECBED MATERIAL % CBANKS

% P o o l 100 Rif f le Run Ot her GE Fines clay,silt ,sand (<2mm) 90 Heig ht (m) %Unstable

Side Chan.% 0 0-10 10-40 >40 GE Gravels small (2-16mm) 5 Texture F G L R

Area% 0 0-10 10-40 >40 GE large (16-64mm) 5 Confinement EN CO FC OC UC N/ A Debris Stable% sm. cobble (64-128mm) 0 V alley:Channel Rat io 0-2 2-5 5-10 10+ N/A

COVER: Total% Larges lge.cobble (128-256mm) 0 Stage Dry L M H Flood Comp. Dp.Pool L.O.D. B o ulder InV eg OverV eg Cut b ank boulder(>2 56mm) 0 Flood Signs Ht(m) Braided Y N

sum100% Bedrock 0 Bars (%) pH O2(ppm) C C Crown Closure % Aspect D90(cm) Comp act ion L M H Wat erTemp (C) Turb(cm) Cond(25C) DISCHARGE REACH SYM BOL Parameter Value Method Specific Data ( Fi sh ) Wetted Width (m) Mean Depth (m) Mean Velocity (m/s) No discernible flow

Discharge (m3/s) (Widt h:Valley/ Channel,Slope) BedMat erial

FISH SUMMARY STREAM/VALLEY CROSS-SECTION (Looking Downstream) C Sp ecies No. SizeRange(mm) Lif ePhase Use Method/Ref L R 0MT PLANIMETRIC VIEW 0A

COMMENTS Channel Stability ; Debris ; Management Concerns ; Obstructions ; Riparian Zone ; Valley Wall Processes ; Etc. May support some rainbow trout spawning during spring and early summer high flows but little rearing habitat.

The NTS mapsheet shows this this channel ending in swamp before reaching the lake, but in fact it does reach the lake and at higher flows would be passable to fish

Edit ed by:

Dat e Y M D

25 Jean Lake



Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/05 Agency: C58 Crew: JB/JD Gazetted Name: Jean Alias: UTM : 10.376849.6012319

Lake/Stream/Wetland Lake Location: (source: WCD) Sequence No. 01 Weather: Watershed code: 480-9936-709-386 Reach #:

Area sampled: Air tmp: Wtr tmp : EC : (m2) (C) (C) (ms/cm)

Site No. Capture Pass # or Species M ark or Length Weight Scale Sex M aturity Activity Comments M ethod trap/net # (code) Tag No. FL (mm) (g) sample # (code) (code) (code) 5 GN 1 RB - 118 - - - - R no scale 5 GN 1 RB - 269 220 1 F IM R age 5+ 5 GN 1 RB - 241 157 2 M IM R age 5+ 5 GN 1 RB - 287 230 3 M IM R age 6+ 5 GN 1 RB - 224 141 4 M IM R age 4+ 5 GN 1 RB - 288 260 5 M M R age 7+ 5 GN 1 RB - 266 210 6 F M R age 4+ 5 GN 1 RB - 275 230 7 M M R age 6+ 5 GN 1 RB - 278 250 8 M M R age 6+ 5 GN 1 RB - 270 210 9 M M R age 6+ 5 GN 1 RB - 263 210 10 F M R age 6+ 5 GN 1 RB - 267 220 11 F M R age 5+ 5 GN 1 RB - 271 220 12 M IM R age 5+ 5 GN 1 RB - 264 210 13 F M R age 6+ 5 GN 1 RB - 254 188 14 F M R age 4+ 5 GN 1 RB - 223 129 15 M IM R age 3+ 5 GN 1 RB - 190 87 16 M IM R age 2+ 5 GN 1 RB - 198 91 17 U IM R age 3+ 5 GN 1 RB - 187 68 18 F IM R age 2+ 5 GN 1 RB - 140 30 19 M IM R age 2+ 5 GN 1 RB - 122 20.5 20 F IM R age 2+ - AG - RB - 281 240 21 M IM R age 6+ - AG - RB - 247 178 22 F IM R age 5+ - AG - RB - 279 230 23 M IM R age 6+

26 Jean Lake


Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/06 Agency: C58 Crew: JB/JD Gazetted Name: Jean Alias: UTM : 10.376849.6012319

Lake/Stream/Wetland Lake Location: (source: WCD) Sequence No. 01 Weather: Watershed code: 480-9936-709-386 Reach #:

Area sampled: Air tmp: Wtr tmp : EC : (m2) (C) (C) (ms/cm)

Site No. Capture Pass # or Species M ark or Length Weight Scale Sex M aturity Activity Comments M ethod trap/net # (code) Tag No. FL (mm) (g) sample # (code) (code) (code) - AG - RB - 285 250 24 F M R age 6+ - AG - RB - 277 220 25 M IM R age 5+ - AG - RB - 280 200 26 M M R age 7+

27 Jean Lake


Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/05 Agency: C58 Crew: JB/JD Gazetted Name: Jean Alias: UTM : 10.376849.6012319

Lake/Stream/Wetland Lake Location: (source: WCD) Sequence No. 01 Weather: Watershed code: 480-9936-709-386 Reach #:

Area sampled: Air tmp : Wtr tmp : EC : (m2) (C) (C) (ms/cm)

Site Capture P ass # or Species Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length No. M ethod trap/net # (code) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) FL(mm) 5 GN 1RSC85909297909498939496 5 GN 1 RSC 95 107 105 95 100 94 104 92 102 89 5 GN 1 RSC 105 94 99 93 99 109 94 93 102 91 5 GN 1RSC9710591105959897nana 5 GN 1 LKC 110 110 112 5 GN 1 LSU 195 175 164 180 166 209 247 195 185 215 5 GN 1 LSU 191 179 176 202 181 197 216 167 194 174 5 GN 1 LSU 175 235 206 212 198 166 170 211 177 183 5 GN 1 LSU 213 233 183 202 164 166 180 324 198 214 5 GN 1 LSU 174 177 190 204 171 182 194 170 245 170 5 GN 1 LSU 216 341 210 227 228 175 176 218 177 207 5 GN 1 LSU 331 159 217 191 163 173 115 178 165 217 5 GN 1 LSU 152 414 219 125 220 185 186 157 223 173 5 GN 1 LSU 176 165 225 211 207 165 164 207 5 GN 1CAS909588 3MT 1LKC92 4 MT 1 RSC 86 102 94 77 83 4MT 1LKC83

28 Jean Lake


Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/05 Agency: C58 Crew: JB/JD Gazetted Name: Jean Alias: UTM : 10.376849.6012319 Lake/Stream/Wetland Lake Location: (source: WCD) Sequence No. 01 Weather: Watershed code: 480-9936-709-386 Reach #:

Date Sample Site Pass # or Capture Time In Time Out Sampling Depth (yy/mm/dd) No. trap/net # M ethod (24 hr clock) (24 hr clock) time (min) (m) 950905 5 1 GN 2025 0640 615 0 - 7 950905 1 1 MT 2010 1935 1405 5.5 950905 2 1 MT 2012 1935 1403 5.5 950905 3 1 MT 2014 1940 1406 4 950905 4 1 MT 2015 1930 1395 3 950905 - - AG - - 120 - 950906 - - AG - - 40 -

Comments : Gillnet and minnow traps fished over one night. Date recorded is date of set.

29 Jean Lake


Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/05 Agency: C58 Crew: JB/JD Gazetted Name: Unnamed Alias: UTM : 10.376849.6012319 Lake/Stream/Wetland Stream Location: (source: NAD27) Sequence No. 00 Weather: Watershed code: 480-9936-709-386 Reach #: 1

Date Sample Site Pass # or Capture Time In Time Out Sampling Depth (yy/mm/dd) No. trap/net # M ethod (24 hr clock) (24 hr clock) time (min) (m) 950905 1 1 MT 1220 0750 1170 0.5 950905 2 1 MT 1220 0750 1170 1.0

Comments : Minnow traps fished over one night. Date rcorded is date of set.

30 Jean Lake


Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/05 Agency: C58 Crew: JB/JD Gazetted Name: Unnamed Alias: UTM : 10.376600.6011900 Lake/Stream/Wetland Stream Location: (source: NAD27) Sequence No. 00 Weather: Watershed code: Reach #: 1

Date Sample Site Pass # or Capture Time In Time Out Sampling Depth (yy/mm/dd) No. trap/net # M ethod (24 hr clock) (24 hr clock) time (min) (m) 950905 1 1 MT 1330 0820 1130 0.5 950905 - - AG 1330 1335 5 -

Comments : Minnow trap fished over one night. Date recorded is date of set.

31 Jean Lake


Date (yy/mm/dd): 95/09/06 : 1100 Crew: JB/JD

Site ID Watershed code: 480-9936-709-386 Sequence No.: 01 Gaze tte d nam e : Jean Lake Alias: FW Region: 06 UTM (Zone, Easting, Northing): 10.376849.6012319 Management Unit: 06 NTS M ap No.: 93 K/2

Biophysical Biogeo Zone SBSdk Be nchm ar k (Y/N) Y Benchmark details: see Comments

Nutrient Status SEAM No.: - Limno Station No: 1 Secchi depth (m) 4.38 H2S (m g/l) - Other samples taken: zooplankton H2S comments no odor TDS method DO method YSI 57 TEMP method YSI 57 Alkalinity

Field Conditions wind velocity (km/h) 0-1 wind direction: E air temp. (c): 12.0 cloud cover ( /10 O.C.) 5% surface condition: calm water colour: l. yellow

Development MOF rec sites (Y/N) N Resort cmpsts (Y/N) N Residences (Y/N) N MOF campsites (Y/N) N Resorts (Y/N) N Co. Rec facilities N Parks campgrds (Y/N) N Resort cabins (Y/N) N

Recreation ROS see Comments Biophys features: see Comments Biophys sub-feat.see Comments

Inlets/Outlets see Stream Survey Card for mandatory fields

Biological Fish Card attached (Y/N) Y Fis h. M an. Com . see report Wildlife: see Comments Re ptile s : N/A Aquatic birds: see Comments Invertebrates: N/A Amphibians: see Comments Aquatic Plants: see Comments

Comments: Beavers, beaver lodges. Loons, osprey. Moose and bear sign. Western spotted frogs. Over 99% of the lake surface is open water. Macrophyte beds are dominated by Nuphar polysepalum and Potamageton perfoliatis . Recreation Resource Inventory information was unavailable for Jean Lake.

32 Jean Lake

Lake Survey Profile Data

Sequence number: 01 Date : 95/09/06 : 1100 (yy/mm/dd) Limnology station: 1

Depth D.O. Temp TDS Conduct. Depth D.O. Temp TDS Conduct. (m) (mg/l) (c) (ppm) (umhos/cm) (m) (mg/l) (c) (ppm) (umhos/cm) surface 8.65 16.3 20.5 0.5 8.70 16.2 21.0 1.0 8.70 15.9 21.5 1.5 22.0 2.0 8.70 15.7 22.5 2.5 23.0 3.0 8.70 15.5 23.5 3.5 24.0 4.0 8.50 14.6 24.5 4.5 25.0 5.0 7.60 13.2 25.5 5.5 6.25 12.5 26.0 6.0 3.55 10.6 26.5 6.5 2.15 8.6 27.0 7.0 1.85 7.7 27.5 7.5 28.0 8.0 1.57 7.0 28.5 8.5 29.0 9.0 0.95 6.2 29.5 9.5 30.0 10.0 0.56 5.9 30.5 10.5 31.0 11.0 0.48 5.8 31.5 11.5 32.0 12.0 0.34 5.8 32.5 12.5 33.0 13.0 0.16 5.7 33.5 13.5 34.0 14.0 0.09 5.6 34.5 14.5 35.0 15.0 35.5 15.5 36.0 16.0 36.5 16.5 37.0 17.0 37.5 17.5 38.0 18.0 38.5 18.5 39.0 19.0 39.5 19.5 40.0 20.0

33 Jean Lake


Negative # Photo # (report) Description L10 - 1 Jean Lake, aerial view to S during approach from N L10 - 2 5 longnose suckers, gillnet catch L10 - 3 rainbow trout, gillnet catch L10 - 4 4 rainbow trout, gillnet catch L10 - 5 longnose suckers, gillnet catch L10 - 6 unnamed stream S1, outlet of Jean Lake, WC 480-9936-709-386 L10 - 7 8 unnamed stream S1, outlet of Jean Lake, WC 480-9936-709-386 L10 - 8 2 start of 360° clockwise panorama, taken from large NE basin, view to S L10 - 9 3 panorama, continued; view to SSW L10 - 10 panorama, continued; view to WSW L10 - 11 panorama, continued; view to W L10 - 12 panorama, continued; view to NW L10 - 13 panorama, continued; view to NNW L10 - 14 panorama, continued; view to NNE L10 - 15 panorama, continued; view to ENE L10 - 16 panorama, continued; view to ESE L10 - 17 Jean Lake, aerial view to S during approach from N L10 - 18 1 Jean Lake, aerial view to S during approach from N L10 - 19 Jean Lake, aerial view to S during approach from N L10 - 20 6 prickly sculpins, gillnet catch L10 - 21 prickly sculpin, gillnet catch L10 - 22 7 redside shiner, gillnet catch L10 - 23 9 unnamed stream S2, WC 480-9936-709-386, inlet to S shore of Jean Lake