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College Voice Vol. 95 No. 13

Connecticut College

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Raja Kelly '09 stars as Sly Slone in Dance Department Chair David Dorfman's Prophets of Funk. David Dorfman Talks Disco, Prophets and Sly Stone dergraduate degree in business from MELANIE THIBEAULT valved in retail management. I was dissuade me, touting the difficulties of adjudicator for my master's thesis, and ARTS EDITOR Washington University in St. Louis. an assistant buyer, an assistant depart- surviving in the field. she invited me to join her company af- My junior year of college, 1 spent a ment manager, and then I was Involved CY: So what did you do? ter I graduated. 1 danced with her for Dance professor David Dorfman year away at the University of Illinois, in management consulting. But what DD: I listened politely and I asked three years. Iimmediately went on tour has been busy this past year, touring which is where I took my first dance really made me happy, satisfied and when Icould meet her in person. Since to Hong Kong with her; that was my with his company, David Dorfman class. It was the second semester, and motivated was the dancing I was do- I still so badly wanted to do it, I au- first big trip. I spent a number of years Dance, and premiering their latest I finally got the courage to take a very ing. I like to call them my wondering ditioned with Myers in Milwaukee. with the wonderful Susan Marshall's show Prophets of Funk, a tribute to beginning level class, and 1 loved it. and wandering years. . She invited me to Conn as a part-time company as well. When an opportuni- the great funk/soul band Sly and the When I returned to Wash U to gradu- During that time I met Stuart Pimsler, graduate student. I did a summer study ty for alums to come back to Conn oc- Family Stone. Recently, the company ate: I got involved in productions a newly minted MFA from Conn, when at Conn in '79 and studied everything curred, that got me reinvigorated about performed at the Joyce Theater in New there. After graduating, I danced as he came with his dance partner to I could. reuniting with an important my own choreography. I brought a York to critical acclaim and five full much as I could. I would jump in my Wash U as a guest artist. I got to know mentor, the late Daniel Nagrin. It was piece here and never looked back. In houses - the last two shows were car after work, and at class take off my him, and found out that Martha My- just fantastic. It just worked out. I'm 1985, I formed my company, David sold-out. Dorfman, who received his business suit and put on leotards and ers, the dean of the American Dance one that perseveres. And to this day, Dorfman Dance. In '86, I got my first MFA in dance from Connecticut Col- tights, dance attire that I wouldn't be Festival for many years and the head Martha and I are great buddies. grant from the New York Foundation lege in 1981, talks about his past, pres- caught dead in now. of the Dance Department at Conn, had CY: Where did you go after you re- for the Arts. it gave me a boost, some ent and future in the world of dance. CY: What did you do in the time placed him on his new path. He said, ceived your MFA? forward momentum. In the mid-90s, I Wo..__ ...... College Voice: When did you begin between graduating from Washington "David, if you're serious about dance DD: I didn't tell anyone I had an worked as a guest artist at Conn for the a cingT ...... University and beginning Connecticut YOO:41h6fIlrh'irljtlt'1i4arfha,~I aid that 'MF: unn aDout fi·veyears after. !felt first time. David Dorfman: I received my un- College? right away. I reached her by phone and I needed New York training. I had in- CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 DD: In those two years, I was in- she tried everything in her power to vited choreographer Kei Takei to be an

Peckin' on Kodak's CONNECTICUTD~OLLEGE . (X. New London Nostalgia bankruptcy. The monetary illnesses for Ko- IPEK BAKIR How could Kodak be dying? Do dak started in the late 1990s. The MANAGING EDITOR we still not take photography class- company failed to recognize that Kodak is going through one of es where we learn to develop film? brand loyalty was not an everlast- the more upsetting demises that the Are we not still buying film cam- ing feeling for its consumers. The corporate world has ever witnessed. eras to look artsy? Are we not using company has been called out as the Founded in 1880, the company the phrase "Kodak moments" any "twentieth century corporate dino- Eastman Kodak has played a pivot- more? Kodak's issues are business- saur" by a number of commenta- al role in popularizing photography centric, not affecting the culture and tors. It has been great at innovation throughout the entire world. technology that it has provided. The but laggard at translating such ideas After tackling extreme economic reason for the company's direction into enduring business ventures. hardship for over a decade, Kodak toward bankruptcy is not because CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 filed for bankruptcy protection. of failure to maintain its popular- The company announced that it ity, but rather due to bad business will stop produc- choices. why is Conn's relationship with New ing both digital HEATHER HOLMES London so radically different from the cameras and STAFF WRITER Coast Guard's? pocket vid- The day I came back to Conn from Back in 1909, Wesleyan officially closed eo cameras, winter vacation, I noticed a sign in the its doors to female students. Two years reserving its window of a house on Williams Street later, Connecticut College was founded remaining that read in splashy font, "New London in part as a response to Wesleyan's act of capital for Loves USCG." 1 couldn't help it-a huge exclusion; now, 101 years later, the college produc- smile broke across my face. Something continues to expand and improve what ing print- about that poster felt so right. I looked began as Connecticut College for Women ers, inkjet it up and learned that the New London in 1911. The story of the birth of Conn devices City Center District spearheaded the College is nothing short of miraculous- and online United States Coast Guard (USCG)- according to Conn's website, "The state services. It is appreciation movement, which began in required a $100,000 investment from the also looking January and culminated, appropriately, city to ensure that the proposal would to license its on Valentine's Day. Connecticut College succeed. And the city had to deliver in ten brand name and the Coast Guard Academy are such days. and line of different institutions that, to a certain CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 products in extent, it doesn't make sense to compare order to sur- them. Still, the gesture got me thinking: vive through


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Men's Hockey Wrap-Up Gooq'es New Privacy 3 Oborno's Contraception 6 Oscar Predictions 8 11 Policy Controversy

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Editorials FEBRUARY 20, 2012 THE COLLEGE VOICE . THE COLLEGE VOICE "The views and opinions cxpres~ in The College Voice are strictly those of stu- . .Editorials 0 denl aulbors, and not of Co_ut College. All content and editorial decisions remain in the hands of the students; neither the College's administtation nor its On February 81h I saw the sun rise. It had been a long beneficial for two reasons. For one, you're actually doing faculty exercise control over the content," time since I had seen the psychedelic mixture of blue, or- something to better the environment of Connecticut College ange and purple splattered on the sky. I woke like a zombie rather than being cooped up in a room having statistics Editor-in-Chief and threw on a flannel shirt and corduroys, shoving trail Ihrown al you. While educating students on the dangers Jazmine Hughes mix down my throat for some quick sustenance. The time and realities of alcohol consumption is definitely necessary, was around 6:45. Route 32 wasn't buzzing like the petro- somehow instruments like "Choices" fail to constructivelx, Managing Editor Creative Directors leum stampede that I'm used to, and I hopped the concrete address the problem. Plus, more than half of the trash tha(I dividers 10 campus and made my way to Physical Plant. I picked up was alcohol-related. Cleaning up after othe~s nUiy lpek Bakir Ayano Elson had two hours of service to complete after being written up make you think twice before draining a fifth and s~~hllllt° at the end of first semester, and February 8th was the last it on the ground or casually tossing a solo cup into a bUs.~ David Shanfield day I could complete it without receiving a harsher punish- And two, it forces one to take a deeper look at how tll1s . ment. I trudged down to a part of campus that 1 assumed campus remains so spiffy all of the lime-how is it that \ the debauchery and damages of a weekend here are simply Senior Editor Meredith Boyle was the Williams School and met Jim Luce to be assigned News Editors David Liakos ajob. erased? We have a team of individuals who make sure Ihat David Shanfield I awkwardly stood while Iwailed to be approached by Conn remains as tidy as possible. Physical Plant, for my Opinions Editors Ethan Harfenist someone to accompany him or her on the morning rounds. money, is truly the unsung hero of this college community. Jerell Mays Still droopy-eyed from the earliness and the lack of coffee, They clean the broken bottles, the crushed cans, the banana Arts & Entertainment Editor Melanie Thibeault I prayed to the God of atheism that 1 wouldn't have to do peels that were unsuccessfully "Kobe'd" and everything in Sports Editors Amanda Nadile anything particularly backbreaking. I was eventually com- between. If left to our own devices, this campus would look JeffBeling mandeered by a man named Craig and was informed that like a landfill in a week. Photo Editors Tanaha Simon we would be picking up trash and checking receptacles on My two hours were over before I knew it. I had paid my Cecilia Brown the east side of campus: debt to Conn for holding an open beer in a hallway and not Fiction Editors Sarah Fasano I rode with Craig in a pick-up truck around campus look- complying with a Campus Safety officer in the process. Alex Soffron ing for any obvious waste as we got to know one another. Rather than feeling like a child and being talked down to Head Copy Editor Annie Mitchell Craig is a landscaper who hails from outside of Mystic, a about my supposed substance abuse issues, I was instead Webmaster James Finucane big guy with a warm personality. As I scoured the campus cleaning my campus and learning about the men and wom- Web Content Editor Fred McNulty for trash in the moming chill, Ithought to myself about en who help keep this place beautiful. My perspective was Multimedia Editor Meaghan Kelley how much better this disciplinary action is compared to hroadened and I had given back. Isn't this what punishment Advertising Manager Sarah Kosofsky attending "Choices," the weUness-mandated workshop that should always be for? A learning experience? Finance Manager Sarah Weiss generally follows an alcohol transport, or getting lectured Public Relations Director Shannon Keating by an administrator about why it's a bad idea to drink grain alcohol after only eating a bed of lettuce f~r dinner. - Ethan Harfenist STAFF This service-oriented approach to disciplinary action is Opinions Editor Writers Lily Plotkin Copy Editors Molly Bangs Amanda Nadile Annie Mitchell Amber Villanueva Savannah Berger Andrea Amulic Letters/Corrections 'oK-"::: Andrea Amulic Chris Giri Jeramie Orton *, y , Jeff Baird Kyle David Smith Kyle David Smith Mollie Doherty IDustrators Pbotograpbers (your opinion goes here). Nora Swenson Catherine Monahon Hannah Plishtin Megan Reback Alicia Toldi LizaGordon Cam Stavola Caroline Dylag Megan Costello As always, we welcome letters to the editor. If you're No unsigned letters will be published. Ben Stepansky SamMauk LizCharky interested in writing a letter, please read below. The editor-in-chief must contact all authors prior to Emmaline Deihl Isabel Ulatowski Duncan Spaulding publication to verify that helshe was indeed the author of Allison Cahoon Savitri Arvey Gregory Vance Letters to the Editor: the letter. .' f Any and all members of the Connecticut College com- . The College Voice reseryes tlie right to edit letters for i Igmar Sterling Design StatT Julian Notano Isabel Ulatowski munity (including students, faculty and staff) are encour- clarity, length, grammar or1ibel. No letters deemed to be ' Annaleah Cogan Paige Miller aged to submit articles, letters to the editor, opinion pieces, libelous towards ... individual or group will be published. Caeli Smith photographs, cartoons, etc. . The College Voice cannot guarantee the publication of Nora Britton All submissions will be given equal consideration. any submission. These policies must be made public knowl- In particular, letters to the editor are accepted from any ed very reader may maintain equal opportunity member of the college community on a first-come, first- opinions published. • .' , ",. rl .. ' Contact Us come basis until no"" ooJ the S'aiUrdayprior 10 publicanon. "-iliirfttea';..,iiMi~iii'it your letters by eitber filling mi\' the ~. [email protected] They should run approximately 300 words in length, but form on our site at 270 MoheganAvenue may be no longer than 400 words. submitletter or by emailing it to eic@tbecollegevoice. New London, cr 06320 All submitted letters must be attributed to an author and org. include contact information. Monday - 10 PM- eRO 215 Correction: Melanie Thibeault's ''Tbe Trouble witb Tiaras," published 2/13, was not printed in its entirety. Read it in full at .


THE AMERICAS AFRICA MOROCCO-- Last week the officials in Morocco an- HONDURAS-- Last Tuesday the biggest nounced that they are banning the distribution 01 the prison fire of the century occurred in the Hon- Spanish newspaper El Pais. Only the Thursday edi- duras. The death toll rose up to 359 people, tion of the paper is banned for now because of having according to reports. Witnesses have told published a supposedly demeaning cartoon of King police that Ihe prison guards were not quick Mohammed VI on their most recent issue. The car- in opening the doors of the cells, and had left toon is said to have intentionally stained the King's hundreds of prisoners there to die. Even though name and personality. The cartoonist said that he was the real cause of the tire is still unknown, the shocked at the reaction since he thought the cartoon investigators have been announcing that it was had displayed the King as being rather personable. due to mattress fire.

AUSTRALIA \, AUSTRALIA-- Air Australia just recently went bankrupt. Many passengers who had bought their tickets for future trips from the airline are left with their invaluable tickets from the company. The company has made 83% in loss last year and had been having trouble purc,hasing oil for fuel. About 4,000 Air Australia passengers are abroad with re- turn tickets from the company, trying to find other ways to Dy back home.

ASIA EUROPE China-- Statistics show that China will leave India behind as the world's big- SWEDEN-- A man in Sweden was found gest gold market. The increasing level of alive III his car after being stuck in his car that income have enabled Chinese to invest was snowed in. He was lost in the forest on a more than before on gold. The precious snowy day and was in his car for two months metal has been bought by the Chinese WIthout any food and contact with the world. 20% more compared to last year. The ~IS car was found last Friday, and the people World Gold Council has announced ho had found It had to dug their way into Ihe China as the biggest purchaser of gold car for hours to find him half alive. The Swed- in 2012. The worldwide percentage of Ishman sal id t h at he was there since December gold purchased has only increased 0.4%, 19th. whioh is relatively weak compared to what Chinese have contributed. · ------...,------

3 FEBRUARY 20, 2012 Editor."Dovd lrokos & David Shonfield News & Features newsethecofeqevolce.orq THE COLLEGE VOICE CONNECTICUT· COLLEGE New London

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and its residents; otherwise, there lack of contact between New London says makes a point not to advertise to are so many cool restaurants and wouldn't be a widely-used term like and Conn, at least before she enrolled Conn students -they use ID scanners little sbops downtown to support." New Londoners answered the "town and gown" to describe the here. "It's not like we ever saw Conn and don't offer specials to students. Still, hundreds of Conn students- challenge ... by digging into their gulf between a university and the kids. Most people who live in New She told me about the fine line regardless of whether they support own pockets, exceeding the goal town that houses it. London never think about Conn." between profit and problems: local businesses-work and by $35,000." In other words, the Conn students who also happen Conn's location is one of the "Everyone wants [Conn students '] volunteer in local programs on a daily beginnings of Connecticut COllege as to be New London residents primary factors contributing to the money, but they are a huge liability." basis. This is the work that often goes we now know it-the land, buildings acknowledge the difference New London and Conn "town/gown" The instances of bad behavior at unseen by New London residents and most of the residential haLls- between Conn and the New London divide. Unlike some other small the bars where she used to work are unless they're directly involved in was borne out of the excitement and community. liberal arts colleges, Conn's campus memorable: tales of fights between participating organizations. The generosity of New Londoners. "When I first came here, it was like is a sizable distance from the heart students and New London locals, Office of Volunteers for Community Over the course of the past century, a different universe," said Zakiya of the city. It's certainly possible students climbing on the roof of the Services (OVCS) is the main campus since that original act of charity Thomas-Keyton '15, who has lived to get from Cro to the Bean & Leaf bar and helping themselves to entire organization that places students in by the residents of New London, a and gone to school in New London on foot, but walking is essentially a bottles of liquor behind the counter. community service positions in the divide has grown between downtown all her life. "It's not the New London last-ditch, desperate option. In the same interview, though, she New London area. According to New London and the campus on the I grew up in." She alluded to the Upperclassmen with cars easily also described the close relationships the avcs website, approximately hill. It seems that this issue is only fact that many non-New Londoner bridge the gap between on-campus she farmed with many students. 38% of [Conn] students participate exacerbated by the perception of a Conn students seem to hold extreme and off-campus life, but many "They called me by my first name. in the community/service-learning divide that's perhaps bigger than opinions of the city. "When I tell students don't have cars, and a new They treated me like a human being. opportunities. Through OVCS, Conn it really is-so big, maybe, that people I live in New London, I went rule that started with the class of20 IS They introduced their parents to me students can get involved in some individual students feel it's too much to Williams and now I go here, they states that freshmen aren't allowed on Parents' Weekend." of the most influential New London to tackle on their own. This tension either say, 'That's so cool!' or 'Wow, to bring their cars to campus. That Still, at the end of the day, "lots of organizations, including the Garde is not unique to Connecticut College that sucks.": leaves most students with few other kids were flat-out ass holes . I was just Arts Center, the HygienicGallery, and its students, nor to New London She also described experiencing a options, including the Camel Van, the idiot bartender. Same would use the Drop-In Learning Center and the which can be erratic and only visits their parents credit cards and then New London Day. specific locations, and taxi services, the tip section of the check would be The tireless work of those involved which can also be unreliable and are a big 'zero'." in OVCS has helped strengthen the indisputably expensive. The paint She gestured to the kitchen where relationship between the college is that it's difficult for many Conn we were sitting, shrugged, and said, and New London. Even though our students to get off campus with any "Tips are how Imake my living." campus is separate from the heart frequency or regularity, which does Money undoubtedly defines at of the city, we make up a part of the little to help Conn's "campus-on- least a portion of the New London- New London community. the-hill" image. Conn relationship. "We do feel a New London has done something When Conn students do make their little underappreciated," said one unique in thanking the Coast Guard way downtown, it's often to drink. I storeowner in downtown New for the role it plays in our area. If rh 't' ~illJ:a 'fdrhi'e' ethp13yee of two iLondon. "Maybe this is just me, but I l-' lWNlfellow the city's hample, we different bars in New London to feel like Conn kids gravitate toward can thank New London right back talk about her time as a bartender the Mystic/Stonington area to eat and for all it has provided to the history and manager. She's a resident of shop, especially with their parents. of the college and all it continues to New London and currently works It's not like they are obligated to do provide in onr .off-carnpus life. All at another bar downtown, which she everything in New London, butthere .the city wants-is a little love .• , . . . Google's Prying Eyes

Decoding and Google's new privacy policy and understanding what it means foryou

IGGY STERLING son who just wants to check their email and ware. In other words, Google has taken all of the STAFF WRITER watch funny clips on YouTube. So to help our Google: "When you use a location-enabled things you do on the internet and housed them readers understand these new privacy poli- Google service, we may collect and process under one big privacy policy. Google will now Google Inc. recently announced that it will cies, here are several key points right off of information about your actual location, like be able to record our lives so they can adver- be making sweeping changes to its privacy Google's website, broken down. GPS signals sent by a mobile device. We may tise in ways never before possible. It is the policies effective March I. The technology gi- Google: "We beJieve transparency and also use various technologies to determine low ultimate realization of the corporate American ant claims the purpose of the new policy is choice are the foundations of privacy." cation, such as sensor data from your device dream. to ease the use of its many products like its Google here is trying to connect with their that may, for example, provide information on Say you don't want Google to give you ads search engine, Grnail, YouTube and Ooogle users, explaining the privacy policy openly so nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers." based on keywords from emails from your Calendar. All of these products will now be as to not upset people with its new changes. This will now allow Google to record lo- Gmail account. Or maybe you don't want ads housed under one umbrella privacy policy, Google: "We'll ask for personal informa- cation information if you use something like on your work computer based on the things which will allow you to connect all of these tion, like your name, email address, telephone Google Maps an your phone. It will enable you search for on the internet at home. In- products under one Google account, making number or credit card. If you want to take full Google to form an idea of where you spend stead of allowing users to separate their vari- your internet use faster, more efficient and advantage of the sharing features we offer, we your time, which ultimately will allow them to ous Google services and identities, or instead tailor-made for your preferences. might also ask you to create a publicly visible show ads relevant to you making them a valu- of providing the ability turn off personalized While this all sounds useful, there are some Google Profile, which may include your name able asset in the advertising industry. search results, Google has come up with a and photo." major issues with the new policy. The driving force behind Google's new pri- seemingly simpler but in reality more difficult Numerous internet and privacy watchdog This is Google's push for its social network vacy policy is the streamlining of all the infor- solution: delete your Google account. groups are up in arms over the new privacy site Google +, attempting to bring people in mation coming in from their empire of prod- In today's world information is money, policy. In fact, the implications of it are so far- because of the link from more common sites ucts and programs. They can thus assign aU and when it comes to electronic information reaching that the European Union has asked like Gmail and YouTube which will now this information to a single user. With this in- Google is king. With this new privacy policy: Google to delay their application of the new streamline all of a user's information. tricate knowledge of users' daily lives, Google Google will be able to track its users' every policy so that their authorities can further in- Google: "When you use our services or will then be able to sell much more advertis- move .• vestigate whether it will break European pri- view content provided by Google, we may ing, similar to how Facebook uses users' info vacy laws. automatically collect and store certain infor- to advertise products. To Google's credit, the company has been mation in server logs. This may relatively upfront and transparent about the include: telephony [sic] log in- new privacy policy, posting it on all their formation like your phone num- platform sites and providing a prompt to re- ber, calling-party number, for- mind users to read the policy in its entirety, warding numbers, time and date thus working to explain it features and lay of calls, duration of caLis, SMS out the benefits to the everyday internet user routing information and types of with a Google account. Google is trying to sell calls." the policy as if it is going to reorganize and Google , which is making a streamline all or most internet activity. push for its software through Why all the kerfuffJe over this new privacy the Droid line of smart phones, policy if it is meant to help Internet users? will now record call informa- Understandably, the intricacy of the chang- tion just like a cellular company es can be pretty confusing to the average per- in phones that use Google soft- 4------

News & Features FEBRUARY20, 2012 FRANCESCA VOLPE When reporting photos and posts, only CONTRIBUTOR five pictures are allowed to be reported at a time. Once Facebook is aware of these These days, just about everyone has a reported photos, they are completely Facebook. Our friends, our parents and erased with no law enforcement bemg even our grandparents all take part in notified, When contacted by the FBI the social networking site. Most people about the issue, Facebook took eight use Facebook to keep in touch with months to respond and' was mostly friends and loved ones. It's how we uncooperative, Bechard said. communicate and how we learn about The biggest problem with these parties and events, activities on Facebook is the lack of But Facebook also has a darker side. It has become a convenient way awareness of the issue. Most people for pedophiles and pimps all over the think that Facebook is well-monitored world to share gruesome pomographic and safe, Bechard argued. They think images of young women and children. that child pomography is concealed on Fortunately, more people are becoming dark, seedy websites and far away from aware of this hidden practice. the mainstream. This is far from the On February 16, Operation 21st truth. Facebook functions like a secret Century, the anti-human trafficking society, where people can share personal and anti-slavery group founded on the collections of images with others and Connecticut College campus that is rationalize their disturbing obsessions, working to raise its national profile, largely without being held accountable. hosted a talk on the subject by human Many attendees wondered how rights activist Raymond Bechard. the photographers gain access to the Bechard began by explaining online children. Sadly, it is almost always advertising in the adult service industry. someone the child trusts like a pastor, The most famous recent example is the a soccer coach or a family member, popular site Craigslist, which hosted an and children from all backgrounds and "adult services" section where pimps classes are vulnerable. Furthermore, and prostitutes would advertise their these pedophiles have expanded to other services. This section, as well as other social networking sites like Twitter and similar adult sites, has been shut down. Google-. Because of these changes. many who What can one do? There are many engaged in such practices subsequently websites dedicated to stopping child turned to Facebook to create profiles pomography on Facebook, one of them containing obscene images and being descriptions. It is impossible to tell where people can send cards to board who is behind these profiles. It could members of Facebook and raise general be a pimp, it could be the girl in the awareness of the issue. pictures, it could be a police officer and Everyone who attended the talk it could even be an average person with seemed dedicated and open to learning hidden proclivities. Berchard decided to more about the cause. "I want to be investigate the issue, so he created a false an elementary educator and I think it profile and "friended" many of these is good to be informed. We know so profile holders. little," Paulina Hernandez '13. Annaleah What he discovered was disturbing. . Cogan '15 followed up by saying that As he dug deeper into this hidden world, she is "intrigued and disturbed by human he found thatthe girls, and some boys, trafficking in the modem world and how were gerting younger and younger. A Iam a part of it." series of gruesome images were shown When asked about what he thinks in with children who looked like they regards to seeing the disturbing images ranged from ages five to nine. Berchard countless times during presentations. continued by saying that although Berchard solemnly states "I think about Facebook allows people to report images .what happens after the picture was PAIGE MILLERIDAVID SHANFlELD and posts, it is' doing little to fight the taken." • ' child pomography that occurs on the site.

• 0 SGA Campaigning for Candidacy News& An update on the race for GOP candidate Minutes DIANE ESSIS SGA PRESIDENT

NICK SALESE campaign have referred to his latent and he has done poorly in contests DAVID SHANFlELD CONTRIBUTOR tiberalism. He has not taken a hard since South Carolina. in the 2008 primaries, could prove After years of build-up in debates, position on many social issues The GOP was confident coming that Rick Santorum has the public advertisements, rallies and protests, including abortion and "Don't into this month that the campaign support necessary to be the GOP the Republican Party is in the last Ask, Don't Tell." Despite his more was shaping into .a two-horse race candidate. stages of choosing their presidential centrist leanings, Mitt Romney has between Romney and Gingrich. This Romney must consider Michigan candidate for the 2012 election. been the Republican frontrunner for confidence has been shaken over the a "must-win" state. "I think Early Republican frontrunners came the longest, although his numbers last two weeks by the emergence of it's actually the most important and went (, Michele remained low and flat during much Rick Santorum. moment for Romney in this entire of his campaign, exemplified by the Bachmann, Herman Cain). The Shocking many spectators t campaign up until now," said ABC decisions by Chris Christie and Time cover picturing Romney with Santorum won the Iowa, Minnesota News contributor Matthew Dowd. • The Assembly discussed vandalism Sarah Palin not to run further settled the caption "Why Don't They Like and Missouri caucuses. He has "The moment is, can he stop Rick on campus, looking at ways in which the field, and Rick Perry's poor Me?" described himself by saying, "I'm Santorum like he stopped everybody we can both hold individuals account- performance in debates led to his Before the February caucuses, sort of the guy at the dance, when the else. If Rick Santorum wins this, I able and prevent further vandalism. elimination. Romney's perceived biggest rival girls walk in they sort of walk by, and think what we're going to have is a Ideas presented to the Assembly in- The GOP's candidates have now seemed to be Newt Gingrich. The they take a few turns at the dance hall new front-runner for the first time in cluded fining students the cost of the been narrowed down to four: Mitt longtime government insider and with the guys that are a little belter this race after the Michigan primary repair and also being somewhat le- Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rick former Speaker of the House has looking, a little flashier, a little-more going into Super Tuesday. It is an nient toward those students who turn remained, since his resignation Santorum and the ever-optimistic bling. But at the end of the evening, unbelievably important moment for themselves in. from the Speaker position, heavily Ron Paul. With the Arizona and old steady Eddie's there. He's the Mitt Romney in his home state. If he involved in national politics and Michigan primaries approaching on guy you want to bring home to mom loses, it's a much different race." • SGA and CGA cadets are in the pro- public policy debate, especially February 28, the identity of Barack and dad." The Midwest region, laden While it remains unclear if cess of creating a student exchange on issues regarding healthcare, Obama's opponent in the 2012 with socially conservative voters, Santorum has the momentum program between both schools where national security and the role of election is still far from certain. has sided time and time again with necessary to win outside of the students will get to experience what a religion in American public life. The darling of big business, Mitt the former Pennsylvania senator, Midwest, Newt Gingrich must take day in the life at each school is like. The most experienced politician in Romney has long been a favorite the most outspoken candidate on big steps to remain relevant in this the race, Gingrich's campaign saw of the GOP. The former governor social issues such as abortion and race, and Mitt Romney must refocus • The Assembly also discussed ex- a resurrection in November after of Massachusetts, with a joint JD gay marriage rights. Despite this, his campaign to overcome his defeats panding the Renewable Energy Fund and MBA from Harvard University, "imploding" this June. In November America, it seems, remains dubious this month, to a larger Sus!ainability Fund. The and early December 20 II, Gingrich began his pre-political career as a that Rick Santorum stands much of Ron Paul, the libertarian NESCAC Summit about this topic was the frontrunner of the Republican management consultant for a variety a chance of winning the Republican congressman from Texas and veteran will be held March 30-31. of firms before co-founding the primaries, gaining momentum in the presidential nomination, let alone of the 2008 nomination process t early states of Iowa, Florida and private equity investment firm Bain the win over Obama. Betters on the remains a vigorous challenger too. • SGA and the Office of Residential South Carolina, where he took the Capital. His success in the business prediction market Intrade give him Though he has not yet won a primary Education and Living are planning a primary. Polling found the electorate world has many Republicans only a 17.7 percent shot of securing or caucus, he continues to poll well spring residential outdoor event. had a more favorable opinion of him considering him the candidate with the GOP nod. and has a strong organization and a the most knowledge of economics. among conservatives, Tea Partiers The remaining question is if Rick For more information about anr loyal following with a presence in His campaign remained low-key and moderates, who had long been Santorum, long the dark horse, can of these topics contact us at sga@ every voting state for the remainder for months as the early frontrunners Romney's strongest backers. Yet a duplicate his soaring successes from of the contests., visit our Facebook fell away. Just as his 2OQ8 campaign concentrated attack on Gingrich by the Midwest in Michigan. A win page, follow us on Twiner or stop by While this remains Romney's was marred by the public perception the Romney campaign, attacking over Romney there, the state where the SGA office .• nomination to lose, large challenges of Romney as a "flip-flopper," the him as a Washington insider and Romney's father served as governor remain before him from a diverse set lobbyist, eroded his public support, main criticisms of Romney in this and where he won by a large margin of rivals .• 5 • • FEBRUARY 20, 2012 Edilo,,; Ethon Horfenist & Jerell Moys nuons [email protected] E COLLEGE VOICE Chariots Point Us in the Right Direction Why the science and mathematics departments need more lectures

GREG VANCE example is STAFF WRITER that the tra- jectory of an Last Tuesday afternoon. the math airplane on department hosted a short talk en- a world map titled "South Pointing Chariot: An almost never Invitation to Geometry." Presented looks like a by Stephen Sawin of Fairfield Uni- straight line, versity, the talk began with a brief but instead historical account of the chariot and appears to a mathematical analysis of how it be curved functions. A south pointing chariot for no rea- is a small, wooden device with two son. In real- wheels and a rotating pointer on top ity, this type of it. An assembly of gears cau es of curved the pointer on top to rotate when path, called the wheels of the chariot turn at dif- a geodesic, ferent rates. so that the pointer al- is actually ways points in the same direction. the short- regardless of the chariot's orienta- est distance tion. Interestingly, since the relative between the distances that each wheel travels two points, determine the direction in which because it the pointer points, the chariot only follows the works perfectly on a completely curvature flat surface. Traveling over hills, of the earth. for example, can cause the pointer Putting a to rotate even though the chariot's map of the orientation might not have changed. spherical Even the curvature of the earth can earth onto cause big changes in the direction of a flat sur- the pointer. face always The idea originated from an an- in traduces cient Chinese myth involving a some level hero, an army and a magical mist, of distor- but nowadays anybody can make tion, even one with a large enough box of on special Legos and a little knowledge about kinds of how to put the gears together. maps that For instance, imagine making a try to cor- PHOTO FROM WEB long journey with a south-pointing rect the chariot on a perfectly spherical problem. As Earth. Start in South America, on a result of this distortion. the short- presentations of their own. Why In my senior year of high school, sort of thing that can be so awesome the equator, with the pointer point- est possible plane flights might look can't we have more talks about ad- the math department decided to start about a small liberal arts college. ing southward. Travel directly longer on a map. vanced quantum physics or georn- a division of the Math Honor Soci- The humanities and the sciences north to the North Pole; the pointer As a student interested in math- etry in four dimensions? Talks are ety; I was among the society's first don't have to exist independently will still be pointing in the direction ematics and some of the more nu- great opportunities to learn about group of members. The speaker at from one another; the students of from which you came. From the merical sciences, I found the pre- unique topics from scholars outside the induction ceremony was Rich- both fields can instead find common North Pole, turn ninety degrees to sentation intriguing and of Connecti- ard ang, a mat pro essor from groun . the right, and then travel south un- I hope that the math de- cut College, the University of New Hampshire, In all fairness, too many lectures til reaching the equator somewhere partment will continue to Why can't we have more but math and Professor Zang spoke for a little on difficult or inaccessible topics in Africa. For the entire second host similar events in the science stu- over half an hour about the subject could quickly become tiresome, but leg of the journey, the pointer will future. The humanities talks about advanced ·dents unfor- of Steiner points, a type of center occasional talks like "South Point- have been pointing to the west. Fi- departments at Conn are tunately seem of a triangle that has the interesting ing Chariot" that require some ad- nally, travel west from Africa until definitely getting a big- quantum physics or to have fewer property of minimizing the distance vanced knowledge are certainly you reach your starting point again. ger slice of the pie, and of these op- to each of the triangle's vertices. welcome. I've recently heard a lot But now, the pointer is still point- they host a lot of talks geometry infour p o r t u n it ie s His presentation was excellent, not of things from professors in the sci- ing west, a full ninety degrees away with topics that sound re- available to only because of his charisma, but ences about their departments host- from where it started! This change ally specific and obscure. dimensions? them. This because of the accessibility of the ing a series of talks this semester, is called a hclonomy, and is a kind Now, I don't have any- is a liberal topic. Anyone who knew what a and I can't wait to see what they of measurement of the curvature of thing against these kinds arts college triangle was could have followed come up with. Little events like the earth. of-talks: I'm sure there are students and J think that the humanities and everything he was saying, and yet these are great, and I urge everyone These kinds of ideas are some who find the topics far more inter- sciences should peacefully coexist he also managed to intrigue the stu- to go to any talk that seems appeal- of the foundations of modern dif- esting than I do, but I'd love to see here, each with their Own distinc- dents who were about to become the ing to you. It's usually time well ferential geometry, and they have a the math and science departments tive talks that interest only certain school's first members of the Math spent if you have an hour or two of lot of interesting implications. One respond with some more obscure students. Honor Society. This is exactly the free time on your hands .• Totally Not YouTubular

RYAN MELVIN CONTRIBUTOR uous. What I do mind is that You- Editor's Note: Tile issues with loading symbol that looks more "That YouTube Guy:" same people who have set up this Tube is slower than frozen molas- like a wheel of death than a "just YouTube at Connecticut Col- Ryan: "So, your YouTube extra security fortress with Cisco, ses. If YouTube only worked, I a moment, please." The whole works?" lege have since been resolved 'please fix this YouTube glitch! wouldn't complain about the extra procedure used to be very simple. '15: "Yeah, it works, quite nice- Otherwise let us go back to the through network maintenence, login, which seems to be the only Now, r feel as if I am watching a ly too. Loads quickly, and doesn't security system of last semes- logical explanation as to why my game of snake when all I want is stumble afterwards." ter when YouTube still worked. YouTube, how are you? Is go-to video player is void of life. for my video to just work. Ryan: "Can you see any differ- It should not be that much more . something wrong? Do you want YouTube has been there for me It is only when YouTube is ab- ence from this semester compared prone to hackers, right? an electronic cookie? Would that over the years, h is in the running to last semester with your You- This cry -for help is not from make you feel better? Something It is only when YouTube for one of my favorite time-con- Tube effectiveness? Are you do- a single person, but everyone is definitely affecting you, and suming websites, a list that also is absent that we can ing anything special?" who has ever used YouTube and you won't play videos for me be- includes Sporcle and Grantland. 'IS: HIt's about the same. 'And laughed: cried or jumped with cause of it so. in the end, I'm also On one day I might want to watch truly learn how obsessed nah, not really, I'm doing [the] fright because of it. To have a affected. a cool David Guerra music video, same th ing from last semester, black screen in place of a func- Perhap it is these new Cisco Omar Little take down the Barks- we are with it just using the Wi-Fi for Internet. tioning video is like having 'a login screens. Before winter break dale gang in a clip from Tile Wire It somehow works for me ." heart with a drill right through the we only had to enter our password or maybe a tutorial OIl the process Ryan: "I envy you," middle of it. I am suffering deep- once, Now, it's like Connecticut of tying a tie. u used to be just sent that we can truly learn how I have tried resetting my com- ly. I would recommend watching College believes it's Fort Knox dandy, no problems whatsoever. obsessed we are with it. I am not puter, cleaning out my. Internet a clip of Jason Segal in Forgetting and has added several new levels These days, apparently things the only one in this predicament. cache, using an Ethernet cord over Sarah Marshall that expresses my of security in the process. I'm go- have changed. However, I was able to find a lone Wi-Fi and even switching Internet feelings perfectly, but chances ing to assume that hackers have I click on to YouTube to what ranger, a first year whose You- browsers from Safari to Firefox. are you won't be able to see it on bigger fish to fry than Conn stu- should be a video of a baby panda Tube still functions "fairly" well. All results came back negative; YouTube. End the madness. Fix dents, but I do not mind the extra sneezing, but what do I get in- He asked to remain anonymous nothing ever seems to work. So, the website, • login too much: it's not that siren- stead? A black screen with a white for fearing of being targeted as to the brainiacs at Conn, those

o .' OPNIONS· 6 ------THE ffiLLEGE von Obama, The Catholic Church and the Right to (Not) Bear Children

CHRIS GIRl within the reach of government to impose boy of "traditional" religious values, have tinued federal funding since the Bush era STAFF WRITER restrictions or regulations that protect ba- consistently been vocal about their disap- but an increase of nearly ten million dollars sic human rights (in this case, reproductive proval of contraceptive use, it took attention between the last three years of Bush's presi- In case you haven't noticed, religion is un- rights), particularly considering it merely from major media before most Republicans dency and the first three of Obama's. der siege in America today. Or at least that's makes the option available and by no means became so incensed at this alleged infringe- Keep in mind this is not meant to be what the religious right would have you be- requires the use of contraceptives. It is also ment of rights. In fact, prior to the new a criticism of the Republican Party as a lieve. Groups like the United States Confer- worth noting that directly religious institu- wave of extreme partisan politics, many whole: they represent a significant part of ence of Catholic Bishops are outraged at tions such as mosques, churches, and syna- opponents of Obarna's contraceptive man- the population and their policies are widely the president for his attempt to mandate the gogues are exempt from this mandate; the date have supported similar legislation. Ac- supported. What I do seek to criticize is just availability of contraceptives through health only point of contention is whether organi- cording to the Seattle Times, major Repub- how far Republican politicians are willing care benefits, specifically for employees zations affiliated with religious groups need lican players like Mike Huckabee and Mitt to goto tarnish Obama's reputation. There of religiously affiliated organizations. The provide birthcontrol. Romney have waffled from backing similar is a place for caUing out opponents in poli- president did offer a compromise to these On some level this issue has been solved, mandates to calling Obama's action "a di- tics, but the level of mudslinging in today's groups, yet the compromise was largely however it raises a bigger question about rect violation of the First Amendment" and political arena only serves to distance con- superficial in that it merely required insur- the relations between religion and govern- an "assault on religion", respectively. stituents from the representatives that swear ance providers to make the contraceptives ment in America today. Though this is by no This is yet another example of Obama be- to legislate on their behalf. To do so ill the available rather than the religious organiza- means a complete connection, the Ameri- ing pinned as the leftist radical that he is, name of religion only further alienates the tions themselves. The USCCB is staunchly can right has adhered to many doctrines of in nearly every sense, not. Despite partisan Republican voter base; though the intent is opposed to the president's compromise, and Christianity since the Reagan era. In recent attacks arguing the contrary, the man has clearly to gain support from fringe funda- only time will tell if Obama's alternative decades, policies against abortion and gay practically been a champion of religious in- mental groups, Republicans have left out a will be enough to satisfy his critics. marriage have been major talking points for volvement in American politics. He has rou- great majority of. their supporters. When so The mandated availability of contracep- the socially conservative. tinely supported the previous administra- many flip-flop on an issue such as contra- tion to religiously affiliated organizations Interestingly enough, the disapproval of tion's unprecedented monetary concessions ceptives, it's clear that the Republican Party does undermine the groups' rights to re- contraceptive availability has never been to religiously affiliated charitable organiza- is desperately grasping at straws to connect ligious freedom, or perhaps more accu- nearly as significant a fighting point for the tions. Even the USCCB, the very group that with an increasingly dwindling fundamental rately is merely an affront to their beliefs. GOP as the aforementioned religious issues. has been so fervently attacking Obama's religious base .• However, the simple truth is that it is well Though Some like Rick Santorum, poster proposed mandate, has seen not only con- We know you have opinions. We'd like to know what they are. Write for the Voice. Meetings are held every Monday at 10 PM. THE COLLEGE VOICE OPNONS·7 Peckin' on Kodak's Nostalgia

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 profit by selling expensive ink and cheaper print- ducing disposable cameras for us to take photos ers. rights. The company may be dying, but the notion that make us look blonde with a touch of gray on of reminiscence that it created-capturing memo- Accordingly, 2007 was the last time Kodak When competitor Fujifilm first entered the pictures. ries in snapshots of precious moments-will keep made profit. The company was not able to compete U.S. market, Kodak ignored the sway that their The company is now doing everything it can to its name attached to the subject of photography against the standard business strategy in which the low-priced films had on the American consumer. keep what it has left. The most important thing that forever. Next time you use an analog camera or printers were sold. Kodak was losing money on Kodak was confident that the American consum- Kodak has been able to do during times of hardship go through your childhood pictures, remember the research and development of its digital proj- ers would stay loyal to the brand that introduced has been to remind people that Kodak had always that Kodak played a huge role in enabling us to ects, but was not getting satisfying returns. photography to .them decades earlier; the feeling creared special moments and will remain attached pick-and-choose moments that we would like to As a last resort to engage in profits again, the of confidence blinded the urge to see Fujifilm as a to that idea as long as we use cameras. It has done remember.• company gave more attention to patent litieation fair match. In 1985, Fuji became the sale sponsor this bv ernnhasizinz its investment on brandname and licensing lawsuits. They would sue of the Los Angeles Olympics, an Opportunity that companies that had actually or suppos- Kodak flopped on. As a newcomer to the Ameri- edly stole their ideas, including Apple Inc., can market, the sponsorship was a brilliant busi- who was sued for violating Kodak's image r ness maneuver on Fuji's part-it provided Fuii . preview patent, which allows photos to be with immediate recognition. The market share ~f - previewed at a low-resolution yet saved as the Japanese company grew over 17% in the early a higher resolution. . 1990s, while Kodak was not able to make an ac- For a few years, acting as a patenting claimed progress in' Japan. Kodak's inability to troll helped the company keep acceptable deal WIth FUJI was the first signs of bovine busi- levels of production, but paying for a legal ness choices that the COmpanymade, knowing that tearn can get expensive. Making "okay" Japan, at the time, was the second largest market profits is not good enough for companies to for photo-related products after the United States. survive in the corporate world. Me,;"while, Kodak's contributions to the digital Now, Kodak has just recently filed for recording technology have always been anything bankruptcy protection. It appealed to the but negligent. In an attempt to become more than U.S. Bankruptcy Court on January 12, the producer of film cameras and films; Kodak 2012 and the court agreed on giving $950 invented the first digital camera in 1975 (who million as debtor-possession financing. The knew!). As a result, it was the founding father of company asked to remove its name from the "filmless photography" culture in addition to the Kodak Theatre in central Hollywood in its fame as the founding father of film photogra- order to get money to restructurewhile un- phy. In 1996, Kodak collaborated with Nikon to der bankruprcy protection. No one knows if produce the first point-and-shoot professional dig- the owners of the theatre will keep Kodak's ital camera. However, FUji, Olympus and Canon name during the next Oscars as a tribute to proved to be thorough competition. They were de- their pivotal role in making Hollywood a voting more of their energy to the digital camera snapshot-land. business, whereas Kodak was having a hard time What makes the story of Kodak's down- paying less attention to the production of its first fall sadder than other bankruptcy cases is products-analog cameras and films. Kodak also that Kodak has been the architect of innu- fell behind in the market for printers due to their merable inventions for the "life-recording" obsession with the past, channeling a little too market and is subsequently facing bank- much of its capital into the production of analog ruptcy because of being too caught up in old cameras. memories of film photography. Everything When Daniel Carp, the CEO of the company about the company, from its name (given· between 2000 and 2005, announced the compa- because of Eastman's obsession with the ny's goal of becoming the leading digital camera letter "K"), to the way it promoted record- and printing company, a large chunk of Kodak's ing happy memories with the "Prove it with endowment went into further developing digital a Kodak" slogan, as well as its approach to projects. In 2005, Kodak became the best-selling business ventures, Kodak has long been digital camera brand in the U.S. Starting in 2007, under the pervasive influence of nostalgia. most of Kodak's revenue went into producing Kodak had a hard time letting go of the - I printers in order to continue onto becoming a digi- elderly analog camera business, while the ! tal giant. digital photography business, which they Kodak, this time, had a unique business strategy invented, was clearly impairing the market that would hopefully leverage them as business in- for film cameras. When Fuji, Olympus and novators in the field: they decided to sell printers Canon were excelling in SLR cameras and for more money and the ink for less. Rival compa- fancy zoom mechanisms, Kodak was spar- nies like Hewlett -Packanl and Xeroxjvere milking .ng some portion.of its to pro- ALICIA TOLDI

FEBRUARY 20, 2012 Editors: Sarah Fosono & AlexSaffron

f1ctlon@thecolegevorce,org THE COLLEGE VOICE Flatonia • MICHAEL NATRIELLO set of teeth. Carlos swerves a little. "Cervezas!" not that he would ever pester Carlos about his the ladies over ar her sister's in Schulenburg. She STAFF WRITER he says, producing a Modelo of his own, which driving either way. But the shakiness of some of comes home late and doesn't notice when Keith- he had hiding in the car door pocket on his side of Carlos' maneuvers and the car itself is enough to Bob feeds Chester - that's their pudgy little Chi- Billy Slauson got word through a mass text mes- the bench. "Beer!" Billy agrees and the two bring distract Billy from thinking about what the sixth huahua - whatever she's whipped up for old K.B. sage today that everyone on the late shift would be their bottles down after a long gulp and give it a nicest place in America would be like, which he Maude's a nurse, the kind that's into all this new getting drunk. "Getting drunk?" he thought. "I can cheers. couldn't get out of his head for a while, as he age voodoo medicine, and she thinks that Keith- do that." Thursday'S a good day for it too. Things The car rattles - more from a spotty transmis- watched the road fly by beneath him from a gum Bob's cholesterol is too high. "More fruits and are slow on Thursdays, and Billy's the only man- sion than from speed - as they continue driving, ball-sized hole in the floorboard by his feet. "Grass vegetables, less burgers and salt. That's what Doc- ager on the shift. The only regular who comes in is and this sets all of Carlos' car ornaments in mo- is always greener," Billy says, tuning the radio and tor Oz says," is one of Maude's mantras. Mean- an old rigger, Keith-Bob Chandler. He orders the tion. The tooth, which should have been in the gap almost spilling his beer when they drift into the while Keith-Bob doesn't know who the hell Doc- same thing every time: a Double-double and a Fat on the right side of Carlos' upper teeth, bounces, next lane over. "Except out here," Carlos adds, tor Oz is, but he maintains that salt is healthy. "It's Burger - extra salt on both. He'll probably be the hanging from a string on the rearview mirror,along looking at the sunburnt fields of pushed over grass a miner-all," Keith-Bob argues. But Maude won't only person to eat inside, and as long as Keith-Bob with a set of rosaries, a deviJ's hom, and another outside the window. "Yep," Billy agrees, and they have any of that. So naturally this Thursday night doesn't use the bathroom there won't be much to tooth - a gold tooth that Carlos won in a game of clink their Modelo's once more before a long sip. meal is what old K.B. looks forward to all week. do in tenus of cleaning either, which always make cards out back behind Abella's gas station last fall. Carlos chucks his spent bottle our the win- The only bad part about it is the idiots they hire at for a good night. What happened was Carlos tried himself to sub- dow and fumbles around under his seat. The car these fast food places. The fast food places in this It's Carlos' day to drive, so Billy starts boozing stitute his gold winning for the real deal right on swerves back and forth as he struggles to find what part of Southwest Texas are especially bad in this before Carlos comes over to pick him up. When the spot, despite already having a perfectly fine he's looking for. There's nobody around, but if regard, Fayette County being as it is. it's Billy's day to drive he can borrow his sister's tooth there to begin with. In his drunken excite- they were closer to the center of the grid of streets Slauson's son, Billy, is the worst of the idiots, car, but she's working a late shift herself tonight ment, Carlos numbed his entire mouth with co- that is Flatonia, they might have to be a little more and he's always at the register when Keith-Bob down at the hospital. So Billy has a glass of Old caine and got his knife out, which is the last thing careful. Though anybody they would hit probably goes in on Thursday nights. That boy's whole fam- Grandpa and a Hungry Man and then sits his ass he remembers, 'cause after a bit of digging around deserves it - Fayette County being as it is. ily is screwy, and no one sweat it when Billy's dad, down for a wait on the cracked cement of the Slau- up there, Carlos passed out. He had blood allover "Tequila!" Carlos shouts a few zig-zags later, Bill Senior, got torn in two by one of the rigs a sons' front porch, which is more of a front step his face and exposed chest, which was hairy and popping up from under the steering wheel. In his couple years back. Only person in town to seem really. covered in part by a half buttoned shirt right where hand is a flask, pieces of unwrapped candy and the worse for it was Billy. The kid's a total mess, Carlos arrives - that's Carlos Vega, not Carlos his gut started. Two hours later when he woke up, dust stuck to its outsides. Carlos swigs and hands a complete drunk. He hangs out with the Mexican Brown - Brown works Tuesdays - and the two of the gang of borrachos he was playing cards with the flask to Billy. "Tequila," Billy shrugs, and then bandito types and can barely hold a job. "He must them roll out. was gone. So too were his winnings, except for asks, "got any whiskey?" still be living in a trailer with that lesbian sister Seemed like Carlos had been drinking too be- the tooth, which he took as a sign of good luck. "I don't know," Carlos shouts over the radio, of his," Keith-Bob thinks to himself as he drives cause not only did he-give an extra long "Billllly," Carlos tucked his shirt back into his jeans, put his which he turned up when Pitbull came on, but is out of work. At least that's the last Chandler had as he rolled up, but when Slauson hopped in the pockets right, and headed home. Since that night, now playing a commercial for Gray's Ace Hard- heard of the boy. Maude knows what everyone is car there was a pack of Modelo's, half-finished, the teeth have been an unmoved installation in the ware at full volume. "Check in the backseat," he up to and that's what she told him. But she might sitting on the passenger's side of the front seat. car, along with various pieces of Jesus Christ and tells Billy: be wrong. Maude ain't always right, and it ain't Billy pushed over the beers and sat down. Mod- Mother Mary memorabilia. After driving a bit more, Carlos turns onto Bra- just about simple things like minerals neither. elo's beer is about as Mexican as you can get. The Driving along, Billy takes the gold tooth in his necky Road and stays with that until meeting up For one, she denies that Candi Slauson's a lesbi- caps are all wrapped in gold tin foil and in these hand, and Carlos says, "You like that, huh?" add- with 90, which they take east - away from fla- an, and that girl is about as butch as wood. "What parts - that's South East Texas - the labels are ing, "It's real gold too," excitedly as Billy nods tonia. After about four miles on 90, they pass a kinda name is Candi for a lesbian?" Maude always even written in Mexican too. But itjust so happens and says, "Get out of town." farm that Carlos used to work on - he points it asks, which to her credit, is a good point. that Carlos is about as Mexican as you can get"as. "Okay, man," Carlos laughs pointing to a "Wel- out to Billy every time - and a little after that they "Hell if I know," Keith-Bob says. "You think well, so the pair works out nice. . come" sign that marks the boundary of Flaronia, pull into the parking lot at Fat Burger. Billy's in I make the roles about these things? You think I The boys are two turns out of Billy's trader park and advertises the town as the seventh nicest place the backseat now, a little sloshed from the whis- write these lesbian roles?" he says. It's always a When Carlos offers Billy a Modele. "Got an open- to live in the country. "Wonderwhat number six is key he found underneath some papers. It's not Old fight between the Chandlers, and though Keith- er?" Billy asks. Carlos points to the glove com- like," Billy says out loud but not really to Carlos. Grandpa, but it still did the trick. Bob loves Maude, its nice to have some time to Partment,which Billy opens. "I don't see none," Not long after that, he and Carlos pass Abella's II himself on a Thursday night. It's nice to have a Billy says looking through a bunch of papers, un- Gas station, which is still painted turquoise and When Keith-Bob Chandler heard the whistle Double-double and a Fat Burger with salt too, and paid tickets mostly. is srill advertising "CROSSES, JEWELRY, AND blow, he was leaning on the railing on the out- that's all Chandler is thinking about as he pulls Before Billy can even start looking under the CANDLES." Come to think of it, Abella's is prob- side of the rig, just wairing for the quit. He had into the parking lot of the restauranr about four seat, Carlos takes the beer from Billy's hand and ably where Carlos wrangled up all these nice plas- spent the better part of the last two hours think- miles west of Flatonia .• smashes it on the dashboard. The beer opens with tic Jesus and Mary figurines, and some wax ones ing about his dinner - a nice Double-double and a bit of broken glass, some fizz, and laughter from halfway melted too, which clutter his dashboard. a Fat Burger with extra salt. He stops at the Fat This is on. our of three installments of "Flato- Carlos. "That works too," Billy says. Carlos turns Since this is a vehicle blessed by God, Billy Burger outside of Flatonia every Thursday after nia." For more, visit thecollegevoice.orglcatego_ to Billy. He smiles, revealing a gap in his upper doesn't fret for two shakes when Carlos swerves, work because that's when Maude has cards with rytfiction. ARTS· 8 FEBRUARY20, 2012 Edilor: Melanie Thibeault Arts Entertainment [email protected] THE COLLEGE VOICE All About the Oscors

Contributor CAROLINE GILL offers her picks for who will be taking home the gold this Sunday

Yes, it's that time again. For some of you, Oscar fatigue may have set in around New Year's, but for others, the announcing of the film industry's h.i.ghesthonors has been (and always is) an event worthy of the utmost exeitemt'nt.l-lOwever, it mu t be said that this year's race was a little lacking, •• N(hi<;l]llhc!$Rl/~il~d more emotiOll~frot1>fOM'th~g!IM11lI)lninees.lhemselves. hmy~l;\fl'luo,d~~'!l:~'hJlrd to accept that Leonardo DiCaprio did not receive a nomination for his captivating and trans formative performance in J Edgar. (Similar disappointment was palpable among fans of Ryan Gosling (Drive, The Ides oj March), Michael Fassbender (Shame), Tilda Swinton (We Need to Talk About Kevin) and Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross (composers, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). So, in a year full of slightly sad ballots, should we till care about who ends up actually getting the gold Sunday night? Of course. Inevitability's no romp, but hey, The Help could still win Best Picture, right? Given the unusually wide breadth of films that are nomi- Best Actress With seventeen nominations over the course of her career, Best Picture nated this year, deciding which one of them is the most de- Glenn Close _ Albert Nobbs Meryl Streep holds the record for most Academy Award serving of the title of Best Picture is certainly difficult. One nominations by an actor of all time. Michelle Williams Viola Davis - The Help The Artist could make the case for why each of these nine films truly amassed much critical praise for her portrayal of Marilyn deserves to win. The issue is that they're tremendously dif- Rooney Mara - The Girl with Monroe, for which she spent over a year preparing. Rooney The Descendants ferent from one another. Is it possible to accurately compare the Dragon Tattoo Mara, a first-time nominee at only twenty-six years old, also Extremely Loud & Moneyball with The Artist? Or The Descendants with War Meryl Streep - 'The Iron Lady endured much stress while playing Lisbeth Salander in Da- Horse? Maybe not. Michelle Williams _ My Week vid Fincher's (The Social Network) American adaptation of 'bl Cl There are a few frontrunners, namely The Artist and The 'th M '1 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Although Streep is highly 1ncre d z y ose Descendants, The Artist can be described as a lOO-minute wz an yn favored to win this year, the award will most likely go to The Help I ng love letter to filmmakers past, making it classic fodder Viola Davis, a two-time nominee" Her unique power as an for Academy voters. This is also the case for Hugo, whose actress was established in 2008, when she was nominated for Hugo plot heavily relies upon the theme of film preservation. One Best Supporting Actress in Doubt, a film in which she had could argue that these circumstances unfairly tip the scales only one scene, lasting about all of ten minutes. M'd ' ht 1 P , in favor of these kinds of films over ones like The Descen- Z nzg n arzs dants or The Help, which deal with completely different, but Hazanavicius is the undeniable frontrunner here, which is Best Director M b II equally significant issues. not surprising, considering the sweeping nature of The Art- oney a Tile Artist is most likely to win for another reason: it has a Michel Hazanavicius - The ist's nominations. He was successful in completing a daunt- The Tree of Life total often nominations, twice as many as The Descendants, Artist ing task- making a silent film for modern audiences not only '1C Hugo has eleven, but it's still nowhere near as favored as The Alexander Payne - The tolerable, but also enjoyable. Hazanavicius also displayed a War Horse Artist. Math aside, which deserves to win? The Artist, for its Descendants great deal of skill by creating a faithful, vibrant recreation sheer innovation and pleasure? The Descendants, for achiev- of 1920s Hollywood (complete with musical numbers). Also Martin Scorsese - Hugo ing a sublime mixture of crippling grief and sharp comedy? favored in this category is Martin Scorsese, who although H1I80, for its incredible beauty and technological craft? Or Woody Allen - Midnight in being known for gritty, urban films such as The Departed maybe Tile Help. for being a poignant, touching portrait of Paris (for which he won this award in 2006), was able to master- a difficult time in our country's history. These are all reasons Terrence Mallick - The Tree fully create the COl fantasy grandeur of Hugo. Personally, I worthy of di cussion. However, come Oscar night,l'd say the of Life think Best Director should go to Alexander Payne. He took award for Be 't Picture is The Artist's to lose. The Descendants' exotic Hawaiian locale and turned it into a place where people actually live. The result was highly at- I've said it once and I'll say it again: Leonardo DiCaprio mospheric and intelligently detailed. Payne's style gives the (1. Edgar) sh uld be winning this award. But since he can't, Best Actor film an appearance of starkness, providing a juxtaposition it will most likely go to Jean Dujardin for Tile Artist. Yet that highlights the actors' emotional performances. Demian Bichir - A Better Life looney is a decent contender: however. I don't think The George Clooney - The Descendants proves Clooney's abilities as an actor any more than his other recent films (like 2010's Up in the Air), though Descendants Not unlike Best Supporting Actor, the race for Best Sup- it still was an excellent performance. Dujardin performed ex- Best Supporting Actress Jean Dujardin - The Artist porting Actress at the Academy Awards has been largely in ceptionally well in a role that most actors would be too afraid Berenice Bejo - The Artist favor of The Help's Octavia Spencer, who was honored at Gary Oldman - Tinker, ( take on. After all, an actor's voice is one of their most pow- Jessica Chastain - The Help both the Golden Globes and the SAG awards. Spencer's sto- Tailor, Solider, Spy erful tools. Despite this, Dujardin, a first-time nominee, was Melissa McCarthy - ry 10 The Help was one of the film's most poignant, leading able t sing. dan e and gesticulate in a way that showed the Brides- Brad Pill - Moneyball to what may be the film's only major victory on Oscar night. utmost em tlon. To put it bluntly, I think Dujardin deserves maids The odds are also fair for Berenice Bejo and Melissa Me- the Oscar, simply because his technique shown in The Artist Janet McTeer - Albert Nobbs Carthy,. ~ho have each garnered incredibly high praise from was a lot more masterful than what George Clooney had to Octavia Spencer - The Help both cnttcs and audiences for their respective roles in Th do in Tile Descendants. Artist and Bridesmaids. e

No category has as clear a frontrunner as this one. For Best upportlng Actor his role as Hal Fields, a widowed father who, at age 75, Kenneth Branagh - My Week decides to embrace his homosexuality, Christopher Plum- with Marilyn mer has already won numerous awards for his role in Begin- J nah Hill - Moneyball ners. These include best supporting actor distinctions at the Nick Nolte - Warrior BAFTAs. the Golden Globes and the Screen Actors Guild (considered the best predictor for Oscar winners). Plummer Chri topher Plummer - Begin- has had quite the winning streak this award season, and it The Academy Awards, film industry's biggest night, is always discussed to death' th k ners doesn't look like there will be any slowing down come Sun- .. In ewees and months leading up to It. However, we can never truly predict the winners with b I Max von Syd w - Extremely day night. If not Plummer. next in line for Best Supporting .. a so ute cer- tarnry. There IS more than enough room for one of the Academy's trademark upset iblv i Actor is Kenneth Branagh, for his portrayal as the iconic . S, POSSI Yin Loud & Incredibly Close the Best Picture or Best Actor category. Through all of the uncertainty of the award director Laurence Olivier in My Week with Marilyn. kn .., '1 the ni h f F s season, we do ow one thing WIthout rai - on e rug to ebruary 26, all eyes will be on the Oscars .• -----·--- ...... ------...... ------IIIIIIIII!I--_U

THE COLLEGE VOICE ARTS·Q Dorfman Talks Disco, Prophets and Sly Stone The inspiration behind his latest production Prophets ofFunk CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 wolf Theater among them. I would go I had called the band's manager, down to see those shows. Experimen- who didn't end up being the band's CV' You said you en II d . tal theater combined with movement real manager. But again, we persisted, . ro e m your really had an appeal to me. d first dance class your junior year of At Conn I met the right people who an .~tarte~ getting somew here with college. Were you interested in dance our I ea. e got a hold 0 fa wonder- b f h were interested in theatrical approach ful producer in New York, and last e are t en or was it just a risk you to movement. I met Annie-B Parson A rf d P h wanted to take? ugust, we pe orme a rop ets of (now co-director of Big Dance The- Funk - Live Concert Edition to about . DD: It ~as both. I was always ater in NYC) who was a classmate 4,000 people at the Lincoln Center interested in dance. I have distinct of mine at Conn, and also from Chi- 0 f D F memories of using a baseball bat - cago. I also met Chuck Davis (on my gi:~~ thri~.r~:s~~:al~~:t::St~ ~:: I was a big athlete; baseball was my first summer trip to ADF), an incred- the band, especially saxophonist Jer- sport - as a fake microphone, imi- ible figure in African dance in Amer- ry Martini, and the whole experience tating James Brown. I watched Soul . H h d hi Afri rca. e ea s IS can American was inspirational for our company. - Train when it was a really low-tech Dance Ensemble in Durham, NC and Earlier in the year, we needed ver- - show in Chicago before it moved to is regularly responsible for Dance Af- bal permission from Sly himself to Hollywood. I watched everything rica at Brooklyn Academy ef Music. use their music. I found the right per- that had dance on it. When I was CV Wh " U ~ : at was your inspiration for son to give me his cell phone, and Sly Above: David Dorfman as afunky undergraduate- at Washington University. around eight, I remember pulling on Prophets of Funk? and I talked a few times. He agreed Below: Dorfman in Prophets of Funk. my mom's apron and telling her that I DD: Right around that era, as a happily to our request. I've been re- wanted to statt a dance school. high .school student, I remember ally lucky. It's like a childhood dream I took a ballroom class in seventh working out in the basement of my come true. grade, but I lost the courage in high friend's parents' townhouse. We were CV: How can Sly and the Family school. I couldn't get myself to try both really into sports, and we would Stone's message apply to 2012? out for West Side Story. When I quit work out with weights to 8-tracks of DD: We all want to make it a bet- baseball in college, I missed kinetic Sly and the Family Stone. Songs like ter world in many ways. We try to behavior. I statted peering into the- "Everyday People" and "I Want to inspire with dance and art. Some ater and dance rehearsals at school. Take You Higher" were fervently in- of those hopes and dreams are still Lucky for me, my best friend in col- spirational. It was really good music alive. Sly and the Family Stone were lege knew the theater people and I to listen to. prophesizing. They were talking of was able to begin reuniting with my- "[Sl nd h I:' 1 a better world. We can still listen to self. Kei Takei often called the key y ate r 'amiY them. creation and performing a moment of Stone J were influential from I also like exposing young people "aliving." I was having mine at that to this music. Very few college-age . ,.\. point in my life. the word 'ga.'" kids know music from Sly and the . \\ .. At that time, disco was happening. Family Stone. A lot of people are ga- '. ~~!!i'W:;' l saw Saturday Night Fever at the ing to look them up now. .. \,":', '.:~~~~~";~ theater when it came out. I had large My first week of college, Sly and We've taken .the dance to some think.subtext, content and context are I've spoken to her several times. 1 hair and platform heels, and start- the band was hired to play an outdoor unusual venues. We've played ten- really united. I'm this white Jewish love hearing her speak and sing, and ing dancing disco during sophomore concert. I can still see them on that minute excerpts for art galleries and guy who loves music and dance. I'm I loved reading her book Just Kids. year of college. Junior year, I statted stage. They were celebratory, bigger middle schools. We're getting to the director of the company, so it's We'll focus on her New York City competing in contests. I was doing than life. They had black folks and communicate with a lot of different kind of real life, kind of exaggerat- in the late '60s and now, and use her the hustle like nobody's business. I white folks, men and women - even audiences. We even auditioned for ed. I'm showing off to everyone this music. We'll preview the event here got second place in one contest and a female trumpet player (radical in America's Got Talent in D.C. We got great, young African American tal- in the On Stage series in Palmer Au- thought I was something else. 1973). They were influential from the a first callback. ent. There are good things to it, but ditorium in February 20l3. Our big CV: What attracted you to disco? word "go." CV: Can you describe your patt in there's also kind of a rub to it. The New York showing will be at the Next DD: I really liked the social aspect Four years ago, I saw The Family the performance? audience could be asking, "Isn't he Wave Festival at Brooklyn Academy of disco. You talked with your part- .Stone advertised at the Wolf's Den DD: At my age, I still want to be taking advantage of this black artist? of Music in the fall of 20 l3. bJM"lId' .ltareofin"e1..ed.>in!danoing~ven though I'm +.po~s)lt .. really.lov.!( l;1i,m\" It's com- ,C;y~~)Y,l\a~,liJ~,~I!,lNWf,..Q.(.):..Q)lrre- er people. It had an urban feel. I was car. They had three of the original twenty to thirty years older than the plex, just like any relationship where view in ? brought up in suburban Chicago on members. They were fantastic. That rest of the company. I don't want to you're getting something out of it. DD: I've had reviewers call me ev- the edge of the city, and I would go began the saga. On my drive home, I make a nuisance of myself, but the Sometimes it's hard to define who's erything from "chunky" to a "hard- to the clubs in the city, so it connect- thought, "11m going to do a dance to pieces we're doing now contain a lot getting what at any given time"We're ware salesman," but I care more ed with the urban patt of me. When the[ir] music." from my memory and my youth. So, trying to cepr.esent on one level, joy about how my dancing is than what I went home [from college] for the I had gotten to know [Conn Profes- if I can find a part in the dance, I go and fun, but also potential darkness r look like. We all want the rave in weekend, I would have two or three sor] David Kim. I told him my idea for it. At a preview of this dance in as well. the New York Times, but reviewers platform heels and a baseball glove over dinner, and he asked if I was Nashville, I played a drum kit. It al- CV: Do you have another project in come in with their own agenda and or two with me. sure that it would be just Sly's music most meant to look like I was trying the works? their own desires. J thought the writer CV: Who or what else influenced - if perhaps I wanted to get a bunch to fill in as the drummer. By the time DD: Prophets of Funk is part of. got at some of the complexities of the your growing love of dance? of funk artists. I told him I wanted we premiered the dance at Conn, with trilogy of projects, which includes piece when he asked the questions DD: In the dance class I took ju- Sly's music, and I wanted a chance the help of the company and our ere- Underground and Disavowal. These he asked. We're always going to dis- nior year, I found theatricality' in to get the band to play live with us. ative team,I had found my patt. pieces are all centered on historical agree with something in a review. dance. Theater majors had to do it Kim said he had been thinking about Raja Kelly '09 plays Sly Stone. He figures and key times in our nation's And sometimes the critical parts of for a requirement. I saw glimmers of Prophets a lot, re-reading recently looks just like Sly. On some of the history. I'm going to stay in a similar a review are valid comments - ones potential with humor, speaking and a Abraham Heschel's Prophets. We video footage, you think it's Sly, but period with our next project on Patti worth heeding. There are sections of strong physicality bordering on slap- asked, "Were Sly and the band re- it's Raja. I love that he's a Conn grad. Smith - poet, musician, artist, pho- the dance that r still want to make stick and vaudeville. ally Prophets of sorts?" From that, In one section, we do this duet on the tographer. We're looking at her take stronger. Art doesn't answer ques- There was a burgeoning repertory we came up with the title Prophets of apron of the stage. I'm gesturing to on joy, loss and hope. Her resilience tions. It starts the conversation. If our theater scene in Chicago, Steppen- Funk. Raja and winking at the audience. I and renaissance is incredible now. work can get people talking about the world, then we've done our part.• We're All Human Why fans and .critics should stop bashing Ingrid Michaelson's new sound

AYLA ZURAW-FRIEDLAND CONTRIBUTOR Though the added dimensions that come with album is tracking the progression of a vola- ferent than what was expected of her doesn 't the string and bass elements may be some- tile relationship and the experience of falling mean that she will abandon all previous work Ingrid Michaelson's latest album, Human what surprising coming .from the same artist intensely in and out of love for the first and standards. In the weeks leading up 10 Again, was released on January 24, following that has brought us the sweet piano-oriented time. For her, it was an exploration of events the album's release, Michaelson's Facebook her album Everybody (2009). Her previous tracks from her earliest album, Slow the Rain in her own life. Many felt that she had not posts expressed her apprehension about how work has focused around the quirky, upbeat and the quirky, guitar and ukulele-based achieved the departure that she was looking her new work would be received: "Waiting to sound of melodies played on guitar, uku- tunes such as "You and I" and "Everybody" for, and perhaps she had not done enough to release my record is tortuous. I just want it lele and occasionally piano, even when the on her subsequent albums, Be OK and Ev- go in a different direction. There was a gen- to be out in the world. Doubt blossoms when subject matter of the lyrics delve into darker erybody. Michaelson has exhibited a mel- eral sense of discomfort toward the kind of there is too much time to wait." Upon the subjects. Human Again has definitely de: ancholy, more pensive side on many of her change in her voice she had been aiming for. release of her album she wrote another post: toured from her typical sound. The opemng albums as well with the inclusion of songs iTunes reviews of the album range from "I just read some iTunes user reviews. It is song "Fire" introduces the album in a rush of such as "Porcelain Fists" and "So Long," the words of satisfied fans to those com- crazy how some people HATE the record Up-tempo, complex string' lines that propels among many others. plaining, "It sounds too much like what is and some LOVE it. Such a divide. I know the purity and strength of her voice forward. Michaelson has hardly been a one di- played on the radio." All of the negative re- I shouldn't read reviews ... good or bad ... Immediately, the listener recognizes the shift mensional artist through her career both in views tend to revolve around the generalized funny how we take in the negative reviews from day-at-the-beach lightheartedness to the public light and in her beginnings as a and meaningless hipster concept of "selling more than the positive ones." Just becau e something more intense and gritty than what MySpace artist. Boys and Girls, the album out." Fans are having a hard time coping Michaelson made the choice to add strings, has been heard on previous albums. Several that brought her to the spotlight after songs with the fact that Michaelson has experi- electric guitars and bass does not mean she is other songs resonate with the same high en- such as "Keep Breathing" and "The Way I enced growth as an artist that manifests itself "selling out." It means that she has made an ergy instrumentation, for example the rock- Am" were featured on Grey's Anatomy, was in an even greater departure than her last artistic choice that happens to include more fueled "This Is War." Then, of course, there met with positive reviews for being easy to attempt. As much as I love her earlier work than ukulele and piano. Each of us, musician are the slower more pensive songs. such as listen to, but far enough away from main- focused around joy and lyricism, ] also ap- or not, seeks the right to grow and progress. "Ghost," which reflects on the difficulties stream to not be overplayed. However, her preciate the fact that she has changed and is We want to make ourselves better, or if not of moving on after heartbreak, and one o~ later album Everybody was met with some in the midst of developing a new voice that better, at least understand the parts that have the closing songs "End of the'" "or ld" which criticism for many of the same reasons Hu- follows the growth of her fans. gone unexplored. Michaelson chose to do brings the album to a close on a bittersweet man Again has been scrutinized. Michael- Admittedly I was surprised by the differ- this through music. Just as she ays in the note as Michaelson begs the question of son described Everybody in an interview as ences in the tone of her work on my first lis- number, "Blood Brothers," "We're all the Whether she is worth saving., f "re-crafting the intimate feel of Girls and ten. But it was surprise, not repulsion. ) fear same, under a different name." • Human Again is not as completely out 0 Boys with big sounds, big builds and big that people don't realize that simply because th ki it out to be. e blue as people are rna mg 1 orchestrations." The running theme of the she has created something completely dif- • • •

THSWEEK'lO ------""':"':'"

FEBRUARY 20, 2012 This Week Editor: David Shonheld THE COLLEGE VOICE

Inspired by this week's article "Connecticut College and New London," we asked our staff to take photographs throughout the week while out and about In 1\ ew London.

H ItkCf N UA1.0""0" H Itk Tr II 11 FEBRUARY 20, 2012 Editors Amanda Nodlle & Jell Being s arts sports@lhecolege'Jolceorg THE COLLEGE VOICE Women's Basketball: A Season of Success AMANDA NADILE SPORTS EDITOR man enjoyed a breakout season, pulling down 9.6 rebounds per game to lead the NESCAC, This past Saturday was special for the in addition to ranking second in scoring with Connecticut College women's basketball 15.2 points per game. Her strong game at program-lhey, made their first NESCAC both ends of the court resulted in ten double- Championship tournament appearance. After doubles on the season to lead the league. one of their best seasons to date, with a 5-5 Helping out Gabelman was rookie point- conference record and a 16~7 overall re- guard Carlee Smith, who guided the Camel cord, the seventh-seeded Camels tipped off offense while dishing out 4.9 assists per against the second-seeded Tufts University. game to rank second in the NESCAC. Conn's five conference wins were the most Senior Jenn Shinall had one heck of a se- in the team's forty years. Though Saturday's nior season-on February II, she netted her 40-57 outcome was not in the team's favor 1,000th point. Since then, Shinall has gone the Camels have much to be proud of after a on to accomplish the major feat of becoming monumental season. the seventh Camel women's basketball player Although just making the tournament was . to bypass 1,200 points. Like her teammates, not the overall goal, Coach Brian Wilson was she ranked high in the NESCAC statistical proud of the way the team played. "They categories. Not only did she lead the league represented Connecticut College with class in three-point shots with 2.68 triples per throughout the season and made a splash in game, but she was also third in scoring (13.9 New England DIll women's basketball." points per game), fifth in three-point field Wilson, currently in his third season with goal percentage (40%), and fifth in steals the team, coached the Camels to their first (2.45 thefts per game). post-season berth since the NESCAC moved Although the statistics say a lot about the to its current championship format in 2001. quality of play this past season, the women's Wilson and new assistant coach Dana Sim- basketball team has left a lasting impres- onelli have taken their past experiences in sion on the college community. "We played Division I programs and made a huge impact together, unselfishly, and with great spirit and on the women's basketball program at Con- confidence," said Wilson. Members of the necticut College. He feels that "the culture of college community echoed these sentiments, women's basketball at Conn took a huge step applauding the Camels on their quality of forward this season." play and how well the women on the team The team didn't just sneak into the post- work together and treat one another. season - their record had them fighting for Seniors Kim Horne and Jenn Shinall are home court advantage during the last week- finishing their careers with fond memories end of regular season. and pride, and they leave a team whose tri- With only two seniors on the team, the umphs on and off the court makes the future Lady Camels relied heavily on their under- of women's basketball very bright. • classmen, who played a major role in the season's successes. Sophomore Tara Gabel- Health and Fitness: Stress Prevention BETTINA WEISS Between attending week, but fitness class motivates me to fit in a workout no matter said. COLUMNIST classes, studying, social- how early a get up it is. With fitness class already scheduled, you Underhill also finds that lifting weights and cardio help him the izing with friends, and have no excuse to take a day off." most when trying to eliminate stress. "Free weights keep me in balancing extra curricular activities, college students have a lot Sanderson also feels that her instructor makes a difference in complete control of my workout, and I've always liked the chal- to think about, in addition to maintaining healthy nutritional and the course as well. "Not only does he spend time organizing and lenge that comes with getting the movement right." sleeping patterns. All of these factors, and others that Vary from planning our training each Monday and Wednesday mornings, but Eating nutritiously can also help stress levels. Students com- person to person, can cause a lot of stress. According to the Cen- he transfers his passion for fitness over to his student athletes," monly find that they can't make it to a dining hall for every meal ters for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), 7.8% of men and said Sanderson. of every day, but taking extra time to plan for meals can also 12.3% o-0Y~ges ~8-24! ~epo{l frequent meDtal distlfss ~,jg,a_~.dL,~a~vigne'5.class 's also off$rlld throggh the physical edu£_ ecrl:il~e"stress, J.'lYigne recommends ":i.Qur..llll'~e filled with key indicator of depression and other mental disorders. department. In the class, students keep a daily journal of their ac- foods of bright colors and include protein and carbs." She also "It is important to find a healthy outlet that will decrease the tivity including what they eat and how they are feeling physically suggests having snacks in your room, such as fruit, granola bars stress," explains Debbie Lavigne, the head field hockey coach and and emotionally. Junior Brittany Fitzgerald enjoys the class. or yogurt. professor of the Essentials of Fitness and Wellness course. Stress "We have leamed a lot about the benefits of a healthy living One of the most important components of nutrition is hydra- reducers include talking with friends, going to a movie, tum- style and the benefits of working out, which reinforces our behav- tion, but beware of sugary sports drinks. Although electrolytes ing off electronics or taking a nap. "You do not want to get sick, ior and serves as a constant reminder that our actions, what we eat are important, it's more beneficial for your muscles to have pure which could add to your stress of you end up missing classes and and how we choose to work out have a direct effect on our physi- water during a workout. Students should be drinking eight glasses other activities," said Lavigne. cal, mental and emotional well-being." Fitzgerald also likes the of pure water a day for maximum health. Keeping hydrated can Students at Conn have found that exercise is a great way to help way that Lavigne teaches the class with "funny advertisements ward away headaches and illness, which can in turn help with deal with stress, even if only temporarily. "The American College and videos" to reinforce the course material. stress management. of Sports Medicine recommends 30 minutes or cardiovascular Varsity athletes aren't the only ones who use fitness to help Working out and staying healthy may seem like a daunt- exercise 5 times a week," said Lavigne, "with strength training soothe stress. Freshman Ethan Underhill played football in ing goal, but it can tremendously help to budget time and keep of 8-10 exercises each session 2 times per week." This may seem high school and tried rugby at Conn but wasn't able to continue focused if your brain and body are active together. "The best way like a highly rigorous workout for a student who isn't used to because of head injuries. He finds that fitness is a great way to to get the most out of your workout is to set goals and reward exercising regularly, but setting a goal to reach this recomrnenda- manage stress. yourself!" said Lavigne. Finding a workout buddy can also help tion could be a great goal to set for yourself. "It helps me clear my mind of whatever pressures I'm facing at add some competitiveness and support into your workout. Luckily; fitness classes are offered at Conn through the physical the moment, and I always leave the gym feeling productive and As midterms approach, keep ahold of your stress by remem- education department. The classes are for students of all athletic accomplished." bering to take breaks from studying and try a change of venue. abilities and are designed to give students an organized outlet for As recommended, Underhill finds that long distance running is Whether you're taking a walk or running on a treadmill, exercise exercise, Sophomore Laura Sanderson is a student athlete who is the best exercise for eliminating stress. "Running on the track or is a great way to clear your head and regain focus throughout the taking a fitness class with women's soccer coach, Norm Riker. the treadmill is my go-to stress exercise because [just put on my day. Not only can it help you become less stressed, it can improve "I would not normally get up at eight in the morning two days a iPod and tune out. All of that diminishes stress significantly," he your health and make you feel better in general.· Camels Suffer Two Tough Losses at Horne IGGY STERLING up the score on a power play goal kept pushing and came away with STAFF WRITER from a bad angle shot that found several strong scoring chances. The Connecticut College men's the back of the net. Bowdoin then On a power play, with just under hockey team played host to both came back with a power play goal two minutes left in the game, the Colby and Bowdoin this weekend, of their own, as well as another Camels pulled their goalie in an with a disappointing outcome. at even strength to take a 3-1 lead attempt to score with the six on going into the second period. four advantage. Instead, Bowdoin On Friday night, Colby rolled in The Camels were not about to was able to score an empty net on a two-game winning streak, give up their chance at a playoff goal from 150 feet out to seal the hoping to make a push out of last spot. They were lead by the senior victory. lPASTA place in the NESCAC. Colby class, playing in what would be . The seniors at Conn were not drew first blood, scoring halfway their last game. Senior Julien yet done, and despite being down through the first period. Entering Boutet scored a short-handed goal by three with under a minute to / the second period down one, Conn on a breakaway early in the second play, they were able to convert on senior Chris Fogg tied it up with period to bring the score within the six-an-four with Boutet and a goal just three minutes in. Fogg one; however, thirty seconds later Curran, connecting for Curran's then assisted' on sophomore Mike on the same power play, Bowdoin second tally of the game. Head . Sinsigali's goal to put the Camels was able to slip one by senior net coach Jim Ward let the seniors fin- ahead. Colby battled back in the minder Andrew Margolin and ex- ish off the season during the final third period, scoring a goal six tend their lead back to two. Again shift of play. With senior Andrew minutes in. With the momentum 223 Thames Street the Camels came back, going shot Margolin on the bench after mak- on their side, Colby pushed ahead, for shot with the fourteenth ranked ing 28 saves and keeping Conn scoring with just four minutes left. team in the country. J.J. McGregor in the game, six senior skaters Groton, CT Sophomore goalie Mike Petchonka was the next senior to step up, finished off the last 20 seconds of finished with 26 saves on 29 shots. scoring midway through the period their college hockey career on the Saturday's game against Bow- on a four-on-four goal} again icc together. doin could've been more exciting: bringing the tally to one. Conn finished the season with a 11 AM - 9 PM not only did Connecticut College For much of the late second and 6-15-3 record overall, with a 4-12- just have to earn at least a tie or third period Conn seemed to carry 2 record in the NESCAC. While a win to make the playoffs, but it Tuesday-Sunday the momentum. It was clear that Conn eventually finished in an was also at home on Senior Night every single player in a Camel eighth place tie, they do not have against the second-place Polar jersey understood what was at tbe tie breaker against Hamilton Bears who beat Conn 7-0 earlier stake. After eight minutes when and therefore will not be skating in the season. Bowdoin came out it seemed like Conn's tying goa] in the quarterfinals this coming fast, scoring just three minutes into was always just around the corner, weekend .• 860-445-5276 the game; however, senior co-cap- Bowdoin scored to take a 5-3 lead. tain Sean Curran was able to even Despite the deficit, the Camels

~I ______SPORTS· 12 THEffillEGE VOICE Team Spotlight: Women's Basketball

For the first time in Conn women's basketball history, the team competed in a NESCAC championship tournament. Despite a loss on Saturday, the team re- flects on a stellar se~son of five conference wins - another record breaker - and celebrates a player's lOOOthpoint. See page 11 for full story.

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT COIIPILD BY TBII COIBGll T81C1l This Is the first installment of the NESCAC Power RankIng. Men's Ice Hockey Men's Squash The Power Ranking will be posted weekly and will rank the elewn NESCAC schools based on basketball and hockey. Conn 4 - 6 Bowdoin Conn 7 - 2 Stanford All CM!IllII strong record has gillen Amherst a powerful lead 0lIeI' the rest of the league. but just below the calipell- Conn 2 - 3 Colby Conn 3 - 6 Bowdoin lion boaIme significantly na""""," as schools battle to .,..,... cane dose margins. Conn dropped two spots due to losses In bolh Men andWomen's Hockey.

MEN'S lAST MEN"S WOMEN'S ~.J;,S AVERAGE Men's Basketball SCHOOL BASKETBALL 1ASX£rBAll HOCKEY """ Conn 52 - 95 Bowdoin AMHERST 2 1.25 1 +-+

BOWDOIN Women's Ice Hockey 5 3 2 3 3.25 4 i Conn 1 - 3 Williams Women's Basketball TUFTS 4 2 4 • 3.33 2 ~ Conn 40 - 57 Tufts MIDDLEBURY 2 11 3 4.25 3 ~

! WILLIAMS 5 5 5 5 5 7 i

WESLEYAN 3 6 6 6 +-+ 9 6 so YOU DON'T MISS IT BATES 5 8 6.5 5 ! ., Women's Hockey TRINITY 9 • 4 7 8 +-+ at Amherst Saturday 8 10 B 5 7.75 10 +-+ 2/25 1 PM Men's Swimming & COLBY 10 3 10 8 7.75 11 i Diving 10 6 , 7 a 9 CONN ! Men's Lacrosse NESCACChampionship The poll was devised as follows: Sports Edltols, Amanda Nadlle and .Jeff 8eHng vs. Bowdoin Saturday at Williams 2/23-25 ranked all NESCAC sdlooIs In each sPO/1. on- rahkings were based on NESCAC standings as well as Cl.uaIlty wtns and fntlueildallosses to NESCACopponents. These 3/10 1 PM scores were averaged to CJUte a composI1e overall ranking for each school. Bates does not participate In men's hockey ot women's hockey. Tufts does not participate In women's hocI!Ily.