Congressional Record-Senate. 1325
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1878. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1325 By Mr. TOWNSHEND, of lllinois: Two petitions of citizens of By Mr. YOUNG: The petitions of J. R. Graves, publisher of The Wu.yne Connty, Illinois, that the duty on castor-beans and castor-oil Baptist; of E. Whitmore, publisher of The Public Ledger; and of the remain unchanged-to the same committee. Masonic Jewel, all published in, Tennessee, of similar im By Mr. VAN VORHES: The petition of E. R. Alderman, publisher port-to the same committee. of tlteMarietta(Ohio)Register, for the abolition of thedntyon type Also, the petition of distillers, rectifiers, and wholesale liquor deal to the same committee. ers of Memphis, Tennessee, for a reduction of the tax on liquor-to By Ur. WAIT: The petition of Jerome L. Anderson and others, for the same committee. the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee of Ways and Also, papers relating to the war claims of James J . .A.mmonett, W. Means. E. Barnett, John W. Ledbetter, and L. Leatherman-to the Commit Also, the petition of Gooq win & Co. and Barnes & Co, of Norwich, tee on War Claims. Connecticut, relative to duties on corks and cork wood-to the same committee. By Mr. WALKER: Joint resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia, relative to claims for money advanced by that State to the United States-to the Committee of Claims. IN SENATE. Also, joint resolutions of the General Assembly of Virginia, request TUESDAY, ing the Representatives from that State to support the silver bill-to February 26, 1878. the Committee on Banking and Currency. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. By Mr. WALSH: Papers relating to the pension claims of Annie ELECTION OF PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE. Farley-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. WATSON: Resolutions of the select and common council of The Secretary (GEORGE C. GoRHAM) called the Senate to order. Erie, Pennsylvania, favoring an increase of the life-saving service at Mr. ANTHONY. Mr. Secretary, I off~r the following resolution and that place-to the Committee on Commerce. ask for its present consideration: Also, t.he petition of William McMahon, superintendent of the Bethel Ruolvd, That, in the al1sence of the Vice-President, Hon. THOMAS W. FERRY be, Home, Erie, Pennsylvania, for Congress to require sailing-vessels to and he is hereby, chosen Pr·esiden t of the Senate yro tempore. carry life-preservers-to the same committee. :Mr. BAYARD. Mr. Secretary, I offer an amendment. I move to By Mr. WELCH: Two petitions of citizens of Nebraska, against leae strike out all after the word " resolved" and to insert: ing public lands west of the one hundreth principal meridian in Ne That the Senate do now proceed by ballot to choose a President pro tempore. braska-to the Committee on Public Lands. The SECRETARY. The question is upon the amendment of the Sen By Mr. WHITTHORNE: The petition of the publishers of the Co ator from Delaware, [Mr. BAYARD.] lumbia (Tennessee) Herald and the Guardian, Columbia, Tennessee, Mr. ANTHONY. Upon that amendment I ask for the yeas and for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee of Ways and nays. Means. The yeas and nays were ordered, and the Secretary proceeded to By Mr. WIGGINTON: The petition of the proprietors of the Santa call the roll. Cruz Courier, and 20 other p1 oprietors of newspapers in Southern Mr. ANTHONY, (when his name was called.) On this question I California, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee am paired with the Senator from North Carolina, [Mr. RANSmi,] who of Ways and Means. is absent. If he were here, he would vote "yea" and I should vote By Mr. WILL lAMS, of Michigan: The petition of the publishers of "nay." the Hastin~s (Michigan) Home Journal and of the publishers of the Mr. BURNSIDE, (when his name was called.) On this question I :Michigan Christian Advocate, of similar import-to tho same com am paired with the Senator from New Jersey, [Mr. RANDOLPH.] If mittee. he were here, he would vote "yea" and I should vote " nay." Also,' the petition of George C. Langdon and others, of Detroit, Mich Mr. DAWES, (when his name was called.) On this question I am igan, for increase of duties on Canadian malt and barley-to the same paired with the Senator from Connecticut, [Mr. BARNUM.] I shonld committee. vote "nay" and he wonld vote "yea," if he were here. Also. the petition of Joseph C. Bevin and several citizens of Mount Mr. GARLAND, (when his name was called.) On this question I Vernon, Ohio, relative to the case of William A. Coulter-to the Com am paired with the Senator from Illinois, [Mr. OGLESBY.] If he mittee on Military Affairs. were here, I should vote "yea" and he would vote" nay." . By Mr. WILLIAMS, of New York: The petition of John Hammond, Mr. HOWE, (when his name was called.) On this qnestion I am A. L. Inman, and others, against any cha.nge in the tariff-to the Com paired with the Senator from Delaware, [Mr. SAULSBURY.] If he mitteeofWavs and Means. were here, he would vote "yea" and I should vote" nay." By .Mr. WILLIAMS, of Wisconsin: Resolutions of the Wisconsin Mr. PLUMB, (when his name was called.) On this question I am State Agricultural and Horticultural Societies, in favor of a uniform paired with theSenatorfromMissouri, [Mr. Alli-usTRONG.] If present, rate of interest, &c-to the same committee. he would vote "yea" and I should vote "nay." Also, the petition of Asa Wilkins and others, officers and members Mr. WALLACE, (when his name was called.) On this question I of the Southeastern Wool-Growers and Sheep-Breeders' Association; am paired with my colleague, [Mr. CAMERON, of Pennsylvania.] If against the abolition of the tariff on wool and woolen goods-to the he were here, I should vote" yea" and he would vote "nay." sawe committee. The roll-call having been concluded, the result was announced Also, the petition of citizens of Kenosha County, Wisconsin, against yeas 28, nays 28-aa follows: any change in the duties on flaxseed :md linseed oil-to the same com YEAS-28. mittee. Bailey, Dennis, Hill, McPherson, Also, memorial of the vessel-owners and others of Detroit, Michi Ba_vard, Eaton, Johnston, Maxey, gan, for the establishing of a light and fog-signal station Beck, Eustis, Jones of Florida, Menimon, Butler, Gordon, Kernan, Mor~an, on Racine Point, in Lake Michigan-to the Committee on Commerce. Cockrell, Grover, Lamar, Voorhees, By Mr. WILLIAMS, of Oregon: The petitions of the citizens of Davis of lllinois, Harris, McCreery, Whyte, Lime and Marion Counties, Oregon, for ext.ending the time for com Davis of W. Va., Hereford, McDonald, Withers. pleting the Northern l'acitic Railroad-to the Committee on the Pa NAYS-28. cific Railroad. .Allison, Conover, Kirkwood, Rollins, Blaine, Dorsey, McMillan, Sargent, By Mr. WILLIS, of Kentucky: The petition of Brandeis & Craw Booth, Edmunds, Matthews, Saunders, ford, of Louisville, Kentucky, for relief-to the Committee on War Bruce, Hoar, Mitchell, Spencer, Claims. Cameron of Wis., Ingalls, Monill, Teller, Also, the petition of the German National Bank, of Louisville, Ken Chaffee, Jones of Nevada, Paddock, Wadleigh, tucky, for relief-to the Committee of Claims. Christiancy, Kellogg, Patterson, Windom. Al::!o, the petition of John P. Morton & Co., of Louisville, pub ABSENT-20. lishers, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the Committee of Anthony, Coke Hamlin, :Rallj>ODl, Armstrong, Conkhng, Howe. Saulsbury, Wavs and Means. Barnum. Dawes, Oglesby, Sharon, Also, papers relating to the claim of Moore & Serb-to the Com Burnside, Ferry, Plumb, Thurman, mittee on War Claims. Cameron of Pa., Garland, Randolph, Wallace. By Mr. WILLIS, of New York: Memorial of the New York Produce So the amendment was rejected. Exchange, for an appropriation for the improvement of the channel The SECRETARY. The amendment being lost, the qnestion recurs of Detroit River-to the Committee on Commerce. upon the original resolution. By Mr. WILSON: The petition of the malsters and brewers of New Mr. WALLACE. Mr. Secretary, I move to strike out the name of York, for a specific duty of thirty-five or forty cents per bushel on THOMAS W. FERRY and insert the name of ALLEN G. THUR."\i.AN. barley antl malt-to the Committee of Ways and Means. The SECRETARY. The question is on the amendment of the Senator Also, the petitions of Guttenburg & Colmar, publishers of the Deut from Pennsylvania) [Mr. WALLACE.] sche Zeitung, of Wheeling, West Virginia; of Milton Wells, pub. Mr. ANTHONY and Mr. EDMUNDS called for the yeas and nays; lisber of the Wirt County (West Virginia) Mentor; of W. F. & E. C. and they were ordered. Richards, pul>lishers of the Telegram, Clarksburgh, West Virginia; The Secretary proceeded to call the roll. _ and of 0. G. Schofield, publiMher of t.he St:ate Journal, Parke~burgh, Mr. ANTHONY, (when lllilname was called.) On this question lam West Virginia, for the abolition of the duty on type-to the same paired with the Senator from North Carolina, [Mr. RANSOM.] He committee. · would vot.e "yea" and I should vote "n..'ly," if he were present. 1326 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 26, Mr. BURNSIDE, (when his name wa.s called.) On this question I amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on Finance, and on am paired with the Senator from New Jersey, [Mr. RANDOLPH.] If nothing else. I could not ask a. pair on the bill because I could not he were here, he would vote" yea" and I should vote "nay." know in advance what the bill would be when it to its passage.