Catalogue 113 - January Book Sale A list of 300 books relating to Winston Churchill at prices as low as $1.00 each Mark Weber Tel: 520-743-8405 The Churchill Book Specialist email:
[email protected] PO Box 90689 website: Tucson, AZ 85752 January 2006 Notes to Catalogue 113 This month. I am presenting a new style of catalogue. After all the spending excesses of the Christmas season, the last thing you need is a catalogue full of expensive rarities. So, here is a list of 300 books, giving only title and author. There are no pictures, no online listings, no shopping cart system or other automated luxuries. But the result is these books can be offered at very low cost. As most of you know, many books can now be found at low cost at various online book sites, but in al- most every case, shipping is $4.00-$5.00 or more per book. The books on this list and the quantity prices include FREE SHIPPING IN USA So compared to buying books one at a time elsewhere, it is like getting the books for free here. The quantity discount schedule is as follows: Type of book 1-4 books 5-19 books 20 or more Hardcover $10.00 $7.00 $5.00 Trade paperback $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 Normal paperback $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 The different categories can be combined for quantity discount. So an order for 10 hardbacks, 8 trade paperbacks, and 2 paperbacks qualifies for the20+ price on all of them.