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5^«i’r>'-‘'7nK:S0^.-^ :X7-’ ■•-'M .,) ■« V 1 ,1^ N" , r P A G E SIXTEEN TUIi:SDAY, JUNE 8,1954 X- Handi^atfr .lEvanng li^ralb Average Daily Net Prese Run The Weather For the Week Ended ForwaM of C. B. Woatkor ■eraae Juno i, 1654 Enn . Aint Arlka was . among from the . Club in appreciation of About Town 1.212 Oklahomit A A M college stu- Civil Defense Wardens Complete Course (]lub Elects Slate, her fine leadership. flonomity M r tonlgkt, notqalto d^ts to receive a degree at com Arrangements for the banquet 11,254 aa oool. Low 56-40.Thnndnjr part mencement exercises recently. He Plaits Four Awards were made by Irene Foster,' hos Member of .(the Audit ly rloudy, wanner, becoming m on ■ th« Manchester Dental Assn, received a BA degree in Arts, and pitality chairman, assisted by a Sciences, Bureau of Circulation humid. High In low fiOa. will have an outing on Wednes committee which included the fol M anchester^A.City of Village Charm day, .Ju n e 16. The local d en tista.. The Chaminade Club, at its an lowing: Marjorie Hall, Laura vml spend the dpy on a large Members of the Stanley Group nual business meeting and ban Maher and Eileen McCarthy. of South Methodist Church will achooner on Long Island Sound quet held Monday evening, June where they may relax and attend hold a picnic tonight at the home VOL. LXXIII, NO. 218 ^ (Claaniltcd Adrortialng on Pago 26) MANCHESTER, CONN., W’^DNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1954 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE n V E CENTS j;eneral conferences. of Mrs. Mildred Wasley. 20 Aca 5. a t C lark's In W iilim antic, voted demy St. 'The picinic was origin to award four full tuition scholar Decrease Reported The Golden. Rule Club of Tal- ally planned for the West Farm ships fof Laurel Mu.sic Camp to eottville will hold its final business in Bolton. four high 8ch(X)l students who 111 Arrests Here maefting of the season tomorrow have shown special talent in mu James Roosevelt Casts His Ballot \ Stocks Dip evening at 7:30 in the social room. Edward Smith of 46 Jensen St., sic. A committee of three club Free BILL TIINSKY will be presented the Beta Sigma members, El.sie Gustafson, Loiiise Arrests for motor vehicle vio E stim ates RESIDENCE PHONE MI-9-9095 Mies E d ith WilliatTLs of Tolland Kappa award at commencement Herring, and Isabel Worth, will lations decreased from 86 in April Turnpike presented a group of her exercises at the Pennsylvania meet this week with G. Albert to >58*in May while arrests for As Holding pupHa in. a piano and accordion State College of Optometry. In Pearson, music director at the other Affensea Incrreased from 18 recital Saturday evening in the Philadelphia tonight. Doctor of high school: to select the students to 24 and accidents dropped from Wickham Library, Elaat Hartford. Optometry degrees will be pre who will receive the awards at the 36 to 30, a report by police Chief final senior assembly on Wednes Try Fails sented to 97 members of the 36th Herman O. Schendel Indicates. Anderson-^ea Ppst Auxiliary, graduating class, of which Smith day, June 16. M V f Is a m em ber. D inner w as served -to forty club Tlie drop In motor vehicle ar No, 2046, will hold a Military rests reflected chiefly In major m m mm New York, June 9 (:4*)—A members in a private dining room W hiit toraorrow at 8 p.m. at the offenses. The -hike in other ar* aelling flurry in the steels and Ikiat Home, Manchenter Green. R obert W eidig, 7. .son of Mr. and at Clark's at 7:30. after which Mrs. R obert W eidig. Sr., of 417 Elsie Gustafson. pre.,ideht, con rest.s was caused by one case each aircrafts forced the, .-tock Profits of the card party w ill go in May of bigamy, breaking and THE DELCO-HEAT to the VFW National Home for Summit St., was presented with ducted the final business meeting market down again today af the P. H. Rbbinson Memorial of fhe year. In her annual report, entering, violation of probation, orpluuied children at Eaton Rapids. common drunkard, assault and SERIES F OH BURNER ter an early holding operation Mich. Mrs. Lucile Hlrth heeds the Scholarahip for scholastic achieve Mrs. Gu.staf.son reviewed the ac failed. committee and wlir be assisted by ment at. rommencemcht exercises tivities of the year, making note of batte'.y, and two of theft. held in the gardens of Robinsdn the, successful' concert the club Parking violations increased Built and Bdtktd by Railroads were in the forefront Mrs. Gertrude -Buchanan, Mre. of an early effort to stern the Goin^ Their Separate Ways Helen Beebe, Mrs. Dorothy Faulk School, Highland Avenue, West presented in May for the scholar slightly and the number of com Central Motort Peace Hope Hartford, yeaterday. John Robin ship fund, w'hlch Is, each year, the plaints remained almdsl un elide that reached major propor ner, Mrs. Dorothy Wohlgemuth tions yeaterday, but the railroads and Mrs. Jeanne Winzier. son, headmaster, made the award club'a main project. Mrs. Gustaf changed. 9 and said this was the first tjine In son gave special commendation to Your iotullttion on be miJs joined the other* in the aelloff in history th a t the. Award was made nil the officers and committee quickly and rtiiljr - in jusc • few the afternoon. Loase* were-- as Seen Killed linne Lodge, No. 72, Knights of The staff members of the Man two thnu.sand people for service in 1 houii time, i^ m e in now snd tee g re a t aa $1 to $3 a ahare. Aide ‘Nasty’ Pythias, will meet tomorro.w at 8 to a lower-grade atudent. Robert chairmen, whose efforts contrib graduated from the second grade chester Civil Defense Warden Di M USICAh (he handsome Delco-Heat Oil p.m. In Orange Hall. Election of the Warden Division, if anticipated uted so much to the of the < 1 Business Pace IJvens ^^e private _.c^ool, for boya. vision have recently completed a recruiting goals are reached. year, and thanked all the members Burner—and che entire line of Delco- The pace of business quickened course in the .technique of teach By Molotov alto received an invitation to at In the above picture Cat! Mc for their cooperation. CONCERT Heat equipment on the afternoon decline but it In Threats Paul R. Vaartlonua of 447 Center ing with audio visual equipment A llister, Divi.slon C om m unications The report of the nominating r ■ ' • never spilled over as It did.yester tend the meeting of Damon Lodge St., a tester, and Miss Helen V. Ambassadors Male Qnariet of Rockville tomorrow night. and materials, conducted by Ar officer, points out some of the roBsmittee was accepted and the f You'll lay goodbye (o old fajhioned, back- day when the tape was swamped Mlsiewlxz of 35 Hamilton St., thur Lalime, sudio visual “super fine polnt.s of a projector to Direc fallowing officers were elected for of with selling orders. Geneva, June 9 (IP)—^West Washington, June 9 (jP)— Eastern Bible Institute ^ breaking hand bang . and you'll get big Hartford, inspector, secured a visor in the Manchester schools. tor Neil Lawrence and Deputy next year: Louise' Herring, presi lavingi in time money and labor! When the rush of selling abated, ern diplomats as.serted glumly Roy M. Cohn testified today The Italian American Ladies marriage license In Hartford yes Auxiliary will hold its final meet These men will ultimately be re Zone Wardens Normsn McKee dent: 'Mary Stewart, vice-presi prices came bark up from their toda.v that Soviet Foreign Army Counselor John G.’ terday. • . sponsible for the training of about and Fverett Belding. dent: Le^*^ Haberern, secretary; TUES. and WED. lows, but the market as a whole ing of the season tonight st 8 7:4.5 P.M. Minister V. M. Molotov had Adams coupled talk of send* o’clock at the clubhouse on Eld- . and Vlrginifi '^ark. treasurer. * THE DELCO-HEAT remained depressed. Carl Waller Ojason received his all but killed chances of peace ing Pvt. G. David Schine rldge Street. Eunice Blinn,'*g^ former presi Lower were Bethlehem Steel, BA degree and wa.s commissioned dent, presented Mrs. TINKER HALL SERIES “F" BURNER in wartorn Indochina by his overseas with efforts to halt convem your present General Motors. Goodyear, United 8t. Margaret's Circle, Daughters a 2nd Lt. in the U. S. Air Force Walk-in Donors Help Town the retiring president, with a gift 791 MAIN ST. Aircraft, American Telephone. latest policy statement. the McCarthy subcommittee'a Re.serye at commencement exer of Isabella, wilt hold a business The publlr is eordlally invited. hand-fired Eioiler or fur Kennecott Copper. Du Ppnt, Gen Outlining hi* "peace terms" investigation of Ft. Mon meeting tonight at 8 in the K of C cises at Yale University yester nace into automatic eral Electric and New York Cen late yesterda.v to the nine-party day. No admission rharge. mouth. N„ J.. and the Army home. Reach Bloodmobile Quota DELCO-HEAT tral. Indochina conference, Molotov not Yesterday's market break was a only raised new issues but leveled Loyalty Board. The 84th annual reunion of the The Coventry Fragment Society MANCHESTER technical reaction following charges which aroused western re Cqhn, under questioning by Army Masonic Veteran Assn, will be held will hold its annual strawberry With a half-unit quota - of 7.5 Edith Lewie, Mrs.