ANALYSIS ON THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND SUPRANATIONAL CONSTRICTIONS ON THE EXTERNAL ACTION SERVICE Alessandro Manghisi N°3/2011 ANALYSIS ON THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND SUPRANATIONAL CONSTRICTIONS ON THE EXTERNAL ACTION SERVICE Supervisor: Prof. Luigi Moccia Thesis presented by Alessandro Manghisi Academic Year 2010-11 ii CENTRO ALTIERO SPINELLI Working Papers N°1 - 2010 Via G. Chiabrera 199 00149 Roma Tel. +39.06.5733.5212 Fax: +39.60.5733.xxxx
[email protected] ©2010 Simonetta Stabile EAS 11/08/2011 Centro Altiero Spinelli iii Statutory Declaration I hereby declare that this thesis has been written by myself without any external unauthorized help, that it has been neither presented to any institution for evaluation or previously published in its entirety or in parts. Any parts, words or ideas, of the thesis, however limited, and including tables, graphs, maps etc., which are quoted from or based on other sources, have been acknowledged as such without exception. <15,466> (including references and abstract) iv Abstract In the first period of the 2000s every commentator noticed and discussed the lack of consistency and coherence in the limited external actorness of the EU. Thus the Convention for the Future of Europe introduced its initiative to create a European service to enhance the aspects of coherence and consistency in the external action. This proposal followed the demand of the Laeken Declaration of greater coherence in the European external relations. The Convention introduced the idea of an External Action Council (in the future the Foreign Affairs Council), the institution of a “one joint service” and of a European Diplomatic Academia.