MADISON RIVER DRAFT RECREATION MANAGEMENT PLAN - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT April 19, 2018 Draft Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Attention: Madison River Plan Comments 1400 South 19th Avenue Bozeman, MT 59718-5496 or
[email protected] 1 Generic Table of Contents 1.0 Purpose of and Need for Action 3 1.1 Madison River Statistics, Trends and Data 4 1.2 Objectives of the Proposed Action 14 1.3 Agreements and Plans Relevant to this Planning Document 14 1.4 Authority 15 1.5 Scope of Environmental Assessment 16 1.6 Land Ownership 18 2.0 Alternatives 20 2.1 Alternative A – No Action Alternative 20 2.2 Alternative B – Preferred Alternative 20 2.3 MCAC Recommended Alternative 30 3.0 Affected Environment 33 3.1 Introduction 33 3.2 Recreation Values 33 3.3 Natural Resource Values 34 3.4 Heritage Resource Values 36 3.5 Economic Resource Values 38 3.6 Administrative Resources 38 4.0 Predicted Effects and Efficacy of Potential Management Elements 39 4.1 Predicted Effects on Recreation Values 39 4.2 Predicted Effects on the Physical Environment and Natural Resource Values 43 4.3 Predicted Effects on Heritage Resource Values 45 4.4 Predicted Effects on Economic Resource Values 46 4.5 Predicted Effects on Administrative Environment 48 4.6 Public Controversy 49 4.7 Cumulative Impacts and Potential Risks or Hazardous Adverse Effects 51 Appendix 52 Appendix A: MCAC Final Recommendations 52 Appendix B: MCAC Recommendation Summary by Stretch 66 References 67 2 MADISON RIVER DRAFT RECREATION MANAGEMENT PLAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT MONTANA FISH, WILDLIFE & PARKS (FWP) IS PROPOSING A RECREATION MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE MADISON RIVER AND ASSOCIATED PUBLIC ACCESS SITES THAT ARE UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF FWP.