WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER28, 2016 75¢ PRICEMAYVARYOUTSIDE PRIMARYMARKET WESTMORELAND EDITION It’scovered 5essentialsauces Toughtalent Pens’Cole canbewhippedupinminutes D1 takesfearlessapproach C2 Great Racers runtothe rescue Paramedics veer off Shadyside. “Definitelythe fastest Iran the entirerace.” course to restartheart Learn CPR She found her colleague, of man in cardiacarrest Pittsburgh EMS,inconjunctionwithUPMC,offersfree, John Dombrowski, perform- 30-minute CPR coursesfor communitygroups. Anyone ing CPR and EMS crew chief MarkBonasso,who wasnot bEN SCHMITT interestedinschedulingaprogram should call Mark by Pinchalk, EMS patientcarecoordinator, at 412-622-6930, running, preparing to use Jennifer McDermott- or email
[email protected]. adefibrillator. McDermott- Grubb’s finish time of 1hour Grubbinserted aplastic air- and 33 minutes in the Great wayopenerintothe man’s Race mayseemalittle on the whosufferedcardiacarrest league,alsoarace partici- mouthand put amask over his slow side,but not forsomeone in Oakland during the famed pant, attempting to revive the face to deliver oxygen. whohelped save aman’s life 10 kilometer race. unconscious man. Bonasso,who was on duty STEPHANIESTRASBURG|TRIBUNE-REVIEW alongthe way. Jogging down Fifth Av- “I kickedupmypace to a and arrivedonanEMS motor- Mark Bonasso of Banksville,Pittsburgh EMS crew chief, Shetookaslight detour Sun- enue,McDermott-Grubb, a sprint,”she told theTribune- cycle, shockedthe man once and Jennifer McDermott-Grubb,Pittsburgh EMS district daytoassistinrestarting the Pittsburgh