The 2011 Report of the Davis United World College Scholars Program Davis United World College Scholars PROGRAM

2011 Annual Report

Private Philanthropy Supporting

International Understanding

through Education Uniting the World Best Practices at Partner Schools Embarking on a Second Decade of Service to the World . . .5 Meeting Full Financial Need for Global Students, Private Philanthropy for Global Understanding Amherst Brings “New Perspective for Everyone”. . . . . 31 in the 21st Century ...... 7. . . Scholars Join in Dartmouth’s “Friendship Family” Program...... 34 The Program by the Numbers Building on Example of the Davis Projects for Peace, Timeline of Program Growth ...... 10 Macalester Students Create “Live It! Fund” . . . . . 37 . How the Program Works...... 10 At Middlebury Website, Scholars Share Their Stories . .40 . 143 Home Countries — 2,265 Current Scholars . . . . . 12 Projects for Peace by Scholars ...... 42. . 91 Partner Colleges and Universities ...... 14 . Glocal: A Student Magazine with a Number of Scholars by Class Year...... 16 Worldwide Eye at St . Lawrence ...... 49. . Winner of the 2011 Davis Cup — Earlham College . . 18. Scholars Help Washington and Lee Contents Link Service and Global Learning ...... 50 . Where the Scholars Come From As Albright Fellow, Wellesley Scholar Dives into Global-Leadership Issues ...... 55 Home Countries of Scholars ...... 12 . . Palestinian’s Pioneering Project Earns UWC Schools — Source of the Davis UWC Scholars . . . . 24 Global Media Attention at Bard ...... 58. . The Davis Vision Wheaton’s Yearly UWC Retreat Leads to Shared and Deepened Commitment ...... 61 . “It Is a Joy for Me to Invest This Way — And Will Be for Anyone Who Joins Me” ...... 20 . A “War & Peace Fellow” at Dartmouth Raised Amid Strife ...... 64 . . How Other Philanthropists Can Invest...... 133 . Acclaimed New Play by African Scholar at Lewis & Clark Finds Joy & Hope in Women’s Struggles . . 69

The Class of 2011. 28 Undergraduate Classes Class of 2012 ...... 73 . . Class of 2013 ...... 89 . . Class of 2014 ...... 108. .

Scholar Graduates in Action. 128

How Other Philanthropists Can Invest. 133

How to Apply to Be a Partner School . 133

Acknowledgements and Credits . 134 Embarking on a Second Decade of Service to the World The Davis United World College Scholars Program

By Philip O. Geier, Ph.D., Executive Director

s the Davis United World College Scholars Program Aembarks on its second decade of investing in tomorrow’s leaders around the world, the need has never been greater. Uniting the World The 21st century has brought a changed global landscape and greater challenges; threats and uncertainties haunt humanity. There are no clear or easy solutions. It is in this context that this philanthropic program invests heavily in the promise and future possibilities of scholars from around the world and at the “I’m trying to stimulate leaders of the future to make a difference through American colleges and universities that host these scholars. Gale and Shelby Davis and Amy and Phil Geier during their the grounding in education that I’m helping to give them. When I started my recent visit to the newest United World College school, located in business career, I took my own history lesson from Princeton: I learned how Begun in 2000 as a pilot program with five partner schools Maastricht, the Netherlands. leaders make a difference, in their countries, in their centuries. So I invested in leaders, and that investment helped me to be successful. … — Princeton University, Wellesley College, Colby College, I’m looking to invest again in leaders of the future.” College of the Atlantic, and Middlebury College — the Davis — Shelby M.C. Davis United World College Scholars Program has grown into the largest Co-founder and Philanthropist international scholarship program for undergraduates in the world. We currently support over 2,200 scholars on more than 90 partner colleges and universities throughout the United States. “We strive to build critical masses of globally minded young men and women on American campuses, to foster highly personal relationships between outstanding Our strategic objective is to advance international understanding through education. Americans and non-Americans, and to seed global networks. These networks We built that strategy on two assumptions: that promising future leaders from all cultures can serve a higher calling of international understanding and common purpose among future leaders in all walks of life in our world.” should be given greater educational opportunities at American colleges and universities; and — Philip O. Geier that those same American institutions of higher education could become better communities Co-founder and Executive Director for learning if their student bodies became more internationally diverse and reflective of the real world around them. The program and our scholars are committed to building cross-cultural understanding across campuses and ultimately throughout the world in the 21st century. The stability of our world, and ensuring America’s place in it, demand no less than an initiative this large in scale, innovative in design, and as powerful in impact.

Davis United World College Scholars Program 5 Private Philanthropy for Global Understanding in the 21st Century

hat is the Davis United World College Scholars Program? It is, above all, the vision Wand power of private philanthropy committed to the importance of fostering greater understanding among the world’s future decision makers — Americans and citizens of other nations. Through the philanthropy of Shelby and Gale Davis, this program provides grants to partner schools for scholars from the United States and from overseas who have proven themselves by completing their last two years of high school at a group of international schools called United World Colleges. These UWC schools are located Phil Geier and Shelby Davis recounting the origins of the Davis United World College Scholars Program at a gathering at Middlebury College celebrating the program’s 10th anniversary. in the United States, Bosnia, Canada, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, The program reflects the huge potential of private philanthropy to promote international Swaziland, the United Kingdom, and Venezuela. Since understanding in dynamic, expanding ways through the educational institutions which share the founding of the first UWC in 1962 at the height of our strategic vision and are committed to bringing greater opportunities for global engagement the Cold War, these schools have provided educational to all their students. The program is about using philanthropic leadership to leverage additional opportunities to students from some 175 countries, support for transformative impact. representing all regions of the world. Students are Davis UWC Scholars at Dartmouth welcomed Shelby Davis (front, We believe in the potential of each individual scholar to further develop his or her own center) and Phil Geier (front, left) to campus. selected in their home countries by indigenous, voluntary capacity to make the world a better place. We believe that fostering personal relationships committees, and receive scholarships to attend the United World College schools. between students who are different from one another will build an effective network of Eleven years ago, Colby College, College of the Atlantic, Middlebury College, Princeton future leaders committed to mutual respect. We believe that further internationalizing of the University, and Wellesley College were invited to become the pilot schools in what has become undergraduate experience in the United States will contribute to our country strengthening its the Davis United World College Scholars Program. The pilot phase ended with the graduation capacity to lead in the 21st century. of the first cohort of scholars in 2004 when the Davises decided to greatly increase their philanthropic commitment to many more scholars and many more American colleges and universities. Under the leadership of former UWC–USA president Phil Geier, the program now supports over 2,200 scholars at over 90 American colleges and universities. The program, headquartered at Middlebury College, partners with these schools to meet the financial needs of these selected scholars throughout their four-year undergraduate degree programs.

6 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 7 campuses in the United States. And by supporting scholars from many countries who are energized by the UWC mission of building understanding in active, personal ways, the Davis UWC Scholars Program exemplifies how diversity can contribute to a much richer education and to a more internationally oriented undergraduate experience for everyone on campus. The pillars on which the program stands include:

•. Private philanthropy as an innovative and building force, intentionally designed to leverage other philanthropic investments in international education.

•. Experiential learning — personal interaction between learners — as the essential tool for fostering international understanding.

Site visits to partner schools are a regular feature of the program. Here, Phil Geier is shown with scholars at Colorado College (left) and Luther College (right). •. Diversifying the undergraduate population and campus experience through great concentrations of internationally oriented scholars to the benefit of all students.

The goals of this Davis philanthropy are to: •. Recognizing that coherent initiatives and significant clusters of scholars can make • Provide scholarship support for exemplary and promising students from all greater impact. cultures, who have absorbed the passion of their UWC school community for building •. Encouraging an overarching purpose while leaving each college or university to build international understanding in the 21st century. on its own particular strengths. • Build clusters of these globally aware and committed students within the The Davis United World College Scholars Program is at once practical and aspirational. undergraduate populations of selected American schools. In due course, this private philanthropic investment in furthering international understanding • Seek to transform the American undergraduate experience through this international through education will take its place beside such esteemed scholarship programs as Fulbright diversity and cultural interchange — as much for the large majority of American students on and Rhodes. We embrace fully the goal of the late Senator J. William Fulbright for the public- campus as for international students. sector scholarship program that bears his name: to “bring a little more knowledge, a little more •  leverage the value of this initiative Invite partner colleges and universities to to reason, and a little more compassion into world affairs, and thereby to increase the chance that the long-term benefit of their students and faculties, their strategic planning, and their role in nations will learn at last to live in peace and friendship.” contributing proactively to the well-being of our volatile, highly interdependent world. The great potential of the Davis United World College Scholars Program is not simply •  Create a very diverse group of Davis United World College Scholars who will, during their to build and perpetuate an outstanding scholarship program. It also motivates others — the shaping a educational experiences and throughout their lives, contribute significantly to scholars, the partner schools, and other donors. It is creating greater international diversity better world . and programming on American campuses. It is equipping U.S. students, either as Davis The Davis United World College Scholars Program is different, intentionally so, from UWC Scholars themselves or through their interaction with Davis UWC Scholars, with the other fine efforts to internationalize the undergraduate experience. While other initiatives skills and attitudes to keep America effectively engaged with the rest of the world. Our future focus more on research, faculty development, changes in curricula, uses of technology, and depends on a world of talented individuals from diverse cultures who share a commitment to study abroad, this program creates a much greater diversity of globally engaged students on international understanding.

8 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 9 Timeline Chronicling Eleven Years of Program Growth

5 Schools 65 Schools 91 Schools 43 Scholars 923 Scholars 3,591 Scholars 31 Countries 201 Scholars 586 Scholars 118 Countries 1,720 Scholars 2,962 Scholars 143 Countries 117 Scholars 309 Scholars 1,274 Scholars 2,306 Scholars

2000–01 2001–02 2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10 2010–11

Davis Cup Winner Colby Colby Colby Colby Macalester Middlebury Westminster Dartmouth Brown Middlebury Earlham The Davis Cup is awarded annually for the largest entering class of scholars

How This Works Building International Understanding and Educating New Leaders

1 2 3 4 Since 1962, thousands of young people from 175 In 2000, the Davis United World College Scholars As of 2011 there are 91 American colleges and With their education made possible through their own nations have been selected by committees in their Program began providing scholarship grants to a universities in partnership with the Davis United merits and the help of the Davis United World College home countries to complete their last two years of pilot group of American colleges and universities to World College Scholars Program. For partner schools, Scholars Program and its partner schools, Davis UWC high school at one of 13 United World College schools. support United World College graduates who matriculate the program provides annual grants in support of Scholars will go on to play important, meaningful, often UWC schools are in the United States, Canada, Bosnia, at these schools. These pilot schools — Colby College, need-based scholarships for each matriculated UWC leadership roles in their communities, in their home Costa Rica, Hong Kong, India, Italy, the Netherlands, College of the Atlantic, Middlebury College, Princeton graduate for up to four years of undergraduate study. countries, and in the world. And the partner schools Norway, Singapore, Swaziland, the United Kingdom, University, and Wellesley College — are graduating their The total number of Davis UWC Scholars at all these will have become more globally engaged and more and Venezuela. The UWC movement works to build eighth class of Davis United World College Scholars partner colleges and universities has now reached internationally diverse educational communities. multinational, cross-cultural communication and in 2011. Based on the success of building clusters of 2,265 from 143 countries. The 2011 graduating class understanding among all its students. globally minded scholars at these pilot schools, Davis includes 438 exceptional students from 103 nations. philanthropy chose to greatly expand the number of To date, the program has supported 3,591 scholars. campuses and scholars in the program.

10 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 11 143 Home Countries — 2,265 Current Scholars Numbers indicate how many scholars are from that country

= home countries of current Davis UWC Scholars

Afghanistan ...... 12 Costa Rica ...... 22 Indonesia ...... 19 Albania ...... 24 Croatia ...... 25 Iran ...... 5 Algeria ...... 6 Cuba ...... 1 Iraq ...... 13 Angola ...... 11 Czech Republic . . . . . 13 Ireland ...... 5 Argentina ...... 11 Democratic Israel ...... 13 Australia ...... 12 Republic of Congo . . . . . 1 Italy ...... 9 Austria ...... 9 Democratic Jamaica ...... 12 Bahamas ...... 5 Republic of Korea . . . . 10 Japan ...... 15 Bangladesh ...... 14 Denmark ...... 6 Jordan ...... 24 Barbados ...... 4 Dominican Republic . . . . 2 Kazakhstan ...... 5 Belarus ...... 10 Ecuador ...... 15 Kenya ...... 27 Belgium ...... 5 Egypt ...... 8 Kosovo ...... 4 Belize ...... 3 El Salvador ...... 3 Latvia ...... 9 Benin ...... 1 Estonia ...... 9 Lebanon ...... 6 Bermuda ...... 1 Ethiopia ...... 31 Lesotho ...... 10 Myanmar ...... 4 Philippines ...... 9 St. Lucia ...... 1 Trinidad & Tobago . . . . 5 Bhutan ...... 7 Fiji ...... 5 Liberia ...... 1 Namibia ...... 3 Poland ...... 18 St. Vincent & Turkey ...... 19 Bolivia ...... 11 Finland ...... 16 Lithuania ...... 8 Nepal ...... 26 Portugal ...... 6 The Grenadines ...... 2 Uganda ...... 26 Bosnia-Herzegovina . . .115 France ...... 8 Macedonia ...... 8 Netherlands ...... 12 Republic of Korea . . . . . 7 Sudan ...... 7 Ukraine ...... 8 Botswana ...... 14 Gambia ...... 1 Madagascar ...... 3 Netherlands Antilles . . . . 2 Romania ...... 4 Swaziland ...... 67 United Kingdom . . . . .30 Brazil ...... 20 Germany ...... 28 Malawi ...... 4 New Zealand ...... 6 Russia ...... 29 Sweden ...... 18 Uruguay ...... 8 Bulgaria ...... 10 Ghana ...... 18 Malaysia ...... 27 Nicaragua ...... 13 Rwanda ...... 10 Switzerland ...... 4 U.S. Virgin Islands . . . . . 1 Burkina Faso ...... 5 Greenland ...... 2 Maldives ...... 13 Niger ...... 4 Senegal ...... 15 Syria ...... 1 USA ...... 196 Cambodia ...... 16 Guatemala ...... 13 Malta ...... 2 Nigeria ...... 17 Serbia ...... 12 Taiwan ...... 1 Uzbekistan ...... 7 Cameroon ...... 4 Haiti ...... 14 Mauritius ...... 3 Norway ...... 18 Sierra Leone ...... 11 Tajikistan ...... 7 Venezuela ...... 28 Canada ...... 51 Honduras ...... 8 Mexico ...... 28 Pakistan ...... 13 Singapore ...... 31 Tanzania ...... 23 Viet Nam ...... 24 Cayman Islands ...... 1 Hong Kong ...... 65 Moldova ...... 3 Palestine ...... 28 Slovakia ...... 11 Thailand ...... 26 Yemen ...... 3 Chile ...... 10 Hungary ...... 10 Mongolia ...... 12 Panama ...... 9 South Africa ...... 13 Tibet ...... 5 Zambia ...... 11 China ...... 74 Iceland ...... 2 Montenegro ...... 9 Paraguay ...... 6 Spain ...... 20 Timor-Leste ...... 11 Zimbabwe ...... 23 Colombia ...... 26 India ...... 185 Mozambique ...... 8 Peru ...... 18 Sri Lanka ...... 9 Tonga ...... 1

12 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 13 The Program’s Partner Colleges and

60 50

Universities in the U.S. 89 56 43

45 19 67 12 1 Agnes Scott College, Decatur, GA 33 Hamilton College, Clinton, NY 66 St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 75 44 2 34 67 38 Amherst College, Amherst, MA Harvard College, Cambridge, MA St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 83 41 51 73 77 3 Bard College, 35 Haverford College, Haverford, PA 68 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 32 39 Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 26 36  Hood College, Frederick, MD 69 Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA 28 55 81 4 Barnard College, New York, NY 37 Johns Hopkins University, 70 Trinity College, Hartford, CT 58 84 80 21 5 Bates College, Lewiston, ME Baltimore, MD 71 Tufts University, Medford, MA 68 87 27 6 Boston Conservatory, Boston, MA 38 Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI 72 Union College, Schenectady, NY 76 46 7  Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 39 Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 53 73 University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 13 52 65 78 8 Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 40 Lafayette College, Easton, PA 61 74 University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 1 9 Brown University, Providence, RI 41 Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, IL 75 University of Michigan, 10 Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, PA 42 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA Ann Arbor, MI 11  Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 43 Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR 76 University of North Carolina at Chapel 12  Carleton College, Northfield, MN 44 Luther College, Decorah, IA Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 74 13  Claremont McKenna College, 45 Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN 77 University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN Claremont, CA 46 Methodist University, Fayetteville, NC 57 78 University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 14 Clark University, Worcester, MA 47 Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT 15 Colby College, Waterville, ME 79 University of Pennsylvania, 48 MIT, Cambridge, MA Philadelphia, PA 16 Colgate University, Hamilton, NY 49 Mount Holyoke College, 80 University of Richmond, 17 College of the Atlantic, South Hadley, MA Richmond, VA Bar Harbor, ME 50 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 81 University of Virginia, 18 College of the Holy Cross, 51 Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH Charlottesville, VA Worcester, MA 52 Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA 82 Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY 19 College of Idaho, Caldwell, ID 15 53 Pomona College, Claremont, CA 83 Wartburg College, Waverly, IA 17 20 College of Notre Dame of Maryland, 5 7 Baltimore, MD 54 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 84 Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA 66 21 Colorado College, 55 Randolph-Macon College, 47 25 71 6 Colorado Springs, CO Ashland, VA 85 Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 56 Reed College, Portland, OR 86 Wesleyan University, 62 22 Columbia University, New York, NY 33 63 9 Middletown, CT 2 34 48 23 57 Ringling College of Art & Design, 72 90 18 85 Connecticut College, 16 64 49 88 Sarasota, FL 87 Westminster College, Fulton, MO 8 New London, CT 24 3 70 24 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 58 San Francisco Art Institute, 88 Wheaton College, Norton, MA 82 86 23 San Francisco, CA 91 14 25 Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 89 Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 59 59 Sarah Lawrence College, 4 26 90 Williams College, Williamstown, MA 22 Denison University, Granville, OH Bronxville, NY 11 42 40 27 91 Yale University, New Haven, CT 54 Duke University, Durham, NC 60 School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 10 28 Earlham College, Richmond, IN Chicago, IL 29 35 79 31 69 29 61 Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA Scripps College, Claremont, CA 20 36 37 30 Georgetown University, 62 Simmons College, Boston, MA 30 Washington, DC 63 Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 65 31 Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 64 Smith College, Northampton, MA 32 Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA 65 St. John’s College, Annapolis, MD & Santa Fe, NM

14 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 15 * U.S. Colleges: Scholars by Class Year Davis UWC Scholars by Class Year*

U .S . College 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total U .S . College 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total U .S . College 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total

Agnes Scott College 2 1 1 3 7 Hamilton College 1 0 2 0 3 St . John’s College 1 1 5 7 3,591

Amherst College 4 6 3 3 16 Harvard College 8 8 11 10 37 St . Lawrence University 6 7 6 4 23

Bard College 0 6 9 7 22 Haverford College 1 0 0 0 1 St . Olaf College 2 6 8

Barnard College 1 4 1 2 8 Hood College 4 11 5 4 24 Stanford University 5 6 7 18

Bates College 1 1 0 1 3 Johns Hopkins University 3 3 1 4 11 Swarthmore College 0 4 1 1 6

Boston Conservatory 2 2 1 2 7 Kalamazoo College 0 2 3 5 Trinity College 2 4 6 3 15

Bowdoin College 0 1 2 0 3 Kenyon College 4 7 12 7 30 Tufts University 3 3 3 1 10

Brandeis University 2 3 5 4 14 Lafayette College 5 2 0 0 7 Union College 1 5 5 6 15

Brown University† 22 33 29 33 117 Lake Forest College 10 15 11 2 38 University of Chicago 1 9 13 7 30

Bryn Mawr College 1 2 0 1 4 Lehigh University 4 1 3 8 University of Florida† 11 21 19 24 75

Bucknell University 3 7 5 9 24 Lewis & Clark College 8 9 10 10 37 University of Michigan 8 8 2,265

Carleton College 6 9 4 5 24 Luther College† 16 6 15 10 47 Univ . of North Carolina Chapel Hill 0 6 5 8 19

Claremont McKenna College 4 2 0 2 8 Macalester College† 24 22 27 23 96 University of Notre Dame 0 1 0 1

Clark University 0 17 14 2 33 Methodist University† 13 16 23 37 89 University of Oklahoma 4 25 10 39

Colby College† 13 12 17 13 55 Middlebury College† 25 27 38 22 112 University of Pennsylvania 5 9 4 3 21

Colgate University 1 0 0 1 2 MIT 8 6 0 14 University of Richmond 6 8 5 8 27 NUMBER OF SCHOLARS

College of the Atlantic† 11 15 18 16 60 Mount Holyoke College 0 0 0 3 3 University of Virginia 2 6 14 9 31

College of the Holy Cross 1 1 1 0 3 Northwestern University 2 4 10 14 30 Vassar College 5 6 5 4 20

College of Idaho† 6 10 22 5 43 Oberlin College 2 4 1 3 10 Wartburg College 1 5 8 9 23

College of Notre Dame of Maryland 2 0 1 0 3 Occidental College 2 1 3 Washington and Lee University 1 3 4 1 9

Colorado College† 7 21 8 15 51 Pomona College 3 3 Wellesley College† 11 8 10 12 41

Columbia University 7 4 1 3 15 Princeton University† 29 16 15 18 78 Wesleyan University 2 8 4 6 20

Connecticut College 7 5 6 4 22 Randolph-Macon College 1 1 2 Westminster College† 28 21 33 31 113 642 617 Cornell University 3 6 6 7 22 Reed College 1 2 4 7 Wheaton College 4 5 6 5 20 568

† Dartmouth College 35 24 9 23 91 Ringling College of Art & Design 3 10 11 24 Whitman College 2 1 5 4 12 438 Denison University 0 2 0 2 San Francisco Art Institute 0 1 0 2 3 Williams College 5 3 4 2 14

Duke University 4 4 5 8 21 Sarah Lawrence College 3 1 4 Yale University 7 5 4 7 23 Earlham College† 15 29 36 44 124 School of the Art Institute of Chicago 1 1 1 0 3 Totals 438 568 642 617 2,265 2011 2012 2013 2014 Current Cumulative Franklin & Marshall College 5 1 0 0 6 Scripps College 2 2 4 † Undergrad Total of All “Cluster” Schools are those partner schools with a minimum of 40 scholars fully STUDENT CLASS YEARS Total Years Georgetown University 0 3 4 7 Simmons College 1 0 0 0 1 enrolled at annual intervals we measure.

Gettysburg College 2 1 3 1 7 Skidmore College 6 9 10 7 32 *As of 12/31/10 *As of 12/31/10

Grinnell College 2 5 7 4 18 Smith College 3 2 3 1 9

16 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 17

With Largest New Class, Earlham Wins Davis Cup

he winner of this year’s Davis Cup — awarded annually to the college Tor university that matriculated the largest number of first-year Davis UWC Scholars — is Earlham College of Richmond, Indiana. Earlham’s 44 first-year Davis UWC Scholars made up the largest group among the 91 partner colleges and universities in the program. The runner-up for 2010–11 is Methodist University with 37 first-year scholars. Overall, almost one in five students at Earlham, a small but globally minded college, comes from outside the United States. A total of 220 international students represented more than 80 countries in 2010–11, and Davis UWC Scholars added significantly to what Musa Khalidi, Earlham’s senior associate dean of admissions and director of international Executive Director Phil Geier presents the Davis Cup to Earlham recruitment, calls “a potent global mix.” President Doug Bennett. “We strive to make the campus as internationally diverse as possible,” Davis Cup Khalidi says, “and we are eager to enhance our students’ educational Awarded Annually for the experiences by sharing their many distinct cultures.” Largest Entering Class of Scholars

Earlham was invited to join the Davis UWC Scholars program in 2004, Year Winner Runner-up and to date has graduated 48 scholars. The college was the runner-up for 2010 Earlham (44) Methodist (37) Davis Cup in 2008–09 and 2009–10. 2009 Middlebury (40) Earlham (37) 2008 Brown (35) Earlham (31) In recruiting potential students around the world for Earlham, Khalidi 2007 Dartmouth (35) Princeton (31) often visits United World Colleges. They are, he says, among the most 2006 Westminster (28) Colby (21) exciting schools he sees each year. 2005 Middlebury (36) Westminster (28) “Each UWC campus is like a small United Nations,” he explains. 2004 Macalester (34) Princeton (27) “I come away from each visit with a great sense of accomplishment and a 2003 Colby (27) Middlebury (25) 2002 Colby (26) Wellesley (16) great sense of hope for the future — that with these young people maturing Earlham College distinguished itself among all the program’s 91 partner schools by winning the Davis Cup for the 2010–11 academic year. Earlham’s 2001 Colby (26) Middlebury (18) many scholars surround philanthropists Shelby and Gale Davis and Earlham President Doug Bennett. into leadership positions, we are offering the international community the 2000 Colby (13) Middlebury (9) very best possibility for transforming our world into a place where we can all live together in peace and prosperity.”

18 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 19 The Davis Vision It Is a Joy for Me to Invest This Way — And Will Be for Anyone Who Joins Me

By Shelby M.C. Davis

hen I was turning 60 and the new millennium was Wfast approaching, I was looking for a big philanthropic idea to focus on building and staying involved with. My parents had long ago drummed into my head a kind of road map for life’s journey — that the first 30 years I should focus on learning, the next 30 on earning, and the last 30 or so focus on returning, to help make a better world. As I thought about the new millennium, I saw a more global, interconnected world, and I hypothesized that American college campuses would want to globalize the undergraduate experience. Philanthropists Gale and Shelby Davis Maybe it was my Princeton education. I majored in history, and learned to think with perspective — always focusing on where you’ve been, where you are, and where you are going. My research was now showing me that only 2–3 percent of the undergrads at Princeton and other Ivy schools were international. That seemed low for universities like mine that were preparing students for “the nation’s service and the service of all nations.” Quite by accident at that time, I discovered an international boarding school near Santa Fe, New Mexico, with 200 juniors and seniors from 85 countries, selected on merit, most with scholarships. I went to visit and was blown away by the energy and talent I saw. That school was the United World College USA, and the mission of its two-year program was to unite students from different races, cultures, and religions to build bridges of understanding at a formative age, to prepare them for leadership roles. I learned there was a total of nine UWCs, then (today there are 13), sharing this mission around the world. So after more research, I jumped in and funded merit scholarships for 100 American students who would

Philanthropists Shelby and Gale Davis engage with their scholars on campuses throughout the U.S. and around the world. Among their many interactions matriculate at UWC campuses for their last two years of high school. over the past year were visits to the United World College school in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as at two of the partner schools with the largest number of scholars: Dartmouth College and Middlebury College.

20 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 21 Building Bridges of Understanding I don’t do any selecting, I don’t read any applications. I just I started visiting the other UWCs, primarily to meet “my” American write checks, and there are no limits to the number of students we scholars, and I was impressed — but I was totally blown away by the will support. The only requirement I have is that each student must roommates of the Americans, usually four to a room from all corners of the graduate from one of the UWC schools around the world, which all globe and widely different cultures. It was obvious that these young people share the same mission statement: to make education a force to unite were absorbing as much outside the classroom as within it. They were peoples, nations, and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. building bridges of understanding, so critical for our future, with each other. I learned that Princeton was also excited about the quality of these I’m Not “Giving,” I’m Investing students, but was only matriculating three or four per year because In my travels, I’m often asked, by Davis UWC Scholars and others as Shelby Davis with scholars at Dartmouth. need-blind scholarships were not being applied to international well, why I give scholarships to people I don’t even know. I say I’m not “giving,” I’m investing, just as I did in business. The way I see it, these Middlebury College, international headquarters of students. At a Board retreat, Princeton decided to boost its financial the Davis UWC Scholars Program, marked the 10th anniversary of the program with a series of campus support for international admissions. I, too, saw a need — and I was ready to help fill it. students have developed proven, winning habits. They each won a major events — including T-shirts noting the impact the program is having on its own campus. After thinking carefully about my resources — and beginning a collaboration with contest to win a scholarship to go from their country to a UWC, then they Dr. Philip Geier, the outgoing president of UWC–USA who became the co-founder and CEO of won another contest to be selected by a college or university in the U.S. our program — I decided that each year I would offer all 1,200 graduates of UWCs, of whatever (like Princeton, with its roughly 26,000 applicants per year). All this occurs as these students also nationality, scholarship help to attend Princeton and four other schools, in a pilot program. It was overcome socio-economic and language obstacles. I tell students, I didn’t give you a scholarship; up to the students to apply, get accepted, and decide to matriculate. you earned it, on your merits. In year one, I think 43 matriculated; Princeton got about 12. We kept expanding the program, I then ask Davis UWC Scholars, who would I find better to invest in than you, with your with no cutoff. And now, 11 years later, we have 2,200 students on 91 university campuses from demonstrated winning habits and your UWC ethos to help us shape a better world? (On a lighter 143 countries, and Princeton has 72. note, I also tell them that the only difference between my business career and this philanthropy career is that, as my business grew, more money kept rolling in — but as this scholarship Why the Program Works program grows, more money keeps rolling out!) The program works because every participant has “skin in the game.” The selection committees I know in my gut that after spending more than 60 years learning and earning, this is the way in each of the 143 countries, who award the original scholarships that enable most students to my “returning” phase is supposed to be. I know that hearing stories from bright, motivated kids in attend a UWC, must select great kids, as most have only a few scholarships to award and want to person, through this annual report, and by mail or e-mail keeps me happy and “young at heart.” send their nation’s best. The UWCs, which contribute most of the cost of the students’ education Not surprisingly, I also get positive reinforcement from college presidents and deans. At Princeton there, want their students to succeed. two years ago, a Davis UWC Scholar was the valedictorian of the class; and virtually every year As they prepare to graduate UWC, students apply to our member colleges and universities these students win major academic prizes and service awards on many, many campuses. on their own merits, with faculty recommendations and independently assessed International Somewhere in my travels I recently read this: The world needs dreamers and the world Baccalaureate scores. And our member schools stay fully in control of the decision to admit and needs doers, but above all the world needs dreamers who do. I think these students will be those to determine the student’s need for financial aid. I then fund a portion percent of the needed aid; people. It’s a joy for me to invest this way — and it will be a joy for anyone who joins me. the rest comes from other donors or the school’s endowment.

22 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 23 UWC Schools Worldwide Are the UWC in Mostar Sources of Global Scholars: The UWC Schools Sources of the Davis UWC Scholars* In Bosnia and Herzegovina, UWC he global community of United World College schools, or UWCs, includes 13 institutions on five continents. All but in Mostar is the first UWC with the tlantic, 209 driatic, 15 9 8 explicit aim of contributing to the one offer the International Baccalaureate diploma, a high-quality secondary-school credential. The UWC mission is to Waterford T South ast amhlaba, 169 reconstruction of a post-conflict sia, 198 deliver a challenging and transformative educational experience to a diversity of students, inspiring them to create a more 9 society. A diversity of students from olivar, 0 peaceful and sustainable future. Students from up to 70 different nationalities attend each UWC, where academic work the country, the region, and abroad live, study, and volunteer Costa Rica, 13 6 together in the community, offering the host nation a working mingles with community engagement, international affairs, physical activities, and creative pursuits. i Po Chun, 244 example of integrated education. 11

ostar, 11 Lester B. Pearson 8 UWC of the Pacific ahindra, 244 Lester B. Pearson UWC of the 11 UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC UWCUS, 25 12 UWC of the Adriatic, founded in Li Po Chun UWC of Hong Kong, Pacific was founded in 1974 1982 outside Trieste, was the first founded in 1982, emphasizes on Vancouver Island in British Pearson, 192 Red Cross, 244 8 11 UWC outside the English-speaking the Chinese traditions of proper Columbia, Canada. The floating world . The school’s buildings and conduct, practical wisdom, marine-sciences center contains a well-equipped, seafront *As of 12/31/10 The new UWC school in the Netherlands is not reflected here, residences are spread throughout appropriate social relationships, and environmental-systems lab, and students conduct research since they will not have graduates until 2011. the Italian-Slovene village of Duino . All students study respect for academic learning . Li Po Chun has developed above and below water at nearby Race Rocks, an ecological Italian, and all participate in a social-service program with strong links with various parts of China, especially for reserve managed by the college. the local community . service activities . Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC opened in UWC of the Atlantic was the first Mahindra UWC of India, founded 1995 on Flekke fjord in western UWC, founded in 1962 in the 12th- in 1997, is in a rural area of the Norway. Both regional and Red Cross century St . Donat’s Castle on the western Ghats near Pune . The traditions are reflected in the school’s south Wales coastline . Students can school has dedicated much of its emphasis on Nordic studies and train to become full members of land to a biodiversity park and humanitarian and environmental concerns. Cooperation with rescue services such as the beach lifeguards, cliff rescue, conservation reserve, which is a study resource for all local the Red Cross creates service opportunities in areas such as and the Royal National Lifeboat Institution . schools and colleges . Mahindra also supports local schools first aid, lifesaving, youth training, and humanitarian action. with its educational program, Akshara, and community- UWC of Costa Rica service projects . Simón Bolívar UWC of Agriculture UWC of Costa Rica, near the The only vocational UWC, Simón capital San Jose, is UWC’s only UWC Maastricht Bolívar UWC of Agriculture bilingual school, teaching the IB In 2009 in the Netherlands, offers a college-level diploma in in English and Spanish . It became UWC Maastricht was founded farm administration in Barinas, a UWC in 2006, and its approach is through the merger of two Venezuela. Teaching is in Spanish; built on peace, environment, and multiculturalism . international schools . It is the third all students are high school graduates, and each one UWC school that educates younger completes a four-month internship in an agricultural students, along with teaching the IB diploma . enterprise and a four-week placement in a rural community near the college.

24 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 25 UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia is the largest UWC school, with around 3,500 students ages Red Cross UWC in Mostar (2006) 4–18 at two campuses in Nordic UWC Singapore. The school’s global- (1995) concerns program introduces UWC Maastricht (2009) concepts in leadership and organization, and all students UWC of are encouraged to develop their own initiatives, along with Lester B. the Atlantic Pearson UWC (1962) doing community service. of the Pacific (1974) UWC of the Adriatic (1982) UWC–USA Li Po Chun Simón Bolívar UWC UWC (1993) of Agriculture (1988) UWC–USA was founded in UWC–USA (1982) 1982 on the site of the historic Mahindra UWC of Montezuma Castle near Las Vegas, India (1997)

New Mexico. Programs emphasize UWC of Costa Rica UWC of (2006) South East community engagement, Asia (1971) wilderness experience, service,

and Southwest studies. Students also study intercultural Waterford Kamhlaba UWC communication and mediation through the Constructive (1981) Engagement of Conflict (CEC) and global-issues programs. Visit to UWC in Mostar Shelby and Gale Davis and Phil and Amy Geier were welcomed by Waterford Kamhlaba UWC the students, faculty, and staff at the United World College school Waterford Kamhlaba UWC became a UWC in 1981 and educates in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina . This UWC school is noted for students ages 11–18. Just outside its special role in contributing to the reconstruction of a post- Mbabane, the capital of Swaziland, conflict society, and many of its students go on to become Davis the UWC is a pan-African institution with a global outlook. UWC Scholars in the U .S . UWC Schools Around the World Students and staff are committed to understanding and addressing the complex challenges facing Africa and the Lester B . Pearson UWC of the Pacific (Canada) UWC of Costa Rica rest of the world. Li Po Chun UWC (Hong Kong) UWC of South East Asia (Singapore) Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic (Italy) Red Cross Nordic UWC (Norway) UWC of the Atlantic (Wales) Simón Bolívar UWC of Agriculture (Venezuela) UWC–USA (Montezuma, New Mexico, USA) UWC in Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Waterford Kamhlaba UWC (Swaziland) UWC Maastricht (Netherlands)

26 Uniting the World Davis United World College Scholars Program 27 Samsoni Abraham Tecber Ahmed Saleh Tanzania Algeria Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College Westminster College Economics, Computer Science Biology

Nevin Abutaima H.M. Iftekhar Akter Palestine Bangladesh UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Atlantic St. Lawrence University University of Florida Government Electrical Engineering, Economics

Jazmin Acuna Cantero Brian Almadi The Class of 2011 Paraguay Kenya UWC–USA UWC–USA Connecticut College Dartmouth College International Relations Engineering Science, Public Policy

Kamil Adamczewski Sitraka F. The following pages list the senior Davis Poland Andriamanantenasoa UWC–USA Madagascar United World College Scholars — the Dartmouth College Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Mathematics Princeton University members of the class of 2011 . Woodrow Wilson School

The scholars are listed alphabetically . Kwesi N. Adarkwa Andres Angel Ghana Colombia Each scholar’s name is followed by his or Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India Princeton University Claremont McKenna College her home country (or countries), UWC Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering International Relations

school, college or university, and major . Henrietta Afari Leo Anzagira Ghana Ghana UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Harvard College Dartmouth College Psychology Engineering

Sheila Agiti Maxim Appleton Class of 2011 Ghana Singapore/USA/UK UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Princeton University Whitman College Economics Sociology

Davis United World College Scholars Program 29 Mohannad A. Arbaji Jehad Ayoush Jordan/Palestine Palestine UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Brown University University of Florida Electrical Engineering, Economics Industrial & Systems Engineering Meeting Full Financial Need for Global Students, Julian Arni Raisa Aziz Brazil South Africa Amherst Brings “New Perspective for Everyone” Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic Harvard College Brown University mherst College is one of a handful of prestigious U.S. institutions that Philosophy Commerce, Organization, admit international students on a need-blind basis as well as meet the Entrepreneurship A full financial need of all international admissions — and that, college officials Jimerson Asencio Ferrufino Halimatou Bachir Abdou Honduras Niger say, has led to a striking enrichment of the learning atmosphere on campus. Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Many U.S. schools admit and even recruit international students, and Macalester College Westminster College Economics, Applied Mathematics, Economics many offer some financial aid, but few have the resources to meet full financial Mathematics, Statistics need for non-U.S. students. That reality often leads to a preponderance of

Aparna Ashok Smriti Bajracharya international students from the more developed nations. But lately around India Nepal the country, that has lately begun to change, observed Caitlin Brome, assistant Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC At Amherst, “exponential” benefits may grow from a new diversity of international students. Luther College Colby College director of admissions at Amherst. Anthropology, Media Sociology “In the past, you saw a lot of students from Europe and Asia, and more affluent backgrounds,” she said. “Now, especially with the Davis Program, schools have an incentive to bring in Nareg V. Aslanian Alvaro Ballarin Cabrera students who aren’t from those backgrounds — and that gives a new perspective to everyone on campus.” Jordan Spain Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Amherst’s trustees voted in April 2008 to begin meeting the full financial need of international students — and Brown University Macalester College college officials readily acknowledge that their school is fortunate to have the resources to offer both need-blind International Relations Economics, Psychology admissions and full financial aid to students from around the world. The result is an infusion of fresh viewpoints into the campus community, said Carolyn Bassett, associate dean of students and international student advisor. Cedar Joseph Attanasio Monica Ballesteros Arias USA Mexico “When you have students from Zimbabwe or Ethiopia, from Central European nations with developing Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic economies, and from Latin America, then the whole concept of culture — the conversations about family and culture Middlebury College Wellesley College Geography, Spanish Political Science and religion, conversations about aspirations beyond Amherst — all those things are more varied,” she said. “It’s probably life-changing for those students — and it could be life-changing for their family and friends at

Veiko Aunapuu Bianka Ballina Calderon home,” she reflected. “It’s exponential.” Estonia Nicaragua Now, for both international and American students, Bassett concluded, “We can sow the seeds of a broader, more Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Brown University University of Florida complex understanding. For a small school like ours, that’s really gratifying.” International Relations Economics, Women’s Studies

30 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 31 Marianne Bampire Murat Bilgel Alejandro Calcano Saikrishna S. Chavali Rwanda Turkey Venezuela India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of the Adriatic UWC of South East Asia Westminster College Johns Hopkins University Vassar College Colby College Accounting Biomedical Engineering Political Science International Studies, Economics

Milca Baptista Alison Blake Amanda Calvo Siwen Chen Timor-Leste USA USA China UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC Methodist University Luther College Smith College Wellesley College Marketing French, Art Middle-Eastern Studies Economics

Shai Bedik Hanna Bobyk Zimmerman Cardona Sopheak Chheng USA Ukraine Belize Cambodia UWC–USA UWC–USA Bolívar UWC of Agriculture Red Cross Nordic UWC Tufts University Dartmouth College College of the Atlantic Middlebury College Drama Economics Human Ecology Philosophy

Behailu Bekera Uri H. Bram Bryan Cayabyab Leah Chibwe Ethiopia United Kingdom/Israel Philippines Zambia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Westminster College Princeton University Luther College Colorado College Computer Science Woodrow Wilson School Nursing Chemistry

Hatem Ben Moussa Ashton M.P. Brown Andres Celin Margaret Chidothe USA Canada Colombia Zimbabwe UWC–USA UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Princeton University Princeton University Haverford College Wellesley College Anthropology Economics Anthropology Economics

Nina Maja Bergmar Mungunchimeg Buyan Long (Landon) Chan Tammi Choi Sweden Mongolia Hong Kong Republic of Korea UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia Dartmouth College Westminster College Carleton College Colby College Government, Women’s Studies Transnational Studies Mathematics International Studies

Saloni Bhojwani Prudencio Cabral Natacha Chater Cure Wai Yue Andrea Choi Class of 2011 Singapore Timor-Leste Lebanon/Colombia Australia/Hong Kong UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Tufts University Lake Forest College University of Florida Dartmouth College Economics, International Relations Communication Economics Economics, Environmental Studies

32 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 33 Victoria Cilley Anastasia Danilyuk USA Russia Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Vassar College Methodist University Political Science Organizational Communications Scholars Join in Dartmouth’s & Leadership Jeremy Cline Adishree Datta “Friendship Family” Program USA India/Bahrain Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Middlebury College The College of Idaho ne day in autumn 2009, Davis UWC Scholar Saryah Azmat Dance, Religion Psychology O(Pakistan, UWC of the Atlantic) came to see Stephen Silver, Dartmouth College’s director of international student programs. Maria Angelica Coca Ramos Fortunato De Sousa Silver oversees the Friendship Family Program, which matches first- Bolivia Angola UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC year international students with families near the college, for informal Notre Dame of Maryland Skidmore College visits and support. International Relations International Affairs As an intern, Saryah had begun coordinating the program for 2009–10. And, she told Silver, they had a problem. In past years, the Theodore Coleman Natalie DeBoursac Nigeria Turkey Friendship Family Program served 30–40 students annually — but, Involved in Dartmouth’s Friendship Families Program are, UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia from left, Tashi Wangmo (Tibet, UWC of the Atlantic), Yana typically of a UWC grad, Saryah was an activist. She had signed up 85 Ernazarova of Kazakhstan, Yu’ao Wu (China, Mahindra UWC, The College of Idaho Hamilton College of India), and Saryah Azmat (Pakistan, UWC of the Atlantic). Accounting World Politics international first-years. Now they needed host families. Saryah began speaking about the program wherever she could, and doing outreach to college faculty and staff, Hunter Cox Juan Sebastian Delgado local churches, and other faith groups. The program, she believes, is well worth the effort. USA Argentina “The impact that it has is unbelievable,” Saryah said. “Students come in having no background in the U.S., and Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Adriatic Dartmouth College Boston Conservatory feeling so lost — and these families will totally go out of their way for you. For us, that’s so big.” Government Music, String Performance “They’ve just been there for me,” said Tashi Wangmo (Tibet, UWC of the Atlantic) of his host family. “I got stranded at Wal-Mart, missed the last bus to campus. I called my family ‘mom.’ She dropped me at my dorm door.” German Cuervo Martinez Cadnel Detchou “The interaction is very powerful,” said Yu’ao Wu (China, Mahindra UWC of India). “Here, I’m exposed to the Colombia Benin UWC of South East Asia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC young and pop American culture — the college culture. But with my Friendship Family, I’m able to learn how traditional Earlham College Westminster College American families live. This sort of knowledge is helpful, I think, not only for my academics but for my life.” Human Development, Biochemistry Social Relations “Every Friday night, we get pizza and stick in a child-friendly movie, and we have Yu’ao over. We just talk — nothing formal,” said his Friendship Family “mom,” Alicia Navarette. “Our goal in raising our kids is to make them Huong (Alicia) T. Dang Emma Diouf Class of 2011 Viet Nam Senegal aware of the world. When we heard about the Friendship Family Program, we said, ‘This is great!’” Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Brown University Earlham College International Relations, Economics Spanish, Politics

34 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 35 Volkan Doda Anna Ershova Turkey Russia UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Yale University Yale University Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Architecture, Mechanical Engineering Political Science Building on Example of the Davis Projects for Peace, Aida Dominguez Ortiz Mathias Esmann Mexico Denmark Macalester Students Create “Live It! Fund” UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Luther College Princeton University tudents at Macalester College used the Davis Projects for Peace as inspiration Music Performance Woodrow Wilson School Sand model for the “Live It! Fund,” a new college program that they designed and inaugurated in 2010. The program provides grant opportunities for Macalester Alvaro Donoso Lorena D. Espinoza USA Guerrero students in a manner similar to the Davis Projects, in that applicants can design UWC–USA Venezuela positive projects for anywhere in the world. But the Live It! Fund’s particular goal is Johns Hopkins University Red Cross Nordic UWC Neuroscience Middlebury College to promote personal notions of global citizenship. International Studies “That’s key to applying — tell us what global citizenship means to you, Braulio Dumba Michael G. Ewart and how your project matches up,” said senior Davis UWC Scholar Vera Angola Canada UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic Sidlova (Czech Republic, Red Cross Nordic UWC), a member of the Student Luther College Brown University Advisory Council for the college’s Institute for Global Citizenship. Physics, Computer Science International Relations At the Tiny Toones Youth Center in Pnomh Penh, The IGC was created in 2005 to promote global leadership while bringing Cambodia are Macalester College student James “Flo” Zhou (Canada, UWC of South East Asia), together several internationally focused programs. Its Student Advisory Council above, with a local participant called Slick. Arnav Durani Tribun Ferizaj India Kosovo coordinates the Live It! Fund, which won $25,000 in start-up funding from the Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic college last year, then made six grant awards from 22 applications. Carleton College St. Lawrence University Political Science, International Relations Economics, Government “Students conceived of this, developed it, put together the application criteria,” noted Amy Phenix, Macalester’s director of communications. “It truly was their vision.”

Mohammed El-Rufai Ares-Nicholas Fisher One funded project brought Davis UWC Scholar James “Flo” Zhou (Canada, UWC of South East Asia), plus Nigeria USA three fellow Macalester sophomores, to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to support Tiny Toones Youth Center, a young UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Wheaton College Johns Hopkins University nonprofit that uses hip-hop culture to engage at-risk young people in education and leadership. The Macalester team Political Science Neuroscience brought classroom equipment, art and dance equipment, and three laptops for staff. They also funded a yearlong language class, helped start a college scholarship fund, and served as tutors and teachers in Tiny Toones classes.

Jorge Enriquez Murillo Jeniree Flores Delgado “I think one of the biggest potentials of a project like the Live It! Fund is to continue to mold the idea of who Class of 2011 Bolivia Venezuela Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC qualifies as an activist, or an engaged citizen,” Flo Zhou reflected. “It allows for multiple expressions of, ‘This is Union College University of Florida important in the world.’” Economics Chemistry

36 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 37 Tai Ford Ricardo Garciaherreros Iryna Graf Noelia S. Guzman USA Quinones Ukraine Argentina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Colombia UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Atlantic University of Virginia UWC–USA Gettysburg College Williams College Global Development Studies, Earlham College German/Globalization Studies Political Science African-American & African Studies Theater Arts, Human Development

Leah A. Fraimow-Wong Roman Gautam Francisco Granizo Torres Khadeeja Hamid USA Nepal Nicaragua Maldives UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India Brown University Amherst College Earlham College St. Lawrence University Economics, Public Policy History Economics, International Studies Economics, Global Studies

Manaure Francisquez Sera-Leigh Ghouralal Jenny Grinblo Tamima Hashim Rodriguez Trinidad & Tobago Israel Bangladesh/Singapore Venezuela Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Adriatic Westminster College Macalester College Lake Forest College Dartmouth College Psychology/Spanish Sociology, Global Citizenship Economics, International Relations Physics, Engineering

Yuet Tung Fu Semere Girmehanes Christina Grossmann Joseph Hauck Hong Kong Sudan Germany USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA UWC–USA Dartmouth College Methodist University Wellesley College Colorado College Economics, Asian Studies Chemistry Economics Political Science

Sieuwerd Gaastra Domas Girtavicius Maria Guevara Llatas Arianna Heiderer Netherlands Lithuania Peru USA Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Middlebury College Middlebury College University of Richmond Dartmouth College Economics, Mathematics Economics International Business, French Engineering Sciences

Gimena Galicia-Diaz Anna-Elysia Glover Mame Gueye Nitish Hemdani Mexico Canada Senegal India Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India University of Florida Vassar College Macalester College Colby College Advertising Urban Studies Economics, Mathematics Economics

Siddharth Ganji Mattie Govan Claudia Gutierrez Lopez Michael J. Hempel Class of 2011 Class of 2011 India Canada/UK Mexico Canada Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic Franklin & Marshall College Dartmouth College Kenyon College Colby College Economics Government Dance History, Government

38 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 39 Agnes Hever Mohammad Hussinyar Hungary Afghanistan UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Middlebury College The College of Idaho Economics, International Politics International Politics, Economics, At Middlebury Website, Scholars Share Their Stories Business Finance Duc Ho Hilda Ibriga isit the “International” section of Middlebury College’s website, Viet Nam Burkina Faso Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Vand you’ll see the option to click on “Davis United World Duke University Westminster College College Scholars at Middlebury” — and then of “meeting” the senior Economics Mathematics, Economics Scholars of 2011. Through the sophisticated new website that it launched in 2010, Quoc Ho Nikola Ignjatovic Viet Nam Serbia which gives individual departments and programs the power to Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Li Po Chun UWC develop and display the content for their segments, the college made Princeton University Westminster College Mathematics Philosophy it possible for Davis UWC Scholars to talk directly to fellow students, alumni, college supporters, and the wider world. Senior Scholars this Gerard Hoogvliet Yahia Imam year were featured through a series of recorded interviews produced Netherlands Egypt UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC by senior Scholars Stephanie Joyce (USA, Red Cross Nordic UWC)) Macalester College Skidmore College and Daniel Pulido (Colombia, UWC of the Atlantic). Economics, Philosophy Physics Interviewing fellow senior Scholars at Middlebury this year, “Many of the people who come here have wonderful stories — for the college website, were Stephanie Joyce (U.S., Red Cross Nordic UWC) and Daniel Pulido (Columbia, UWC of and these interviews give us a window into that,” said Pulido. “It’s a the Atlantic). Jia (Flora) Hu Joaquin Indacochea Beltran China Peru way to show the world that we think they are special.” UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic “I’m from a developing country,” says Burkina Faso native Awa Sawou (Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific) Wellesley College Lafayette College Economics Civil & Environmental Engineering in an interview produced by Joyce. “I’ve seen how lives are affected by financial hardships. So I feel if I can offer anything, it’s always important to take into account people’s lives. It’s not really about the overall big picture — it’s Endre Hudy Cinthia Isla Marin about individuals, and how you will affect them.” Hungary Peru The effect of individual stories is key to the various impacts that Middlebury hopes this new Web feature will have. Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Yale University Connecticut College “We wanted to give the Middlebury Davis UWC Scholars Program an online presence that reflects its importance Economics, Mathematics Biology on our campus,” said Mike Schoenfeld, vice president for college advancement, who oversaw the site’s development. “This program has done so much for our Scholars, of course — but also for the college. We hope other donors will be Lok Sum Hui (Rosanne) Antti Isoaho Class of 2011 inspired by the impact of Shelby Davis’s philanthropy.” Hong Kong Finland Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA To visit the site, go to www.middlebury.edu/international/davis_midd. Brown University Lake Forest College Art History, Economics Sociology, Anthropology

40 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 41 Ghana: The Conflict-Free Tajikistan: Voices of the Projects for Peace: Community Initiative Mountains Another Dimension of Davis Philanthropy In a remote, subsistence- In Tajikistan’s most isolated farming region of northern mountain region, Projects for Peace 2010 Ghana with a 200-year nongovernmental history of conflict, Ghanaian organizations are often ifteen Davis UWC Scholars were among the 100+ winners of Projects for Peace grants in Daniel Clerk (UWC of Costa reluctant to do projects, 2010, funded for the fourth straight year by internationalist and philanthropist Kathryn W. F Rica, Cornell) worked with an in-country nonprofit to create a considering the area too dangerous . But two Tajiki students from Davis, now 104 years young. Mrs. Davis initiated Projects for Peace by giving $1 million on the new soccer league, with uniforms and equipment, for the Earlham College, Shanoz Agnazarbekova (UWC Norway) and occasion of her 100th birthday in 2007 with the intention of motivating tomorrow’s leaders to farming off-season when conflict tends to occur . Bunyodjon Tusmatov (Mostar UWC) worked with the national “prepare for peace” by designing and implementing summer projects around the world (see “I felt we could have a few communities that could be a education ministry to refurbish an orphanage school library and www.davisprojectsforpeace.org). She has continued to support this initiative every year since. shining example to other villages — and make it a yearly thing,” equip it with 1,800 academic books and 600 “books for Kathryn W. Davis pleasure,” plus computers, a TV, desks, and chairs . Each Davis UWC Scholars Program partner school is offered at least one $10,000 grant to award Daniel said . The league began with three villages; Daniel plans “This summer, I’m going back to see how it works,” said to its student(s) with the most promising proposals. to return next year, and aims to expand it to all 17 villages in the region . Shanoz . “I’m hoping I can continue, by looking for more Here are briefings on some of the projects undertaken by Davis UWC Scholars in 2010: projects — because this is not the only area that needs this .” Swaziland: Play for Peace Ethiopia: Children’s Library Afghanistan: Resolving the “Stinking Heaps” Similarly, African students at Skidmore College brought in A new school library was also In Kabul, Afghanistan, local native Nafisa Mohammadi earthmoving machines and the outcome of a project in (Mahindra UWC, College of the Atlantic ’10) set out to clean students from nearby rural Ethiopia carried out by up a two-acre dump site that was contaminating her home Waterford Kamhlaba UWC to three Westminster College neighborhood — but she ran into so many complications that, build a soccer pitch and students, including in midsummer, she changed plans . Nafisa enlisted the volleyball/basketball court in a Swaziland mountain community . Ethiopians Eyob Demeke cooperation of one neighborhood in replacing an open sewer “In the rocky, hilly Swazi terrain, sports fields are very (UWC–USA) and Behailu Bekera (Waterford Kamhlaba UWC) . line with 75 meters of underground concrete line linked to the coveted and extremely valuable to communities,” said Johane “You don’t know how much these people needed,” Behailu main public sewer . Simelane (Swaziland, Waterford Kamhlaba UWC) . “Sports can said — “but once you do it, you see that big smile on the “It gives a cleaner space for these people to commute, for become a great distraction from the violence and ills of poverty faces of all the children . It was a small thing, but it made a the children to play, to have their neighborhood — and people that the children of this community experience daily .” lot of difference .” can look at it and take the initiative in another area,” said Nafisa, who hopes to develop a business creating a market for Afghan women’s handicrafts . “Having this experience taught me what I will have to go through to accomplish this,” she said .

42 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 43 Moana Jagasia Xin Jia Singapore China Nepal: Scouts to Promote Peace and Unity UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Duke University University of Richmond Watching from afar as her home country of Nepal, the world’s Public-Policy Studies, Asian Chemistry newest republic, struggled to form a constitution amid rising & Middle-Eastern Studies stresses relating to diversity, Middlebury College student Dristy Tomas Jagelka Hernan Jimenez Shrestha (UWC–USA) decided to set an example of Slovakia Costa Rica collaboration and tolerance by organizing a nationwide camp of Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific San Francisco Art Institute Nepalese Scouts in Kathmandu . Run with help from the national Dartmouth College Economics Film scouting organization, the camp drew almost 600 scouts and scoutmasters from throughout the country, was opened by Arjun Jain David Johnson Nepal’s president, and was covered by the national media . India Norway “I don’t think a four-day camp brought peace and unity — Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC but I know everyone it touched did learn about peace and Vassar College University of Florida Economics Mechanical Engineering unity,” Dristy reflected . “I wanted to bring the issue up, and I think the camp did ”. Evita Jakubaite Stephanie Joyce Iraq: Buildling Bridges Latvia USA UWC of the Adriatic Red Cross Nordic UWC In his war-blasted home city of Fallujah, Iraq, Wissam Khalifa University of Florida Middlebury College Business Management Philosophy (Skidmore College) recruited local friends to help him renovate a devastated boys’ school and organize a summer camp in the blistering heat, with logistical support in the U .S . from Prachi Jalan Syed Kamal India Bangladesh fellow UWC of the Adriatic alum Hanne Brynildsen (Norway, Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Brown University) . Brown University Earlham College “The damage was really great; it was a lot of work,” Wissam International Relations, Economics Politics said . Bombs exploded nearby twice — but the school was repaired and repainted and up to 70 boys attended the camp Alhaji Jalloh Yasmin Kassam each day, even during Ramadan . Sierra Leone Canada UWC of South East Asia Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific “They hadn’t had any art supplies, and they all wanted to Middlebury College Wellesley College draw,” Wissam said . “We asked them to draw home . Ninety Economics, Political Science Neuroscience percent of their drawings were images of helicopters, tanks, buildings with soldiers .

Anikatrine James Tomas Kavanagh Class of 2011 “These children now have in their memories that somebody U.S. Virgin Islands/USA Ireland UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA cares about them,” Wissam concluded . “Somebody cares about Middlebury College Trinity College their education, and wants them to continue ”. Spanish Environmental Science

44 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 45 Thato Keineetse Adriaan Kroon Airiin Lehtmets Grace L. Loro Botswana USA/Netherlands Estonia Kenya/Sudan Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Connecticut College Dartmouth College Macalester College Princeton University Economics Economics, Government International Studies, Art History Economics

Marianne Kempes Matthew Kuch Zerlina Leung Andrew Louw USA Uganda United Kingdom/Hong Kong South Africa UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA Colorado College Wheaton College Kenyon College College of the Atlantic Studio Art Economics, Physics International Studies, Sociology Landscape Architecture

Majd Khabour Anitesh Lal Ayesha Lissanevitch Ulrika Lundstsrom Jordan/Palestine Fiji Nepal Sweden Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College Washington and Lee University The College of Idaho Lewis & Clark College Economics Physics Engineering, International Politics, International Affairs Chemistry Engineering Economics, History

Wissam Khalifa Derek M. Lam Xu Liu Alex Lupsasca Iraq Canada China France UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Skidmore College Williams College Earlham College Harvard College International Affairs Economics Chemistry Physics and Mathematics

Irfan Nizarali Kherani Ka Yee Lau Redi Llupa Aminata Ly Canada Hong Kong Albania Senegal Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Princeton University Princeton University Boston Conservatory Connecticut College Molecular Biology Woodrow Wilson School Music, String Performance Economics and Mathematics

Ju Li Khing Moshe Lavi Rewant Lokesh Sakhile Magagula Malaysia Israel India Swaziland Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia Brown University Carleton College Luther College Colorado College International Relations, History History, Political Science, Business, Management Biology/Chemistry International Relations

Kipkorir Kirui Siu Yin Lee (Bridgit) Marco Lopes Sanele Mahlalela Class of 2011 Kenya Hong Kong Mozambique Swaziland Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Dartmouth College Lake Forest College Connecticut College Earlham College Biophysical Chemistry Economics Economics Biochemistry, Computer Science

46 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 47 Keletso Maine Stefania Marchese Botswana Italy Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Lewis & Clark College College of the Atlantic Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Communication Human Ecology Glocal: A Student Magazine with Aaidha Majdhy Anastasia Mark Maldives USA UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC a Worldwide Eye at St. Lawrence Luther College Dartmouth College International Business Management Government n in-depth exploration of how a giant slum evolved in Mumbai, India — and Awhat positive lessons its example may offer for the Western societies — is not Inara Makhmudova Pedro Massinga the sort of article that usually appears in a student magazine at an American university. Uzbekistan Mozambique But Glocal, at St. Lawrence University, is different. The brainchild of Davis Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Carleton College Methodist University UWC Scholar Lukasz Nipardo (Poland, UWC–USA), Glocal is a student-written, Sociology, Anthropology Biology student-run publication whose goal is to encourage people to “think globally and act locally,” and whose first issue appeared early this year. Christabel D. Makokha William Mateo A global-studies major, Lukasz said the notion first struck him after a classroom Kenya USA UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India conversation on globalization and its impacts, not just in Asia and Africa but in this Dartmouth College Amherst College country, too. “I was thinking that a magazine can reach people, and can show people Engineering Sciences, Anthropology, International Biomedical Engineering Development the changes that are going on in the world,” he said. As faculty and fellow students got involved, he said, “we decided to follow the idea of liberal-arts eduction, but also the idea of UWC Rohan Malik Thupten Mathangtsang- India Sangpo — to have people from many majors and departments involved.” Mahindra UWC of India India The magazine now has editors, a faculty advisor, a board of advisors, and university funding, and is being circulated Princeton University Red Cross Nordic UWC Physics Westminster College in print and via the Web. Its first articles included the profile of Mumbai’s Dharavi slum, written by Davis UWC Scholar Business Khadeeja Hamid (Maldives, Mahindra UWC of India), along with a comparison of how imported food is affecting Lubomir Malo Rosa Mato Amboage farms in Senegal and the university’s region of upstate New York. Slovakia Spain UWC–USA UWC–USA “The Glocal project is just getting off the ground, so it’s too early to tell exactly what impact it will have,” reflected Harvard College Cornell University John Collins, chair of global studies at St. Lawrence. “But given the dedication the students have shown so far, I am very Applied Mathematics Applied Economics and Management, Natural Resources optimistic that it will play a significant role in our collective process of teaching and learning.” Noting that many students in global studies and related fields are doing “high-quality research,” Collins said the

Douglas Mapondera Junette Maxis Class of 2011 Zimbabwe Haiti publication can inspire them to reach even higher. “We’re very excited about where this project is headed,” he added. Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College Luther College Economics Economics, Accounting

48 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 49 Madusha Mayadunne Selam Mentire Sri Lanka Ethiopia UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Westminster College Lewis & Clark College Biology Economics, Management Scholars Help Washington and Lee Ciara McCartney Chris Merchant USA USA Link Service and Global Learning UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India Franklin & Marshall College Lewis & Clark College hen Washington and Lee University recently undertook a Business, Organization, Society Psychology Wtwo-year strategic planning process with the far-reaching goal of redefining the liberal arts for the 21st century, project leaders Sean J.B. McGinnis Jay Merchant decided their essential task was to “think about how we can integrate Canada India UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA global learning into every student’s undergraduate experience at Princeton University Franklin & Marshall College Washington and Lee,” said steering committee chair Laurent Boetsch. Geology & Geological Science Economics, Public Policy At Washington and Lee, Scholar Morten Wendelbo That integration, the plan itself would later say, “has become our (Denmark, UWC of Costa Rica), this year helped run the Campus Kitchen, which serves food to needy area families. Miriam Mchome Francis Meyo central responsibility.” Tanzania Kenya As over 100 people joined in the project, Boetsch said one key facet emerged from the example of Davis UWC Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Macalester College Vassar College Scholars on campus — the link between global citizenship and service. Computer Science Economics “We have found that international students, and UWC students in particular, are participating in this area,” said Boetsch, who directs the university’s Center for International Education. “We decided to bring together our Guillermo Medina Benitez Tanaka Mhambi international-activity program based around our concept of service.” Mexico Zimbabwe UWC of South East Asia Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific One who contributed to the process was junior Scholar Morten Wendelbo (Denmark, UWC of Costa Rica). Macalester College Dartmouth College Morten this year helped run the university’s Campus Kitchen, which receives donations of food from area businesses Economics, Mathematics Geography and restaurants and feeds about 500 needy area residents every week. With his help, the planning committee decided to recommend that the Campus Kitchen be moved — into the International House. Sahil Mehra Menzi Mhlanga India Swaziland “The connotation the International House has for me is very much related to tolerance, service-mindedness, and Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India so forth,” Morten explained. “Globalism is not the shrinking of the world; it’s the expanding of opportunities and Carleton College Lake Forest College Economics Psychology, Neurobiology abilities to tackle different things. The difference I can make then and there is in my local community.” Other Davis UWC Scholars on campus have been involved in a committee of increasing prominence on diversity

Tara Menon Khin Min Thu Class of 2011 and inclusiveness, founded a student Muslim group, and chaired the International Student Alliance. India Myanmar “I think it’s fair to say,” said Boetsch, “that it’s invariably the Davis UWC Scholars that set the example for this UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Columbia University Westminster College kind of leadership.” English Literature Political Science

50 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 51 Nora Mineva Gloria Mogie Maysa Mourad Rashidah Nambaziira Bulgaria Indonesia Lebanon Uganda Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Earlham College Kenyon College Wellesley College Colorado College Economics Molecular Biology Peace & Justice Studies Biology

Ufra Mir Aishath Mohamed Sharon Muhwezi Xi Nan India Maldives Uganda China Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Red Cross Nordic UWC Luther College College of the Atlantic Dartmouth College Luther College Psychology, Health Human Ecology Geography, Government Art

Gauri Mirashi Rasesh Mohan Ndankhonza Munlo Thandeka Ndlangamandla India India Swaziland Swaziland Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Whitman College Yale University Westminster College Luther College Environmental Studies, Politics Political Science Economics Computer Science

Dorian Miron Joseph Molefi Ermira Murati Anora Ng Moldova Botswana Albania Hong Kong UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Li Po Chun UWC Amherst College Middlebury College Colby College Dartmouth College Economics and Computer Science International Studies Economics, Mathematics Government

Alisha Mittra William A. Montoya Rivera Nithiyananthan Muthusamy Arthur Ng Singapore Colombia Malaysia Singapore UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Wheaton College Luther College Princeton University Dartmouth College Economics Economics, Political Science Woodrow Wilson School Economics, Government

Adelina Mkami Mopati M. Morake Dick Muyambi Khoa T. Nguyen Tanzania Botswana Uganda Viet Nam Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic College of the Atlantic Williams College Bucknell University Colby College Economic Policies & Development Political Science Civil Engineering, Economics Economics, Mathematics

Matthews Mmopi Anja Moulton Mariko Nakayama Besjana Nikoci Class of 2011 Botswana USA/Norway United Kingdom/Japan Albania UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Harvard College Lewis & Clark College Princeton University Westminster College Economics International Affairs Politics Mathematics, Physics

52 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 53 Roni Nitecki Rachel Ochako USA/Israel Kenya Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia Dartmouth College Middlebury College Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Neuroscience International Studies As Albright Fellow, Wellesley Scholar Joy S. Nkosi Neil Oculi Swaziland St. Lucia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Simón Bolivar UWC of Agriculture Dives into Global-Leadership Issues Brown University College of the Atlantic Civil Engineering Human Ecology his January, Wellesley College senior Siwen Chen (Hungary, Li Po TChun UWC) joined about 40 fellow Wellesley undergrads from 12 Kohei Noda Nyamsaikhan Odsuren countries as Fellows of the Madeleine Korbel Albright Institute for Global Canada/Japan Mongolia Citizenship. The three-week immersion in short courses, discussions, Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Adriatic Princeton University Methodist University and presentations focused on pressing issues facing world leaders, and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Music engaged the Fellows with a variety of experts — including Madeleine Albright, the former U.S. secretary of state. Tsering Norbu Zeina Oweis “The Wellesley women of the future have to understand how today’s Tibet Jordan Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Atlantic global challenges are connected,” said Albright, a Wellesley alumna who Middlebury College Harvard College served under President Bill Clinton. Spanish Engineering Sciences On the institute’s opening day, “in the morning we debated about As an Albright Institute Fellow, Wellesley senior Siwen Chen (Hungary, Li Po Chun UWC) helped prepare an in-depth moral philosophy; in the afternoon we had a person from the UN Security briefing on meeting global energy demands. Ann Nordmeyer Nana Yaa Owusu-Tieku USA Ghana/Swaziland Council brief us about a current crisis; then the undersecretary general of the UWC of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UN talked to us about global governance,” said Siwen. “It was very intense.” Smith College Franklin & Marshall College Psychology Biology As her project for the institute, Siwen is part of a team that will prepare an hour-long briefing on how the world’s energy demands can be met more safely and efficiently. Sibusiso Ntshalintshali Shibani Pandey “I’m a native of Hungary, but both my parents are Chinese,” said Siwen, who hopes to build a career that Swaziland Nepal Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India connects European and Chinese affairs. The Albright fellowship involves an institute, and in summer ’10 Siwen served Methodist University Cornell University as a governmental affairs intern for the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. Marketing Economics “I can imagine, one day,” Secretary Albright told the Fellows, “you will be sitting across the table from each other, negotiating for your governments, your organizations, your causes. But you will know how to talk to each other —

Roja Nunna Shibani Pandya Class of 2011 India India most importantly, how to listen to each other.” Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Colby College Brandeis University Physics, Mathematics Peace, Conflict and Coexistence Studies

54 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 55 Rachaphum Panichsombat Robin Pedroza Weschle Alvaro Puente Nikhita Raman Thailand Germany/Mexico Bolivia India Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India University of Richmond Dartmouth College Earlham College Brown University International Studies Economics, Government Geology Economics, Applied Mathematics

Albulen Pano Sonam Pelden Daniel Pulido Hector Ramos Samanez Albania Bhutan Colombia Peru Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Princeton University Brown University Middlebury College Connecticut College Economics Economics, Neuroscience Economics, Political Science International Relations

Subin Park Niklas Stewart Peters Daniel Qu Ashish Rana Republic of Korea USA China/Botswana Nepal UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Wellesley College Princeton University Macalester College Westminster College Mathematics Woodrow Wilson School Philosophy Economics

Sowande Parkinson Filip Petricevic Daniel Quesada Lombo Fazal Rashid Sierra Leone Serbia Mahindra UWC of India India Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic Mexico Mahindra UWC of India Bucknell University St. Lawrence University Cornell University Colby College Civil Engineering, Economics Economics Architecture History

Bhoomika Partap Scarlett Piantini Ranaivo Rajaonson Siddharth Ratho India Dominican Republic France/Madagascar India Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Grinnell College College of the Holy Cross Middlebury College Connecticut College French, Sociology, Psychology Global Institutions, Law Economics, International Politics Economics

Aditi Patel Valentine Polii Vikramadifya Raju Athul N. Ravunniarath India Indonesia USA/Singapore India Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Wellesley College Hood College Duke University Colby College Political Science Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Government, International Studies

Henry R. Peck Radu Popa Deepika Ramachandran Alberto Rios De La Rosa Class of 2011 United Kingdom Romania India Mexico UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Atlantic Brown University Earlham College Lake Forest College Macalester College International Relations Economics, International Studies Economics Art History

56 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 57 Nancy Riwa Carlos Sabatino Gonzalez Tanzania Venezuela Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Middlebury College Amherst College Economics, Mathematics French, Political Science Palestinian’s Pioneering Project Caley A. Robertson Isaac Sadaqah United Kingdom Jordan Earns Global Media Attention at Bard UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Colby College Middlebury College ast August, the Jerusalem bureau of the Associated Press International Studies, History Computer Science Ltransmitted a news feature about a 21-year-old Palestinian who had done what, until then, was almost unthinkable — he had led a Luciano Romero Mascarell Yana Sadouskaya group of young Palestinians to visit Yad Vashem, Israel’s official Argentina Belarus Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic Holocaust memorial. Duke University The College of Idaho Political Science, Public Policy International Politics, “We live so close to them and we need to understand them better Last summer, 16 Bard College students ran camps for male and female teenagers at a Palestinian West Bank Economics, Business if we are ever to live in peace,” the young Palestinian, Mujahid Sarsur, village. On a visit to Jerusalem were Morgan Green from Bard, and Asia Amer from Mas’ha, Palestine. Winda Rompas said of his Israeli neighbors. “If we change the way we think about the Dushyant Saigal Indonesia India Holocaust, we can create bridges.” Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of South East Asia Luther College Mujahid, a native of the West Bank and a Pearson UWC graduate, is a Davis UWC Scholar at Bard College. The Franklin & Marshall College Accounting, Business Management Government AP story about the visit he led was carried by the Jerusalem Post, the Washington Post, and many other newspapers around the world — but it wasn’t the first-ever Palestinian trip to the Holocaust museum. Mujahid had organized Camilo Rubiano Gomez Jose Pablo Salas Rojas the first one the summer before, when he and fellow Bard student Aaron Dean traveled to Palestine to start a small Colombia Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica UWC–USA summer camp for local teenagers in Mujahid’s home village, Mas’ha. Methodist University Methodist University “The whole idea was just to sit with them and let them express themselves,” Mujahid said. He and Aaron then Art Studies Global Studies spent the next school year organizing and researching an expanded, more ambitious Palestinian Youth Initiative. Sixteen Bard students, male and female, accompanied them in summer ’10 to the West Bank, where they ran Danil Rudoy Mario Salazar Hernandez Russia Colombia 20-day camps for both boys and girls that featured sports, art, and music in the morning, then open, in-depth UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA discussion every afternoon. Bard students Kendra ChupaCabra and Rosana Zarza Canova helped organize the camp. Middlebury College Grinnell College English, American Literature Biochemistry “It was a good thing to see, in front of my eyes — that people are starting to understand each other,” Mujahid said. When newspapers around the world featured the Yad Vashem trip, Dorit Novak, director of the museum’s school for

Toni-Petri Ruotsalainen Gent Salihu Class of 2011 Holocaust studies, was quoted calling it “a blessed initiative.” Finland Serbia/Kosovo “I appreciate,” she said, “their principles, their courage, their curiosity, and their willingness to come, listen, and learn.” UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic Lewis & Clark College Dartmouth College Art Government, Philosophy

58 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 59 Emily Samaniego Mohamed Sehwail USA Palestine Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Barnard College Gettysburg College Urban Studies Economics Wheaton’s Yearly UWC

Awa Sanou Juozas Seimys Burkina Faso Lithuania Retreat Leads to Shared and Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Adriatic Middlebury College Hood College Deepened Commitment Economics, Political Science Economics, Finance he past three Octobers, United World College graduates from Retreat organizers, speakers, and facilitators (from left to right): Ville A. Satopaa Monika Sekulic around the Northeast have journeyed to Cape Cod for a retreat Aaron Bos-Lun, Ntobeko Peni, Dr. Ken Williams, Dr. Alfredo Varela, T Linda Biehl, Mireille Claryce Medard, and Sasha Kim. Finland Bosnia-Herzegovina organized by Davis UWC Scholars at nearby Wheaton College. Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Williams College Hood College The goal of the “The World Is Moving” weekend is more than social — it’s to give UWCers the chance to explore Mathematics, Computer Science Economics together how they can continue the UWC mission of service and global citizenship, at college and beyond. This year, the retreat went even deeper. “Transforming Tragedy” was the theme, and over 90 attended. The two Jonas Schoenefeld Paromita Sen keynote presenters were an American woman, Linda Biehl, whose daughter Amy was a Fulbright Scholar murdered in Germany India/Singapore UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia South Africa in 1983 — and Ntobeko Peni, one of the men who killed her. Middlebury College Carleton College Peni served a sentence for the murder. Since then, he and Linda Biehl have worked together for years on the Amy Psychology Biology Biehl Foundation Trust, which runs educational and other service programs in South Africa.

Gregor Schubert Malini Sen The impacts of their talk and the follow-up discussions were profound. Germany USA “As UWC graduates, we have all been exposed to environments that challenge the way we think,” said retreat co- UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia Princeton University Claremont McKenna College organizer Aaron Bos-Lun (U.S., UWC–USA). “Linda and Ntobeko brought us to that same place with fundamental Economics International Relations, Economics questions related to life and death — and how to make the best come out of both.” “Every single time,” the retreats “have brought up a certain need to make a difference in our own school Johanna Schuch Proma Sen communities,” said co-organizer Onyedikachi “Kachi” Udeoji (China, UWC of the Atlantic). “It reminds you that it Netherlands India UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India doesn’t end at UWC.” Macalester College Macalester College The benefits the retreat can bring to a college community are several, said Bos-Lun. At Wheaton, where 20 to International Studies, Geography Economics, International Studies 30 non-UWCers also attended the gathering, “this has led to many initiatives, including founding a house themed around the UWC mission statement,” Bos-Lun said. “In the individual experience of UWC graduates, deepening Dominika Seblova Iva Senicnjak Czech Republic Croatia commitment to UWC values, creating ties between campuses, and creating an open UWC community within our UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic campus, there are huge benefits to undergraduate institutions.” Macalester College St. Lawrence University Biology, Anthropology Government

60 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 61 Shirley Serrao Yashawi Shrestha Mncedisi Sikhondze Ruth Ann Smith (Annie Smith) India Nepal Swaziland USA Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of South East Asia Bates College Methodist University Dartmouth College Wellesley College Economics Journalism, Financial Economics Mechanical Engineering Biology

Estela Shabani Dristy Shrestha Siphiwangubani Sikhondze Fabricio Sordoni Albania Nepal Swaziland Argentina UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Macalester College Middlebury College Skidmore College Lake Forest College Biology Psychology Economics Economics, International Relations

Jyotsna Shankar Vrinda Shukla Mongi Simelane Juan Soriano Yabar Singapore India Swaziland Peru UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Claremont McKenna College Brandeis University Westminster College College of the Atlantic International Relations, Economics Economics, International & Management Information Systems Human Ecology Global Studies, French

Ali Shareef Belinda Sibanda Ruchi Singh Eeshan Sridhar Maldives Zimbabwe India India Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Skidmore College Lafayette College Middlebury College Lafayette College Psychology Biology, Economics, Business Economics, Political Science Chemical Engineering

Varini Sharma Vera Sidlova Sladana Skopelja Ramon Srour India Czech Republic Montenegro Italy UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College Macalester College Dartmouth College Lewis & Clark College Economics Political Science, Psychology Biochemistry, Pre-Med International Affairs

Yiliu Shen-Burke Elana J Siegel Sara J. Slama Nicholas Stacey Canada USA/United Kingdom Finland South Africa UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Columbia University Brown University Brown University Lafayette College Economics Russian, Pre-Med Psychology Economics, Mathematics

Dawa Sherpa Maswazi Sihlabela Jovana Sljivancanin Lea Steinacker Class of 2011 Nepal Swaziland Montenegro Germany Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic Westminster College Brown University Harvard College Princeton University Biology Biomedical Engineering Applied Mathematics Woodrow Wilson School

62 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 63 , Terence Steinberg Reifa Tangon USA Indonesia UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Best Practices: Bringing the World to College Macalester College Methodist University Economics Computer Information Technology

A Dartmouth “War & Peace Fellow” Raised Amid Strife Chalanie Stiebel Shashwat Tantia Jamaica India artmouth College calls the Dickey Center its “international crossroads,” devoted Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of South East Asia Dto bringing together diverse experiences and creating global citizens — and the University of Florida University of Virginia Psychology Commerce center’s War & Peace Fellows program aims to inspire the college community to think critically about violence, conflict, and its impacts and issues around the world. Malika Subramaninan Rumbidzai Teramayi Named this year as one of 43 War & Peace Fellows at the Dickey Center, Dartmouth India Zimbabwe sophomore Utkarsh Agarwal (India, Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific) brings a first- UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Bucknell University Wartburg College person perspective on conflict. He grew up in it. Business Administration Biology “Uti” is the son of a general in the Indian Police Force, whose posting for most of

the young man’s life has been Kashmir, the northern province that is home to an often Utkarsh Agarwal sophomore, (India, Jiraporn Suthaithum Asalwe Tia Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific). Thailand Burkina Faso violent Muslim separatist movement. Uti’s summers in Srinagar include memories of Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific attacks on his dad and the officers’ compound where the family lives, and times when tensions were so high Methodist University Agnes Scott College Marketing Mathematics, Economics he couldn’t go outside, when roads were deserted and shops and schools indefinitely closed. “I think some of what that has brought up in me is the need for us to be resolving these conflicts,” he Julia Svedova Hamish Tildesley said. “Civilians who have nothing whatever to do with the political games being played out in Kashmir are Italy/Slovakia Canada the ones who are suffering.” UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Trinity College Dartmouth College The War & Peace Fellows are selected from all disciplines at the college. As a Fellow, Uti participated Neuroscience Psychology in discussions and panels on controversial issues and involving visiting world leaders and State Department

officials. The aim, says the college, “is to stress both the systemic and personal consequences of war and Alena Svobodova Laxman Timilsina sources of peace.” Czech Republic Nepal UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India As Uti considers his future, having seen war, he thinks he might like to be a source of peace. Wheaton College Middlebury College “India in general has so many issues — I think it would be so satisfying to see yourself making some Russian Studies Economics contribution to some solutions there. I think I would be reaching high if I could get a little bit of happiness

for a village in Kashmir.” Ilan Szekely Kelebogile Tlhokwane Class of 2011 Venezuela Botswana Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India Yale University Lake Forest College Economics Economics, French

64 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 65 Tsepang Tsolele Kanmani Venkateswaran Jing Wang Yiftusira Wondimu Lesotho India China Ethiopia Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic UWC of South East Asia Skidmore College Kenyon College Lafayette College College of the Atlantic Economics, Computer Science Biology, Environmental Studies Psychology Human Ecology

Assumpta Twekise Bernardo Vimpi Qingzhen Wang Jason Wong Uganda Angola China USA UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia Smith College Westminster College Princeton University Claremont McKenna College Economics, Biochemistry International Relations, Political Science Mathematics Economics, Biology

Isaiah M. Usher Kristina Vlahovicova Feng Wang Toi Yam Wong USA Slovakia/Spain/Serbia China China UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Princeton University Macalester College The College of Idaho University of Richmond Woodrow Wilson School Psychology Biology Economics, International Business & Finance

Maria Vaikath Tien Vo Wei Wang Kasey Wong India Viet Nam China Hong Kong Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Earlham College Luther College Williams College Yale University Politics Economics, Mathematics, Statistics Economics Economics

Enrique Valencia Lopez Richarded Waery Christopher P. Wichmann Melecia Jeseica Wright Mexico Indonesia Germany Jamaica Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic College of the Atlantic Westminster College Brown University Princeton University Human Ecology Computer Science International Relations, Economics Molecular Biology

Daysi Vargas Gonzales Kanyarat Wanachalerm Nyantara Wickramasekera Henry Xie Panama Thailand Sri Lanka Sweden UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Lake Forest College Notre Dame of Maryland Earlham College Harvard College Economics, Biology Physics, Engineering International Studies Applied Mathematics

Erline Vendredi Yiwei Wang Anniki Witter Flora Ximenes Class of 2011 Haiti China Jamaica Timor-Leste UWC–USA Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Notre Dame of Maryland Dartmouth College Macalester College Westminster College Business, Accounting Engineering Biology Biochemistry

66 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 67 Jariya Yamkhamang Yutian Zhou Thailand China Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Westminster College Brown University Best Practices: Bringing the World to College International Studies Human Biology Acclaimed New Play by African Jin Yan Sibaphestse Zwane China Swaziland UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Scholar at Lewis & Clark Finds Joy Dartmouth College Westminster College Economics, Mathematics Economics, Finance & Hope in Women’s Struggles

aking the bus to school each day at Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Valentin Yanev Bulgaria Tin Swaziland, Kemiyondo Coutinho was intrigued by a group of UWC–USA women street vendors who seemed always to be smiling. When Kemi Dartmouth College Kemiyondo Coutinho, (Swaziland, Waterford Kamhlaba UWC). Economics, Government began talking to the women, she learned how little they’d had to be optimistic about — they had struggled through deep loss and the

Lkhagvajargal Yondonjamts frustration, even violence, of pervasive gender inequity. Mongolia “Yet when you walk past these women, you can’t see a trace of that,” said Kemi, who was born in Uganda and grew up in Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Macalester College Swaziland. “That’s what got me into it: wanting to find out what lay behind those smiles.” Economics, Applied Mathematics Two years later, as a first-year Davis UWC Scholar at Lewis & Clark College in Oregon, Kemi took an acting class with Stephanie Arnold, author of The Creative Spirit: An Introduction to Theater. The two “responded to each other immediately,” Hong Loon Yoong the professor said. “I appreciated all her energy.” Kemi told her teacher she had written a play, at UWC, based on her Malaysia UWC of South East Asia conversations with the street vendors. Arnold asked to read it. Lewis & Clark College Fast-forward: last autumn, after a half-year of work with the professor on her script and staging, Kemi performed Jabulile, Economics, Management her one-woman play (the title means “joyful”), at the National Arts Festival in Grahamtown, South Africa. Her characters spoke of AIDS, infant mortality, alcoholism, spousal abuse, all sorts of heartbreak — yet they filled the stage with their soulful, Xia (Sarah) Yu Australia passionate embrace of life. Li Po Chun UWC Her viewers were South Africa’s multiracial, multicultural mix; and the show “was really, really well received,” said Brown University International Relations, History Arnold, who was there. A reviewer wrote that “Jabulile leaves audiences feeling they can make a difference.” At Lewis & Clark, where Kemi earlier premiered her play, “she’s always reflecting a broader perspective than some of our Waheed Zarif other students have,” said Prof. Arnold. “This particular project I know has already inspired some of our other students to Afghanistan UWC–USA think about what they might do. Dartmouth College “Doing this work,” she added, “was simply exhilarating.” Engineering Sciences

68 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 69 Additional Seniors Nelson F. Chiwara Jasmin Imran Hong-Phuc Le Carolle Mok Alaa Saleh Shana Tinkle Zimbabwe Al-Sous Viet Nam USA Palestine USA UWC–USA Switzerland Pearson UWC of the Pacific Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA John Agbaje Princeton University UWC–USA Colby College Cornell University Columbia University Brown University Nigeria Woodrow Wilson School University of Economics, Mathematics Nutritional Sciences Civil Engineering Literary Arts UWC of the Atlantic Pennsylvania Dartmouth College Wai Ho Chu Chemical & Biomolecular Cong S. Lee Tanvi T. Nair Julian Seek Asaki Toda Economics, Finance China Engineering Hong Kong India Australia Japan Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Bannet Asingura Northwestern University Oliver Kazenga Colby College College of the Atlantic Columbia University Oberlin College Uganda Economics Rwanda Economics, Mathematics Human Ecology Economics History UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Earlham College Ishmail Daoh University of Richmond Man Yee Lee Isaac Ng Shanoor N. Lillian Tsang Biochemistry Sierra Leone Studio Art Hong Kong/China Hong Kong Seervai Canada UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC India Li Po Chun UWC Saryah Azmat Earlham College Allana Kembabazi Princeton University Wesleyan University Pearson UWC of the Pacific University of Pakistan Physics Uganda Architecture Economics Brown University Pennsylvania UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic International Relations Finance, Marketing Dartmouth College Mohammad Ebaid Wesleyan University Brian Lo Sarah Nilsson Biomedical Engineering, Palestine Government, Canada Dolah Sanjana Shelar Tsz Hin Engineering Sciences UWC of the Atlantic International Relations Li Po Chun UWC Sweden India Chris Wong University of Florida University of UWC of the Adriatic Mahindra UWC of India United Kingdom Ting Bok Finance Antonia Kerle Pennsylvania Macalester College Oberlin College Li Po Chun UWC Hong Kong/China USA Finance Political Science Hispanic Studies Northwestern Li Po Chun UWC Bilkan Erkmen UWC of the Atlantic University Princeton University Turkey Bryn Mawr College Peter Kit Man Lui Nikhil Ranadive Merima Economics Sofradzija Comparative Literature UWC of the Adriatic Sociology United Kingdom USA Princeton University Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Serbia Samuel Yasmin Isoken Economics Artur Khalikov University of Colorado College Red Cross Nordic UWC Zemedkun Belo-Osagie Russia Pennsylvania Biology Luther College Ethiopia Nigeria May El Menshawy UWC–USA Business Political Science, Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Egypt Methodist University Zaheena Rasheed Business Management Colorado College Princeton University UWC–USA Psychology Shelagh Maldives Mathematics, Physics History Dartmouth College Mahbubani Mahindra UWC of India Peter Sutoris Economics Bongani Khumalo Singapore Middlebury College Slovakia Vanessa Zhang Alexander Belykh Swaziland UWC of South East Asia Political Science UWC of the Adriatic China Russia Yue-Kwong Fung Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Yale University Dartmouth College UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Canada Dartmouth College History Shaterra Redd History Wellesley College Westminster College Li Po Chun UWC Mathematics, Economics USA Economics Political Science University of Zamachiza Mahlobo Pearson UWC of the Pacific Yong Shan Szeto Pennsylvania Heejin Koo South Africa Colgate University China Laima Zvidra Mpho Brown Operations and Singapore UWC–USA Psychology Li Po Chun UWC Latvia Lesotho Information Management UWC of South East Asia Agnes Scott College University of Chicago UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC School of the Art Economics, Organizational Economics Simmons College

Columbia University Patricia Grogan Institute of Chicago Management Art History Class of 2011 Political Science USA Painting, Drawing, UWC of the Atlantic Fashion College of the Atlantic Human Ecology

70 The Class of 2011 Davis United World College Scholars Program 71 Anas Alghbari Osaebea Amoako Yilikal Ayino Class of 2012 Jordan Ghana Ethiopia UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahmoud Abdalrahman Union College Lewis & Clark College Macalester College Italy UWC of the Adriatic Nishreen Ali Stefan Angelevski Melino Bain Vete Clark University Malaysia Macedonia Tonga UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Dorgham Abusalim Dartmouth College Brown University Dartmouth College Palestine UWC in Mostar Iris Aliaj Ohenewa Anno Jeton Bajrami The College of Idaho Albania Ghana Kosovo UWC of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar Sara Adem Amherst College Ringling College of The College of Idaho Algeria Art and Design UWC of the Adriatic Raafi-Karim Alidina Evelyn Balsells The Undergraduates Earlham College Canada Shanoz Aqnazarbekova Guatemala Lester B. Pearson Tajikistan Lester B. Pearson Fathimath Ahmed UWC of the Pacific Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Pacific Maldives Harvard College Earlham College Macalester College Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific Lamira Alisalem Inaki Arbeloa Castiella Patricia Bandeira Vieira Clark University Algeria Spain Portugal UWC of the Adriatic Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA The following pages list the undergraduate Fawaz Ahmed College of the Atlantic Brown University Princeton University India Davis United World College Scholars — UWC–USA Mohammed Alkhouli Nathania Aritao Lara Banner Johns Hopkins University Palestine Philippines Germany the members of the classes of 2012, 2013, Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica Fayyaz Ahmed Earlham College Wheaton College Westminster College and 2014 . Bangladesh Mahindra UWC of India Elena Beatriz Antinea Ascione Jose-Gabriel Barcia-Duran Alonso Martin Trinidad & Tobago Venezuela The scholars are listed alphabetically Lewis & Clark College Paraguay UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Mauroof Ahmed Lester B. Pearson Trinity College Yale University by class . Each scholar’s name is followed Maldives UWC of the Pacific Brian Asingia Charles Barlow Mahindra UWC of India University of Richmond by his or her home country (or countries), Ringling College of Uganda United Kingdom Art and Design Bankole O. Aluko UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic UWC school, and college or university . Nigeria Lafayette College University of Chicago Peter Akkies UWC of the Atlantic Anisha Asundi Balal Baroud Netherlands Columbia University Li Po Chun UWC India Palestine Swarthmore College Victor Alvarez Mendoza UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Nicaragua Skidmore College Colorado College Yazan Aldehayyat Lester B. Pearson

Nikita S. Avdiushko Charles Barstow Class of 2012 Jordan UWC of the Pacific Russia USA Lester B. Pearson Methodist University UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Massachusetts Institute University of North Connecticut College of Technology Carolina at Chapel Hill

Davis United World College Scholars Program 73 “The Amherst College community is greatly Azra Basaric Elsa Rebeca Lucia Bonilla Lara Hugo Cervantes SreyNoch Chin Hannah Costel Bosnia-Herzegovina Belmont Flores Ecuador Mexico Cambodia USA enriched by the presence of Davis United UWC in Mostar Mexico Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica Waterford Kamhlaba UWC The College of Idaho UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Pacific Johns Hopkins University Union College Amherst College World College Scholars. Informed by their Middlebury College College of the Atlantic Sreedev Basu Penhleak Chan Cristhian Chirinos Salgado Karen Coutinho remarkable experiences and commitment to India Olivia Bergman Luis Eduardo Cambodia Honduras Uganda Mahindra UWC of India Sweden Bonilla-Rivera Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica Waterford Kamhlaba UWC inclusion, UWC Scholars foster and take part Princeton University Red Cross Nordic UWC Colombia Skidmore College Methodist University Lewis & Clark College Wellesley College UWC–USA Gillian Bateyunga Shun Hang Chan Nneka Chukwumah Tamas Csontos in rigorous debate, passionate inquiry, and University of Florida Tanzania Ana M. Bermudez China Nigeria Hungary civic engagement across our campus. In doing Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Colombia Aaron Bos-Lun Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC Earlham College Mahindra UWC of India USA University of Virginia St. Lawrence University Earlham College so, they help fellow students grasp the Brown University UWC–USA Vivian Bateyunga Matthew Chapman Shing Hin L. Chung Da Cui Wheaton College roundness of this world, opening minds and Tanzania Viveka Bhandari USA Hong Kong China Waterford Kamhlaba UWC India Saskia Brechenmacher UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic hearts to differences and pressing societal Earlham College UWC of the Atlantic Germany University of Oklahoma Brown University Grinnell College Wellesley College UWC in Mostar Wyke N. Bazirake Wilmer Chavarria Stanislava Chyzhykova Adela Custo needs around the globe.” Brown University Uganda Ashwini Bharam Nicaragua Ukraine Bosnia-Herzegovina — Anthony W . Marx, President, Amherst College Waterford Kamhlaba UWC India Miljan Buha Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Adriatic UWC in Mostar Colby College Mahindra UWC of India Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of the Pacific Brown University Colby College Luther College UWC in Mostar Earlham College Ewen Bazirake Daniel Clerk Sidiane Daal Earlham College Uganda Ntokozo Linda Bhembe Madesh Chennappa Ghana Netherlands Antilles Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Swaziland Amy L. Burnette India UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic Middlebury College Waterford Kamhlaba UWC USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Cornell University University of Florida Stanford University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Luther College Arnela Becirbasic Sorina Codrea Abdoulaye Dabo University of North Bosnia-Herzegovina Christian Bjartli Oksana Cherezova Romania Senegal Carolina at Chapel Hill UWC in Mostar Norway Uzbekistan UWC–USA UWC of the Adriatic St. Lawrence University UWC of the Atlantic Nelson Bustos Sanchez Mahindra UWC of India Harvard College Colorado College Harvard College Costa Rica Middlebury College Velid Begovic Anel Cokoja Kado Damball UWC of Costa Rica Bosnia-Herzegovina Chelsea Black Fanele Chester Bosnia-Herzegovina Tanzania Methodist University UWC in Mostar USA Swaziland UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic Northwestern University UWC–USA Emanuel Buzek Red Cross Nordic UWC The College of Idaho Clark University College of the Atlantic Czech Republic University of Chicago Sambit Behera Adriana Condaraco- Akmal Daniyarov Li Po Chun UWC India Kristina Blazanovic Ka Hei Fioni Cheung Quesada Uzbekistan Brown University Mahindra UWC of India Bosnia-Herzegovina Hong Kong USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Grinnell College UWC–USA Samuel K. Carter Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Bucknell University Colby College USA Massachusetts Institute University of Richmond Skylyn Bellender Baidurjva DasChaudhuri UWC–USA of Technology

USA Dubravka Bodiroga Darija Cosic India Class of 2012 Brown University Mahindra UWC of India Bosnia-Herzegovina Wing Mei Cheung Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of South East Asia Colorado College UWC in Mostar Anita Cavrag Hong Kong UWC of the Adriatic University of Virginia Hood College Croatia Li Po Chun UWC Clark University UWC of Costa Rica University of Chicago Macalester College

74 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 75 Jodi-Ann A. Dattadeen Natalija Dobrovic Kaushiki Dunusinghe Nkechi C. Eze Jean-Claude Foumena Gavin Garay “Barnard’s UWC Scholars come from all over Jamaica Montenegro Sri Lanka Nigeria Cameroon USA Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Adriatic the world and arrive especially well prepared Brown University St. John’s College Bryn Mawr College Brown University UWC of the Pacific Bard College Connecticut College for life at the college. During the many years Melina Davis Emir Dogdibegovic Yury Dyachenko Chuba Ezekwesili Inesa Gegprifti USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Russia Nigeria Vania Frederico Albania that we have been a part of the program, we Mahindra UWC of India UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Angola UWC of the Adriatic Barnard College Hood College Methodist University Claremont McKenna Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Boston Conservatory have benefited from the wealth of experience College Earlham College Peter De Boursac Nela Dojcinovic Shahar Eberzon Bogumil Giertler and unique perspectives that these students United Kingdom Bosnia-Herzegovina Israel Misrab Musa Maria Francesca Frisone Poland UWC of South East Asia UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic Faizullah-Khan Ecuador UWC of the Adriatic bring to campus. Time and again, our UWC Dartmouth College Bard College Macalester College Singapore UWC of Costa Rica Colby College UWC of South East Asia Methodist University Scholars assume leadership positions within Reginald Doku Maida Elezovic Elad Gilo Sasha deBeausset Stanford University USA Ghana Bosnia-Herzegovina Sandhya Fuchs USA the Barnard community and go on to great Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Annie Fang Germany UWC of the Adriatic Tufts University Macalester College Methodist University Singapore Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Reed College things after college.” UWC of South East Asia Colby College Tashi Deldan Mirai Doshi Ahmed Elfatairy Yinebeb Girma Princeton University — Debora L . Spar, President, Barnard College India USA Egypt Rokuhei Fukui Ethiopia Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC Erik Fendik Japan Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Luther College Barnard College Middlebury College Slovakia UWC of South East Asia Skidmore College Red Cross Nordic UWC Vassar College Waltraud Drkulova Leonardo Elias Mahlet Girma Theo Di Castri Middlebury College Carl G. Gordon Sonali Gupta Canada Czech Republic Argentina Chishio Furukawa Ethiopia Denmark USA Mahindra UWC of India UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic Ximena Fernandez Japan Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India Columbia University College of the Atlantic Massachusetts Institute Uruguay Li Po Chun UWC University of Chicago Colby College Carleton College of Technology UWC of the Adriatic Brown University Constance Du Sihle Godden Alonso Diaz Rickards Ringling College Christopher Grabowski Hugo Guterres Cauze-De Nazella Uldis Elksnitis Sadia Gado Alzouma South Africa Mexico of Art and Design USA Timor-Leste Li Po Chun UWC France Latvia Niger Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia College of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC Tania Fernando Li Po Chun UWC Lewis & Clark College Middlebury College University of Richmond University of Earlham College Angola University of Richmond Lutfo Dlamini Alexandre Gomes Pereira Pennsylvania Red Cross Nordic UWC Matias Groetaers Sissi Hamann Turkowsky Tselmeg Enkhbayar Majd Imad Gammoh Brazil Swaziland Westminster College Chile Peru Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Aubrey Dube Mongolia Jordan Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Atlantic Red Cross Nordic UWC Lewis & Clark College Botswana Mahindra UWC of India Elizabeth T. Fidei-Bagwell UWC of the Adriatic Amherst College University of Florida Hood College Li Po Chun UWC Westminster College USA Gettysburg College Mcolisi Dlamini Ian Gonfinete Middlebury College UWC–USA Karianne Gundersen Agha Kamil Hamid Hizir Erez Khishigbat Ganzorigt Brazil Swaziland Williams College Norway Pakistan Lester B. Pearson Adem Dugalic Turkey Mongolia UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Pacific Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC–USA Julio Flores Sosa UWC of the Atlantic Lake Forest College Wellesley College Earlham College Union College UWC in Mostar Earlham College Uruguay University of Florida Diana Gor Brown University UWC of Costa Rica Ankit Gupta Weiyuan Han

Camille Evelyn Elena Garadja Israel Class of 2012 Sakhile Dlamini Westminster College India China Swaziland Taylor Duhe Barbados Russia UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Sarah J. Foster UWC in Mostar Middlebury College Lehigh University Lake Forest College Colorado College UWC of South East Asia University of Florida USA Princeton University Duke University UWC of the Adriatic Brown University

76 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 77 “As the new president of Carleton College, I am Lieve McLeod Hendren Ji Hoon Hwang Sami A. Jarbawi Tatenda Kadungure Karen Kemirembe Angad S. Kochar USA Democratic Republic Palestine Zimbabwe Uganda USA especially aware of college features that are UWC of South East Asia of Korea UWC–USA Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic Princeton University UWC of South East Asia Brown University UWC of the Pacific Wellesley College Brown University particularly striking, important, and University of Chicago Clark University Kibnesh Herano Liang Jie Perla Kfouri Dhruv Kochhar distinctive. One such feature is the presence of Ethiopia Maria Iancheva China Irina Kalinka Lebanon India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Bulgaria Li Po Chun UWC Germany UWC of the Adriatic Mahindra UWC of India Davis United World College Scholars on Wartburg College Li Po Chun UWC St. Lawrence University UWC of the Atlantic Westminster College Lake Forest College Colorado College Bard College campus. The scholars contribute mightily to Ilja Hermans Manuel Jimenez Safa Khan Jonathan Kola Netherlands Lailul Ikram Dominican Republic Viraj Kalyani India Kenya our international diversity and academic UWC of Costa Rica Indonesia UWC–USA India Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Bryn Mawr College UWC of South East Asia Connecticut College UWC of South East Asia Middlebury College Harvard College excellence. Their life experiences and social Earlham College University of Renaud Hien Manasi Jiwrajka Paula Hildegard Kift Tamas Kolos-Lakatos Pennsylvania acumen elevate the academic and student life Burkina Faso Ganesh Ilango India Germany Hungary Mahindra UWC of India India Mahindra UWC of India Dima Kanbar Agha Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA environment of the entire college.” Carleton College Mahindra UWC of India Vassar College Iraq Princeton University University of Florida Westminster College UWC of the Adriatic David Ho Mannat Johal Niwaeli E. Kimambo Alice Konghende — Steven Poskanzer, President, Carleton College Earlham College USA Mayley Imhoff India Tanzania Cameroon UWC of South East Asia Germany Mahindra UWC of India Claire Kane Boychuk Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Cornell University UWC of the Atlantic Wellesley College Canada Brown University Brandeis University Lake Forest College Lester B. Pearson Veronika Horvathova Darryl Johnson Elise Kines Ashank Kothari UWC of the Pacific Slovakia Calin Sebastian Iorga Jamaica Norway India Weiyi Hao Moutasem Hassan University of North UWC of the Adriatic Romania UWC of the Atlantic Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of South East Asia China Palestine Carolina at Chapel Hill Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India St. Lawrence University Lester B. Pearson Middlebury College Earlham College University of Virginia University of Florida College of the Atlantic UWC of the Pacific Chishala E. Kapupu Subhi Hossain Holly Jones Akshay Kirtikar Manu Kottoorazhikam Oberlin College Swaziland Bangladesh USA India India Muhammad Hardiansyah Buket Havucoglu Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Animee Iradukunda UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Indonesia Turkey Colby College UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Skidmore College Rwanda Clark University Dartmouth College Lake Forest College Trinity College University of Florida Li Po Chun UWC Aleksandra Kaszowska Zin Yiu Samuel Hui Peter Jones, II Reijer Knol Martin Krastev Skidmore College Poland Hong Kong USA Netherlands Bulgaria Rhys Harrison Nicolas Hawley-Weld Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Rajeeta Iyer UWC of Costa Rica Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA United Kingdom USA Clark University UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson Dartmouth College India University of Oklahoma Franklin & Marshall Earlham College University of Florida UWC of the Pacific UWC of South East Asia Mbumbijazo Katjivena College Grace Humphries Adrian Jul Garcia Laurenz Krenn Harvard College Wesleyan University Namibia United Kingdom Spain Ashley Knowles Austria Lala Hasanna UWC–USA Mohamed Mouloud UWC–USA Javed Jaghai UWC–USA Bahamas Li Po Chun UWC Shan Shan He Dartmouth College Algeria USA Vassar College Jamaica Trinity College Lester B. Pearson Macalester College UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Jeremy Kazanjian-Amory UWC of the Pacific To-Nhu Huynh Kristijan Kaar Aparna Krishnan Westminster College Dartmouth College UWC of the Pacific USA Smith College

Viet Nam Estonia India Class of 2012 Dartmouth College UWC–USA Jasmina Hasic UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Adam Kobori Lester B. Pearson Daniel Hegedus Colorado College Bosnia-Herzegovina Hungary University of Niharika Jain University of Richmond Hungary UWC of the Pacific UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic Pennsylvania India Mahindra UWC of India Dartmouth College The College of Idaho Dartmouth College UWC of South East Asia Colorado College Lake Forest College

78 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 79 Kornel Krysa Chun Ho Lai Mihret Lemma Saijai Liangpunsakul Ariel Lopez Perez Priyam Mahajan “Cornell University is honored to be a partner Poland Hong Kong Ethiopia Thailand Nicaragua India UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia of the Davis United World College Scholars Vassar College Yale University Macalester College UWC of the Pacific Methodist University Colorado College Middlebury College Program. UWC students from around the Himani Kulkarni Yu-Ling Lai Jonathan Lemus Avila Leticia Lopez-Tiznado Syeda Mahbub India China Guatemala Yangli Lim Mexico Bangladesh world — people of immense intellectual Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Malaysia UWC of the Adriatic Mahindra UWC of India Westminster College Skidmore College Harvard College UWC of Costa Rica University of Florida Wellesley College curiosity and talent — call Cornell home, and Middlebury College Ansally Kuria Laurie Laker Ante Letica Stacey-Ann Love Kopano Majara we benefit from their dynamic contributions to Kenya USA Croatia Karen Linchausen Jamaica Lesotho UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA UWC in Mostar Norway UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC our campus and global communities.” Middlebury College Colorado College St. Lawrence University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Agnes Scott College Bucknell University Lewis & Clark College — David J . Skorton, President, Cornell University Damir Kurtagic Gnagna Lam Montema Letlatsa Candice Low Nandipha Makalima Bosnia-Herzegovina Senegal Lesotho Aaron Liu Singapore South Africa UWC in Mostar UWC–USA UWC–USA Hong Kong UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica Carleton College Carleton College Dartmouth College Li Po Chun UWC Brown University Hood College Brown University Igor Kurtagic Wing-Ki Lam Lebo Letsie Joan Low Samantha Malambo Ishiaka Mansaray Margarita Martins Bosnia-Herzegovina Canada Botswana Tsz Leong Liu Malaysia Zambia Sierra Leone Honduras UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC China Lester B. Pearson Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC St. Lawrence University University of Bucknell University Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Pacific Wellesley College Macalester College University of Florida Pennsylvania University of Virginia Middlebury College Darin O. Kurti Yin Ming Leung Aditi Maliwal Champo Mapulanga Sharon Martins Albania Alexis Lanza Hong Kong Aurimas Liutikas Mohammad Ludin India Canada Swaziland UWC of the Adriatic Belize UWC–USA Lithuania Afghanistan UWC of South East Asia Lester B. Pearson Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Brown University UWC of Costa Rica University of Richmond Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Stanford University UWC of the Pacific Earlham College Methodist University Bucknell University Earlham College Maria Kuznetsova Tamari Levkovich Liudmila Malyshava Clark University Eszter Marton Russia Rayanatou Laouali Israel Antonia Lliteras Espinosa Haoran Ma Belarus Teresa Maradiaga Hungary Red Cross Nordic UWC Niger Li Po Chun UWC Spain China UWC of the Adriatic Honduras Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College Lester B. Pearson Brandeis University Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Bard College Lester B. Pearson University of Chicago UWC of the Pacific Luther College Skidmore College Lauren Kwak Boryana Levterova Senani Mamba UWC of the Pacific Macalester College Ira Martopullo USA Bulgaria Si Jie Loo Thandek Mabuza Swaziland College of the Atlantic Albania Li Po Chun UWC Kwan Lau UWC of the Adriatic Malaysia Swaziland UWC of South East Asia Harlem-Siu Marino UWC of South East Asia Dartmouth College Hong Kong University of Chicago Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India Colorado College Saavedra Macalester College Li Po Chun UWC Dartmouth College Lake Forest College Kelvin Kwofie Sonam Lhaki Carolin Maney Peru Wesleyan University Yukiha Maruyama Ghana Bhutan Adrian Loo Montero Miguel Maciel India UWC of the Atlantic Japan UWC of the Atlantic Marina Lazetic Li Po Chun UWC Panama Malawi Mahindra UWC of India Middlebury College UWC of South East Asia Wesleyan University Bosnia-Herzegovina Kenyon College Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Colby College Tijana Martinov Kenyon College UWC in Mostar University of Florida Wartburg College Khando Kyi Yuen Shan Sandi Li Dorothy Mangale Serbia Bard College Jude Masannat

India Hong Kong Fiorella Lopez Jimenez Piret Magi Kenya UWC of the Adriatic Class of 2012 Jordan Red Cross Nordic UWC Hin Bong Lee Li Po Chun UWC Costa Rica Estonia UWC of South East Asia Macalester College UWC of the Atlantic Middlebury College Canada University of Chicago Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica University of Chicago Ksenija Martinovic University of Florida Li Po Chun UWC Lake Forest College Hood College Montenegro Cornell University UWC of the Adriatic Macalester College

80 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 81 “The Davis United World College Scholars Lais Miachon Silva Annesinah Moloi Marina Musa Dieter Neckerman Anna Nogueras Garofano Michael Ogutu Brazil South Africa Croatia Belgium Spain Kenya Program has had an amazing impact on UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia Amherst College Earlham College Grinnell College University of Barnard College Middlebury College Dartmouth. The program enables us to enroll Pennsylvania Divine Miho Lina Montoya Wojciech Musial Pema Norbu Sharon Okello incredibly talented students who enrich our Tanzania Colombia Poland Sandra Ngeseyan Tibet Kenya UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC of the Adriatic Kenya Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC campus with their international perspective Macalester College University of Florida Massachusetts Institute UWC–USA Earlham College Westminster College of Technology Earlham College and leadership. We have all benefited Javier Mijares Estefania Morera Mendez Madeline Noteware Octavio Oliveira De Araujo Venezuela Costa Rica Tendai Mutunhire Cat Thu Nguyen Huu USA Timor-Leste immensely from the generosity of Shelby and Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica Zimbabwe Viet Nam UWC–USA UWC–USA Connecticut College Westminster College UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica University of Lake Forest College Gale Davis.” Colby College Massachusetts Institute Pennsylvania Slavisa Mijatovic Yollanda Mseka Juan Olmedo of Technology — Jim Yong Kim, President, Dartmouth College Bosnia-Herzegovina Malawi Rafal Muz Cristian Noya Rada de la Sota Riva UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Poland Dung H. Nguyen Vu Bolivia Mexico Macalester College Lake Forest College UWC in Mostar Viet Nam Lester B. Pearson Simón Bolivar University of Florida Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific UWC of Agriculture Ana Paola Mikler Muchanga Mudenda UWC of the Pacific The College of Idaho College of the Atlantic Mrunmay Mastakar Zachary Meager Colombia Zambia Kizza Nandyose Brown University India New Zealand Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Uganda Afua Nti Ifedapo Omiwole Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Union College University of Florida UWC of Costa Rica Christoph Niederhauser Ghana Kenya Methodist University Clark University Hood College Austria UWC–USA UWC of Costa Rica Sanja Miklin Yeukai Mudzi Lester B. Pearson Amherst College Harvard College Raghav Mathur Oudam Meas Croatia Zimbabwe Ashwin Narayanan UWC of the Pacific India Cambodia Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia India Sithandazile Ntuka David Opoku Middlebury College UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA Dartmouth College Macalester College UWC of South East Asia Botswana Ghana University of Virginia Bucknell University Cornell University Pramod Nikalje Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica Dana Miller Sanela Muharemovic India UWC of the Pacific Swarthmore College Edi Matraxhiu Diego Melo Ascencio Singapore Bosnia-Herzegovina Sulaiman Nasseri Mahindra UWC of India Bucknell University Albania Colombia UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC Afghanistan Julia Paljor Luther College UWC of the Atlantic UWC of Costa Rica Yale University Dartmouth College UWC of the Adriatic Edwin Nunez Ramirez India Lehigh University Macalester College Colby College Surakit Niphonjaroenchote Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India Arjun Mishra Raghav Murali Thailand Li Po Chun UWC Luther College Robert Scott Maynard Anjali Merchant USA India Ava Navasero Red Cross Nordic UWC Middlebury College South Africa USA UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India USA Angad Patheja Wartburg College Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia University of Virginia Lake Forest College UWC of South East Asia Gaspar Obimba India Lewis & Clark College Middlebury College Carleton College Banele Nkambule Kenya Li Po Chun UWC Teko Mmolawa Nazeema Muro Castillo Swaziland UWC of Costa Rica Earlham College Melissa McCabe Jose Merlo Lecaro Botswana Spain Francis Ndagijeimana Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Brandeis University Canada Ecuador Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica Uganda Andrea Patino Colorado College Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC Colby College Methodist University UWC of the Atlantic Aida Odobasic Colombia UWC of the Pacific College of the Atlantic St. Lawrence University Yenda Noeurm Bosnia-Herzegovina Red Cross Nordic UWC College of the Atlantic Gayatri Mohan Jacob M. Murray Duke University Siphelele Mhlanga Cambodia UWC in Mostar India USA Nobuhle Ndlovu Class of 2012 UWC of the Atlantic Hood College James K. McGinn Swaziland UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India South Africa Vladimir Pazin University of Oklahoma South Africa Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Barnard College Brown University Lester B. Pearson Job Ogutu Bosnia-Herzegovina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Colorado College UWC of the Pacific Kenya UWC in Mostar Brown University Middlebury College UWC of the Atlantic Westminster College Wesleyan University

82 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 83 Mateja Pehar Isabella Picon Ball Haly Raharimampionona Nial Rele Maria Rodriguez Jose Saihueque “The Davis UWC Scholars Program is a Bosnia-Herzegovina Venezuela Madagascar India Peru Chile UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica visionary initiative that has had a significant Westminster College Northwestern University UWC of the Pacific Middlebury College Swarthmore College Methodist University Clark University impact on American colleges and universities. Ruben R. Pena Mariana Pimenta Anri Rembeci Belen Rodriguez Galvez Nargis S. Sakhibova Paraguay Brazil Valdone Rakauskaite Albania Spain Tajikistan We at Duke are grateful for the support of the Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson Lithuania UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Macalester College UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Adriatic University of Harvard College Williams College Davis Scholars Program in helping us to Colorado College Oberlin College Pennsylvania Jozeph Pendleton Katia Rogue Diana Salazar Daza attract these outstanding students to our USA Aditi Pinto Ira Ramaj Bartosz Reszka Honduras Ecuador UWC of the Atlantic India Albania Poland Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson university — and grateful for the contributions University of North Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Kenyon College UWC of the Pacific Carolina at Chapel Hill Brown University Clark University Trinity College College of the Atlantic of our Davis Scholars to every facet of campus Madli Rohtla Elisaul G. Perdomo Julie C. Pittman Uri Ramirez Jean Rhodes Estonia Mustafa Saleh life at Duke. The scholars bring with them a Venezuela USA Mexico Canada Li Po Chun UWC Algeria Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC Kenyon College Red Cross Nordic UWC unique perspective and energy that enriches Columbia University Brown University University of Florida Carleton College Methodist University Andrea Roman Alfaro our community and sharpens the global Maria Perez-Ruiz Carlo Pizzinelli Diego Ramos Rosas Morgane Richert Peru Nomin Samdan Costa Rica Italy Peru France Red Cross Nordic UWC Mongolia imagination of their classmates.” UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Skidmore College UWC of the Adriatic University of Florida Dartmouth College Brown University Bowdoin College Boston Conservatory — Richard H . Brodhead, President, Vladimir Rozovskiy Duke University Matea Peric Aditi Pophale Manjil Rana Ryan Rifkin Russia Pablo L. Sanchez Bosnia-Herzegovina India Nepal USA UWC in Mostar Santaeufemia UWC in Mostar Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Westminster College Spain Methodist University Johns Hopkins University College of the Atlantic Tufts University UWC–USA Edjola Ruci Brown University Mujahid Sarsur Ina Schrems Zohar Perla Shasanka Pradhan Daniel Rancharan Urs Riggenbach Albania Palestine Austria USA Nepal Belize Switzerland UWC–USA Katlin Sandvik Lester B. Pearson UWC–USA UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India Brown University Estonia UWC of the Pacific Wellesley College Amherst College Princeton University UWC of the Pacific College of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic Rashi Sabherwal Bard College Clark University Lake Forest College Iman Sebunya Atanas Georgiev Petkov Tara K. Prendergast Tapio Riihimaki India Arshiya Sayeed Uganda Bulgaria USA Malia Reeves Finland Mahindra UWC of India Yunior Santiago-Riveron India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA USA Li Po Chun UWC Macalester College Cuba Mahindra UWC of India Lewis & Clark College Princeton University Brown University UWC of the Atlantic Macalester College Red Cross Nordic UWC Mariana Saculo Skidmore College Dartmouth College Westminster College Ana Sekulic Natasa Petronic Paola Protti Nunez Alejandro Rivera Rivera Angola Laurin Schoeneman Croatia Bosnia-Herzegovina Costa Rica Maria Reimi Sipala Guatemala Li Po Chun UWC Angela D. Santin Ceballos Germany Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica Venezuela Red Cross Nordic UWC Clark University Spain UWC–USA Wesleyan University Westminster College Westminster College UWC of Costa Rica Brown University Li Po Chun UWC Syeda Sadeque Kenyon College Washington and Brown University Valentina Senicheva

James Phiri Akshay U. Purohit Jorge Rodriguez Bangladesh Class of 2012 Lee University Michael Bryan Russia Malawi India Colombia Mahindra UWC of India Moussa Sarr Schoenleber UWC of Costa Rica Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Judith Reissmann Lester B. Pearson Grinnell College Senegal USA Hood College Westminster College Columbia University Swaziland UWC of the Pacific UWC of Costa Rica Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Wartburg College Lafayette College Princeton University Colorado College

84 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 85 “As a residential undergraduate liberal-arts Mayuki Shimizu Spencer Smith Lukas Strobl Anish R. Tadimarri Mihret Teklemichael Tenzin Topchen Japan USA Austria India Ethiopia Tibet college, Denison has a strong interest in UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Atlantic Dartmouth College Earlham College Middlebury College University of North UWC of the Pacific Lehigh University creating a globally representative campus Carolina at Chapel Hill Lewis & Clark College Evgenia Shishkova Benjamin Snow Astrid Elena Stuth Erik Torstensson community in which students learn from Russia USA USA Nikolina Talijan Martin Tengler Sweden UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Bosnia-Herzegovina Czech Republic Red Cross Nordic UWC one another. Our mission is to engage men Colorado College Colorado College Princeton University UWC in Mostar Lester B. Pearson University of Florida University of Richmond UWC of the Pacific Nadine Souto Supachaya Pablo Touchard Pelluz and women in investigating, questioning, Janice Shiu Colby College Canada Venezuela Sucharitvanitwong Shu Haur Tang Spain and sharing ideas that promote deeper Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India Thailand Malaysia Diego Terrero Waterford Kamhlaba UWC University of Vassar College UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Venezuela Yale University understanding of and with one another. Pennsylvania University of Florida Princeton University Li Po Chun UWC Saya Srisamart Ahmad Towaiq College of the Holy Cross The Davis United World College Scholars Bobby Silva Thailand Minela Suljicic Anupong Tangpeerachaikul Jordan USA UWC of the Adriatic Bosnia-Herzegovina Thailand Igor Terzic Red Cross Nordic UWC Program helps Denison seek out and enroll Red Cross Nordic UWC Bates College UWC in Mostar Red Cross Nordic UWC Bosnia-Herzegovina Bucknell University Lake Forest College Westminster College Massachusetts Institute Li Po Chun UWC Vladyslav Stadnyk Hoang Khanh Tran promising students from around the world of Technology Dartmouth College Senad Sinanovic Ukraine Angela Sun USA who significantly contribute to this inclusive Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of Costa Rica Canada William Tarimo Jenny Thapa UWC–USA UWC in Mostar Wheaton College Li Po Chun UWC Tanzania Nepal Princeton University Hood College Cornell University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA learning community.” Igor Stanceric Sejla Trebo Connecticut College Dartmouth College Croatia Manasi Suryadevara Bosnia-Herzegovina — Dr . Dale Knobel, President, Denison College Samuli Sinisalo Finland Red Cross Nordic UWC India Abiy Tasissa Tokiso S. Thatho UWC in Mostar Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College Mahindra UWC of India Ethiopia Lesotho Wartburg College College of the Atlantic University of UWC of South East Asia Lester B. Pearson Maya Stilling Helena Treeck Pennsylvania Massachusetts Institute UWC of the Pacific Kavita Seshan Chhewang Sherpa Nina Skagerlind Sweden Germany of Technology Brown University India USA Sweden Red Cross Nordic UWC Bozo Susac UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA UWC of Costa Rica Kenyon College Croatia Dona Tatour Pisca Tias Middlebury College Lake Forest College Colorado College Dartmouth College UWC in Mostar Israel Indonesia Igor Stipic Juan Trigo Grinnell College Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson Tania Shabri Sonam Sherpa Antonio Skarica Croatia Uruguay Middlebury College UWC of the Pacific Indonesia Nepal Croatia UWC in Mostar Sonia Susanto Red Cross Nordic UWC Clark University Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Lake Forest College Indonesia Dolporn Techasomboon University of Florida UWC of the Pacific The College of Idaho Colorado College UWC of South East Asia Thailand Viktor Todorov Krystnell Storr Scarlett Tse Hood College Tufts University Li Po Chun UWC Macedonia Shashank Sheth Taida Smailhodzic Bahamas Hong Kong Lehigh University UWC in Mostar Hala Sharkas India Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC–USA Hui Lin S. Szeto UWC of South East Asia The College of Idaho Palestine UWC of the Adriatic UWC in Mostar Earlham College Singapore Min Sern Teh Carleton College UWC–USA Northwestern University Williams College Red Cross Nordic UWC Malaysia Bagdat Toleubay Irhad Strika Catalina Tudor Northwestern University Princeton University Red Cross Nordic UWC Kazakhstan Lahya Shikongo Eli Smedsrud Bosnia-Herzegovina Romania Class of 2012 Swarthmore College Red Cross Nordic UWC Lindiwe Shawa Namibia Norway UWC in Mostar Irinieta Tabuyaqona UWC in Mostar University of Oklahoma Zambia Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Earlham College Fiji Earlham College UWC of the Adriatic Colorado College Clark University Lester B. Pearson Clark University UWC of the Pacific The College of Idaho

86 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 87 Ching Tung Veronika Vackova Daniel Vidos Loke Jin Wong Ee-Lynn Yap He Zhou “Our Davis UWC Scholars bring varied Hong Kong Czech Republic Hungary Malaysia Malaysia China Li Po Chun UWC UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic perspectives and life habits to Earlham Claremont McKenna Wesleyan University Earlham College Oberlin College Yale University Wheaton College College from their growing-up experiences in homes Juan Aladino Daniel Vikum Maximilian Wu Henok Yemam Hanna Zimnitskaya Iskandar Tursunov Valdiviezo-Alegria Norway Canada Ethiopia Belarus around the world. They share these Uzbekistan Peru UWC of the Atlantic Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Middlebury College Dartmouth College Colorado College Macalester College understandings in class discussions, in Methodist University The College of Idaho Rachel Vitale Maria Alejandra Kai Kwan Yeung Nelson Zwane informal conversations, and in presentations Laziz Tursunov Monika Valecic Malta Wundram Pimentel Hong Kong Swaziland Uzbekistan Croatia Lester B. Pearson Guatemala UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA to the college community. They also bring Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Atlantic Dartmouth College Wesleyan University Methodist University Smith College Colorado College Oberlin College commitments for peace and justice and Nga Yip Ravneet Uberoi Surabhi Veenapani Li Yuan Wang Jun Xie Hong Kong Class of 2013 maturity and leadership to work towards India India China China Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Wesleyan University Mayya Abdullaeva pursuing these purposes. At Earlham, ‘each is Stanford University Whitman College Earlham College University of Richmond Russia Pui Shen Yoong UWC in Mostar asked to contribute to the understanding of Onyedikachi Udeoji Claudio Velasco Algaranaz Bing Huang-Alex Wang Valon Xoxa Malaysia Clark University China Bolivia USA Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC–USA all.’ Our Davis Scholars show us the way.” UWC of the Atlantic UWC of Costa Rica UWC–USA UWC in Mostar Middlebury College Lamis Abumghaiseeb Wheaton College Westminster College Vassar College Westminster College Syria — Doug Bennett, President, Earlham College Long Cheung Yu UWC of the Adriatic Faaez Ul Haq Raisa Velasco Castedo Kirsten A. Ward Porfia Yambo Hong Kong Westminster College Pakistan Bolivia USA Angola UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC–USA UWC–USA Cornell University Ruth Acevedo Princeton University UWC of the Pacific Brown University Earlham College Peru Qunchao Zhan Washington and UWC of the Atlantic Angelica Ullauri Trivino Morten Wendelbo Anibal Yanez Hinojosa China Lee University University of Florida Ecuador Denmark Chile Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Grigor Velkovsky UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC Methodist University Jose Achio Mendez College of the Atlantic Bulgaria Washington and Dartmouth College Costa Rica Utkarsh Agarwal Maseeh Ahmed Kan Zhang UWC of the Adriatic Lee University Lester B. Pearson India Maldives Blake Underwood Hee Jin Yang Hong Kong Westminster College UWC of the Pacific Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India USA Matheson Williams Sharp New Zealand Li Po Chun UWC Grinnell College UWC of the Pacific Luther College UWC of the Atlantic Ema Vergles USA Lester B. Pearson Duke University Dartmouth College Duke University Croatia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Pacific Gaim Adam Prottoy Akbar Yiran Zhang UWC of the Atlantic Hood College Carleton College Maldives Tania Aguero Bangladesh Tatenda Uta China Clark University UWC of the Adriatic Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India Zimbabwe Chuen Ming Wong Jikun Yang UWC of Costa Rica Westminster College UWC of Costa Rica Middlebury College UWC–USA Jovana Veselinovic China China Union College Methodist University Kenyon College Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Atlantic Ilundi Adriano Kerim Kaya Aksoy Beini Zhou UWC in Mostar Princeton University Carleton College Mozambique Ammar Ahmed Turkey

Alan Fremder Utria China Class of 2013 Massachusetts Institute Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Pakistan UWC of the Atlantic Zimbabwe Josephine Shi Y Wong Mengli Yang Lester B. Pearson of Technology Westminster College Mahindra UWC of India University of Virginia UWC of the Atlantic Singapore China UWC of the Pacific Princeton University Princeton University Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India Brown University UWC of the Pacific Stanford University University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

88 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 89 “Our Davis UWC Scholars’ leadership and Ahmad Almanassra Gabrijela Andric Frishta Aslami Urvashi Barooah Vivek Bisen Luke C. Brennan Palestine Bosnia-Herzegovina Afghanistan India India Canada significant involvement within and beyond the Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Skidmore College Bucknell University Westminster College Middlebury College Luther College University of Virginia classroom are, in a word, exemplary. As a Rafael Alonso Arenas Karla Angulo Urbina Omer Aswad Ana Barry Laso Dia’a Al-Din Bisharat Monique Brown community, the college’s faculty, staff, and Mexico El Salvador Iraq Spain Palestine Jamaica UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Adriatic UWC of Costa Rica Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica students reap significant benefits from Colorado College Luther College Westminster College Brown University UWC of the Pacific Gettysburg College Washington and Ra’ed Alshdaifat Angeline Annesteus Mirza Avdagic Letila Batisaresare Jenny Bruno participating in this valuable program, which Lee University Jordan Haiti Bosnia-Herzegovina Fiji Haiti strongly resonates with Franklin & Marshall’s Lester B. Pearson Simón Bolivar UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic Juliana Bitarabeho UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Pacific UWC of Agriculture Westminster College Westminster College Uganda Lake Forest College commitment toward ever-enhanced Kalamazoo College College of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Titobiloluwa Awe Maya Beckles Elkin Buitrago Vanegas Hood College internationalization of the college experience.” Oto Alves da Silva Olena Anoshchenko Nigeria Bermuda Colombia Brazil Ukraine Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lisa Bjerke UWC–USA — John F . Burness, Interim President, UWC of Costa Rica Lester B. Pearson Colby College Lake Forest College Sweden Earlham College Franklin & Marshall College Earlham College UWC of the Pacific Red Cross Nordic UWC Yvonne Ayesiga Madeleine Benishek Jurica Bulovic Lewis & Clark College College of the Atlantic Falorna Amaia Uganda USA Croatia Indonesia Anjali Appadurai UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Paula Bogutyn UWC in Mostar Lester B. Pearson India Wartburg College Macalester College Poland Brown University UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Oliza A. Azwan Kymbat Berkaliyeva Sonja Bunijevac Lewis & Clark College College of the Atlantic Middlebury College Indonesia Kazakhstan Montenegro Maria Alandia Tanya Alexander Iryna Ambroz Margaret Appleton UWC of the Adriatic UWC of Costa Rica Vivian Bomblat-Arcos UWC of the Adriatic Bolivia India Ukraine USA The College of Idaho The College of Idaho Bolivia Brandeis University Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Ivan Babic Mrinalika M. Bhanj Deo Aneta Buraityte UWC of the Pacific Union College Clark University Whitman College Ringling College of Bosnia-Herzegovina India Lithuania Skidmore College Art and Design Shvan Al-Hussein Ameen Amin Frida Archibold UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Sabah Al-Azzawi Iraq Germany Panama Earlham College University of Virginia Gamboura Bouzeid Trinity College Iraq UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar Mahindra UWC of India Algeria Hanna Backman Yash Bhatnagar Ana Caballeros Pira UWC in Mostar Earlham College Westminster College Clark University UWC of Costa Rica Finland India Guatemala University of Oklahoma Luther College Hasan Ali Mohamed Amine Nabilla Ariffin Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica Li Po Chun UWC Banteaymolu Alebachew Iraq Lebanon Malaysia Macalester College Earlham College William Bowman Earlham College Ethiopia UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson Li Po Chun UWC USA Pavel Bacovsky Shekhar Bhende Na Cai Red Cross Nordic UWC Westminster College UWC of the Pacific University of UWC–USA Czech Republic Australia China Macalester College Washington and Pennsylvania Kenyon College Arash Alidoust Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Atlantic Lee University Amelia Aleman-Bravo Iran David Aristizabal Dartmouth College Northwestern University Xhensila Brahaxhija Middlebury College Nicaragua UWC of the Atlantic Danomona Colombia Albania Agnes Bangali Bilsana Bibic Anuncia Feliz Camacho UWC of Costa Rica Harvard College Andrianarimanana Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Atlantic

Sierra Leone Montenegro Philippines Class of 2013 The College of Idaho Madagascar Earlham College Earlham College Zahraa Al-Janabi Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC Seile Alemayehu USA Richard Asala UWC of the Pacific St. John’s College Tyler Brelje Princeton University Harvard College Ethiopia UWC–USA Ghana Connecticut College USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Smith College UWC–USA UWC–USA Lewis & Clark College Dartmouth College Middlebury College

90 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 91 Isabel Camacho Hoi Tsing H. Chan Anna Chitman Keally Cieslik Zara Currimiee Shiran de Silva “Kalamazoo College is thrilled to be part of Portugal Hong Kong Thailand USA Mauritius Sri Lanka UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC the Davis United World College Scholars Union College Stanford University Skidmore College Brown University Williams College Earlham College Program. Our mission is to prepare graduates Blair Cameron Uny Chan Ka Mun Chong Xilonem Clarke Iris Cvijanovic Pascoela De New Zealand Hong Kong Singapore United Kingdom Bosnia-Herzegovina Silva Swquerira to better understand, live successfully within, Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Timor-Leste Brown University University of Oklahoma University of Virginia Sarah Lawrence College The College of Idaho Lester B. Pearson and provide enlightened leadership to a richly UWC of the Pacific Bronwyn Clement Dawit Dagnaw Hanyang Cao Carlos Chang Resham A. Chordia University of Oklahoma diverse and increasingly complex world. China Venezuela India Canada Ethiopia Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica Rainer De Sousa The Davis United World College Scholars Duke University UWC of the Pacific University of Virginia UWC of the Pacific University of Oklahoma Brazil University of Oklahoma College of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Program helps us accomplish our mission by My Dang Julian Castillo Fonseca Thupstan Chotak University of Florida Venezuela Brijeshwari Chauhan India Sarah Collins Viet Nam bringing this diverse and complex world onto Li Po Chun UWC India Mahindra UWC of India USA UWC of the Atlantic Michelle DeCurtis Middlebury College Mahindra UWC of India Luther College Li Po Chun UWC Brown University USA our campus, into our classrooms and Luther College Wheaton College Lester B. Pearson Linh Dao Marija Cavar Nicholas Chow UWC of the Pacific residence halls. It helps us create a campus Marcela Colmenares Viet Nam Bosnia-Herzegovina Mahima Chawla Trinidad & Tobago Barnard College UWC in Mostar Australia Li Po Chun UWC Venezuela Mahindra UWC of India community that better reflects the global Earlham College UWC of South East Asia Whitman College UWC of the Adriatic Brown University Alen Degirmendzic Brown University Kenyon College Bosnia-Herzegovina Rizqarossaa Darni community in which all our graduates will Abdoulie Ceesay Navid Chowdhury UWC in Mostar Valerie Condura Indonesia Gambia Christie Chea Bangladesh Westminster College study, work, live, and thrive. Our hope is that UWC of the Atlantic Bahamas Waterford Kamhlaba UWC USA UWC of South East Asia Methodist University Li Po Chun UWC Stanford University Red Cross Nordic UWC Earlham College Katherine Del as more of these wonderfully engaged and Vassar College Brown University Salto Calderon Malika Celebic Stephanie Choza-Macre Kieshia Davis Ecuador culturally rich scholars join our community of Bosnia-Herzegovina Jasmine Chen Costa Rica Ludiwien Cooreman Barbados Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Belgium UWC–USA Bard College learners they will further enrich our campus Lake Forest College UWC of South East Asia Ringling College of Mahindra UWC of India Notre Dame of Maryland University of North Art and Design Gettysburg College Ludivine deRancourt Jan Cervenka Oda Davnager and our greater community. There is no Carolina at Chapel Hill France Czech Republic Chioma Chukwumah Jall Cowasji Norway UWC of Costa Rica question that with the help of the Davis UWC of the Adriatic Xueqian Chen Nigeria India Li Po Chun UWC Wheaton College Macalester College China Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India Earlham College Program we do more in four years so that our Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Pacific University of Oklahoma Aadya Deshpande Urmila Chadayammuri Oliver de Quadros Colby College Macalester College India students can do more in a lifetime.” India Martina Crepulja Mozambique UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Yin Tung Cheung Nattika Chunsuttiwat Bosnia-Herzegovina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Duke University — Eileen B . Wilson-Oyelaran, President, Brown University Hong Kong Thailand UWC in Mostar Wartburg College Kalamazoo College Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Ringling College of Rahel Dette Chi Shing Chan Dinali de Silva University of Virginia UWC of the Pacific Art and Design Germany

Hong Kong USA Class of 2013 Clark University UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Alfonce Chitate Marina Curac Red Cross Nordic UWC Brown University Dartmouth College Zimbabwe Azra Cickusic Croatia University of Chicago Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of the Adriatic Methodist University UWC in Mostar Lehigh University The College of Idaho

92 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 93 “Thanks to Lake Forest’s partnership with Qiniso Dlamini Kinley Dorji Batmyagmar Erdenebat Remington Franklin Lelise Getu Andres Gomez Emilsson Swaziland Bhutan Mongolia USA Ethiopia Iceland the Davis United World College Scholars Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Atlantic Red Cross Nordic UWC Westminster College Wheaton College Oberlin College Dartmouth College Middlebury College Stanford University Program, our campus community is Taras Dlamini Marketa Doubnerova Ayane Ezaki Dianne Fraser Gurveen Ghadha Nilsa Gonzalez privileged to learn from the experiences and Swaziland Czech Republic Japan Swaziland Canada Panama Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of South East Asia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica perspectives of students from around the Methodist University College of the Atlantic Brown University St. Lawrence University Dartmouth College Hood College globe. International students enrich and Thando Dlamini Philisile Dube Jean-Louis Fabiola Pascale Tove From Kumud Ghimire Yarelis M. Gonzalez Swaziland Swaziland Haiti Sweden Nepal Costa Rica enliven our educational environment, and Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica Colby College Kenyon College Hood College Sarah Lawrence College UWC of the Pacific Methodist University their contributions are priceless.” Brown University Dawson Dohlen Carline Dugue Simeneh Faris Marco Gallardo Zora Govedarica — Stephen D . Schutt, President, USA Haiti Ethiopia Ecuador Leandro Giglioli Bosnia-Herzegovina Lake Forest College Li Po Chun UWC UWC of Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA Argentina UWC in Mostar Brown University Kalamazoo College Earlham College Wheaton College UWC of the Atlantic Methodist University Middlebury College Sumire Doi Jargalsaikhan Dulmaa Firas Fasheh Rutendo G. Gambe Martin Goycoolea Japan Mongolia Jordan Zimbabwe Reinaldo Gil Chile UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Venezuela Lester B. Pearson Middlebury College Union College University of Notre Dame Wellesley College UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Pacific The College of Idaho Massachusetts Institute Andrea Dokovic Sara Dunleavy Berge Maria Fernandez Davide Gandolfi of Technology Gagan Dhal Marcial Diaz Mejia Bosnia-Herzegovina USA Mexico Italy Jasmina Gobeljic India Guatemala UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Alma Gracic Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson Wartburg College Scripps College Vassar College Macalester College UWC in Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina Earlham College UWC of the Pacific Methodist University UWC in Mostar Feliciano Domingos Sayyokhat Dushanbieva Marisabel Fernandez Nishant Ganesh Kumar Whitman College Earlham College Abhishek Dhawan Angola Tajikistan Venezuela India Priscilla L. Goh Chia Ching India Ann Diskin Lester B. Pearson Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India Malaysia Nicolas A. Grosso Giordano UWC–USA USA UWC of the Pacific The College of Idaho Ringling College of Johns Hopkins University UWC of South East Asia Argentina Kenyon College Waterford Kamhlaba UWC University of Oklahoma Art and Design University of Virginia UWC of the Adriatic Katarzyna Dybek Xiana Garcia Freire University of Florida Northwestern University Fatymatou Dia Yiran Dong Poland Aleksandra Fetisova Spain Ted Gola Senegal Marlene Ditzig China Red Cross Nordic UWC Russia UWC of Costa Rica Brazil Ningshan Guo UWC–USA USA Li Po Chun UWC Ringling College of UWC in Mostar Cornell University Li Po Chun UWC China Yale University UWC of South East Asia Macalester College Art and Design Methodist University Ringling College of UWC of South East Asia Andrea Garcia Molina Bard College Art and Design Middlebury College Razan Diab Tsun Wah Dong Peter Ekelmans Pete Fitton El Salvador Lebanon Antonija Divkovic Hong Kong Netherlands USA UWC of Costa Rica Joao Pedro Gomes Natalino Guterres Red Cross Nordic UWC Bosnia-Herzegovina Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA College of the Atlantic Portugal Timor-Leste University of Florida UWC in Mostar University of Chicago Middlebury College Middlebury College Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Liza Gashi Westminster College Lake Forest College Luther College

Meyling Diaz Amador Tenzin Y. Dongchung Omar El Zoheiry Moises Flores Baca Kosovo Class of 2013 Nicaragua Iva Djurovic India Egypt Mexico UWC of Costa Rica Diego Gomez Theodore Guygenson UWC of Costa Rica Serbia UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India Wartburg College Ecuador Haiti Westminster College UWC of the Adriatic Wellesley College UWC of the Pacific College of the Atlantic UWC of Costa Rica Simón Bolivar Macalester College Macalester College The College of Idaho UWC of Agriculture College of the Atlantic

94 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 95 Stephanie Haapalainen Oliver Heinke Volha Hrytskevitch Yukiko Iwasaki Eun Seo Jo Jesse Karppinen “Our affiliation with the Davis UWC Scholar Ambar Ecuador Belarus Japan Republic of Korea Finland Brazil UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica Program is invaluable. Davis Scholars provide UWC of the Adriatic Lewis & Clark College Clark University Colorado College Brown University College of the Atlantic Earlham College cosmopolitan viewpoints as they participate in Aslog Hellstrom Vogel Isilda Hulilapi Ghassan A. Jaradat Tae Young Joo Shaina Kasper Suncica Habul Sweden Angola Jordan Democratic Republic USA faculty research projects and serve as models Bosnia-Herzegovina Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA of Korea UWC–USA UWC in Mostar College of the Atlantic Luther College Occidental College UWC of South East Asia Macalester College for students who aspire to be fluent in multiple St. Lawrence University Brandeis University Francis Henares Muris Humo Egle Jarkova Moustapha Kasse cultural settings. Their presence in all aspects Nomoya Hall Philippines Bosnia-Herzegovina Lithuania Sahil Joshi Senegal Swaziland UWC of South East Asia UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic USA Li Po Chun UWC of the Lewis & Clark community has set into Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Skidmore College Westminster College Boston Conservatory UWC–USA University of North Cornell University Dartmouth College Carolina at Chapel Hill motion a transformative process whereby our Mariana Hernandez Batoul Ibrahim Mirnes Jasarevic Andrew Hammond Johannesen Jordan Bosnia-Herzegovina Kahena Joubert Edis Kekic faculty, students, and staff now view Ghana Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia UWC in Mostar USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India University of Chicago Westminster College UWC–USA UWC in Mostar themselves as global citizens.” Methodist University Westminster College Washington and Connecticut College Vanes Ibric Amalka Jayasundera Lee University — Barry Glassner, President, Taewoo Han Eliel Hernandez Martinez USA Sri Lanka Rafael Kennedy Lewis & Clark College Democratic Republic Venezuela Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson Robert J. Joyce USA of Korea UWC–USA UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia University of Florida Brown University The College of Idaho Li Po Chun UWC Middlebury College Cornell University Princeton University Kevin Hess Mugyenzi Innocent Virginie Jean-Baptiste Natalie Kennelley Aditya Harnal USA Rwanda Haiti Maria Juncosa- USA Singapore UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson Calahorrano UWC–USA Amer Khraisat Alika Kirloskar UWC–USA Hamilton College Colby College UWC of the Pacific Ecuador Northwestern University Jordan India Connecticut College Agnes Scott College UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia Djordje B. Hinic Arnaulde Irangabiye Rebecca Khalandovsky Middlebury College Union College School of the Art Institute of Asad Hassan Serbia Rwanda Jelena Jelusic USA Chicago Pakistan UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica Montenegro Ricardo Kabila UWC of the Adriatic Sikander Kiani Li Po Chun UWC University of Richmond The College of Idaho UWC in Mostar Angola Princeton University Pakistan Ivan Knezovic Brown University Brown University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Bosnia-Herzegovina Kam Shan Ho Kevin Irby Zahir Zafar Khan Connecticut College Georgetown University UWC in Mostar Dag Hasselgard Hong Kong USA Ezequiel Jimenez Pakistan Westminster College Norway UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic Argentina Erika Kafwimi UWC of the Atlantic Jacqueline T. Killenga Red Cross Nordic UWC Williams College Middlebury College Red Cross Nordic UWC Tanzania University of Virginia Tanzania Julia Knoeff Macalester College Macalester College Lester B. Pearson Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Netherlands Jasmina Hodzic Marija Ivanovic Gaurav Khanal UWC of the Pacific Wellesley College Mahindra UWC of India Arielle Hawney Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Minni Jindal Nepal Dartmouth College Colby College USA UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar India UWC–USA Dauti Kilumelume UWC–USA Hamilton College Lake Forest College Mahindra UWC of India Stephanie Kapell Westminster College Zambia Kandra Knowles Earlham College Cornell University Panama UWC of Costa Rica Bahamas

Sara Hooker Nozomi Iwasaki Palista Kharel Class of 2013 Lester B. Pearson The College of Idaho Lester B. Pearson Thana’a Hazem Ireland Japan Marc Jn Jacques Nepal UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific Yemen Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Haiti Li Po Chun UWC Andrea D. Kine The College of Idaho Bard College Lester B. Pearson Carleton College Earlham College UWC–USA Kenyon College Mozambique UWC of the Pacific University of Florida Red Cross Nordic UWC Clark University Wellesley College

96 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 97 “Twenty-five years ago, Macalester admitted its Victor Kyando Fabiano Leal Kathryn Linthicum Eneli Lungu Youssef Maher Preethi Mangar Tanzania Brazil USA Zambia Egypt Mauritius first UWC graduate. Since that time, UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India Hood College Northwestern University Reed College Westminster College University of Oklahoma Middlebury College graduates have impressed with their academic Michael S. Lachanski Hiu Wai Lee Liang Liu Rafy Luqa Igor Majic Prosper Mangwiro achievements, their service on the Macalester USA United Kingdom China Iraq Bosnia-Herzegovina Zimbabwe UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC campus and in surrounding communities, and Princeton University Brown University Macalester College University of Richmond Westminster College University of Oklahoma with their ongoing support of Macalester, its Chun Chit Lai Wing Yee Lee Nancy Liu Haby Ly Koketso Makhafola Joaquin Marandino Australia Hong Kong USA Senegal South Africa Peregalli students, faculty and staff. The Davis UWC UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC Uruguay Duke University Wellesley College Carleton College UWC of the Pacific Brown University UWC of South East Asia Scholars continue this legacy today.” University of Oklahoma Middlebury College Man Sau Lai Nahom Lemma Shanshan Liu Kotiba Malek — Brian Rosenberg, President, Macalester College Hong Kong Ethiopia China Cho Wun Ma Iraq Dragana Marinkovic Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Hong Kong Lester B. Pearson Bosnia-Herzegovina Wellesley College University of Oklahoma Middlebury College Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Adriatic St. Lawrence University Kenyon College Macalester College Philip Hoi Wa Lai Andres J. Lemus Centes Ingrid Llaveshi Canada Guatemala Albania Jun Ma Tawab Malekzad Evgenia Markvardt Cagan Koc William K. Krause Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic China Afghanistan Finland Turkey USA Brown University Colby College University of Florida Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Atlantic Colby College UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific Ryann Lai Elaine Le Jing Leong Alison Yin-Pin Lo UWC of the Pacific Princeton University Lewis & Clark College Brandeis University Middlebury College Timor-Leste Malaysia Malaysia Lorraine Ma Aseel Kreishan Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Canada Raghav Malik Francisco Martin Albi Majel Kong Jordan Harvard College Princeton University Princeton University Li Po Chun UWC India Chile Cambodia Red Cross Nordic UWC Northwestern University Mahindra UWC of India UWC of South East Asia Samir Lalvani Josie Leung Mariana Lopez Davila Li Po Chun UWC Ringling College of Grinnell College University of Chicago Lewis & Clark College Art and Design India Hong Kong Mexico Sarah MacVicar Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Canada Mauricio Maluff Masi Petra Martinac Nemanja Koroman Phoebe Kulasegram Gettysburg College Wellesley College Clark University Lester B. Pearson Paraguay Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Malaysia UWC of the Pacific Lester B. Pearson UWC in Mostar Ville Lampi Yin Chung Leung Joel de Jesus UWC in Mostar Mahindra UWC of India Harvard College UWC of the Pacific Earlham College Finland China Lozada Yanez St. Lawrence University Colorado College Northwestern University UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Mexico Nicholas Madsen Melissa Martinez Nikita Kotecha Rhubini Kunasegaran Kenyon College Princeton University Li Po Chun UWC USA Iyad Manassra USA Portugal Singapore Earlham College Red Cross Nordic UWC Palestine UWC of Costa Rica Marielkis Lanzas Xiaolong Li Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lester B. Pearson Brown University UWC of the Atlantic University of North Nicaragua China Lucia Ludvighova Lake Forest College UWC of the Pacific Earlham College Carolina at Chapel Hill Middlebury College UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC Slovakia Odd-Jorgen Maeland Meghana Koushik Methodist University Bucknell University UWC–USA Norway Wesam Manassra Zacharia Masere USA Marta Kupfer Earlham College Red Cross Nordic UWC Palestine Kenya Amanda Lanzillo Tzi-Ching Lin Mahindra UWC of India Panama Harvard College UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC

USA Taiwan Ixchel Luna Lara Class of 2013 Brown University UWC–USA Massachusetts Institute St. Olaf College Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Honduras Nicole Magabo Tufts University of Technology Qendresa Krasniqi Georgetown University Lake Forest College UWC of Costa Rica Uganda Bruno Massinga Kosovo Adrian Kwong The College of Idaho UWC of Costa Rica Mozambique UWC in Mostar Hong Kong Northwestern University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Methodist University Li Po Chun UWC Lake Forest College Kenyon College

98 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 99 Maria Mateen Danli Meng Njabulo Mndzebele Sophie S. Moskop Samed Nakhla Nera Nesic “Davis UWC students at MU enhance our Pakistan China Swaziland USA Palestine Croatia UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC educational program by sharing their Stanford University University of Virginia Middlebury College Princeton University University of Oklahoma Middlebury College experience, knowledge, and hope for a better Josseline Matute Biructait Mengesha Lobna Mohamed Rachel Mueller Beatrice K. Nakiryowa Kasiani Nesturi Canada Ethiopia Egypt USA Uganda Albania future. MU counts on these future leaders to Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Adriatic Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Pacific Middlebury College Earlham College Macalester College Colby College St. Olaf College continue sharing their determined spirit and Smith College Anil Menon Mikail Mohamed Muntanga Muhyila Piangfan Naksukpaiboon Elle Newbold encouraging the growth of interest in courses Gcinekile Mavimbela India Maldives Zambia Thailand USA Swaziland Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA related to social justice, international studies, Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Middlebury College Colorado College University of Oklahoma Clark University University of Florida Earlham College law, education, and the environment as they Amin Meyghani Mangaliso M. Mohammed Arnav Mukherjee Nicolas L. Namburete Qui Phuong Nguyen Marianty F. Mavros Iran Swaziland India Mozambique Viet Nam have during these past 10 years. They have Guatemala Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica Union College Methodist University University of North Methodist University Luther College fostered student interest in working towards a Denison University Carolina at Chapel Hill Dalumuzi Mhlanga Eduardo Mondlane Sebastian Nasamu Lukasz Niparko more peaceful world and have taught all of us Cristina Mazilu Zimbabwe Mozambique Brayan Munoz Ghana Poland Moldova Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA something about overcoming cultural and UWC of the Adriatic Harvard College Lewis & Clark College Red Cross Nordic UWC Massachusetts Institute St. Lawrence University University of Oklahoma Westminster College of Technology Fabiola Miakassissa Thabiso Monyakane Ida Nitter ethnic barriers. Davis UWC students further Thomas L. Mbise Democratic Republic Lesotho Juan Munoz Rivera Hawwa Nashfa Norway global understanding at MU!” Tanzania of Congo Mahindra UWC of India Colombia Maldives Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Luther College UWC of the Atlantic Red Cross Nordic UWC Macalester College — M . Elton Hendricks, President, Princeton University Connecticut College Middlebury College The College of Idaho Methodist University Abby Morgan Stephen T. Nodder Eddah Mburu Dominika Michalska Canada Simbarashe Musasa Istevan Naufali South Africa Kenya Poland UWC of the Atlantic Zimbabwe Bosnia-Herzegovina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC College of the Atlantic UWC–USA UWC in Mostar Colby College Macalester College Vassar College Macalester College Westminster College Helen Morris Sonia Noori Elizabeth McCarthy Andrea Mihic Zimbabwe Chiunde Mwanza Thembekile Ncala Afghanistan New Zealand Switzerland UWC of Costa Rica Zambia Swaziland UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Yale University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Earlham College Middlebury College Duke University Lewis & Clark College Hood College Anna J. Moses Makhosonkhe Nsibandze Vichetrath Meas Maryiana Mirchuk United Kingdom Alvin Mwijuka Gladys Ndagire Swaziland Cambodia Belarus Red Cross Nordic UWC Uganda Uganda Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Wellesley College UWC–USA Lester B. Pearson University of Colby College Trinity College Massachusetts Institute UWC of the Pacific Pennsylvania Prince Moses of Technology Brown University

Diana Melgarejo Anja Mirkovic Sierra Leone Astor Nummelin Carlberg Class of 2013 Colombia Bosnia-Herzegovina Red Cross Nordic UWC Sepideh Naderi Jean J. Ndayisenga Sweden Lester B. Pearson UWC in Mostar Skidmore College Iran Rwanda Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Pacific Lake Forest College UWC–USA UWC of Costa Rica Middlebury College The College of Idaho Earlham College Colby College

100 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 101 “Middlebury College would not be the Joshua Onens Marija Panova Marie Perrot Tejesh M. Pradhan Pranay Ramkrishnan Luis Reyes United Kingdom Macedonia France Nepal India Peru dynamic place it is today without the UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic UWC of Costa Rica College of the Atlantic Macalester College Tufts University Williams College Massachusetts Institute The College of Idaho motivating and inspiring presence of so many of Technology Agueda Ortega Marcela Pardo Ruslans Petrovskis Daniel Prinz Arlinda Rezhdo globally minded students. Our Davis UWC Argentina Colombia Latvia Hungary Vinay Ramteke Albania UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic India UWC in Mostar Scholars bring the world to Middlebury. In Wesleyan University Earlham College Westminster College Brown University Mahindra UWC of India Colby College Westminster College doing so, they, along with the classmates they Hiwot Oshone Uttara Partap Phuc Phan Oxana Protchenko Lucy Richards Ethiopia India Viet Nam Russia Namratha Rao USA engage inside and outside of class, help us UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic UWC of Costa Rica India UWC of the Adriatic Macalester College Williams College Luther College Wartburg College Mahindra UWC of India Stanford University change that world for the better.” Tufts University Gal Oshri Anna Pasztor Tung Phan Reitumetse L. Pulumo Vaida Rimeikyte — Ronald D . Liebowitz, President, Israel Hungary Viet Nam Lesotho Nadija Ratkusic Lithuania Middlebury College UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Bosnia-Herzegovina Red Cross Nordic UWC Princeton University University of Florida Carleton College Wellesley College UWC in Mostar Harvard College The College of Idaho Oludamilola Osinbajo Nicole Paulet Piedra Teresa Phiri Kate Punnett Christian Riquelme Nigeria Peru Malawi St. Vincent & Desy Raturoma Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC The Grenadines Indonesia UWC of Costa Rica Jane Nurse Aldina Okanovic Wheaton College Harvard College Sarah Lawrence College UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Wartburg College Germany Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Florida Westminster College Li Po Chun UWC UWC in Mostar Jeremy Osir Laurette Paulime Somealea Phoung Joanna Rivas College of the Atlantic The College of Idaho Kenya Haiti Cambodia Islam Qadous Sruthi Ravi Panama UWC of South East Asia Simón Bolivar Lester B. Pearson Palestine India UWC of the Adriatic Jacqueline Nyiraturatsinze Allan Okello University of North UWC of Agriculture UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Westminster College Rwanda Uganda Carolina at Chapel Hill College of the Atlantic University of Oklahoma Wartburg College University of UWC in Mostar Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Terrance Robinson Pennsylvania University of Oklahoma Whitman College Sara Osman Leonardo Paz Bustamante Khin Hnin Phyu Camila Quniteros Casaverde USA Lebanon Honduras Myanmar Peru Graham Reeder UWC–USA Jeffrey Nyoni Margarida Oliveira UWC in Mostar UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA Canada Georgetown University Tanzania Rodrigues Westminster College University of Richmond Stanford University Lake Forest College Lester B. Pearson UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Portugal Jose Rodes of the Pacific University of Oklahoma UWC–USA Eliis Otti Inga Penkina Roxane Picard Tenzin Rabga Panama College of the Atlantic Brown University Estonia Estonia France India UWC of Costa Rica Dijana Obralic Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India Gustav Rehnby The College of Idaho Bosnia-Herzegovina Daniel Omondi Union College Bard College University of Chicago Massachusetts Institute Sweden UWC in Mostar USA Karina Rodriguez of Technology Red Cross Nordic UWC Earlham College Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Paulina Panek Nayely Perea Vedran Pobric Paraguay Ringling College of Northwestern University Poland Mexico Bosnia-Herzegovina Raisa Ramalho UWC of Costa Rica Jung Hwan Oh Art and Design UWC in Mostar Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC Brazil Earlham College Democratic Republic Mert Onadim Grinnell College UWC of the Pacific University of Florida Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mikhail Reutski of Korea Turkey Milena Rodriguez Brandeis University Westminster College Belarus

UWC of South East Asia UWC in Mostar Alicia Pang Tove Pousette Nicaragua Class of 2013 UWC of the Adriatic Trinity College Bucknell University Malaysia Melvin Perez Sweden Sumitha Raman UWC of Costa Rica Skidmore College UWC of South East Asia Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC India College of the Atlantic Juyoung Cindy Oh Jarrah P. O’Neill Reed College UWC of Costa Rica Kenyon College Mahindra UWC of India Republic of Korea USA Methodist University Brown University UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Brown University Princeton University

102 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 103 Monica Rodriguez Roldan Jaap Ruoff Maida Salkanovic Rhea Arun Sawhney Iju Shakya Gabriela Siegel “Our Davis United World College Scholars Spain Netherlands Bosnia-Herzegovina India India USA UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Mahindra UWC of India provide a unique and valuable perspective Trinity College Brown University Occidental College University of Virginia Smith College Columbia University to the Randolph-Macon College community. Jevgenija Rogacova Donald Rusimbi Mirnes Salkic Marian Schmidt Chitra Shanmuga Phila M. Sifundza Latvia Tanzania Bosnia-Herzegovina Germany Sundaram Swaziland Not only do they bring their experiences from Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar Mahindra UWC of India India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Earlham College Ringling College Earlham College Yale University Mahindra UWC of India Methodist University their home countries, but their interactions of Art and Design College of the Atlantic Ina Rojnic Igor Samardzic Abdou Seck Maya Sikand with students from around the globe at their Croatia Marcin Rutkowski Bosnia-Herzegovina Singapore Nizar Sharkas USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Poland UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia Palestine UWC of the Atlantic UWCs have helped shape their worldviews Macalester College UWC of the Adriatic The College of Idaho Clark University Li Po Chun UWC Brown University University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma in profound ways. As a result, they can Ratu Rokodulu Aisulu Sanat Ryota Sekine Ance Simanovica Fiji Salam Saadi Kazakhstan Japan Avani Sharma Latvia provide a fresh insight to help expand and Lester B. Pearson Israel Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia USA UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Pacific UWC in Mostar UWC of the Pacific University of Chicago Mahindra UWC of India Earlham College diversify the viewpoints of our students, Washington and Methodist University Earlham College Skidmore College Vivaan Seth Sam Simataa Lee University faculty, and community.” Anastasiya Saakova Jose Gabriel Sanchez India Khaled Shennara Namibia Redwan Rokon Uzbekistan Argentina UWC of South East Asia Jordan Mahindra UWC of India — Robert Lindgren, President, Bangladesh Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic Bowdoin College UWC in Mostar Luther College Randolph-Macon College Mahindra UWC of India Methodist University University of Florida Clark University Manqoba S. Shabangu Johane Simelane Middlebury College Jose Saavedra Jose Sanchez Swaziland Yuta Shinozaki Swaziland Japan Irving Romero de la rosa Chile Venezuela Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC O. Katarina Sirka Hoi Lam So UWC of South East Asia Mexico UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic Methodist University Skidmore College Serbia Hong Kong Li Po Chun UWC Bucknell University Bard College Princeton University Vipul Shah Yuet Man Sin Lester B. Pearson Li Po Chun UWC University of Florida Saim Saeed Mauricio Santiago India Yacoub Shomali Hong Kong UWC of the Pacific University of Chicago Jordan Colby College Jakob Rosengarten Pakistan Brazil Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson Jordan Sokoloski UWC of the Adriatic Germany Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica Clark University UWC of the Pacific Nosiku Siyumbwa Macedonia Li Po Chun UWC Bard College The College of Idaho Macalester College University of Chicago Bilal Shahabuddin Zambia Lester B. Pearson Colorado College Elyas Saif Lomoro Santino Pakistan Hlulekisile Shongwe Damira Sinanovic Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Pacific Aiko Roudette Yemen Sudan Red Cross Nordic UWC Swaziland Bosnia-Herzegovina Kenyon College University of Chicago Waterford Kamhlaba UWC St. Vincent & UWC of the Adriatic UWC of Costa Rica Northwestern University UWC in Mostar Sondre Skarsten Silvia Solis Fernandez The Grenadines Wesleyan University Wartburg College University of Chicago University of Richmond Syed Shahbaz Norway Nicaragua UWC of the Atlantic Erin Saiof Kesey Sar Pakistan Savant Shrestha Divyaraj Singh UWC of Costa Rica UWC–USA Bard College Indonesia Cambodia UWC of the Atlantic Nepal India University of Florida University of Florida Red Cross Nordic UWC John Rubayiza UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic Yale University UWC of South East Asia Petra Smitkova Wipawan Sompong Rwanda Luther College Connecticut College Middlebury College Cornell University Rabia Shahid Czech Republic Thailand UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Anja Sakotic Juan Pablo Pakistan Shriya Shukla Siddheshwar Singh Class of 2013 College of the Holy Cross Bosnia-Herzegovina Sarmiento Torres Red Cross Nordic UWC India India Middlebury College Clark University Mahindra UWC of India Matthew Rugamba UWC in Mostar Colombia Wesleyan University UWC of the Atlantic Santana Snyder Chris Somuah-Appianti Vassar College United Kingdom Methodist University Lester B. Pearson Middlebury College USA Botswana Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA UWC–USA Lewis & Clark College Denison University Middlebury College Bucknell University

104 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 105 “Ringling College of Art and Design is honored Lumago Charles Ghariza Sujak Bakir Dhondup Tashi Dobromir Trifonov Narun Un Marijose Vila Soro Joseph Singapore Tibet Bulgaria Cambodia Guatemala to be part of the Davis United World College Sudan Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Adriatic Macalester College Methodist University Trinity College University of Richmond Wheaton College Scholars Program. Our Davis Scholar students Methodist University Malika Suleymanova Roisin Taylor Suren Tripathi Katja Valtonen Bonginkhosi Vilakati are such incredible leaders. They have become Fernando Soto Uzbekistan United Kingdom India Finland Swaziland Peru Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic Lester B. Pearson the initiators and implementers of Ringling Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Ringling College of Bard College Skidmore College St. Lawrence University UWC of the Pacific Westminster College Art and Design Clark University College’s diversity programming and Joanna Tebin Siddhant Trivedi Juan Vasquez Srija Srija Ajla Suljevic Poland India Colombia Stuart A. Villegas Perez celebrations at Ringling. They have initiated a India Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India UWC in Mostar Colorado College Cornell University University of Florida UWC–USA new program to acclimate all new Whitman College Earlham College Methodist University Jakob Terwitte Tijana Trkulja Cristhian Veintimilla international students, including UWC Radmila Stefkova Qi Sun Germany Bosnia-Herzegovina Ecuador Lily Khin Vivipem Macedonia China UWC of Costa Rica UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic India students, to the cultural aspects they will UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic Middlebury College Wellesley College University of Florida Mahindra UWC of India University of Oklahoma Colby College Middlebury College Shany S. Tropper Fitim Veliu experience by being in the United States, the Wrenford Thaffe Tashnika Stewart Abhijit Surya Jamaica Austria Serbia Phuong Vu Sarasota, Florida community, the art and Swaziland India UWC of the Atlantic UWC of Costa Rica UWC in Mostar Viet Nam Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Amherst College Colby College Westminster College UWC of the Adriatic Colorado College Westminster College Macalester College design world, and the college campus. Their Sneha Thayil Man Hon Tse Nethra Venkatesh Maid Strasevic Abed Wahesh positive energy, enthusiasm, and commitment Ana Susac India Hong Kong India Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India Palestine to active engagement in campus life model the UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar University of Chicago University of Virginia Middlebury College UWC of Costa Rica Colby College Duke University University of Oklahoma Ajibu Timbo Tze To Tse Juan Ventura Rivera behavior we want all our students to Ksenija Strbac Sophie Syed Sierra Leone China Mexico Ging-ji Wang Spain experience. For Ringling College, the Davis Singapore UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Hong Kong Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia Skidmore College Swarthmore College University of Florida Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Pacific University of Virginia Wesleyan University United World College Scholars further Christie Ting Darya Tsymbalyuk Chinar Verma Bard College Ka Yu Tam USA Ukraine India Siyu Wang enhance our diversity on campus and, in turn, Alejandro Sucre China Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic Mahindra UWC of India China Venezuela student understanding of why it is so Red Cross Nordic UWC Princeton University Kenyon College Grinnell College UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Vassar College Harvard College Juliana Tomazini Wo Chun Tuen Muk Emerson’n Vibert Amherst College important to appreciate and become aware of Vidhi C. Tamboli Brazil China Haiti Wun-Ji Wang Federico Sucre India Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Simón Bolivar Hong Kong cultural differences on a global basis.” Venezuela UWC of South East Asia University of Florida University of Virginia UWC of Agriculture Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA University of Virginia College of the Atlantic Luther College — Dr . Larry R . Thompson, President, Elena Tonc Bunyodjon Tusmatov Ringling College of Art and Design Amherst College Nana Tanamoto Croatia Tajikistan Gili Vidan Khaled K. Wardak Class of 2013 Swati Sugandh Japan UWC–USA UWC in Mostar Israel Afghanistan India UWC of South East Asia Macalester College Earlham College Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India Carleton College Harvard College Colby College Westminster College

106 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 107 Kevin Wathome Zuzanna Wojcieszak Monrada Yamkasikorn James Zhou Loveza Ahmed Anchalem Alemayehu “The Davis United World College Scholars Kenya Poland Thailand Canada Maldives Ethiopia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia Lester B. Pearson UWC in Mostar continue to add an important and enriching University of Oklahoma Harvard College University of Oklahoma Macalester College UWC of the Pacific Methodist University Macalester College dimension to the classroom and campus life of Xin Wen Evelyn Wong Melek Yildiz-Spinel Marija Zivkovic Kasope Aleshinloye China Malaysia Colombia Bosnia-Herzegovina Seyedeh Yasaman Ahrari Nigeria St. John’s College. We are thankful for Shelby UWC of the Adriatic Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC UWC in Mostar Iran UWC of the Atlantic Grinnell College Scripps College Kenyon College Westminster College UWC of the Adriatic Amherst College and Gale Davis’s commitment to bring UWC Bard College Amelie Westphal Jeffrey Wong Yanisa Yindee Ekaterina Alexeeva students with their global experience and Sweden Australia Thailand Class of 2014 Diana Ainembabazi Russia Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Uganda Li Po Chun UWC perspectives to our campuses. We look Macalester College Middlebury College UWC of the Pacific Farangizi Abdurazokzoda Li Po Chun UWC Princeton University The College of Idaho Tajikistan Earlham College forward to building on our partnership with Andrea Whittle Justin Wong Rayah Al-Farah Li Po Chun UWC USA Singapore Sunghyun Yoo Christine Ajinjeru Jordan Union College the Davis United World College Scholars UWC of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia Republic of Korea Uganda UWC–USA Middlebury College Bowdoin College Mahindra UWC of India Rida Abu Rass UWC of the Atlantic Wellesley College Program in the years ahead.” Grinnell College Israel Grinnell College Amanda Wickramasekera Katherine Wong Abdullah Al-Hadeethi Red Cross Nordic UWC — Michael P . Peters, President, St . John’s College Sri Lanka Hong Kong Chihiro Yoshida Oluwakemi L. Iraq Brandeis University UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Japan Akin-Olugbade Lester B. Pearson Lewis & Clark College Brandeis University Mahindra UWC of India Nawras Abureehan USA UWC of the Pacific University of Chicago Palestine UWC of the Atlantic Westminster College Thea Wiig Samantha Wong Red Cross Nordic UWC Wellesley College Taha Alyas Sandro Aravena Perez Norway Hong Kong Tsering Youkey Anela Alic Middlebury College Iraq Chile Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic Tibet Princess Daisy Akita Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic Lake Forest College University of Oklahoma Mahindra UWC of India Nicole Adams Ghana UWC in Mostar Westminster College Kenyon College Luther College Australia UWC–USA Hood College Achini Wijesinghe Linzi Wu UWC of South East Asia Harvard College Namgyal Angmo Erika Robles Araya Sri Lanka China Tik Ki Yu Jawad Al-Massanat University of Virginia India Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic United Kingdom Pamela A. Alakai Jordan Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Colorado College University of Chicago Li Po Chun UWC Irem Agirbas Cameroon UWC of the Atlantic Colorado College Kalamazoo College University of Turkey UWC of the Adriatic Duke University Atiba Williams Yuao Wu Pennsylvania UWC in Mostar Colby College Javier Aparicio Lorente Maria Arias de Trinidad & Tobago China Ala’ Alrababa’h University of Richmond Spain Saavedra Benitez UWC of the Adriatic Mahindra UWC of India Yen Heng Yu Louis Alcindor Jordan UWC of Costa Rica Spain University of Oklahoma Dartmouth College Hong Kong Ana Aguilera Silva Haiti Lester B. Pearson Ringling College Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Venezuela UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Pacific Duke University Polly Williams Maria Xavier Soares of Art and Design Northwestern University UWC–USA Luther College Dartmouth College Barbados Timor-Leste Bucknell University Immaculate Mehrdad Arvin Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Tshering Yudon Diana Ibrahim Alderbashi Hani Al-Safadi Apchemengich Iran Randolph-Macon College Earlham College Bhutan Nur Fardina Ahmad Fuad Russia Palestine Kenya Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Malaysia UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Adriatic The College of Idaho John Woja Zimin Xu Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA University of Richmond Earlham College Methodist University Norway China Class of 2014 Middlebury College Mount Holyoke College Alessandro Luca Asoni Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Michael Aleman Diego Alverez Parra Peter A. Aranha Italy Clark University Grinnell College Bei Bei Zhou USA Uruguay India UWC of the Adriatic China UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Johns Hopkins University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Northwestern University Bard College Brown University Methodist University

108 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 109 “At our annual fall gathering for our Davis Michelle Asuncion Selma Begovic Lazar Bojanic Amna Causevic Minzhe Chen Cheng Charles E. Coe Philippines Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Spain USA UWC Scholars, a senior Scholar remarked that UWC of the Atlantic UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA University of Florida Westminster College Westminster College Methodist University Ringling College of University of Pennsylvania her St. Lawrence experiences have helped her Art and Design Farzanah N. Ausaluth Kriti Behari Enrico Bonatti Stipe Cavar Turkhishig Conchigdorj to become a truly ‘global citizen.’ In coming to United Kingdom India Elias De Tejada Croatia Colin Chideme Mongolia UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Switzerland UWC in Mostar Swaziland Mahindra UWC of India meet and know many of our Davis UWC Brown University Skidmore College UWC of the Atlantic St. Olaf College UWC of Costa Rica Lehigh University Cornell University Dartmouth College Scholars, it is clear they are all highly attuned Derar Ayoush Diorgenes Bellini Miriam Celnarova Rebecca Coombs Palestine Brazil Rohin Borpujari Slovakia Yoon Kyung Cho USA to the importance of thinking and acting as UWC of the Atlantic Red Cross Nordic UWC India Red Cross Nordic UWC Democratic Republic Li Po Chun UWC University of Florida Amherst College Mahindra UWC of India University of North of Korea College of the Atlantic global citizens and, perhaps more specifically, Macalester College Carolina at Chapel Hill UWC of South East Asia Janoah Bailin Dana Benami Buse Coskun Cornell University the importance of promoting peace and USA Germany Martinos Botros Jaya Chakravarti Turkey UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Egypt USA Jae Won Choi UWC in Mostar understanding among all peoples. I am College of the Atlantic Columbia University Lester B. Pearson UWC–USA Republic of Korea Earlham College UWC of the Pacific College of the Atlantic UWC of South East Asia Madiyar Balykbayev Yarden Ben-David Name Coskun humbled by the cultural richness and deep Westminster College Grinnell College Kazakhstan Israel Pierre-Alexandre Chalon Turkey thirst for knowledge and new experiences these Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Patrick Brunell France Nabanita Choudhury UWC in Mostar University of Oklahoma Earlham College USA UWC of South East Asia India Earlham College UWC of the Atlantic Tufts University Red Cross Nordic UWC tremendously bright young people bring to our Shamillah Bankiya Estefania Bermudez Casimiro Costa University of North Methodist University Uganda Villalba Dawn Hiu Yung Chan Angola campus and how they challenge all of us to Carolina at Chapel Hill UWC–USA Uruguay China Muhammad H. Chowdhury Red Cross Nordic UWC reexamine our assumptions and suppositions, Yale University Lester B. Pearson Roman Bulgakov Li Po Chun UWC Bangladesh Grinnell College UWC of the Pacific Russia Georgetown University UWC of the Adriatic Getnet Bante Andrea Cruz-Quiroz University of Florida UWC of the Atlantic Dartmouth College specifically with regards to who we are and Iraq Vidarith Chan Mexico Brandeis University Srdan Beronja where we come from.” Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Cambodia Justina Chung UWC–USA Westminster College Bosnia-Herzegovina Ana Bunjevac UWC of South East Asia Hong Kong Middlebury College UWC in Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina Macalester College Li Po Chun UWC — William L . Fox, President, Hablon Cesar Barbosa Joshua M. Cutler St . Lawrence University Brown University UWC in Mostar University of Chicago Brazil Waritorn USA Methodist University UWC of Costa Rica Vishal Bharam Chariyawattanarut Lorela Ciraku UWC of the Atlantic University of Michigan India Jennifer Cajina-Grigsby Thailand Albania College of the Atlantic UWC–USA Nicaragua UWC of the Adriatic Red Cross Nordic UWC Tsatsral Batbold Michele Da Costa Trinity College Mahindra UWC of India Dartmouth College Gettysburg College Mongolia Brazil Colorado College Lester B. Pearson Quinn Blanco Ka Yi Kate Cheng Julia Clark UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Pacific Philippines Andrea Natalia Camargo Hong Kong Canada Methodist University Earlham College UWC of the Atlantic Colombia Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Kunga Dagpo Bucknell University Red Cross Nordic UWC Colorado College UWC of the Pacific

Omri Beeri Tibet Class of 2014 University of Florida Harvard College Israel Mavis Boamah Kai On Cheung Mahindra UWC of India UWC in Mostar Ghana Adam Casey Hong Kong Diwa Cody Bucknell University Reed College Red Cross Nordic UWC USA Li Po Chun UWC USA Wellesley College UWC–USA Princeton University UWC of South East Asia Reed College Amherst College

110 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 111 Madeleine Dai Dino Dedic Papa Diop Robert Dorssey Ece Erdagoz Tyler Fisher “Davis United World College Scholars bring to New Zealand Bosnia-Herzegovina Senegal USA Turkey USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC–USA Tufts not only wide-ranging curiosity but also Middlebury College Westminster College Macalester College Earlham College Harvard College Northwestern University diverse, often unexpected, personal histories. Yingyue Dai Yazan Deek Bethany J. Dixon Lorraine D’Souza Sergio Escalera Svend-Age Fleischer China Palestine USA Swaziland Bolivia Johansen Their perspectives enrich the entire university Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Adriatic Greenland Middlebury College Earlham College Williams College Westminster College Boston Conservatory Lester B. Pearson community and help all our students better UWC of the Pacific Ishan Dutt Geronimo Etchechury Refiloe A. Damane Eshetu Dejene Azer Djonko Bard College understand the complex global society in Lesotho Ethiopia Bosnia-Herzegovina India Gomez Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia Uruguay Chi Ching Evelyn Fok which they will live and work. The Davis Williams College Middlebury College Westminster College Pomona College UWC–USA Hong Kong University of Florida Li Po Chun UWC UWC Scholars are pioneers as students, Susic Dzana Mohammed Darkhawaja Ralitza V. Dekova Anita Djonlic Cornell University Palestine Bulgaria Bosnia-Herzegovina Bosnia-Herzegovina Daniele Evangelista and uniquely positioned to become leaders UWC of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar UWC in Mostar Leite da Silva Yik Chun Fong Methodist University Brown University Methodist University Methodist University Brazil Hong Kong after graduation.” UWC of Costa Rica Li Po Chun UWC Aleksandra Dasic Chimi Dema Nokwanda Dlamini Dzenana Dzanic Wellesley College Wesleyan University — Lawrence S . Bacow, President, Tufts University Montenegro Bhutan Swaziland Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar Talata Evers Darius Forbes Lehigh University Agnes Scott College Earlham College Methodist University Sudan USA UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia Sibusiso Dlamini Faruk Dziho Robyn Day Endalkachew Demise Methodist University Stanford University Sachin Gaikwad Endalew Gebretsadik Swaziland Bosnia-Herzegovina USA Ethiopia India Ethiopia Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Joan Ezeogu Elisa Franzinetti UWC of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Luther College Wartburg College Nigeria United Kingdom Harvard College Earlham College Methodist University Wartburg College Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic Hai Do Emina Efendic Anouk de Fontaine Marko Demkiv University of Oklahoma University of Virginia Maneesha Gammana Mana Ghaemmaghami Viet Nam Bosnia-Herzegovina Belgium Ukraine Liyanage Canada Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Jiaqi Fan Cindy Fung Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson Sri Lanka UWC of South East Asia Middlebury College Methodist University China Hong Kong UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific UWC of Costa Rica University of College of the Atlantic Lewis & Clark College UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic Salome Egas Wartburg College Pennsylvania Munkhbadam Wellesley College Vassar College Dondogbazar Ecuador Francisco De Jesus Neto Sujaya B. Desai Pranav Gandhi Gaurav Gidwani Mongolia Lester B. Pearson Basil Farraj Milton Fung Timor-Leste India India China UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Pacific Palestine Australia Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Westminster College Skidmore College Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC Luther College Brown University University of Chicago University of Michigan UWC of the Pacific Dartmouth College Ravi Donepudi Sara El Bohy Jorge de Leon Miranda Dieynab Diatta Earlham College Salem Fikru Gebeyehu Darko Gilgorovski India USA Maria Gaetskaya Guatemala Senegal Ethiopia Macedonia Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Jurgen Fataj Russia UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Li Po Chun UWC Colorado College University of North Albania UWC of Costa Rica Wheaton College Macalester College Wesleyan University Kenyon College Carolina at Chapel Hill Lester B. Pearson Hood College

Kewarin Dongthong Class of 2014 Zuri de Souza Grace Ding UWC of the Pacific Mulubrhan Gebrekidan Elena Gilis Thailand Amila Emso Vanda Gaidamovic India USA St. Olaf College Ethiopia Belgium Red Cross Nordic UWC Bosnia-Herzegovina Lithuania Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC of Costa Rica Lewis & Clark College UWC in Mostar Dominika A. Fiolna Li Po Chun UWC College of the Atlantic Claremont McKenna UWC of the Pacific College of the Atlantic Poland Middlebury College College Colby College Westminster College Mahindra UWC of India Brown University

112 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 113 “Davis UWC Scholars are fully integrated into Yael Gilo Maria Gubenko Iara Guzman Sophie E. Hawley-Weld Erna Hrncic Likambu Isaac USA Russia Bolivia USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Sudan campus life at the University of Florida and the UWC–USA UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic UWC in Mostar Red Cross Nordic UWC Colorado College Macalester College Princeton University Brown University Westminster College Macalester College Gainesville community at large. This year we Adhiraj Goel Zipporah Guerin Tafadzwa Gwisai Nidzara Helja Justin Hudgins Nejra Isic have over 80 United World College graduates India USA Zimbabwe Bosnia-Herzegovina USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic UWC in Mostar in both undergraduate and graduate programs Johns Hopkins University Stanford University Brown University Earlham College University of Chicago Hood College — up from only five in 2003, thanks to Shelby Karan Goenka Julio Guerrero Kesselman Palden Gyal Raustin Hernandez Pedro Hurtado Ortiz Boglarka Ivanegova India Ecuador India USA Nicaragua Slovakia Davis and his vision for the Davis UWC Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Atlantic Northwestern University Dartmouth College Duke University Brandeis University Dartmouth College College of the Atlantic Scholars. Not only are they likely to share a Carolina V. Gomes Ndeye Gueye Surbhi Hablani Carlos Hernandez Tellez Zenzi Huysmans Rachita Jain warm smile with you when walking across Brazil Senegal India Venezuela Belgium India Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia campus, you will see them at work as resident Brown University Washington and Skidmore College Vassar College Duke University Princeton University Lee University Sebastian Herrador Juan Ibanez Poorva Jalan assistants in the residence halls, playing an David Gonzalez Baptista Victor Hageman Venezuela Khethiwe Gumede Sweden Mexico Panama India instrument in musical organizations, and Red Cross Nordic UWC Swaziland Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson Mahindra UWC of India University of Florida Waterford Kamhlaba UWC St. John’s College Vassar College UWC of the Pacific Kenyon College Lewis & Clark College Earlham College getting dirty in our intercollegiate athletics Katherine Goodyear Ammar Hasan Dylan Hitchcock-Lopez Mohammad Jamil Afghanistan program. They have operated a microfinance USA Goksan Gungordu Jordan USA Amar Idrizovic UWC of South East Asia Turkey Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Bosnia-Herzegovina UWC–USA program in Palestine as Davis Projects for Carleton College Red Cross Nordic UWC Methodist University St. John’s College UWC in Mostar Methodist University Randolph-Macon College Methodist University Nikita Gopalan Yahia Hassan Mirja Hitzemann Edyta Jaworek Peace awardees, are raising funds for Haiti, Singapore Xinyue Guo Sudan Germany Osayuwame Ikhinmwin Germany and are winning UF’s Reitz scholarships for UWC of South East Asia China UWC of the Adriatic UWC of Costa Rica Nigeria UWC of the Adriatic University of Michigan Mahindra UWC of India Yale University Occidental College UWC of the Atlantic Ringling College of Dartmouth College University of Virginia Art and Design their academic achievement, leadership, and Stephan Grabner Jared Hassanali Kwun Kui Clarence Ho Austria Nayni Gupta Trinidad & Tobago Hong Kong Prince Ilboudo Jasmeet Jernaill activist service to others.” UWC–USA India UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Burkina Faso USA UWC of the Atlantic — J . Bernard Machen, President, University of North Mahindra UWC of India University of Oklahoma Brown University Lester B. Pearson Carolina at Chapel Hill Wellesley College UWC of the Pacific Yale University University of Florida Carson Hauck Emina Hodzic Connecticut College Sophie Gregg Shamishtha Gupta USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Lu Jin Ireland Singapore UWC–USA UWC in Mostar Ana Ilievska China UWC of Costa Rica UWC of South East Asia Middlebury College Methodist University Macedonia Li Po Chun UWC Earlham College Scripps College UWC in Mostar Earlham College Aseel Hawi Svante C. Daniel Holmdahl Westminster College

Mariana Greif Etchebehere Vaibhav Gupta Yemen Sweden Supunnavadee Class of 2014 Uruguay United Kingdom Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Serge Iraguha Jitdumrong UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia University of Florida Dartmouth College Rwanda Thailand Ringling College Cornell University UWC in Mostar Red Cross Nordic UWC of Art and Design Methodist University Colby College

114 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 115 Emma L. Johnson Karolina Karczewska Harrison Kihonge Mark Koskei Nisshanth Kumar Olga Larios “The Davis United World College Scholars Malta Poland Kenya Kenya India Nicaragua Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica Li Po Chun UWC Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson Program quite literally brings the world to UWC of the Pacific University of Richmond Middlebury College Stanford University The College of Idaho UWC of the Pacific Brown University Middlebury College Richmond, allowing us to further weave Anastasija Karklina Hyung Soon Kim Katarina Kosmina Sibusiso Kunene Maja Kadic Latvia Democratic Republic Serbia Swaziland Regina Larre Campuzano global connections throughout the student Bosnia-Herzegovina Li Po Chun UWC of Korea UWC in Mostar Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mexico UWC in Mostar Duke University UWC of South East Asia Northwestern University Wartburg College UWC of Costa Rica experience. In ways large and small — Westminster College Northwestern University Oberlin College Golam Mohammad Kashef Travis Kotecco Aysha Kureishi whether through the formation of their own Mallie Kai-kai Bangladesh Jennifer Kim Kenya Canada Eppie Lau Sierra Leone Mahindra UWC of India USA UWC–USA UWC of South East Asia Australia UR United World College students group, Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Northwestern University UWC–USA Trinity College Stanford University Lester B. Pearson St. Lawrence University Princeton University UWC of the Pacific shared learning experiences, or informal Kubra Kasikci Katarina Krasulova Rina Kuusipalo Connecticut College Aseya Kakar Turkey Audrey Kingman Slovakia Finland exchanges with their peers — our campus is Afghanistan UWC in Mostar USA UWC in Mostar UWC of the Atlantic Hei Lam Lau UWC of the Atlantic Earlham College Li Po Chun UWC Yale University Harvard College China incomparably richer for the international Wartburg College Cornell University Li Po Chun UWC Deniss Kaskurs Daiga Kravale Milana Kuzmanovic Cornell University perspectives our UWC Scholars willingly Enni Kallio Latvia Elana Kirillova Latvia Bosnia-Herzegovina Finland Red Cross Nordic UWC Russia UWC of the Adriatic UWC in Mostar Olivia Lau contribute to campus life.” UWC of the Adriatic University of Florida UWC of the Atlantic Macalester College Wellesley College United Kingdom Westminster College Colby College UWC–USA — Edward L . Ayers, President, Meltem Kaso Karolina Krelinova Eric Haw Guang Lam Middlebury College University of Richmond Alimamy Kaloko Turkey Irina Mihail Kiseeva Czech Republic USA Sierra Leone UWC of the Adriatic Moldova UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC Colin Lauderdale Red Cross Nordic UWC University of Chicago Li Po Chun UWC Dartmouth College University of Michigan USA University of Florida University of Richmond Lester B. Pearson Abebu A. Kassie Anja Kresojevic Mui Ling Lam UWC of the Pacific Amina Kamenjasevic Ethiopia Ikram Kohli Bosnia-Herzegovina Hong Kong Kalamazoo College Bosnia-Herzegovina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC India UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC Guojun Lee Young Sang Lee UWC in Mostar Colby College Mahindra UWC of India Earlham College Dartmouth College Yu Mei Lay He Singapore Democratic Republic Methodist University Lake Forest College Chile UWC–USA of Korea Pyat Kaung Preksha Krishna Kumar Guilherme Lambert UWC–USA Colorado College UWC of South East Asia Myriam Kane Myanmar Olga Komissarova India Gomes Ferraz Wellesley College Northwestern University Senegal UWC of South East Asia Russia Mahindra UWC of India Brazil Jin Seok Lee UWC–USA Stanford University UWC of the Adriatic Sarah Lawrence College UWC–USA Filip Lazarevic Democratic Republic Alicia Leger Johns Hopkins University Ringling College of Dartmouth College Bosnia-Herzegovina of Korea USA Menzi Khumalo Ingun Kristjansodottir Art and Design UWC in Mostar UWC of South East Asia UWC of South East Asia Nucharin Kantapasara Swaziland Iceland Felicia Lang Methodist University University of Michigan Clark University Thailand Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Karoline Komolafe Red Cross Nordic UWC USA UWC of the Atlantic Hood College United Kingdom University of Florida Mahindra UWC of India Tran Le Ru Da Lee Phillip Leite Methodist University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Westminster College Viet Nam Republic of Korea Germany Sophors Khut Rupali Kulshreshtha University of Virginia UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC

Ajla Karajko Cambodia India Mduduzi B. Langwenya Class of 2014 Middlebury College Earlham College Bucknell University Bosnia-Herzegovina Red Cross Nordic UWC Shruti Korada UWC of the Atlantic Swaziland UWC of the Adriatic Macalester College India University of Michigan UWC of the Adriatic Nichaluk Leartprapun Benjamin Leung Barnard College UWC–USA Colby College Thailand Hong Kong Reed College Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic Brown University College of the Atlantic

116 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 117 “The Davis United World College Scholars Ka Yeung Kevin Leung Phil Lopez Weider Daniel Magesa Pandit Mami Maria Angelica Martinez Stefan Medan Hong Kong Germany Tanzania Sierra Leone Philippines Bosnia-Herzegovina Program enables the University of Virginia to Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia UWC of Costa Rica UWC in Mostar Princeton University Princeton University University of Oklahoma Colby College Colorado College Methodist University attract talented students, enriching the Josephine K. Liang Yaomingxin Lu Marija Magoc Sanggeet Manirajah Allan Martinez Venegas Mireille Medard classroom and the student life by bringing China China Croatia Malaysia Costa Rica Haiti Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica UWC of Costa Rica global perspectives to the Grounds in Colby College Skidmore College University of Florida Scripps College Macalester College Wheaton College Charlottesville. When Thomas Jefferson Saifon Liangpansakul Juniar Lucien Nikhil Mahapatra Chansoknea Mao Natalie Mathews Akshata Mehta Thailand Haiti India Cambodia Swaziland India founded the university, he brought faculty of UWC of Costa Rica Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India Westminster College UWC of the Pacific Lewis & Clark College St. Lawrence University Methodist University The College of Idaho the highest order from foreign nations to Agnes Scott College Anna C. Lillkung Jhamat Mahbubani Notsile Maphanga Thabo Matse Dhaval Mehta educate students by sharing different Finland Sime Luketa USA Swaziland Swaziland India Red Cross Nordic UWC Croatia UWC of South East Asia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India worldviews. Like Mr. Jefferson, Shelby M.C. Brown University UWC of the Adriatic Yale University Lake Forest College Dartmouth College Cornell University Brown University Johann Maradiaga Rivas Mary Mbayah Mezigebu Menber Davis understands the power of knowledge Joyce Lim Mbongeni Mahluza Singapore Vivien Yun-Wen Lung Swaziland Honduras Kenya Ethiopia and the benefits of bringing together people UWC of the Adriatic Hong Kong Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lester B. Pearson Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of South East Asia Princeton University Li Po Chun UWC University of North UWC of the Pacific Clark University Bucknell University Wesleyan University Carolina at Chapel Hill Lewis & Clark College from different backgrounds to broaden the Thabo Liphoto Karinou Mboka-Boyer Luigi Mendez Venezuela minds of the entire community. We are Lesotho Huahao Luo Mfundi Makama Victoria Marambio USA Lester B. Pearson China Swaziland Chile Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India grateful for Mr. Davis’s continued generous UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Atlantic UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica Grinnell College Colorado College Whitman College Lehigh University Wesleyan University Middlebury College Reuben McCreanor Luis Mendieta support through this important program and Veronika Lipkova Taaka Lwande Victoria Makuru Klaudia Marku New Zealand Bolivia for the ways it prepares our students for Czech Republic Kenya Tanzania Albania Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Atlantic Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Atlantic University of Chicago University of Florida Princeton University University of Oklahoma Earlham College Wellesley College leadership in the 21st century.” Holly McDonald Natasha Merali Chang Liu Sydney Machokoto Prakshi Malik Maria Garnica Marroquin Australia Canada — Teresa A . Sullivan, President, UWC–USA UWC of the Atlantic University of Virginia China Zimbabwe India Guatemala Li Po Chun UWC UWC of Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson Earlham College Columbia University St. John’s College Methodist University Macalester College UWC of the Pacific Niamh McFadden Medina Mesic Kalamazoo College Katharina Lix Prateik Madhavan Markary Malinouski Ireland Bosnia-Herzegovina Germany India Belarus Robin T. Martens UWC of the Atlantic UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Adriatic Germany San Francisco Art Institute Westminster College Harvard College Carleton College Ringling College of Li Po Chun UWC Emma McGrath James Meyo Art and Design Brown University

Yan Pui Lo Siphilele Magagula United Kingdom Kenya Class of 2014 Hong Kong Swaziland Maarit Malkamaki Jonathan Martin UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Li Po Chun UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Finland Germany Earlham College Bates College Wesleyan University Ringling College of Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia Art and Design Colorado College Colgate University

118 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 119 Abraham Mgowano Diego Morera Mukwamataba Nalishuwa Sibusiso Ngobese Gift Ntuli Nevena Ostojic “One of the many impressive qualities of Davis Tanzania Costa Rica Zambia Swaziland Zimbabwe Bosnia-Herzegovina Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar United World College Scholars is that in Stanford University UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific Macalester College Colby College Wartburg College Westminster College Lewis & Clark College addition to bringing with them the cultural Sipho Mhlanga Linh Bao Nguyen Laone Oagile Delilah Owen Swaziland Lorenzo Moretti Avanti Narayanan Viet Nam Botswana United Kingdom backgrounds of their native countries, they Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Italy Singapore Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson Carleton College Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia Kenyon College Methodist University UWC of the Pacific arrive at Vassar with the experience of already UWC of the Pacific Georgetown University College of the Atlantic Ana Mihajlovic Ngoc T. Nguyen Vivian Ojo Brown University having lived and learned with students from Bosnia-Herzegovina Nikhita Narendran Viet Nam Tanzania Juan Pacheco UWC–USA Pareena Morris India Mahindra UWC of India Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Colombia other countries on a UWC campus. In this Earlham College Zimbabwe UWC of South East Asia Brown University Georgetown University UWC of Costa Rica Lester B. Pearson Claremont McKenna College Connecticut College Kristina Miklavic Tu Nguyen Olawunmi Ola-Busari way, they are well prepared to appreciate, UWC of the Pacific Norway Nalin Natrajan Viet Nam Nigeria Ayelen Pagnanelli Vassar College benefit from, and contribute to an environment Red Cross Nordic UWC Singapore UWC–USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Argentina Kenyon College Samra Mrkovic UWC of South East Asia Wheaton College Bard College UWC of the Adriatic rich in cultural differences. Perhaps even more Bosnia-Herzegovina Northwestern University Skidmore College Miran Milavic Kwandokuhle Ngwenya Jackson Oldham UWC in Mostar Bosnia-Herzegovina Rosie Nelson Zimbabwe USA Vaskar Pahari importantly, they are natural leaders in Methodist University Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC–USA Nepal UWC in Mostar United Kingdom enabling other Vassar students to understand, Westminster College Ahmed Muaz UWC of South East Asia University of Florida University of Oklahoma UWC of South East Asia Maldives Colorado College Yale University Dijana Milenov Lindelwa Ngwenya Michael Oliver appreciate, and benefit as well.” Mahindra UWC of India Serbia Nicole Nembhard Swaziland Australia Nawang Palkit Luther College — Catharine Hill, President, Vassar College UWC of the Adriatic Jamaica Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Mahindra UWC of India India University of Florida Lejla Muhamedagic UWC–USA Westminster College Duke University Mahindra UWC of India Bosnia-Herzegovina Earlham College Luther College Jordan Miller Nyoma Clement Nicknora Rita Ombaka UWC in Mostar USA Vitor Neto Carvalho Sudan Kenya Saloni Panday University of Richmond UWC of the Atlantic Portugal UWC in Mostar Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Nepal St. John’s College Albi Mullai Mahindra UWC of India Methodist University Lewis & Clark College Mahindra UWC of India Rahul Patle Noelia Pereira Albania Bard College Mount Holyoke College India Timor-Leste Vinayak Mitra Motlatsi Nkhahle Daniel Oon Wei Rhen UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC India Iris Nevins Lesotho Malaysia Ambar Setu Pankaj Westminster College Luther College Luther College UWC of South East Asia USA Red Cross Nordic UWC Mahindra UWC of India United Kingdom University of Virginia Muntanga Musiwa UWC–USA Middlebury College Dartmouth College Lester B. Pearson Joanna Patouris Maikor Pereira Azuaje Zambia Pomona College UWC of the Pacific Swaziland Venezuela Jens Moller Linda Nkosi Mikhail Osanov Red Cross Nordic UWC Northwestern University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Greenland Alex K. Ng Swaziland Russia Methodist University St. Lawrence University Whitman College Red Cross Nordic UWC Singapore Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC in Mostar Todor Parushev University of Florida Anu Nael UWC–USA Wartburg College Bucknell University Bulgaria Alina Payankova Maddalena Perretti Estonia Colby College UWC–USA Belarus Italy Yae Woon Moon Jigme Norbu Johann Osbakk Li Po Chun UWC Dartmouth College UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic

Democratic Republic Sin Seanne Ng Bhutan Norway Class of 2014 Kenyon College Methodist University University of Chicago of Korea Malaysia UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson Laura Pastores UWC of South East Asia Mahindra UWC of India Union College UWC of the Pacific Philippines Madeline Pearce Petar Petrovic Northwestern University Mount Holyoke College Earlham College UWC–USA Canada Serbia Westminster College UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic Wellesley College Macalester College

120 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 121 “At a time when Washington and Lee is Rosalyn M. Price-Waldman Jelena Radmanovic Faima Ramirez Yim Rodriguez Junius Santoso Laith Sayed Ahmad USA Bosnia-Herzegovina Spain Peru Indonesia Jordan beginning a new strategic effort for global UWC–USA UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica UWC–USA Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Brown University Earlham College University of North Earlham College Trinity College Earlham College learning for the 21st century, we cannot Carolina at Chapel Hill Tin Primorac Taran Raghuram Judy Anne Romero Guillermo Sapaj Nursyazwani Sazali overstate the importance of the presence of our Croatia USA Marcos Ramos Philippines Chile Singapore UWC in Mostar Mahindra UWC of India Brazil Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson Red Cross Nordic UWC international students in our classrooms and University of Florida Brown University Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific Methodist University Earlham College Bucknell University Colby College on our campus. We shall continue to rely on Chiara Prodani Kamila Rahimi Marie Schleef Albania Afghanistan Maria Ramos Anna Rotman Rena Sapon-White Austria the distinctive brand of leadership that UWC UWC of the Atlantic UWC–USA Costa Rica USA USA Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Brown University Smith College Mahindra UWC of India Lester B. Pearson UWC–USA Bard College students bring to Washington and Lee as we Earlham College UWC of the Pacific Dartmouth College Patricio Provencio Navin Rahman Hans Schnorr Brown University strive to fulfill that part of the university’s O’Donoghue Bangladesh Isaac Ramphal Aya Saraswati von Carolsfeld Mexico Li Po Chun UWC Barbados Nastassia Rudak Indonesia Canada mission that ensures that all our graduates will UWC of the Atlantic Colorado College UWC of Costa Rica Belarus Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic University of Florida Union College UWC in Mostar Ringling College College of the Atlantic Pujan Rai be prepared for ‘engaged citizenship in a global Dartmouth College of Art and Design Aleksandra Przulj Nepal Nandani Rathi Justin Seek and diverse society.’” Bosnia-Herzegovina Red Cross Nordic UWC India Violet K. Rukambeiya Radha Sarkar Singapore UWC in Mostar Princeton University Mahindra UWC of India Tanzania India UWC of South East Asia — Kenneth P . Ruscio, President, Methodist University Whitman College UWC–USA Mahindra UWC of India Columbia University Sahadev Rai Washington and Lee University Brown University Princeton University Ana Puhac Nepal Eric Reed Francis Sekumbo Croatia Mahindra UWC of India USA Maryia Rusak Cire Sarr Botswana UWC in Mostar Westminster College Mahindra UWC of India Belarus Senegal Waterford Kamhlaba UWC College of the Atlantic Bard College Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of the Adriatic Brandeis University Surabhi Raj Bhandari Princeton University Middlebury College Indira Selimovic Stefan Petrovic Stapor Phoung Meghana Puri Nepal Juan Riano Bosnia-Herzegovina Croatia Cambodia India UWC–USA Colombia Robina Saha Anne-Margreet Sas UWC in Mostar UWC of the Adriatic UWC of the Adriatic UWC of South East Asia Wellesley College UWC of Costa Rica India Netherlands Northwestern University Wheaton College UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC University of Richmond Bucknell University Methodist University Rahul Rakshit Oberlin College Earlham College Kirill Semenov Ngoc Pham Alison Pierik Mustafa Qader Austria Facundo Rivarola Russia Viet Nam Canada Iraq Mahindra UWC of India Paraguay Dhruv Sahi Natasa Savic Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica Lester B. Pearson UWC in Mostar Middlebury College UWC of the Atlantic India Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Oklahoma St. Lawrence University Mahindra UWC of India UWC in Mostar University of Florida Wellesley College UWC of the Pacific Archana Ramanujam Connecticut College Methodist University College of the Atlantic Kagan Sen Hieu N. Phan Mikel Qafa Netherlands Salvador Rivas Turkey Viet Nam Francis K. Poitier Albania UWC of South East Asia Venezuela Naima Sakande Dewa Savitri UWC in Mostar Lester B. Pearson Bahamas UWC in Mostar Dartmouth College UWC of Costa Rica United Kingdom Indonesia Earlham College Earlham College UWC of Costa Rica Lester B. Pearson St. Olaf College UWC of the Pacific Lester B. Pearson Kavi Ramburn Colby College UWC of the Pacific Yale University UWC of the Pacific Ursula Raasted Mauritius Jorge Rivera Hernandez Elena Sergienko Class of 2014 Agnes Scott College University of Richmond Russia Oladoyin Phillips Denmark Mahindra UWC of India Guatemala Clare Sandlund Lester B. Pearson Nigeria Ilija Prachkovski Mahindra UWC of India Earlham College UWC of South East Asia USA Varun Saxena UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Atlantic Macedonia Brown University Colorado College UWC of South East Asia India Earlham College Princeton University UWC of the Adriatic University of Virginia UWC of South East Asia Macalester College University of Virginia

122 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 123 Afsha Sethi Elvira Sihvola Martin Chi Hin So Alan Sutton Khardiata Tall Kebebush Tekle “In my first year at Williams, it’s already clear to India Finland Hong Kong Canada Senegal Ethiopia Mahindra UWC of India UWC of Costa Rica Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC–USA Red Cross Nordic UWC me how much the college benefits from the The College of Idaho Harvard College University of Chicago UWC of the Pacific Carleton College Macalester College Middlebury College presence of international students in general Majahonkhe Shabangu Siphamandla Simelane Umurcan Solak Yuen Yee Tam Amr Thameen Swaziland Swaziland Turkey Nicolai Svanefjord China Iraq and of Davis United World College Scholars Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC of the Adriatic Denmark Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Harvard College Luther College University of Richmond UWC in Mostar Carleton College Middlebury College in particular. Our appreciation goes to the St. Olaf College Mohamed Shahin Goran Simic Chad Sonn Perk Han Eugene Tan Nathan Thanki many people who were involved in finding, Egypt Croatia South Africa Morris Swaby Ebanks Malaysia Ireland Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar UWC of Costa Rica Cayman Islands Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson nurturing, and supporting these Scholars who Westminster College Middlebury College Middlebury College Li Po Chun UWC Colorado College UWC of the Pacific Middlebury College College of the Atlantic now enrich life at Williams, as they will the Rahul Sharma Marko Simovic Aradhya Sood Hokchhay Tann India Bosnia-Herzegovina India Micah M. Swann Cambodia Nehemiah Thaveethu world into which they’ll graduate.” Mahindra UWC of India UWC in Mostar Mahindra UWC of India USA UWC–USA Malaysia The College of Idaho Methodist University Colorado College UWC–USA Trinity College Mahindra UWC of India — Adam Falk, President, Williams College Brown University University of North Tashi Sherpa Smirna Sinanovic Daniel Sopdie Sitta Tarawally Carolina at Chapel Hill Nepal Bosnia-Herzegovina Cameroon Damaris Sweet Sierra Leone Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Netherlands Antilles Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Jomkuan Theprungsirikul Skidmore College Methodist University Wartburg College UWC in Mostar University of Oklahoma Thailand Cally B. Tomlinson Thulani V. Tsabedze University of Florida UWC–USA Dawa Pashi Sherpa Joseph Singh Kaddu Ssekibakke Tanyaradzwa Tawengwa United Kingdom Swaziland Duke University Nepal Canada Uganda Zainab Syed Zimbabwe Red Cross Nordic UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Lester B. Pearson UWC–USA Pakistan UWC–USA Sheba Thomas-Gifford Brown University University of Westminster College UWC of the Pacific University of North UWC of the Atlantic Princeton University Jamaica Pennsylvania Kitti Tong Dartmouth College Carolina at Chapel Hill Brown University UWC of Costa Rica Themba Shija Simon Kiruba Kim Tay Hong Kong Gereltuya Tumurbaatar University of Florida Tanzania Ravinder Singh Alexander E. Stuth Akilah Sykes Singapore UWC–USA Mongolia Waterford Kamhlaba UWC India USA Jamaica UWC of South East Asia Tenzing Thondup University of Virginia UWC of the Adriatic University of Oklahoma UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India UWC of the Atlantic Georgetown University India Boston Conservatory Hoang Tran Westminster College Brown University Macalester College UWC of South East Asia Jae Woong Shin Tamru Taye Viet Nam Daphnee Tuzlak Duke University Democratic Republic Maria Smerkovich Jasmina Suko Magdalena Szymaniec Ethiopia UWC of the Adriatic Canada of Korea Israel USA Poland Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Ekaterina Tkachuk Earlham College Lester B. Pearson UWC of South East Asia Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Red Cross Nordic UWC Earlham College Russia UWC of the Pacific Trang Tran Northwestern University Wheaton College Brown University Ringling College UWC of the Atlantic Middlebury College Sotheary Teang Denmark of Art and Design Wartburg College Phiwokuhle Shongwe Peter Smith Arthriya Suksuwan Cambodia Red Cross Nordic UWC Abylay Tyurebayev Swaziland USA Thailand Avia Tadmor Li Po Chun UWC Hickson Toe Macalester College Kazakhstan Li Po Chun UWC UWC–USA Lester B. Pearson USA Earlham College Liberia Lester B. Pearson Nada Trbonja Skidmore College Princeton University UWC of the Pacific UWC–USA UWC–USA UWC of the Pacific Mika Tei Bosnia-Herzegovina University of Florida Harvard College Luther College Westminster College

Vincent Siegerink Shannon Smith Japan UWC in Mostar Class of 2014 Netherlands USA Akshata Suresh Yuka Takemon UWC–USA Vincent Tomasino Westminster College Aziz Tyuryaev Waterford Kamhlaba UWC UWC–USA India Japan Johns Hopkins University USA Tajikistan Gabriel Trejos Duran Macalester College Reed College UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC in Mostar Ecuador Pomona College College of the Atlantic Brown University Macalester College UWC of Costa Rica St. Olaf College

124 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 125 “Simply put, the Davis Scholars program has Doriyush Ubaydi Selja Vassnes Julia Wallhager Ka Ling Wu Kay Jon Yim Sujie Zhu Tajikistan Norway Sweden Hong Kong Hong Kong China transformed our curriculum, our campus, Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Red Cross Nordic UWC Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Lester B. Pearson Macalester College Macalester College Macalester College Brown University Ringling College UWC of the Pacific and our community. The curriculum has of Art and Design Colby College Ersin Ucar Lidya Veradilla Rigzom Wangchuk Sonia Wurzel become more global in focus, the campus Turkey Indonesia Bhutan USA Wing Yee Winnie Yoe Irene Zoller Huete Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of South East Asia Li Po Chun UWC Li Po Chun UWC Hong Kong Spain more intellectually active and aware, and the Westminster College Earlham College Brown University Oberlin College Li Po Chun UWC UWC in Mostar Dartmouth College Lewis & Clark College local community more diverse and accepting. Ojiugo Uche Alejandro Vertiz Margolis Tashi Wangmo Qing Xu Nigeria Mexico India China Yanyi Yoong Ivan Zovko The introduction of the Davis Scholars has UWC of Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India Malaysia Bosnia-Herzegovina St. John’s College Brown University Dartmouth College University of Michigan UWC of South East Asia UWC in Mostar been the single most revolutionary action the University of Oklahoma Earlham College Daniela Umana Rovarovaivalu Vesikula James A. Whittaker Anabel Yahuitl Garcia institution has taken during my tenure at the El Salvador Fiji USA Mexico Yaroslav Zabavskiy Naomi Zucker Lester B. Pearson Lester B. Pearson Li Po Chun UWC UWC of the Adriatic Russia Canada College of the Atlantic. The Davis family has UWC of the Pacific UWC of the Pacific Brown University Kenyon College UWC of the Atlantic Lester B. Pearson Earlham College Lewis & Clark College Earlham College UWC of the Pacific Randula Wickramasinghe Caroline Yambesi literally brought the world to a small campus Princeton University Lame Ungwang Busiswa Vilakazi Sri Lanka Tanzania Arash Zandi in Maine, and now we intend to send our Botswana Swaziland Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica United Kingdom Trudi Zundel Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Waterford Kamhlaba UWC Earlham College Earlham College UWC of the Atlantic Canada Lewis & Clark College Stanford University Ringling College Lester B. Pearson students out into that world more capable Anisha Wilmink Yiran Yang of Art and Design UWC of the Pacific Benedikt Urban Elizabeth Villalobos-Zamora USA China than ever.” College of the Atlantic Austria Costa Rica UWC of the Atlantic UWC of the Adriatic Kidist Zewdie — Ken Hill, Academic Dean, College of the Atlantic Mahindra UWC of India UWC–USA Wesleyan University University of Florida Ethiopia Wouter Zwart Earlham College University of Florida UWC–USA USA Maya Wind Juan Yanqui Rivera Macalester College Lester B. Pearson Michal Varga Minh Nguyen Vo USA Ecuador UWC of the Pacific Slovakia Viet Nam Mahindra UWC of India Red Cross Nordic UWC Xufan Zhang Dartmouth College Li Po Chun UWC UWC of South East Asia Barnard College St. Olaf College China Colorado College Bucknell University Mahindra UWC of India Erlin Zylalaj Moe Wom Donju Ye Princeton University Albania Abir Varma Eirik Voll Myanmar China UWC of the Adriatic India Norway UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic Yuchen Zhang Northwestern University UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Atlantic San Francisco Art Institute Westminster College China Swarthmore College Dartmouth College UWC of the Adriatic Esme Wong Daniel Yeboah-Kordieh University of Michigan Tijana Vasiljevic Ivana Vukovic Malaysia Ghana Bosnia-Herzegovina Montenegro UWC of the Adriatic UWC–USA Brian Zhou UWC in Mostar Li Po Chun UWC Luther College Princeton University Canada Methodist University Whitman College Li Po Chun UWC Nga Sze Wong Hiu Ching Judy Yeung University of Virginia

Enzo Vasquez Toral Hamidullah Wafakhaish Hong Kong Hong Kong Class of 2014 Peru Afghanistan Red Cross Nordic UWC UWC of Costa Rica Daniel Yanyang Zhou UWC of South East Asia UWC of the Adriatic University of Florida Bryn Mawr College Canada Harvard College Methodist University Li Po Chun UWC Northwestern University

126 The Undergraduates Davis United World College Scholars Program 127 Farhan Ahmed (Bangladesh, Red In Budapest, Maria Lis Baiocchi Cross Nordic UWC, Middlebury ’09) (Argentina, UWC of the Adriatic, moved to China after graduation, College of the Atlantic ’07) works for hoping to play music there with Central European University (CEU) as Middlebury classmate George Mynatt. manager of the Roma Access Program, a In Dali, a town in Yunnan province, he nine-month preparatory course that reports, “we have been running Caffeine aims to support the development of Arts Club, a bar and a community art space for musicians, artists, young Roma leaders, and to narrow the higher-education gap and photographers” that is also home to Farhan and George’s between Roma and the majority populations of Europe. Maria media production company, the Melting Iceberg Collective earlier completed her master’s in sociology and social (micebergcollective.wordpress.com). “MIC just completed an anthropology at CEU, then was chosen as a one-year Human animation for PBS’s Planet Forward, on China’s environmental Rights Initiative Fellow, in a program for recent CEU graduates. Graduates in Action role,” Ahmed says, “and is working on a documentary project called Whose China? Our music is going on at the same time as Mahdi Bseiso (Jordan, Red Cross Erhai Sonic Research Group.” Nordic UWC, Colby ’04) is a director at Open Insights, a data-strategy, business J. Gregory Arthur (Venezuela, UWC of intelligence consultancy and service- the Adriatic, Middlebury ’09) is implementation company. “I specialize in employed at SinoLatin Capital, a anti-money-laundering and banking Shanghai-based merchant bank. “I have regulation compliance technology,” he been working on facilitating China’s reports. “Currently living in New York, but traveling a lot for work.” investment channels into the Latin American region, including Venezuela,” Halimatou Hima Moussa Dioula he writes. “I was recently given the task of shaping the corporate- (Niger, UWC–USA, Wellesley ’10) is responsibility guidelines of the firm, and I am actively involved in codirector of the National Children’s the development of the SinoLatin Capital Foundation, which will Forum, a UNICEF-supported training donate proceeds to microfinance and education programs in both program in Niger. In the national capital China and Latin America. I am also proud to be part of the last December, the forum drew 161 founding board of the first unified UWC Chinese National young people from all parts of the Committee, under the leadership of Mark Wang.” country for three days of meetings with political leaders, researchers, journalists, and UN staff. “Children from all backgrounds came together in this first-of-its-kind initiative,” Halima writes, “with support from civil society and the media, at a time when the country is at a crossroads between military rule and a democratically elected regime.”

Davis United World College Scholars Program 129 Roya Mohammadi (Afghanistan, Joanna Opot (Kenya, Mahindra UWC UWC–USA, Smith ’10) is manager for of India, Middlebury ’05) served from Author’s First Novel Shines corporate social responsibility at 2007 to early 2010 as executive director Telecom Development Company, Ltd. of StartingBloc, an NGO that educates a Deep Light on Zimbabwe Roshan, the largest telecommunications and connects emerging leaders around firm in Afghanistan. With more than 20 the world in socially responsible Even though new author Tawanda Chabikwa (Zimbabwe, Li Po Chun UWC, College of the ongoing projects, “my UWC and Smith ventures. In February 2010 she became Atlantic ’07) infused his novel Baobabs in Heaven (CreateSpace, 2010) with “poetic language” experiences enabled me to stay on top of my work,” she says. “I vice president of business development for TerraCycle, which, and “vivid yet dreamlike experiences,” said the Bangor (Me.) Daily News, the main character have signed a two-year contract, because Roshan will offer me a she writes, “determines how items like coffee bags, pens, energy- also “gets pulled into the riots, politics, and darker aspects of his country’s culture.” scholarship to do my master’s degree.” She plans to begin graduate bar wrappers and even car mats can be made into new products And to write that took courage, said College of the Atlantic faculty member Bill Carpenter. studies next year in international relations at Simon Fraser .... My role entails securing global partnerships with brands so “It’s a very brave book,” the literature professor told the newspaper, in an article that was University, Vancouver. that they adopt our model as a solution for their waste.” She reprinted by The Zimbabwean. travels often, and “most of all I look forward to launching the But there are more dimensions to life in Zimbabwe than the political violence that’s often Ingrid Davalos Lopez (Paraguay, program in Kenya, my home country, and expanding the model reported in the news, Chabikwa notes. “There’s sadness, but there’s so much laughter — Lester B. Pearson UWC of the Pacific, to the rest of Africa.” open, unabashed laughter.” Smith ’10) is working in Paraguay as an “In the novel,” the newspaper said, “he communicates ancient African stories through the educational advisor for Education USA, Francine Marie-Claire Polet (Netherlands, Li Po Chun UWC, voice of a sage grandmother, Ambuya, who tells myths by firelight to the village children.” a network of advising centers around Harvard ’09) works in Amsterdam with Bain & Co., a global “He wanted to show Westerners that element of Africa that they might not understand,” the world supported by the U.S. business and strategy consulting firm. “Bain is a great place to Carpenter observed. “The language is a bridge between one world and another.” Department of State. “I could not be start, as it is an intense, fast-paced working and learning happier here,” she writes. Hoping to study eventually for a Ph.D. environment,” she reports. “You are staffed on various projects, in anthropology, “I will actually combine anthropology and national and international, with a wide range of different people. education. I will also teach anthropology next year, at the Our office is extremely international and definitely makes me feel university level. Since I got back, I also became an active member at home. At the starters’ training last year, there were 10 UWCers Guyenbaatar Khandsuren After graduation, Nidhi Zakaria Eipe (Mongolia, of the UWC Paraguayan National Committee. Maybe I’ll work out of 145 participants! This made me realize how small the world (India, Mahindra UWC of India, UWC of the Adriatic, Middlebury ’08) at a UWC one day! Who knows?” is, and how far-reaching our UWC network.” College of the Atlantic ’07) spent is working as an analyst for Newcom time in Haiti, working on youth Group, a Mongolian investment Fathimath Musthaq (Maldives, UWC After graduation, Himali Sing Soin empowerment seminars and holding company. Based in Mongolia, of the Atlantic, Williams ’09) is working (India, Mahindra UWC of India, sustainable ecological development, he covers the telecommunication and at the U.S. embassy in Colombo, Sri Middlebury ’08) lived in New York for a then won a scholarship from the financial services industries. “The Lanka as the political and economic year, “where I dramaturged for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to do graduate studies in reason I went home straight from college is that the country is specialist for the Maldives. Potomac Theater Project,” led a peace-building and conflict resolution. He traveled through the about to experience explosive growth in the next decade,” he National Geographic expedition to India, Middle East and South America, and next studied for a master’s writes. “I wanted to be part of the expected boom.” then “returned to live a life full of degree in philosophy at St. John’s College in New Mexico. “I am wonderful Sunday brunches in Brooklyn, and worked for National currently setting up a cafe-patisserie-community-artspace in Geographic, ArtForum and Bomb magazines, writing on art and India, to promote encouraging young artists, musicians, writers, culture. But remember the UWC mission statement, to return to and performers, while inching closer to my dream of setting up our home countries? I am now based in Delhi, and write for diverse an international school in the Middle East.” local and international publications on art and culture (particularly those that are endangered), and simultaneously take photographs and write poetry.”

130 Graduates in Action Davis United World College Scholars Program 131 Madiha Tariq (Pakistan, UWC–USA, Middlebury ’04) is working Hua Wang (China, Lester B. Pearson at the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington, D.C., and writes: “I am UWC of the Pacific, College of the How Other Philanthropists in the last semester of my master’s degree in public health at Atlantic ’04) is doing equity research Can Invest George Washington University. So soon, I will be moving on to a at Wellington Management in Hong How to Apply to Be a Partner School public health job and leaving the world of diplomacy.” Kong. “I interview companies, make hilanthropists who want to help bring the world to U.S. colleges or he Davis UWC Scholars Program annually site visits, and analyze financial universities — especially their own alma mater — are invited to become reviews those institutions selected for Verres Thomas P T (Sierra Leone, Mahindra UWC of India, statements — then I make a part of the Davis U WC Scholars Program (see www.davisuwcscholars. participation in the program . It welcomes letters Methodist Univeristy ’09) has earned a first-class degree with recommendations whether to invest in the company,” she org).Philanthropist Shelby Davis created the program 10 years ago and, since of request for consideration from the presidents of distinction at the University of York. “I am passionate about explains. “Shelby Davis visited Hong Kong UWC this year, so I then, it has grown to become the largest international scholarship program for American colleges and universities, explaining in some working in developing countries in some research capacity, or met with him. I’m very impressed with how much the Davis undergraduate study in the world. detail why their schools would be good candidates some form of poverty alleviation initiative,” he writes. “I am UWC Scholars Program has grown under Shelby’s efforts.” Over 90 American colleges and universities have been selected to partner for the program . Preference will be given to colleges targeting development jobs around the world, but mostly with this major philanthropic investment to transform American campuses by Christopher Rodney Yeoh and universities that have a proven track record of in Africa.” providing scholarships to students from over 140 countries to attend these schools recruiting students of United World College schools . (Malaysia, UWC of the Adriatic, for their undergraduate degrees. In Boston, concert pianist Rasa Vitkauskaite (Lithuania, UWC Colby ’05) focused on political Islam These scholarships are awarded to students who are proven “winners,” who Essential to any applicant school is its alignment of the Adriatic, Boston Conservatory ’08) earned a master’s as a graduate student at the Harvard have successfully gone through a series of challenges and selection processes with the program’s key goal of internationalizing the degree this year at the Boston Conservatory and is pursuing a Divinity School, and is now a full- at a young age. As 15- or 16-year-olds, they have won national competitions in American undergraduate experience through building graduate performance diploma at Longy School of Music. She time history teacher at Beaver their home countries to complete their final two years of high school at premier clusters of globally aware students, particularly has performed at international music festivals in Portugal, Country Day School in Brookline, international boarding schools known as United World College schools. They have graduates of the UWC schools worldwide . Letters may Venezuela, Mexico, China, Japan, and the U.S., and collaborated Mass. “I am also a consultant with the Pluralism Project at demonstrated their leadership, they are informed and engaged in issues about the be submitted at any time during the academic year, with several renowned artists. She recorded two chamber music Harvard University,” he writes, “on how to teach religion at a world, and they have earned admission to some of America’s finest institutions of but no later than May 31, so that decisions can be CDs, Romanza and Rhapsodie Française, which a Buffalo/ high-school level.” higher learning. These scholars bring added value to American campuses and to rendered each year in August . Toronto radio station named one of 2008’s best classical CDs. their American counterparts. Everyone at these American campuses — students, Rasa is on the faculty at the Concord Conservatory and plays The Davis UWC Scholars Program makes grants faculty, staff, and the surrounding community — all benefit from this exposure with the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, the Boston Modern only to institutions and not directly to any individual and the global networking that will inevitably link future U.S. leaders with those of Orchestra Project, and the Xonor Trio. student . Grants are in support of need-based many other countries. scholarship awards to eligible graduates of the United Financially, the Davis UWC Scholars Program is a genuine partnership — World College schools worldwide who matriculate at Davis philanthropy provides $10,000 or $20,000 per scholar per year of need-based the selected schools . aid for up to four years to each of the partner schools. Schools with 40 or more scholars enrolled on an ongoing basis are awarded the larger amount since they are demonstrating their complete strategic commitment by hosting such a large cohort. For assistance and/or to learn more, please contact: The partner schools are left to fund the remaining need-based financial aid for Jane Schoenfeld Executive Assistant to the Executive Director each scholar. Depending on the student’s demonstrated need and on each partner Davis UWC Scholars Program school’s full fees, the remaining scholarship package can be quite substantial. Middlebury College Other philanthropists have already chosen to participate. They have invested Middlebury, VT 05753 Tel: (802) 443-3180 in a proven and exciting global program by cofunding a portion of these scholars Fax: (802) 443-3230 at their alma mater or at other partner schools of particular interest to them. This E-mail: info@davisUWCscholars .org opportunity exists for you as well. Share a naming opportunity for a scholar and his/her four-year undergraduate degree with a commitment of $10,000 or $20,000 a year. Your philanthropy, in concert with that of Davis philanthropy and your favorite school, will help create a three-way partnership for a better world.

132 Graduates in Action Davis United World College Scholars Program 133 Acknowledgements and Credits For all their work on and assistance with this project, many thanks go to the following people:

Agnes Scott College: Ms. Alexa Gaeta Grinnell College: Mr. Jonathan Edwards Skidmore College: Mr. Darren Drabek Amherst College: Ms. Carolyn Bassett Hamilton College: Mr. William Billiter Smith College: Ms. Marilyn J. Woodman Bard College: Ms. Katharine Hardy Harvard College: Ms. Janet Irons St. John’s College: Mr. Larry Clendenin Barnard College: Ms. Abigail Talcott Haverford College: Ms. Janet Heron St. Lawrence University: Ms. Devon Murphy Stein Bates College: Ms. Kristin Crosby Hood College: Mr. Mike Deegan St. Olaf College: Mr. Michael Kyle Boston Conservatory: Ms. Eileen M. Meny Johns Hopkins University: Ms. Amy Brokl Stanford University: Ms. Kiyoe Hashimoto Bowdoin College : Mr. John Thurston Kalamazoo College: Mr. Roderick Malcolm Swarthmore College: Ms. Jennifer Marks-Gold Brandeis University: Mr. David C. Elwell Kenyon College: Ms. Meg Galipault Trinity College: Ms. Amy Brough Brown University: Ms. Christine Frost Lafayette College: Mr. Eugene A. Gabay Tufts University: Ms. Jennifer Simons Bryn Mawr College: Ms. Jennifer Russell Lake Forest College: Ms. Kristen Sundberg Union College: Ms. Susan Hanks Bucknell University: Ms. Paula Cogan Myers Lehigh University: Ms. Laura Severin University of Chicago: Ms. Mary Hetlage Carleton College: Mr. Mark J. Gleason Lewis & Clark College: Mr. Greg Caldwell University of Florida: Mr. Bill Kolb Claremont McKenna College: Ms. Abigail Flores Luther College: Mr. Jon Lund University of Michigan: Mr. Jefferson Porter Clark University: Mr. Donald M. Honeman Macalester College: Ms. Helen Warren University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Colby College: Ms. Marcella Bernard Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Dr. Dan F. Thornton Colgate University: Ms. Katryna Swartwout Ryan Mr. Matt McGann University of Notre Dame: Mr. Ruben Medina College of the Atlantic: Ms. Kylee Allen Methodist University: Mrs. Magda G. Baggett University of Oklahoma: Mr. Craig Hayes College of the Holy Cross: Dr. Charles S. Weiss Middlebury College: Mr. Michael D. Schoenfeld University of Pennsylvania: Mr. Peter Eschenbrenner The College of Idaho: Ms. Juanitta Pearson Mount Holyoke College: Ms. Tara Fitzpatrick University of Richmond: Ms. Marilyn E. Hesser College of Notre Dame of Maryland: Northwestern University: Mr. Aaron Zdawczyk University of Virginia: Mr. Parke Muth Ms. Sharon H. Bogdan Oberlin College: Mr. Joel Presti Vassar College: Mr. David M. Borus Colorado College: Ms. Patsy Woods Occidental College: Ms. Laura Tokuza Wartburg College: Ms. Edith J. Waldstein, Ph.D. Columbia University: Ms. Jessica Marinaccio Pomona College: Mr. Art D. Rodriguez Washington and Lee University: Mr. Laurent Boetsch Connecticut College: Ms. Julianna Velazquez Princeton University: Mr. Sean Brennan Wellesley College: Ms. Gail Jong Cornell University: Mr. Jason C. Locke Randolph-Macon College: Mr. Anthony Ambrogi Wesleyan University: Ms. Elizabeth J. McCormick Dartmouth College: Ms. Rebecca Munsterer Reed College: Ms. Diane Gumz Westminster College: Dr. Patrick T. Kirby Denison University: Ms. Sarah Leavell Ringling College of Art & Design: Mr. James H. Dean Wheaton College: Ms. Wendy Faxon Duke University: Ms. Anne Sjostrom San Francisco Art Institute: Ms. Megann Sept Whitman College: Ms. Rachna S. Sinnott Earlham College: Mr. Musa Khalidi Sarah Lawrence College: Ms. Amy Abrams Williams College: Ms. Mary Ellen Czerniak Franklin & Marshall College: Ms. Jacqueline Haring School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Ms. Ingrid Parker Yale University: Ms. Diane Frey Georgetown University: Ms. Kate Timlin Scripps College: Ms. Laura Stratton Gettysburg College: Ms. Gail Sweezey Simmons College: Ms. Alexandra Krol

Writing: Doug Wilhelm, Middlebury, Vermont Design: Scuola Group, Burlington, Vermont Davis UWC Scholars Program: Dr. Philip O. Geier, Executive Director, and Jane Schoenfeld, Executive Assistant to the Executive Director Thanks also to Amy Yeager Geier for all of her expert help and advice.

134 Acknowledgements 11 Years of Growth in International Education

2000/01 2005/06 2010/11 Number of U.S. Partner Schools 5 65 91

Worldwide Countries Represented 31 118 143

Cumulative Number of Scholars 43 923 3,591

Davis United World College Scholars PROGRAM Adirondack House • Middlebury College • Middlebury, VT 05753 Tel: (802) 443-3200 • Fax: (802) 443-3230
