Vol. 124, Issue 14 Serving the Allegheny College Thursday community Feb. 8. 2000 CAM US since 1876

I 410 not agree with a word you say. but I will defend to the death your right to say it. —Voltaire

ANOMMIONIONIMMINIMMIIIMMININOMINO FIJI Fraternity PROJECT GREEN Not Back in '01 By ERICA ERWIN the decision process. She added News Editor that it was not a stipulation, howev- er. "We wanted to make sure it was The controversy surrounding a completely fresh start," she said. the removal of Allegheny's chapter "It's really hard to recolonize a fra- of Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) Frater- ternity when there are old members nity continues. The fraternity was still here." forced to leave campus in 1998 Senior Jeremy Ross, a FIJI in amid charges of hazing, alcohol vi- 1998, questions that decision. "I do • olations and assault. Members of not think that the decision to wait the fraternity, especially those who until 2002 is fair. How much of an pledged in 1998, were under the influence could the remaining GREEN DAY—Allegheny students Jenny Hoople (left) and Laura Penman (right) unrolled the 6 ft. x impression that their chapter could members possibly have? The 10 ft. painted canvas showing the design Laura created that would be transferred to the wall as a mu be reinstated this year. school wanted us gone, and that is —photo by Kathy Uglow, CEED Program Direc- According to Greek Adviser what happened, plain and simple." ral. Keri Fadden, this will not be the Another former member agreed, case. saying, "What the school is doing A letter from the FIJI national by waiting for the 'old FIJIs' to English Tracks Revamped headquarters suggested that the fra- leave is ruining a fraternity that has The biggest change in the tracks is 2002, with English 209 as its pre- By NEETU SEHGAL ternity could be reinstated as early been at Allegheny since 1860. The the redesign of the environmental requisite. A third new requirement Assistant News Editor as this year, but the College's Com- college has lost a fraternity with writing section. In charge of this for the environmental writing track, munity Standards Board (CSB) ve- great tradition, period." Though a recent survey by the venture is Associate Professor Sean pending approval, will be English toed the idea, opting instead to set a Fadden said other factors, such College showed that Allegheny's O'Grady, who was hired last year. 403, a course on advanced non-fic- possible return date of 2002, said as the condition and status of the English department "track-options" O'Grady has a Ph.D. in environ- tion writing. This course will not be Fadden. As of now, she said, the fraternity house, also played a role are more comprehensive than those mental writing and assisted Boise limited to environmental subjects College does not recognize the fra- in determining the return date. at similar liberal arts colleges, many State University in redesigning its only, so will be a choice for the oth- ternity. "There are no FIJIs." "The headquarters own the house, of the specializations will soon be By 2002, every person who was and it's a mess. There's not a single seeing a change. Currently the de- —SEE RELATED STORY, PAGE 3 — a member of the now-defunct chap- person we can talk to about coming partment offers four options: tech- ter will have graduated, a fact that nical/professional writing, journal- honors program which had an envi er three writing tracks as well. Fadden says was considered during —see FIJI, page 4— ism, regional, and environmental ronmental writing component. "The environmental writing writing. "We have redesigned English track will have a much clearer de- 209, which was called 'Writing sign next year," O'Grady said, about Culture and Place' to a litera- "which should better prepare our ture course dealing with environ- students." mental texts only with a cross-cul- In addition, the regional writing College Among Most "Wired" tural component," O'Grady said. He track- which currently requires the ad- By JACKIE GARCIA resources, and available student support. Another cate- also said that a new course, English completion of English 209, two News Reporter gory, administrative services, evaluated whether 210, "Writing about the Environ- -see TRACKS, page 4— schools offered online add/drop, course scheduling, ment," will be offered in spring Allegheny was ranked 84th out of 100 in registration and transcripts. Yahoo.com's recent listing of America's most wired For a detailed description of the judging criteria and colleges. a complete list of schools, visit www.yahoo.com. INSIDE THIS WEEK... The survey was conducted in partnership with Pe- Since the survey was taken, Allegheny has consid- terson's, a leading provider of education information in erably upgraded its computing capabilities in this re- 3 print and online. According to Yahoo! there are 3,631 gard. "We've made an investment and upgraded our More on major "track" programs open-enrollment accredited undergraduate two and equipment to increase speed," said Phil Reinhart, help ASG presidential candidate platforms 8 four-year institutions in the United States. All schools desk manager at Computing Services. He added that in Jim Breuer visits campus 9 were invited to participate in this year's survey; 1,300 the future additional improvements could be made to Column:"Thurston House," by Heather Chapman 5 universities, colleges and two-year schools returned the campus's networking capabilities. surveys. Also since the completion of the survey, the College Peterson's collected data for the survey via an on- has installed Web Advisor, an online registration and Editorial: "Tracks Leave Room for Improvement"....5 line survey instrument. Editors of Yahoo! Internet Life scheduling program. As of now, students can only re- Weekend Where@bouts 12 then tabulated and reviewed the results. view their schedules online; when the system is com- Unpleasant Thoughts 12 Judges considered a variety of criteria that encom- pletely operational they will also be able to add and passed all aspects of campus computing. Categories of drop courses online. Contact The Campus at Box 12 or the survey included administrative services (electronic [email protected] application, online course schedule, and such), general —see WIRED, page 4— Page 2 News February 8, 2000 THE CAMPUS Asks... CRIME BLOTTER On January 29th at approximately •On January 30th Security respond- curred involving three students in a "Do you think the XFL, will be successful? 2:00 a.m. a security officer saw a ed to a criminal mischief call that parking lot'near the Campus Center. —compiled by Shannon Harbaugh, Sports Editor group involved in an altercation on occurred on earlier that occurred This incident will be handled inter- Loomis Street. City police were between January 29th and January nally through the college judiciary

• called for assistance. One member 30th. The left front fender of a stu- system. of the group was a non-student who dent's parked car was damaged, ap- •On February 5th at approximately 1:00 a.m. security responded to a "Temporarily it will had outstanding warrants for arrest pearing to have been struck with and was arrested. some instrument. Security has request for assistance by a taxi cab be, it'll be a hit for a •On January 29th at approximately ruled out the possibility that it driver. A student had taken a taxi while, but then die 10:30 p.m. a criminal mischief inci- was struck by another automobile. from Erie to Meadville and told the off." dent occurred in a parking lot on •On January 31st there was a mari- driver that he had to go inside to get —Renee Chavez, campus. While making rounds, a juana incident at Baldwin Hall at the money to pay him. The student security officer noticed a parked car approximately 10:30 p.m. This in- never came out of his residence hall Marriott Employee running in a parking lot. Upon his cident will be handled internally to pay the driver. Security's efforts return, the automobile was gone and through the college judiciary sys- to help were unsuccessful, as the a nearby car had been sprayed with tem. driver was unable to identify the silly string. Security has no sus- •On February 1st at approximately student. "I enjoy it becuase pects. 2:00 a.m. a marijuana incident oc- there's no fair catch rule, which will make CAMPUS BRIEFS it more aggressive and •The Newhouse Fellowship/Intern- community. Cost is $20 per team; a 3051. Visit the American Chemical the play clock's slower ship/Apprenticeship in Newspaper team may consist of 3 people with Scholars web site... one additional person to serve as al- so there will be more Journalism for Minorities is a high- ly competitiye program that pro- ternate. Prizes will be awarded: first •The environmental science depart- action." vides two generous awards each prize is $50; second prize is $30; ment announces a seminar, present- —Shannon Cherry, year to minority students who have and third prize is $20. Those inter- ed by Jennifer DeHart, on Thursday, `03 majored in subjects other than jour- ested should register and pay the February 8 at 4 p.m. in Quigley Hall nalism as an undergraduate. The entrance fee by Monday, February Auditorium. The title of the talk is winners study newspaper journal- 12. The tournament will be held on "Greenhouse Gas Emissions in ism on the master's level at the S.I. Sunday, February 18 at 2 p.m. in the North Carolina: Patterns, Trajecto- "After watching it I Newhouse School of Public Com- Wise Center Performance Gym. All ries and Potential Reductions." For munications at Syracuse University proceeds will benefit the Allegheny more information, contact Brenda was disappointed. It in Syracuse, N.Y. Deadline for ap- Gator Softball Team. For more in- Metheny at 332-5363 or bmethe- wasn't what I had ex- plications is Saturday, February 10. formation, contact Coach Hicks at [email protected] . pected. I think a lot of Contact Tory Morgan in the Office 332-2815 or [email protected], others were disap- of Diversity Affairs at 332-3051 or or contact any softball player. •The Office of Community Service [email protected] for more will sponsor an open gathering ti- pointed too." information. •The American Chemical Society tled "Common Fire: A Conversation —Tim Flaherty, '04 Scholars program is designed to en- with Cheryl Keen About Leading •Any students interested in playing courage African-American, Hispan- Lives of Commitment" on Tuesday, Intramural Volleyball this spring ic/Latino and American Indian stu- February 13 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cul- should pick up a roster at the Intra- dents to enter the fields of chem- tural Center. A scholar and consult- mural Office (Wise Center). This istry, biochemistry, chemical engi- ant on the building of communities, "I think [the media] season is co-ed 6 on 6. Games will neering or other chemically related Keen will lead the program, which start approximately by Monday, fields, such as environmental sci- will feature a video, short presenta- hyped it up pretty February 19, and will be held on ence or material science.- Awards tion and discussion of Keen's work well, but it'll be tough Monday and Wednesday evenings are for up to $2500 for first-year Common Fire. Common Fire is a to keep up the excite- from 8 to 10 p.m. Rosters are due at students and up to $3000 for sopho- landmark study that reveals how ment...the cheerlead- the Intramural Office by Monday, mores, juniors and seniors per aca- members of a community can be- ers get old. February 12. See you on the court! demic year. Application deadline is come committed to the common Thursday, February 15. For more good and sustain such commitments —Matt LaConte, '02 •The Allegheny Gator Softball information, contact Tory Morgan in a changing world. For more in- Team is sponsoring a 3 on 3 tourna- in the Office of Diversity Affairs at formation, contact the Community ment fundraiser, open to the campus [email protected] or 332- Service office at 332-5318.

THE CAMPUS STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION To place an advertisement, call (814)-332-5386, or send the ad to Box 12, Editor-in-Chief: Jennifer Midgley Newsroom Phone: (814)-332-5386 Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa. 16335. Direct billing inquiries to Editors' Phone: (814)-332-5387 Faraz Latif, Business Manager, by e-mail or phone. Rate sheets are avail- Managing Editor: Dane Foster eFax: (208)-445-2986 able upon request. E-mail: [email protected] See page 5 for our policy concerning Letters to the Editor. News Editor: Erica Erwin Assistant News Editors: John Paul Marcantonio, Neetu Se- Perspectives Editor: Heather Chapman hgal The Campus is published every Thursday during the academic year, ex- Weekend Editor: Abby Collier Assistant Perspectives Editors: position available cluding breaks and exam periods, and is printed by The Meadville Sports Editor: Shannon Harbaugh Assistant Weekend Editors: Brianna Pike, Amy Zader Tribune. Photography Editor: Adam Wood Assistant Sports Editor: Rebecca Rittenhouse Business Manager: Faraz Latif Assistant Photography Editor: position available Editorial Board: Heather Chapman, Erica Erwin, Dane Foster, Shannon Advertising Managers: Shannon Har- Distribution Manager: position available Harbaugh, John Paul Marcantonio, Jennifer Midgley, Abby Collier, Neetu baugh, Heidi Walsh Sehgal Adviser: Ben Hellwarth Advisory Forum: Courtenay Dodge, Jessica Frieder, Dave Mclnally, Mary Norton, Barry Shapiro, Kevin Wright

Page 3 News The Campus English Track Options Compare Favorably By NEETU SEHGAL cialization tracks within the English sign their own majors and pursue in- Newswriting and Advanced Topics Kenyon College (Ohio) was the Assistant News Editor major at all, and many do not even dependent studies to further explore in Journalism. The remaining re- only school analyzed that offered a offer specialty writing courses such interests outside the curriculum of- quirements are courses from the nonfiction nature writing course Allegheny stands out among as news writing or environmental fered. English and Communication Arts which studies environmental litera- similar liberal arts colleges with its writing. departments that are not specific to ture "through the age of Thoreau "track-option" in the English depart- "The required courses for our Westminster College (Pa.) was the journalism track only. and early Darwinism, and on into ment. English majors can opt to spe- English major permit sufficient the only comparison school ana- the present with its growing ecolog- cialize in technical/professional flexibility for students to steer their lyzed that had a definite public rela- Although Wooster College ical focus," according to the course writing, journalism, environmental, training and experience toward any tions major within its English de- (Ohio) does not have a set track or description. or regional writing by supplement- number of professional destina- partment. The requirements for the specialization system intact, it offers ing their English studies with up to tions," said Jim Davis, Denison Uni- public relations major/minor in- many similar courses that students Denison University (Ohio), Get- 28 credits in additional courses, ap- versity English Department Chair. clude an offering of 11 public rela- could design their own track with, tysburg College (Pa.), and Bates propriate internships, and a special- Our curriculum remains rather tions-specific courses, such as Pub- such as "Writing in professions and College (Maine) offer a creative ized senior project. firmly [based] in the liberal arts, lic Relations Writing, Journalism I, disciplines," "Journalism," "Intro- writing minor, some of which in- Most of the comparison schools, meaning not designed to be pre-pro- Journalism II, and Public Relations duction to non-fictional writing," clude the same number of journal- such as Bates College (Maine), Ju- fessional but broadly attentive to and the Media. Allegheny's Journal- and "The Magazine: Writing, Edit- ism-related courses as Allegheny's niata College (Pa.), and Dickinson many interests and skills." Davis ism track requires only two journal- ing, and Designing." track. But none of these schools College (Pa.), lack any sort of spe- added that students are able to de- ism specific writing courses- specifically have track options. CEED Announces Opening of 'Green Room' By SHANNON HARBAUGH rector for the Green Room, and Eric sustainability. Amy Schade, Jenny Hoople, and are recycled, combining art and sus- Sports Editor Pallant, environmental science pro- Those involved in the Green Alex Mead. Additional support tainability. The furniture for the fessor and director of CEED, taught Room project each bring a different came from CEED interns and staff area was also constructed entirely On Feb. 21, the Center for Eco- in the spring of 1997, which was the area of expertise to its completion. as well as COP employees. Al- with recycled materials. nomic and Environmental Develop- capstone for the art and environ- The CEED program itself is run by legheny Art Department Technical CEED strides to "increase com- ment (CEED) will have the official ment minor. Allegheny professors in the envi- Assistant and Instructor Dave munity and regional leaders' under- grand opening for the Green Room, The Green Room's objectives ronmental science, political science, Collins tackled the table and chairs standing of how economic and envi- a common "green" space at the Av- are to increase productivity through art and economics departments. facet of the endeavor, and Alleghe- ronmental decisions can work hand tex Brownfield Redevelopment Site improving workers' well-being and "LS 301 students and mostly ny College Art Professor Amara in hand to bring a new vitality to at Crawford County Industrial Park job satisfaction by showing how in- CEED interns," contributed to this Geffen provided leadership for the northwestern ," as stat- (CCIP). dustry and the ntaural enviroment project said Pallant. Allegheny stu- project. Additional support came ed on the home webpages, compiled The idea for this project coexist. It also aims to educate peo- dent artists involved were: Eric from several CEED interns and staff by Uglow. spawned from a class that Amara ple about the ecological history of Baum, Eva Wylie, Deanne Dunbar, as well as CCIP employees who of- The Meadville Redevelopment Geffen, art professor and project di- the area and promote environmental Laura Penman, Kimberlee Forney, fered technical and constructive ex- Authority and the Crawford County pertise. Development Corporation (CCDC) - "The remarkable thing is that purchased the brownfield and sec- r ---i this project was designed by stu- tioned off the area and began recy- 0 • dents, done in collaboration with cling the remaining portions. Cur- members of the community," said rently the factory space has been re- Pallant. "It was implemented by occupied by 20 different businesses students who also tackled the paint- which employee approximately City Limit s ing, photography and sculpture." 1,200 people. The large mural, which spans In a joint effort by CEED and the back wall of the Green Room, CCDC, a redesigning of the en- • was designed by Laura Penman '00, trance to the CCIP into an integrated FASHIONS and TANNING a CEED intern, which celebrates the series of indoor and outdoor land- industrial history of the region. The scapes, which will celebrate the in- mural shows the story of this partic- dustrial and natural history of the 50% to 60% Off ular site throughout the past several CCIP while also serving to promote hundred years. Spanning across a recycling was proposed. 33 by 17 feet area, the various By combining art, environmen- ALL REMAINING WINTER MERCHANDISE scenes chronologically move from tal sustainability, industrial and Stop by and check out all the Spring Fashions arriving Daily!!! an industry near French Creek to the community, this new "Green Room" subsequent pollution to the eventual is intended to create an aesthetically site abandonment and finally the re- pleasing and stimulating community , Tanning Season demption and reuse of the area. break area at CCIP. Is Here! pertise. I (COUPON ) - - eok.N, "In an enjoyable way, the Green I TANNING 1 Room brings industrial sustainabili- Penman designed the colorful • 8 Wolff Beds ty issues front and center for the mural that now spans the back wall I SPECIAL ,,,,. people most immediately affected: of the Green Room. The various I Bring in this coupon Great New Lotions 1 the employees of these industrial move chronologically through the I and receive $5.00 OFF '8*-_' ' for the 2001 Season firms," said CEED member, Don story of industry located near I anytanning package Goldstein, associate professor of French Creek, the subsequent pollu- I and also receive a FRE ' - Call 333 - 2009 or stop by! economics. s. tion, eventual site abandonment, I sample packet of lotion --..! "Reducing environmental im- and finally the redemption and reuse Hours M — F 9 - 9 I while supplies last!! 1 pacts requires the ingenuity of of the area. One important theme of 1 Expires Sat. 9-5 Value $3.00. /x1r) I the mural deals with the progressive I .1 workers at all levels, and the Green FREE Room will foster an appreciation of idea of industry thriving while Downtown Mall PARKING ■ I that role." avoiding environmental harm now ■ v. v ■ Most all of the materials used and in the future. Page 4 News Febriu4 8, 2000 College and MMC Team Up For Energy Project By BECCA SCIBEK mately $2,000 per capita. A commu- how energy efficiency will improve ture, and then actually carry out the filled. A number of local organiza- News Reporter nity-wide energy efficiency effort their bottom line," she says. "We improvements. Vestar provides all tions working together could greatly could help to decrease this cost by want to help other local organiza- the labor and materials to imple- influence the well-being of the com- Just before winter break, a group even a few dollars per person, tions take advantage of the financial ment the changes, under an agree- munity. Everyone involved will see of Meadville community represen- pumping thousands of dollars into benefits because it's good for our ment that they will receive a speci- an advantage through lower energy tatives met to discuss the possibility the local economy. Improving com- community." fied percentage of future energy costs due to mass purchasing, as of expanding the energy partnership munity-wide energy efficiency Supported by Meadville Com- savings. well as better infrastructure. Con- between Allegheny College and could potentially spur economic de- munity Energy Project (MCEP), the Through the partnership, both tracting an energy service company Meadville Medical Center (MMC). velopment and create jobs, as well current partnership was begun last entities save on consulting fees and can also lead to increased awareness Meeting participants included repre- as decreasing environmental impact summer in a collaborative attempt are able to purchase equipment in of energy use, as energy improve- sentatives from the City of and strengthening the community's to improve energy efficiency. To- bulk. They also share infor'mation ments are quantified, allowing suc- Meadville, West Mead Township, profile, according to Kathy Greely, gether, Allegheny and MMC con- and experiences, and build a sense cess and improvements to easily be Meadville Recreational Authority, codirector of MCEP. She is also tracted Vestar, an energy service of community through working to- seen. Additionally, through reducing PPG Industries, Channellock Inc., one of the initiators of the energy company, to conduct energy assess- gether on an economically and envi- energy use, the community can pre- and local school districts. partnership. ments of their facilities, suggest im- ronmentally important endeavor. vent utility companies from needing Meadville's typical energy bill is "The Meadville Medical Center provements that will lead to reduced Such an arrangement is beneficial to build new infrastructure. $30 million annually, or approxi- and Allegheny College have seen energy costs and better infrastruc- for everyone involved. Ken Hanna, Presently, efforts to implement of Allegheny's physical plant, said expansion of the energy partnership that the primary reasons for pursu- are still in the planning stages. Local TRACKS from page 1 ing a partnership include financial businesses and organizations must savings, increasing community en- work together to communicate is- ditional English courses, an appro- "medieval sense of apprenticeship" rather an interdisciplinary mix from vironmental awareness, and the sues, develop alliances, and commit priate complementary minor, and associated with creative writing. the English and Communication overall positive effects of two enti- to energy efficiency. MCEP intends five courses focusing on a particular There are six students this academ- Arts departments. She appealed to ties working together. to continue facilitating dialogue be- region or culture—will be "de- ic year who are doing a creative the Curriculum Committee for a All of these benefits could be re- tween interested groups, so that a ferred," said Diane D'Amico, Eng- writing senior comprehensive proj- self-designed major entitled 'Jour- alized by the broader Meadville community-wide energy collabora- lish department chair. ect, which requires previous ap- nalism with an emphasis on U.S. community, if the current possibility tion can perhaps become a reality. "Unfortunately, we just cannot proval. Politics.' As a result she says it has of expanding the partnership is ful- offer all of these tracks at a full po- "Creative writing is one of the given her "a lot of liberty to experi- tential," D'Amico said. "We decid- fine arts, and we are trying to ence the craft of journalism, take a ed at a recent meeting to defer the arrange a track with a prerequisite lot of Dan Shea courses, and study regional writing track, but we will stage to ensure students who will in D.C.- which I am completely lov- from page 1 be starting a creative writing minor pursue the minor will succeed at it," ing this semester." FIJI D'Amico said the department most likely this fall." Bakken said. to clean it... we've tried, but there's been no follow through [on the part of The college is considering insti- "The track program is not neces- would have to work with Dean of the Nationals]." Students office if it were to estab- tuting this minor as a result of stu- sarily an expansion of the English It seems some bad blood remains, at least on the part of some FIJIs, dent interest and sufficient faculty department, but a re-imaging of it lish positions solely for the manage- over the situation. to support the courseload. "One of using courses we already offered." ment of each track. The tension, FIJIs say, stem from a lack of communication about the the liveliest parts of English stu- D'Amico said it would be helpful "We, as a department, are aware situation between the members and the College. "The College never kept dents' interest seems to be in. cre- for interested students to inform the of the need to have each of these us informed," said one old member, who wished to remain anonymous. "I ative writing," said assistant profes- department what sorts of special- tracks overseen by a person," had to scramble to find somewhere to live because I thought I would be sor of English Christopher Bakken. ized courses they would like added D'Amico said. "We're very pleased able to live in the house my sophomore year." Senior Patrick Lentz, also "Offering this as a minor reflects into the tracks, however, "usually with the progress of the environ- a FIJI in 1998, agreed. "I don't feel that the FIJIs are being well informed this interest—it is only fair and when you add something, you have mental writing track, thanks to Sean about the reinstatement process," he said. democratic to do this because there to decide what to take away as O'Grady's management of it, and we'd certainly like to see this hap- are so many people already interest- well." Some members who pledged in 1998 feel that their membership should pen with the other tracks as well- ed. I'm sure once the program be- Junior Kendra Stanton was orig- not have been revoked because they in no way participated in the actions but it may take time." gins, more students will be drawn to inally quite excited about the jour- that caused the removal of the fraternity. "We as a pledge class did noth- D'Amico added that there could it as well." nalism track. "However, after real- ing wrong," said senior Albie Trezza. "We did know that FIJI was on pro- Bakken has a master's of fine izing that this 'specialized' English be someone in the department will- bation for an alcohol violation, but we did not understand why getting arts degree from Columbia Univer- track was largely 'Chaucer-inten- ing to oversee the technical/profes- kicked off for a party while we were pledging has kept even my pledge sity and a Ph.D. in creative writing sive', I decided to self-design my sional writing track, but nothing is class from actively participating. So my question is 'Why were we pun- and English literature from the Uni- major to incorporate a bigger em- definite. If the department were to ished?'" versity of Houston and will be one phasis on current event studies hire out people specifically to over- Many of the old members feel that the fraternity has been singled out. of the faculty members teaching the rather than the 'Tales of Canter- see the progression of these tracks, "Over the years, my fraternity has gotten a bad reputation, even when we creative writing curriculum. He said bury.'" they would first have to work with weren't on campus," said Trezza. Citing examples of situations in which that from his knowledge, one of the Stanton was disappointed that the Dean of Students office to create other fraternities haven't been punished for the same actions that caused reasons that this option was not pre- the majority of the courses in the such positions and work out the de- the removal, he added, "Knowing this makes me wonder if some of the viously offered was because of a track were not journalism-specific, tails. things that happened in the past might have been done by others and blamed on the FUIs, just because we were a good scapegoat."

WIRED from page 1 In order to be reinstated as a colony, the President of the College must give written permission for recruitment and a letter of interest from stu- Authors of the article "Yahoo! Internet Life, Amer- er came in number 48, and Oberlin College made it dents must be submitted. Next, a formal petition for colony status must be ica's Most Wired Colleges 2000," Rob Bernstein, Jere- among the top ten at number 5. submitted. Once the group receives colony status, they are then permitted my Caplan, and Eric Glover said, "Ultimately, we de- "Certainly .it's good that we are ranked among the to participate in fraternity activities, including Interfraternity and Panhel- signed the survey so that no single criterion could make top 100 colleges in the 2000 listing," said Director of lenic programs. The last step of the process, a request for College recog- or break a school. As a result, only institutions exhibit- Public Affairs Mary Norton. "[It] shows that Alleghe- nition, follows after a minimum of two years as a colony. ing a healthy balance of wired services scored well in ny takes seriously the need to provide current informa- "If I felt it would be a good addition to the Greek community, then the ranking." tion technology tools to its students and faculty to en- sure," said Fadden when asked if she wanted the fraternity to return. "It Nearby schools also ranked well in the survey. hance the educational process." would be hard though, because we're expanding and we don't want to do Ohio Wesleyan University ranked number 90, West- too much to fast." The fraternity system will expand later this year when minster College was 83rd, Denison University was Delta Tau Delta, recently recolonized, is expected to regain fraternity sta- 68th, Earlham College was 49th, the College of Woost- tus. Phi Delta Theta is also expected to return to campus in 2002. THE CAMPUS ERS ECTIVES Letters, Opinion, Editorial


A Campus study shows that Allegheny's English depart- ment "track" program offers more comprehensive options in specialization than similar liberal arts colleges. Currently, Allegheny has four track options: technicaUprofessional writ- ing, journalism, regional, and environmentalwriting. However, most of these programs consist of only one or two Life Lessons at Thurston House Did you ever stop to consider don't have. Have I succeeded in to simply finish high school. specialized classes while the rest of the courses are pre-exist- how lucky you are? Everyday I confusing you? In Crawford County, one in thir- ing classes from other disciplines. hear students complain about how Let me clear things up. Last ty-six teenage girls between the much "life sucks," how much work Saturday, during Peer Project ages of thirteen and nineteen For example, the Journalism track requires only two jour- they have, and how much fun they Leader (PPL) and Bonner Leader became pregnant in 1996. If you think about that, in 1996 we all nalism-specific courses, English 207 and English 402, News don't have because of their work- training, all those who attended vis- load. I'm just as guilty of com- ited two Meadville Agencies that were between thirteen and nineteen. Writing and Advanced Topics in Journalism, respectively. The plaining. PPLs and Bonners work with. One Can you imagine having a child remaining requirements consist of a selection of courses from of the agencies I visited dealt with when you were still pretty much a the Communication Arts department and either English 305 teenage pregnancy in both child? I am 20 years old and I can't Writing Poetry or English 205 Writing Fiction from the Crawford and Erie Counties. imagine having a baby right now, Heather Chapman let alone when I was 13 or 16. English department—none of which is specifically designed The Thurston House works with teen mothers and mothers-to-be to According to the Center foi for aspiring journalists. help them with parenting skills, Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, Last weekend my eyes were "real-world" responsibility skills, in 1996 one in twenty-five teenage The department is now revamping its environmental writ- opened to how much I really do take and finishing their education. For girls in Pennsylvania became preg- ing track, adding more specialized courses and redesigning for granted. I realized that I am most of the girls who go to Thurston nant, while one in nine girls in the considerably fortunate to be where I United States became pregnant in one of the original courses so that it is more pertinent to the House, college isn't ever considered am at, with everyone here, with all I because it just isn't a realistic track's objective. The Campus applauds this effort, but further have plus a few things I'm glad I option. Most of them are struggling —see LESSONS , page 7— encourages the English department to work toward further specializing each of the tracks. Don't Underestimate President Bush Though a liberal arts education demands experience in They said he had no.leadership abilities. They said most experienced and diverse administrations ever cre- many fields, Allegheny should not shy away from offering he was not smart enough. They said he lacked gravitas. ated. A good leader always surrounds himself with track-specific options as well. Offering these foci to students They said he would get slaughtered by Al Gore in the respectable people, and that is precisely what Bush has further puts them ahead of other liberal arts graduates in cer- debates, and now the media and political pundits have done by naming John Ashcroft, Colin Powell, tain fields because of the more job-oriented curriculum. The said that he will get nothing accomplished as the 43rd Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfield, Tommy Thomas, president of the. United States. However, in each one of Gale Norton, Paul O'Neil, and Christine Whitman to goal of liberal arts is to provide a balanced education, and these areas, George W. Bush has shown that he has been key cabinet positions. these programs offer a practical aspect of education that is tra- underestimated. Yet another sign of a strong president, is one who ditionally undervalued. attempts to enact policies that he campaigned on. Bush has done this by taking a hard line stance on his tax plan See related stories, page 1 and page 3 Brandon Meyer and education. In each of these areas, Bush's support for his proposals is gaining support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. Even the All editorials represent the majority opinion of the most liberal Democrats such as Senator Kennedy have After nearly three weeks in office, Bush has shown been impressed by President Bush's willingness to lis- Editorial Board. why the Republican Party nominated him as their can- ten to others and to reach out to a divided country. As didate. It all started with Bush's selection of cabinet The am members. In doing so, Bush has assembled one of the —see BUSH , page 7— right to reject 1 a pure letter's which do meet our and decency. Opirii?ns.expre nal columns and editorial cartoon do n views of The Campus.s Thedeatirie.: 5 p.m. the Mondaybeforelitation. pub Le signed and sent to Box 12, with a phoh verification. Any letter that cannot be verifio

All questions concerning the above poll ( the Editor-in-Chief, Jennifer Midgley.

Page 6 Perspectives The Campus

XFL: All Bells and Whistles by phil flickinger www,l-e-x,com) YEARgs4 „ Look WHO'S BACK Pr's coop To BE BACK tN IRE HALF GALLON (4140A • WE'RE REAPy FOR oL) I promised myself that I wouldn't. I just knew that I shouldn't. The ANoTHER YEAR House AGAIN. I MISSED OF MILK THAT'S SAVE '!N IS or MISCHIEF ANP MAYKEM 1 LOOK rig* Pool. TABLE, THE STENEco, SEEN 51171116 (NIT ' FOR AEU_ problem is, I did. I just couldn't resist. As much as I hate to admit it, I 0t4T, wog L P! THE EASY CHAIRS, THE PECK— ALL SUMMER... WEEK! tuned in for the first-ever XFL football games on NBC over tilt weekend. Sure, I had more important things to do—like, say my comp—but I swear that the TV was calling to me.

Dane Foster

For everyone who's been living in a vacuum for the last few months, please allow me to enlighten you. The XFL is a new football league devel- oped by WWF wrestling guru Vince McMahon in a joint partnership with Ten Steps for Mental Health NBC. The new league is to serve multiple purposes. First, it allows rabid football fans to continue watching the sport after the end of the NFL sea- son. Second, it is supposed to offer an alternative to the "No Fun League," It's that festive time of the year be Commander-in-Chief. This is butter pie from McKinley's as often as McMahon affectionately terms the NFL, where showboating and gratu- again, with Valentine's Day lurking one of those situations where I have as possible, to make up for the cold itous violence are generally frowned upon. Third—and I'm convinced that around the corner like a guilty little to put concern for my blood pres- fries. this is part of their marketing strategy—the XFL is intentionally trying to merchandising tactic, the snow sure before concern for accurate 7. I am going to enforce a ban on keep me from doing schoolwork. turning from winter-white to icky- knowledge. I just don't want to writing To-Do lists and on putting gray, and classes beginning to get know. things like "brush teeth" and I didn't want my TV to feel neglected, so I finally broke down and tough enough to leave me even fur- 2. I am shamelessly going to send "breathe" in my planner. When I turned on the game. I was expecting some bone jarring hits, nifty tweaks ther behind than usual. Behind on all stupid forwarded e-mails I get that busy, I am just going to stay to the traditional NFL rules, and a chance to watch professional football in being behind, you might say. receive to everyone in my address in bed for the day. book. It's just fun, darn it, and if I February. What I ended up watching was a bunch of peewee league, ex- 8. Lotion and candles from Bath & con, NFL rejects acting tough in front of the gazillion cameras on and have to lose valuable procrastina- Body Works will henceforth be des- tion time reading forwarded e- around the field. ignated my number-one budgetary Jennifer Midgley mails, so should all of you. priority. Any leftover funds will be NBC should have broadcast a disclaimer, instructing viewers to take a 3. Whenever a professor stops me used for chocolate and/or cham- _ dose of Dramamine before watching the telecast. In an attempt to revolu- on campus or after class and asks pagne. tionize the way that the game is watched, there were cameramen on the So it hasn't been a great week for me how I think the class is going, I 9. I'm not going to keep it a secret field, cameras cascading across the stadium, and each player was affixed me, altogether. I'd have to say I'm am actually going to answer honest- anymore—I am a Britney Spears with a miniature camera so that the viewer could see the game as the play- a little bit tired of the same old, ly. No more of this "Oh, it's so fan. There, it's out. I own her ers do. The intentions were good, but the execution left me feeling motion same old. So the other day I put interesting" baloney from me, so newest CD and I love it. So shoot sick. Maybe the NFL broadcasts their games in a particular fashion for a together a list of things I am going watch out. me. I'm going to listen to her CD reason. Viewers aren't looking for a rollercoaster ride, they want to watch to do in order to assure that I make 4. I am just going to enjoy the XFL. with reckless abandon, and total a football game. it to April with my mental health No philosophizing, no guilt. disregard for any sophisticated- intact. In the interest of public 5. The next time I get cold French If I did take one thing from the broadcast, it was that sex sells. Every music-lovers in the area. health, I thought I'd share them fries and flat pop at lunch in the din- chance they got, the cameramen, as if on cue (imagine that), cut away to a with you: ing halls, I'm going to stand in the 10. When people look at me like scantily clad, silicone-enhanced prancing cheerleader. Obviously in an 1. From now on I am going to refer middle of the room and shriek about I'm crazy, I'm going to smile and effort to show that these women were independently minded, intelligent to Martin Sheen as my President. it. That's just not right. I'm not tell them their pants are unzipped. and well-rounded individuals—that's why they were hired, right—the The current monkey in the White asking for filet mignon, here. cheerleaders pre-recorded interviews with some of the star players. House will be the fake, in my little 6. Following in Heather Chapman's Jennifer Midgley is the editor-in- Without going into details, let's just say that a four-year-old would have dream world, and Martin Sheen will footsteps, I am going to eat peanut chief of The Campus. been able to pick up on the sexual metaphors implicit in the question and answer period. For instance, when interviewing the Las Vegas quarter- back, the cheerleader innocently asked the man how he likes to score, all Transfer A Change for the Better the while suggestively nudging up against him. Now, dip me in chocolate and call me Willie Wonka, but I don't think she was talking about football. Last night, I was watching pay-per-view when the Pennsylvania, my hometown. Last year, I looked popular comedy "Road Trip" came on. After Barry through all my acceptance letters to various colleges Let's look at the whole concept here. In order to market a profession- (played by Tom Green) becomes confused about of the and decided, for reasons I will soon explain, that I. al football league claiming to revive the smash-mouth mentality of the location of Boston and Austin, another character asks, would not leave my home. Instead, I would attend game, sexual appeal and gratuitous violence should do the trick. Comon "You really have never left this town have you Barry?" Mercyhurst College, which is literally located within a people, is that all you can do? I'm thinking of a word, six letters, and prob- "No," he answers. "You should look into that, that could mile of my house. ably not in McMahon's vocabulary—ethics. I think McMahon has let the become a debilitating phobia," he suggests. I know it Why did I do this? College is supposed to be the area success of the WWF go to his head. The scripted, pyrotechnic atmosphere may sound cheesy, but that particular set of lines from of your life that introduces growth, challenges, and of the ring cannot be transplanted into the game of football. If you're the movie really struck a chord with me. responsibility right? It is also supposed to be fun, excit- going to market a competitive professional football league, why not pro- ing, and the "time" every kid ponders about experienc- mote the product you're trying to sell—FOOTBALL. Instead of appeal- ing. The one and only reason I made the choice that I ing to the lowbrow, trash-talkin', social deviant demographic of our soci- John Reilly did was simply because of fear. ety, why not appeal to the respectable, somewhat-conscious traditionalist, This fear stemmed from two main parts of my life. who, more than anything, just loves the game? First, I was scared to leave my home. I know that This past summer, I grew really attached to my sounds like cliche, but for some reason, it became such There is some hope, my fellow Americans. The latest polls indicate that close-knit group of friends. I cannot remember a time a horrible, overwhelming feeling, one that I attribute less than 50% of those who tuned in for the first weekend will continue to when I have had so much fun with—and because of— many miserable days and sleepless nights to. Even watch the games. Of course, they have much more intellectually stimu- them. I also fashioned a strange liking for my home- though I know now that it was not true, that feeling lating shows to watch like Temptation Island, The Mole and Survivor. town. However, at the end of August, I found myself in seemed as though it was affecting me far more than oth- a terrible place, one that took an extreme toll on me ers that I knew who were in the same position. I must offer my own disclaimer to my professors. If my work seems mentally. I would have to leave my home and my Everywhere I looked, my friends and classmates were a little sub-par or not well thought out, it is simply because I have lost the friends and open a new chapter of my life. This transi- ecstatic about leaving home and making such a drastic ability to process intelligent thoughts. Yes, I actually came away from the tion was my departure from home and my arrival at transformation in their lives. I could not believe it. How game dumber than I was before. Don't worry though, I'm not dumb Allegheny College. were they doing it? Why were they so happy and why enough to tune in for next weeks games. You see, while I am ranked as a sophomore, this is was I so miserable? While leaving home was dominat- technically my first year here at Allegheny. I transferred Dane Foster is Managing Editor of The Campus. here after a year at Mercyhurst College in Erie, -see TRANSFER ,page 7—

Page 7 Perspectives February 8, 2001 Will a Real Role Model Please Stand Up, Please Stand Up? I was chewing on Buffalo wings down the drain. The one moment I her role model? for our children—Disney. on Disney and Nick to entertain (the real kind—not just a product did enjoy was Britney Spears I think it's wonderful how I just don't think it's right for their children after school. named Buffalo wings and then taste bouncing around. Damn, I thought Britney "spiced" up—well maybe Disney to pollute our children with Unfortunately the television baby- nothing like the name), when the she might fall out of her shirt. the right word is "pumped" up-- her pornographic images. It's fine if Super Bowl half time show came sits way too many children these image. That's great. It gives us all they want to play these on MTV, days. These pop stars become our on. I shook my head as 'Nsync in college something to enjoy. My but why must Nickelodeon and came running on to the field chased children's heroes. It scares me to Eric Reinagel problem is this material is intended Disney channel break between car- think my niece may dress like by screaming fans, I shook violent- for kids much younger then you or toons so Britney Spears can sing Britney Spears in a few years. I try ly when I saw Aerosmith perform I. and Britney about not being so innocent or "Walk This Way" with 'Nsync and to explain to her that you don't want My mood shifted quickly when I Spears' naked bodies are directed Christina Aguilera can tell them crew. That song was historical to dress like that. People won't thought of how my 6-year-old niece very purposefully at elementary how to be rubbed down the right when they performed it with Run respect you if you look like that. once said, "I want to change my schools. A company directs them way? DMC. It broke down the rock-rap But I fear that message will get lost. name to Britney Spears." This was that we've trusted for years now to What's wrong about being inno- boundaries, but this flushed it all Why should she believe me? her role model. Oh my God this is provide wholesome entertainment cent? I'd like our children to keep their innocence for as long as possi- Britney is a complete success and ble. I remember going to the the- she dresses like that. She even gets ater and seeing Bambi when I was respect in the music industry LESSONS from page 5 ;little. The biggest issue I faced in because she is actually nominated the same year. unteer was interested in becoming unmarried teen mothers on welfare this movie was death, and it was to win awards. You might be thinking, "What an OB/GYN. This volunteer was in the United States. traumatic, but necessary. Disney does this have to do with me? I paired with a young girl who had At some point I would just like We can help to improve these sta- has done a pretty good job of enter- don't have a child. I'm out of (or been left virtually alone in her preg- to see our children's heroes say no tistics. By volunteering as little as ,taining and even educating children almost out of) that statistical range." nancy. The father of the baby didn't to money. I don't care if I'll sell two hours a week you can help to with classic stories throughout the Here is my answer. You can be a want to have anything to do with empower a young girl—make her :years with their cartoons. They've more CDs--I'm not wearing that. positive role model. The Thurston her, her family wasn't thrilled with realize that she needs an education had risky characters like the Little I'd like to see sports heroes stick by House is in need of volunteers of all the idea of teenage pregnancy, so and can still get one even though Mermaid and Jessica Rabbit, but their city, say no to a million dollar types. Their mission is to encour- the volunteer accompanied the girl she has a child. nothing too over the top. raise because that city is their home age pregnant and parenting students to her doctor visits, and even was This is the business they do well and people treat them well there. to stay in school, obtain a high there for the birth of the baby. It I knew a lot of girls in my high and they should stick to it. They This rarely happens and our chil- school diploma, and set some career was because the support and school who had kids, dropped out of ruin their reputation by placing sex- dren watch and learn. goals. The skills of the volunteers encouragement of the volunteer that school, and are probably working at ually suggestive videos between are matched to the needs of the the teen's pregnancy was made that "McJobs" that don't provide enough cartoons right after schdol gets out. Eric Reinagel is a columnist for agency. If you volunteer you might much easier. money and are collecting welfare , Parents used to be able to depend The Campus. be helping with computer and cleri- While teenage pregnancy isn't at because they have no other choice. cal work, talking with the students, the top of most people's approval Some of those girls have had multi- tutoring, mentoring, or developing ratings, the fact is, it does exist and ple kids and are barely scraping by. TRANSFER from page 6 Thankfully, it doesn't have to be new programs. happens often. According to the ing my mind, leaving my friends had taken a close second. During my tour my group asked that way. If the teens are willing to Center for Adolescent Pregnancy As I stated before, this past summer became a bonding period for my about some of the volunteers of the work hard, they can get educated Prevention, 1,403 babies are born to friends and me. Looking back, we really did not stray from our usual past and what they have con- and provide a good life for them- teenage mothers everyday in motions of the summer, which include sitting on porches and talking, rent- tributed. We were given several selves and their child. And we can America. Teen mothers are less ing movies, going to the mall and playing video games together. If I had examples. One young mother-to-be likely to complete high school— help them through it by offering our to guess, the reason for the sudden attachment was because I knew I would wanted to learn how to knit, so a only one-third receive a high school support and encouragement. be leaving them at the end of August, as I had made the decision to trans- volunteer who knew how to knit diploma. Teen mothers are also fer a few months before. My original decision to stay was not based pri- taught a few basic classes to anyone Heather Chapman is Perspectives more likely to end up on welfare marily around them, but they were a considerable factor in the whole who wanted to learn. Another vol- with nearly eighty percent of Editor of The Campus. process. I know I am not alone on this subject. Reflecting on the last year of my life, I was forced to deal with a major mental burden, even though I was BUSH from page 5 strongly against doing so. The result? I lost the new friends, experiences, a result, it appears that a president, who was told that he been built. Additionally, many environmentalists have and challenges that everyone gains while moving away. I avoided my fear would not be able to get anything done, will actually be claimed that the energy crisis is attributed solely to the and made excuses not to confront it, and I- basically lost a year of my life able to pass many items on his agenda. greed of electricity suppliers. However, if greed is the sole cause, why is the energy crisis confined only to because of it. I noticed this in January of 2000, the month I applied for a As talk of recession looms on the horizon due to an transfer to Allegheny College. economy that has not grown for the first time in ten California? Aren't other states suffering from greed as What I am trying to say in the long run is not to run away for a fear or years, Bush has gained an increased impetus to push for well? Furthermore, California is a Democratic state his tax plan. Even the head of the Fed, Alan Greenspan, dominated by many left-leaning politicians, interest challenge. That uneasy feeling in your stomach is temporary, and small in approves of the need for tax cuts. The Bush tax cut will groups, and environmentalists. Shouldn't we blame the comparison to what you will lose if you reject growth. Do whatever you give money back to all people, not just the wealthy. In people who are in power? have to do to make yourself comfortable, but try your hardest to deal with fact, single earners making under $30,000 will no fear. I, for example, still get extremely homesick and miss my friends President Bush has assessed the energy crisis and has longer have pay taxes. Those at the top of the tax tremendously. When this happens, I play music, look at pictures, or just lay said that the problem is a result of a faulty law in bracket will also receive a significant tax cut in propor- back and think about the amazing summer that I had, as well as an equal tion to the money they have earned. Common sense California. Consequently, it is up to the people of Or better one to come. Missing home is easily mended; I visit. Little by lit- tells us that the wealthy will receive a larger tax cut California to address the lay', not the federal govern- tle I have made my visits longer and longer apart, and each time I arrive because of this simple fact: they have earned more ment. This is one example of President Bush holding home, a small part of my wants to return immediately. What really excites money and paid more in taxes. Altogether, Bush's tax people accountable for their own actions. After all, the me is that that small part is becoming bigger! plan will spur the sagging economy, stop punishing suc- people of California have let a decade go by without This is the time of my life I know, deep down and past all the fear, that cess, and give money back to the people who have taking any action. As a result, the chickens are finally I have been waiting for. I have met some wonderful people, had many earned it. coming home to roost. hilarious moments, one or two scares, but that is just the way things are, Certainly, Bush will have to deal with many crises While it's too early to give any verdict on Bush's and I now accept that. I have also taken to calling this school home, while while in office. Once crisis left over from the Clinton time in office during his honeymoon period, I caution still knowing my other one is only thirty-five miles away. Ultimately, I am administration is the California power shortage. It is many of you to heed the following warning: don't content with were I am. I know the good times with friends, the warm feel- first important to look at the causes of the crisis. Some underestimate him. ing of home, and the peace that comes from being in a familiar environ- of the simple facts are that while California's popula- ment is not over, they are just on break. tion has nearly doubled in the last ten years and indus-

tries have grown rapidly, not a single power plant has Brandon Meyer is , a member of the class of '02. ohn Reilly is a member of the class of '04. 3 , Page 8 News

PRESIDENTIAL PLATFORMCa§Sus Vanessa Braun & Michael McCorvey

Voting for Vanessa Braun and the Panhellenic Council, and also cultural organizations and currently administration to investigate house- primary issue facing the Allegheny Michael McCorvey will ensure you serves as member of the Gator Ac- serves as the Social Director for the keeping concerns in residence halls student body. If elected they plan to an experienced and knowledgeable tivities Programming (GAP) execu- Association for the Advancement of and the parking issues on campus. work with the Dean of Students of- student Government administration tive board. Vanessa has also had ex- Black Culture (ABC). Vanessa and Michael also plan to fice and Marriott to increase the that will work well with the students periences working with faculty and If elected to office Vanessa and make some internal changes to the hours of food availability, as well as and staff of the college, to obtain administrators as a member of the Michael plan to make changes and student government to help the or- to investigate the possibility of us- shared goals and implement positive Campus Life Committee. Michael improvements to the quality of life ganization to run more efficiently. ing your meal plan at any hour of changes. has worked closely with students on campus. Some of the aspects of They have been in contact with the the day. Vanessa and Michael have each and administration alike as a Resi- campus life they plan to address are Dean of Students office, as well as Another frequent concerned served on Allegheny Student Gov- dent Assistant in Schultz hall for the late night dining options, as well as the Student Activities Office, con- voiced by students is that of house- ernment for two years. Vanessa has past year and a half. He works ac- the use of your meal plan outside of cerning all of these issues. keeping. With the cooperation of represented the class of 2003 as a tively with the Diversity Council on the established dining hours. They Vanessa and Michael recognize the Dean of Students office, the of- senator and currently she acts as the campus and also with various multi- also plan to work closely with the that dining concerns are always a fice of Residence Life, and the stu- class's vice- president. In addition dent body, Vanessa and Michael to her duties as vice-president, plan to do a study that could drasti- Vanessa also serves on Allegheny cally improve the current quality of Student Government's Finance housekeeping or possibly end in a Committee and has served as a change in the campus's current member of the Student Leaders Or- housekeeping provider. ganization for the past two years. The student body has indicated Michael has served Allegheny Stu- its concern with the current and fu- dent Government as the treasurer of ture parking situation on this cam- the class of 2002 and is currently the pus. Vanessa and Michael plan to Attorney General. His duties as At- gather a task force of faculty, 'stu- torney General include serving as dents and administrators in conjunc- the head of the Rules Committee, tion with the office of security to as- which is in charge of approving new sess and possibly alter the current groups on campus. parking space availability. In addition to their duties as If elected, Vanessa and Michael members of Allegheny Student will be committed and determined Government, Vanessa and Michael to address issues that directly effect hold leadership roles in several oth- the quality of life on campus. The er organizations on campus. As an issues they plan to address are both active member of the Greek com- practical in their attainability and munity, Vanessa has recently been worthwhile in their pursuit. elected to an executive position on John Hreha &Tamara Pavasovic

By casting your votes for John Hreha and Tamara Pavaso- school teacher, and is a math tutor at Allegheny College. She our college. Because this is not purely a matter of student vic, you would demonstrate a desire to influence and increase spent last semester studying abroad in Germany. government, and our influence in this area would be limited, the quality of life at Allegheny College, and support the proj- As President and Vice President, we hope to contribute to we hope to at least increase diversity awareness within Al- ects they find crucial in improving overall satisfaction of col- Allegheny's campus mostly with our enthusiasm, motivation, legheny's campus. lege students. and determination to make a change. We hope to fully repre- Third, our goal is to expand the possibilities of College- sent the student body and its cares and concerns in making Al- owned housing. Many student are interested in on-campus John, a sophomore pre-law International Studies major legheny a better and closer community. housing because of the many flaws of off-campus houses. from , PA, has been the President of the class of However, the opportunities and information in this area are 2003 this year. As a member of ASG, he is involved in the Our first goal, and what we believe to be a great concern rather limited, we hope to improve this through better guid- Rules Committee, which reviews prospective clubs and organ- among Allegheny students, is improving the quality of Mar- ance and communication with Residence Life. izations. He is also on the Residence Life Student-Faculty riott services. Throughout our two years here at Allegheny, we Board, which influences the quality and living decisions of have heard numerous complaints ranging from prices, quality, Fourth, we wish to improve Allegheny's utilities and aes- students' everyday life. Additionally, he is a member of the and variety (namely, vegetarian choices) of Marriott's service. thetic appearance. For example, completing projects such as varsity Diving Team, where he has represented Allegheny at While we realize the limitations of food services at any col- building a water-fountain in the Campus library computer lab, the NCAA diving championships. lege, we hope to reach the most compromise between Marriott setting up more ashtrays outside of academic buildings, etc. and Allegheny students. Tamara, a sophomore International Studies major from Finally, we wish to further and enhance some of the goals Belgrade, Yugoslavia, was the Vice President of the Class of Second, we hope to increase diversity at Allegheny, that are currently being accomplished by ASG. Some of these 2003 as a freshman, where she served the Student Leaders Or- through contact with inner city schools and through extending projects include ,che Loop, Napster issues, online registration, ganization. She is the President of the Debate Team, a mem- Allegheny's name beyond the Cleveland-Buffalo-Pittsburgh connectedness among various groups on campus, awareness of ber of a sorority, Women's Ensemble, Model UN, and Al- area. Also, we would try to increase Allegheny's appeal to stu- the student body c4. ASG meetings and policies, etc. , legheny Christian Outreach. She volunteers as a Sunday dents abroad, and thus increase the minimal diversity level at THE CAMPUS

Features, Music, Movies, Humor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••EEKEN Breuer Brings Laughs By BRIANNA PIKE it could sneak up on you and bite ably relating on personal experi- Assistant Weekend Editor you. He contrasted Allegheny's ence. mascot to that of a Pilgrim, a mas- Students laughed uproariously An enthusiastic Allegheny com- cot at another college where he had when Breuer talked about where he munity laughed Tuesday night away performed. Breuer made the crowd received the inspiration for his with comedian Jim Breuer, packing chuckle when he said the only thing famous "goat boy" routine. His Shafer Auditorium to witness one of a Pilgrim could do was cook impressions of goats mixed with his Gator Activities Programming's Thanksgiving dinner for the oppos- tales about how he used to get (GAP) biggest events of the year. ing team. "relaxed" made some students Students who did not already Breuer moved from local humor laugh so hard their eyes watered. have tickets lined up to purchase about Meadville and the college, Breuer also got a good reception them an hour before. There was a into more generalized satire about we he talked about being 30 years buzz of excitement and anticipation his personal life. He poked fun at old and still being terrified of the as students filed into Shafer and everything from fatherhood, to boogey man. His impression of took their seats. The audience coming home drunk, to having run- walking confidently to the bath- cheered loudly as GAP President ins with the family dog. room in the dark when you're really Mike Wilson walked into the mid- When describing the pains of petrified caused lots of laughs. dle of the stage to introduce Breuer. childbirth, Breuer said that he could Breuer closed his routine with an Breuer came on stage full of not even begin to understand the important but humorous message energy and movement. The audi- horrible agony involved. The only about the dangers of mixing various ence began smiling right away as pain that he could even attempt to kinds of alcohol. Students laughed Breuer went into his description GOAT BOY—Former Saturday Night Live comedian Jim Breuer relate it to was when he got up in as Breuer described the stomach as about the local Applebees. Students graced the stage at Shafer Auditorium on Tuesday, February 6, the middle of the night and really a bouncer and all the different types laughed appreciatively as he poked bringing lots of laughs to an enthusiastic Allegheny crowd. had to go to the bathroom, or when of alcohol as people trying to get fun at the waitress that had waited —photo by Katie Meier you get up and are stumbling into the party. He used different on him. around in the dark and you bang voices to talk about the different Breuer praised the Allegheny your shin on some unsuspecting drinks, which made the sketch even mascot, talking about how a gator piece of furniture. The crowd Pride Alliance was truly something to fear because laughed long and hard at this, prob- see BREUER, page 12— Launches Film Series Travelling with ACCEL in 2001

By AMY ZADER By ABBY COLLIER its inception in 1999, when only concentration in music and German. Assistant Weekend Editor Weekend Editor two courses were offered. In Austria, under the direction of "Professors design courses Linda DeMeritt, Professor of The First Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Series is currently underway The Allegheny College Center depending on what they think is Modern and Classical Languages, and will continue throughout the month of February. The films and events for Experiential Learning [ACCEL] best," DiChristina said, and then and Lowell Hepler, Professor of sponsored by Pride Alliance (formerly known as the Committee in Support is gearing up for Spring 2001 with submit their course descriptions to a Music, students will travel to both of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans-gendered Persons), along with nine EL Summer Study Tour Curriculum Committee, which are Vienna and Salzburg. Allegheny Gay Pride [AGP], the Association for the\ Advancement of Courses. Several enthusiastic stu- approved by faculty members if Besides venturing outside of the Black Culture [ABC], and the Women's Studies department. dents met the Feb. 1 application they have a reasonable budget. United States, students also have This is the first year that such a film series has occurred at Allegheny. deadline hoping to participate, and These trips will also give partic- the opportunity to travel within the According to Miranda Crotsley, president of AGP, there has been a great those selected will travel anywhere ipants an opportunity to see the —see ACCEL, page 11— deal of interest in recent years to begin a film series, but no one knew from New York to Ghana to the world. "I've never set foot out of the where to start to get a series organized. Ukraine. Each three-week course is United States," said first-year Ryan Inside Weekend: Crotsley attributes the coming about of this project this year to the worth four credit hours and begins James, who plans on travelling to arrival and interest of assistant professor of English Paige Schilt. She around the third week of May after Costa Rica. "I'd just like to experi- claims that Schilt "lit a fire under us to get things moving." the spring semester ends. ence another country." Like other —"The Lion King" will roar Schilt says that she came to Allegheny and spoke with Nita McKinley, By Feb. 12, after the professors applicants, James, who is double for Allegheny students professor of Psychology and Women's Studies, as well as a co-facilitator directing each trip have reviewed majoring in Spanish and of Pride Alliance, about the possibilities of a film series. Schilt claims, "In the applications, they will announce International Studies, chose this —Odetta to sing the blues those students accepted into the any case, I think it was the students, particularly Megan [Fecko] and particular course because it coin- in Shafer Miranda, who were the impetus behind the planning last fall." program. According to Director of cides with his career plans. In Costa Senior Megan Fecko, secretary of AGP, says that the organization of the ACCEL Joe DiChristina, about 98 Rica, under the direction of project started with weekly brainstorming meetings that in turn led to con- percent of students usually pass the Professor of Economics Don -=-Matt robs the post office tacting distributors, petitioning for funds, finding viewing places, adver- application process, which simply Goldstein, students will focus pri- tising around campus, getting support from other diversity groups, and gives professors an opportunity to marily on environmental degrada- —Weekend Where @ bouts deciding on the films that are now on the schedule. "We had outstanding review the commitments of interest- tion and sustainable development. support from ASG, ABC, Women's Studies, and numerous professors, fac- ed students. For the nine May 2001 First-year Emily Schmidt hopes ulty and, staff members," Fecko said. "Their support only made the organ- study tours, DiChristina said, about to gain "an appreciation for a differ- —John can't "Save the izing easier." 75 students applied, and the pro- ent culture" if she's selected to trav- Last Dance" gram has grown substantially since el to Austria because of the course's —see FILMS, page 11—

Page 10 Weekend February 8, 2001 Save Your Last Shred of Dignity: Not the 'Last Dance'

By JOHN RAUCCI (there was at least one preview per commer- urban Chicago. Every cliché imaginable was of the slums. Although he is on his way out, Weekend Reporter cial break). Much to my dissatisfaction, I used to show us how poor of an area her new his loyalty still remains with his boyhood was yet again reminded of the music televi- residence was (I mean give me a break, were friend/criminal named Malachi (not to be Believe it or not, I was really trying to do sion network when the big flashy MTV the bums using burn barrels directly outside confused with the devil worshipping child everything within my limited power NOT to Productions logo appeared on the screen of her apartment really necessary?). Even her named Malachi from "Children of the see "Save the Last Dance." I was hoping to before the opening credits, mocking me as I new school is a massive cliché, complete Corn"), who constantly keeps dragging catch Jennifer Lopez making a fool of herself sat in front of a movie that I originally told with metal detectors guarding the entrance Derek back into the street life. Sarah keeps in "The Wedding Planner," but since Monday and kids dancing on the front steps with him away from Malachi, while Derek teach- nights are slow in Meadville, the workers boom boxes resting on their shoulders. es her some "slammin" new dance moves. were shutting down the theater early if no Movie Review If you have seen any Brendan Frasier film, I was very surprised at the extreme lack "paying" customers were going to watch (with the exception of "Gods and Monsters," of actual dancing that went on in the movie. anything. In other words, if no one came I I pray the answer is no), you've been intro-. It's not that I really wanted to see a movie was out of a review for this week. myself I would never see. duced to the over exhausted "fish out of filled with dancing, but in a best case sce- At the last possible second a couple The movie starts off by introducing us to water" plot scenario, which you will instant- nario I was expecting an inspirational mod- strolled up to the window and I could hear the main character, Sarah, played by Julia ly recognize in "Save the Last Dance." The ern day "Rocky" for dancers and instead I myself thinking over and over, "Anything Stiles. We learn that she used to be an aspir- story basically focuses on suburban Sarah got an hour and a half long MTV video but 'Save the Last Dance.'" I eyed them up ing ballet dancer until her mother was tragi- trying to fit into her new urban surroundings. (shame on you if that last sentence made you and down, realizing the fate of this review cally killed in an automobile wreck while on What good would any MTV produced want to go see this movie). was in the hands of these two people's movie her way to watch Sarah audition for the film geared towards 13-year-old Backstreet Altogether, my biggest qualm is that I tastes. As you can probably guess, their tick- Juilliard School of Dance. The wreck ended Boy loving girls be without a romantic`ele- have basically seen the same plot before, et read "Save the Last Dance." her mother's life, Sarah's ballet career, and ment? In comes Derek (Shawn Patrick numerous times. It's a "Dirty Dancing" I probably would not have had such a neg- any chance the movie had not to be pre- Thomas), who plays Sarah's romantic inter- meets "Menace II Society" on a made for TV ative attitude towards the film if I wouldn't dictable. Sarah's only option was to move in est. Derek is waiting on an acceptance letter level that will leave you begging for your have seen it hyped up so much by MTV with her father, who lived in the slums of from Georgetown University, his ticket out money back. Odetta, 'Queen of Folk Music,' Will Sing Blues at Allegheny

By ABBY COLLIER performed in "Guys and Dolls." Between cleaning Weekend Editor houses and working with actor and activist Paul Robeson, Odetta also managed to perform at the Blue Her first release in 14 years, "Blues Everywhere I Angel folk club in New York City. At this time, Vleck Go," was nominated last year for a Grammy. added, Odetta had matured from a "coloratura sopra- Every so often one runs across a band that is almost, but not entirel y; President Bill Clinton, First Lady Hillary Rodham no" to a "mezzo-soprano," while also experimenting completely impossible to categorize. Spoon is one of those bands. On Clinton, and the National Endowment for the Arts as a baritone. their latest record, Girls Can Tell. released on Merge Records, they pro- presented her with the 1999 National Medal of Arts. By 1954, Odetta was finally making some noise duct a sound that is at once familiar and ear-catching in its singularity... She has performed for President John F. Kennedy on when she released "The Tin Angel," and was noticed Spoon is made up of singer/songwriter/guitarist Britt Daniel and dru* the nationally televised program "Dinner with the by actor and producer Harry Belafonte, who later trier Bill Eno with a rotating lineup of backing musicians. They hail fr* President," and for Martin Luther King at the 1963 said, "Odetta is a vast influence on our cultural life." musical hotbed Austin, Texas and have been around since 1993. Their 0.4 March on Washington. And Belafonte wasn't lying. During the American Her name is Odetta, otherwise known as the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, Odetta released "Queen of American Folk Music," and on Friday, 16 albums. She focused on "American roots music Feb. 16 at 7:30 p.m., she will take the stage at Shafer and especially African-American folk, blues, and Auditorium. gospel," according to M.C. Records, which released Odetta was born Odetta's current album, "Blues Everywhere I Go." in Birmingham, Ala. For her first studio recording in 14 years, Odetta on December 31, collaborated with guitarist Jimmy Vivino, bassist 1930. According to Mike Merrit (from Conan O'Brien), and blues musi- Philip Van Vleck's cian John Rebennack, known as "Dr. John," who per- account in the All forms a duet with Odetta on the track "Please Send Music Guide Me Someone to Love." [AMG], her singing The lyrics for "Blues Everywhere I Go," added voice blossomed at Vleck in his AMG review, "concern lost love, unem- age 10 after she ployment, homelessness, and hard times -- no knives, ::::moved to Los no guns, no chasin' women, no double-entendre Angeles with her lyrics in this collection," he said. Sipie Wallace, ter and mother. She Huddie Ledbetter, Big Bill Broonzy, Victoria Spivey —photo courtesy of Public Affairs began taking classi- and Thelma Lowe wrote the lyrics. cal voice lessons at age 13, and continued with finan- "This is Odetta's first studio release in over a cial support from puppeteer Harry Burnette, who decade," said Vleck of "Blues Everywhere I Go," offered to pay for her instruction. "but time doesn't appear to have affected her inter- At 19, Odetta performed in "Finian's Rainbow" at pretive skills or the range and quality of her voice, the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, where she discov- which remains one of the most remarkable instru- ered "blues harmonica master" Sonny Terry. Later on, ments in American folk and blues music to date." Vleck continues, Odetta was exposed to the "growing —see Odetta, page 11— local folk music scene" in San Francisco, where she

Page 11 Weekend The Campus Students to See "The Lion King" Reign in Toronto Mufasa is killed by his brother before the 2 p.m. matinee, and By NICOLE GERAGHTY planned turn out so well. We got bilities of adulthood and his des- Scar. arrive back to campus around 11:30 Weekend Reporter such a great response," said Davis. tined roles as king. The show itself has 15 musical that night. Students will also have a Because it's Davis' first year as the The show first came to stage in numbers, including five from the comfortable ride to Toronto, riding This Saturday, February 10, 70 Music and Recreation chair, she 1997 at the Orpheum Theater in original Disriey film, as well as on Anderson Coach Buses. Theater students will travel to Toronto on a wanted to make this event a memo- Minneapolis, Minnesota and quick- songs by Elton John and Tim Rice. tickets and transportation were trip sponsored by the Gator rable one. Apparently, she succeed- ly branched out all around the African rhythms and beats are offered to students at a very reason- Activities Programming [GAP] to ed. "This event sold out in a matter nation. The production was intertwined with western popular able rate. see the critically acclaimed play of hours...I never expected such a unprecedented in the realm of the- music to create a sound that is Sophomore Becky Zimmerman, "The Lion King." Junior Tara large reaction, I really wish I atrical technology, not only unlike any other. Costumes are who had seen "The Lion King" in Davis, the Music and Recreation bought more [tickets]," said Davis. because it reached the inspiring another unique factor to the show Toronto last June, couldn't believe chair for GAP, had heard rave Last year's GAP trip to see "The standards of one of the greatest ani- because rather than using full body what a great offer this was. "I can't reviews about the "Lion King" for Phantom of the Opera" in Toronto mated features ever, but also animal costumes, the directors believe I'm getting the chance to quite some time, and when she took two days to sell out. because it strove to bring to the decided to go with a combination see it again and at such a low called to plan the event in July, the "The Lion King," which is pre- audience limitless and breathtaking of masks and puppetry. The masks price," she said. "My ticket was in first available seats were for sented by Disney, tells the story of factors, such as the bountiful reveal the face so that human facial the second section of the balcony, February. a young lion cub named Simba and African grasslands and the infa- expressions would not be lost. and was still much more than the "It's nice to see something I his struggles to accept the responsi- mous onslaught in which King In Toronto, the musical is held $35 we paid, and that doesn't count in the impressive $36 million, my travel expenses from last time 2,200 seat Princess of Wales either. I can't wait!" Without the FILMS from page 9 Theater. The set designers were help from GAP, tickets would cost able to design the stage so that the as much as $129. Crotsley believes that an increase in AGP's budget, Schilt claims. "If that ends up challenging someone's audience is closer, and, therefore, Sophomore Rosalie Mercurio is along with the co-sponsorship of Women's Studies stereotypes, I think that's great." intimately connected with the also excited about this . trip, "I and ABC, enabled the series to transpire. "These films all have a positive and truthful por- action. haven't seen the show before but I Although they originally wanted to have the series trayal of lesbian and gay people and their relation: Students will leave Allegheny have seen the dancers perform live occur in April to coincide with the National Day of ships, whether they be documentaries or feature for "The Lion King" at around 6 on the Rosie O'Donell show, and Silence, the organizers decided that there were too films," Crotsley believes. "It's good for the a.m. and will arrive in Toronto with I've wanted to see it ever since many other events happening that month. February is Allegheny community to see the reality Of our lives enough time to have some lunch then," she said. also Black History Month, and ABC was willing to through these films."

collaborate with Pride Alliance and AGP to make Many of the films chosen have won distinguished "Watermelon Woman," both a part of the film series awards and critical acclaim, but have not been shown and Black History Month. arotind the Meadville area either because they are "Watermelon Woman" was shown on the first of small, independent films that have only made the film February. The film was also made part othe festival circuit, or they are films that the community Women's Studies First Thursday Film Series, on has heard about but not necessarily seen. "All in all," which the first Thursday of each month, the Women's said Fecko, "they are films that deal with the issues, Studies department shows a movie dealing with educate the community and are definitely worth the women's issues. Because the movie dealt with race free admission."

issues, as well as with women's history and lesbian If you missed either of the first two films, but are relationships, the film worked well to bring many still interested in the series, on Valentine's Day, groups of people together for the first film viewing in February 14, a double feature of the Oscar-nominated the series. "Show Me Love" and "trick" will be shown in The movie for this week, "Homoteens," is about Quigley Auditorium beginning at 6 p.m. Other films five young gays and lesbians in New York City, and to be shown in the series include "Riot Grrrandmas" was shown Tuesday evening. (Wednesday, February 21 at 12:30 p.m. in the Walker Crotsley claims that awareness and visibility are Room) and "Women's Shorts" and "Men's Shorts" major goals that Pride Alliance and AGP expect this (Monday, February 26 at 6 p.m. in Shafer film series to achieve on campus. She hopes that Auditorium). "more people will be made aware of both organiza- , Because the official name of this series is the First tions and the events that we plan through this film Annual Gay and Lesbian Film Series, organizers hope

series." that it will continue in the future. "The name was kind When choosing the films to be shown this month, of chosen to pressure those that will be here next year one of the main factors that went into the selection into having another series," Crotsley says. "Those of was the way that the films portrayed gays and lesbians us who are seniors this year think the series is a great to a heterosexual audience. "We're trying to provide idea that needs to be carried on—and we hope other complex, sexy, and diverse images of gay people," students will pick it up in the coming years."

ACCEL from page 9 Science Andrey Meleshevich and Professor at the University country. Dan Crozier, Professor of Communication Arts and exciting way to approach a new topic." He also feels that .40 Theatre, and Roberta Levine, Professor of English, are co- these courses give students an opportunity to expand their of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Olexiy Haran; Israel with Eric directing a course in New York.City, where students will be global awareness. Pallant, Professor of Environmental Science; and upstate exposed to theatre, art, and dance. "I think New York is so Professor of History Anne Rubenstein, co-directing a New York with Professor Emeritus of Political Science Giles great," said Levine, who lived in the city for 14 years and course in Mexico with Shannan Mattiace, Professor of Wayland-Smith. hopes students will develop a "critical acumen" by focusing Political Science, agreed. "I think it's really important that all on a variety of art forms. Junior Nick Argentieri, who plans students see the world," Rubenstein said. "It's hard to under- In order to prepare for each Study tour, professors will on accompanying Crozier and Levine, has never been to New stand places that they haven't seen." In Mexico, students will meet with their groups in April to assign readings for a better York City before. As a theatre minor, he hopes to gain "a bet- study the challenges posed by government and mass media, understanding of the culture they will experience. These ter appreciation for different art forms" by studying and and will thoroughly immerse themselves in Mexican culture. courses, DiChristina added, give students an opportunity to attending operas, ballets, and art exhibits. This Spring, students will also travel to San Francisco build both "peer to peer" and "professional" relationships. DiChristina feels the combination of doing and learning is with Professor of English Sean O'Grady; Ghana, with "This environment allows people to pull together," he said. a very influential part of the EL Summer Study Tour Courses. Professor of Environmental Science Seth Appiah-Opokuh; "People will develop some long-lasting relationships as a "Learning in this kind of an environment," he said, "is an the Ukraine, under the co-direction of Professor of Political result of this travel." Page 12 Weekened Where@bouts

Thursday 2.8

Backstreet Boys @ Mellon Arena-Pittsburgh, PA 7:30 p.m. $49.50/$58.50

Friday 2.9

Rustic Overtones @ Beehive Theater-Pittsburgh, PA $8 in adv, $10 at the door

Dexter Freebish and Everlast @ Club Laga-Pittsburgh, PA 7 p.m. $18 in adv, $20 at the door

Backstreet Boys @ Mellon Arena-Pittsburgh, PA 7:30 p.m. $49.50/$58.50 Dear YoungertOthr;:•• fond s "Target Stars On Ice" @ Gund Arena-Cleveland, OH 7:30 p.m. $35/$58 already. ACtUallYtttey're ..:10morie>s of iiCitiattY6110; butbttt idente hall the next inorning'hai4ttg'Other people describe what tt i t' Alan Jackson and Lee Ann Womack @ HSBC Arena-Buffalo, NY 7:30 p.m. lots of people know who I ain. . And of course they would • • • $35/$45 1Sounding about frotRi;st.44 house And by the way,01441:t rnY grade rep 54-40 @ The Tralf Music Hall-Buffalo, NY iine about Allegh00. orttxte 0:C1 tritnesterS-i.:Sh6er brilliance. Saturday 2.10

McCarthy Commission @ Brass Factory-Pittsburgh, PA

Slaid Cleaves Band @ Carnegie Lecture Hall-Pittsburgh, PA

Bile and Forge @ Blind Lemon-Cleveland, OH 10 p.m. $7

Coinmonster @ Hard Rock Cafe-Cleveland, OH

Fathead @ Broadway Joe's-Buffalo, NY

Earl Klugh @ The Tralf Music Hall-Buffalo, NY

Sunday 2.11

Glenn Phillips and John Mayer @ Club Cafe-Pittsburgh, PA 8 p.m. $12 mw "Target Stars On Ice" @ Mellon Arena-Pittsburgh, PA 6 p.m. $35.25/$55.25 Proba Lonesome River Band @ Beachland Ballroom-Cleveland, OH

The Soap Dish —Information courtesy of soapoperadigest.com BREUER from page 9 Passions: Grace reacts to the Guiding Light: May makes a Jack is in hot water with the provides advice for the lovelorn... news that Sam is Ethan's father. mysterious phone call. Michelle women in hislife... Olivia resorts An eavesdropping Julia gets dis- funnier. Tabitha, timmy, and Hecuba pre- and Marah join forces. Richard's to devious tactics as she enlists turbing information. pare for battle. Luis investigates loss migh be Edmund's gain. Mamie in her campaign for Neil's Breuer's comedy was very animated and Charity's disappearance. Ivy has Sam defends Tony. Phillip and affections... Billy gives Brittany loud, which kept the audience interested a breakdown. Rebecca and Gwen Beth clash over Edmund. Buzz an intimate gift. Will he kill his All My Children: David profess- throughout the show. His use of loud sound set their sights on Thresa, and and Holly grow closer. Reva chances to reunite with Mac? es his love for Dixie... Bianca effects in his sketches made audience's laugh Julian proves that he has heart. gloats over Josh and Olivia's threatens to run away.... Leslie even harder at the exaggerated situations he difference of opinion. Days of Our Lives: Austin flirts with murder... Jake described. Bold and the Beautiful: Ridge makes a plea to the crowd, and announces to Gillian that he plans and Taylor are thrown into a One Life to Live: Max asks Greta promises to reveal the iden- to stop their divorce... Vanessa Breuer's routine was definitely geared nightmare. Morgan threatens to Blair to make love to him one last tity of her father after the corona- and Greenlee cook up a plan to toward a college crowd, making jokes about sue the Foresters. Brookes offers time. Colin reveals the truth tion... Jack ambushes Jen when recapture Leo's attention... Adam sex, alcohol, and drugs. The audience related to comfort Ridge. Amber is about Lindsay. RJ threatens to she arrives in Paris... Sami's jeal- makes a stunning confession. to what Breuer was talking about, and that caught off-guard by Deacon's lat- tell Antonio Roseanne's secret. ousy gets the best of her... Hope made the show all the more successful. est plan. Asa jumps to the wrong conclu- has some upsetting Princess Gina Student response to Breuer was very posi- sions when he spies Ben and flashbacks... Lexie fears she will Port Charles: Lucy and Kevin tive, and he received loud applause and General Hospital : Lucky sur- Gina exiting from a motel room. have to choose between Abe and make love again... Karen has an cheering at the end of the show. prised Gia. Felicia makes a big Jessica and Will are shocked by Isaac. unexpectedvisitor... Livvie over- decision about Luke. Sonny pro- jen's date for Todd and Blair's hears a private conversation "I had an impression that he wouldn't be vides Alexis with emotional sup- rehersal dinner. As the World Turns: Molly and between Lucy and Jack... Chris that good, but I was really surprised. I though port. Hannah agrees to go on a Jake see a stunning vision.,. arrives home and discovers that he was very good," said sophomore Erica Shadle. date with AJ. Carly and Sonny Young and the Restless: Diane Lily's decision stuns SimOri... he's not alone... Eve and Kevin find themselves in a perilous situ- furiously confronts Nikki about Carly learns of her windfall.. come face-to-face for the first " I really enjoyed his routine, and I' m glad ation. Liz and Jason try to fight the test results... Mac makes a Barbara's request provokes an time since the ceremony. I decided to come," said sophomore Krista their growing attraction. bizarre and dangerous decision... intense reaction from Hal... Kim Igou. NE CAMPUS

SPORTS Scores, Schedules, News, Features Climbing High Men and Women Clean Up At Track and Field Invite

By REBECCA RITTENHOUSE Assistant Sports Editor

Allegheny's track and field teams had another win with the women placing first and the men second at the Mount Union Invitational last weekend.

The women placed first out of 12 teams with 125.5 points ahead of teams such as Malone, who compiled 98.5 points and Mount Union with merely 81 points.

Sophomore Tiffany Bennett was sixth in the high jump for Allegheny with a total jump of 4'10" and the women's pole vault team dominated the competition with a first place finish by sophomore Jen Surace, with a jump of 8'6", a sixth place finish by first-year Kerri Nigito with a jump of 7'6, a seventh place finish by senior Tammy Jolly jumping 7', and an eighth place finish by first-year athlete Liz Donick with a jump of 7'. • The women also placed well in the triple jump with junior Erin Switzer placing fourth jumping 31'9" and Bennett jumping 30'6" to win her anoth- er sixth place.

On the track, first-year runner Lindsey Hayes ran to a fifth place finish in the 55m hurdles totaling a time of 9.52 and in the 55m dash, Switzer was fifth running 7.91. In the 1500m run, first-year runner Chelsea Benson placed second running a time of 5:05.5 and junior 'Tara Trent was third with a time of 5:08.4. First-year runner Brooke Woods was second in the 400m run and in the 800m, junior Jen Mcguire was first running a 2:32.4 and sophomore Lisa Weed was third with a 2:35.

In the 1000m run, Benson placed first overall running a 3:16.7 and in the 3000m, sophomore Nicole Morandi was third with a time of 10:59.5, senior Alyssa Mack was fourth with an 11:00, and junior Deserae Pegg was fifth w ith a time of 11:14.4. In the 500m finals Hayes was second run- ning a 1:23.50. The women's relays dominated at the meet with the ; women placing first in both the 4x160m relay and the 1600m relay. GET IT GET IT—In the D3hoops.com poll released on Jan. 30, the Gators moved up to No. 20 in the nation receiving 124 votes. The week prior, the women's team garnered 81 votes placing The men's team placed second overall with a score of 73 points just ahead of Malone and behind Mount Union. In the pole vault, sophomore them at the 24th spot. In the most recent poll the Gators received 39 votes, not placing them in the top 25. This is after a 76-68 loss to Earlham on Sat. Feb. 3., who ironically the Gators were victori- Jeremy Scott was first with a jump of 15' and in the triple jump sophomore ous over also by eight points earlier in the season. The women travel next to play Denison on Sat. Eric Wagner placed sixth with a jump of 41'. Feb. 10. —photo by Adam Wood In the men's 55m dash finals sophomore Joe Yarkovich placed first running a time of 6.61 and in the 1500m run, junior Dan Princic placed third running a time of 4:11.1. In the 400m dash, first-year runners Matt Niederherst and Brian Kollar placed second and fourth running times of 51.27 and 55.73 respectively. In the 300m, Niederst placed first with a Saturday, February 17, 2001 time of 36.3 and in the 500m, junior Darrell Voll was second with a time of 1:10.33. Senior Nick Radio and junior Seth Houwer were fourth and fifth in the 800m run with Radio coming in with a 2:02.3 and Houwer with a 2:02.5.

National Girls and Women In the 1000m run, Princic came up with a fourth place overall in a time of 2:39.9. And in the last event of the day, the men's 1600m relay placed in Sports Day. well with the A team placing third in a time of 3:36.79 and the B team in fifth with a 3:46.38.

Both teams travel to Baldwin Wallace College this weekend to corn- see article next week pcste, a 'quad meet with,)3W, Edinboro, and Fredonia: cer ti -h'

Page 14 Sports February 8, 2001 You Heard It Here... Lloyd's First Headache

On October 23, 2000 the rather see at first base come April 3rd? Who should be * North Carolina's 85-83 victory at Duke last Thursday is an indi- Club made a historic decision of sorts. They hired the early favorite for the first base job? Who can best cator that Duke is not as invincible as I one perceived. They had no Lloyd McClendon to replace Gene Lamont as the 35th protect Giles in the lineup? Young or Vander Wal? answer for Carolina's big men, nor Stanford's, who they lost to in manager of the franchise. For many loyal Pirate fans it There is no question here. Vander Wal should get a November. However, they lost both games by a combined score of was a questionable decision, as Lloyd has almost no legitimate shot at the first base job, as we need his bat three points. Even though UNC is now ranked number one, Duke is managing experience on his resume and had been a in the line up everyday. Lloyd has left the door open for the still the best team in the country. member of Lamont's coaching staff for the past four this possibility. Consider that the Pittsburgh Post- years. Gazette reported that Young has been on the trading For many what was initially a cautious pessimism, block for an undetermined amount of time Further By Arthur Pitt born from the frustration of eight consecutive losing recall that Lloyd has only committed to Bell, Giles and seasons, has slowly turned into a hopeful admiration of Kendall in the field_ The possibility remains that a pro- the new field general as he has formulated his strategy ductive spring for Vander Wal could give him the job over the off-season. Lloyd', seemingly endless ability permanetl y. * Give it up for the XFL. It must be hard to find a group of washed to communicate his vision to his players and Pirate fans All Vander Wal needs to do is look ahead 80 feet or up bums who hardly make the game of football exciting to watch. alike has helped to give hope to many in the Pirate so to realize that he still can get an everyday job in Hopefully this league will disappear fast and Vince McMahon can con- community that 2001 may bring with it a reversal of 2001. Face it he is terrible in the outfield, but he is no centrate on the disgusting wrestling league he has made so popular. fortune for the struggling franchise. worse defensively than Young at first. And the seller: only Vander Wal puts up legitimate numbers that you * The public feud going on between Kobe Bryant and Shaquille expect from this defensively inept position, relatively O'Neal is a perfect example how far sports has fallen. Combined, By Gabe Mazefsky speaking of course. they both make in excess of 60 million dollars per year, which includes Does it mean he will have to work harder because of endorsements. Can anyone figure out why it is important to be "the the competition? Absolutely! Its time for Vander Wal man", when you are that famous and wealthy? As we finally near the beginning of spring training to let the issue die and prepare to work his tail off to win (February 14th pitchers and catchers report to camp) the first base job in Florida and in doing so convince the * Mario Lemieux's return to hockey has been nothing short of Lloyd's plan has hit its first bump in the road. John Pirate brass that he is the best answer the club has at spectacular. He is not only the best hockey player who ever put skates Vander Wal, known around the league as one of the best first We also must realize that Will Clark has retired on, but is one of the classiest human beings in the world. pinch hitters in the game, had a career year last season and St. Louis is another McGuire setback away from for the Pirates and had seemingly wrapped up the right thinking Young is one of the best fillers on the market. How awful was the Super Bowl? The brief appearance by Briteny * field job for 2001. While I realize this particular scenario is unlikely, as Spears at halftime was ten times more exciting than watching this For Vander Wal it was more than earning an every- inter-divisional trades come few and far between, the lethargic and wearisome game. day spot at the major league level, rather he felt he had point is made, Young could be moved if the need arises finally shred the pinch hitter label he has carried with anywhere in the league due to injury_ * Giving Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis the Super Bowl MVP was a him his entire career. Unfortunately for Vander Wal, slap in the face to America. Although the court found him not guilty this offseason witnessed the acquisition of free agent "Lloyd's seemingly endless ability to of murder, and I believe it is true, where he was, who he surrounded outfielder Derek Bell on December 10th, Bell played himself with, and what occurred that night is a true indication of his communicate his vision to his players with the New York Mets the past two seasons spending character. time in both rightfield and center. and Pirate fans alike has helped to give When news of the signing got back to Vander Wat hope to many in the Pirate community * Please dismiss all the rumors about the Steelers acquiring anoth- he was flustered and shortly after made his grievances er quarterback to compete for the starting job. Kordell Stewart, that 2001 may bring with it a reversal publicly known in comments to John Perrotto of the with his hefty salary, improved play in the second half, is the incum- Beaver County Times. For many the issue was of little of fortune for the struggling bent quarterback of the . concern until recently, when Vander Wal's frustration franchise." escalated into anger over losing his starting job, to Bell. * A note to students: Go support your nationally ranked Lady Gators. He made public his, desire to be traded and skipped the This is a young, talented, and very exciting team to watch. Pirates annual Piratefest convention at which he had While I wish Vander Wal had k his situation out been scheduled to sign autographs over this past week- of the press, that issue is of minor concern when we * The Pirates general manager, Cam Bonifay, claimed that with this end. consider that an everyday spot is still open for him to winter's signings of two free agents, the Pirates could no longer be seen As the situation currently stands, we are left with a take. Truth is, the Pirates need his production in their as doormats in the world of free agency. Derek Bell and Terry disgruntled employee on the Pirates roster and a rookie line up as often as possible_ If 2000 is the true barom Mulholland hardly constitute a prominent free agent class, o.k. Cam? manager who must ultimately find a way to minimize eter of Vander Wal's abilities over an entire season there * College basketball is in danger of losing three of its top five high any negative impact this situation could have on his is no way we can afford to lose his bat in the lineup. school prospects to the NBA this year. With the success of Kobe club. Lloyd's initial response has been to reassure First base is where Vander Wal can see most of his at Vander Wal that he will have Bryant, Kevin Garnett, and Tracy McGrady, it is difficult to tell these the opportunity to see as bats in 2001. Further it is my hope that somehow the kids not to make the jump straight to the NBA out of high school. many at bats as he did during last season's campaign. club is able to unload Young and give the job to Vandy. College basketball is in trouble. As well Lloyd has assured Vander Wal that come The fact of the matter is Vandy is a major defensive lia- mid-season, if he still wants a trade Lloyd will see to it bility in RF. The team needed an improvement defen * Everyone should be paying attention and rooting for former that his request is granted. In my estimation this was an sively at this position as Vander Wal provided an easily Gators baseball player Brad Hensler, who will be in the New York Mets adequate short-term solution to the problem, but I feel exploited hole in our defense that the better hitters and Single A minor league camp next month. It is a true reflection of what that Lloyd could do even more to ensure that come managers in the league were able to exploit last season. a great baseball program this school has. opening day the Pirates are fielding the best possible His range is terrible and his glove is erratic. At first his team that they are capable of defensive miscues could be minimized and he would be * The amount of NBA players that are arrested for alcohol, drug, or Lloyd has said as of right now that he only has no worse than Kevin Young has been over the past two spousal abuse is skyrocketing. The NBA and NFL should go head to three definite everyday players in the field: Brian Giles, seasons. At the plate he produces as your prototypical head every year and see who has more felons in their respective Jason Kendall and Derek Bell. Vander Wal while frost baseman should whereas Young has proven inca- leagues. spending most of his career in the outfield, also proved pable of doing so in the past two seasons. last season that he is capable of playing at first base. The opportunity is there for Vander Wal it is now First base has been manned * Rumor has it that Allegheny's football team will start off next year for some years now by time for him to prove his worth. Lloyd McClendon's at Penn State and then will have Tennessee at home. Kevin Young, a player who is set to make 18 million first major headache has turned into his first major test over the next three seasons, but whom Lloyd has yet to as he must prove he will bench one of his established commit to as his starting first baseman come opening veterans (Young) for the sake of a better ballcIub. day. Send questions or comments to Now consider these questions. Who would you [email protected] - r

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