Nominum Et Rerum
Index Nominum et Rerum Achilles Tatius Anne Dacier 200–2 Leucippe and Clitophon 19 Henry Fielding 109–28 passim adaptation 45, 46n, 49, 50–7, 60–2 Henry Fielding and William Young Chi-Raq 154n 113–4, 117 Ecclesiazusae Like a Fairytale 67, 81–5 Samuel Foote 121–2, 125–6 The Julie Thesmo Show 49–50, 56 Stephen Halliwell 148, 150 Lisa’s Sex Strike 60 Basil Kennett 114–5 Lysistrata Jones 154n, 338, 345 Gilbert Murray 284–306 passim Reform: A Farce 126 Benjamin Bickley Rogers 225 Panathenaia 244, 261–2 Earl of Shaftesbury 122 Shut Out 154n Samuel Parker 209 The Stories of Grandfather Jean Racine 199–200n Aristophanes 67–8, 70–80, 85, 87 The Works of Plato Abridg’d 122 addiction 129, 131, 134, 135, 140, 142, 145 sons Aelian 113, 209n Araros 3, 5–6 Aeschylus 5–7, 21, 28, 35–6, 71n, 86, 98–9, Philippos 5–6, 8n 100, 101, 170, 226n, 243, 255, 257, 258, surviving plays 261, 296n, 300, 318, 325 Acharnians 5, 19n, 27n, 28, 33, 34n, alcohol 31, 57, 117, 142, 145, 153, 159, 185, 194, 35, 38–9, 42n, 56, 59, 60n, 71, 73, 79, 246, 252, 295–6, 299, 302, 303n, 313, 345 91, 135n, 149n, 153, 156, 157, 158n, animal studies 129–30 160, 163, 166n, 167, 168, 170, 211n, 272, humanimal 129–147 passim 287, 288, 295, 296, 299, 301, 303, 308, prosthesis 129–31, 133 318, 369 Anninos, B. 241, 242n Birds 10n, 16, 38, 68, 71, 72–3, 79, 86–7, anthropological theory 42 92, 130, 133–4, 139n, 165, 175, 179, Antipater of Thessalonica 11 180n, 181–6 passim, 213n, 218, 219, Antonius Diogenes 220n, 226, 247, 264, 266–7, 269–82 Wonders Beyond Thule 18–9 passim, 286, 288, 293, 294,
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