Volume 1, Issue 1 – July – December-2015 E C O R Journal-Republic of Paraguay F ISSN-On line: 2414-4827 A N ® ECORFAN Indexing Academic Google ECORFAN-Republic of Paraguay ECORFAN- Republic of Paraguay Directory ECORFAN Journal-Republic of Paraguay, Volume 1, Issue 1, July-December 2015, is a CEO journal edited semestral by ECORFAN. Alberdi N°105 almost Rivarola Captain, C.P. 2060, Ciudad RAMOS-ESCAMILLA, María, PhD. de Luque, Central Department, Paraguay.Postcode:11500WEB:www.ecorfan.org/ CAO republicofparaguay/,
[email protected]. Editor in Chief: RAMOS-ESCAMILLA, María. ISSN- CENTENO-ROA, Ramona, MsC. On line: 2414-4827.Responsible for the latest update of this number ECORFAN Computer Director of the Journal Unit.Escamilla BOUCHÁN-IMELDA, Luna SOTO-VLADIMIR, Alberdi N°105 almost PERALTA-CASTRO, Enrique, MsC. Rivarola Captain, C.P. 2060, Ciudad de Luque, Central Department, Paraguay. Postcode:11500 Institutional Relations last updated December 31, 2015. ESPINOZA-GÓMEZ, Éric, MsC. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor of the Editing Logistics publication. IGLESIAS SUAREZ- Fernando, BsC. It is strictly forbidden to reproduce any part of the contents and images of the publication Designer Edition without permission of the National Directorate of Intellectual Property. SERRUDO GONZALES- Javier, BsC. Editorial Board VAZQUES-NOGUERA, José, PhD. Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay BLANCO-BORJAS, Dolly, PhD. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico GUILLEN-MONDRAGÓN, Irene Juana, PhD. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico GIRÓN, Alicia, PhD. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico PEREZ-AQUINO, Fátima, MsC. Instituto Paraguayo del Indígena, Paraguay MANHANELLI, Caio, MsC. Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil CANDIDO-GONZALES, Bogarin, BsC.