בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America a respected Rav in town was niftar. Later that afternoon...

Kel This is Rabbi Sternhell. May PIRCHEI malei This is Moshe; I’m rachamim… I please speak to Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 7 Issue: 28 - י"ד סיון , תש"פ - the owner of the the owner of the June 6, 2020 bakery? bakery. How can I assist the Rabbi? פרשה: נשא הפטרה: ויהי איש אחד... ושמו מנוח ואשתו עקרה... )שפטים יג:ב-כה( אבות פרק א' דף יומי: שבת צ״ב מצות עשה: 7 מצות לא תעשה: 11 TorahThoughts

s stature, all it takes to make a’ רָּׁ ב in his deeds. For someone of הַ שֵׁ ם … אִישׁאוֹאִשָּׁהכִ ייַעֲשׂוּ מִ כָּׁל חַ טֹּאת הָּׁאָּׁדָּׁ ם לִמְ עֹּלמַ עַל בַה׳ וְאָּׁשְׁמָּׁ ההַ נֶּפֶּשׁ הַהִ וא. … a man or a woman who commits one of the sins of mankind to be is a small thing like paying a bill late. People measure all Jews חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם ,Reb Moshe .( בַ מִ דְ בָּׁ ר ה : ו) Reb Moshe, since I wonder if this very faithless to G-d, that person shall bear guilt today was the levayah I would like by the behavior of their great leaders. For this reason, the greater the ,גֵ ר is really Rabbi His voice Stealing from any person is forbidden. Stealing from a s honor’ד׳ .of the Rav who gave your to take over the person, the greater the responsibility to act with great care Sternhell? definitely sounds .that the depends on what such a person does (סִפְרִ י ה:י״ג) tell us חֲ זַ ״ל .bakery’s hashgachah, previous rav’s however, is an especially shameful sin like Rabbi Sternhell, but .ד׳ considers someone who does such thing to be very faithless to תּוֹ רָּׁ ה I have a business hashgachah! My writes that not only a (הִ לְכוֹת יְסוֹדֵ יהַ תּוֹרָּׁ ה ה:י״א) רַ מְ ַ ב ״ ם this just seems a little The involves an גֵר explains that stealing from a סְ פּוֹרְ נוֹ ?proposition. price will be the Why is this so but anyone renowned for his piety, who transgresses even , תַּ נ ָּׁ א Please same. distasteful… but I won’t If the people of his generation look up to . חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם a desecration of slightly, is guilty of , חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם continue... jump to conclusions. added issue — an irreversible and painful .in his generation רַ ב him, he bears the same responsibility as .ד׳ the Name of and תּוֹ רָּׁ ה Imagine the scene. A gentile has seen the light of Rebbi, it’s R’ Yaakov Weinberg suggests that in our times, every are Orthodox Jew is considered a great person renowned for his piety כְ ללַ יִשְׂ רָּׁ אֵ ל is the truth and תּוֹרָּׁ ה He has come to realize that the .ד׳ !a deal Whether we like it or not, we must יְשִׁ .[ יבָּׁהבָּׁחוּר Reb Moshe, the chosen people. He works hard studying, learning, enveloping [especially a young and is finally accepted as a convert, realize that millions of non-observant Jews see all of us as holy rabbis כְ ַ ל ל י ִ שְׂ רָּׁ אֵ ל of קְד ֻ שָּׁ ה I’ll be over in 5 himself in the minutes. all day, every day, and measure our actions accordingly. This ,ד׳ puts serving , מִ נ ְ חָּׁ ה He comes to shul for . שְׁ כִ נ י ָּׁ ה coming under the wings of the .obligates us to treat all people with proper courtesy ד׳ He feels proud of his closeness with . צִ ב וּ ר down his bag and joins the it ;גְדוֹלֵי הַ דוֹר he goes to retrieve his bag, but it is It does not matter if you are not among the , מִנ ְ חָּׁ ה and His special nation. After most of the people you ;תַּ לְמִ יד חָּׁ כָּׁ ם It was clearly stolen by a Jew! does not matter if you are not a . מִ נ ְ י ָּׁ ן gone. There were only Jews at the This thief has not only committed a crime of theft against the owner of encounter on a daily basis do not know the difference. They will see your ways and they will say, “That is the action of an Orthodox Jew!” It . חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם the bag. He has made a terrible חִ לּוּל tells us, “What is considered a (יוּמָּׁ א פ״ו.) מָּׁגְ רָּׁ א The חִ לּוּל The Rav came to inspect the bakery and sign the papers. automatically puts you in the category of a great person as far as said, ‘If I were to buy meat from a butcher and fail to pay my רַ ב ? הַ שֵׁ ם ,Reb Moshe .is concerned הַ שֵׁ ם she is an almanah and (Adapted from: Rabbi Frand on the Parashah (with kind permission from ArtScroll חִ לּוּל Rabbi, it is an she needs the money. I’ll bill right away.’” The greater the Jew, the greater the potential for Please honor to have the rav’s provide the hashgachah, make out the checks prestigious hashgachah and the money should be directly to the previous for my bakery! What is the sent to her. rav’s almanah business name of the Rav’s (widow). hashgachah to write on of the checks? Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses Levovitz ר׳ יְרוּחָּ ם once complained to בָּחוּר A ?? all day is too much for תּוֹרָּ ה Learning“ , זַ צַ ״ ל ,in Luban חַ סְ ָי ה and אַ בְ רָ הָ ם was born to ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם הַ לֵוִ י לִיבוֹבִ יץ זַצַ ״ל י״ח סיון asked him, “Did you ever see ר׳ יְרוּחָּ ם ”.Belarus. In his teens, he learned in Slabodka, becoming one of me 5696 – 5633 1873 – 1936 In his a farmer complaining that working the . זַ צַ ״ ל Finkel ר ׳ ָ נ תָ ן צְ בִ י ,of the Alter תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם the foremost After his land is too much for him? No? That’s . זַ צַ ״ ל early 20s, he attended Kelm, under R' for 8 years and because he knows that this is a part of his חַ בְ ר וּ תָ א Levine, he learned without a רִ בְ קָ ה marriage to existence, and his work must be done if he in Radin. He ְי שִ י בָ ה s’ ָח ֵפץ ַח ִיים of the מַ שְ גִ י חַ before serving as שַ ״ ס and that’s the way it remained completed... for many years! wants to live. It is the same with learning תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם at Mir in 1910, a position he held for 26 years. His מַ שְ גִ י חַ became all day. If one recognizes that learning תּוֹרָּ ה is the real work for which man was תּוֹרָּ ה R' , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Chaim Shmulevitz , זַ צַ ״ ל included R' Leib Malin were created, and this work is part of his very existence, it will שִ יחוֹת מוּסָ ר His . זַ צַ ״ ל and R' זַ צַ ״ ל R' Levi Krupenia , זַ צַ ״ ל Sternhell. When he was eight years old, the רִ בְ קָ ה and ר ׳ דָ וִ ד was born in Gorlitz, Poland, to ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק . ב רֶ ֵּ ִי י ם family moved to Sanz, Poland. He excelled in learning under the dedication of his childhood ”.no longer feel like it is too much or too difficult . סְ ָפ רִ י ם and other דַ ַ ע ת ת וֹ רָ ה , דַ עַ ת חָ כְ מָ ה וּ מ וּ סָ ר in , נִ פְ טָ ר published after he was he first learned in Oshpitzin and then later in Munkács, Hungary, where he became a , בַּ ר מִ צְ ָו ה After his Weiss, the ר׳ יִצְ קחָ יַּעֲקֹב was the young חַּ בְ ר וּ תָ א His .( מִ נְ חַּ ת אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר the) ר׳ ַּח ִיים ֶא ְל ָע ָזר ַּש ִפי ָרא ַּז ַּצ״ל of תַּ ְל מׅ י ד ֻ מ בְ הָ ק ר ׳ אַ הֲ ֹר ן צְ בִ י the daughter of , רָ ל חֵּ ל ֵּ אָ ה In 1939, he married . יְ רוּשָ לַּ יִ ם of עֵּדָ ה ח הַּ ֲ רֵּ דׅ י ת of the גאַבַּ״ד future לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל of Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication רָ ב lost his first wife and two children during WWII. After the war he served as ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .Kestenbaum לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י via email, please send an email to [email protected] ר׳ immigrated to the USA and settled in Baltimore, Maryland. there ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק ,Salzburg, Austria. In 1952 collected funds and ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .with selfless energy and dedication קְ הִ ָל ה rebuilt an entire יׅ צְ חָ ק This week's Pirchei Weekly is dedicated ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .and Torah Institute of Baltimore קְהִ ל ָ ה שְ אֵּ רִ ת י הַּ ל פְ ֵּ י טָ ה milk, founded חָ לָ ב יִשְ רָ אֵּ ל arranged for of his time, To those selfless individuals and their who gave up of their time and put in the herculean efforts to assist our shuls with גְדוֹלֵּי הַּ דוֹר was held in high esteem by the ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .alike קְ הִ ָל ה and תַּ ְל מִ י דִ י ם was beloved by his נְ שֵׁ י חַ יִ ל .כּוֹכְבֵּ י יׅצְחָ ק as is evident from his magnum opus, the multi-volume הקב״ה יִישַ ר כֹּחֲכֶם! יְהִ ירָ צוֹן שֶ יֵׁלְכוּ מֵׁחַיִל אֶ ל חַיִל! !safely re-opening after being forced to close for so long כ“ח ניסן For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval 718-395-9794 5670 - 5740 1910 - 1980 .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

FocusonMiddos ֶע ֶ בר ַׁש ָּבת with 6th Annual Pirchei Living the Torah Advice from Rav Pam Learning Contest 5780 Dear Talmid, came to me and asked, ‘Would studies, Feivy sat with R' Avrohom Pam for 1½ hours discussing his יְ בָ רֶ כְ ָך ה ׳ וְ ִ י שְ מְ רֶ ָך ) בַּ מִ דְ בָ ר ו : כ ד ( bless you and guard you ה׳ May you like to eat with us?’ When I , זַ צַ ״ ל Levovitz ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם future. R' Pam divided the problem into 3 distinct periods: the …הַּקָ דוֹשבָרוְּך הוּא, הוּא הַּ נוֹתֵ ן הוּא הַּ שוֹמֵ ר)רַּשִ ״י םשָ ד״ה וְיִשְמְרֶ ָך - סִפְרֵ י מ( was found out that it was an excellent The latest Pirchei ,יְשִּ יבַת מִּ יר in מַ שְ גִּ י חַ the Holy One, blessed is he, is both the giver and the guard. present, the near future, and the distant future. As far as the present, the … .created this world to bestow good known to have a very special group, I agreed immediately ה׳ A believing Jew knows that whatever he earns and Rav Pam assured Feivy that upon His creations, and indeed, He sustains every creature that Newsletter contest, which closeness, with each one of “I eventually learned that , קֶ שֶ ר .whatever material possessions he acquires are a blessing from Above and began in the weeks leading up תּ וֹ רָ ה who makes יְשִ יבָה בָחוּר would provide for a ה׳ ,exists. Surely כָלמְ זוֹנוֹתָ יו שֶ לאָדָ םקְ צוּבִ ים לוֹ מִ רֹאש הַּשָ נָה וְעַּד יוֹם :teaches גְ מָ רָ א As the R' all these ‘chance’ encounters had . תַל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם the primary focus of his life. Therefore, said R' Pam, Feivy should his hundreds of מִ צְ וֹ ת — הַּכִפּוּרִ ים חוּץמֵ הוֹצָאַּ ת שַּ בָתוֹתוְ תהוֹצָאַּ יוֹם טוֹב וְ תהוֹצָאַּ בָנָיו לְתַּ לְמוּד תּוֹרָ ה is designed to ,קַ בָּלַת הַ תּוֹרָּ ה related the been instigated and arranged by to זַ צַ ״ ל at least for the present. “As for what to do when you Henoch Fishman ְי שִ י בָ ה remain in יוֹם until ר ֹא ש הַּ שָ ָנ ה All of a person’s income is fixed each year between fulfilling and עֶ ברֶ שַ בָּ ת himself. Until then, I make your מַ שְ גִּ י חַ and for turn 18 and your benefits end, we will cross that bridge when we get following: the ,יוֹם טוֹב and שַּ בָ ת with the exception of expenses for , כִ פּ וּ ר Therefore, one should never to it.” He also advised Feivy regarding career plans for the future. “Everyone knows there .(ביצה טז.) תּ וֹ רָ ה teaching one’s children memorable, especially in these מַ שְ גִּ י חַ the next morning a different was convinced that the בֵ י ת מִ דְ רָ ש sacrifice his spiritual growth, or that of his family, for the sake of Feivy returned to ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם Who person. For the first time in a long time, he was able to learn with are many initial difficulties when didn’t yet know me, but ,ה׳ earning a livelihood. Rather, he should place his trust in th difficult times. During the next such as was focused on each and every יְ שִּ י בָ ה sustains every creature and provides it with all its needs. peace of mind. He knew that his 18 birthday was rapidly joining a new few weeks, learn at least 45 ,חַבְרוּתָ א approaching, but he was not worried about it. finding a suitable ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ He recognized everyone’s . ל תַ ְ מִּ י ד A month before his birthday, Feivy was approached by a ֶ ע רֶ ב every מִ נ ְ חָּ ה The year was 1954, and 17-year-old Feivy, a high school arranging for accommodations minutes before administration, who offered his a job in the potential and ensured that all , הַּ נְ הָ לָ ה found himself in a dilemma. His father, member of the , מְתִ י בְ תָּ א תּ וֹ רָ ה וָ דַּ עַּ ת student at or שִיְ י בָּ ה ,in your home , שַ בָּ ת library. The job took 15 minutes a day (prior to the and meals, etc. It is unusual to their needs, both spiritual and , א וֹ צ ר ָ הַּ סְ ָפ רִ י ם who had been supporting his family, had recently lost his eyesight Learn for an . בֵּ ת י מִ דְ רָּ ש and material were met." local יְ שִּ י בָ ה and paid $10 a month. It was not enough to make Feivy walk into a ( סֵ דֶ ר due to illness, and his business closed down. The family’s sole source morning self-sufficient, but it did provide him with some badly needed pocket not only did , ל תַ ְ מִּ י ד My .חַבְרוּתָ א of income was his monthly Social Security check, which included child immediately be offered a to hour or more and get an הַּ נְ הָ לָ ה support for Feivy. However, by law this support would end in a few money. Feivy later found out that Rav Pam had asked the “Yet as soon as I set foot understand each and additional raffle entry. There is ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם .became available ְי שִ י בָ ה months when Feivy turned 18. When the support ended, there would keep him in mind when any jobs in the he also created a , ל תַ ְ מִּ י ד approached every בָ חוּר a ,יְשִּ יבַת מִּ יר not be enough money for the family to survive, or so it seemed. After he turned 18 and his benefits were terminated, the in — to learn לִ מּוּד atmosphere, that mirrored no particular , ר וּ חַ situation at home became quite difficult. Yet his parents did not me and asked, ‘Maybe you would ְי שִ י בָ ה What should I do?” Feivy wondered. “Should I leave“ שְ ַ נ ִ י ם מִ קְ רָּ א consider having Feivy look for a job, for they were confident that as R' be willing to learn with me first you can even review אִ ם ,states מִ שְ ָנ ה and look for a job?” He was learning well, but as the his essence. He taught how to . ֶ ב ן תּ וֹ רָ ה would not forsake a dedicated ה׳ ,Without the Pam had assured them . תּ וֹ רָ ה if there is no flour, there is no — אֵ ין קֶמַּ ח אֵ ין תּוֹרָ ה If you arrange for a . אֶוְ חָּ ד תַּ רְ גּ וּ ם to one’s every day מוּסָ ר Naturally I agreed. apply ’? סֵ דֶ ר government assistance, there was no way that his parents could Only a few short months later, Congress passed a law that extended ,came over existence. It was ‘natural’ for group to learn on the phone בָ חוּר support him. It seemed that there was no choice for Feivy but to seek Social Security benefits until age 23 for dependents who are full-time “Another to accept to learn ב ח ָ וּ רִּ י ם to pursue higher education students. This law was retroactive to the beginning of that year. and asked me, ‘Maybe you’d like older ְי שִ י בָ ה employment, or at least to leave There was great joy in Feivy’s home when the first check, for over to learn about שִ ע וּ ר Of and have a ’? סֵ דֶ ר towards a career. to learn with me second ’with a ‘new סֵ דֶ ר One day, Feivy discussed his dilemma with a close friend. $500, arrived. Feivy was able to buy a suit and coat that he first and second you , קִדּ וּ שַ ת שַ בָּ ת or הִ לְכוֹת שַ בָּת It was also ‘obvious’ for .בָ חוּר .Why don’t you speak to R' Pam?” the friend advised. “I know that desperately needed. course I was happy to agree“ .to include a new will receive an extra raffle entry ב ח ָ וּ רִּ י ם would good בָחוּרִּ ים but that is no reason not to speak to him. More than the money, Feivy had learned a vital lesson in “Groups of , רֶ בִ י you never had him as a Learning is . ֲ ח ב וּ רָ ה in their בָ חוּר faithful obedience to the have their meals in private ,אֱ מוּנַּת חֲכָמִ ים and in (ה׳ trust in) בִ טָ ח וֹ ן seek his advice. Surely, as a תּוֹרָ הוָדַּ עַּת Plenty of people who are not in leaders. The contest is open for all ages תּ וֹ רָ ה it is correct for you to consult with him.” guidance of our ,תּוֹרָ הוָדַּ עַּת of תַּּ ְל מִ י ד th בֵ ין lodgings and they rented rooms the greatest opportunity in On the next legal holiday, when there were no secular Adapted from: Living the Parashah (with kind permission from ArtScroll) up to 12 grade. To participate ! אָדָ ם לַ חֲ בֵ רוֹ from the townspeople. Every in the program, please ask your יְהִּ יזִּכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! wanted to join a good group בָ חוּר parent or Rebbi to send an רֶ בִּ י Your ,בְ יְדִּ ידוּת so that he could converse with בָ חוּר the others in learning. A A letter from a Rebbi — based on interviews email each week to An Ahavas Chesed Moment of Questions the week [email protected] רש"י by Monday 2:00 pm. Please ספר אהבת חסד חלק א פרק א allude to נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת to lend money to those who are needy, as the 1. Which animals from the מִ צְ תוַ ע ֲ שֵׂ ה מִ ן הַ תּ וֹ רָ ה It is a* ,include your name, grade ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים explains the מְ כִ י ְל תָּ א The אִם ףכֶּסֶּ תַּ לְוֶּה אֶּ ת עַמִ י … :(שְ מוֹת כב:כד says (in פָ סוּק allude to נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת Which animals from the .1 have a נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת it is not obligatory [and means ‘if’] 2. Which animals from the תּוֹרָ ה in the אִ ם that every time it says # city, state, and contact , שִיְ י בָּ ה ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים the *What is this connection? SageSayings ?שָ בוּעוֹת is one of connection to פָ סוּק except for three times [where it means ‘when’] and this

have a and your name will be entered נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת of lending money is greater than giving away the money, 2. Which animals from the מִ צְ ָו ה them. The

7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם

ים שִׂ חוּמָ ?What is this connection ?שָ בוּעוֹת since there no element of embarrassment for the person receiving the connection to

. The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי into a drawing for a beautiful ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ שְ רְ אֵ לִׂ ים

of the מַ שְׁ גִּ י חַ ַ the world renowned , זַ צַ ״ ל is even applicable to lending to a rich person; however, it R’ Yeruchom Levovitz מִ צְ ָו ה loan. This

7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and ים שִׂ חוּמָ רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ

!מִקְרָּ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָּשִ ים set of בְׁעִּקְׁבְׁתָ א ַדְׁמְׁשִּ א יחָ ַװעֶט ַמעֶן ַנִּישט ַ“ ,Mirrer , once said ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ .to lend to a poor person מִ צְ ָו ה is a greater

. The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי 7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד

יַעֲקֹב .Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations*

, to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. and and ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ

At the — געֶשטראָפטַװעֶרעֶןַפאַרַנִּישטַטאָןַװאָסַמִּ ירַקעֶנעֶןַנִּישטַטאָן ר פַ

:Contestants so far ָ פ רָ שַ ת continues and lists all the places, just until חָ פֵׂ ץ חַ יִ י ם Preface: The — ְ פ תִ י חָ ה

7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד

we will not be punished , מָ שִּ י חַ ַ time just before the coming of יַעֲקֹב remarks חָ פֵׂ ץ חַ יִ י ם filling close to 6 pages. The , חֶּ סֶּ ד teaches תּוֹרָ ה where the , מִ שְ ָפ טִ י ם the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ Grade 3 — Elazar Englard; Yeshiva ר פַ נאָר ַפאַר ַװאָסַמִּ יר ַ ,that he came to realize that the list is endless and starts enumerating some of the many for actions that we could not accomplish .Can you think of any? Ohr Yehuda; Lakewood, NJ . חֶּ סֶּ ד tied to מִ וֹצְ ת ל ֹא תַ ע ֲ שֶּ ה and מִ צְ וֹ ת ע ֲ שֵׂ ה but Grade 6 — Moshe Shmuel — האָבןַנִּישטַגעטאָןַצוּלִּיבַטראַכטעֶןַאַזַמִּ ירַקעֶנעֶןַנִּישטַטאָן. for what we didn’t do because we thought we couldn’t do.” ;after Guttman; Yeshiva Torah Vodaath תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן of saying מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג in a place where the מִ תְ פַּ לֵּ ל  A ; אִ ר סְ וּ חַּ ג שָׁ בוּעוֹת only on תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן  Some refrain from saying table שַ בָ ת The biggest failure is the failure to even try. Heard around the .Brooklyn, NY . מִנְ הָׁ ג הַּ מָׁ ק וֹ ם must follow the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג differs from his שָׁ בוּעוֹת However, many wait . י״ ב סִ י ו ָׁ ן until תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן others do not say ,Grade 8 — Benjamin Sardar (. ל ֺ א תִ תְ ֺג דְ ד וּ Acting differently is wrong and is a violation of) .י״ג סִ יוָׁן Halacha until after Reviewed by R' Gedalyahu Eckstein Yaakov Raful; Yeshivat Ateret .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study. Torah; Brooklyn, NY הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ �: וּאַת חֲ נווּן �אַחֲרֵ י שָׁ בווּעוֹות Call the Pirchei hotline now! - 718-663-0212 לע״נ ר׳ משה צבי בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל

FocusonMiddos ֶע ֶ בר ַׁש ָּבת with 6th Annual Pirchei Living the Torah Advice from Rav Pam Learning Contest 5780 Dear Talmid, came to me and asked, ‘Would studies, Feivy sat with R' Avrohom Pam for 1½ hours discussing his יְ בָ רֶ כְ ָך ה ׳ וְ ִ י שְ מְ רֶ ָך ) בַּ מִ דְ בָ ר ו : כ ד ( bless you and guard you ה׳ May you like to eat with us?’ When I , זַ צַ ״ ל Levovitz ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם future. R' Pam divided the problem into 3 distinct periods: the …הַּקָ דוֹשבָרוְּך הוּא, הוּא הַּ נוֹתֵ ן הוּא הַּ שוֹמֵ ר)רַּשִ ״י םשָ ד״ה וְיִשְמְרֶ ָך - סִפְרֵ י מ( was found out that it was an excellent The latest Pirchei ,יְשִּ יבַת מִּ יר in מַ שְ גִּ י חַ the Holy One, blessed is he, is both the giver and the guard. present, the near future, and the distant future. As far as the present, the … .created this world to bestow good known to have a very special group, I agreed immediately ה׳ A believing Jew knows that whatever he earns and Rav Pam assured Feivy that upon His creations, and indeed, He sustains every creature that Newsletter contest, which closeness, with each one of “I eventually learned that , קֶ שֶ ר .whatever material possessions he acquires are a blessing from Above and began in the weeks leading up תּ וֹ רָ ה who makes יְשִ יבָה בָחוּר would provide for a ה׳ ,exists. Surely כָלמְ זוֹנוֹתָ יו שֶ לאָדָ םקְ צוּבִ ים לוֹ מִ רֹאש הַּשָ נָה וְעַּד יוֹם :teaches גְ מָ רָ א As the R' all these ‘chance’ encounters had . תַל ְ מִּ י דִּ י ם the primary focus of his life. Therefore, said R' Pam, Feivy should his hundreds of מִ צְ וֹ ת — הַּכִפּוּרִ ים חוּץמֵ הוֹצָאַּ ת שַּ בָתוֹתוְ תהוֹצָאַּ יוֹם טוֹב וְ תהוֹצָאַּ בָנָיו לְתַּ לְמוּד תּוֹרָ ה is designed to ,קַ בָּלַת הַ תּוֹרָּ ה related the been instigated and arranged by to זַ צַ ״ ל at least for the present. “As for what to do when you Henoch Fishman ְי שִ י בָ ה remain in יוֹם until ר ֹא ש הַּ שָ ָנ ה All of a person’s income is fixed each year between fulfilling and עֶ ברֶ שַ בָּ ת himself. Until then, I make your מַ שְ גִּ י חַ and for turn 18 and your benefits end, we will cross that bridge when we get following: the ,יוֹם טוֹב and שַּ בָ ת with the exception of expenses for , כִ פּ וּ ר Therefore, one should never to it.” He also advised Feivy regarding career plans for the future. “Everyone knows there .(ביצה טז.) תּ וֹ רָ ה teaching one’s children memorable, especially in these מַ שְ גִּ י חַ the next morning a different was convinced that the בֵ י ת מִ דְ רָ ש sacrifice his spiritual growth, or that of his family, for the sake of Feivy returned to ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם Who person. For the first time in a long time, he was able to learn with are many initial difficulties when didn’t yet know me, but ,ה׳ earning a livelihood. Rather, he should place his trust in th difficult times. During the next such as was focused on each and every יְ שִּ י בָ ה sustains every creature and provides it with all its needs. peace of mind. He knew that his 18 birthday was rapidly joining a new few weeks, learn at least 45 ,חַבְרוּתָ א approaching, but he was not worried about it. finding a suitable ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ He recognized everyone’s . ל תַ ְ מִּ י ד A month before his birthday, Feivy was approached by a ֶ ע רֶ ב every מִ נ ְ חָּ ה The year was 1954, and 17-year-old Feivy, a high school arranging for accommodations minutes before administration, who offered his a job in the potential and ensured that all , הַּ נְ הָ לָ ה found himself in a dilemma. His father, member of the , מְתִ י בְ תָּ א תּ וֹ רָ ה וָ דַּ עַּ ת student at or שִיְ י בָּ ה ,in your home , שַ בָּ ת library. The job took 15 minutes a day (prior to the and meals, etc. It is unusual to their needs, both spiritual and , א וֹ צ ר ָ הַּ סְ ָפ רִ י ם who had been supporting his family, had recently lost his eyesight Learn for an . בֵּ ת י מִ דְ רָּ ש and material were met." local יְ שִּ י בָ ה and paid $10 a month. It was not enough to make Feivy walk into a ( סֵ דֶ ר due to illness, and his business closed down. The family’s sole source morning self-sufficient, but it did provide him with some badly needed pocket not only did , ל תַ ְ מִּ י ד My .חַבְרוּתָ א of income was his monthly Social Security check, which included child immediately be offered a to hour or more and get an הַּ נְ הָ לָ ה support for Feivy. However, by law this support would end in a few money. Feivy later found out that Rav Pam had asked the “Yet as soon as I set foot understand each and additional raffle entry. There is ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם .became available ְי שִ י בָ ה months when Feivy turned 18. When the support ended, there would keep him in mind when any jobs in the he also created a , ל תַ ְ מִּ י ד approached every בָ חוּר a ,יְשִּ יבַת מִּ יר not be enough money for the family to survive, or so it seemed. After he turned 18 and his benefits were terminated, the in — to learn לִ מּוּד atmosphere, that mirrored no particular , ר וּ חַ situation at home became quite difficult. Yet his parents did not me and asked, ‘Maybe you would ְי שִ י בָ ה What should I do?” Feivy wondered. “Should I leave“ שְ ַ נ ִ י ם מִ קְ רָּ א consider having Feivy look for a job, for they were confident that as R' be willing to learn with me first you can even review אִ ם ,states מִ שְ ָנ ה and look for a job?” He was learning well, but as the his essence. He taught how to . ֶ ב ן תּ וֹ רָ ה would not forsake a dedicated ה׳ ,Without the Pam had assured them . תּ וֹ רָ ה if there is no flour, there is no — אֵ ין קֶמַּ ח אֵ ין תּוֹרָ ה If you arrange for a . אֶוְ חָּ ד תַּ רְ גּ וּ ם to one’s every day מוּסָ ר Naturally I agreed. apply ’? סֵ דֶ ר government assistance, there was no way that his parents could Only a few short months later, Congress passed a law that extended ,came over existence. It was ‘natural’ for group to learn on the phone בָ חוּר support him. It seemed that there was no choice for Feivy but to seek Social Security benefits until age 23 for dependents who are full-time “Another to accept to learn ב ח ָ וּ רִּ י ם to pursue higher education students. This law was retroactive to the beginning of that year. and asked me, ‘Maybe you’d like older ְי שִ י בָ ה employment, or at least to leave There was great joy in Feivy’s home when the first check, for over to learn about שִ ע וּ ר Of and have a ’? סֵ דֶ ר towards a career. to learn with me second ’with a ‘new סֵ דֶ ר One day, Feivy discussed his dilemma with a close friend. $500, arrived. Feivy was able to buy a suit and coat that he first and second you , קִדּ וּ שַ ת שַ בָּ ת or הִ לְכוֹת שַ בָּת It was also ‘obvious’ for .בָ חוּר .Why don’t you speak to R' Pam?” the friend advised. “I know that desperately needed. course I was happy to agree“ .to include a new will receive an extra raffle entry ב ח ָ וּ רִּ י ם would good בָחוּרִּ ים but that is no reason not to speak to him. More than the money, Feivy had learned a vital lesson in “Groups of , רֶ בִ י you never had him as a Learning is . ֲ ח ב וּ רָ ה in their בָ חוּר faithful obedience to the have their meals in private ,אֱ מוּנַּת חֲכָמִ ים and in (ה׳ trust in) בִ טָ ח וֹ ן seek his advice. Surely, as a תּוֹרָ הוָדַּ עַּת Plenty of people who are not in leaders. The contest is open for all ages תּ וֹ רָ ה it is correct for you to consult with him.” guidance of our ,תּוֹרָ הוָדַּ עַּת of תַּּ ְל מִ י ד th בֵ ין lodgings and they rented rooms the greatest opportunity in On the next legal holiday, when there were no secular Adapted from: Living the Parashah (with kind permission from ArtScroll) up to 12 grade. To participate ! אָדָ ם לַ חֲ בֵ רוֹ from the townspeople. Every in the program, please ask your יְהִּ יזִּכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! wanted to join a good group בָ חוּר parent or Rebbi to send an רֶ בִּ י Your ,בְ יְדִּ ידוּת so that he could converse with בָ חוּר the others in learning. A A letter from a Rebbi — based on interviews email each week to An Ahavas Chesed Moment of Questions the week [email protected] רש"י by Monday 2:00 pm. Please ספר אהבת חסד חלק א פרק א allude to נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת to lend money to those who are needy, as the 1. Which animals from the מִ צְ תוַ ע ֲ שֵׂ ה מִ ן הַ תּ וֹ רָ ה It is a* ,include your name, grade ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים explains the מְ כִ י ְל תָּ א The אִם ףכֶּסֶּ תַּ לְוֶּה אֶּ ת עַמִ י … :(שְ מוֹת כב:כד says (in פָ סוּק allude to נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת Which animals from the .1 have a נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת it is not obligatory [and means ‘if’] 2. Which animals from the תּוֹרָ ה in the אִ ם that every time it says # city, state, and contact , שִיְ י בָּ ה ?אָ בוֹת הַקְ דוֹשִׂ ים the *What is this connection? SageSayings ?שָ בוּעוֹת is one of connection to פָ סוּק except for three times [where it means ‘when’] and this

have a and your name will be entered נְ י שִׂ אִׂ י ם brought by the קָ רְ ָ ב נ וֹ ת of lending money is greater than giving away the money, 2. Which animals from the מִ צְ ָו ה them. The

7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם

ים שִׂ חוּמָ ?What is this connection ?שָ בוּעוֹת since there no element of embarrassment for the person receiving the connection to

. The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי into a drawing for a beautiful ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ שְ רְ אֵ לִׂ ים

of the מַ שְׁ גִּ י חַ ַ the world renowned , זַ צַ ״ ל is even applicable to lending to a rich person; however, it R’ Yeruchom Levovitz מִ צְ ָו ה loan. This

7:23). – ( 2 the of each on 5 the and ים שִׂ חוּמָ רוֹת בְ דִׂ לוּחוֹת ילִם אֵ ד״ה אֵ ילִם and and , to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ

!מִקְרָּ אוֹת גְּ דוֹלוֹת חוּמָּשִ ים set of בְׁעִּקְׁבְׁתָ א ַדְׁמְׁשִּ א יחָ ַװעֶט ַמעֶן ַנִּישט ַ“ ,Mirrer Yeshiva, once said ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ .to lend to a poor person מִ צְ ָו ה is a greater

. The 5 alludes to the 5 5 the to alludes 5 The . and , : of parts 3 the and ים לִׂ אֵ רְ שְ יִׂ ְך ַ ״ נ תַ ה תוֹרָ ם י אִׂ בִׂ י נ ְ ים תוּבִׂ כְתבׂי 7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד

יַעֲקֹב .Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations*

, to allude groups 3 The animals. 5 of groups 3 were There 2. and and ים נִׂ הֲ כֹ ם יִׂ וִׂ לְ ִ ִ the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ

At the — געֶשטראָפטַװעֶרעֶןַפאַרַנִּישטַטאָןַװאָסַמִּ ירַקעֶנעֶןַנִּישטַטאָן ר פַ

:Contestants so far ָ פ רָ שַ ת continues and lists all the places, just until חָ פֵׂ ץ חַ יִ י ם Preface: The — ְ פ תִ י חָ ה

7:21). – (… to alludes (sheep) ד חָ אֶ כֶבֶשׂ ד, חָ אֶ יִל אַּ ד, חָ אֶ פַּר ד״ה פַּר אֶ חָ ד, אַּ יִל אֶ חָ ד, כֶבֶשׂ אֶ חָ ד

we will not be punished , מָ שִּ י חַ ַ time just before the coming of יַעֲקֹב remarks חָ פֵׂ ץ חַ יִ י ם filling close to 6 pages. The , חֶּ סֶּ ד teaches תּוֹרָ ה where the , מִ שְ ָפ טִ י ם the ; to alludes (ram) the ; to alludes bull) (young The 1. ם הָ רָ בְ אַ ל יִׂ אַ ק חָ צְ יִׂ ש בֶּ כֶּ ֶ Grade 3 — Elazar Englard; Yeshiva ר פַ נאָר ַפאַר ַװאָסַמִּ יר ַ ,that he came to realize that the list is endless and starts enumerating some of the many for actions that we could not accomplish .Can you think of any? Ohr Yehuda; Lakewood, NJ . חֶּ סֶּ ד tied to מִ וֹצְ ת ל ֹא תַ ע ֲ שֶּ ה and מִ צְ וֹ ת ע ֲ שֵׂ ה but Grade 6 — Moshe Shmuel — האָבןַנִּישטַגעטאָןַצוּלִּיבַטראַכטעֶןַאַזַמִּ ירַקעֶנעֶןַנִּישטַטאָן. for what we didn’t do because we thought we couldn’t do.” ;after Guttman; Yeshiva Torah Vodaath תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן of saying מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג in a place where the מִ תְ פַּ לֵּ ל  A ; אִ ר סְ וּ חַּ ג שָׁ בוּעוֹת only on תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן  Some refrain from saying table שַ בָ ת The biggest failure is the failure to even try. Heard around the .Brooklyn, NY . מִנְ הָׁ ג הַּ מָׁ ק וֹ ם must follow the מִ נ ְ הָׁ ג differs from his שָׁ בוּעוֹת However, many wait . י״ ב סִ י ו ָׁ ן until תַּ חֲ נ וּ ן others do not say ,Grade 8 — Benjamin Sardar (. ל ֺ א תִ תְ ֺג דְ ד וּ Acting differently is wrong and is a violation of) .י״ג סִ יוָׁן Halacha until after Reviewed by R' Gedalyahu Eckstein Yaakov Raful; Yeshivat Ateret .in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study. Torah; Brooklyn, NY הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 עִ נְ יָ נֵ י דְ יוֹו מָ �: וּאַת חֲ נווּן �אַחֲרֵ י שָׁ בווּעוֹות Call the Pirchei hotline now! - 718-663-0212 בס״ד בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

a respected Rav in town was niftar. Later that afternoon...

Kel This is Rabbi Sternhell. May PIRCHEI malei This is Moshe; I’m rachamim… I please speak to Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 7 Issue: 28 - י"ד סיון , תש"פ - the owner of the the owner of the June 6, 2020 bakery? bakery. How can I assist the Rabbi? פרשה: נשא הפטרה: ויהי איש אחד... ושמו מנוח ואשתו עקרה... )שפטים יג:ב-כה( אבות פרק א' דף יומי: שבת צ״ב מצות עשה: 7 מצות לא תעשה: 11 TorahThoughts

s stature, all it takes to make a’ רָּׁ ב in his deeds. For someone of הַ שֵׁ ם … אִישׁאוֹאִשָּׁהכִ ייַעֲשׂוּ מִ כָּׁל חַ טֹּאת הָּׁאָּׁדָּׁ ם לִמְ עֹּלמַ עַל בַה׳ וְאָּׁשְׁמָּׁ ההַ נֶּפֶּשׁ הַהִ וא. … a man or a woman who commits one of the sins of mankind to be is a small thing like paying a bill late. People measure all Jews חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם ,Reb Moshe .( בַ מִ דְ בָּׁ ר ה : ו) Reb Moshe, since I wonder if this very faithless to G-d, that person shall bear guilt today was the levayah I would like by the behavior of their great leaders. For this reason, the greater the ,גֵ ר is really Rabbi His voice Stealing from any person is forbidden. Stealing from a s honor’ד׳ .of the Rav who gave your to take over the person, the greater the responsibility to act with great care Sternhell? definitely sounds .that the depends on what such a person does (סִפְרִ י ה:י״ג) tell us חֲ זַ ״ל .bakery’s hashgachah, previous rav’s however, is an especially shameful sin like Rabbi Sternhell, but .ד׳ considers someone who does such thing to be very faithless to תּוֹ רָּׁ ה I have a business hashgachah! My writes that not only a (הִ לְכוֹת יְסוֹדֵ יהַ תּוֹרָּׁ ה ה:י״א) רַ מְ ַ ב ״ ם this just seems a little The involves an גֵר explains that stealing from a סְ פּוֹרְ נוֹ ?proposition. price will be the Why is this so but anyone renowned for his piety, who transgresses even , תַּ נ ָּׁ א Please same. distasteful… but I won’t If the people of his generation look up to . חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם a desecration of slightly, is guilty of , חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם continue... jump to conclusions. added issue — an irreversible and painful .in his generation רַ ב him, he bears the same responsibility as .ד׳ the Name of and תּוֹ רָּׁ ה Imagine the scene. A gentile has seen the light of Rebbi, it’s R’ Yaakov Weinberg suggests that in our times, every are Orthodox Jew is considered a great person renowned for his piety כְ ללַ יִשְׂ רָּׁ אֵ ל is the truth and תּוֹרָּׁ ה He has come to realize that the .ד׳ !a deal Whether we like it or not, we must יְשִׁ .[ יבָּׁהבָּׁחוּר Reb Moshe, the chosen people. He works hard studying, learning, enveloping [especially a young and is finally accepted as a convert, realize that millions of non-observant Jews see all of us as holy rabbis כְ ַ ל ל י ִ שְׂ רָּׁ אֵ ל of קְד ֻ שָּׁ ה I’ll be over in 5 himself in the minutes. all day, every day, and measure our actions accordingly. This ,ד׳ puts serving , מִ נ ְ חָּׁ ה He comes to shul for . שְׁ כִ נ י ָּׁ ה coming under the wings of the .obligates us to treat all people with proper courtesy ד׳ He feels proud of his closeness with . צִ ב וּ ר down his bag and joins the it ;גְדוֹלֵי הַ דוֹר he goes to retrieve his bag, but it is It does not matter if you are not among the , מִנ ְ חָּׁ ה and His special nation. After most of the people you ;תַּ לְמִ יד חָּׁ כָּׁ ם It was clearly stolen by a Jew! does not matter if you are not a . מִ נ ְ י ָּׁ ן gone. There were only Jews at the This thief has not only committed a crime of theft against the owner of encounter on a daily basis do not know the difference. They will see your ways and they will say, “That is the action of an Orthodox Jew!” It . חִ לּ וּ ל הַ שֵׁ ם the bag. He has made a terrible חִ לּוּל tells us, “What is considered a (יוּמָּׁ א פ״ו.) מָּׁגְ רָּׁ א The חִ לּוּל The Rav came to inspect the bakery and sign the papers. automatically puts you in the category of a great person as far as said, ‘If I were to buy meat from a butcher and fail to pay my רַ ב ? הַ שֵׁ ם ,Reb Moshe .is concerned הַ שֵׁ ם she is an almanah and (Adapted from: Rabbi Frand on the Parashah (with kind permission from ArtScroll חִ לּוּל Rabbi, it is an she needs the money. I’ll bill right away.’” The greater the Jew, the greater the potential for Please honor to have the rav’s provide the hashgachah, make out the checks prestigious hashgachah and the money should be directly to the previous for my bakery! What is the sent to her. rav’s almanah business name of the Rav’s (widow). hashgachah to write on of the checks? Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses Levovitz ר׳ יְרוּחָּ ם once complained to בָּחוּר A ?? all day is too much for תּוֹרָּ ה Learning“ , זַ צַ ״ ל ,in Luban חַ סְ ָי ה and אַ בְ רָ הָ ם was born to ר׳ יְרוּחָ ם הַ לֵוִ י לִיבוֹבִ יץ זַצַ ״ל י״ח סיון asked him, “Did you ever see ר׳ יְרוּחָּ ם ”.Belarus. In his teens, he learned in Slabodka, becoming one of me 5696 – 5633 1873 – 1936 In his a farmer complaining that working the . זַ צַ ״ ל Finkel ר ׳ ָ נ תָ ן צְ בִ י ,of the Alter תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם the foremost After his land is too much for him? No? That’s . זַ צַ ״ ל early 20s, he attended Kelm, under R' Simcha Zissel Ziv for 8 years and because he knows that this is a part of his חַ בְ ר וּ תָ א Levine, he learned without a רִ בְ קָ ה marriage to existence, and his work must be done if he in Radin. He ְי שִ י בָ ה s’ ָח ֵפץ ַח ִיים of the מַ שְ גִ י חַ before serving as שַ ״ ס and that’s the way it remained completed... for many years! wants to live. It is the same with learning תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם at Mir in 1910, a position he held for 26 years. His מַ שְ גִ י חַ became all day. If one recognizes that learning תּוֹרָּ ה is the real work for which man was תּוֹרָּ ה R' Dovid Povarsky , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Chaim Shmulevitz , זַ צַ ״ ל included R' Leib Malin were created, and this work is part of his very existence, it will שִ יחוֹת מוּסָ ר His . זַ צַ ״ ל and R' Shimon Schwab זַ צַ ״ ל R' Levi Krupenia , זַ צַ ״ ל Sternhell. When he was eight years old, the רִ בְ קָ ה and ר ׳ דָ וִ ד was born in Gorlitz, Poland, to ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק . ב רֶ ֵּ ִי י ם family moved to Sanz, Poland. He excelled in learning under the dedication of his childhood ”.no longer feel like it is too much or too difficult . סְ ָפ רִ י ם and other דַ ַ ע ת ת וֹ רָ ה , דַ עַ ת חָ כְ מָ ה וּ מ וּ סָ ר in , נִ פְ טָ ר published after he was he first learned in Oshpitzin and then later in Munkács, Hungary, where he became a , בַּ ר מִ צְ ָו ה After his Weiss, the ר׳ יִצְ קחָ יַּעֲקֹב was the young חַּ בְ ר וּ תָ א His .( מִ נְ חַּ ת אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר the) ר׳ ַּח ִיים ֶא ְל ָע ָזר ַּש ִפי ָרא ַּז ַּצ״ל of תַּ ְל מׅ י ד ֻ מ בְ הָ ק ר ׳ אַ הֲ ֹר ן צְ בִ י the daughter of , רָ ל חֵּ ל ֵּ אָ ה In 1939, he married . יְ רוּשָ לַּ יִ ם of עֵּדָ ה ח הַּ ֲ רֵּ דׅ י ת of the גאַבַּ״ד future לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל of Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication רָ ב lost his first wife and two children during WWII. After the war he served as ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .Kestenbaum לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י via email, please send an email to [email protected] ר׳ immigrated to the USA and settled in Baltimore, Maryland. there ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק ,Salzburg, Austria. In 1952 collected funds and ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .with selfless energy and dedication קְ הִ ָל ה rebuilt an entire יׅ צְ חָ ק This week's Pirchei Weekly is dedicated ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .and Torah Institute of Baltimore קְהִ ל ָ ה שְ אֵּ רִ ת י הַּ ל פְ ֵּ י טָ ה milk, founded חָ לָ ב יִשְ רָ אֵּ ל arranged for of his time, To those selfless individuals and their who gave up of their time and put in the herculean efforts to assist our shuls with גְדוֹלֵּי הַּ דוֹר was held in high esteem by the ר ׳ יׅ צְ חָ ק .alike קְ הִ ָל ה and תַּ ְל מִ י דִ י ם was beloved by his נְ שֵׁ י חַ יִ ל .כּוֹכְבֵּ י יׅצְחָ ק as is evident from his magnum opus, the multi-volume הקב״ה יִישַ ר כֹּחֲכֶם! יְהִ ירָ צוֹן שֶ יֵׁלְכוּ מֵׁחַיִל אֶ ל חַיִל! !safely re-opening after being forced to close for so long כ“ח ניסן For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval 718-395-9794 5670 - 5740 1910 - 1980 .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required