Police Hold Plot Kill Bristol Bride
\ . ATcnge Daily Net Press Run * -J For tho Week Ended The Weather > June S, 19S1 Foitraes^of O. 8. Wwthae I Fhlr tonight. Uiw In SSo. pMtly 13,330 cloudy, continued warm Tneoday, Member of the Audit •howera and. thunderahowara die* Burenn of Olrenlntlon veloplng. High In SSa. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXX, NO. 220 . (SIXTEEN PAGES) \ MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1961 (CUaelfled Adrertlabis on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS Boun Oum to Stay State iVei|7s j Court Bars 3 Laos Princes Roundup lUnion Dues Police Hold Plot Firellaves iFor PoliticS In Hot Dispute 42 Homeless Washington, Juno 19 (iT*)— The Supreme Court today Guilford, June 19 (/P)- ruled that a labor union may Kill Bristol Bride Zurich, Switzerland, Junetdeiegationi, meeung in L « 0S in the Damage in a fire that wreck- not use dues of a member, 19 (IP)— The three rival rebel-held* jungle towns of Ban led a tenement building and over his objections, for politi- princes of Laos began nego . , .r 'store and made 42 persons cal objectives he opposes. homeless has been estimated! tT’" »ig h Tribunal decided an tiations for a coalition gov formation of a coalition regime is ernment today and promptly a long ,’ay off. ' officials at $75,000. jt * « R‘°«P °ffrom a Georgia Supreme Court ruling Wife of One disagreed. ■\Ve all agree that Laos should I cbuld go higher. that the union shop provision of Prince Souvanna Phouma. the be neutral, sovereign and inde- j All of the occupants escaped the j the Railway Labor Act violate.5 ■elf-styled neutralist who is the pendent;” Souvanna Phouma said.
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