Surtees Society Publications
SURTEES SOCIETY Publications Anon., Reginaldi Monachi Dunelmensis libellus de admirandis Beati Cathberti virtutibus quae novellis patrate sunt temporibus, Surtees Society, 1 (1835) Raine, J.; Greenwell, W.; Hodgson, J.C.; Wood, H.M. eds., Wills and Inventories Illustrative of the History, Manners, Language etc., of the Northern Counties of England, from the Eleventh Century Onwards. Vol. I, Surtees Society, 2 (1835) Anon., The Towneley Mysteries, Surtees Society, 3 (1836) Raine, J.Sr.; Raine, J. Jr.; Clay, J.W. eds., Testamenta Eboracensia: a Selection of Wills from the Registry at York (1300-1551). Vol. I, Surtees Society, 4 (1836) Raine, J. ed., Sanctuarium Dunelmense (1464-1524) et Sanctuarium Beverlacense (1478-1539), Surtees Society, 5 (1837) Raine, J. ed., Charters of Endowment, Inventories and Account Rolls of the Priory of Finchale, Surtees Society, 6 (1837) Botfield, B. ed., Catalogi veteres librorum ecclesiae cathedralis Dunelm: Catalogues of the Library of Durham Cathedral, at various periods from the Conquest to the Dissolution, including Catalogues of the Library at the Abbey of Hulne, and of the MSS. preserved in the Library of Bishop Cosin, at Durham, Surtees Society, 7 (1838) Miscellanea Biographica: Oswinus, rex Northumnbriae, Cuthbertus, episcopus Lindisfarnensis’ Gata, episcopus Haugustaldensis, Surtees Society, 8 (1838) Anon., Historiae Dunelmensis, Surtees Society, 9 (1839) Anon., Rituale Ecclesiae Dunelmensis, Surtees Society, 10 (1840) Michel, F. ed., Chronicle of the War between the English and the Scots in 1173 and 1174 by Jordan Fantosme, Spiritual Chancellor of the Diocese of Winchester, Surtees Society, 11 (1840) Raine, J. ed., Correspondence, Inventories, Account Rolls and Law Proceedings of the Priory of Coldingham (1214-1478), Surtees Society, 12 (1841) Stevenson, J.
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