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By accepting a copy of this Business Plan, the recipient hereby agrees, among other things, to keep the information contained herein and the existence of this Business Plan confidential and to restrict the use of any information contained herein to those people within the recipient’s organization or its designated representatives who have been informed of the confidential nature of such information and who need to have such information in connection with the organization’s evaluation of Melpomene Pictures.

This Business Plan has been prepared by Melpomene Pictures on the basis of internally prepared information, as well as information from public and private sources, including trade and statistical sources commonly used in the industry. The Business Plan does not purport to contain all of the information that may be required to evaluate all of the factors that would be relevant to a recipient in considering a transaction with Melpomene Pictures. The Company makes no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of either the material contained herein or any other written or oral information provided by the Company to recipient, and no liability shall attach thereto.

Nothing contained in this Business Plan is, or should be relied on as, a promise or representation as to the future performance of the company, its business sector, the state of public or private capital markets or the economy in general. The projected financial information contained herein was prepared expressly for use herein and is based upon the stated assumptions and the company’s analysis of information available at the time that this Business Plan was prepared. There is no representation, warranty or other assurance that any of the projections set forth herein will be realized. This Business Plan does not purport to contain all of the information that may be required to evaluate Melpomene Pictures or its assign(s) and any recipient hereof should conduct its own independent investigation and analysis of the business described herein; moreover its recommended that any recipient should conduct its investigation with the assistance of their professional advisors.


1 An Overview……………………………………………………………...... 3 Strategic Plan Outline……………...... …………………………………….4 Distribution The Buyer…………………………………………………………………....8 Income Projections Direct to Consumer Sales: Internet Sales of DVD’s Direct to Consumer Sales: Pay-Per-View Internet Direct to Consumer Sales: Pay-Per- View On-Demand TV……………8 Video Store Chains: A Small Snapshot of a Larger Picture…………....9 The Larger Picture: Worldwide Ancillary Markets Direct to Consumer Sales: Selling from Magazine Advertisements Added Profit Potential Longevity of Product………………………………………………………11 Achieving Cult Film Status Overnight Stars Current Stars The Power of the Internet………………………………………………….12 The Production Phase Scripts Quality of the Movies We Will Produce Marketing & Publicity Sales Advantages Marketing Artwork Cross Promotions Film Festivals ………………………………………………………..13 Theatrical Exhibition………………………………………………………14 Schedule of Events Strategy and Long Term Goal……………………………………………..15 5 Year Outline…………………………………………………………….....16 Quick Recap Distribution of Revenues & Equity………………………………………..18 Overview of Start Up Expenses…………………………………………… 19 Who is Melpomene Pictures……………………………………………….20 Project Synopses…………………………………………………………….21 Crew Resumes...... 2

2 7


MELPOMENE PICTURES seeks to create films that are not only financially viable with a high potential for profit, but also push the boundaries of storytelling technique and technology. We aren't content to churn out cookie cutter formula films like our competitors. We truly love filmmaking and have the burning desire to make content that will both enlighten and entertain, content that will be able to reach a mass audience without catering to the lowest common denominator.

Bringing the innovation of low-budget independent filmmaking into a larger and more well funded structure can push the envelope of what's capable in film while keeping costs low and driving profits higher.

In addition, we want to create a breeding ground for the next generation of filmmakers. The film industry is notoriously difficult to break into and there are incredibly talented people in all aspects of the process, from writing to directing, from acting to props and makeup, that are fighting to find their way in. We will scout that talent and develop it. We want to find the next Speilburg, Scorcese, and Tarantino. We want to cast the next Brad Pitt, Scarlett Johannsen, and Johnny Depp. We want to give these artists and craftsmen the environment they need to flourish in. We can create a virtual Villa Diodati where an entire generation of filmmakers can learn and grow, making their dreams come true while giving something back to an industry we love and creating wildly entertaining films and profitable films in the process.

We have been involved in a slew of low-budget films. All have been crowd pleasers, cult favorites, and multiple award winners. GEORGE'S INTERVENTION, for instance, has won first prize at film festivals domestically as well as in the UK and Germany and has garnered a massive fan base. THE CELLAR DOOR was so popular that on the day of it's release it became the most downloaded film on the internet, surpassing big-budget studio films like THE BUCKET LIST released the same day.

3 However, with all of our success, talent, and hard work, we are still playing in the minor leagues. It is very difficult for a film shot for under 250k to become a massive hit for one reason: star power. Name drive the budget of a film up in several ways: their personal fee, which can be exorbitant, as well as forcing the film to become a signatory of the Screen 's Guild and providing the "perks" the Guild requires (trailers, hot meals, etc). However, having name actors in your film guarantees sales, especially to foreign markets. Actors as diverse in scope from Cuba Gooding, Jr to Jean Claude Van Damme routinely earn their films as much as 500% profit from name recognition alone.

This is the ceiling that we have currently hit. As we grow and excel as filmmakers and storytellers, we still do not have the funding to make a film with name actors. Were we able to break through that and into a budget range that allowed us to cast internationally recognizable stars, then we could build on our growing fan base and break into markets that have so far been closed off to us. In doing so, we would create products with the potential of massive success both critically and financially.


Company Goals We are in business to produce and sell feature films based on specific budgets ranging from $500,000.00 to $10,000,000.00 (U.S) in order to minimize downside risk and maximize cost-to-profit ratios. Our strategy is to capitalize on profitable ancillary markets such as DVD, TV, Cable, satellite, internet, VOD (video on demand) and Video Streaming (internet, cell phones, etc) where distribution avenues are virtually unlimited in addition to traditional theatrical release. We intend to utilize this “well oiled machine” as a platform to develop and create “festival” quality films with “break out” potential.


•Demonstrate with real examples how budgets below $10,000,000 generate cost-to-revenue multipliers often hundreds of times beyond big budgeted studio pictures.

•Detail how typically the majority of revenues are seen within 16 to 24 months.

•Choose genres with broad appeal to virtually every country and culture.

•Avoid competing with major studio strongholds while selling directly to worldwide DVD, Cable, etc.

•Utilize this scenario as a platform to create “festival” quality and “break-out” films within the same budget range.


The film industry investment is not necessarily one that requires huge sums of capital to be profitable. This is why we have specifically chosen to concentrate on lower budget genre films. There are of course many genres, including romantic comedies, thrillers, dramas, sci-fi and action-adventures.

While a mystery to some, the film business is essentially a manufacturing business that relies on supply and demand. Small budgeted genre movies, even with unknown actors and very little marketing promotions, generate some of the healthiest revenues of any films in the U.S. and abroad.

Quality movies produced on budgets below the $10,000,000 mark have a very good potential of generating large revenues within 16 to 24 months regardless of whether they break out or not. Yet, genre feature films still share the potential of a big budgeted picture to indeed break-out, making millions in profit. At this level of budget it is not as hard to recoup the investment since there are numerous opportunities today to sell directly to consumers.

There are very few legal investments that can experience such

5 phenomenal, immediate, and record setting revenues as the low budget film. Consider PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, a movie shot entirely on a home video camera with a reported shooting budget of $15,000 and a return of over 6,000 times its investment just in the U.S alone. This is an extreme example of a “break-out” film and should not be considered the norm; however it makes a clear statement of the power of its genre and, in this case, the power of the internet and word of mouth.

There is an undeniable worldwide psychological appeal to the “hard” genres, like horror and action. They appeal to the most primal emotions no matter what the country or culture. Audiences seek them out for the same reason they like to strap themselves into a roller coaster and plunge 10 stories in a matter of seconds.

It is actually the territories outside the U.S. that make up the majority of a film’s revenue. Foreign countries buy large amounts of genre movies because there are far fewer cultural norms to be translated. This makes it more attractive to foreign buyers and easier for the audience to follow the story without having to read subtitles.

The explosion of the accelerating DVD and internet marketplaces helps ensure the greatest profits with the lowest risk ever, even compared to the boom of the home video VHS and Betamax market in the 1980’s. With this growth comes a hunger for new genre release titles.


It is important to premise all the following statistics by stating that the production budgets that are reported in the media are seldom correct. Perceived value is what allows producers to make money on movies and thus producers project an image of value rather than revealing actual expenses.

A case in point is the movie CABIN FEVER, released in the U.S. in the fall of 2003. According to Moviemaker Magazine, Aug. 2003, the filmmaker originally reported that his film was made for “about” $1 million. It sold for $3.5 million for U.S. theatrical rights. The film grossed $21.2 million in the U.S. After it sold, the filmmaker reported that it was produced for “much less than a million.” A popular estimate is that the film was produced for under $300,000. It’s all about perceived value.

6 The list on the following page demonstrates that low budget movies can generate extremely high profits. 17 LOWEST BUDGET GENRE MOVIES REPORTING Cost-To-Revenue Comparisons

MOVIE YEA DISTRIBUTO EST. US GROSS REVENUE R R BUD MULTIPLIER The Blair Witch 1999 Artisan $35,000 $140,000,00 4000 times Project 0 Paranormal Activity 2009 Paramount $15,000.0 $100,000,00 6000 times 0 0 Napoleon Dynamite 2004 Fox Searchlight $500,000. $45,000,000 90 times 00 Eraserhead 1977 Independent $100,00 $7,000,000 70 times The Evil Dead 1981 New Line $350,000 $2,400,000 7 times Friday the 13th 1980 Paramount $700,000 $37,500,000 54 times Halloween 1978 Compass Int’l $320,000 $55,000,000 172 times Hellraiser 1987 New World $1,000,00 $14,600,000 15 times 0 The Howling 1981 Avco Embassy $1,000,00 $18,000,000 18 times 0 Mad Max 1980 American Int’l $350,000 $8,750,000 25 times Night of the Living 1968 Walter Reade $114,000 $12,000,000 105 times Dead Open Water 2004 Lions Gate $30,000 $30,500,000 1017 times Phantasm 1979 Avco Embassy $300,000 $12,000,000 40 times Re- 1985 Empire Pictures $900,000 $2,000,000 2 times Saw 2004 Lions Gate $1,200,00 $55,200,000 46 times 0 Texas Chainsaw 1974 Bryanston Dist. $83,500 $30,900,000 370 times Massacre Wolf Creek 2005 Dimension $1,000,00 $16,200,000 16 times 0

The reported budgets indicated on the list above may be inflated or understated by studios as boasting or accounting tax shelters and therefore should only be viewed as comparisons, all things being equal. Sources: Billboard Magazine, the-,,, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter and The IMDb Pro.

The list below however points out that major studio pictures with much higher budgets earn far less revenues for the investor. Note that the

7 revenues are even lower considering that these are worldwide cost-to- earnings ratios instead of the U.S earnings as in the chart above.

MOVIE TITLE EST. COST-TO-EARNINGS BUDGET RATIO Titanic $200,000,00 9.2 times 0 Pirates of the Caribbean $140,000,00 4.7 times 0 Spiderman $139,000,00 5.8 times 0 Harry Potter: Sorcerer’s $125,000,00 7.8 times Stone 0 LOTR: Return of the King $94,000,000 12 times Source : IMDb Pro

Why do studios produce large budget movies if they earn less compared to the cost of the investment? Simple; they operate under the knowledge that through proper marketing they can create enough excitement to generate a foreseeable and acceptable margin of revenue regardless of how good the picture really is. On the other hand, studios have an image to maintain. They do not want to produce anything that is not prestigious. It would be the same as Jaguar Automotive producing mopeds.


The Buyers Most movies have hundreds and hundreds of buyers/distributors they can sell to at the same time. There are over 144 countries and numerous territories within these countries that license new movies every year. They include DVD rental stores, retailers, Internet streaming, satellite TV, closed-circuit TV, pay-per-view, cable TV, closed-circuit in-room hotel TV, and VOD to name a few.

The downside risk is protected by the fact that there are so many markets to sell to in so many different countries. Sales figures can range as high $1,000,000 or as low as $3,000 for each country outside the U.S buying a single low budget movie without star attachments. With star attachments, these sales can reach as much as $5,000,000 for a non-studio backed film.


Direct to Consumer Sales: Internet DVD Sales The explosion of internet outlets for DVD sales in the last five years have made the market even more viable than most brick and mortar outlets. With sites like, genre films have returned their investment through internet sales alone. Amazon also offers unique ways to market films to consumers with its “Customers Who Purchased This Also Bought” tags and banners.

Direct to Consumer Sales: Pay-Per- View Internet The Internet is now fast enough to stream movies full screen right to home computers and newer model televisions. According to a recent finding by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 19.6% of US users enjoy a high-speed connection. That is a potential audience of over 112,362,568 people. As a sampling of other countries, over 30% of consumers in Denmark have a broadband connection.

There are several major contenders competing to stream feature films. They include Netflix, Blockbuster Online, Hulu, and several overseas companies. Technologies such as the I-Phone and the I-Pad are allowing more and more people to stream video to them anywhere at anytime and are preparing this aspect of the market for a new explosion of revenue.

Each of these companies pay the filmmaker by different methods. Most of them share the profits through pay-per-view or through premium sales. Films on average can generate six figures through streaming alone over the course of a year.

Direct to Consumer Sales: Pay-Per- View On-Demand TV According to Forrester Magazine, U.S. video On-Demand jumped from $1.54 billion in 2003 to $2.89 billion a year for 2004 and climbed to 6.39 billion by 2006.

According to Jupiter Research Corporation, first run movies on U.S. On- Demand TV reached $280 million in 2006. Nielson ratings did not at that time include DVR viewings in their ratings.

9 ITV Marketer, an aggregator of interactive TV research statistics, found that the total number of digital subscribers in the U.S. exceeded 33.7 million households by the end of 2003 alone. Current subscription status in the US is 62.8 million.

Further they state that at the end of the first quarter there were 10.5 million digital cable subscribers and 15.5 million digital broadcast satellite (DBS) subscribers. The combined run rate of programming for the top cable and satellite companies was close to 200,000 per week.

Video Store Chains: A Small Snapshot of a Larger Picture According to the U.S. Bureau of Census, there are over 22,000 establishments in the U.S. alone dedicated to renting and selling home video. This does not include drug and department stores.

Blockbuster Video now has over 9,000 stores in 25 countries, even after their recent closings, and accounts for about 40% percent of the home video rental market according to Ernest and Young. Hollywood Video, the next largest chain, has close to 2,000 stores even with their recent closings.

Typically, every 5 months a video store such as Blockbuster moves the titles in their new section to the genre section and replaces them with new titles. There are about 100 lower budget indie genre films on the shelves in their new section at any given time. It is important to note that larger chains license multiple copies of each title per store. It is not unusual for them to buy 3 or 4 copies of even the smallest non- studio titles.

The average license fee paid by larger DVD chains ranges from $4.00 to $15.00 per title with an average per title purchase of 5,000 units. We have listed several of our buyers and the rates they currently pay for indie titles:

Buyer Current Per Unit Rate Average Unit Purchase Blockbuster Video $6.85 per unit 5500 units Hollywood Video $5.00 per unit 7000 units *** Movie Gallery $5.00 per unit 5000 units *** Netflix $10.97 per unit 1000 units

***Denotes a rev share. The average per unit amount is based on rev share projections over a six month period.


Worldwide Ancillary Markets Most of a movie’s revenues are not generated at the U.S. box office where most people assume. Markets outside the U.S. account for about 56% of all media global revenues produced by English language independent producers. The biggest buyers are Japan, Germany, Austria, the U.K, Italy, France, Spain, Belgium, Mexico, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Latin America and China are also emerging as large buyers and estimates could have these areas becoming a more significant portion of the market, especially with streaming video, very soon.

According to Video Software Dealers Association, Japan, the first country to adopt DVD technology, spends an impressive $187.7 million renting DVDs per year. DIRECT-TO-CONSUMER SALES

Selling from Magazine Advertisements As well as traditional marketing means, we are also pushing films to various genre niche markets. These niche markets open the door to different and additional sales opportunities that do not generally exist for mainstream movies. Throughout the U.S. and the world, newsstands generally carry about 7 to 10 magazine titles devoted to horror films alone. Not only are these niche markets additional areas to advertise, but we will also benefit from free publicity with the multi- page articles they write on lower budget films.

The magazines include among others: •Fangoria •Rue Morgue •National Lampoon •Horror Fan •Sci Fi Magazine •Cinescape •Famous Monsters ADDED PROFIT POTENTIAL

Longevity of Product Profits of a movie can be generated for a substantial period of time.

11 The Hollywood Reporter noted that, of 253 low budget independently produced B-pictures, their 10 year gross revenues generated about $9 million for each film.

According to Investor’s Business Daily, Paul Kagan Associates, who are considered the best source of accurate media research by the major studios, found that by the turn of the millennium domestic home video revenues reached 185% of the domestic theatrical market. It has now far exceeded that projection.

Achieving Cult Film Status One of the outstanding attributes of genre films is the potential for a product to achieve cult status, which is something different from being a break-out picture. A cult movie is a film that takes on an extended life of its own because of intense interest by niche audiences. The normal shelf life of a low budget film is about 5 years. However, the cult film is one that achieves a shelf life sometimes beyond 20 years. Films such as BLAZING SADDLES, SWINGERS and NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD have earned this revenue-generating status. Cult films have virtually all come from the freedom of producing lower budget films outside the constraints of the major studio mentality. However, studios seeing that they have sustained audiences will often pay handsomely for remake rights.

Overnight Stars One of the other factors unique to investments in the entertainment industry is that unknown actors can and do get cast in other movies that take off and thus they become overnight sensations. All of a sudden, a film of unknown actors now has a star that can rocket sales from curious audiences wanting to see what that celebrity has done in the past.

In the 1980’s, there was a film produced titled TEEN WOLF featuring an unknown actor in the lead. The small distributor decided to delay the releasing of the film because of the success they anticipated of another film that was going to be released by a major studio featuring the same lead actor. Sure enough, their gamble was correct. Their lead actor was then unknown Michael J. Fox starring in BACK TO THE FUTURE.

Realizing this, our concentration will also be to engage actors that we believe have the best chances of being future celebrities. This is what will separate us from the rest of low budget producers, who generally do not take this into account.

12 Current Stars While utilizing the above, we will also take into account established actors and the power they have to push sales. This is only feasible on the higher end of most of our productions as the cost for bringing on name actors does raise the budget of a film, but this is worthwhile. Established actors come with built in audiences and lend the film prestige in the public's eye, especially when marketed against films without such stars. There are also actors that have become particularly valuable to foreign distributors even after their star has waned in the US. Steven Segal, for instance, generates mild revenues domestically but still draws in tens of millions of dollars abroad.

The Power of the Internet There is no question that the Internet has greatly assisted sales of products to the tune of billions of dollars. Not only do we now have the ability to sell directly to consumers, but we also have the advantage of genre fans constructing their own web sites in tribute to the products they love. This is free advertising and publicity for us.


Scripts We have a number of excellent scripts that are perfectly suited to be produced within our budget requirements. They each have excellent characters, structure, and a good amount of thrills necessary to stand out in the marketplace. There is an ample supply of new scripts generally available to producers every year should our need reach beyond the in-house scripts already completed.

Quality of the Movies We Will Produce It is our goal to produce and release movies that are superior in every category to those competing at our same budget level in the same genres. We care about the quality of the films beyond the assembly- line mentality of our competitors. We have established a set of guidelines that will ensure we produce a top quality product in respect to the market.

Those behind the cameras are highly trained technicians and craftsmen, many of whom have worked on some of the biggest and

13 best films coming out of Hollywood. Some of them are trying to jump to the next higher position.


Marketing Artwork A critical factor in the successful marketing of our finished movie will be creating memorable movie poster key art. Our graphic designers are thoroughly experienced in this area.

Cross Promotions We will be including movie trailers at the beginning of our films as commercial advertisements for our other films. Through this practice we will build audience recognition and maximize public exposure.

Film Festivals Getting a buzz going about a movie can also be achieved by entering movies in film festivals. This buzz can create a bidding “war” among distribution attendees. While film festivals are not necessary for our distribution to succeed, they are an added advantage when it comes to free publicity and can have the effect of greatly increasing our distribution and revenues.

The festivals and markets include among others:

•Sundance Film Festival •Slamdance Film Festival •Cannes Festival and Market •South by Southwest Film Festival •American Film Market •Berlin Film Market •Milan Film Market

Theatrical Exhibition While it is not our goal to produce solely for theatrical release, there are sometimes great benefits in renting a theater and driving in audiences for a few weekends. This is usually known as 4-Walling.

Through multiple phone calls and legwork, resourceful filmmakers like us routinely fill theaters with family, friends and associates to help

14 create a buzz. If this can be done a few times over a weekend or two, it can attract a distribution offer without ever approaching a distributor. Distribution companies keep track of all box office sales numbers regardless of whose picture it is and who put it on the screen. If one picture does well on a small screen somewhere, the distribution company makes an assumption, a projection that the same film will do well on a larger number of screens and thus “picks it up”.

This strategy worked very well for first time producer Hecktor Barron making a little film called LLOYD 1998. He selected a few theaters in San Jose and began showing the film. Sure enough, one of the studios recognized that there was an audience for the movie, bought it and turned around selling it to HBO who ran it on and off for 3 years.

SWINGERS, an independently produced film by Jon Favreau, utilized this same strategy. The end result was to sell the film (made for an estimated $300,000) to Miramax for several million dollars. It launched the careers of star Vince Vaughn and writer Jon Favreau, who has recently directed the two IRON MAN films. Its director, Doug Liman, has gone on to direct such films as THE BOURNE IDENTITY.

This is often a common practice of the studios with their own small pictures. Fearful of taking a risk on spending millions for advertising, they will “platform” a picture in one or two theaters in a given city. If it is good, audiences recommend it to their friends and thus word-of- mouth self perpetuates an increasing audience. Local newspaper, radio and movie critics often also comment, helping to create free advertising. This is similar to the marketing buzz generated by PARANORMAL ACTIVITY by opening in a handful of cities only and thus creating a demand for a wider release.

With our company, there will be a number of determining factors as to whether to attempt this with any of our slated films. Will it be commercial enough? Often big budgeted movies with major stars never get a theatrical release, because somehow they may not “feel” like something meant for the big screen, yet on the small screen they will do fine.

There is also an undeniable psychological value claiming a movie has had a theatrical release, and 4-Walling qualifies as a release. As such, it raises the perceived value of the picture.


15 Once complete funding is established and secured, we will initiate the following steps:

•Company set up (legal, secure office space, supplies, etc) 4 to 6 weeks •Polish literary properties (scripts for slate) 6 to 8 weeks •Pre-production on first project 4 to 6 weeks •Production 3 weeks •Post-production 6 to 8 weeks •Marketing and sales, primary source revenue generation 8 weeks (Approx )*

* This process begins immediately upon locking the film and creating solicitation screeners. It is during this time we begin to receive Purchase Orders from the various buyers.


Our strategy is divided into two stages: Stage 1 “The Foundation” (years 1 - 3) and Stage 2 “Power Player” (years 4 - 5). It is an aggressive approach that will be tamed throughout the process.

Investments can be made in two ways. Either individual film can be invested in (each film with its own LLC) as based on that film's budget level, or the company as a whole can be invested in.

INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS Investments can be made on a per film basis. We have shown how the potential revenue streams for a single film can be quite large. As in any industry, a single film carries a larger risk than investing in the company as a whole. However, some films in our slate can be produced for as little as $500,000, thus providing the potential of a large return for smaller investments. These budgetary requirements vary from project to project.

MELPOMENE PICTURES Our plan for the company is as follows:

16 STAGE 1

Year 1 With a seed investment of $3 million, we lay the foundation and build the engine that will drive our business. We will enter the marketplace producing quality and marketable content. In the first year we will develop and produce 2-3 films ranging from the $500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00 range to maximize profitability. By the end of the first year, our sales associates will begin soliciting two of the titles, which will have been completed in their entirety.

Year 2 By the beginning of year two, the revenue stream will begin. Once this process begins and we have established ourselves as a serious player in the market, the engine will continue to turn without much effort. This “basic formula” will keep the company in constant production with an endless domestic DVD revenue stream while at the same creating a library of films for foreign markets. Once we enter Year 2, “the machine” will be in full operation and we will have produced as many as six films. Three of these will already be generating a revenue stream, the fourth will be in the solicitation process with an additional two in some form of production by the end of year two.

Year 3 Upon entering Year 3, we will begin to acquire, develop, and produce a minimum of two scripts with what we call “break-out” potential. These projects will be directed toward film festival markets and theatrical releases. The budgets will range from $1,000,000.00 to $10,000,000.00. These films will fall into a similar pattern as far as production value; however, the intention is to focus these projects for festivals such as Sundance, Cannes, Tribeca, etc. with the hope of a distribution purchase and/or limited theatrical release and is the beginning of Stage 2.

STAGE 2 It is at this stage that we will establish the company as a serious player in the industry all the while generating constant revenue from our genre format. The advantage to this is that we are able to keep costs low, so in the event a distribution deal is not secured we are able to utilize our direct to video outlets as a means of recouping expenses.

Year 4 Providing revenue streams are strong, and Investor relations even

17 stronger, acquisitions is the next logical step. Direct to Video distributors usually receive 35% but can command as much as 50% after expenses when acquiring a film. This may seem high; however, there are literally thousands of individuals and production companies producing films. Many of these “producers” have no outlet for distribution. We will be able to provide this outlet. By attending the countless festivals and conventions and various markets such as AFM and Milan, it is possible to acquire quality genre films at low or no out of pocket cost to us.

This is an excellent way to generate revenue by acting solely as a middleman and will eventually evolve into its own department. This outlet will provide an additional revenue stream for the company with minimal expense, potentially increasing our direct to video output from five to as many as eight films per year since we will not be limited to selling our own content.

By Year 4 we will have a solid library and stronger business relations with wholesale buyers, having established ourselves as a leading distribution entity in the direct to video market. We will have the ability to sell in great quantity, lowering per unit cost while simultaneously increasing profits through the sheer number of units and titles sold. This distribution format has the potential to increase the revenue stream enormously.

Year 5 Going into the fifth year, Melpomene Pictures will have made a name for itself and made its presence known on the international market, developing a reputation for producing quality films that turn a profit.

This increased capital developed in Year 4 will allow Melpomene Pictures to “Power Play” into the mainstream theatrical release world. Although it is not our intention to finance risky, over priced projects, it is our goal to develop and produce content with this same potential on a smaller level combined with the possibility of securing mainstream development deals.


With an initial start-up of $3 million and a 5 Year outlined plan, we will accomplish the following:

18 •Establish initial production entity, producing three to five lower budget pictures per year.

•Establish a constant revenue stream through both current and untapped DVD sales outlets, both domestic and foreign.

•Develop and produce two “break-out” festival driven films per year.

•Acquire additional films, therefore increasing our cash flow and building a substantial library.

Our overall goal is comprised of a solid, long term, well-developed plan.


1.All deposited funds (cash investments) will be repaid first until 105% is met.

2.All future profits will be paid out on a quarterly basis for the first two years of the first revenues generated and thereafter on a yearly basis.

The details of the Business Operating Agreement are open for discussion. OVERVIEW OF STARTUP EXPENSES

Startup 2 Year Guarantee ($3 million investment)

Salaried Personnel

•Head Of Production ($65K)

•Head of Development ($65K)

•Office Manager ($39K)

•Office Assistant ($30K)

19 Office Space/Set Up

•Offices ($30K)

•Office Equipment ($12K) Includes furniture, computers, phones, etc

•Supplies ($8K) Includes all office supplies for year

Production Slate

2 - 3 Films ($1.5M)

This amount is for 2-3 films. The budgets will vary from $500,000.00 to $1,000,000.00.

Total 1st Year Investment $1,749,000.00

2nd Year Reserve $1,251,000.00***

***This amount leads us into year two with a revenue stream already in place.



With 7 years experience in film and television Post-Production, BRAD C. HODSON has worked with companies as diverse as Technicolor, Walt Disney Studios, and Paramount Pictures. Through this experience he has developed an intimate understanding of a film’s workflow and what’s necessary to acquire distribution. He has also produced several short films and the feature film GEORGE’S INTERVENTION, providing him with the experience necessary to see a film through pre- production and production as well as post.

20 From a creative standpoint, Hodson is an award winning fiction author. He has co-written the cult sensation GEORGE’S INTERVENTION, and wrote the feature film SECRET BIRTHDAY, currently in development and slated to star Paul Walker (THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS) and Jon Huertas (ABC’s CASTLE). He has also written and directed several award winning short films, gaining an invaluable insight into virtually all aspects of a film’s production.

As Head of Development, Hodson promises to find and nurture the most creative projects with the greatest chance of earning a large profit. His experience and contacts in the industry will help Melpomene Pictures become a key player in the lower budget film market.


The IMDB page for MICHELLE TOMLINSON lists over twenty credits to her name. With her experience in all aspects of filmmaking, both in front of and behind the camera, Tomlinson has developed a keen sense for the ins and outs of film production. Her eye for the minutest details in the production process has been honed working with such respected directors as Kevin Tenney, and her sense for the unique marketing needs associated with the film industry has been sharpened through her internet chat show as well as her web series and countless appearances at film festivals and conventions.

Googling Tomlinson’s name produces over sixty-thousand web pages. Her fan base is loyal and growing at a rapid pace. As Head of Production, Tomlinson instantly brings her fan base on board as an audience to any film Melpomene Pictures produces. In addition, the contacts and networking opportunities she can bring to bear will smooth over many of the bumps and hurdles a film in production can encounter.


Below are the current projects we own and would initially consider for development. They are presented in a tentative schedule as to when they would be produced within the timeline of our initial business proposal.

An estimated budget and genre is given for each project and a quick synopsis follows.

21 YEAR 1

THE STEPHEN KING BOOK CLUB ($1 mil) Comedy / Horror DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES meets FRIGHT NIGHT. A group of lonely and bored housewives meet every Sunday afternoon to discuss the latest horror novel they’ve read. Or that’s what they’re supposed to be doing. Usually they just gossip about who in the neighborhood is sleeping with who, or the recent rash of disappearances in their small town. And who is that new neighbor that just moved in, the one that never comes out during the day? Could he really be a vampire, or has boredom fried their brains?

THE CELLAR DOOR 2: PREYMATES ($500K) Horror / Thriller In this sequel to the award-winning horror thriller THE CELLAR DOOR, the nightmare continues for Rudy, a beautiful young woman who fell prey to an innocent looking serial killer; Herman. She escapes, and he is now a prisoner of a Mental Institution. Little does Rudy know, a copycat killer is intent on finishing the job. As she escapes to the mountains with the copycat killer hot on her trail, Herman falls deeper and deeper into insanity. It is a bloody psychological thriller where Rudy’s survival becomes the battleground between two sick minds.

VANDEZ ($500k) Comedy / Action Vandez is a slick hustler and ladies man. When he finds out his absentee father died in the South, he heads down to collect some money the man left in a safety deposit box. But his first day there he gets involved with the wife of a local meth dealer, finds out he has a brother he never knew about, and has to evade an angry husband who’s followed him from New Jersey. All he wants is to get his money and get out of town, but everyone keeps kicking his ass. A comedy in the style of “Napoleon Dynamite,” “Raising Arizona,” and “Pineapple Express.” YEAR 2

AWAKEN ($500k) Action / Thriller Flyers for a local political race begin setting off normal citizens in a sleepy American town and provoking them into acts of violence. As things escalate it becomes evident that the town was a Cold War- era

22 test site for government experiments into mind control and the locals are sleeper agents. Why are they being activated now? And why are they killing one another? Can the mystery be solved before the entire town is destroyed?

WHISPERS ($500k) Horror Stark’s wife passed away in childbirth. Ever since then he has been plagued by whispers. The dead speak to him and they ask him to do things for them. Only what they ask is getting too horrible to comprehend. Do these whispers have something to do with the serial killer stalking the streets? Or is Stark losing his mind?

ODESSA ($2 Million) Family Drama Based on the multi-award winning short film starring the late Yolanda King (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's eldest daughter), ODESSA is a touching, inspirational and spiritual family drama about forgiveness, love and the courage to stand up for what is right. A 60’s period piece ala the “bussing era,” ODESSA embraces the story of a young girl who looks up to her family’s housekeeper, ODESSA, as they learn to battle violence with peace together.

ITCH ($1 Million) Horror / Thriller An Itch can be described as anything from an irritating skin sensation that causes you to scratch to a relentless desire or craving for something. Adrian Kratz has the latter, an Itch to kill. With her partner Ruby Swindel, they hunt, torture and kill whomever catches Adrian's eye. Although a dysfunctional relationship to the outside, their desires for the kill and each other causes the body count increase quickly. For murderers who live constantly on the go, these two women have one thing that makes them more frightening than the rest - intelligence. No bodies are ever found. No trace evidence. The perfect crime by the most dysfunctional duo.

THE STRAWBERRY HILL MYSTERY CLUB ($1 mil) Comedy / Adventure A group of child adventurers from the eighties (think “The Goonies”) are all grown up and come back to their hometown when one of their members commits suicide. Or did he? They begin to catch glimpses of him wandering around town as they revisit their childhood haunts. As they delve into his suicide, they find he was researching rumors of a lost Viking ship that had sailed up river and vanished into the woods. Sounds like it’s time for a new adventure…

23 YEAR 3

IN MORTIS ($500k) Horror / Action DAWN OF THE DEAD meets 300 and GLADIATOR. A group of Roman soldiers are sent to bring provisions through enemy territory to a Roman fort. They arrive to find the fort deserted but locked from the inside. They make their way inside and begin to unravel the mystery of the disappearance but, when night falls, armies of dead Gauls throw themselves at the gate and something inside starts picking the legionaries off one by one.

TOUCH ($2 Million ) Drama Nora Castillo's lived her life depending on no one. Whether a soldier or an investigator, she has the ability to disconnect and finish the job. That is until Cinderella, or Sin as her pimps call her, becomes her next case. Matching wits, fists and shots of alcohol for every mile of road they drive, they will eventually have to trust one another to survive. A task neither woman does easily.

WHAT HIDES BEHIND ($1 - 3 mil) Horror Daniel, a disgraced paparazzo with a knack for finding the dirt no one else can, is hired by an aging actor to find the last remaining copy of a controversial play from the fifties. Rumors swirl around the play, stories of the only performance driving the audience mad and burning down the theater it was staged in. As Daniel sets off on his search, he learns of the playwright’s interest in the occult. To find the play, he’s forced to peel back the layers of secrecy surrounding “What Hides Behind.”

BLACK RIVER FALLS ($5 Million) Family Drama A coming of age story set against the hard scrabble world of depression era Wisconsin. Twelve year old Buzz Johnson is looking for a hero, someone he can look up to. He finds himself having to choose between his tormented widowed father or the notorious gangster John Dillinger. BLACK RIVER FALLS explores the healing power of love and redemption and what it takes to be a hero.

LUNACY (working title) ($500k) Horror

24 Dr. Walcott has recently taken over at the Mesnik Psychiatric Hospital after the previous doctor slit his own throat one night. Dr. Walcott gets to know the patients and all their strange quirks, including the nameless patient in room 312. A rash of suicides among the staff and patients slowly points the finger at this odd patient and Dr. Walcott learns the horrible truth behind his particular brand of mental illness: it’s contagious.


RENDERINGS ($2 Million) Psychological Thriller A supernatural thriller that takes place in the seedy underbelly of the Los Angeles art world. An artist is haunted by the ghosts of murder victims who compel her to render the ritualistic details of their murders onto her canvases. Now the police believe she is the killer and worse, the killer knows he has a witness. Who will get her first, the police, the killer, or the dead?

SHORT FUSE ($500k – 1mil) Action / Comedy A throwback and spoof of over the top eighties action movies. Detective Walters is a midget, but he prefers the term “small person.” He’s also one of the most decorated officers on the police force, though his dangerous and devil-may-care approach has left him without a partner. But the chief forces Detective Natasha Dimitrov to partner up with him and just in time: a terrorist cell is operating in the neighborhood. They’re about to set off a notoriously short fuse.

N’AWLINS ($500k) Horror An anthology film comprised of short horror films by directors Brad C. Hodson, JT Seaton, and Alex Justinger. All the stories interweave with one another and revolve around the legends and myths of New Orleans and the South. Robert Johnson selling his soul at the crossroads, the Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau, and a host of other tales make an appearance.

DARLING ($500k) Horror Based on the novel by Brad C. Hodson. Dennis and Mike are both dealing with Allison’s suicide when they move into Raynham Place. But

25 the apartment has a checkered past that neither of them could have realized. The thing that sleeps beneath Raynham is waking and as it thrashes in its sleep the walls between this world and the next come crashing down. The dead walk the halls, shadows peel themselves from corners, and things whisper to children from inside closets. Can Mike and Dennis find how to stop this before they lose their minds?


LIFE ON THE 64 BUS ($3 – 10 mil) Comedy / Drama Based on the novel by Brad C. Hodson. When the man who will simply be known as “Keats” has a breakdown and loses everything important to him, he boards a plane for Rome. His first day there he gets his wallet and passport stolen by a beautiful young girl on the 64 Bus. Tracking her down, he soon falls in with a group of conmen and thieves that live in the catacombs beneath Rome and make their living fleecing tourists. The group is run by the mysterious Brit called “The Carny.” The Carny has big plans for Keats. If only Keats knew what those plans were…

BUFFALO SOLDIER ($3-10 mil) Western Benjamin Montgomery is a former corporal in the US Calvary and a black soldier, a “Buffalo Soldier.” He’s gone AWOL and is being hunted across the plains by a motley group of bounty hunters and outlaws led by the mysterious Lakota Sioux Black Owl. Benjamin finds refuge in the small town of Propriety, a haven for widows and orphans who have fled from the plains wars. They care for him and nurse him back to health, but Black Owl’s group is bearing down on them and could destroy everything. To make matters worse, he has a reason for hunting Benjamin, a damn good reason that yanks Benjamin from his sleep at night ashamed of what he’s done.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND THE CURIOUS CASE OF THE HELLFIRE CLUB ($1-3 mil) Comedy / Horror Benjamin Franklin, founding father and inventor, was also a member of the mysterious group of occultists known as the Hellfire Club. In this film we take a humorous and horrific look at the club and why Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington teamed together to stop it. But were the Founding Fathers able to destroy the club before they could call forth the demon they worshipped?

26 NINE DAYS ($1 mil) Thriller Chris Perkins has the perfect life... at least, until he wakes up in alley having no memory of the last nine days. His girlfriend suddenly hates him, he's lost his job, and, worst of all, his son is missing. Chris has to play detective, piecing together where he's been and what's he's done over the last nine days all while trying to find out who or what was behind the mysterious bout of amnesia and the wreck that his life has become.


We have developed relationships with several talented and experienced people who will helm the various upper level positions needed to make a successful feature film. Each person considered below is a multiple award winner with an impressive resume of quality films under their belts. In addition, each of them can work fast and efficiently, thus bringing down costs on the film.

Resumes can be found on following pages.

Brad C. Hodson – Writer /Director /

28 Producer 205-422-3543 (cell) 14437 Benefit St. Apt 6 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 [email protected] ______SELECTED FILM WORK

SECRET BIRTHDAYS, TalntNMotion, Los Angeles Current

GUERILLA WARFARE, 1313FX, Los Angeles Sept 2010 Screenwriter

LT’S THEORY OF PETS (based on a short story by Stephen King) Sept 2010 Screenwriter / Director

VANDEZ (short film), Happy Nowhere Productions, Los Angeles Nov 2009 Screenwriter/ Director

AWAKEN (short film), Happy Nowhere Productions, Los Angeles July 2009 Screenwriter/Director/Producer

APPLY WITHIN, Areffi Productions July 2009 Screenwriter

GEORGE’S INTERVENTION, CatScare Films, Los Angeles July 2008 Screenwriter/ Producer

CHRYSALIS, Happy Nowhere Productions, Los Angeles July 2005 Screenwriter/Producer

TESTOSTERINO, Nowhere Productions, Los Angeles Jan 2005 Screenwriter/Producer



SELECTED LITERATURE DARLING, an original novel, Bad Moon Books 2011 “Il Donnaiolo,” Werewolves and Shapeshifters, Black Dog & Levanthal Aug 2010 "His Only Company, the Walls," Voices, Morrigan Books Sept 2008 "In The Halls of Elsinore," The Harrow Magazine, Harrow Press July 2007 "Where the Carrion Gods Dance," Dred Magazine, Dred Publications May 2007 "The Perfect Jackson," Home and Away, Not One of Us Magazine March 2007 "Picked Last," Midnight Lullabies, Harrow Press Oct 2006

AWARDS AND HONORS - Shortlisted for the ERIC HOFFER AWARD (2010) for the short story “Hester Kahn” - BEST FILM (2010) for “George's Intervention,” Weekend of Fear in Germany - BEST HORROR FILM (2010) for “George’s Intervention,” Southern Appalachian International Film Festival - ROSELLE LEWIS AWARD FOR SUPERIOR ACHEIVEMENT IN SHORT FICTION for “Things Unsaid” - HONORABLE MENTION – KORNBLUH AWARD FOR ACHIEVMENT IN NON-FICTION for “Slaying Dragons: The Positive Effects of Violent Media on Children” - Selected for the prestigious BORDERLANDS PRESS BOOTCAMP for 2010 - Recruited as a member of the exclusive DARK DELICACIES WRITER’S GROUP (2009 – present) - BEST SCREENPLAY – SHORT SUBJECT (2005) for “Chrysalis,” Sidewalk Film Festival - BEST COMEDIC SHORT and BEST SCREENPLAY – SHORT SUBJECT (2005) for “Testosterino,” Sidewalk Film Festival - BEST COMEDIC SHORT (2004) for “Remember the Future,” Sidewalk Film Festival - BEST SCREENPLAY – SHORT SUBJECT (2004) for “Six of One, Half Dozen the Other,” Sidewalk Film

30 Festival - #3 MOST INTERESTING PEOPLE UNDER THIRTY (2004), Birmingham Magazine - BEST LIVE SHOW (2004) for “Happy Nowhere Sketch Comedy,” Birmingham Magazine - BEST COMEDY SHOW (2004) for “Happy Nowhere Sketch Comedy,” Birmingham Weekly - BEST LIVE SHOW (2003) “Happy Nowhere Sketch Comedy,” Birmingham Magazine - BEST COMEDY SHOW (2003) for “Happy Nowhere Sketch Comedy,” Birmingham Weekly - #4 MOST INTERESTING PEOPLE UNDER THIRTY (2003), Birmingham Magazine

31 Michelle Tomlinson Production Resume 323.793.2042 [email protected]

Objective: Continue to create entertaining, innovative and lucrative Films that cross several genres. Education: Eastern New Mexico University, BFA Theatre Performance Professional Experience: Mighty McT Productions 2009-Present

•ITCH , Horror Short Film. Actor, Recruited Cast and Crew, Coordinated Schedules, incl. Shoot Dates and Call Sheets

•MIS-ADVENTURES OF MCT & A Executive Producer, Comedic/Spoof Web Series. Actor, Co-Creator, Recruited Cast and Crew, Coordinated Schedules, Union Paperwork (SAG) Freelance 2009-Present

•PATHETICALLY CHEAP ADVENTURES OF XTRA-MAN Associate Producer, Comedic Feature Film Actor, Recruited Additional Crew

•LOS ANGELES BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB FILM FESTIVAL Production Consultant, Several Short Films Recruited 20+ qualified Writers, Directors, Producers and Actors to teach specific Classes to the Kids of the Club in order to help the kids create their own Short Films. Organized the Production of the Four Short Films by recruiting four different sets of Crew including Directors, Lighting and Production Assistants. Included coordinating Schedules, Call Sheets, Organizing Paperwork for Various Aspects of Production

•VARIOUS COMMERCIALS , Art Department (2004) Duties included running Wardrobe and Props to and from each set, painting and helping build sets and keeping track of receipts for the Production Book. Related Experience 2002-2005

•CASTING Various Television Commercials Casting Assistant for Melissa Martin, Craig Colvin and Carolyne Barry. Duties included Sorting Headshots, Scheduling Audition Times, Meeting

32 Deadlines for Shipping out Audition Material.

Banner Gwin [email protected] 865.548.4467 416 S. Venice Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 FEATURE FILM EDITORIAL______

“THE DEATH AND LIFE of CHARLIE ST. CLOUD” Universal Pictures Assistant Editor Director: Burr Steers Aug. 09 to CURRENT

“NAILED” Capitol Films Assistant Editor Director: David O. Russell Sept. 08 to CURRENT

“SEVENTEEN AGAIN” New Line Cinema Assistant Editor Director: Burr Steers Dec. 07 to Sept. 08

“THE EXPRESS” Universal Pictures Apprentice Editor Director: Gary Fleder March 07 to Dec. 07

“AUGUST RUSH” Warner Bros. Editorial : Kirsten Sheridan Feb. 06 to March 07

“YOU, ME AND DUPREE” Universal Pictures Editorial Assistant Director: The Russos Aug. 05 to Feb. 06

“THE INTERPRETER” Universal/Working Title Editorial Assistant Director: Sydney Pollack March 04 to March 05

“THE AVIATOR” Warner Bros/ Mirmax Intern/Assistant Mr. Scorsese

OTHER______Sydney Pollack Personal Assistant/Editor Mirage Enterprises, CA

Martin Scorsese Personal Intern CAPPA/ SIKELIA, NY

33 KIMBERLY AMATO Production Resume 516.633.0170 [email protected] Objective: Continue to create entertaining, innovative and lucrative Films that cross several genres. Education: John J. College of Criminal Justice, M.A. Forensic Psychology Hofstra University, B.A. Psychology Professional Experience: Little Crown Productions 2009-Present

•ITCH Executive Producer, Horror Short Film. Writer, Actor, Funded the Short, Website, Marketing

•MIS-ADVENTURES OF MCT & A Executive Producer, Comedic/Spoof Web Series. Writer, Actor, Funding, Marketing

Bridge and Tunnel Media, LLC 2010-Present

•ALMA PERDONADA Director of Multi-Media, Spanish Novella Union Paperwork, Website Design

Freelance 2006-2009

•UNDER THE RAVEN’S WING Co-Producer Horror Feature Film Website, Publicity, Acting, Marketing, Press Kits, Contracts •MACY’S Production Assistant Ran Wardrobe and Production needs to and from sets. •CANON Production Assistant Ran Wardrobe and Production needs to and from sets. •PROTESTORS Production Assistant Ran Wardrobe and Production needs to and from sets.

Lights Point Cinema 2006-2009

•FISTFUL OF SAND Producer, Writer Contracts, Publicity, Acting •DECEPTION Producer, Director, Writer Contracts, Publicity, Acting

34 Matthew Zettell Director/Producer DGA* (Union & Non Union Projects - * Financial Core *) (818) 681-0527 (cell) e-mail: [email protected]

Matt Zettell is a Director/Producer/Co-founder of Six Sense Productions, specializing in Feature Films and development.

Matt Zettell is a Director/Producer/Co-founder of Top Knot Productions specializing Documentaries, Family Entertainment and Corporate Videos. FILM - TELEVISION (selected credits 1997- 2010)

Director/Producer, THE CELLAR DOOR (Feature HD) Six Sense Productions Prod: Hilary Six, Chris Nelson

Director, RESURRECTION COUNTY (Feature HD) 5 Star Productions Ex. Prod: Mike Hart Cast: Adam Huss, Robert Miano, Rus Blackwell

Director, STORYBOOK LIVE (Multi-camera TV) Storybook Productions EX. Prod: Llyod Swartz

Director/Producer, TOTAL POP STAR (Multi Camera) Extraordinary Media Group EX. Prod: Andrew Van Slee CAST: Joey Lawrence, Deborah Gibson

Director/Producer, TEASE (Multi Camera) Seven Lights Ent.

Director/Series Producer, JOBZ 4 DOGZ (Kids Reality TV) Dream Big Productions EX. Prod: Brian Levine, Denise Gelfland

Director/Series Producer, AMAZING HEROES (Kids Reality TV) Dream Big Productions EX. Prod: Brian Levine, Denise Gelfland

Director/Series Producer, HOWZIT MADE (Multi-camera TV) Dream Big Productions EX. Prod: Brian Levine, Denise Gelfland

Director/Series Producer, CHATTER BUDDIES (Children/Family TV) Chatter Buddies LLC EX. Prod: Karen Hodges

Director/Producer, TREOS (Music Video) Triple Crown Records

Director, DECEIVERS (HD) Black Jewel Films

35 EX. Prod: Mike Lynn, Lisa O’Neil

Director/Producer, EARTHPARK (Corporate Video) Townsend Productions Director/Producer, BLUE2GREENCAREERS (Corporate Webseries) Tellurian Co-Director/Producer, ADAM & EVIL (Feature: HD) E Productions, LLC. Dir: Andrew Van Slee

Director 2nd Unit/ 1st Assistant Director, HEAVANS FALL (Feature) Strata Productions Prod: Wade Danielson Dir: Terry Green Cast: Timothy Hutton, David Strathairn, Bill Smitrovich, Leelee Sobieski

Director 2nd Unit/ 1st Assistant Director, THE BANK ROBBERY (Feature: HD 24p) Sunwest Films Prod: Fabiana Cesa Dir: Gary McAuley

Director 2nd Unit/1st Assistant Director, DATING GAMES PEOPLE PLAY (Feature) Marc Entertainment Dir: Stefan Marc DP: Christos Bitsakos Cast: Austin Peck, Andy Lauer, Kellie Perine

Director 2nd Unit/1st Assistant Director, GACY (Feature) Rillington Productions Prod: Susan Rodgers Dir: Clive Saunders DP: Kristian Bemier

Director 2nd Unit/1st Assistant Director, NET GAMES (Feature: HD 24p) Cast: C. Thomas Howell, Joan Van Ark, Ed Begley Jr., Marina Sartis

Producer, JUNK DREAMS (Documentary) Top Knot Productions

Producer, CURRENT TV (Documentary Series) Six Sense Productions

Coordinating Producer, SAMUEL ADAMS (Commercial) TGC Enterprises

Coordinating Producer, PREGO (Commercial) TGC Enterprises

Unit Production Manager, ASYLUM OF THE DEAD (Feature: HD 24p) Mobius Ent. Prod: Matt McCombs Co-Prod: Scott Bendo Dir: Phil Jones LP: Bill Dion Cast: Bruce Payne, Tiny Lister

Unit Production Manager, THE LAST DATE (Feature:35 mm) VisionBox

1st Assistant Director, THE KEY MAN (Feature: 35mm) Occupant Films Cast: Hugo Weaving, Jack Davenport, Judi Greer, Brain Cox 1st Assistant Director, NICK @ NITE/ TV LAND (Promo) C2 Creative

Dir: Bob Learner Prod: Sven Nebelung Cast: Charles Kimbrough, Martin Mull, Annie Potts

36 1st Assistant Director, MONSTER MAN (Feature) Dream Entertainment

Dir: Michael Davis Prod: Larry Rattner DP: Matt Irving Cast: Eric Jungmann, Justin Urich, Aimee Brooks

1st Assistant Director, A FORCE OF ONE (TV Series) R.G.I. Productions

Dir: Rodion Nahapetov LP: Natasha Shliapnikoff Cast: Sean Young, Rodian Nahapetov


FEATURE FILMS & DIRECTORS George’s Intervention: JT Seaton Dark Room Theater: Benjamin Pollack

2nd Unit DP Crazy Girls Undercover: 2nd Unit Dir. Rod Hardy

COMMERCIALS & DIRECTORS Doritos collision spot: Jeff Sanders NFL spot, 4 Chances: Jeff Sanders Test prep network: Javier Colon Rios

SHORT FILMS & DIRECTORS In the Name of the Son: Harun Mehmedinovic Interrogation: Nathan Atkinson A Brand New Life: Javier Colon Rios The Gift: Nathan Atkinson Proposal: Nathan Atkinson The Touch: Maarit Nissila

AWARDS & FESTIVALS for IN THE NAME OF THE SON, AFI thesis film ASC Heritage Award, best cinematography – nomination, 2008 Winner USA film festival, best short narrative (Qualifies for the Academy of Motion Picture) Official selection Cannes film festival, short film corner Official selection Telluride Film Festival Offical selection Santa Barbara International film festival Offical selection Shanghai International film festival


EDUCATION Masters degree: Cinematography. American Film Institute (AFI), Los Angeles, California 2007 Bachelor degree: Visual Media. American University (AU), Washington, D.C 2002 Diploma in Film Production. Prague Film School (FAMU), Prague, Czech Republic 2001 Tyler A. Earring Editor / Assistant Editor 818.736.5053 (Home), 816.804.3013 (Cell), [email protected]

Film/TV Experience GEORGE’S INTERVENTION: Editor DIR: J.T. Seaton; PROD: Brad Hodson 93 Minute Comedy/Horror - Cat Scare Films Shot on XDCam and Finished HD Edited on Final Cut Pro

11 WEEKS: Editor 29 Minute Drama – USC Thesis Film Shot on 35mm and Finished on 35mm Edited in PAL on Avid Media Composer Shot in Hindi and Subtitled in English

IN THE NAME OF THE SON: Editor 26 Minute Drama – AFI Thesis Film Shot on HD and Finished on 35mm Edited on Avid Symphony Shot in Bosnian and Subtitled in English Has Won Over 30 International Awards

DE PURA CEPA: Editor 25 Minute Drama – AFI Thesis Film Shot on 16mm and Finished on HD Edited on Avid Symphony Shot in Spanish and Subtitled in English

THE CLUB: Editor 25 Minute Comedy – Foxx Follies Films Shot on HD and Finished on HD

38 Edited on Avid Symphony

SIDE EFFECT: Assistant Editor 13 Minute Horror – AFI Directing Workshop for Women Film Synced, Organized and Labeled Dailies Created Outputs to DVD and DVCam


2010 LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FOR MIKE NICHOLS: Assistant Editor Digitized, Organized, and Uprezzed Clips for Montage.

WEATHER PROOF: Assistant Editor 1 Hour Multicam Series – The Weather Channel Uprezzed AMA Files and DVCam Footage on Avid Created Deliverables for Sound and Color

New Wave Entertainment: Lead Assistant Editor Assisted on Behind-the-Scenes Material, EPKs and Promos for such movies as THE DARK KNIGHT, GET SMART, WANTED and many others. Created Shot Logs and Music Cues, Digitized all formats from Mini DV to HDCam-SR in Both SD and HD Projects, Synced Multi-Cam Footage, Created Outputs to DVD and Beta, Prepped for Finishing, etc. Cut Promo for GHOSTBUSTERS 1 & 2 Blu-Ray and Gag Reel for GET SMART

AFI TOP TEN AWARDS 2009: Assistant Editor Digitized, Pulled, Labeled and Organized Clips for Montage

A TRIBUTE TO DARYL HANNAH: Assistant Editor Digitized, Pulled, Labeled and Organized Clips for Montage

39 40 Tom Devlin [Special Makeup FX Artist]

1313FX 3080 W Valley Blvd. Alhambra, CA 91803 (818)441-3797 [email: [email protected]]

Film and Television History:

TOM DEVLIN’S 1313FX: 2002-Present

SOMEONE’S AT THE DOOR Key Special Makeup Effects [Mirage Pictures JR LTD/Crappy World Films, Dir: Chad Ferrin, Prod: Sean Cain, Noah Segan] BARTOKULAR Key Special Makeup Effects [60 Frames, Dir: Travis Betz, Prod: Jessica Petelle-Slagle, Aaron Gaffey] PUNCH Key Special Makeup Effects [Punch Brand Films, Dir: Jay Cynik] PLACEBO Key Special Makeup Effects [Orange Bird Productions, Dir: Nick Slatkin, Prod: Randy Wayne, Rob Sanford, Danny Roth] LILY’S TOMB Key Special Makeup Effects [60 Frames, Dir: Travis Betz, Prod: Jessica Petelle-Slagle, Aaron Gaffey] THE LOST TRIBE Special Makeup Effects Artist [Avatar Entertainment Group, Dir: Roel Reine, Prod: Mohit Ramchandani] JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH Key Makeup Artist [The Global Asylum, Dir: Scott Wheeler and Davy Jones, Prod: David Latt, David Rimawi] BOWLING ALLEY Key Special Makeup Effects [Potluck Productions, Dir: Stevo, Prod: Al Burke] ZOMBIES OF MASS DESTRUCTION Key Special Makeup Effects [Typecast Films, Dir: Kevin Hamedami, Prod: John Sinno] BIOSLIME Key Special Makeup Effects [Lechago Entertainment, Dir/Prod: John Lechago] THE TREK Key Special Makeup Effects [Waltzing Devil Productions, Dir: Lola Wallace] NIGHT OF THE FLESH EATERS Key Special Makeup Effects [Dir/Prod: JR McGarrity] LO Key Special Makeup Effects [Drexel Box Productions, Dir: Travis Betz, Prod: Jessica Petelle- Slagle, Aaron Gaffey] THE PORTAL Special Makeup Effects Supervisor [Rojak Films, Dir: Serge Rodnunsky, Prod: Gerald Wolff] THE LIFE OF LUCKY CUCUMBER

41 Special Makeup Effects Lab Work [Lucky Cucumber LLC, Dir: Sam Maccarone, Prod: Preston Lacy] PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Key Special Makeup Effects [Cerebral Experiment, Dir: Eric Forsberg, Prod: Steven Hirsch] GHOULDE CREEK Key Special Makeup Effects [Breakout Entertainment, Dir: Lola Wallace, Prod: Sherri Strain] EDGES OF DARKNESS Key Special Makeup Effects [Zapruter Productions, Dir: Jason Horton, Prod: Stephen Kayo] BLACK OPS Key Special Makeup Effects [Rebel Film, Dir: Roel Reine, Prod: Ethan Wiley] SUPERCROC Special Makeup Effects Supervisor [The Asylum, Dir: Scott Harper, Prod: David Latt, David Rimawi] THE HITCHHIKER Special Makeup Effects Supervisor [The Asylum, Dir: Leigh Scott, Prod: David Latt, David Rimawi] RAZOR Special Makeup Effects Artist [Blue VooDoo, Dir: James Lay, Prod: Kenny Saylors] FREAKSHOW Key Special Makeup Effects [The Asylum, Dir: Drew Bell, Prod: David Latt, David Rimawi, Sherri Strain] CHICAGO MASSACRE: RICHARD SPECK Special Makeup Effects Artist [Barnholtz Entertainment, Dir/Prod: Mike Feifer] HALLOWEEN NIGHT Special Makeup Effects Supervisor [The Asylum, Dir: Mark Atkins, Prod: David Latt, David Rimawi, Sherri Strain] THE DEVIL’S DEN Special Makeup Effects Artist [IDT Entertainment, Dir: Jeff Burr, Prod: Mitch Gould] ED GEIN: BUTCHER OF PLAINFIELD Key Special Makeup Effects [Barnholtz Entertainment, Dir/Prod: Mike Feifer] THE SEASON Key Special Makeup Effects [Vigilance Films, Dir/Prod: Adam Brooks] LEGEND OF THE SANDSQUATCH Key Special Makeup Effects [Waltzing Devil Productions, Dir: Lola Wallace] BUTCHER HOUSE Key Special Makeup Effects [Fat Kid Films, Dir: Chris Hutson, Prod: Marc Porterfield] DEVIL GIRL Prosthetics Designer [Monkey Man Films, Dir: Howie Askins, Prod: Tracy Wilcox] NIGHT OF THE DEAD Key Special Makeup Effects [Cerebral Experiment, Dir: Eric Forsberg, Prod: Karen Goodman] THE OAKLEY SEVEN Special Makeup Effects Supervisor [Blackbear Films, Dir: Adam Schlachter, Prod: Blacky Bokich] THE GAY BED AND BREAKFAST OF TERROR Key Special Makeup Effects [Modean Productions, Dir: Jaymes Thompson, Prod: Sean Abley] THE GRIM REAPER Key Special Makeup Effects [MRG Entertainment, Dir/Prod: Mike Feifer] POULTRYGEIST Key Special Makeup Effects [Troma Entertainment, Dir/Prod: Lloyd Kaufman] ARE YOU SCARED? Key Special Makeup Effects [MRG Entertainment, Dir: Andy Hurst, Prod: Mike Feifer]

42 THE BUTCHER Key Special Makeup Effects [MRG Entertainment, Dir/Prod: Mike Feifer] DIGILIS Key Special Makeup Effects [I/O Cinematix, Dir: Peter Nelson, Prod: Jessica Green] THE DOZEN Key Special Makeup Effects [Fleur Films, Dir: Chad Rocco, Prod: Eric Connors] TV: THE MOVIE Special Makeup Effects Lab Work [CKRush Entertainment, Dir: Sam Maccarone, Prod: Preston Lacy] PLAN 10 Key Special Makeup Effects [Waltzing Devil Productions, Dir: Lola Wallace] JOSHUA Key Special Makeup Effects [Drexel Box Productions, Dir: Travis Betz, Prod: Jessica Petelle- Slagle] CRUDE AWAKENING Key Special Makeup Effects [Dir: Michael Luceri] LORDS OF DOGTOWN Prosthetic Lab Work [Columbia Pictures, Dir: Catherine Hardwicke, Prod: John Linson] THE STORYTELLER Key Special Makeup Effects [Supernova LLC, Dir: Andrew Getty] Wayne Studios: 2005 Member of Effects Team. Credits include, but are not limited to the following:


Make-Up Effects Laboratory: 2004 Member of Effects Team. Credits include, but are not limited to the following:


Almost Human: 2004 Member of Effects Team. Credits include, but are not limited to the following:


W.M. Creations: 2001-2002 Member of Effects Team. Credits include, but are not limited to the following: SCORPION KING, X-FILES: SEASON 8-9, THE TUXEDO, RED DRAGON, DAREDEVIL, REIGN OF FIRE, CSI MIAMI: SEASON 1, CLUB DREAD, PRESIDIO MED, CHARLIE’S ANGELS 2, TERMINATOR 3, THE HUNTED.

RELATED WORK HISTORY: Rick Chou Studios: 2006-2007 Applied makeup FX for print advertisement photo shoots, including Universal Studios Orlando, Halloween Horror Nights.

43 Cinema Makeup School: 2004-2005 Head Instructor for prosthetics and special make-up effects courses. Electric Barbarella: 2003 Produced and applied foam latex bald caps for high fashion runway. Nu-Products: 2002 Sculpting, molding and producing Halloween foam latex appliances.

44 Timberly Matonic I.A.T.S.E. Local 44 Affiliated Property Craftspersons Burbank, CA [email protected] (818)823-8763

Education 2007 Los Angeles Recording School Certificate of Sound Engineering Certified Pro Tools 7x Operator

2001 Oakbridge Academy of Arts Associate’s Degree majoring in Commercial Art/Photography Artist of the Year 2001

Production Experience 2007-Present Property and Art Department “Itch” – Short Film – Art Department “The Mis-Adventures of McT & A: Episodes 2 & 3” – Web Series – Art Department “The Somnambulist” – Feature Film Reshoots – Art Assistant “The Flatstar” – Reality Series – Art Department, Sign Maker “Glory Days” – Feature Film – , Graphic Artist “Zombie Roadkill” – Web Series – Property Master “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man” – Feature Film – , Graphic Artist, Props “Federal Debt Relief” - Commercials – Art Department, “Bad Penny Amps” – Youtube Promo Spots – Art Department “Hesher” – Feature Film – Assistant Props “Sympathy for Delicious” – Feature Film – Assistant Props “He's Just Not That Into You” – TV Promo – Property Master “The Resistance” – Web Series – Assistant Property Master “Barry Munday” – Feature Film – Props

45 Sound Department “Itch” – Short Film – “The Mis-Adventures of McT & A: Episodes 2 & 3” – Web Series – Boom Operator “The Venice Beach Hostel” – TV Pilot – Utility Sound Technician “The Awakening of Spring” – Short Film – Utility Sound Technician “Chuck” – TV Series – Composer’s Assistant “1505” – Short Film – Utility Sound Technician “The Dying Breed” – Short Film – Utility Sound Technician “Still the Drums” – Feature Film – Utility Sound Technician

Costume and Makeup “Itch” – Short Film – Provided Jewelry “The Mis-Adventures of McT & A: Episodes 2 & 3” – Web Series – Provided Jewelry “The Somnambulist” – Feature Film Reshoots – Wardrobe Stylist “Glory Days” – Feature Film – Provided Jewelry “The World's Shortest Fairy Tale” – Short Film – Provided Principal Wardrobe “Alchohol Killer” – Youtube Promo Spots – Makeup “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man” – Feature Film – Provided Jewelry “Bad Penny Amps” – Youtube Promo Spots – Provided Principal Wardrobe “Barry Munday” – Feature Film – Provided Jewelry

Performance “Glory Days” – Feature Film – Diner Patron, Concert Goer “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man” – Feature Film – Puppeteer “Bad Penny Amps” – Youtube Promo Spots – Female Lead

Camera “The Venice Beach Hostel” – TV Pilot – 2nd Assistant Camera “Still the Drums” – Feature Film −2nd Assistant Camera −

46 47 David Nicholson AFTRA Burbank, CA [email protected] (205) 527-0541

Production Experience 2005-Present Property and Art Department “MANswers” – TV Series – Art Department, Props “Itch” – Short Film – Art Department “The Mis-Adventures of McT & A: Episodes 2 & 3” – Web Series – Art Department “The Flatstar” – Reality Series – Art Director “Glory Days” – Feature Film – “Mother’s Little Helpers” – Feature Film – On-Set Dresser “Zombie Roadkill” – Web Series – Armorer “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man” – Feature Film – Production Designer “Bad Penny Amps” – Youtube Promo Spots – Art Department “Omar Saved From Cheating” – Short Film – Set Dresser, Assistant Property Master “Sympathy for Delicious” – Feature Film – Props “He's Just Not That Into You” – TV Promo – Property Assistant “Drowning” – Feature Film – Art Director, Props, Set Dresser “George’s Intervention” – Feature Film – Production Designer “Odd Squad” – Web Series – Production Designer, Set Construction “The Resistance” – Web Series – Production Designer “Against The Dark” – Feature Film Reshoots – On-Set Dresser “Whiteout” – Feature Film Reshoots – On-Set Dresser “Demption” – Short Film – Property Master, On-Set Dresser “Against The Dark” – Feature Film Reshoots – On-Set Dresser “Honeydrippers” – Feature Film – Properties Construction “20 Years After” – Feature Film – Property Assistant “When I Find The Ocean” – Feature Film

48 – Property Assistant, Art Department Intern

Special Effects “The Mis-Adventures of McT & A: Episodes 2 & 3” – Web Series – Key Special Effects “The Somnambulist” – Feature Film Reshoots – Special Effects Assistant “Glory Days” – Feature Film – Green Screen Effects “Funny Or Die: Heidi Montag Says No to Plastic” – Web Short – Bubble Effects “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of X-tra Man” – Feature Film – Key Special Effects, Miniatures “Orgy of Blood” – Feature Film – Green Screen Effects “Odd Squad” – Web Series – Key Special Effects “The Resistance” – Web Series – Key Special Effects

Costume “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man” – Feature Film – Provided Jewelry “Bad Penny Amps” – Youtube Promo Spots – Provided Principal Wardrobe “George’s Intervention” – Feature Film – Costumer

Performance “If You’re So Smart” – Film – Leprechaun “Glory Days” – Feature Film – Diner Patron, Concert Goer “The Pathetically Cheap Adventures of Xtra-Man” – Feature Film – Puppeteer “The World’s Shortest Fairy Tale” – Short Film – Bob “Alcohol Killer” – Youtube Promo Spots – Lucky Guy “Bad Penny Amps” – Youtube Promo Spots – Pantsless Musician “Hunger” – Feature Film •Scientist Body “Rougge the Vampyre” – Short Film – Man on Street

Production “Itch” – Short Film – Associate Producer “The Mis-Adventures of McT & A: Episodes 2 & 3” – Web Series – Associate Producer “George’s Intervention” – Feature Film – Producer

49 Mary Harris (910) 297-5355 [email protected]

Film/Television Vandez Assistant Director Happy Nowhere Productions Pivot Writer/Producer Wadjet Productions Eager Beavers Writer/Director/Producer Wadjet Productions Finders Keepers Casting Assistant Less Famous Ent. Group Love Thy Neighbor 12th Hour Productions Mallbrats Writer/Producer Harris Girls Films

Theatre/Stage The Year Without a Summer Casting Assistant Happy Nowhere Productions Side Work Writer/Producer Whitmore-Lindley Theater, CA The Actor’s Nightmare Director Black Box Theatre, SC Agamemnon Stage Manager Black Box Theatre, SC

Events Varies Events Event Coordinator Warner Bros Special Events E3 Convention 2009/2010 Asst Prod Coordinator Disney Interactive Media

Education BA in Theatre Performance Cum Laude May 2001 Winthrop University

Training Scene Study Larry Chance Expressions Unlimited Casting Director Workshops Various The Network Studio Commercial Acting Tyhm Kennedy The Talent Source Auditioning Techniques Tyhm Kennedy The Talent Source Shakespearean Workshop Marc Powers Johnson Theatre, SC Modern Dance Marybeth Thompson Rock Hill, SC Tap Dance/Jazz Sandra Neels Rock Hill, SC

Special Skills Photography, Sewing, , Stage makeup

References Shannon Hunt Disney Interactive Media 310-968-8205 Ed Gallo Warner Bros Special Events 818-954-2652

50 T. Alexander Justinger 13012 Riverside Dr #4 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423— [email protected]—(818) 458-2418 QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY

Film and Television Productions: All-encompassing knowledge of film production from pre to post. Experienced in coordinating production, using production equipment, plotting set ups, and script breakdowns and analysis. Carry a professional history in writing, directing, and editing all forms of production.

Technical Proficiencies: Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro, Motion 2, DVD Studio Pro, Adobe After Effects, Logic, Photoshop, Final Draft 7, Microsoft Office, Panasonic P2, HVX-200, HPX3000.

Strengths and Accomplishments: Enthusiastic and creative drive; always willing to put in the long hours until the job is done. Passionate about production work and always eager to learn more. Organized, focused, efficient, and experienced in fast-paced environments. Served as both a producer and editor of video and sound for both an ad firm and post house for the past four years.

Administration and Communication: Administered a variety of projects with working crew. Organized and lead productions under strict deadlines. Carry strong communication skills with crew team and client.


2002 - 2006 University of Alabama at Birmingham; Birmingham, Alabama B.A. Communications Studies, Major: Mass Communications, Minor: Film Studies Agenda covers: Film, Journalism, Advertising, Broadcasting, Public Relations, and Screenwriting ______


Director / Writer / Editor Production Sound / - Hell is For Bastards, 2008 – Short Film, HD - Interplanetary – 16mm Feature Film Won Audience Choice at the July 2008 Sidewalk Scramble Won Audience choice, Sidewalk Film Fest - A Perfect 10 Suicide, 2008 – Short film, HD Won Audience choice, WT Os Int. Film Fest Won Audience Choice, March 2008 Sidewalk Scramble - The Nurse –

51 Short Film, HD - Gratuitous, 2004 – Digital Short Film - The Craving – Short Film, HD Won Cinematic Innovation Award, Sidewalk Film Festival

Writer / Producer Production Assistant - Cerebella, 2009 – Short Film, HD - Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby Won Best Cinematography 2009 Sidewalk Film Festival Feature Film Won Best Cinematography 2009 Nashville 48 Hour Film Comp. Helped with set-ups and served as a runner - Pretty Vacants, 2009 – Feature Film - Ambush Makeover Feature Length Narrative, Running Time: 80 minutes Worked on 4 episodes - Les Jeune Mortes, 2007 – Short Film Got release forms signed, tape logs, runner Won Audience Choice at the 2007 Winter Sidewalk Scramble - Food Network “Wild Game Cook-Off” ______


Producer/Editor/Writer—Bright Head Productions, LLC, 2006-Current Produced, directed, edited, and shot several award-wining narrative video projects. Coordinated and organized commercials, short films, and feature films.

Produced and edited festival and concert promotions Produced commercials and videos for viral marketing Provided creative input and writing for marketing campaigns.

Audio Engineer/Producer/Editor—Atomic Pictures, 2007- 2010 Produced and coordinated audio and video advertising production Worked with Soundtrack Pro, Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Motion, some Logic Wrote scripts for automotive and retail clients

Producer/Writer—Strong, LLC 2006-2007 Produced radio and television ads for markets across the U.S. Coordinated and budgeted shoots for commercials and industrial videos. Wrote copy for automotive and retail clients

Reception / PA / Coordination – Bottle Rocket Post 2005

52 PA for various commercial and industrial productions. Typical internship reception duties; phones, tape runner, and lunches. Introduced to production coordination. Hands on with Final Cut Studio and some Discrete / Inferno training.

**References Available Upon Request

K. Siobhan Sullivan 13012 Riverside Dr #4 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423— [email protected]—(818) 207-2683

Education: 2002-2005 University of Alabama at Birmingham; Birmingham, Alabama B.A. Communication Studies, Major: Mass Communications, Minor: English Graduated with a 3.5 GPA Agenda covered Film, Journalism, Advertising, Broadcasting, and Public Relations

Television/Film Experience: Producer—Amanda’s Choice, 2009 Short film created in conjunction with the Office of Research Integrity for educational use Producer—Pretty Vacants, 2009 Feature Length Narrative, Running Time: 80 minutes Producer—Urban Decay, 2009 Short film

53 Producer—Hell is For Bastards, 2008 Short film Won Audience Choice at the July 2008 Sidewalk Scramble; Birmingham, AL Screened at the 2008 Sidewalk Film Festival; Birmingham, AL Producer—A Perfect 10 Suicide, 2008 Short film Won Audience Choice at the March 2008 Sidewalk Scramble; Birmingham, AL Producer—The Middle, 2008 Short /Writer—Youth Violence “Inside The Skin”, 2007 Feature Length Narrative Screened at The New York International Independent Film and Video Festival, 2008 Used in violence prevention education by 120 organizations in 19 states and 5 countries Producer—Amanda’s Dilemma/Whistle Blower/In The Lab, 2007 Short films created in conjunction with the Office of Research Integrity for educational use Producer—The Nurse, 2007 Short film Screened at the 2009 Sidewalk Film Festival; Birmingham, AL Producer—Les Jeune Mortes, 2007 Short Film Won Audience Choice at the 2007 Winter Sidewalk Scramble; Birmingham, AL Production Assistant—Talladega Nights, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2006 Feature Length Narrative Producer—The Incredible Falling Apart Man, 2006 Short Film Screened at: The 2006 Sidewalk Film Festival; Birmingham, AL Atlanta Horror Festival; Atlanta Georgia Rhode Island International Horror Festival A Night of Horror Film Festival; Sydney, Australia Make-Up Artist—Rougge The Vampyre, 2006 Short Film

Advertising/Commercial Experience: Media/Traffic Coordinator—Spot Runner, 2010 - Current Efficiently coordinate and send all traffic instructions to National and Local Network and Cable TV Create relationships with DG Fastchannel and other outlets for spot distribution to National and Local Network and Cable TV Advertising/Commercial Experience Cont.: Implemented Nielsen Sigma tracking by encoding & checking spots for Quality Control. Successfully research and prepare client presentations based on competitive spend and other reports. Conduct audits for spot clearance via media post-log reports and Nielsen Sigma reports. Handle online customer inquiries for advertising with Spot Runner. Effectively perform work in depth in Strata, Final Cut Pro, Great Plains, Power Point, Word and Excel Production Director/Writer/Editor—Moore & Moore Advertising, 2007-2010 Produce and coordinate all advertising production for multiple TV markets across the U.S. Coordinate/send traffic instructions to media outlets Write scripts for automotive and retail clients

54 Producer/Editor—Bright Head Productions, 2006-Current Produce and edit films/commercials/videos/graphics projects for various clients for broadcast use Complete list of works available upon request

Graphic Artist Experience: Graphic Artist—Computer & Graphics Support, 2007 Photo editing for modeling conventions

Other Notable Experience: Office Administrator—Lovoy, Summerville & Shelton, 2005-2007 Use of Excel, Word, Word Perfect, MS Outlook, Quickbooks Accounts Payable/Receivable Prepare firm operations report Prepare tax returns Update and maintain company website Office organization Operations Supervisor—Washington Mutual Bank, 2000-2002 Handled branch audits and compliance issues Dealt with customer problems Managed nine employees

**References Available Upon Request