TECHNICAL THEATRE PRACTICUM THEAT 186A VERSION 1 COLLEGE OF THE CANYONS 186 A: TECHNICAL THEATRE PRACTICUM TEXTBOOK Draft 1: Tuesday, February 26, 2019 Christopher R Boltz Post Office Box 6372 Lancaster CA 93539-6372
[email protected] 1 | Technical Theatre Practicum - B O L T Z Acknowledgements College of the Canyons would like to extend appreciation to the following people and organizations for allowing this textbook to be created: California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Chancellor Dianne G. Van Hook Santa Clarita Community College District College of the Canyons Distance Learning Office In providing content for this textbook, the following professionals and sources were invaluable: Writer and Compiler: Christopher R Boltz Trudi Radtke for formatting, editing, and aesthetics. Unless otherwise noted, the content in this textbook is licensed under CC BY 4.0 2 | Technical Theatre Practicum - B O L T Z Table of Contents 186 A: TECHNICAL THEATRE PRACTICUM TEXTBOOK ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 CHAPTER 1: JOBS IN TECHNICAL THEATRE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Industry Sectors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Jobs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------