[email protected] STRIPESKOREA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE LET THE BRACKET BUSTING BEGIN PAGES 12-13 ldren, ary chi our story! Milit tell us y ey, all you kids in the military community year, the Stars and Stripes community publi-i- Hneed to read this. Seriously! So, please cations are dedicating it to you, the childrenn put down your iPad, iPhone or other digi- of our men and women in uniform. tal device for the next couple of minutes. You’ll Each Stripes Okinawa, Stripes Japan,, Win a $300 survive, and I promise no one will take them. Stripes Korea and Stripes Guam issue inn Now that I have your attention, I want to give April will contain your stories, poems, draw- gift card you a little job. No wait, don’t stop reading! If ings and photos about what life is like being you do a little bit of work, you’ll have the op- a “military brat.” And, hey, I say brat with Vote online by portunity to be heard by tens of thousands of the utmost respect. people. Seriously! You see, April is the Month of 4HYJO the Military Child, and for the seventh straight SEE CHILDREN ON PAGEE 2 BLOOMING ILZ[VMWHJPÄJZ[YPWLZJVT INSIDE INFO SEASON Best spots to view Cherry blossoms & perennials GONE WITH THE WIND A LOOK AT INDOOR PAGES 8-15 SKYDIVING IN KOREA PAGES 16-17 Photo courtesy of Jinhae-gu Office 2 STRIPES KOREA A STARS AND STRIPES COMMUNITY PUBLICATION MARCH 7 − MARCH 20, 2019 Max D.